The London Gazette, August 11, 1876
4512 THE LONDON GAZETTE, AUGUST 11, 1876. at'twelve-o'clock at noon, being the time appointed for <f Middlesex, Mine Surveyor, deceased, who died on or adjudicating on the claims.—Dated the 4th day of August, about tbe 27th day of August, 1875, are, on or b---for« tl.e 1876. 20th .day of September, 1876, to send by post, prepaid, to The SCHEDULE above referred to. John Gabriel Shearman, of No. 10, Gresbam-stree', in the city of London, the Solicitor of the plaintiff and the defend- Astbury, Thomas, Ironfounder, Smethwick. ant, Sarah Eliza Plant. Widow, or to Messrs. Hicks and Bennett, William, Oldbury Furnaces, near Birmingham. Arnold,.of No. 1, Salisbury-street, Strand, in tbe county < f Bayly, James, Brickmaker, Dudley Port. Middlesex, the Solicitors to the defendant, Edward Hornby Bennett, Joseph, Esq., Ashwood House, Dudley. 'Hodgson, their Christian and surnames, addresses and Birmingham and Staffordshire Gas Company, Union-street, descriptions, the full particulars of their claim?, .a statement Birmingham. of their accounts, and the nature of the securities (if any) Blackwell and Co., Iron Masters, Dudley. beld by them, or in default thereof they will be peremptorily Chambers and Marsh, Timber Merchants, Dudley. excluded from the benefit of the said Order. Every creditor Charles, William, Chemical Works, Saltley, Chester. holding any security is to produce tbe same before tbe Chief Chubb and Co., Eopemakers, Devonport. Clerk to his Lordship the Vice-Chancellor Bacon, at his Cranage and Co., Ironfounders, Greets Green, West Brom- chambers, situated at No. 11, New-s.quare, Linduln's-inn, wich. Middlesex, on Thursday, the 26tb day of October, 1876, Corbell, R., and Co., Limeburners, &c., Dudley Port.
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