Earthquake Engineering of Large Underground Structures

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Earthquake Engineering of Large Underground Structures Report No. FHWA/RD-80/195 EARTHQUAKE ENGINEERING OF LARGE UNDERGROUND STRUCTURES January 1981 Final Report Earth's Surface Underground Site DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Dte 1 tod i LIBRARY Document is available to the public through the National Technical Information Service, Springfield, Virginia 22161 Prepared for FEDERAL HIGHWAY ADMINISTRATION Offices of Research & Development Structures and Applied Mechanics Division Washington, D.C. 20590 NATIONAL SCIENCE FOUNDATION 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 FOREWORD This report is the result of research conducted by URS/John A. Blume Associates, Engineers, for the Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), Office of Research, under FHWA agreement 7-1-05-14 and the National Science Foundation (NSF) under NSF PFR-7706505. The report will be of interest to those researchers and engineers concerned with assessing the vulnerability of underground tunnels to strong ground motion. Specifically, the current state-of-the-art of earthquake engineering of transportation tunnels and other large underground structures is evaluated. Copies of the report are being distributed by FHWA transmittal memorandum.' Additional., copies may be obtained from the National Technical Information Service, 5285 Port Royal Road, Springfield, Virginia 22161. Charles F. ScheJ Director, Office of Research Federal Highway Administration NOTICE This document is disseminated under the sponsorship of the Department of Transportation in the interest of information exchange. The United States Government assumes no liability for its contents or use thereof. The contents of this report reflect the views of the contractor, who is responsible for the accuracy of the data pre- sented herein. The contents do not necessarily reflect the official views or policy of the Department of Transportation. This report does not constitute a standard, specification, or regulation. The United States Government does not endorse products or manufacturers Trade or manufacturers' names appear herein only because they are considered essential to the object of this document. 1 43 Technical Report Documentation Page 1. Report No. 2. Government Accession No. 3. Recipient's Catalog No. FHWA/RD-80/195 4. Title and Subtitle 5. Report Date January 1981 Earthquake Engineering of Large Underground 6. Performing Orgoni zotion Code Structures 8. Performing Organization Report No. 7. Author's) JAB-7821 G. Norman Owen and Roger E. Schol 9. Performing Organization Name and Address 10. Work Unit No. (TRAIS) 3563-^12 URS/John A. Blume & Associates, Engineers 1 1 . Controct 130 Jessie Street San Francisco, California 9^105 Period Covered 12. Sponsoring Agency Name ond Address Federal HiohwaV September 1980 National Science Administration Report Foundation and Department of Washington, D.C. 20550 Transportat ion Washington, D.C. 2059< 0H38 15. Supplementary Notes National Science Foundation Program Manager: Dr. William W. Hakala (202) 357 - 7737 Federal Highway Administration Contract Manager: Mr. James D. Cooper (703) 557~5272 16. Abstract This study identifies and evaluates the current state of the art of earthquake engineering of transportation tunnels and other large underground structures. A review of the past performance of 127 underground openings during earthquakes indi- cates that underground structures in general are less severely affected than surface structures at the same geographic location. However, some severe damage, including collapse, has been reported. Stability of tunnels during seismic motion is affected by peak ground motion parameters, earthquake duration, type of support, ground con- ditions, and in situ stresses. The literature on the nature of underground seismic motion is reviewed in detail. Although recorded underground motions tend to substantiate the idea that motion does reduce with depth, amplification at depth has been observed. The current procedures used in the seismic design of underground structures vary greatly depending upon the type of structure and the ground conditions. Procedures for subaqueous tunnels are fairly well formulated; however, procedures for structures in soil and rock are not as well formulated. Numerical procedures to predict dynamic stresses are not completely compatible with current static design procedures, which are more strongly affected by empirical methods than by stress-prediction models. Recommended research activities include the systematic reconnaissance of under- ground structures following major earthquakes, the placement of instrumentation for recording seismic motion in tunnels, analytical studies of underground motion, and the further development of seismic design procedures for structures in soil and rock. 17. Key Words 