THE PLUS ISSUE NO. 13 | DEC 2020 Introduction

Hello, our young readers!

We are thrilled to welcome you on-board for another defence: edition of ‘The Plus’. This month we have made an attempt to take you into the world of the . As we enter the last month of the year 2020, there have been extremities that we all experienced in various forms. But adapting through situations and coming out of it, we learned a lot more about life and that we are in this together, dedicated a spirit that our armed forces constantly strive with.

In this issue, you will get a closer look into the lives of the officers, know about some of the forces that actually drive our armed forces, the life lessons that we can all take with us through them, the deep sense of service, faith, and glory, and some career options beyond being a soldier that still disciplined keep you associated with the defence forces. You will also go down the ancient history of the forces and what are the exams you must eye on to become a part of this large family.

We will be back with another issue next month. Meanwhile, daring we would love to hear from you. Your suggestions, ideas, feedback submissions are all welcome. This magazine is an effort by IGenPlus to reach you, teenagers, and be rest assured, we are here for you! keep CONTENTS Letter from the CEO p 3 Concept Note: Not just Muscle Strength a p 5 In Conversation With p 9 Armed Forces tab p 16 From the Reader’s Pen +91 98175 00105 p 18 Of Service, Faith & Glory p 19 Games Corner p 21 Vanara to Vayu Sena p 23 CREATIVE EDITOR: AYUSHEE CHAUDHARY The Military Vocabulary [email protected] p 27 PANKHURI MITTAL Careers in Defence [email protected] p 29

CREATIVE DESIGNER: Bollywood Army MUNMUN AGGARWAL p 33 [email protected] This Day, That Year CONTENT CONTRIBUTORS: p 35 AYUSHEE CHAUDHARY PANKHURI MITTAL Letters of the Past ARUSHI SHARMA p 37 GUEST CONTRIBUTORS: Subscribe The Plus OJUSWANI SHARMA, 13 p 42 The Plus reader COVER: Teenspiration ANIL SAXENA p 43 THE IGP Letter from the CEO FAMILY


While scrolling through Twitter the other day, I came across a post about a 9 day old son who received his father wrapped in the national flag.

The heartwrenching, overwhelming stories of our soldiers have always taught SOUMYA HARI KIRAN us that our peaceful sleep and freedom of AGGARWAL VADLAMANI expression is not to be taken for granted. There is a sacrifice made by thousands of families and their unheard contributions that today we are able to read this magazine while relaxing at our comfortable homes.

This edition, we bring to you the inspiring, heartwarming and unheard stories of brave soldiers. Read on to know the life of many AYUSHEE ARUSHI young champs who live away from their families to take care of their CHAUDHARY SHARMA motherland, for whom the millions of people who are not related to them come much before their own wives and children, for whom the balance between work-family life is completely loaded towards duty to the nation.

Enjoy. Learn. Keep your josh high. From today onwards, remember all MEHAK MUNMUN MONIKA of them in your prayers. GUPTA AGGARWAL MAURYA

Love, Soumya

NISHTHA PANKHURI NARANG MITTAL 03 “Let me give you a further example, what comes to your mind when I say knife? Your it’s not just a game of answer to this could be one of the deciding factors in your selection. It is a way to know your psychological traits as part of the very crucial psychometric testing.” muscular strength! “What is that?”

