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The Waterville Mail (Vol. 45, No. 15): September 11, 1891

Prince & Wyman

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Recommended Citation Prince & Wyman, "The Waterville Mail (Vol. 45, No. 15): September 11, 1891" (1891). The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine). 1434.

This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Waterville Materials at Digital Commons @ Colby. It has been accepted for inclusion in The Waterville Mail (Waterville, Maine) by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Colby. V^OLUME XLV. WATER7ILLE, MAINE, FRIDAY, SEPTEMBER 11, 1801. NO. 16.

A WONDER. towns these huts are in oollootions of a WOMAN’S WORLD. OIlRtKTIAN KNDKAVOK CONVENTION GEO.K. BOUTELLE, KRKIVK RHTIMATK OR HAMLIN, "Allah, hoiil Allah, hoiil Allah, hou!" [From the InUr-Oeeaii) dosen or so, making subtirbs or villages of Kngllsh housewives aro greatly exer­ AT HACO. mud, and on the tiaoiendas thej are often At a meeting of tbo Mamo Cmnmandery —tho last wonl exjiolietl with a jerk. She is a college graduate. Packed In her lit­ cised over a recent decision of the courts ^^D-4h« morning of August 21), two dele­ ---- ^ inside the wall sarrounding the adobe of tho Military Onlor of tl ’ A dozen littlu children were now hand- tle bead concerning the legal rights uf servants gates wore soon hastily moving toward ooim«Bi^x^OR At Are all the Hring langnages and many that are buildinn where their masters live, or they of Portland, IIuii 'riiomas oil over tho rad to tho Nubian, who took regard to the wearing of insignia of ser- the station where the 5 60 tram was in ...... -ood Ip ke dead; are buift close to the wall on the outside. in eulogyouffigy of theth lato Hon. Hannibal liiain- them in his arms and laid them in a row, hinks her thongh vicc. 'Hie Kngiish mistress insists that waiting. On thoir way thoy wore joined their faces llattonetl to the mats The ohl Tleonle Brak Ralldliiir» W«t«rvlll«. whistles in high Greek, Along the railroad yon often see them her nikid shall not wear a hang, or, as she Itn, aa follows: by a young man who brealliless and hroak- priost advanced withm a stop of tho first While with a Chineee washee-raan she easily made of discarded railroad ties, the ties calls it, ”a fringe," but shall comb her CoMrANiGNa—It is not in tho least my can speak. fasiless was bound, as were they, for tho child, his IiM moving tii prayer DDNN BLOCK AGAIN being set on end and forming the walls of hair neatly hack beneath a cap of snowy Saco Convonlioii. intention to deliver a disooiinie uiroii Mr W. C. PHILBROOK, the hut, wbils a thatch of cactus or other Yapouty isaao toanod over and winipor- The whole array of soienoee are at her Anger Uwn, and tho Kngitsh maid rarely rebels In an incredibly short spsco of time Hambn or to present you with a sketch of leaves make the roof. If you will remem­ Ins life. ed, “Seel now he will bless them." CODNSBLLOR AT LAW AimI pro^emS mathematical Just bnbble from Much to tho astonishment, therefore, of thoy wore seated in Iho ear and s|>ecdmg I rnisoil niyself on my feet to sec tho ber the average length of the railroad tie the mistress one servant has refused to lie I do nut oven mtond to dwell upon Ihe her line; you will know the height of the Mexican onward, (jnietly? Oh nol One could hear bettor. 'Fho old priest lialnnccd himself AND NOTARY PUBLIC decorated with tho luidge of inferiority, Bath eonvontiun, Augmta, over 300 dele­ grt'at ovonts of his life My solo desire i# Whene'er sne talks her heareri try their hard- railroad hnt In the rainy regions of Mex­ for a moment, slcppeil firmly upon the OFTIOR IN ARNOLD’S BLOCK, eet to look wise; and Vo the neater,astoiiiinmiont of the mis­ gates, and tho like, with frequeiil "giggles” to rander a tnlnite to somo of tho virtiica ico, where the rajtt comes down in showers first child, his liaro^ feet sinking into ita WATERVfLLR, • MAINE. Hot, to conceal their igaoraooe, they rentnre tress, this breach of discipline is not re- nnil although>iigii the anxious look on the faro which I know ho |>oMenfiod, ami which I DO repliec. every afternoon for several months of the soft, yielding flesh, ami then walJrml de- ganlod as Siifflciontly serious to warrant of the lireakfnatloss yoting man dcc|>c think were tho key to his hmtorv. year, the huts are built with ridge roofs, lilieratcly across tho lino of prostrate Not only is her learning far ahead of any tho withholding of her wage the tongues nm 0I1 Mr Hamlin had vouchsAfetl to him a and in the valley of Mexico and amid the childrun As ho (Mused, each little tot O. W. HUTCHINS, dream. Mary Ann rules tliu earth 011 this side At Augusta they were joined by a com- long life, am) a long and striking |H>titieal Unt she in college tennis was tlie captain of a oturesque mountains aloug tho line of the career He was for O-I^yeara a lawyer, ho raisml lU head, waited until the last child B001S « SHOES CLOSING OUT ^ team; of tho sea, and has done so for somu time. [>any wenrirq^* tho soarlet iNidge of the had licon trampled; then sprang iiii, kissed lexican National Railroad you see roofs SURGEON : DENTIST, Wo may not have guests or chihiron with­ local society, and tho white badge of the was for SIX yenra in the Eegislatnre of And in the college races on the lake and on made of board aud tile. The board roofs the old priest’s robe, < and ran iaughmg SueoeMor to O. 8. PAIjMKK, the land, out incurring her disnioasuro And if she .State Union, and tho contest waxed fierce Mnmo, three years as speaker, four years Was always crowned the victor, to the ronsio are tied on and held down by means of in tbe Hotise of Keprosoiitativus at W'ash- from the room OFPIOR—00 Main Streot. should chooso not only to rufuso to weai* a as to which one should say tho most 111 the 'I’lio dorvishoH wore now in thu last of the band, stones placed upon them, ami tbo tiles are cap, but to go about in the costume of ington, four years viee-pn*stdont of the NOT TO DO ANT MORE BUSINESS IN THIS UNH. shorti'st time stages of exlianntoil frenzy. Tho onco Rthor and Para Nitroaa Oxlda Qaa Ad- A dainty pair of glasses on her dainty little fastened with mortar. In few uf those Kvo, doubtless we would blindfold our United States, Governor of Maine, collec­ mlnlaterad for the Estractlon of Teeth Indian huts are nails used, and rope and r\ll along the route more delegates were hamisomo young priest was ghastly, froth­ Doee husbamls and sons and let her. III waiting imlit tho ear was more than fnM tor of tlie port of Boston, mmister to Adds to her look of caltnre and her statue­ withes take their places. Siiaiii, and for ‘26 years a senator of tho ing at thu mouth, only tho whito of Ins like repoee: By and bv, when tho wonioii have dis­ Portland was (limlly son'amoil in the nsii- The cheapest huts of nil are those of tho cussed iisyahulogy ami |>olilies,;vid theos- Ijutoil States. eyes visihlo, Ins voico thick, his breath But when (lisouasiDg eubjecta with a Boston at imintelligihlo tones, and a general rush almost gono. Tho others were drooping, maideo'g mignt hot oonatry or of the log lands aloug the ophy, they will have to stay homo from During all those |>ernM)s and throughout A. E. BESSEY, H.D. was made uir'Gio tieket oflico, anil after with knoos lient, tiardly able to stand. Her eyes Hash throngh her glassos like a looo- coast. These ard mads of cane or polos, thoir oliibs in thoir kitchens, lieeniiso they all thes45 varied wcosioiis no man over some delay the party again started in oVer- .Smldenly tho priest turned liia liack, licflidoiicOt 28 EIni| street. Offioo, 84 rootiye’s light which are driven into the ground and tied didn’t considnr tho importaneo of tho ser­ found Mr namlm to fail of Ins word, and crowiled ears; past ()ld (Irclmnl they s{hto<1, prostrateii himself iM'foro tho alter, ami Main street, over Mias S. L. Hlairwleli^s Oh, she is jiut a daisy. Though the drawliack to cross poles with strings, ThojHilos are vant Droblcm no enemy ever eliarged him with the Iw- of the same length and to their to|ts rafters looking with longing eyes at "old wean," nrayed silently Tho wliirlnig child, who Only about One Thousand Dollars Millinery store. of her sex and then thinking of the pronnsed exi nr- (ravat of friends tor half no hour had not stopped, sank to OfRoe Hours—10 to 12 a.m., 1 to 2.30 Keeps her from being President, her robid it are tied, and on these a thatched roof is ^ What is tho use of Inung an Empress? 'Ihese are stmph* virtuoH, Imt if you does not vex; Sion to-morrow Nneo is stMin reached and tho floor 1 he lino of durvialics grow still, and 7 to 6 p.m. 52tf fastened in the same way. Somotimos tho Tho coiiHort of the (lurmaii Kinimror rises think they ean Ih» nreclieatod of every man For there arc higher stations she is able to pole walls are plastered with mud, but a hue of inarch formed for tho Congregii- mill by oiifl t4ittor<>d along tho fioor. oliitoh- Sunday: from 3 to 4 p. m. attain at 5 o’clock in tho morning and has accom­ tional church, winch an itdvenlnroiiH young who III this repnhlio has reaetied similar By having so much knowledge in her active generally tho poles stand about an iiicli plished half a day’s work lioforo half tho high Mlatioiis, yon have not lived with ed at tho hanging eiirlam, and passed Worth Left, man is sure he can find without a pilot, into tho sunlight apart, and you can see all that is going on little brain. women who are not queens are out of lied hut he hesitates am| halts after pasHing your eyes wnb* o|M*n FRANK L. PLVSNER, lu the hut through its walls. I naw whole No wife of the present cycle is supposed I forced iiiy way along the closely Arul now the wonder cometli this sweet col- City Hall, at a chiireh whieh ih not the one, Mr Handiii was not a great orator like villages of such huts in tho State of Vera |Mieked uihIc, ami rushed mt 1 IIm' ojion air, l8go girl who might to imik after her hnsliand’s ImtMi. She is only to lliid hiiiiHolf very near one bearing Mr. Snnmer, he was not a great deKvler Ueform the very universe which men have Cruz, and the Imliaiis wlio swarmed in and impelled hy a wild desire to rundur Homo AND WILL BE SOLD AT LESS THAN THEY COST US, too busy with stndving Browning and po- the magic letters, (' E , high up.uvux the like Mr FessemUm. He did not have the ATTORNEY AT LAW. rained quite, out of them were often half naked. Here litic.7l economy. iJut tlio faithful Kaiserm enitnre <»f the one nor tbo brillmiiA swifl- aHHistanco J’ho sight that met my eyo Stays at home to help her moHior in tho kitch­ there was plenty of wood and tho cooking doors Knlenng, they were ‘‘hadgetP’ by Htaggi«red me My hruatli stopped short. en where she makes has personal charge of tho linen lieloiigiiig a enmimttee of ladies, and the r<>eeptmn ness of the other, hut Ins services to Die CLERK OF MUNICIPAL COURT. was done m the oiion air.—Fr'ank (J Cak- In tho midst of tho uoiirt hIoinI tho Nubian The moet delicious puddings, pies luid home­ to her roval spouse, and tho honor of sow- commilleo iminedmt4>|y assigned them to eomitry rest n{>oii so sure and safe a fouii- At ♦ Municipal ♦ Court + Room. made bread and oakes. RWTKR (u Now Tork World. mg on a Wtoii or piiUmg a few stitches datum that they will iiov<*r lie forgutton or serving colTeo, the howling crowtltn|^ alMiiit Ibcir r(M|Mieti>o boartlmg places, and after him, elamoring for cups, and panting for If any are defaced or shop-worn, a still A roan who thinks a woman’s higher educa­ IU an imperial sock is one randy cuvetod registering they were fire to enter the lost sight of FULLER & HAYNES, tion tends KKNATOK KBYE. by tho mauls of honor. When one. re- Mr Hamlin was j»r««Ht m "saving com­ breath Iikn a team of atliletos m from .a clnmdi iM'uiitirully ilecorateil witli "biiHliels fose, is always of JolrkiniS and iimforins, and rriJecLs upon the wreathed with siinlosl—From "Undor tho bound to close tbom all out as soon as pos­ The more of sweet home happiness they're at a tcniporance moetmg in Androscoggin Ictp'ra On either side tho gfiHery wora great service in a rcjnibbi’ And will (to all kinda of turning, planing, etc. able to bestow. amount of linen required, it mav lie in Hus service Mr Hamlin always ren- Minaretos," III Harper’s Afagurinu Klln-dried Lumber kept In atock. Dry Houao at- county heard Senator I'ryo at tho Pino Iheno mottoes "Not to iHMmnisU'red unto, 11. C. Dodor tAKohoNl to the uatabllauiiioiit. Sinl6 fcrroil that this care of tho linen is no easy hut to mmiHtcr;" "Ouo is your Master aiul den-d and Ins ^niwer increased with bis sible. If wo have anything that you can street Congregational church. Iliiiidrcds task One servant has clmrgn of the of people were turned away. Tho meet­ all yo are brethren.” At ton o’clock caino years At no time dfiVnif; his long and headgear, another inoninl of tho lioots, the 7Vlf IT OLK MAIilNRK UKAD. MKXICAN PRA8ANT LIPR. ing took measures to orgaiiizo a County tho iiivixs.ition meeting le«l hy the pastor areer eoiild be have laid down so SPAULDIN8 A KENNISON, wife of tho royal shirts " wear, the price can not fail to suit. Temperanco League for the eiiforccmciit of the cliurch Tho sini'iiig was led by mm h power as ho did when, at the age of Tho unsophisticated marine, pictured Some Pemllarltlea and Charoctorlatlea And what is this Empreas of Germany 72, he voluntarily