Missouri Colleges To· Express Funding Need

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Missouri Colleges To· Express Funding Need University of Missouri, St. Louis IRL @ UMSL Current (2000s) Student Newspapers 10-8-2001 Current, October 08, 2001 University of Missouri-St. Louis Follow this and additional works at: http://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s Recommended Citation University of Missouri-St. Louis, "Current, October 08, 2001" (2001). Current (2000s). 66. http://irl.umsl.edu/current2000s/66 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at IRL @ UMSL. It has been accepted for inclusion in Current (2000s) by an authorized administrator of IRL @ UMSL. For more information, please contact marvinh@umsl.edu. VOLUME 35 October 8; 2001 Your source for campus news and information . Tori puts a strange little ISSUE '103'1 twist on new album .... See page 3 THECURRENTONLINE.COM UNIVERSITV OF MiSSOURI - ST. LOUIS INSIDE Missouri colleges to· Senior, KMWU ' Christine gives interns Langenbacher express funding need gives blood dur­ real world • ing the blood four-yem' COlleges. drive held experience In a July hearing with the subcom­ • UM system may Friday in the mittee, UM System President Manuel Millennium Pacheco said the UM system's share get more money in Student Center. of the money for four-year colleges The drive was the long run. declined from 58 percent in fiscal in cooperation year 1991 to 55 percent in fiscal year with Gateway BY RHASHAD PITTMAN 2001. ....... ......... .. ..... -, .. ., ...... ', .... , ... " ... Community Sfaff Editor "Had the university retained its relative sbare of state funding through Blood Services. Some Missouri colleges and uni­ this period," Pacheco said, "our versities, including UM-St. Louis, appropriation would be approximate­ will· meet with state representatives ly $73 million higher than it is today." this week on campus to argue wby "It's clear the whole UM system is they deserve more money. under-funded," said chemistry profes­ A subcommittee of the Missouri sor Lawrence Barton in an interview House of RepreselHatives' last week. "It's going to be very diffi­ A ppropri ati on s -Education cult to correct the problem." Commi~ee. will hear testimony all Yet as 'the UM system asks for A See page 3 day Wednesday on the thil:d floor of more money from the state, UM-St. the Millennium Student Center. The Louis is striving for more money Education committee influences how from the University Board of mucb money Missouri public col- ' Curators, which governs the four Students give 4.0 leges and universities receive annual­ campuses of the UM System. UM-St. .seminar an 'A+' ly. Louis receives about 12 percent of the Southeast Missouri State system's funding, which is the least University, Truman State University amount compared to the campuses in BY ELIZABETH WILSON Columbia, Rolla and Kansas City. _._ ....... .. _ .. ~ .... and Harris Stowe State College are Staff "iK!riter scheduled to testify. UM-St. Louis' Barton, chair of the Faculty Senate hearing is at 3 p.m. and a member of the Intercampus Did you always wonder how The subcommittee set up the hear­ Faculty, said UM-St. Louis should·be you could get your grade point ings to determine if changes needed getting more funds from the system average up~ The Guaranteed 4.0 to be made in how Missouri colleges because it accounts for 28 percent of Seminar and Workshop on Sept 29 were funded. The debate wasspm'ked the'total student headcOlillt in the sys­ iii: showed many UM-St. Louis stu­ last year by Julio Leon, the president tem, 21 percent of the degrees passed S dents how. of l'vlissouri Southern State College. out, and 21 percent of the full-time ~ The 'annual seminar guarantees Leon argued that MiSSOUl1 Southern equivalent students. 3 students will attain a 4.0 grade 'and Missouri Western state colleges He said UM-St. Louis should point average if they follow the . were not funded properly. receive from 16 to 18 percent of the steps and methods that creator UM-St. Louis' testimony could UMfunding. Donna Johnson introduced. If a stu­ result in a recommendation by the "The University of Missouri-St. dent doe not attain the 4.0 after Education Committee that would Louis isn 't asking for equal funding," putting the knowledge in practice, . increase the University of Missouri Bmton said. "We're asking for appro­ they \,ill receive a check for $100. system's portion of st~te funding for priate and equitable funding.' So far. no one has received a check. JohnS{ ill'S associa!