Ever since his teenage years, Shyam was fascinated by the sound of the fighter “Psychometric tests are aimed at THE PSYCHOMETRIC TESTING jets sweeping through the wind somewhere above the clouds. Anytime he saw a analyzing several attributes including movie, watching soldiers fighting it out on the border, he could be seen jumping intelligence, critical reasoning, around his bed enacting the scenes. motivation, and personality profile. These essentially act as tools in After their final board examinations, Shyam and his friends were discussing their assessing an individual’s innate future plans. While some of his friends were yet to decide, Shyam was sure he preferences and suitability based wanted to be in the fauj. Shyam went to his teacher to ask for his assistance in on their responses to different physical training. scenarios. After all, to be a part of the Armed Forces you have to be someone who can go through “I will be joining coaching for exam preparations and I will start my physical education intense experiences in the most here, then there is just medical. So I should be able to manage the selection,” he said extreme of situations and still have confidently. the ability to stably make the right decisions for not just yourself but His teacher asked him to go for a run right then. Shyam hesitantly went around the your troop,” Sir stated. playground. As he came back, his teacher asked him to define “red” in a sentence within the next 30 seconds. “But won’t that be a part of the training?” Shyam asked. “How is that relevant?” “Of course, simulations during the training will take the experience a notch up but you “Being in the Armed Forces is not just a game of muscular strength,” the teacher must have it in you even to be through the selection.” explained. So how do I prepare for this? He went on to add, “training your body and nailing the academic exams is not enough. The Defence Forces are institutions that prepare you for life. The selection processes This is not something that you can just read and imbibe but this has to come from are extremely well designed to examine the physical, mental, emotional, all aspects of within when you understand the depths of the Armed Forces and what all they really your personality.” go through. So while you prepare to join, don’t just be charmed to get into the Forces, understand the intricate details of their journeys, and know their stories do so as to “Wow! I never thought that way.’ get going with that passionate drive.

05 06 x A message for ASPIRING TEENAGERS presents


Don’t look at the Armed Forces as a job or as one of the options available from many careers. You If you have to be serious about want to join, make an it and aim sincerely informed decision. If you decide because you have lives at stake, literally. And if to do this, you have to stick to this. you are someone who You can't have your focus shifting. You respects a disciplined need to go all in, no matter the circumstances. life and hard work then So having perseverance, dedication and you are going to be very intent are important. I believe if you have satisfied. But make sure the intent, you will find a way no it’s not the charm but the passion that drives matter how impossible it may you. The difference seem. between charm and passion is the same as crush and love, so know what is yours.

- Understand group and workplace dynamics - Make connections between theory and practice Fauj is a career launch like no other. There are a lot of opportunities, - Applying analytical skills and ideas gained from classroom learning not just to learn and serve but also to explore. All three Forces - Building a professional and mentorship network in a relevant career field have their own adventure cells. The kind of options you get to - Developing Employability Competence (technical and soft skills) grow, to follow your hobbies/passion while doing your job within your working hours is astounding. Hence, Armed Forces give you a platform to be on the front. 24TH DEC’20 - 4TH FEB’21 FOR 11TH -12TH CLASSES Application Closes: 20 December 2020 Limited Seats Only

To know more, visit: or Call +91 98715 00105

07 08 Our first learning about the Armed Forces usually is that they are the ones who are protecting us and safeguarding the nation with grit and pride. The stories of their InIn valour and selfless service are well known and their strength and life often admired. IGenPlus had the opportunity to speak to a few officers serving in the three Armed convoconvo Forces of and their families. Listening to their anecdotes of thrill, close experiences of death and loss, the living with absence, constantly striving ahead towards their vision selflessly was quite heart warming and definitely inspiring. It withwith was an attempt to go a step further and understand the forces that drive the officers in our Armed Forces, holding them together and empowering them through and through. THETHE FORCESFORCES BEHINDBEHIND [Following the protocols, the names and ranks of the officers will not be disclosed.] THETHE FORCESFORCES THETHE DRIVEDRIVE WITHINWITHIN

THE ARMED FORCES (the army, the navy, and the air force)

“ One day, you could be at the epitome of your achievements so to say and the very next day you could be down in the dirt. And that ’s the humbling experience of being in the forces. It teaches you to let go off the euphoria and do the task at hand which is also why I believe people who persevere, are the ones who come through,” said a frontline fighter pilot from the (IAF). ARMY NAVY AIR FORCE 09 10 “ One day, you could be at the epitome of your achievements so to say and the very next day you could be down in the dirt. And that ’s the humbling experience of being in the forces. It teaches you to let go off the euphoria and do the task at hand which is also why I believe people who persevere, are the ones who come through,” said a frontline fighter pilot from the Indian Air Force (IAF).