left the .Senate of the of the Native Peon of the prohibitory law Cungrcssraaii Mr i^amb, whiuh is siiflieieut to say of its IT..... jt (J...... with alti'iitivo ear over melinud toward House Painters and Glaziers. f welcome to Saco was 'I'o bis stroll^iig charaeter,...... to his sonmi ipieiilly mot .M formerly Thero was a Mill's Graining, Kalauiutuliig, Paper Hanging, etc. North Atiiertca is in Mexico The United has left them in charge of luaidH while she judgiuciit lie lidifcd that winch is one of and Ladies’s $1.25 and $1.50 Boots-will be sold at a. V. SPAULDING. W. r. KKNNISON, mass meeting and the need of a public re­ given by one familiar to Waterville aiidi- dd* * time when tho old Halt's chief dikerHiuii Weat Temple Stmt, next to Cong. Church. iStatos contains only about a quarter uf a dances from one delight to aiiothorV Tho oneoM, Kev Dr Pepper Uev Win Under tbo I baracteristics of greatnoss, mticii was filling up the callow soa soldier with r 95 cts. to $1.20. Iy87 million Indians. Mexico has four millions, awakening in regard to temperance. Sen­ ator Frye spoke au hour and ten minutes. Empress is at FeliZHtowo with her five weleomed the delegntcH Ui Bnldefurd in a stcmlfastness of purpose tales of bluejacket prowoHs. Niitimig was whose blood has tho bluest of ateriginal Ill opening ne pleaded ignorance of Uio boys, teaching them, or at least all of few well clioHcn words to which i'reHident Ju tbo Ilointe of KepresentativcM at considurciKbai tough for tho montiu di­ . $2 00 and $2.50 Boots for $1.40 to $1,75 tints, and her mezitos, or people who bavf them that can navigate, (he noble art of fact that ho ez(>octe<} to speak, and said he V U Foss iCHponded in behalf of the 12,- UukJnngton J bate known many gn*ator gestion of a luarniji M. D. JOHNSON, come from Uie intermixture of the whites swimming, at which she is an expert h^ told the committee that waited u{m>ii 000 inemla'rs m Maine oralurs than tlio late Mr Kamlall, and lie 'i ho blnojackot has a profonml uuntompt $3.00 and $3.50 Boots for $2.00 to $2.50 and the Iiidiaiis, are live millions more This gracious lady is nut exactly beauti­ him that it would bo impossible for him 'Pile .State .Secretary’s n'port whuh fol­ wuH not nil orator at all 1 bavo known for thu nautical aeeumpliHhmonla of a si'a There are about eleven milffous of people ful, IxMiig a little overstodt, hnt sho has WATEBVXLLE, MAINE. to addiess a mass mooting September Clh, lowed, showed a slemly increase m efli- nmii’y la-tter debaters; I have known wnny soldier. Uolh'ieiiey in this rcs|>ect soeins in Mexico and two millions of these are one rare charm—the most lieantifiri arms Oflico in Darrotl Hlock, No. 04 Main St. because of his al»cnco at Itaiigeloy l^kcs eienoy Whole immlMerance, I) till and Lindsay of M.ingor, followed by wlialcboals ami cutters bMikiug back ovbit* who aro in faoe and form mneb Ime the to kill mo, but the party I represent. (Jo plest of men. He luul no idea of |Himp or unless perhaps, it bo the runiselier, and i Uev Mr Bean of .S<» Wimlfiaiii, who al- their slinnhicrH at the, the towering Residence, Gilman house, Silver street; Iiidtans of the United States. Mexico is now, and do wimt I bid you " .•ereuiony Hu Iia/J a geamnu regmd for ask: Is he entitled to an opinionIs his ihougli "neither a prophet or son of a of winch meant that thoy should wado Office in F. L. Thayer Block. Office more like the Orient than the Uooideiit. The woman’s causo in Austraha has au everyday people Uu never forgot a favor, through the surf and make a lumltng PEESBY & DDNN, Its common people live in huts like those opinion worth anything? My deliberate prophet" pliopiiesied fui twenty lumules as hours, 1 to 3 and 7 to 8 P. M. Telephone Qxcd^ing bright outlook In all the pub­ to what might be aetomplished by C 1.. ami was bimsLdf tho most unwearying of The tlag wont down when thoy were with­ you soe to-day on the banks of tho Nile, judgement is, aud 1 measure my wurds, men to do one ' connected. there is no worse man to be found than a lic schools girls enjoy tho same mlvaiitages I'irst, "l/iiifieation of Koligioos'I'lumgfit;'' in 11 quarter uf a miJo of tbe beauli, and and they are of the same type as those But vvlnlo I llitiH do honor to the virtues rumseller. 80 far from his upmion being 08 boys, and tbo young wonmnliood of the second, " 1 he Federation of Evangelical the inainies plunged overlioanl, heavily DUNN block, WATERVILLE. used by their forefathers in the days of of Ml llainliii, I tiiusl uot givo you tbe equipped 'I hey fuiiud thcmselvcH llunnd- r>K. A. JOt^Y, the Moutezufuas. Thetr dress is not un­ worth anything, in this question as tu Country is said to lie remarkably well edu­ Christendom,’’ and third, " I he Uomiiia- tiou of .Messiah’s Kingdom ’’ it was idea tiiat there was uolhiiig jnuluiusquu inig aiuiind with tliri'o fathoms of wutor like that of the people of liidia and Egypt, whether liquor shall bo sold freely over cated, and, so fur ns newspapers aro con­ cerned, very well reafi in tbe topics of the masterly effort and h(‘id tlio ulose utttii- alsmt Ills career undor them .Swimming was no pastime XTETERINARY ISURGEON. and their costumes and habits are io many the bar to whosoever wishes to purchase, Qradiiateof the Montreal Votor- times In all the univeraities, except at tioii of the large uudieiiue to its close It was a career full of stuhhorn IlghLs, to them, ami fur half an hqpr thu blue­ respects tho same. 1 see hero every day my if every rumseller in the country wore ■Inary College of Lavol Unlvcnilty Melbourne, wotnen and men aro abs- features that make mo think of the Japa­ in jail to-day the country would be ten L. A. PRESBY. R. W. DUNN. iMeniber of tlio Montreal Veterinary ly equal There are at present 1(50 wo­ ered 111 the eliuruh, filling every nook nod I bese I cannot describe, y-*t it is litliug obedieut manues up A Iduejiieket would nese, and tho skill shown by these Mexican thousand times better off than it now’s ” Medical Auueiatlou. To plead tho cause of tho devotees of tciii' men gradualos at tho rinversity of Nevy corner ^«•o^etary Bm'r was < ailed for­ that to tins audience, eonqHised foi tbo mil have obejul the order to land until ho Indians m pottery and art work indicates most pirt cjf vetomns of tbo war, 1 sliould Office and Vetoriiuiry Pharmacy. pemiicc, Senator Frye coiiimoiided thp /ealaud, eighty at .Sydney, as many at, ward and received tho CImtiniqim salnti' I imid HI 0 bottom, or felt pretty suro that . that they are of mixed J^ineso origin. bring the recollection of the most brilliant 9Main SL.Opp.the Common, Watervllle, Me. fanatics as a class, and said of Neal How: Meibonrno, and thirty at Adelaide It is After making a few interesting remarks lie could wado ashore Some of tho {lottory of Guatlelajara is e|iiHode Ml Mr llambii’s life, ami also ono P. O. Box, 413. OfHoe Hours, 10 to 12 anil 4 lu C. "There is no man in Aiqoriua who has tor­ hazarded that tho women oquul if ihey do he gave plaee to Itev Mi Wiiiship, of But tho iiiannu is not so bad inlelleetii- beautifully decorated and artistically shap­ ot tbe most brilliant |)rcludes to tliu great LSTNlUIIT ArTKMiANCX. mented me, politically! more than he I|e Dot ontniiuiber the iiicij 'Ihe I’rcimer of, Boston "Bible .Study” wiis Ins tojiie and ally as tbe merry tars endiiuvor to make ed, and tho most famous of Moxicati scnlp- pohticiil battles in winch you participated N. n Hr iToly will ntteml all sorts of dUcasus is always making thrusts at the Hepuhli- the ounntry is in favor of giving women be sliowed plainly its importance am! nec­ the land luMiei (Mdteve Ho liuH improved tiofaUIng llom-s, Caltle, Dogs, Kto. tura has Japanese features. This man’s .Mr Hamlin wasalwayH opposed to hu­ CRti party—morning, iiooii and night—but the fmnohise, and the cause has tho snp- essity to Hueeessful Christian work, and mm h smeo lie fought on thu Greek tri­ Headquarters for Golden Valley name is I^anduro and he lives at Giiadela- man slaverv; ho was always on tho side of remes aliout 2,000 vears ago tt may now i^, which, by the way, is a city of JOO, I say, if ho wjJl keep on stiekiug Hio knife iiort of a coiisnlerable jmrtioii of the press how many ineainngs can be given simidy T. jv. iMeosrr, ad. r>. into the rumsellera at the satne lime, he Most uiterestmg is tho fact that while by emphasuing difloreiit words 'EikiHg Jiburty Jio fought for Jilierty witbm his: ini rciisoimhiy doubted that ho Micvcs, WHITE WOOD AND OAK 000 jieople, situated in the western part of party, but wlien m IH.'M) ho threw oil party ---- AT---- EMINENT SPECIALIST may keep on tormenting any political parly there nra onpouents of the hill rmicermng fuinduir imssagi* “lly tin ir'* fruits yu even when he lirst goes alHiard ship, tho tho country and is the ceiitro of art and allegiance and mmle Ins appeal U> tho peo­ untuiuo varn of tho noble tar who savud To the Ladies! (N TirK rtfHK or he chooses. 1 say thank Gtal for tho ta- tho woiimn’s franeliiso iii the lajgisl.itiiro, sliall know them," ho asked the amlienee culture ill Mexico. It is tho Athous of ple Ins jouiney hctohs Uio .Slate of Maine his sinp by Hwimiiinig jwhoro with tlio iin- E. GILPATRICK’S, iiatios. Neal Dow started Inn law. It is no member will risk tho unpopularity of the einphatie word, uml nearly every woid tho republic, and tbo finest art works of was a Irnnnphal iimrth, the liku of winch All LndioH deKirous of having a pretty CHRONIC AND NERVOUS DISEASES. tho best law iu tho world, tho only enemy allowing his name to upjiear in the duiHion was given by diffoient ones Tboii read­ hor 111* may nut lie able to Ihix tho com­ all kinds uf Mexican make aro turned out llieru never had lieen heforo and never pass, Imt lio is the eqiuil of .lack in tbo and stilish Cor. Main & Common HU., WATKltVILCK there. of tho rumseller and tho law has made list among tho "uoes,” ebiHising rather the ing it, einpliiLsi/mg each word in tiiiii, bo tST'A rcMisluok ShingiuH Hlways In RtiK'k. less eminigeoiis plan of not voting at all ' showed them eveiy word empluLtie has la'i'ii Hincu. UHo of llicgloVoH, ami, although lie may OVVK K IIOUHS 10 to 12 a. 111., 2 to 5 p in. Punduru is a wonder. Ho can toko Maine pre-eminent in the wide world ’’ At (5 .')0 A M two or tliri'o hnmlred met It was followed by a remarkablu victoiy In* gii;ullil)le, lio (.an upon iHcasion, spin as 7 to U evenings. piece of black clay, and in one sitting of Senator Frye claimed the law wius tho only I his IS (qmvalent to voting against the remedy for tho evil of iiitoinperaiice. Ho measure, becaiiKO III the Vietoria JiCgisla- for tliu conseeratioM meoting At 9 came wliii b, III the end, mado linn vice-presi­ lividely uyaiu is the most gri/zicd veturan in severallioiirs ho will model for you a bust tlio ^o’o’stlo Ych, the bluejacket may stutf HAT OR BONNET, 1:1.91 WOO denied that the habits of J0iiro|>e tended tnre no bill can pass into a law without a tlie idi’Ctfou of ofljcefs, (hen an address on dent, and iinqlit liave imuie him tho I’leHi- j io’o’h ’ of yourself which is a jxirfcot Iikeuess, deiil of tho 1 lilted Stales ,1. E. GETCHELL, to intcmp<‘rauce, because uf the pievalence majority of the wholo House AiioIIht ".Sabbath OliHerviiin'e" by Kev Mr K.ili- him will'll In* iH tiiHt put alKiard ship, but Would do well to eall .it the now store. ana which will not he more than three or U hat nnght havu lamii the effect n|Nm lio IH Homctiniig of a bar himself, and lie LIVERY, HACK AND BOARDING four inches high if you so desire. I have of light wines, and beers, but lusertod that interesting and suggestive fuel is that m insun of Portland 'I'lien again a well There you will find all the latest Engineer and Land Snryeyor, Franco was deteriorating by absinthe Uu eountry of the world is tin* p<*r<'t'ntagt' known WatorvjJJo faoe a|>|>eared, am] A. lliiH ciiuntry had lni liceii the suceossor of lakes hiH revenge with coin|Niimd iiiteroHl STABLES. OKKICR VIIANK L. TIIAIKU RIAICK, been in his studio. It is a hut uf suii- Abraham lancohi wo ean never know, and when ho gets icshoro aud falls ni with an hiirncd brick, and lie squats cross-legged drinking, Italy by cheap and strong liquors of unmarried women smaller tliun in Aus­ T Dnnii gave a must mspinng iiiMress on FLMW(K)n IICrrKL and SILVEIt 8TUKRT ATcxlxra eS4:*« (jerinaiiy by brandy. He told that the tralia. "Maine fur Christ,’’ followed by disuiission yet, wo may Im fully assured that what­ inniM out lamUman on tho iluor just like a Japanese. Ills ever honusly of piir|Hisu, souml hoiiso ami NOVELTIES IN MILLINERY. OKO. .IKWKLL, Piiop’it. IVill bo In the city every 'riiursiliiy. Onlers may (ierriian Emperor, alarmed by the increase by nine young jieople on tbe work of tlio '1 he marino draws Home* of tho iiiHpini- be Kent by IIhII’h N. Naiisalboro Kxpress at uju only tools are Ins hands and a little knife, A jM'iichy face, a sweet, girlish expres­ niitriolism eoiild liavu done woiiM liav< (nm for iiiK nnagery from tho libraries that Miss litiuib will 1)0 >n Hoston ^ ilACKK Foil FUNKUAL8, WKDIHNGH, of intemperance, was issuing edicts tend­ EiKikuiil, Prayermoetiiig and Sueial Com­ .Al.amr4 JUF.M. lunch like a casckiiifo ojf a pnttv-knife. sion, a lass III her earliest twenties, and iu'en snbstitutud for some of the stones aro miimtaniod at every barrai ks for Ins next week, looking fur all the PAllTlKJl. KTO. Ho lias a