Poll Book at the Election of a Knight of the Shire for the County of the Isle Of
n</»vJv'. : ^ /6, - AT THE ELECTIOJS^ OF A KNiaHT OF THE SHIRE FOR THE COUNTY OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT, TAKEN ON THE 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1870. CANDIDATES :- GEOEaE MOFFATT, Esq. AND BAILLIE COCHEANE, Esq. PUBLISHED BY OEDEE OF THE COMMITTEE FOE CONDUCTINa ^ THE ELECTION OF GEOEGE MOFFATT, Esq. SOUTHAMPTON HAMPSHIEE lldJEPENDENT " OFFICE, PRINTED BY ALFRED DYER. MDCCGLXX. / ISLE OF WIGHT ELECTION, 1870. The Committee for conducting the Election of George Moffatt, Esq., have much pleasure in presenting to the Electors who kindly recorded their votes in his favor, a Poll Book showing the results of the contest. They trust that its contents will be carefully examined, and a note made of the names of aU opponents who are improperly on the Register ; as well as of Liberals who, being quahfied, have not yet sent in the requisite claims to vote. Information of this description will at all times be gladly received by the Liberal agents throughout the Island. : AT THE ELECTION OF A KNiaHT OF THE SHIBE FOR THE COUNTY OF THE ISLE OF WIGHT, TAKEN ON THE 10th DAY OF JUNE, 1870. CANDIDATES :- aEORG-E MOFFATT, Esq. AND BAILLIE COCHRANE, Esq. PUBLISHED BY OEDEE OF THE COMMITTEE FOE CONDUCTINa THE ELECTION OF GEOEGE MOFFATT, Esq. SOUTHAMPTON HAMPSHIRE INDEPENDENT " OFFICE, PRINTED BY ALFEED DYEE. 1 i 1 NEWPORT POLLING DISTRICT. MOFFATT. Place of Abode. Place of Abode. Cooper, Barnabas Shanklin Fallick, Charles Normans, Calbourne Cooper, George Elm Grove, Newport Flux, James Gunville Cooper, James Trafalgar road, Newport French, William High street, Newport Cooper, Francis Shanklin Fry, Edwin Park green Cornish, Thomas Blanche villa, Sandown Fry, William Park green Craig, William High street, Sandown Fitt, Arthur Knighton Collins, George Hnnny hill Gale, Jacob Gunville Cooke, William Church place, Newport Giffard, James C.
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