The Newsletter of the Westminster Park Residents' Association

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The Newsletter of the Westminster Park Residents' Association The Newsletter of the Westminster Park Residents’ Association Bringing our community alive WPFormerly the Forum Newsletter News December 2015 Follow us on Facebook and Twitter Issue 67 Chairman’s Piece around the shops. For those interested in our Cultural services, How the year goes! I can't believe that it's In my last piece I said that Paycause Ltd there is also a consultation underway into coming up to Christmas again and you can't (the Company responsible for the proposed the future shape of these. It covers Librar- go round a shop now without carols playing 1300 houses to be built between us and ies, Museums and Cultural events. in the background. Mind you some of them the Wrexham Road) would be further con- We recently met with local community lead- started at the end of August! sulting residents of WP in September. This ers to gain ideas of how the New Homes Westminster Park will have its own Christ- date has slipped - they wrote to me in early Bonus Community Fund allocation could be mas celebration with lights and Christmas October to say it would now be in late No- spent in Handbridge Park Ward. This Fund- trees to cheer up the dark December days. vember/early December. We await their ing has been made available by Cheshire They will be switched on by the Lord Mayor proposals with interest – keep an eye on West and Chester Council to help communi- at 5:30 pm on Wednesday, 2 December our website for any further information. ties develop infrastructure in their local are- when there will be hot dogs, mince pies and In conclusion can I wish you all an enjoya- as. It is hoped that any new ideas will help mulled wine, singing from Belgrave School ble Christmas with your families and friends create a Community Action Plan for Hand- choir and more. No charge - please come and a peaceful 2016. bridge Park Ward, which will enable funds to along to join in the celebrations! Brian Westcott be accessed from CWaC. We are very grateful to our local councillors If you have any ideas or suggestions, for financial help with the Christmas lights News from your Councillors please contact us: and for the support of our local shops in A formal Planning Application from obtaining the trees and providing the Paycause Ltd for the major housing or 01244312492 "goodies". We have a superb set of shops at scheme off the Wrexham Road is still the moment with a fresh fish shop due to awaited, but we are already carrying out or 01244671099 open shortly so please support them this background work with Council officers on Once a number of ideas/suggestions have Christmas and through next year. some of the issues that will be key when a been received, these will be added to: http:// Our annual quiz was held on 31 October and proposal is eventually submitted. in order to was a sell-out as usual. Thanks to Sandra for Meanwhile, we have called in to Planning gain views from local residents and groups. the superb supper and the witches, skele- Committee a re-submitted application by Finally, we are pleased that work on the tons and lanterns that decorated the hall, Stewart Milne Homes for 41 houses at the long awaited Theatre complex is progress- and to all committee members who helped end of Sherbourne Avenue. We believe ing well and work has also started on the with the evening. I think everyone enjoyed that this application should be considered new bus interchange themselves and, although we don't set out to alongside the overall larger development Cllr Neil Sullivan and Cllr Razia Daniels make a profit, it has raised nearly £200. anticipated by Paycause Ltd. During the Quiz I was pleased to present In order to address concerns raised by Apology Mary Pole with a gardening voucher for her some residents in Fir Tree Avenue and May we offer our sincere apologies to Councillor work as Editor of the Newsletter for thirteen Cottage Road about on-road parking by Razia Daniels for omitting her name from the years, as well as for her services to the Gar- Kings School 6th form students, we met report on DB1/DB2 published in the September dening Club. Once again Mary has pur- recently with the School and Council Offic- WP News. Councillor Daniels has worked very ers. Students are parking on these roads hard on our behalf to secure the continuation of chased a large bag of daffodil bulbs which, this service, for which we extend our gratitude. this year, have been planted on the grass