Extensions of Remar.Ks
July 8, 1970 EXTENSIONS OF REMARKS 23329 EXTENSIONS OF REMAR.KS BRIGHT FUTURE FOR NORTHEAST the Commonwealth, the Department of Com With a good reputation for action it is diffi ERN PENNSYLVANIA munity Affairs and the Department of Com cult to slow the momentum of a winner. merce wm benefit the northeast and other And it has not been done With magic, With regions as they work in the seventies. rabbits in a ha.t--not by any one local, state HON. HUGH SCOTT Once a Bureau within the Department of or federal agency, but with the combined ef Commerce, the Department of Community forts of responsible people, hardworking, OF PENNSYLVANIA Affairs has blossomed into an effective backed by substantial private investment- IN THE SENATE OF THE UNITED STATES agency for direct involvement in vital areas with faith, dimes, dollars, of people who be Wednesday, July 8, 1970 that have mushroomed into prominence in lieved it could be done. recent years. I believe it is an unheralded Specifically, the pace was set Dy successful Mr. SCO'IT. Mr President, on June 6, blessing for the citizens of the Common industrial expansion and relocation pro 1970, the secretary of commerce of Penn wealth of Pennsylvania to have such close grams. PIDA activity in a seven county area sylvania, Hon. William T. Schmidt, de cooperation and such common dedication of northeastern Pennsylvania resulted in 241 livered a speech to the conference of the among the personnel of two organiz.a.tions loans in the amount of $58,760,000 since 1956 that can provide so much assistance to them.
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