America the Beautiful and Other Poems from Gretna Green to Land's End
This is a reproduction of a library book that was digitized by Google as part of an ongoing effort to preserve the information in books and make it universally accessible. 22^.|^to Darvarfc Colleae library FROM Afli#* (r*Z*oJ&li^eA*>U* t ni*. t »*. !/>--- 1.4. // i- •--('. -.0 .. .••-„,• -. ..- - Darvaro College library FROM £•--•*.«*#->-• 0 /V<. /.-> ... AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL AND OTHER POEMS FROM GRETNA GREEN TO LAND'S END A READING JOURNEY THROUGH ENGLAND By KATHARINE LEE BATES HI unrated Nel, $3.00 ROMANTIC LEGENDS OF SPAIN Bv GUSTAVO A. BECQUER Translated by Cornelia Frances Bates and Katharine Lee Bates llluitrated Net, f/.jo THOMAS Y. CROWELL & CO. NEW YORK AMERICA THE BEAUTIFUL AND OTHER POEMS BY KATHARINE LEE BATES NEW YORK THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY PUBLISHERS Copyright, 1911, By THOMAS Y. CROWELL COMPANY. Published September, 1911. I 00 TO MARION PELTON GUILD 00 Thanks for permission to include in this volume poems already printed are rendered to the following periodicals! The Atlantic, Canadian Magazine, The Century, The Chautauquan, Christian Endeavor World, The Congrega- tionalist, The Cosmopolitan, The Critic, Everybody's Magazine, Oood Housekeeping, The Independent, Lip- pincott's Magazine, New England Magazine, The Out look, National Magazine, The Youth's Companion. The courtesy of the Chicago Madrigal Club is recog nized, too, and that of the Macmilian Publishing Com pany. CONTENTS I PAGE America the Beautiful 3 * Year of the Vision 4 Land of Hope 5 The Flag 8 The Peace-Maker 8 The Sea-Path 9 The First Voyage of John Cabot 14 Hudson's Third Voyage 14 Niagara 17" The Song of Niagara 17*" The American Coast 19 Memorial Day 20 Above the Battle .
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