due to a shortage of on-campus space; we will be meeting again soon to try and re- Dates for your diary solve the issue. Christmas Lights Switch-on We would like to draw residents’ attention 2/12 5 pm WP Christmas lights switch-on Wednesday 2 December, 5 - 6pm to a Council consultation on the Council 6/12 4 pm Scouts Advent Service Come along and enjoy Christmas at budget for next year and beyond. The Westminster Park shops, with music, carols, 10/12 Evergreen Carols & Mince pies Council needs to find significant savings 20/12 6.30 pm St. Mary’s Nine lessons and mince pies, hot dogs, mulled wine and and is consulting on changes to many ser- not forgetting Father Christmas. Carols vices. Anyone who wants to make com- 24/12 4 pm St. Mary’s Crib Service Switch-on by The Lord Mayor ment on the proposals can do so. The of Chester at 5.30 pm 11.30 pm St. Mary’s Midnight Eucharist plans can be found on the Council website 25/12 10.30 am St. Mary’s Parish Communion A festive event not to be and in the Library. missed! Westminster Park Community Belgrave School Ellesmere Port Music Society Association Belgrave Primary School is pleased to an- Christmas Gala Concert Events at the Community Centre: nounce that we have received our Silver 7.30pm Saturday, 12 December Friday 27th November School Games Mark Award for achievement Civic Hall, Ellesmere Port Chester Riverside Rotary Club in 2014-15. We are now going for Gold! Programme includes: Bach: Christmas Fun Race Night, 7.30 for 8.00pm In order to be “even better” we have estab- Magnificat, Haydn: Little Organ Mass £5 inc light buffet lished a Sports Council, which communi- Vivaldi: Gloria, Corelli: Christmas Concerto Book with Jane on 07804 252244 cates results, takes photographs at events Tickets: Adults £15, Students £7.50, Also check the notice board regarding our and writes sports reports. The school and under 18s free Tel: 0151 339 5225 or monthly Bingo nights. Colin Dollimore local school sports partnership have also Email: appointed primary school Sports Ambassa- Chester Model Railway Club dors who have attended training and will Scouts, Cubs and Beavers New members welcome in either 00 or N lead our Sports Council. 18th Chester Scouts, who meet in the Scout Gauge. We will be selling surplus stock before We are very grateful to all the parents who Headquarters in Manor Road, are joining up Christmas and also buying. provide transport to sports events and to with St Mary’s Church for an Advent Service Details from Colin Dollimore on 01244 629167 James Moss and Jane Redmond, the at the HQ at 4.00 pm on Sunday 6 Decem- Evergreen school’s PE co-ordinators, for all their hard ber. Please come along and join us for this Are you over 60 and would like to meet friends work. informal service to mark the beginning of the Music: Christmas season. and have an interesting and enjoyable after- noon? Evergreen is the ‘senior’ club for West- At Belgrave Primary School all pupils in Year 4 are given either a brass or woodwind Deeside Oddfellows minster Park residents and meets every third Get more out of life with the Oddfellows, Thursday afternoon between 2 - 3.30 pm of instrument for the year and have a lesson each week with specialist teachers from the from eating out, day trips, playing scrabble, each month at the Community Centre. Com- travel and the theatre or just a good chat in plimentary tea, coffee and biscuits are provid- Cheshire Music Service. We are delighted that over 70% decide to continue lessons in friendly company. Formed in 1810, the ed. You are welcome to attend as a guest or Oddfellows is a not-for-profit friendly society. join for the year. Year 5 and 6. We also have a choir and school band which Its aims are to help people join together to At our next meeting on Thursday 10 Decem- socialise, as well as provide care, advice ber, there will be mince pies and other festive will be performing at the St Mary’s Centre alongside other local schools at the end of and support in times of need. goodies; the children from Belgrave School will Oddfellows run a regular Coffee Club every sing Christmas carols, and there will be plenty November. Community events at this time of year cheer Thursday at 10.30am at the Oddfellows Hall, to join in with. 65 High St, Saltney. Denise Turner, District The 2016 programme features a talk on 16 up the long nights. Belgrave is taking part in the Lantern Parade in Chester on the 26 Secretary says, “There’s no need to book January by Barry Hayes, who will tell us about and refreshments are just 50p.
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