Fired "Beachwatch" Skateboard Park

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Fired i It's back to school time! New teachers, programs, classrooms ready for students Here's the page numbers where the school stones appear Hagar Township District #6 opens August 26... page 8 Coloma Community Schools open August 26... page 7 Hartford students report for class on August 21... page 5 Countryside Charter School starts August 26... page 3 St. Joseph Catholic classes begin on August 26... page 3 Grace Christian School classes begin August 26... page 5 Watervliet Schools open doors August 26... page 3 See pane 12 for a "Back to School" subscription special The ( omhincd Newspapers of (he WaUTvliet Reeonl, Coloma Courier & llartfo N/C 145 • HOAGlSONS SPRlNGPOPT,.MI 49284 I TRI-CITY R I 118th Year Issue No. 34 AUGUST21, 2002 Seventy-five Cents Fired "Beachwatch" Watervliet embezzler Sunset Beach after-hours fired from school job lawbreakers to get ticketed By Karl Bayer The Watervliet Township Board said he could only enforce state law on early release from jail took steps Monday night to curtail as a Sheriffs Deputy. By Angela Stair after-hours illegal activities in Sun- Township attorney Ron Postellf Sandra Pullins, former Watervliet given an early release from jail on set Park on Paw Paw Lake. The suggested Johnson could oe ap^ City Treasurer, convicted of a fel- July 30, 2002, because of over- Board agreed to make Township pointed an ^ordinance enforcement ony in the embezzlement of more crowding. She had been arrested Sheriff Deputy Rich Johnson an officer" of the Township that would than S24,000 from the City, was and put in jail on June 24, 2002, to ordinance enforcement officer in allow him to issue citations to ordi- serve 45 days of a 180-day sen- response to resident complaints nance breakers. tence. about activities at the park. The Board also agreed to lock the Pullins, an aide at Watervliet Pub- park gate at 11 p.m. in an attempt to Interim lic Schools, had her employment Several neighbors near the North keep persons from using it afto terminated by Superintendent Bob Watervliet Road park (behind the hours. They also directed Johnson Coloma Twp. Gabel on August 8, 2002, because Board of Trade restaurant) com- to enforce the parking lot closing at of her felony conviction. plained to the Board of trash being the beach as well. Superintendent Gabel said he had left at the park and in the water, The Board also said it would con- Supervisor consulted with the Watervliet Board including condoms, syringes, beer sider closing the park at an earlier of Education in July to see what the cans and bottles, and all sorts of hour, perhaps at dusk, as suggested Board felt should be done about her "disgusting" items. by a resident. employment. Based on her convic- They also complained that while tion of a felony, the Board said a the placement of a portable toilet at School Board policy said an em- the beach resolved some problems; West Nile^ ployee of the School District should it has also caused boaters to pull up set a good example for the youth to the park all night long to use it Virus that would be exposed to her. They also complained of verbal Gabel said he went by the Board abuse from visitors to the park after of Education's guidance, but it is it's supposed to be closed at 11 p.m. detected in part of his job to be the one that lets SUNSET BEACH GATE CLOSED... Watervliet Township omclals wl Officer Johnson told the Board he someone go. He met with Pullins on start locking the gate at Sunset Beach park nights following neighbors* patrols the park regularly but other Van Buren & Thursday, August 8, to let her know complaints of disgusting^ debris and illegal activities. One observed, ^an sending people away he cannot she had been fired. "What's the point of a gate if it is left open?** (Karl Bayer photo) enforce the Township ordinance Pullins had pleaded guilty to em- that closes the park at 11 p.m. He Cass counties bezzling $24,000 from the City dur- Van Buren/Cass District Public ing her stint as City Treasurer in Health Department announced on exchange for charges on other thefts August 16 that West Nile Virus has being dropped. She was sentenced been detected in a blue jay found in to 180 days in jail with all but 45 Columbia Township, Section 4, in days suspended, five years* proba- Van Buren County and a blue jay Skateboard park found near the City of Dowagiac- tion, ordered to pay restitution (when the court determines the the County's first of the 2002 amount), perform 300 hours of Watervliet City Commission will help youngsters season. community service, and pay cost The detection was based