lump of clay on a board tq froift ing towards a reduotiqu in the growing mittee, from winch many nsufid bulls were not looking out of her teens—tins is what gained. With tho mhlress by Kev Mr winch history will, perhaps, Ini sorry Ui lanictlt 'J ho library in thu barracks at new idon.s, and will pay especial AIho liargtTH fur Large Piirtlea Horace PiiriiiUm. A. K. I’urinton. of him and ho works away f^s be talks, consumption of spirits. "License is no ret firtl remeily,” he said, "Liquors sold under h- her portrait shows Miss leans to Imi She S]eu)H*i of Stoneliam, Mass, the A vi sen tho Brmiklyn Navy Yar»l, wtiure most of attention to filling partieular or­ The I’roprit tor's iMirKunnl turning out Ins wqiiderftil pliotugruphs iii 18 the English girl wIm> ih Hrst to win the 'i’o Mr Hamlin tins could bo no objtet tho young fullows rccrmlod fur tliu service I..etliiig iiiid lloiirdhig lliirRiw...... ()ril«*rn Iff...... HORRCE PURINTON & CO., plav. ^'tiso, mtoxioato as quiokly as when sold sum closed ders. (>’aii and brnk at oiir now Stiiiiln (ir Kutul Gflicu ('oiiiicy^d by tulophonu. illegally, under prohibition. Glnsgow, in ColHlen (’liib jirizo of CHI), offered in rota­ At 2 I'M Ur W S '1 hompsoii of Hal- of regret After many subsei|uont ser- aro s4*iil,»iH nuitlicr largo nor select, but ita |le made a remarkable stotiietto of tion at Oxfoni, Camhndge und the Victo­ vietis to ll/s eomitry anil after a tram/mJ .')60 voliiincs arc .is well thumbed probably gcHids if you do nut wish to piir- Hlf. CONTRACTORS Si BUILDERS, Emma Juch, thb actress, when she was Scotland, liocnses, but when iu Scotland lowell gave a strong Hpi ecli of "'I'emper- ria Univonutv. Her iiiuiie is Vietormo luiuu," giving as a deltintion of the torin ohi age, imnd tlio geimimi sorrow of hm iiH any library of its sizu in tbe world. ehiote. Mannfkrtnrcrs ef Krirfc- huroi Aiid his ty|>es uf Moxiean life fairly ho was provoutod from seeing tho gn at Drick Slid stone work a s|>eoiaUy. Yards at Wa- iron sliiu building plaiito m ujHTatimi, be­ 1 Ills tunnciKious little economist is presi­ “Op|MHeil to any indulgeiiuo in iilcoholns, old Iriemls uml it(‘iglilHirH, at his own .Most Ilf the ir>0 maruioH in tho barracks tervillo, Winslow amlAngusU. S(>ouial facHItlus speak and act. He wdl, I am told, go to lumso, Hiirroimdetl by Ins fiumJy, he ilied, cause of a fair hold but one day m that dent of a factory- girls’ eliib bhe says, either as a iM'verage or mediemu " 'I lien an* Aiiicrif'uns 'Ibo nalurul instinct of for shipping brick by mil. the Chicago Exjiositiun, and if he does 1 full of )earH and full of honors F. E. LAMB & CO., Waterville Steam Dye House. -i\0. mldress WatonrUlo, Mo. ly4U city. Fur tins fair the workmen saved so modestly, that she learned as miieli fisnii came the addreHsi's of Kev .1 M I rost of tho marniu, ovon thu raw rcuruit, is towanl predict for him that his fame will ho in- tho girls as from Isaiks liclion Moru tliun half tho men who en­ lernationa). I stwak of bini here, how­ miioh, and drank so hard that the great Poitland, ami Ur .Small of Waterville on tg^Now Is the Tinio to Imvo your olutliliig *(’ E and Citizenship," "C. K ami l.dn- AN AFTKItNtWIV WITH ItIK IKMIflNiJ list III the Marniu Corps do so not iiiuruly Rogers’ RlocK, Watervllle, He. pill In ruadlnuKS fur Fall and Winter Wear. ever, as a typo of a olass of tho Moxiean shin building plants employing 5,UU0 men Mihs Octavia Hill of Lundoii, TRUCKING and JOBBING had to shut down ei^ht days until the men whose cation,’’ which ware thorougliiy enjoy«d DKUV IKIIKH. l/ucauHo thov are out of a job or m trouble tfr'Llght Siiiimier Knits dunnsed and dyOtl Ii\diauN. lie has the features of a Japan­ model tenenientH have won her 1 OF ALL KINDS got Aubor. "'if you license rum drinking to . wide hy tho amlnmue. 'J'he ijuestioii box in (lie bucauHo of luvo affairs. llioy have tbo III mM Hhaau. * Her wealth onabies her to buy up old, It was howling dervish day—it umies but West Temple 8t., St.,orut Ituck Bros.' Store, on Main Ht. make them virtuous?" Unrelated a con­ was next in onier, wbero spe«>( In s, fruit, torm of flvo years’ sorvico will l/e aboard As a class the Moxiean Iiidians aro |>or- tumble down biiiiilings, destroy tliem, and ouee a week, the bowl iH'gniiinig at 3 i' M sliips that in.iy taku Ilium tu many Htrange GOAL AND IRON QOMPANY. iiKivK'v noaciBG. versation he had with the late Hon Alex­ and Hocml mtoreuiirsi* filled the buiir long liaps tho poorest jieoplo on this contiiiont erect on tho site new and eoiiveiiunt prei iHoIy—und to satiMfy Isaac I had loft ports. 1 he (ovu of udvontiiiu is as strong Minors and Shippers of Three hundred years ago thoy were tho ander H. btepheiis, of (ieurgia, 111 which to bo ^Iked over by the ilulegiites in at- Next door to Cornor Market and oppitslte ilwellings of suituhic size and (inisb for temlance Uio suushino for Hii hour to watch Ibeir in tliem as thu love of tales of adventure. Hard White Aali, Itogera* Tea Store. richest and Montezuma gave Cortes plates the distinguished Vico I’resideut uf the workiiigmon and thoir families 'J’be eurioiis Kervicu Free lltirnlng White Aali, F. A. ROBBINS, Soutboru Coufederaor told of tho count) ill the evening the Kei ojitnm Comiiiittee They do not care for religious books, and of gold and silver as big as wagon wheels, "HiU houses" are innch soiiuht after Jims it was (hut Urcco Yiipoiiiy IsaacK Nrhuyklll lletlAali. of ijiberty, Ga , which hud tho hrst iron reported (510 detegaU's m .itUmdam u, and utterly disil.iin (he Htoncs of thu pious Nhaiiutklii anil Lorborry, and these people tuado his soldiers spurs iireceded me up a steep bill pavud with }GOALS clad temperanco law ever passed in Amer­ invitations were given to hold the euiiveii- young m irincs whose* lives are saved by of gold for their horses Since then they iHiwldors, cotun d tbo low dmir of the AlNuof Ihu culcht-AtMl IIICOOKSIDK COAL ica, overseventy years ago "'J'iusooiinty," The Beat AilvertiaiDg. tion at Ki'vcral diflereiit plmes tho eoniing the littlu 'I'cstamunts their mothers gave of l.ykuns \ nlluy. have been tlio slaves of their conquerors tekku (hoiisu) of thu dervishes, it/id mo­ UPHOLSTERING said Mr. Stephens, "was Utc happiest, year Secritary Baer’s addiess was wt II tin (1/ They have been oppressed and beaten aud The most eflieient advertising in liehalf tioned mu to a seat in a small open court Deep Sed Ashi Very Preo Burning. Call for Bamplos and torina, woith lisU'niiig to and awukemd the M.irryal ih thu favorite author, and Ins UiiuxoulliMLtiy any u>iil fur uBu In o|H)n gmlcH, or worked for geiierattqns, qiid it is only richest, best educated, must orderly county of HoikPh Sarsuparilla is that wbieb eomes thought rii many hearts, What of it? Wimt lihi Itcred hy au arlair euvorud with vinos stones arc seldom on the sliclvcs Young cuukiiig HtUWS. 41tf Silver St, Waterrllie, Me. within a few years that thoy have had tho of (jeorgta. Tho year I lived there was from tho medicine itself 'J’hat w, those I’lvo funcH, and wo passed the hanging the only year of my life I remember m wiK you do (N'LauHu of coming to this Cun- |u)Mrij/us like a stilF suus/itJonal Lulo; that js All rouill dealuniin New KiigUnd can furultih uhnnoo to bo anything else As thoy aro who are eiired by it. speak to friends suf­ veution? cuitaiu covering tbo entruiicu, uml stoiqmd must of tlium do But thuro are some who to-day, hundreds of thousands of them are which 1 was |>erfectiy well." In closuid fering Hiimlurly, who m tui n derive Wiieiit these ohuice coals 'Ihe fun'wi'll me«*tmg eonductcil by niHide a square, low-ceded reIessly in debt, aud are as much debt- beuator Frye called on the Mayor and and urge othi-rs to try tbjssncci*»sfnl mod- Presnient Fuss dust'd wliat ail iiiiitu in with tuinlNiiinnes, uyinhals, urnis, uml ban­ tlio Species,’’ or .SjH/neur’s ".Synthetio Olllco uf KiiHlurn Iiupurlmont, slaves as are the debtors uf 8iaui. county executive oflicera to enforce the loine 'I’hus the circle of its popularity is pronoiiiicmg tbo best of all our giMMl tun- ners, and surrounded on tbrue sides by an I'hdosophy.” Next to Marryat, Uickciis 70 KlLliV ST., IIOSTON. Finest Photograph Rooms on the Rlner I Millions uf them live from hand to law, and ended with a powerful exhurtu- rapidly widening from this cause alone, ‘aisle tioii to the people to stand by the laws. veiitiuuH A Umi-gaii^. apiH-'uls most to thu syinputhies uf tbe DlHtrilmliiig deiHils at .Jiwl redttml ami furniHlieri with everything new. iiioiitii, and only the fewest have what the and more and inure are beeoining onthu- 'Ibe howlers—there were at least a "Icatlamucks," us tliu sbullbm ks call tbuiu Come and aee u», exaiuiiie our work aud gut our Aiiiencan negro of the South would con­ siastio ill liehalf uf HikmPs barsaiianlla as Boston, Salem, Newburyport, prluud, and Bedford. uwed to luiiVti our ruonis, sider a competeuoy. Peonage ur debt- \yi>at atoam is to the enKine, Huotrs bursa- It aetuallyr dumonstrutes its absufiite merit l-AUM .NOrKS. on tbe (lour, like a tdass at schu4/f, facing "Oliver 1 wist" IS alwolutoly grimy slayery was abolished »i Mexico m 1873, parilU is to llie body, producing bodily iMjwer All that IS asked for IlomPs Sarhapurilla S. 8. V08K A 8(^N, IS Main 8t , Watervill*. aud liiruisliing roeutut fufoe* .Savi.\(. Uky Koai) Ui hi —it is a gmal then master, an eld, lung-bearded priest I'rivulu KuburL Moir, a Scutoliimiii, who in practice it still prevails. These In­ is that It Imi giwm a fair tnul. If you plan 111 Kumiimr, when tliu roads aro dry, sqn.ittiiig uu a mat stretolieil beforo the has l)uun uluven years m tbe survicc, is tbe dians many of them are honorable and all need a gmal blmxl puritli'r, or budding up low alcove altar Worthy of Iiuitation,—Mias Tnll~"l to scrape up a few bariuls of dry dust fruin at thu barracks He says that C7. A- HILL, of them are great lovers of hoipe aud tho love to hear the hmls unig " Jack Mallctt innehine, try Hood’s Sarsaparilla the romls aud put 11 in barrels m the hen- As we entered, they were wagging their uljoiit turty biN/ks are always out 'I’lio A1 ills locality m wbicb they live. Thp hiiU heads in umsun, keeping tune to a chant (wariulv)—«8o do 1. They never attempt liouMu it nmkes excellent dust b.itlis fur bbrae) is MltM by duposltora. Gold i and Silver )|i Watches, they first struck tho pavement ’’ lit K.siNu PoTAio ViNfH —Wherever daily iiuwHpapcrs, several illustrated week­ DIvIdemU matte In May and Huvumher and If Alonxo Davies, have 110 besitanev auout going again lulo important. Tuo demand for it has be- flamed, and u siuewy, graceful body On lies, ami all thu best iiiagaziuos. They i)ot withdrawn are atideif tu depotltit, and Intereat debt when once free, and Amerioaus who oome astonishing. Already the treatment jHitutu blight or rot luutprevuiled, the vines one of Ins dulieute, lady-wlntu hands was I0 thuM oumiHniiideii tw Ice a year, l/ku sburl stories l/uttcr than long onus. Silver Ware Novelties, CARRIAGE MAKER, are tryiug to farm hero on our methods of heart disease is being revolutionized, Whiskey, I Bup|>ose, brought you here," of these diseased |Mjtutoes should be gath­ a largo lurqitoisu ring Yu|Kiuly wlnH|)er- Ofttou In HaviiigH Hank InUhllng, Hank ti)>cii said the visitor to a life cuiiviet. "Ne\cr ered into plies, dried and burned On no Capt Krastus K Itobmsun, tliu acting daily from tt a. m to 12 30 p, m,, and 2 tu 4 p. m. Fainting and Ke)Nitrlng of every deaerliiitmi tell me it isulinoat impossible to keep ibeir and mayy unexpected riiros effected It ed lu inu that he was the sou of tbo high uunuamlunt ut the barracks, says that Hatunlay Kvenlngn, 4 30 tu R io. Gold Pens, Spectacles & Eye done Ip the beat puaalble manuer, at aatUfaotory touched a drop of li<|uor in my life," re­ account should such vines lai used aseovur- ineu, unless they are Ibeir debtors. JUNTO relieves short breath, Huttoriiig fatins priest, and would succeed his father when nearly 7!i jicr cent of tho marmus aro na­ K, It. nUUMMOND.Treaa. prloua. New ahopa, wItU uloe-runulng maolduery. plied the prisoner, who thought li« hud mg fur heaps uf jiutaUtea '1 ho fungus that WatorTUle.Uetoher, 1881. ISif The Mexican, liowever, s{»«iids but little iu side, arm, shoulder, weak and hungry the old man diiMi. tives of tbo L’mtcd States They are struck a prulubitioiiist. "And now, to enuses blight remains over Winter 111 tbe Glasses, Opera Glasses, Cor* Oold and Summer Streets. upon biiuself or hui house. The houses of spells, oppression, swelling of ankles, 'i'he eluint cuiitmuml, rising in vulumo quick, bright and capablu uf a very high think that you’ll uever havo a ehniicu to vines, and thus fiirnislies tbo seed for start­ the poor are buts or hovels, differing ac- smothering and heart drojisy. Dr Miles’ uml intoasity, and a Nubian in winto band­ grade of discipline 'Ibuy are und always Rings, Gold & Sliver Thimbles, New and Keooiid-liaiid Carriages for aale. try it. Tfiat’s pretty rough." ing the disease the following season coruing to tbe locality. On tho Mexican book oiuHeart and Nervous iJiseasos, ed each nmn a black skull-cup. ‘Ihese liuvu Ik'CIi thu best dnllccl body of men m pUtenii, where tbe^ is little wood, the In­ free. The iiiiequaled New Heart Ci^ is Watik rou Hoiib —Hogs kept in pens thoy drew tightly over their |»erHpiring. tliu cuiiiilry A sailor who beunl the Fine Pocket Cnttlery, sold and guaranteed by (ieo. W. ll)urr, - W. M, TRUE, dians live in low, Mjiiare, uiie-story huts of Will be Olveo Away. often suffer III Summer fur lui k uf water beads marines euinplnnentud uu their faultless sun-dried brick, ulteu cuiistructod without also his Itosturativu Nervine for headacUe, 1 hey have swill and |k>8sibly also skiin- 'I'he movement, winch had iieguii with drill, remarked; "Yus, they km do 'must Etc., Etc. DKALKlt IN windows. These hovels are like great mud Hts, sprees, hot Hushes, nervous chills, Our ent4‘rprising druggist, George W. tbe slow rolling uf tliuir heads, now ex­ Dorr, who carries tho finesf stock of drugs, milk But swill, taking as it does tbo dish any thing with a gun'cept shoot with it." boxes. They have flat roofs, no ohiioDejrs opium habit, etc. water and refuse from the table, is often tended to their bodies '1 bey writlieil uml But tbuy have dune some pretty good AGRICULTURAL IMPLEMENTS, or flreplaees, aud the dour uf each hut it perfumenoa, toilet articles, hnwhes, twisted os if in agony, like u row of black-______. BEST QUALITY, LOWEST PRICES. sponges, eto , is giving away a lurgi nnin- quite tuo salt to be a good drink for slak­ huoUiig, nulal/ly ut the Barrier Forts m PATENTS of roughly made boartls and so low that I’ioplu who have no money of their own ing tliii-st As for iiiilk It IB anigruplL in a Brooklyn uewspu{>er cot huBlnuBi conducted fur Modarals Fees ^ iiestorative Nervine JJe giiaraiitees it lu too inueh like fomi, to take the place of Our OMcs Is U.S.Pstsnl OMcs,* HCA-'V Sc STItA-W. stoop ill entering it. Most of tho huts have taking q great ((eat of interest in other |m>o- water 'IVy tiie bogs in tiie |Mms at least Kuddenly they darted out njM/n thv m Us I recently said that tho marines had umdo snd weeaneerure jtatent ioiMatimetoanthose B. I. R. bid one room* The family sleep on the plo’s money. ouru beailaehe, dizziness, ui'rvous orostra- alloy scarce ten ^cars of ugi, spnnmig an ap|H.