Varsity Outdoor Club Journal 2007–08
X Fiftieth-Anniversary Edition X Varsity Outdoor Club Journal 2007–08 Varsity Outdoor Club Journal 2007–08 VARSITY OUTDOOR CLUB JOURNAL 2007–08 X Fiftieth-Anniversary Edition X Copyright © by the Varsity Outdoor Club Texts © by individual contributors Photographs © by photographers credited All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted, in any form or by any means, without the prior written consent of the publisher. ,e Varsity Outdoor Club Journal (est. 1958) is published annually by ,e Varsity Outdoor Club Box , Student Union Building Student Union Mall University of British Columbia Vancouver, - Copy editing by Iva Cheung Cover and text design by Iva Cheung Advertising sales and production management by Jeff Mottershead Proofreaders: Roland Burton, Matthew Carroll, Madeleine Martin- Preney, Duncan McPhedran, Jeff Mottershead, and Kaja Sadowski Front cover photo, “Friendly, Moose, Spyglass and Steve,” by Sandra Nicol Back cover photo by Dick Culbert, courtesy of Hamish Mutch Printed and bound in Canada by Hemlock Printed on paper that comes from sustainable forests managed by the Forest Stewardship Council ,e editors have made their best efforts to verify names of alumni in retrospective articles and archival photographs and to trace the provenance of the latter. However, where we could not identify everyone in a photo, we often chose, out of fairness, to name nobody at all. ,e VOC archivist welcomes any correspondence to correct errors or omissions.
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