upon and fines in the amount of $2,020. "help themselves" to get skateboard site in Hays Park recent laboratory testing conducted KEN PARRIGIN...was appointed j^e could have been sentenced to By Karl Bayer said the plans were not included in bound, for the first block off Main by the Michigan State University to the position of interim Coloma iq years in priSOn. A delegation of young skateboard the current renovation of the park Street. Animal Health Diagnostic Labora- Charter Township Supervisor enthusiasts' request for a place to because of funding constraints. tory and confirmed by the Michigan August 14, due to the recall of Pullins had admitted to the theft of ride their "boards" got a warm re- A youth in the audience presented CHARTER REVISION Department of Community Health. Supervisor Matt Moser on August funds from Watervliet school or- ception from the Watervliet City a petition of "a hundred signatures," REVIEW TO GO BACK No human cases of West Nile Virus have been reported in Van 6. Parrigin was sworn in as Sup- ganizations as well as $11,500 from Commission at its Tuesday, August including those of downtown mer- TO COMMITTEE ervisor on August 15 by Town- her job at Golden Homes and an 12, meeting. chants, requesting a skateboard park Buren or Cass counties. Ordinance Committee Chairman ship Clerk Nancy Baiers. additional $10,000 from a credit B&B Pizza Box owner Harvey in the City. Dr. David R. Johnson of the Parrigin has expressed an in- union account. The money stolen Loveland opened the discussion by Gray invited the group to attend stio s foMhe Charter Re- Michigan Department of Commu- terest in being a Republican can- from Golden Homes and the school saying there had been some conflict the next Parks and Recreation sort}e ^ 0 nronosed Hea't^ *ssue^ a Press release didate for the Coloma Township funds has been returned. with the skateboarders riding in his Committee meeting to discuss start- 66 0 August 16 regarding two probable new Charier. j Supervisor position in the Novem- parking lot on Main Street. He said ing an organization to begin ftind- human cases of Wcst N Ie He said he had compiled the City ber general election. Pullins was due in court on Tues- he told the youths, "1 can be an ad- raising efforts for a skateboard site Southwest Michi commissioners questions and sug- West Nile virus was ^ . See the story on Page 5. day, August 20, for a restitution versary or an advocate." Loveland at the park as well as seeking state gestions to be returned to the Char- tifled in Michigan at ^ ^ of (Wanda Thomas photo) hearing on the stolen money. said since the confrontation a cou- recreation grant monies. The com- ple weeks ago and a meeting with mittee meeting is set for 6 p.m. Au- ter Committee. August 2001 and was expected to He will seek a meeting with the the Police and Public Safety Com- gust 28. be seen again this year. To find out Charter Revision Committee to dis- mittee, he's had less problems. Later on in the meeting, on hearing up-to-date statistics of affected cuss the Commission's recom- Fun time at the fair "Things are much better now," he that the City had received $12,000 counties, call the West Vims mendations. said. for a lease of space on the water Hotline at 1-888-668-0869. see page 7 In other business, the Commission Parks and Recreation Committee towerlower,. Commissionecommissioner Duanuuane Cobcoddb . ~ . ivcuumiReducing mosquitmu^qunuo exposure is Chairman Danny Gray told the suggested the funds be used as seed e . 0I"rame omas key to minimizing potential risks of DEQ with a plaque commemorating ' group that it was illegal to ride money to start the project. West Nile virus her excellent work in the paper mill skateboards, rollerblades, or bikes many ways to reduce exposure demolition project last winter. on the City si^ewdks in the down- risks. They include: MAKE CORNER OF Commissioners approved town business district. • Applying insect repellent PLEASANT & FIRST $197,576.58 in bills for the month That being said, he said the Parks containing the active ingre- A FOUR-WAY STOP of July. Finance Committee Chair- and Recreation Committee sugges- dient DEET to expose skin DPW Supt. Jimmey Bolin said he man David Haase noted the amount ted the group form an organization or clothing, always follow- agreed with resident Beverly Radj was "more than normal" because of to build a skateboarding site in ing the manufacturer's dir- de's observation that the intersec- some larger purchases, including a Sterner Park, a City park on Mill ections for use on the labe(. tion of Pleasant and First streets police car ($21,195.30).
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