‘al for books (or their ltb(>ary at retnoto from Waahlngton tinn, sleepluHsiiess, the ill eircets of spirits, once a day with fresh water 'I'lioy will Send mode), drawing or pbutu, with dcscrlD* Ih tliu bust si'lliiig Hour oil lUAts, and there are nmther tobfes ilnnk more timn you Hunk, and keep in like a top 111 front of the priest, Ins skirts 1 the barracks .V bciievuleut lady wikosaw tIOQ We advise. If pateutabfq or Out. frtfu uf jireparution we huvo. nor chairs. tolMieeo, loffee, etc Druggists say it is cnargo Our fee iipt duo till patent Is secured JOHN WARE, Miles Nerve & Liver Fills the grt‘aU'st seller they ever knew, and is bcuKbier conililiun tbruiigb but weather vcl with his bauds j paragraph wrote to tbe commaudaut, Mf.khill (L Dinning pKAbXa IK * The cooking is done oyer a (ire built out ihe chant now broke into a wad, the asking linn if be would accept several huu- A\ ranpklst.Par-*-'-* “—How...... to Obtain' ...... Patents,“ with Avt uu a new principle—itti'ulating tho liver. universally satisfactory They also gnar- tianea uractual ciii'tila luyourHlsto, county, or Muehatiip Knils, Mo. of doors or in a corner uf tho hut, and tho amlieiice louiuig m 1 he bowls were deaf- tlrcil copies o| a religioiu weekly for tbe tuwu, sent f^c Address, uiiiiU)li and bowels thruuuk Utr utrvtt A new ant4‘o Ur Miles' New Heart Cure in all If H man only thinks he lias anutber lVp*r«4 by tha Noavar Msuicisi Co., Norway. Mt. INVESTMENT SECURITIES.. cooking iitoustls are of burnt olay and not disoovery Ih. Milee' Fills a|>e»diiy cure hiJ- eiiiiig ibe twelve were rucking tbeir |)oor luarmc'* Cupt. Uubuiseii aays tbe uf ifuu or copper. It costs but a few dol­ luusness. Ud taste, torpid liver, cuiwtipatiuii eases of nervous or organic heart disetuu , match in his^ket he can light u eigar in beads m a wild frvnsv, groamug lu lung, umruies have made iiu up|ieal for books YOUR MONEY REFUNDED, PIre Immraiioe wrltlun In aubaUuitial. reliable {Nilpitation, |Uiin lu the side, Muiollwring, C.A.SNOW&CO. intfillitnbaMSIrnu Vhrn iuo>l tlrlrtly MSIrrtttdowtbs ooinitaulMi, at luweet raUit lars lu build such a hovel and the average Unwiualed fur men. wumsn, children binall- a gulu, but iTlie is dead sure tiiat be hasn't, sulMliiml moans, emrnig m a pocuim | for tbvir blmiry, but that thoy» wouldn’t OppoiHt P.lMl Mm. D. 0. (UAltla wra|>pa/ 'rrylL lk>kl !>/allrt.aian. est, mddest, surest I 50 doses 25 rU. tem­ etc Fine book on "Nervous and Heart “JUUJJlAN'J*SN4'r. BANK UljHi. Waterville iudiBU eau build Iga own house Near the the one he has lit will go out on bun us "hough, like the suuud of a dozen dis-1 rufuso any g«KMl books that tuiglit be sent ples Free, at Gso W Burr's Hrux btore lyl'J UiM'ases" freo. sure as fatoj taut locomoUves tugging up a steep grade to Ibeui.—N. Y. buu. <» . COMPATfT RRUNION. WAhtllNOTON NOTRH. mrdona of Georn Bryant and IlluWatemlklliil. flarvivors of Company R. of the Thirticih f^onference lutween Pres. Harrison and Ills George Fields were roblied of pears and KEEP YOUR EYE ON Tbe Interntional CIt; Maine Shake tfands In this City. Biibordlnates.-Attack upon Congressman plums one night this week. It is very rnnr.isHKn wkfki.y at Crisp.—The new Chilian Oovernment to evident wn need a nigbtwatoh, or else get Peculiar The Fourth Annual Iloimion of Com­ tin MAIN 8T, WATKKVIIjI PKorniBToitfl On aconiint of the storm, many of the and preparation of Ingr^lenU,^ Twenty comrades were in attendance, nad and his Panions Qneatlon Answered.- friends interested in G ood Will Farm BLAINE : Tide and Rail. Hood*e Btfiaparllla pouotse*^ fliibiwrliillon Pri^i S3.00 Per Vciir. Mills Makes a Denial. were prevented from attending the dedi­ half of the nnmlier wore aoooinpaiiied by the full enratlve value of tl Bond to the undorsignsd for pamphlsls telling TrRMR: Oiie-third down; balance one year •1 ffO If r«ttnrn nlxnit the 15 -ger and smaller bottles baiikM, Tlie future port of entry between two O. Graves, {’resident and Kx-AHistant U. 8. turned. Treasurer; Kx Governor Eugene Hemrie, Beattie: their duty to go through ouoo in a while. A little after noon all sat down to a line inst, hut some of these iimtters reijiilro require larger doses, onddonot great nations. Heit lamMockod harlior on New Cloaks First National Hank; lllaine National Honk and They doubUetMi derive iinmo comfort from Mifeses Graco and Nellie Webber of 'produce os good results os Hood’s. Puget Sound. Has four of the largest Trans­ Chanilier of Conitiierce, lllaine, Washington. dinner prepared under the direction of S. immeillato attention. Waterville have tioen making n short visit companionbhij). Pallor In Its medletnol merits. continental lUitways. Tlie Caiiotllan Pnolflo OFFicic OF h. M. Griffith lUuhTT H. MoCaiisiand of this city, assisted by the 'I'lic most striking feature that has yet At tho homo of Miss Kdna Helanger. Hood’s Boruporllla accomplishes cures hith­ akdBakkimo Cokfarv. For Ladies, Misses and Children. and Great Nortliern IlallwayB are Just completed Paid In CaplUl. $300,000. .M the recent meeting of the Anicrioan ladies of the Relief Corp. Music for the cropiHid out in the Hjicakersbip contest Treasurer 8. T. Ilcrsnni recently paid erto unknown, and has won for itself^, here. The Northern Poolflo Is only 1ft miles the title of " The greatest blood^^^^ HF.ATTI.R, Wash., March 17,1801. Ah’^ociati'Ui for the Advanecnient of oocasion was furnished by the Union band was the publicntioii of a long editorial at- 95(M) 00 (instead of 850 (X) as has been away and with the Union Poolflo Is coming a* To Gko. R Maxwkm., Rsg., purifier ever discovered. fait OB men and money can build. Now ia the Mgr. Flour City National Hank, Minnoa|»o]ls: Scieiiue, held in Ihu city of Wanhiuglun After dinner a history of tho Company | tack upon Ueprcsciitativo Crisp’s eandi- stated in some of the papers) into the county treasury on this year’s account. Peculiar In Its " good name time to buy lots and blooke and realize ou the DearHlr.—From a personal ocqualntaiioowltti CHOICEST STYLES. LOWEST PRICES. from the time when its members first, dacy, in the Sunday Gazette, a Democrat- home,”—there Is nowj^T ^^e^^ore tlieofBcors and directors of the New England an appropriation of money waa voted for 'This IS the first money the county treasur­ great rise in value. I*and & Harbor Improvenien Co., of Heattlo, of Hood's SorstparlUaa sold In Frof. W. A. Ilogere of Colby Univoraityj shouldered a musket till it was mustered | ic paper edited by Goii. Duncan S. Walker, We are tlie largest owners of the towiisHe. We Wash., 1 take great pleasure Imtatlng that they er has received from any town in the Lowell, where or Is mode, are men of energy and Integrlt) and I feel ju»- GALL AND SEE THEM BEFORE BUYING. offer to the publio a portion of our property, to continue hui ox|>erimonlA for tho doter> out was roail by the Captain of tho Com-1 who was Secretary of tho National Demo- comity. than of all^ other blood tl(le^^eeullar in Its the JlsiiosUloii os well ns tlie ability to fully carry Wednosday, to visit Ills sister, Mrs. Dr. blooks from water front, f7ft and tl(X), oornera metats in a vacuum. company was engaged in seven battles, |'1 he strongest point iiiado against Crisp is phenomo-record of sales $10 extra. Choice lota liishte eight blodhi from out all ogromnoiits Uiey ma^y mahe^ Damon. abroaiL^^ other preparation flK FITH, Pros but,'as one of tho comrades remarked, did ! that uiiiong his principal supporters are bM^^gVorever attained such popu- |KiBt oftloo flOO, $125, $150, fi2n0 and $250. fJortien AN IMMENSE STOCK OF It is by no moans nooossary to wait un* Mrs. Kd Mnines and son started for Address most of its duty in tnarching. 'I'lie ouni- those Domoerats who favor a policy of in­ w'^riarity la so short a time, $25oxtrA. Allthesoaro choice biwinooaor resi­ T til Main street can l>c paved to abate llio Portland, Wednesday morning. They dence and lu any other city of equal iin|)ortanoo NEW ENGLAND LAND AIKJlD HARBOR patiy mustered in about 110 men, uf whom action ill tho Fifty-second Congress. Gen will go from tlioro to Haverhill, Moss., retained Its popularity nuisance eausod by tlio stamping of the ^^^^rand confidenco among all classes they would bring $300 tO $600. Theso prices are IMPROVEMENT less than half are now living. Tlio elec­ Walker takes tho gruiitid that tho oloctioii and on their return will stop at Hath, Me., ■ubject to advance without notice. OCCIDRNTAI. HLK. 8KA1TLK Wash. horses in the pools of mud and water /of people so steadfastly. tion of ofilcors rosiillod ns follows: Presi­ uf Crisp to the Siienkcrship would prove to visit Mrs. Maiiios’ brother, Mr. C. O. ly« ' which lino the sidewalk on llic street after Goodwin. « Do not bo Induced to buy other preparations, dent, Henry C. Coston, Auburn; Ist Vice disastrous to the DeiniK'ratic party. iC^s but bo sure to get the Foeullar Medicine, every rain. A few loads of coarse gravel Mrs. RncklifT of Good Will Farm is in Pres. Win. H. Toward, liOwistoii; 2d Vice generally iimlcrslcNid hero that Goii. Walk­ dumped annind tho hitching posts would town. Hood’s Sarsaparilla President, Wm. U. Locke, Ktim; .'kl Vico er favors the election uf "Mr. Mills. remedy tho whole trouble 1’ho sfroot Mrs. H. F. Frizzell and son Charles Soldhfslldrafirltts. fltsIxforfS. Propsrsdonlr President, J. D. Curtis, Freeport. Sec. When Kccrotary 'Prncy leliirnnd from br 0.1. HOOD a 00 . Apothecsrlea, Lowsll, Msm. commissioner should atUuid to this matter, stnrtcil for Pasedoiia, Cal., to join Mr. and Trons. John A. Van Doets, Unity. Capo May Point .Saturday, ho brought in- Frizzell who has b. eii there for some 100 Doses One Dollar and thuroby desorvo the thanks of evory 'fho time aud place of the next meeting Htructioiis from Mr. Harrison to tho act­ time. They ox)>cct to make this their SHAWLS OF ALL KINDS one who UHCB tho sidewalks. was left to the deciHiuii uf the Pr<>sidciit ing Scerotary of State, dirootliig him to future home. On their way they will visit frionds in MaHsachiisotU. Tiu) platform of the MadsacbuHi‘tls and Secretary. cable instruetiuns to Minister Egan tu On aecoiint of some tnisiindorstaiiding, AT BOTTOM PRICES. Frolubttion Party contains some vigormis rceogtii/e the now Chilian govornmeiit. the Yoimg IVople’s Aid Society which langungo. It declares tho policy of li> FAMILY OATIIKUINO. 