~ Daplme Wilson, Andrew Hom and April Grirffith, presented the seminar and College of Fine Arts and Communication formed UM-~t: Louis workshop. They' have presented this program over 700 times across BY EMILY UMBRIGHT Co~munication will include art and '"1 think it's reall a good idea," FineArt<; and Communication is main- partlclpates the United States, they said. .. .. ··· .. se·~ i c;;:Ediio;: ··· w: hl~tory , theater an~ ~:.mce. commu- Dm1 Younger,. B acbe~ or of Fme Arts ly. d~e to the Pe:fonning Arts C.enter • D ·' The workshop consisted of two mcatlon. and mU;lc,. Chancellor coordmator SaId. "I think the areas that still. ill constructmn. The $50-milhon ill epreSS10n parts. an introductory and follow­ In connection with the anticipated Touhill announced. This change will are going to be in there have a lot in proJcct allows for an expanSiOn of art- • up semi.nar. Johnson gave the first arrival of the new Pelforming Arts better serve our students and will common." related activities for students within Screerung Day seminar in August. Center scheduled to open in Spling ensure that this campus takes full Sample, said a distinctive College and without the new college, he said. Wilsoll hosted the workshop for 2003, Chancellor Touhill recently advantage of the Performing Arts of Fine Arts and Communication. with Samples said the chancellor even­ BY KELLI SOLT those students who missed the first announced the establishment of the Center as an extended classroom." an artistically-oriented dean, would tually wants to widen the artistic one in August Hom was in charge new College of Fine Arts and While Touhill's announcement appropriately meet the demand for opportunities within the. new college of the follow-up workshop. Communication. was the result of recent discussion resources available for the arts. by implementing a theater and dance Wilson's lecture consisted of 'The administrative changes wiU within the administration and the art, However, don't look for any of the program. A depression screening and sui­ three pmts: stress management, hopefully be in effect by Fall 2002," communication, and music depmt- departments to be moving any tin1e The Perfom1ing Arts Center wUl cide awareness program sponsored time management and the three said Bob Samples, director of ments, Smnples said he has "seen doc- soon. lay the foundation for the expansion. by Counseling Services will be held steps of the Guaranteed 4.0. She University Cornn1unications. "I don't uments into the '70s that have men- 'The art building will probably It will provide opportunities for deep­ Thursday at the M illennium offered tips on how to manage think you'll see any immediate tioned further development, of the stay." Samples said. "1 think they like er ties with various outreach program Student Center and Marillac Hall. stress that students deal with daily. changes in terms of curriculum. That's college." it over there." that the music depaJ1ment is currently Oct. 11 i National Depression One key element Wilson more of a long-term issue to be deter- The new college is aimed to accom-TI1e music department may move involved with. These ties include Screening Day, supported by, the requested was to make time for mined once a dean is established." modate the ever-growing student into the General Service Building near as ociations with the S1. Louis Opera National Mental Health Association yourself. She also empbasized in Steps to depart from the College of enrollment in the art, music, and com- the Perfolming Arts Center upon its Theatre, the SI. Louis Symphony. and (NMHA). Licensed psychologists time management that we have Arts and Sciences \-vill begin with the munication departments. Chmlcellor completion, Samples said, but the Art the Muny. partnerships with the and counsel rs will be on hand at only 168 hours in a week. Students appointment of an interim dean sched- Touhill said these departments current- History and CGmmunication depart- Repel10ry Theater of S1. Louis and the M C, 2nd fl oor atrium, 10 a.m. - 2 tend to over-exceed that time, she uled for sometime tills month. he said. ly hole!' close to 800 students and 95 ments will remain at Lucas Hall. Black Repertory Company will be p.m.. and Marillac Hal l lobby, 4 said. As a result they experience 'The new College of Fine Arts and full and part-time facnlty members. The development of the College of expanded as welL p.m. - 5 p.m., offeling a two-page the feeling of never getting any­ que. tionnaire designed to detect the thing done. WIlson showed the signs of depression and manic­ group how to make the best. of their depre. sion. Professionals will inter­ time and cut back on certain activi­ T~uh ill fills five-year hole in administration pret results and make suggestions ties. for fUlther treatment. Stu~ents, fac­ The three steps of the BY SARA PORTER Kohn said that he was drawn to ulty or staff can also visit two web­ Guaranteed 4.0 comprise going to Senior Writer UM-Sr. Louis because of the universi­ sites www.depression­ class. meeting with your professors ty's rapid growth. "UM-St.

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