312 l'ENN, STAFFORDSHIRE. [ KELLY's Sparrow Mrs. Beckminster house Weller John H. Kelston house, Gold- Harley Wm. (Mrs.), aparts. Oak villa Spencer Mrs. Rose cottage, Penn road thorn hill Hint on Mary, Rose & Ellen (Misstls ), Start Harry, Milton villas Wilcock Robt. Alfred, Goldthorn hill school, Oxford lodge Steadman Joseph, 5 Spring Hill ter Wildman George Charleton,The Cedars Keay Fredk. Wm. farmer, Colway frm Stroud Charles, Penn road Wilke11 Thomas, 3 Milton villas Lowe Samuel, machine proprietor, The Taylor Frederick Davis, Leamcroft Wilkie Miss, Grosvenor house Old farm Taylor Samuel Robt. Worcester lodge Williams Edward, Fern cottage Monk Maryl (Miss), draper, I St. Thorn James, Ashcroft house Williams Thos. Vale ho. Goldthorn hl Phillip's terrace 1'hompson Arthur H. Willow cotta5!.' Witton William, Clifton villas Morris William, shoe maker Thompson James, Apsley house N ash Thomas J oseph, cab proprietor Thompson John, The Uplands COMMERCIAL. Palmer George, commercial traveller, Thompson William, Clifton villa Boucher Mary (Miss), dress maker Elford villas Thurston Chas. Fredk. 2 Church viis Bowdler Joseph, hay & straw dealer Scott Emily (Miss), private school, Tonks Thomas James, Redcliffe Bason Wm. David F.D.H.S. mushroom Clar~nce villas Townsend Mrs. 4 Church road spawn manufactur.. '?, Finchfield Smith Lacey, baker, Ladref house Trezise Mrs. Evelyn cottage Corfield Elizabeth (Miss),dress maker, Spackman Henry Rbt. L.R.C.P.Lond., Underhill Edward M.A. Springfield ho Fair view M.R.C.S.Eng., L.S.A. surgeon & Vaughan Alfred, Leaholm Deam Joseph, decorator, Rookery cot m•3dical officer, Seisdon & \Vom Vaughan William Alfred, Blenheim Evans William, farmer, Finchfield frm bourn •listrict Wakefield Geo.
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