'I'bis ends a rather intoresling chapter of was to meet Tncsilay evening, was not Tliis space reserved for conso to Ini a 'Vovenaiit with death and an Three Generations Meet, To os.sible and unite with their nat­ for a painty gathered at tlio rcHidcnco of «I. Day” hero by a largo parade of the labor L. Merrick of this city, 'rwonty-two bold tlioir first ineutiiig since vacation. PROCTOR & FLOOD. ural friend, tho Jlepiiblicaii parl^, in get­ org.ini/ations. It is nut n legal' holiday, Kiitortainnieiit and refreshmonts were pro­ ting all the tempomneo legislation which mcmliers of the Morrii-k family are gath­ but ail work upon which organized labor vided, to which the families of tho order public opinion will Nup|Mnt, (hey wotibl ered in a roiininn. The party ftieludcH IS employed, except at the Government wore invited. r.ook for thoir Ad. next week. uceompltsh Home good and wrniid lie Mr. and Mrs. Hall C. Merrick of .St. Al­ Piiiitmg Onice, is at a stand still Rov. K. N. Chiircbill, who been sup­ VMILUt, LEMON, Prepared dlreei bans, who are respectively 70 and 7t) years plying the Oakland and Fairfield Free fren Ihefmilitlier ONCE MORE! worthy of eunsidcrablo praise. Secretary Rusk never did an ofUcial act ALMOND, ORANOE, of ago, their five children and flfU' Will Haptist ClinrcboH the past few dwTeras dcllcwielr People Hliould be spuciall) careful at that rnlleclcd more credit upon him ns a months, has returned tu loiwistoii where NUTMEB, CELERY, and dellciewsly as gmndchildrcii. Tho live ehildroii, two ho will rcsiimo his studies nt Hates Col­ the fresh frail* this season of the year to guard against manly man, tliuii when be took timo, amid OLOVE, ROSE, brothers and tim'C sisters, all resiilo lu lege, but will supply the pulpit at Oakland. an) eonditioiiH or surroundings wliiLli the showers of congratulations that were Double the Strongth of Ordinary Eztrnots. Maine, one in Aroostook county, ono in Mr. 11 C. Jackson, a former tenoher in pouring iii by wire upon Inin on account ABSOLUTELY PURE. We rise to explain. We wish to say to onr constantly might iiivilu a % isitation of typhoid fever. St. Albans, ono on the old place in 'I'roy, tho high school, has secured a position in uf the news of the oflicial promulgation uf A Single trial iosures constant use. |f There h.i\e been several eases already and and ono in Unity, iK'sldos Mr. J. L Mer­ Philii|)H’ Academy for boys at Kxotor, N. increasing patronage, that wc are still pleasing them ALL. the German Imperial dcci'ce rescinding tho H. His many frionds wish him success in yonr grocer does not keep tbena be will got too much caiu cannot bo exercised in rick of this city. The Inst reunion was restriotioiiH upon Anioricnii pork products, bis work. ' them for you by your Insisting on this brand guarding against tho ilisease Complaints held in Troy four years ago. and taking no other.—tbt tiikii. EVERYBODY who buys a pound ofifTEA, COFFEE, or to write to ins political opponent, Ropre- 'Tho Thursday Club with invited guests, art* niude in a few ioealities of corruption 'I'bo old goiitlenian drove through from Hciitutivo W. 11. Hatch, of Missouri, the went on a piemo nt Hlake’s Island, Wed­ SUGAR of us is SURE to COME AGAIN, and STILL WE of the air by exhalations from the seweis. Troy }ostordny, and in spite of Iiih niK nesday. 'riie most novel feature of the following letter: "It gives mo great pleas­ The attention of the sewer eotnmissionor,* vniicod years, stoiKl the journey like a b^}. day was a ooru roast which all enjoyed Bay View Hotel. SAY, come on. We have enough for ALL, The last car ure tu inform you that I have been notiflod oxcoedingiy. or of tho board of health should lie called Ho has always been a strong tcnipemiice by the representative uf the German gov- 'The many friends of Mrs. Olivo Board- of “OLD RELIABLE” is a DAISY. Don’t YOU want a to these complaints, that the cause of tho man and an ardent Rcpiiblicnii, and is as Tins Hoitsb is locAteil in the biisliioss part of oriimcnt in tins euinitry that Germany has man nro very glad to bear that she has tho city. It has Itoen pro\ldcd with all tho inod- same may be removed. firm ill the faith as over. Ho is a inuti\- barrel at the SAME OLD PRICE? tins day removed its prolnbition against recovered from her severe illness. oni iinpruvcinonts, and Is elegantly furnished. bor of the Cbrislian church and bus never It in LAlaoK ani* CoMMomoun ami has the Mr. C. II Nelson has for several years tho ndnnsHiuii of American {Kirk into that Gilman’s Hand with laany others are (liicst ilcw of any house in Maine, Every nKim omitted family jimyors a single day, wbat- uttoiidmg the Fair nt l^wiston. luul certain objections to showing his country. I feel assured that you, ns a IS hfatol by steam free of cost, and the dlniiii ovor the circumstances of work or busi­ The monthly business mooting of the room is one of (ho pleasantest lu the State. Hatl horses at the Maine State Fair. One of roprcsent.itive uf the fanning interest uf and Sample rooms. ains will uk i C. E. MATTHEWS. ness on band 'I'lie exercises at tlio re­ Y. P. S. C. K. of the Baptist ohiirch was No P S ’AUFO to make this those reasons is now removed. Amos tins cuuiitiy will rejoice with mo at this 'riiursdny evening; The meeting was call­ one of tho most |K>piilar hotels for the travelling union coiisistcil uf pra}ers aud singing, public. (lerald, in his capacity as trustee, bus event. 'I'lie tli.iiiks of the farmers of tho ed to order'by tho president, M. Staey. Uat(s$2 00 I'Kit DAV. Froo Carriage to and after wbioli all sat down to a siibstaiitnit OLD RELIABLE - - - CORNER MARKET. lN.'un exceedingly distasteful to Mr. Nel­ country arc due to }uii for your efforts in Rcpuils uf the committeo for tho six from all trains. 47 dinner followed by the usual gooil ohccrof months were road, and the following offi son, and now Mr. (ionild has refused a re- their behalf, and especially your advocacy Are these not healthy and bright child, ccranvero elected; D. A. Recr. pres, E. election. Now if John S. lleald can l>e a happy family gathering. May all see Iieforo tho House of Re]>resenlntives of the fen f There appearance does not misrepre FRIEL & FARR,, many returns uf the day M, Staey v. pres. B. P. Clement treas. sent them; they are both healthy one kept out of the judges' stand, uiul pro­ Fifty-first Congress of tho meat inspec­ Mrs. Magooii soc’y. Aliss Jonmiette Ben­ Proprlstors. bright They are the son and daughter ol vided Mr. Nelson is again admitted to tion lull, without whioii tho above result jamin oor. seu’y. Committees; Prayer AND MT. KINEO, Mr. J. P. Wiley,x^I)orche8tor, Mas.s , and National Assoeiatiun tracks, there would ASIIJSKMKNTN. could not have been obtained.” mooting; E. M. Stacy, Mr Magoon, Jeau- netto Uunjamin. loiokout; Mr. Wing, Nel­ fle has an lnterestln^*fltory to toll In regard WE ARE INTRODUCING seem to bo coiiHiderablo IikclihoiMl of Suii- 'Pho Utica Opera House was fairly well Governor Fifer, uf Hlmuis, and Ins offi­ to them. Tlie story iAas rolloivs: Under tbo auspices of tho Masons of lie Bates, Mrs. Magoon; Sunday school: "lu IHJij my wife, ucoompniilcd by my liith Dexter, 11} side Farm being again represented at tilled last evening, tho attraction being 1C. cial staff were given a public reception Mrs. Foster, Alice Emeraon, Lottie Flagg, fioy, nt (bat tluiueleven tuontliBold, wiis visit­ A. Locke’s niclo-dramn, "Si Perkins; op, ing rcl.ith csin Scruntun, Pa. Tiic little felloN lACWlStOU. here .Saturday night, 'riiey stop{)ed hero Missionary; Mrs. Piiikham, Mrs. Wing, wiissiifrering untold agony cutting his t (th. TWO NEW METHODS '1 ho Girl 1 Loft Hehind Mo.” (ins 'P. Mrs. Stevens, Social; K. M. Foster, Mrs. My wife WHS told to try l>r. Haud^s TcethJiiji MILLINERY after diMlicating the Illinois iiiuinnnents In the New York Kcpiiblican State Wing, Louise Henson, Music; Edith Mnrs- li>itloii. The ctTcot was niiiglcal. It did nul Wallace, as Si Perkins, tho traveling 1tU|M‘fy.--tlie child, ns, must lemedies of thb AT on Gcllysbuig b.illlulicid tuii Miss Ladd, Nellie Honsop, Calling; '’convention, the c^bairaiiin, Gen. Knapp, agent of the Agitator 'Plireslicr, was good, cfiAnictcr do; It Himpl/Sootlied the ixiln of tIu Air Webster Fliumgiin, of Texas, whose Mrs. Flug^, Mrs. Henson, Mrs. White, buniliig and ocbhig giiius. I might write e Marti. ?. while iiiakiiig a preliminary speech, re­ and purltii}cd the iead}-vvitto<], honest volume, hud I tho tfine, praising tills remwly, 1 OF PHOTOGRAPHS, Flower; ^llss Emerson, Annie Bates, lama ferred to Seorelary lllaine. What fol- ([iiestioii III the Kcpiiblicnii National Con- tnd thou not oxnresa iny fwllngs or do it Just. enuiitrymun in a iiiaiiuer which fuiiiid vontiuii of 1880—"What .iro we here for?” Hates. Ice. It Is Hinipty marvellous. After her re. GREATLY lowotl 18*^118 described* ^ turn to liosto*! she wanted another bottle, bul One of which is quite similar to the old process but is heartv appreciation by the imdiauce. In —raised a Hiiille winch extended across the I found that It was iiiiknowu in this city, j Gen Knapp said that a great victor} the third aet (be indefatigable iigciil intro­ ourrespuniled with Dr. Hand, and leoehed ir superior. Having a very fine enamel surface it does not soil. was at hand, and tliat its intliiunco would (ontniLiit, has had that (pieslion answered reply a sample of each of Ilia remc greater still in die presidential eaiii- duced a sample of his goo<(.H, a tbiesher to Ins Hiilisfaetioii, allhongli he had to wait Finger marks, any kind of dirt, even spots of ink, can be 81 years He was born in this town, and thorn to all my friends, and huvo jot to find tin REDUCED PRICES. paign next jear. "Victory now is victory in full motion, a very realistic scene 'Phe a Umg tune for tho answer Ho has hceii jicrson who, after iishig tho reincillcs, csiH>eloL then,” declared Gen Knapp, "and wheth­ has always lived hero; thus unr old resi­ lyTuotbliigLtitnjiiaudColio Cure, that c«»iil< sponged ofi without injuring the surface, fhe chemical ef­ rule of Zaun, tho Gipsy waif, well uii|iomte(l C'ollcetorof Customs iit K1 J’aso, dents arc p.issing away. His fiuioral was not praise them, rcopjo may say, and Iia\< er we are to Ih) led by that wise and able taken by Miss Lucy Parker, who, in addi­ mid to me: *Oh. thei*o must Ikj something |r fects are very rich, brilliant and delicate, statesnian in the exeoutivo maiisiun, or Taxas, and as hu is what is known as a held WediH'sdiu at the Coiigregatmnahst that Tuotnlng IkxIoh that rffLcta lUl clilld'i tion to being a pleiising actiesH, is a good Cha{)el, Rev. Air Williams officiating. brain.’ In reply to this, I will sny 1 have tw( whether wean* to light under the baniiei "{iraetieal {lulitician” it is thought that Ins 3h|ldron. a boy uinl a girl, who hnvo iM'ct FOR THE ROUND TRIP. Anothe,^ process is in black and white, and sepia and white. Fanners are cotnidaiiiitig of potatoes S. L. of that well lN‘lo\eu and mail bless man iniisieian, and, with Mr NVullaee, gave an ii{ipomtment is a direct bid by Mr. llarn- Ireatod wjtb Toothing XAttloij since time of bo from Manic------” rutting. tinning to end of t«‘uLhlng,nm] Ichallengo atu This method is very artistic, closely resembling steel engrav­ onju}able exhibition of her skill on a num­ suii foi the 'Texas delegation to the next ooreon to furnish two with any ulcurcr brains 'I'liu general bad to stop right there, for ber of instruments in the fourth net. At Fred Lancaster, wife and family are at [cheerfully rocommciKl them to purenls wi« ‘Special train leaves Waterville at C A. the convention was in an upiuar at the iil- convention. No too, the a|)poiiitment of Owl’s Head. k)VO their little uni's." ings and etchings. Especially good for pictures to be framed. the eloso of the st-cund act she was tki* ic- M., retiirniiii' arrives nt Waterville at 8.25 liiNioii to J.iines G lllaine, and with one; tlie negio, .1 S Durham, of l’lnladcl|)hia, 'The fullowing are camping out nt the GKOKGK W. DOKH, Pi'OUHfDI cipu'iit of a basket of tiowers. Hair} I. might} cheer lhe> teotilled their cntliusi- to ho r .S MuiHti'rlo Ha}ti, is regarded State Fair: Mr and Mrs. (.’lias. Withee, Druggist A Apotlieiary, Watervillo, Maine A plaoe whore you can got your Conae In cLnd See SaxxiiJless. astie allegiuiieu to the plumed knight V'cndcr us Ismid Hmlgc, Will II limit/ ns a hid for the colored delegates tu that Mr. and Mrs Will Reynolds, M. S. Ful­ 'I'liu delegati's got on the chairs and as Prof. Hopper, and Frank D. .Smith in ler and Augustus HnnnelH. Many others F, E, BOOTHBY. We will be pleased to show them to you cheered, and they wa\ud tliuir hatidkei- eoiiveiitioii 'Tlieiu is no ceitaiiity that HE SICK MAN BOOTS AND SHOES REPAIRED the two-fold role of the I'ralg hiothcrs have been np for a day or two, IIONKSTLY’ ANP CIIKAPLY. ihiefsand hats, and poiiiuled on the floor either of these sii|){)ositioiis true, hut wlio lia.s tried iiumeroiifl whether you want pictures or not. ‘ with canes and uiitbrellas 'I'lie entliiisi- were good; the villain’s part, us taken hy 'he steam mill and yard looks like a SaraapurillnN and speciflcH HO long as Presidents are allowed a second Riiiall eity when it Is all lighted ii|> with T KOYr>, astiu dcmonslratiun lasted a little liver a Mr .Smith, iH'ing HO reiihslie us to euiisi' without permanent relief, term cvcr}thmg is done Ii} them dur­ the eleutrie lights. makeii no iniHtake in iisintr the for iM'\ crnl j enrs w lih Kxtt s, has oih'iu <1 a shop < We employ only competent assistants. We Guarantee iMiiiite. one }uung ludy iii the uiidieiiec to denounce Ills own in (Ulman’K HIur(. We are giving a Finer Quality of Work than ever before. lialatiee of the coiiipau} iilled tlimr roles fl OFNTON FAIJ.a. tations* Take only ** L. F.’’ tliu high Hi'liool in that village* The oor- Kv*er} dll} iiiinoi piesenls the name of Apply to 1>K. F. C. TllAVhti. Mrs. Amos Hinds and her dangliter OyrtOBor Wksthkook Hoard of Hkai.tii i rerqtonilciit adds "Mr. Allen will bo ux- vet} creditably. Piie Piiglitown baud aid­ a new man wlio is for the time being cui- SAOOAUAI'PA, Mn., Hvpt. 3!), tSlM) { Liiey have gone to OhI’s Mend, where GrntlrmKN:—Haling tor many jearv laiuli' Ple.ase remember us when you are thinking jH'cted to attend ebureh regularly. Ills ed inatenully in the excellent music given u»o in uiy (ntnlly of "L F " AtwiMHl’ti Hitu rx, West and South. tiiiii uf beeoiiiing the next Scerolaiy of they will s{K‘nd a few weeks. predceesHur was uii iidmirablu leueber, but by the oreliestia.