18. Distribution Statement Earthquake Engineering, Underground Document is available to public Structures, Earthquake Effects, through the National Technical Response, Submerged Seismic Information Service, Springfield, Tunnels, Tunnels in Soil, Tunnels in VA 22161 Rock, Seismic Design 19. Security Clossif. (of this report) 20. Security Clossif. (of this poge) 21. No. of Pages 22. Pr Unclassified Unclassified 287 Porm DOT F 1700.7 (8-72) Reproduction of completed page authorized , Contents page ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS i x SUMMARY , . , , , . xi Effects of Earthquakes on Underground Structures xi Variation of Seismic Motion with Depth xii Seismic Wave Study of a Circular Cavity xiii Analytical and Design Procedures for Underground Structures xiv Critique of the State of the Art xv Research Recommendations xvi 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. BACKGROUND INFORMATION . 3 Underground Structures 3 Seismic Activity and Earthquake Hazard 5 Earthquake Magnitude and Intensity 11 3. OBSERVED EFFECTS OF EARTHQUAKES AND UNDERGROUND EXPLOSIONS 13 Effects of Earthquakes 13 Response Parameters 1 k Summary of Available Data ; 16 Effects of Underground Explosions 22 Conventional Blasting 23 High-Explosive Tests , 23 Underground Nuclear Explosions 27 Summary and Conclusions 35 k. SEISMIC ANALYSIS 38 Current Techniques Used in Seismic Analysis 38 Available Numerical Models 38 Analysis of Free-Field Stresses and Strains 39 Seismic Analysis of Underground Structures kS Properties Required for Seismic Analysis 64 Techniques for Measuring Soil and Rock Properties 64 Problems in Synthesizing Measured Properties 70 - - i i CONTENTS (Continued) page 5. SEISMIC WAVE PROPAGATION 7k The Nature of Underground Motion ~]k Factors Affecting Underground Motion ~lk Prediction of Underground Motion 80 Depth-Dependence of Underground Motion 82 Literature Review 82 Theoretical Formulation of Depth Dependence 86 Parametric Studies of Depth Dependence 92 Dynamic Response of Underground Cavities 105 Literature Review 107 Theoretical Formulation of Cavity Response . ., 1 08 Numerical Study of Cavity Response 113 6. CURRENT PRACTICE IN SEISMIC DESIGN 123 Submerged Tunnel s 1 25 SFBART Approach to Submerged Tunnels 128 Japanese Approach to Submerged Tunnels 139 Dynamic Analysis of Submerged Tunnels 1^5 Special Design Consideration: Seismic Joint 1^8 Underground Structures in Soil 150 SFBART Approach to Structures in Soil 151 Mononobe-Okabe Theory of Dynamic Soil Pressure 1 5*t Computer Methods for Structures in Soil 155 Special Considerations in Design 156 Underground Structures in Rock 158 Design Based on Geologic Engineering Principles 1 62 Design Based on Stress Calculations 1 66 Special Design Considerations 170 Underground Structures Intersecting Active Faults 171 Case Studies of Special Design Features 171 Recommendations for Special Design Features of Box Condu its 1 ~/h 7. CRITIQUE OF THE STATE OF THE ART 177 Effects of Earthquakes on Underground Structures 177 Underground Seismic Motion 173 Current Practice in Seismic Design of Underground Structures 179 - mi CONTENTS (Continued) page Seismic Design of Subaqueous Tunnels 179 Seismic Design of Underground Structures in Rock 180 Seismic Design of Underground Structures in Soil 1 84 8. RECOMMENDED RESEARCH ACTIVITIES 1 86 Observed Effects of Earthquakes on Underground Structures 1 86 Research Activity 1: Comprehensive Survey of Earthquake Effects on Underground Structures 1 87 Research Activity 2: Postearthquake Reconnaissance of Underground Structures 1 88 Research Activity 3: Observations of Selected Tunnels Before and After Earthquakes 1 88 Underground Seismic Motion 1 89 Research Activity 4: Recording of Seismic Motion in Deep Boreholes 192 Research Activity 5' Recording of Seismic Motion in Underground Openings 192 Research Activity 6: Development of Analytical Models for Predicting Seismic Motion at Depth 195 Seismic Analysis and Design of Underground Structures 197 Research Activity 1 \ Development of Computer Codes for Stability Evaluation of Openings in Rock 1 98 Research Activity 8: Development of Empirical Procedures for Seismic Design 199 Research Activity 9: Analytical Parametric Study of Seismic Stability of Openings in Rock 199 REFERENCES 256 APPENDICES A Persons Contacted About Seismic Design of Underground Structures 200 B Abridged Modified Mercalli Intensity Scale 204 C Summary of Damage to Underground Structures from Earthquake Shaki ng 206 D A Short Review of Seismological Terms 242 E Derivation of the Green's Function for Two-Dimens ional SH Motion in a Half-Space 251 - iv - CONTENTS (Continued) page TABLES 1 Possible damage modes due to shaking for openings in rock 15 2 Test section schedule 30 3 Summary of damage in Drift C, Shot Hard Hat J,k k Approximate peak values of measured free-field quantities versus range, Shot Hard Hat 36 5 Compatibility
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