—Utlea (N. Y.) Herald Mild alwnyii with goorobalile Mr. Har­ Last week while Mrs. Geo. 'I'oboy was to cotkcwlii all that Ir (’lulmott for (hem Tlio prefernul to pass SuiidH}s reading books writer beoamo uoiiujiiated with their lueriU l>e- Homestead of the late Winslow Itolicrls, sitimtoil rison will name liis choice, and no other endeavoring to catuh her horse, ho bit tho twuoii thirty and forty years ago They are AGENTS FOR on Silver Htrout, III Waterville. The liouse wax Respectfully yours, that bo knew to 1hi good to listening to How’s This! counts, foi some weeks, certainly not until top of her ear so badly she was obliged to among tho very few pmikrlrhir) inedli Ines that built eleven yearn ago. In motlern in roiiHlrueihiii. have a few stitebes taken in it. The utii- liavn gained for theniHi Ivgh a good and n« niiH- heatiHl by nt( am, ami in giHxl reimlr tbroiighoiil. sermons that might prove commonplace.” We olTer One Hundred Dollar:^ Reward .Secrelurj J’roi ti>r slmll have formally re­ iioiit ropatatlon nu thoir own nurits, iiiaUAtl Phillips, Santa Fe and all Western Ei. ITie lot eontninn 1-1 acre. For fiirthor itartieulum for any case of Catarrh that cannot be iiial is naturally very gentle. of having a ronntntiDti maaufm'tareii for tliem inniilro of This interesting bit sniAeks of olden tunes signed, and that lua} not he until tho first eimul by taking Hall’s Cal.irrh Cure . Most of onr schools have begun. 'The hy loud mivertlfllng To aid In hreiiktiig tip n enrsions. dmf WKHH. .lOIlN.SGN A WKHH 'I'lie goiNl people of Cornish have evident­ cold, and for coin|ilaii)U of a hnUais vlmmcter. F J CMKNKY ik. Co, Pron , Toledo, O of November, us that is the date when ho HcluKil in Heiitpii is liciiig taught by Mis.s It la Bsfo to nMcrt that th( ro Is no arthlenow Uso for Ocean Steamship Co., of Savan­ E. G. MERRILL. ly not yet arrived at the point when* they We tho iinderHigned, have known F. J will U'emiie a .Senator Mabel Fi{)cr, the HeiiUm Falls scdiool by •oiling at to low a that has (Kjunl motliol- lul volne. Ynnrstralj, II K. Gidiuis can appreciate the fact that a teacher’s Ulieuey for the last 15 }earH, and believe Representative Mills, who is now here, Miss Shore}* of Albion, and the school 111 If your dealer dt to ai iumi innan iivin Don’t fail to call on ino heforo inuk- have proved of great service to him mi liis W . , K & MA , Wliole- last Saturday. 'This fair proves to bo liattery, at Nkowliegau, TqeiNlay, sale Druggists, 'Tuledu,(). fur the {uir|iose of getting control of the V arrangoiqoiits for a jouriioy. work ns a teacher, but if it did, that fact very iiituresting every year to those intcr- Sept, lath, IKUl. at 10.30 A.M. Hall’s Catarrh Ciin> is taken internally, Now York tlclegalioii. Hu says ho will esteil in the olnlilren. 'I'lie little follows Do Your pri9ti9(§, ov uleiitly did nut have weight in the minds acting directly upon the hlooil and iiiiicoiis make no deal with an}uiie and that hu uxIilbU' what' they have oared for and The organizatiouKkM«l«Druggists zations to'jointly engage in a street parade them, it is plniiil} go to church or get out ii^t tlgiire oil hemg mmniiatcd on boys to take greater intorust in the work Ilccause that is what of the farm uuring the year. battalion drill, etc , and n grand baiujuet W. A. R. BOOTHBY, President Small, m speaking before the .. Mllor Ton,„.y-“\VI„.tl “''"1 Mrs Alinariau Witheo is spending tho in the evening with appropriate supple­ wc arc here for, and mentary exeroises. 'The Mriiio Central Saco Itiver Ilaptist AKMK'iation, at Saco, Are von afiald of a little mouse?” Jemiie apjicaisto be teiitldont of iiUimato sno- week nt China camp ground. CITY TICKET AGENT, —"No. I juni{)ed on a chair so that I ccss.? sells tickets froni all its stations and over just now we have A brand of Flour equal tu our Tuesday, upon tho supjoct **A llibhcnl all its ooni)eotin{( lines, at one fare for the Rogers’ Block, Main Street, wouldn’t 1*0 afraid.” ______CLINTON. Professorship fur Colby,” said liis belief round trip. Tins iiieludos the Alaine Cen­ little more time to I Rov. and Mrs. 'T. 8. Weeks of N. H. WATERVILLE. was that there was soon tu be, if there was CORRESPONDENCE. tral proper, the Knox he Lincoln, old Port­ spare than at other A Great Gift to the Poopto. onniu last week to visit Mrs. Weeks' par­ land aud Ogdensbiirg and the Portland, nut now, an educational uprising in Maine, ents, N. .laqiiith and wife. 'There huvo bi'cii great advaiiociiieiits OAKl.A.ND. Mt. Desert & Aliuniias Steamboat Co. seasons of the year. lie went on to say that "the iiietboliHhed only by a {lersonal visit to dais. Ho is utlunduig the .Maine State Ai. Aforrison has the frame of his new Central train leaving Hath at 7.10 and first-class plmnbine. kuiiso up and boatdod. ceed best as a leader, but it is likely tu be one uf the large cities at a great ox{>uusu Cotj^e^ at Oiuno Gardiner nt 8.40 a.m. Reduced rates at J. Pfavy, 31 llluiii 8t., or at hunso, U/^ <$ar> Airs E. 'Tasker of Corinnn visited so. There is a surprising apathy ainoiig of travel and prufessiunal tees. At tiie *l*’ied Moriill who hotels ami boardyig bouses. A largo at­ _ Watorvilo, Maine. ircsent day all this is ehangod A cule- friendi in tho )>lace last week. tendance of all the organizations is assured. Uuptists tu this matter of education. Ho Staey K|>ent his vacation at I'unihurluiid Quite a number of our oitizoiis utlendcd Iirated sjicciHlist in the eure of nervous Jmietiun. Do Your priijtii)^ said that tlwre was a surjwising ignorance utul chronic diseases, known all ovet tho tho Fair at Haiigor lust week. Rev. ('hailes Mosher and wife of Miidi- HUNT’S REMEDY Wo kee|) hi stock all tlio loading brands of Flour, Imt wo inako siifciallics uinuiig the }onng people uf tho present United htates on account of Ins cnornions Pqopio who conduct dairies and raise VVILI. CUICK tlifl Kidneys, uoii have been the guests uf Ins father, stock by rmitiiie alone (and an old-time KKGULATK tliH Heart, and of Old Honesty, llridul Veil and Iliirvost Qiieoii. Flour ImsadMinced 75 cents dav (»f the aits i>f the past gcneiatiuns {iraetiee, great skill, ami the thons^ds uf MAKK LIFK worth Mvliig. better than anyone siitferois lie has restored to health'o} his .Moshei on .Main stieet rontiipiu at that), lose a groat deal of the Thu Kndeavor Society designs to collect "You can’t afford to l>e without It." else in these parts, |)or barrel, but wo shall sell at old pricos for a few days. system of Imniiless vegetable remedit's, Oakland ju'ople now know the "lime of ‘Th^kii\d TKaT| ploiisure there is in siicli work. It is a ten cents a }ear from every Ilaptist in (be proposes to send to all sutteieis from uii} dav '* The new whistle at the new saw pleasure to think, and study, and oxperi- Kfnnkufi CtU'NTV'.—Ill Court of ITnluite, hobi because we have bet­ Tho amount of COFFKK \>o uro selling inoro than snrprisoK us, all owing to mill wuN tilowu ou Satiiida}. It etiii (jjres”! nicnt. 'J'u make one’s wotk interesting is ul AiiguHlu, ou the fourth Muiidsy of Aiigimt, Slate, fur the sup|H>rl uf a professurslup foi in of tienons or long-standiiig disease, WE MAKE isaj special care in selecting finest quality, fresh rousted every week. a valuable wiitten diagnosis of then eases lii.iid at a gieat distance. The whisltu tho secret through wbiub it becomes nt- I.UcIl.l.A K. .lOllNSON, widow of ter presses, better uf bibiieal literature at Colby. He cun- Wo have just laid in a big stock of TKA, ami liave tbo best trade in 50c fuii} explaining their diseaseH and telling was bought and paid for b} coiilributiuii. YOU TAKE IT. traotiie, and through which siiooeas is won. AimiUK K. .IOiiN80N,lHtuof Ouklniid, linued at consideralilo length, detailing the The lack uf this interest in farm work is ill BHld County, deconsed, huvlug prtsonttd her workmen, better type how they can be tmred fiee of charge, Mis. Hakoi and daughter Alice of Wa- U^tOHYYOU.ARE^gSED Hpplioiitloit fur ullowAiicu oul of Ihu iwraoiml TEA ever sold in Wulervtlle. ^ advantages that would arise from suih 'riiuiisHiids aie being cured Don’t delav, terville have been visiting at her sister’s, wbut drives boys frpm the farpL oxtntu of sabl tlccvaktsl Hl|of-WE ARE^PPY, OuoKitKU, 'J'hkt notiuu thurcof be ulvuii tliTeu and are much better move. but write at once about }mir case tu this Mis. Cbailes ’Tliomas’. wuwks Buuuviuihetv, lu the Wulurvlilu Mall, print­ great |ih}siuian, Dr. Gieeii, 111 'l'uin{>le Peach stones are used for fuel in the ed hi Waterville, in xsld Cuuiity, Mmt all iMjrxuns ecpiipped in every Mis. «) H. Newhall and sons left hero This IS a good }ear for tho academies uf iMacu, Huston, Muss, the discoverer of pencil districts of Culifprnia, selling for Interestetl limy attend at a I’robatv Court to Jhi 'Tnesdav motumg fur their new home at sH^dullara pur tun. The ualoriu value ef held at Auguxtu, Oil (he Bi*coiui Monday of Kent, way. Maine 'J'he Coburn Institute has very thegi'cat NerveC'iire, Dr Green’s Nervnra. Hath, Me. DAfU^URSMIUllUA next, and Hiiow pause, If ain (bey have, why tlie Scud fur Ins 8}ni{ilom blank tu till out peach stones is etjnal to coal, pound for iirayur uf said iwtltlun Hhoufd not Iw granted. large entering cIbom's, and the Fast Maine •Mis Nancy Abbott is at the home of 1). pound. II. H. WKHHTKU, .ludge. Attxst. IIOWAHI) OWEN, Uegister. 3wT3 jJonferenee Seminary, m which Prof. F .McCluro, on Church stieet. Emma ia ita worse lonns cured! IJSf*Don’t forget that vve keep the Largest Stopk of 'i’eacher—"You mav answer. Tommy Ralph AI. Carter of IJitebiiigs ul tins city is an efficient in­ Jones. Why do birds Hy?" ’Tonmi} Junes 'i'lie much nccticd and tong Koiight side­ Ctr. Montville, Maine. A M|)eakur at Chautauqua the other dav Kknnkiikl f.oiiNTV—In Probate Court at Au- walk on Maple street Is iiiur at Imnd. Biista. on the fourth Monday ot August, IMH. MEATS and PROVISIONS in the city, and allow no ono structor, already it has over 170 students —" 'Chiisu the} ain’t sncii fouls us to walk WON tormented day and said that the reason some women are ill- A tiuriatu Instrument pur|turlli>g to bo tho last '“he town liirmshes the inutenal and the night mIUi intcuse u/e U/ill and more are expected The increasing when tbuv don’t huvter.” natnred is because they are so badly oluth- will and teslamont of ______citueiis on tho street lay the walk. They Hchluif. Co\ ered ud. If the pbilosopbera at Cbaiitamjiin CYNTHIA N. BllOWN, late of Heuton. to beat us on prices. niiinlHirs have compelled the llmshitig uf fruiii bead to foot with in said county, deceiuerl, liaving Iwun presut)iod Kiwi iHHl-rairriur—“W’luil ilul 11... Wu!- , ‘1“ , coi.giutul..lious of tl.« qiru|itlouM* Ia>g have just found this oiit.tbev’re behind for probate routiiH in the allio uf the iNMirtlmg house km’ DdU^ate line }e fur, Mike?” SecomI ' whole village. the times. Poor men who work for sniall OUOKKKU, That iiotioo thereof Ito given thruu Do Your priijtip^ SHt'lletl'sO hmlly the weeks sueciwslvely prior to the fourdi Monday uf A laige delegation attended the Kasterii ditto—"Fur cumin’down the ladder (wo Mr and Mrs N. C. Page of Haiigor are physician thoiiglit he salaries linvo known it for many tiiouns. Hei»l. iiuxt, in tho Watervillo Mall, aJifWspaiKjr rounds at a time.” at Mrs. C'rowelt’s, on Chnieh strt'et. would have to liiiu'o It, printed III Wulorvlllo, that all iiurMin/iuluruslwl State Fair at Haiigor and reooivoil from ami plainly told him may atlond at a Court uf Probate thvu to be hold At a Lower 1*uice there M us no Iiuih* of a 'I'his IS tbo time of year that a woman un at Augusta, and'shew causo, if any, why tho QUINCY MARKET, Hun J. J*. Hass cugnpliinenUiry tickets tu j cure. POUK BOT­ packs bei* biisband's ouat, euiitaining the sabl instnuneiit sboiild not Ih* piovetl,eppruveu the fourth M

p/w- ABOUND AND ABOUT. “I want also, as strongly as I oati, to A NARROW EBOAPB* ' Queer People Who Oo Down to the Tomlts. donoitnco the conspirators who have tried On iho second day after our arrival in OUR LIVER. to mislead tho people concerning him. It Krasnoyarsk we narrowlj esoajied getting "Yonr Honor,” bo^n PAtriok Cfusidy What Peopta Ought to Know of It. rriit.isiiEi) wraKi.y at AS ho appeared for trial in tlie TodiImi Po* was simply damnable. Many a man is into what might have been serious trouble ktllnd by worry and misroproscnlations. We Have Received oor llfl MAIN 8T, WATBIIVILMC, MK. lice Court, "thoro is ...... ” as the result of an unexpected perquisition “How, Patrick?” Worry kills more peoplo^tban disease* in the* heiise of the aoquointanoo with Tlie iierros which $5.00 control our Itver of­ PKINCE ft WYMAN, “I had nothing to do with stealing that Tho conspirators not onlY tried to kill whom Shamarin and Peterson were stay­ riliUSIIEIIA AND I’Kol'KIETUfUI. him politically, but they would not have ing. This noquaintanoe, ii seemed, was ten boeomc weak­ crowbar. I was goin* along wtd a follor ened, irriutod, die- what 1 met at tho City liall. Wo sees stop|>od at putting the greatest citizen of under suspicion, and late in the evening, Fall and Winter Kul>Arri]tofsonouB material, WOOLENS, oflice to SCO if thero was any letter from designed to be exiKslIed, Is not properly secreted' me boy Jack, and tho other feller walks headlong man', who has sourcos in tho and Peterson. In reply to a question as to and eliminated from the body. I'hus retained It off wid tho tool. I moots him after awhile moiiiitams, who digs deep clianiiols for him­ what was in them the proprietor of the oausee iodlgesUon, dysiiepela, gas, bloating, bll- and ho treats mo to tho Iteor, saying Ins self in tho soil of his times and cxpatitls house said that ho did nut know, that they lousnees, oonslipalion, bod tosU), beodoobe, dixit- For THIS SEASON'S TRADE. aunt has died and left him a legacy.” into tho mighty river, who Ixicoines a land­ wore tho property of two of his aoquaint- ness, dull bond, nervousness, weak, languid and $3.00 . Averts “That's an innucont story, Patrick.” mark forever; and notyuiir "broad” man, aiioes who had stopped for a few days tired feelings. If not cured this condition loads “And told by an innocent man, sir. It sprung from tho schools, who spreads his with him on their way from Irkutsk to St. to fatal liver ami kldiioy diseases. was tho other party wlio ought to have shallow, oxtemled waters over the wide Petersburg. Upon being asked where The best remedy and most oortmin cure. Is Dr. been arrested. Hut 1 duii’l blame the Hiirfacosuf learning, to louvo rich deposits, these acqiiaiiitanoos were, he replied that Clreone’s Nervura, whloli restores digestion, cor­ Per Month. Sarsaparilla polioeumii. He was very sleepy when he It may be, fur other iiioii’s orops to grow he did not know, that they usually went rects the disordered liver, regulates tho bowels, s not the largest or the gave mo tho cellar.” in, but to be himsolf dried up by a few out after dinner and returned between Invigorates tliu blood, and, by strengthening and “Tho aunt died very suddenly?” Hcuru summor noons. Thu iiiau thrown eleven and twelve o’clock. After a brief vitalising the nerves, re-estabilshee health and For $33 wc will soil you a “VcB, sir; hut that’s tho way with aunts early upon his own rosoiircos, and already consultation the police officers decided strength. It is purely v^etable, harmless and iPyvi Honker Rniiffr with finest that has ever been shown The Best that as they had no orders to search tho sold by druggists, fl.oo. in this country. 'I'he climate soeiiis to be hocomu a conipieror of siiccoss lieforo being cnbitiet liAHe, 20 pieces of ware, pipe to thrown with the Iitorary talkers; the man {rorsunal Imggage of the house-owner’s agin 'em. I'vo had five ur six die, and fit uiid zinc to go under tho Uniige; we 5 State, although it ex­ they wont off tike n dog after a rabbit, grown lu giant's sUitiio in some rural lib­ grtests they would not forod the looks of suppose that is all, sir?” rary, and bceoiuo oxercisod there in a the trunks, but would merely curd and oiler tins at less tliuu regular prices Blood Medicine “All but thirty tiays at the iHlaiid, Pat­ giant’s prorugativos licforu over ho has seal Ilium so that tlio contents could not and give you nearly a year In which to ceeds any we have ever shown rick. Next time voii cotnc here tlun't at­ been laughingly told, to his heart’s eon- l>e tam|>urcd with and leave them until pay for it; think this over; remon ‘ So eau Leading PhyalciaM tempt to HiKiak the truth; it doesn’t go fusion, of scores of other giants dead and iiioniing. tho Quaker hums leso- fuel than any to our trade heretofore. and Druggietst and (heir opin~ hero.” furgutten long ago; the man grounded in When Shainarin and Peterson returned Ilaiige. ho(>e and Hottled in conviction oro he has to their (piartors about midnight they ion ia indoracd hy thonaandB “Well, sir, it’s an outrage on a pour, honest man; and if I ever slipako the discovered how iiiany hopes time has ooen found their trunks curded and scaled so cured by it of Scrofnlat Be- truth agin, except to say I’m dry m tho hiined, how mitny eonvietiuns cruelly given that they could nut be o|)ened. lu one of For $2G we will sell you zcnuif iCryaipelaaf and other throat, I hojM) to l>e sent np fur a hundred the lio direct hy fate; the man who has tiimn were many letters from politionl one of the lutiist styles of years!” earned his youth into middlu^agu before oxilus and convicts in Rastorn Siberia to We arc confident that we have got tho Goods tliat will please diacaaea of (he blood* going into the chill atmosphere of blase friends and relatives in KMro|>ean Kussia mIi Clininlier No(n; a full oight piece set; you can have your *‘Ayor’9 SnrflapnrIUa haa won Its ropu- Mrs. McMarlin went with both eyes sentiment; the quiet, stern man who has —letters describing my invosligaliuns and you !ind are prepared to make them up in grefit style. Our tatroii tiy years of valuable service to tho and used the curiior of her apron tor a cultivated lileruture on a little uatmcul be­ the nature of the uiatoriiil that I was col­ choice of linisli, oithei Antiiiue, XVI coniintnilly Jt u the ^c«r.’'~lt. H. lAaiig, lecting and asking the friends aud rela­ hatidkerchicf as she sUmhI iHiforc tho desk. fore tliruHtmg himself Mpon the groat world Century or plain Ash ; $.7 down and l)ruK|{ld; the man come up to I hud given to SImmnriii with a dedication THE LIVER IN POSITION. or inscription on tho back that would re­ eases of the IiIour|K«e. My kid- Dr. It. II. Iloyle, Third and Oxford sta , 0 wasn’t enough that my ptsir liii'ihaiid liiid the men who peoph' the world’s mind with veal to any intelligent |K)lico officer tho iii- miy, liver and Htonmeb woro torrlbto. I was fall I'lilladclpliln, I’a, wrltcst '* For two jears liuiHlo iintiiro of my relations with politl- Hither of tliese Special Oilers will he to die, but one child after another followed new creations, and give to tho sophisticated of iifltiis end all run down, weak and tired. 1 I have prescribed Ayer’s Sarsaparilla In loained of tho next generation new n.imos eal convicts. What was to bo done? To Come in and make an early selection before the choice pat­ niinieroiis Instances, and I find It liltdily him until 1 am now alone In the world ” iiu(«ir SAW sucli A woiidurfnl elTcct as Dr. Orociio’s Shipped at Once on Receipt ol onicacious in tho irenlnicnt of all disorders “'I’Jiat’s loti batl You were overeonie t<» conjim* witli break a police seal under such cirenm- KervarA had. It has cninptetoly ctirisl nie. And 1 terns are gone. of iho bbHMK’* ^ with grief last evening when yon elioked a If yon h.ivea (iimliit and well-tnformetl Hlniiecs would lie a penal offenuo, and know sovorAl oilier ladles wtio wort) cured In tills $.■) as a First Payment. i. M. l{nT)ins(m, riiarmaclnt, Anblna. O, probably lead to iniprisonmoiit and an in­ woman in Klizalieth street.” fiieiid among eity lawyers, ask him where town with l>r. Oroenn’s Nervura. rtrtllU's: "Ayer’s Barsaparllia has alwnjs lh<> Im’sI masters of his profeKsion art' bred, vestigation. To leave the letters and tho A Miss V. 1). Haniioiih, lK-< n a great seller. My ciistoiiiers think “If I choked aiiylNHly I ilon'l reiiionilH' " Ir it. It must liave liccn grief, sir.” — III the city or m tliu eoiintry He will ptiutogiaph ill tho trunk would lie to in­ IlltlorIcA, .Miuw." there IS no bhHid purifier equal to It." sure tlieir discovery and confiscation on Carpets, Furniture, Ranges "Fur many years I was afllletcd with “(trief, or gm, or Iwor, or sonietlimg td ri'ply without hesitation, "In the eoimtry P Dr. Oroeno, the Hnecei>iifiil sih) scrofulous running sores, \shlch, at last he- that sort, no (loiiht Is Air Mc.Maitm in You will hardly need to have him state the following morning, and that might H oinliMt in eurltiK Alt fonns of ner­ create a very embarrassing situation for Sewing Machines, Organs canie so had the d<»ctors advised an)ptitatlng eoiirt?” the reason '1 lio connliv lawyt'r has l>eun vous Aiid chmnio diseASos. .Tl 'I’eniiilO Plaen, Kcn wilfFuiit removing fully exptaiiitna your dlseaso, glvluft ailvice, «■ take a few liottics of this inedlclno each "No, siw” .. make himself a Hpeeiahst m any ono hraneh the cotils or breaking tho seals, and ns the will Ihj relnriMHlyVre. erything needed for house )«ar, for iny bbHHt, and am no longer trou- “(rlad to hear it, and it will he a great of the law, as is the iashion among city F*. bh il svlili .sores 1 have tried other reputed tetters and pholograpli were near tho but- relief to your wife hero I’ll make it [iraetilioiiors, and he has nol coveted tho hold use—either on easy bl skate fui a moiitli!” of dating, hut as a matter of courso. In WATERVILLE, ME. l^rrparwl by I>r. .T. O. Ayer ft Oo., Lowell. kfsM. his ow n little town, in the midst of his own dangerous letters and the photograpli, put particulars or cuts and Buhl byoilDnigglits. Price $1, els bottle*, 90. small library of authorities, it has not tho lioard back without disturbing any of samples. Thomas Jordan looked ns if he had seemed to him an niqiossible task to ex­ tho seals, and when tho police came in tho Maine Central Railroad, Cures others, win cure you tried to ndo across the bi higo un the enhie, plore nil the topics tliat engage bis pro­ inurinng stood by wita imriifllcd serenity blit ho had made np his mind to tell the fession, (he guiding principles, at any rate, and saw tho trunks searched. Of course Time Table. June 28,1891. whole truth and nutliiiig but the triilli, of all branches of the great subject were nothing mure dangerous than a hhir-brnsh ‘Fahsknomi Trains leave Watervlllo for Port' and BO ho started off ttitli " open to him m a few books And so it and notliing more inorimiiiating than laml and Ilerloii via Aiiguria, 6 50 A.M., S.50 A M Nelson Bloof at Silver Lawn! Jiml 10.50 A M , uxiiri-ra, 2 30, 3.14 r.M.. express, “It was in tho Howery, Your Ilimor ” often liappeiiH that when he has found his hotel bill, could be found.—Geouue Kkn- (10 10 r.u. “III tho Howery—go on ” NAN in Century. Portland iiiiil liustou, via lAiwlstoii, 8.47 a.m., suit legs on the Nn|uestered inlets ut home, THE 2.45 I'M. ^—* Til© H©lr. AlH Oloa. “I was sleeping iii my bed in the thud and ventures, as he sometiuics will, upon ' For OakluiKl, 8.00 niid 8.47 a m., 2.45 niid 4.30 HY NKLSON. S.10 :i-4. Iiy WATCIIMAKKIl. S004. rTT^rn story.” tho great, troublous, aud iiiiich-freqiiciitod Oni Y Onu Saksai'arilla hohl on i'.M. Fur Kkoalu'g.m, 6 30 , mixed, (except Mon­ Dam, by Hhtck Slmiiger. Driii, by Constellation, 5727. Full Value “Perfectly! projier, Thomas,” waters of city practice in search of more tlic “No Itciietlt, No Pay” plan day). U.50 A.M.umI I 28 I’ M. “When I druameii that I was walking work and larger fees, the euiiiitry lawyer —only one could bland tllO tC8t» viz: XTKINSON For ilulfaitt, 6.45, C4') AM (mixuti), ami 4 28 2d dntn, by Gen McClellan, 2d dam, by Horace, 11748. on a inunntnin and met a grizzly Ih‘ui i will once aud again confoiiud liis eity-bred i'.u Itoeonl 2 20. of Every Dana's. n HOUSE For Dover and I oxcroft, 5,45 a m’, 1.40, 3 20 ami $20 to warrant. hadn’t a cent to buy him off with I brellirPii liy diseovermg to them tho fait hfti I* N. $40 to warrant. turned and jumped o\or a precipieo.” that the law is a many-sided thing of The meanest man in tho world will agree Fur liaiigor, t3.0U, 5 45 . 0.45 (mlxuil), 1 40, (3.20, Legitimate “And when )uu awoke it was to find principles, and nut altogether a one-sided to everything you say ns long as ho thinks 4.28 I’ M. you are talking about somebody else. For liaiigur ft Piscataquis U.K. and MtHWchcaii that you had leaped out of the window m thmg of technical rule and arbitrary pre­ FURNISH IN I.ake,3UU and 1.40 I'.si., >la Oldluvtii, 5.45 a.m. Washing Quality your sleep?” cedent—Mu WoDOUDw ^VlIHo.^ in Sep- ami 3 20 r.M., via Dexter HY OIDKON. US. See now circular in Tuxedo Washing G For Dllswurth and liar Harbor, (3 00 A.M., 1.40 HY NISLSON, 9.10 3-«. “Yes, sir.” tciidicr Atlantic Powder. aml(3 20 l’.M. For Vuiieeboro and St. ou'e was keyed up until of a buttle Fact 18 he made the suggestion that it was K 1C IVIV U O Its Purity the guy-ropes threatened to break, had an about time fur mo to propose.” AMI address to deliver rVOAIlOO, and Reliability What It Does. Gold and Silver Watches, I was going down Hssex street ami I Shiloh's Catarrh Bemedr. So\di Everywheie. AUCTION * SALES! which ilturnauls !<.i>e (iardim r at 3 M.. Kich meets a cop,” he began Hood's S.irsaparilla Shiloh's Catarrh Hemody, a marvelous mond, 4, and llalh at 0 I i’linlicb tlie Idood Keinridng, ulll h .i\e I.Iiu'aiIii's Wharf, Huston, is Attested lire for Catanh, Diphtiioria, Cuiikor ,ci \ u>Lmng, Sunda^s i xee|iteil, at b o’clock fur Jewelry, Spectacles, Eye Glasses, "It was a cop who wants to buy me $1(1 ('reates aii appetite Mouth, and Headache. With each bot­ Sometblng New In Wateryllle. 1 tiidhigs I in Ivuiiiuihi e rl>ir dog ftir 50 fonts.” .Streiigtlu'iiH the iieivis Saturday Kieiiing Fxcursinn 'J lokets tu and by more than tle tlieie is an ingeniuiiH Nasal Injector rrom iioHluii uill l>e sold at riiluceil rates during "(lO on, Peter.” M.ikes the weak strong ter till' more successful treatment of those July and August, gisid to nlurn the fulluuiug Solid Silver and Plated Ware, "Ho slops me I am m .i Iiiiriy to go ( )m iLomt s that tin d tee I mg cmnplamU without extia charge. Price \lomhiy 100,000 back to me job, but lie stops me and s,iyN C'liies s( lot III,I, salt iheam, ete 'Ihisu stuii ailmire her and l>ruiiu>tly duliveud. . "'I'liat's bad, but I’ll do all I eaii iii tlie .lults seen m stoi k inisiiig is (he semi- tor it?” She—"No, hecauso I know she is CALIFORNIA AM> ALL COMMON ST., WATKIlVIM.K, MK. JAM. It. DUAKI-. Pres. Thayer Block. tliiily.” matter. We’ll say tlmty tiays, I’eler ” taivalioii id \oui animals, calves and l*OINTS WKST. N P.fitl UMXH:. Ag('ut, Augusta Coi of Main & Silver St., WATERVILLE, MAINE “For what?” oils p.iitieiilailv With good e.tie tiu'ir Uegular SuloH uf 8eeoiid-haml Furmtuie lllll \M Fl'M.Klt, Agent, ll.dluui'll. growth IS mole (111 .iply obtained than at We lmv(' a H|H'edy and positive cure fur Lowest I'rices, Itost Aocoininodallofis, O M lil.ANOHAHD, Agi’id. (i.irdinur. "To gt't over being wrecked foi life Carpets, etc ,aIso (lUiieral Merehamlisc, You’ll eoiiie out a.H sound and smdotli aud any otliei time ol life, ,iud yt't young aiii- Catanh, Diplithena, Canker Muutli, and HaggageClieokc'd Tlirutigh Wltliuiit June'25, l8'd. 42 Blue Monday No Longer Blue. inals aie almost suu', with ignorant fariii- Headaehe, in Siition’u Caiauiiii Ui m- bard as a new tallow e.uulh' Step down Kxlra Charge. Peter, and gi\e the rest of the piiblie a s, to be i.tiied oil a diet that pismialiire- t>V. A nijeetor free with each EVERY WEDNESDAY AND SATURDAY, ’ dw.iils them tor life Aud it is one of bottle I'ku it if you desire health niid Full liifuriiiudoii Olveii lEpoii AppH- Otten’s World Renowned Bakery. show to proto tbeir miioeenee ”—M (^i ai> le most dinieiilt stupidities to loot out of Kweet bn'Jith Price oO cents. Sold by AtZi.Vlotk, r. M TUXEDO N. Y. World. ('attoii. KSS'rA.KIvISSIIISlX H H. Tiiekcr and Co. ail ignoiant m iii’s mmd LiMlia’H an' iiilly iiidtrd. MB. WAKilltUiCN'K OI’IMDN. .Sillow and leadeii-hiied eomplexioim Politics are not discusKoil to any greaC llVOI. WASHING POWDER U|H>n tlie Ataiiiier lit Bliitli t'ertalii Netts* smui give phtee to llie loveliest piiik-aiid- ('xleut at Hummer resorts, but it ih a gener­ . All livu hy (‘iitliig ux('('|)i tliu It ikor, ...... and he llvushyhy youryour outing. outing. If If >(>11 > hiiy\uiir Itruad, f iilu r |iit|M«rN Have Tnsitisl Setntiir) Ittiiliie ~ W. A. R. BOOTHBY, i |■(MIVA(|I, (iLw i(*rA. Binj |H#iiiis nuiitii li work iinii'kcr lutd b< Itor tbitii aii> iitlii It Hi'iinlor X\Hiilihiini nf SIliiiii'Hota in (Iiiih is peisisted m, and eosineties eiitin'Iy end of the piazza the third party ih always new, aud iHilatUlsteamem vuru ly thin Hide uf IbHtun Kvurylliing uiitiruly mow. Hut liruud, UuIIu, IlimmilH and uruniii 1 irt ir liovt. t oil'll lik» II, llllll U 111 IlluilVM IIKC It IhH-lt Qiioleil air. Kiiiliie iiml llie I’olltiiiil CITY TICKET AGENT, lilKcnitii uiurningH und nflurnuonH. 'i'tin iM-HlxlAH-k iixud in tlilx hiiHlnUHti...... and Huulfur tuui»< II aliaiidoiied Nothing can euuuteifeit tlie nil popular. llruttii lircud und itcuiix «V(‘ry Smiduy munilng. Wedding Ouku usjKkdully. With Umnk» m Ilu not Kill) till IiiiiiiIh or injun* Ihc liilosl (alirh . HlliiHtinn. Portland and Tremont Puhllc fur i>ulruiiugii in (liu past, womoIIoH tliUBUuunllniiud fuvurs in Um future. rosy glow of pejfeel he.ilth, wliieli blesses Rogers’ Block, Main Street, 1728} toos.) (1427 tons.] 1 iiMi Tul urilrlflii rtory piiikiigo. All gro* "M\ trip abroail was marred for me those who iisu this mediciiK'. .1 C' Duvih’ Old Soap is tho standard. WHY NOT t<>n>M>lll( Axkforit. I WATERVILLE. BETWEEN PORTLAND AND BOSTON, consitferably by tho rt*ptirls wliieli were o.TVing Franklin barf, Portland, and India Wharf piiblislietl loiieerning the lapid deelim* of (’oiiHider.iig there .lie so many people Kitty Winslow—"Physical cnltiiro is iuHtomdalU. iiiiiiKting HimdA>,at Tp.m .amustoik iV. the health of Mr Hlume At first I gate who want tho earth, it is a satisfaetion to BRING IN uyuhloaiid InvlKunitlng tliik in liiulr Joiinioy ijmtoiv fad of mine; sco, fur instaiico, how BREATH OF OCEAN BALM no credeneo to tho pubtieutioiiH, bi cause 1 know that tlieit> is enough to go round well Mr. yaii Nubs slaiuls.” Turn Du ON THX ^ PROPRIETOR OF BAKERY, TEMPLE STREET knew them to l)o false. Finally, they an­ Witt—"Oh, yes; bu stands Udter against FINEST STEAMERS ON THC EASTERN COAST. noyed me, for the cablegrams were pusi- If you eoiild see youi own scalp throiigli a dnrk-bhio porticro than ho dot's finntici- THAT SUIT Klcgnnt stntf'roanis.c'lcctrkllghtsand bolls,and ever) an mdinary magmfymg glass, you would iniMlurn unidlaiiru uf ((iiiifurt and luxury. Thnaiul ti\u and det('rimnot) m Uieif- assertions ully." •AND IIAVF IT Uckuls utisw rales at all priiicl|ial mil way atatluiis that Hlaine wastlymg. At last, the Paris lie ama/(>d at (he amount of dust, daii- I. F LISCOMB, Gen Agent, Portland, Me edition of the Herald published a special driiM, and de.ttl skm thereon accumulated, riie best aud most {popular preparation Dana’s Sarsaparii i.a is giiartiii* AhU III) HouRlnN SliaoN. diHpateh wlueh luul been sent from Har -i...... A —• l»l«ve iiMli >uur llarlior to the St. l,unis Uepiiblu-au, aii- for ele.iiismg the scalp is Ayei’H Hair toed to absolutely tMirc dl'soase, iilcr lu ttt'iiil for cninlniciir, itecuru ib« nunncing his physuiuns were in con­ Vigor. nu<'iir>, mill gut iliciii lor >ou. Ilnil tlio Dohlml FfTrrtl II. ami it does tt too* IV'TAU.K NO HnibTiTDTK. stant attendance, tiuil Hlamo was unable Manmi.I I. It 1 , March H 18U1. Oil)limn—"’rins is a great day with us Wo will do you a first class job at a 1, till) utidorslgiuxl. until rid from eiilhqiiiy fur to lake his drives, that liis mmd was a at home M\ daughter ‘comes out’ to­ Hwuybaek (to impurtimo iM'ggcr)— roosouablo price. 9>iuni hmi no aiipotlii* and could do iiu tturk blank, and his death a (|ue8lion of a few “Lcavotho liouBO, Hirl" Hugger—"Certain­ >»liaU tor. oxnniilliHi a nunilMir of doi-tortt. but weeks, or only a few days night” Diiiide)—"Don’t say 1 So does ly; I would not think of nttum|qing to all Haht till u> t\aH no nnuKly fur uiy iUhuiiik That slitggered me 1 could nol Ih'- my bi'utlu'i He's lieen iii for seven years ” We Hale a Specialty of Fine WorA. 1 tlx n UK>k PoNtor Kiutilgs Ncr\e Tonlo. and carry it ufi’ with the heavy nmrtgngu it am i^ow In |>i rbvl In nlib and ui rk atllbu Uuto lie\e that a rt'oiitable papei would publish has un it.” 'lliouiund itiiiiikH to )i>ur n>iiii>lo<‘, away back iii ’(IH, when «m7 NO. 7 SILVER ST. 1 gni Bniiiu of I'uatm Ktaniig B Nurva luuio ply was, 'Hhuiie iinproMiig rapidly ’ you aud 1 ‘ran with the iimehme Do you (nr III rvniiBtHiHB and hIi i plosHiiuHS and it Thereaftei I was not tronblml, save to lemenibei that big the in Hotel How, one ^f'lEoOR OF-Trttl^^' III Ipixl tiic, tlu> (Irut tliiiii 1 tiHik It 1 ba scid out. 1 at ome that (fieic was a pulled out of tlieii Imrmiig romiiH ,uid WHY IS THE At Lowest Prices. UlSX^AIiSlIVO IVa^catl^r cgx^c.1 1 1h III, IhhI mrvo loiili tboy ovor um-il 1 conspiracy afoot, but bate yet lieen unable 'ame down the taiidei m then night- Don’t Delay X^xroxxxiYtl^r rxoxxo. atlii niiin tbiil4hoiiio Hutlomr mu) iinu tour to Hseertuin the foimtam bead of it 'lotlieH, am) how ’Dick’ (ireeiio brought LITTLE CHILDREN W. L. DOUGLAS lit >> Slid U btlpiNl bt It trying O)ttolene, the new, ih® MT^HO^mmaoraF^iioNEYj MKH J MUltPliy 1 have known .Ml Hlume all my lil<‘ down two ‘kilts' at mioe—one m his aims Hru timglit iiB theygruH up (hiiiI {lerfuclly right) I know him intimately I know dial lie —A Valuable Itiiok en Nervous the otlier .tiling to his baek? Poor 'Diek’I popular, successful vegetable • tbHl DlNeaseit sent free to any addroHS, IK a man of powerful physupie, ami that H(> gut the eat.urh dieadfiillv, from so It U a M'lmiluiM hIkk*, u Kb uu tu( kH ur wax thn ud and )NM>r iiatimits tali almi tibtalu Lard. Don't wait for your (o hurt tiiufecJi mndu of ibu best fine calf, sDliHh IMnIxtrd niock, 46 main Struct, Waterville, muine. tills iiiodli liie free tif vliurKO. his lanip ut life is tiimnied to bum at least mull expiHuie, amt suiVered tium it live und oiuy, ami beciusc ur moire mure $h<>et IliU FREE Wasbburn-Crosby Co.’s iirorfr tnttn anu ufki r nuinufiicturtr, It l•<■(■Allll■l.M,l I1iia nmedybas Ir'uh iirviiared by tho lt«vtrt*nd HO years Hu once told tne that he had ii'ars or imqe W'o thought unee he was neighbor to tell you about it. (ibm H (umlljig fnim gl (X) to liuO l*aiiiiir Ki-t( Fort Wa.Mii', liid., alutcts^ aud iie\ur had an orguuie weakness m his life, 'oiug III (oiitumplioii, SHIV. Hut, thmll> dls OODi'iiiiinu ilmid-HUHfd, tbe finest calf uiuowpr\‘part>am>durliistllr«cUui> b) tliu It Is the first duty of the house­ dlwa *h(H> ovtr olTfred fur fSOu, tHiuils Frouoh Ha\u one, and he was tlmukfu] fm that le heard ut Di Sage’s Catanh Kem^dy, l(ii|i(irt(‘d ihucs Hhtch eo«t fruin |8.uutotU0U KOENIG MED. CQ^, Chicago, III. weakness Ht> said "1 lm\e a predispo­ keeper to provide wbotesome CA WO tIaiMUHewcd Well Hboc. fine coif, am) tiled it, am) it cured liim up as sumid sljiUh loinfurtuhloand durable The bust bold by DriiggiMU ut^kl'Iior lt«»t(lu. Ufur Sr sition to iiidigestiuii It IS a line weakness as a liiiit I tell you, .lui‘, outarrii food. Everybody recogiii/es SUPERLATIVE (liuu ever uffured nt this (irlcc , same grade os cus- loin mad(< shucu cusllng frum #8 u) tu tvjju. latrifO Slav. W1.7A. 0 Itottloa iui Wti. to have It makes a man caieliil of what leimily is a groat thing It saved as gocHl -----iS TIIF----- ffiO 3U Police Hboei Faraicnt. lialiroad Hen ho eats and drinks On account of that the unpleasant effects of the dz vs aud lA.-iturL'arrlvraaU wcartboin, tluucalf. i ni.m ,iml as bi.ivo a as ever trod M Ainh fiB, iniouth huldu, heavy tbruu solus, vxien BIG BARGAINS weakness 1 have avoided tolmicu ami tho shoe leather " uluii udgu Ouu pair will wear a year. so-called "richness'* of food ONLYCORRECTFLOURtoUSE. ffiO flue citlfi uu bt tier shoo uver ufTorod at social glass, wlitcli nuns so many public wAs this i>rlcu, uim trial will couviucu thusa men My indigestion Hoiiiutiiiics is ex­ prepared with lard. The“rich- Tho VMtrlil is gruwhig wlsur. Aa-Kvury barrel u( Vi hu want a sb(H> for euiiifurt au(l survlcu. Why euiild not the tiieiiiiometer be listed (his justly oolubrutoU tluur is ftO "“<1 d'4.00 Wurkliigiimn'R aboua ceedingly painful, and yet it lias bieii a •Vats are vury strung and durablu Tbuau who -*IN SILVERWARE<^ at t le Stock llxcb.iiige? They would then ne^” is nothing hut grease ; Vvrakx*x*can«:oc.l to aftxatt;* gtkxl thing for me ' have sumcthiiig that bus gone upthissiim- W. E. CHADWICK, havu given them a trial w III wear uu other make. FRAZER BREtSE the housekeeper knows that Your OrtH'ur will siqiply you S'i.VU) aud dl.t.) scbuul shoes are BENT MS TIIE M'OBLD. He talked in that vein with me one im 1 O wuru by the tmys everywhere, they sul| Its wserlsi quaUliesar* Oasurpused. nciuallp eveuiny', and his ideas and theories were WATERVILLE, - uu thfTr imrlts, as (bu Im reaslng sales sbuw. outlasilns two boxes ot anyothsr brand. Nol its presence in food is unsafe 1 o/llAtt 93.00 lliiiid-aewud shoe, boat eflbctMlbybeat ir’Ut.TTIICCikift VINE. outertaiiiing and iiiMlrueltve He has al­ ftsO UIC P iiuiigula, very sly llsh; iMiuals FTeitob AT F. J. GOODRIDGE’S. As till- sail Is Hiiporinr to the and unfit, but now i>cience has ImiHirtcd SIKH'S iH>stiiigfn)in •(.(» to git url Of elect him to the presidcnoy in 18l)*J ties of food which may be tliu vlliagu In qiiimlitliM dtwirvil. buying. stove without ooverintf "Isyoui sou fomi of piclures?” Fond III.AI'KkMITITs GOAl* by (be bushul or car,^ nerself and every­ Nutliing can prevci|t this hajipy consiuii- Motiier )li, devotedly lleKpemjli near­ eiijqyeJ. The housekeeper thing else with dirt, lOHil. she always uses Illation. He will U> nominated b> uca lu- ly all Ins money for eigaiettes^’ need no longer hesitate in tlie DUY, MAUD AND KOFI' WOOD. prtqMri'd for uiatiun. Harrison wilt nol Ih‘ a candidate Bt(i> > a, or huir fbui long. •I ^>a\is’ Old Soap is Ihe stuiiduid Wllli'imlriuatusueHy OliKKN WCMIDliiluts 100 MAIN STREET. Fi J. 600DRID6E before the uunvontiuii when he scoh tin* use of shortening in cataing ilt'HirtHi, Hi iowost oosli prliHMi __ ^ IT HELPS YOU TO REACH ENAMELINL iinaniinous drift tuv,ard Hlamo next spiiiig for those who^re^-Iicate. The rill-SiShDUAV AHTltAW, 'fTAIli oml GAI. He will euidiull^ Hup|Kirl Hlume, and ilo The bump oi Kelf-esltmiu of the man CINKI) FI.AbTKIi. It belne a paste, cannot spill Nuwurk, itomaii ft Purtlaiiii CMkIFNT, by thu MEN like a nquid. will not burn, all that he eaii in a mannef eomimtilde who loves Ins iieiglihor us himself imiKt Ih' problem Is solv^. UseCotto. IMiiiiul or cask. TH9 makM no dust, no anrisil, gives with lus pusiliun to aid in Hlaiiie’s efeetion Homelhmg prmligious Agoiil lor Forilaml Htnim Wnro iki.'s DltAiN AT THE TIME -A^ISTID "VirOOID. ” ft iftf.Dlaok vices, end is easily lene. Sold by all grocers. I’lFhaiiilFiUKllKlOKH, all bIxm uii liaml, also OOAI_. applied. Your de^er keeps it. 1 know that the entire Northwest is loi TM.K.fur Draliiliin l*aml. IN THE WAY. try one box, 5 and lO ots.. or RIGHT Hlaine, and luui Wen foi years 1 wani Mad« io Chicago by Dtokii town ufflM at Ktowort Bros,, Oeiitro send a ots. for sample to When you want tin iM'St llli'di* to def'lari' myself strongly for Hlaine, foi Market. i>ow i‘iiu‘ iiiatUs use Dana’s Sak- N. K. FAIRBANKS CO., J. L. PRESCOTT too., No. Ballot, No. 1 Udieve that the |>euplu of my wlale wilt ^ 5 Central Wharf, Boston. AND BRINGS BUSINESS TO YOU. endorse fiiy seiitiinents m that dirtuitiun sACAHitLA It will cure you* a. S. FLOOD & oo, OFFICE ON MAIN ST., NEAR FhEIGHT DEPOT, WATKUVILLK. MAINE. XVatervlll©, JtdLe.

ttuuu'. npit?nj tL