Right from the preparation to the selection, from the training to servicing, one THETHE FAMILYFAMILY is bound to encounter adversities in different forms while in the Armed Forces and hence inner dedication and persistence drive you through.

It’s a demanding profession but a rewarding one and no matter how difficult the training is or what situation comes in front of you, nothing can dissuade you when you are passionately driven. “It probably started with a charm but eventually, the more I got to know about the forces, my charm transformed into a deep passion for what they do and it has only grown and kept me going through everything over the years,” added another officer from IAF.

It can be a taxing experience physically as well as mentally and emotionally whether you are on the geographical borders, above the clouds, or in the sea.

Family is a safety net for everyone, the roots that keep us grounded. Everyone wishes “Everything you do has a consequence on which many to keep the family close, happy, safe, and prosperous. Any time any of us step aside from our families briefly, we mostly realise the importance of the homely warmth but people and their lives depend especially when you are in to send out a member of your family in the Armed Forces’ world of adventure, a ship or further when you are deep down in the narrowly uncertainty, and challenges for long durations by holding back anxieties, adorning constructed submarines. But you know you cannot let go, strength and re-arranging their worlds accordingly is not an easy experience.

irrespective of the challenges that come your way and that is The father of an officer who has already served 18 years in the Air Force, clearly what you need to know within yourself,” remembers his son’s training days. “He was the first one in our family to join the an Indian Navy officer shared. services and the early days of intense training kept him busy. We could hardly talk once a week or two. The concerns certainly came up but nevertheless, the journey While the officer stated the army as an organisation that runs went on, and today we are only proud. It’s a choice he took and we stood by.” The on sound logic on one hand and strong emotions on the other. officer’s wife is a professional doctor, also in the forces, and has seen the challenges of army life closely but it is not a smooth ride. With their share of absence and belonging together, they have grown to support and adjust to the demanding job. “Being a second-generation army officer, I am fortunate to have received a strong foundation even before I started my However, not all parents are easily able to send their kids off. Hailing from a big Gujarati family, this frontline fighter pilot might have aced all tests through his training but still career in the army. It is about a lot of challenges on a daily has to call his mother after his night flights to let her know that he is safely home. basis but also a lot of thrill, pride, and excitement, all with a Convincing his parents, who found it crazy that their only son wants to quit his stable ” job and be a fighter pilot instead, was an additional challenge to surpass. Even though sense of service which every person in uniform deeply abides by. they still check on him if he is doing okay and stay slightly distanced from the army life shared an Indian Army Officer. experience, they could not have been more proud.

11 12 The officer’s wife, an army brat, has seen the drill since childhood. Her father was THETHE FAMILYFAMILY BEYONDBEYOND BLOODBLOOD RELATIONSRELATIONS posted in the and she was a witness to the intense atmosphere and yet it is no less of a challenge to keep up with her husband’s calls of duty. “I once got the opportunity to serve in the dense jungles of Congo, in Africa under the UN flag. Our camp was at the base of an active volcano, and the jungles were She reminisces how she “never had a childhood buddy”. For her, it was a regular the natural habitat of the Mountain Gorillas! It is a beautiful place but strife with practice to move from one place to another and all over again start the process of conflict. In these situations you make strong bonds with your men, something which making new friends. But these experiences made her flexible, still settling with the cannot be explained in words,” the army officer exclaimed about the camaraderie that risks of her husband’s job has been a struggle. Although, as she lives her dream the Armed Forces symbolise. through him, their journey stays beautiful with its curves and comforts. “You get an extended family for life and the feeling of brotherhood is unparalleled. Another proud wife of the army personnel shared, Even when the training becomes a struggle, the trainers, the colleagues, and the team spirit ensures that they have got your back”, said the Air Force officer. They will hold “ The frequent moves almost every other year makes me feel your hand like a child, teach you how to walk, then how to run, and then set you off to like a nomad! We have packed, moved, and unpacked our fly and be on yourself but even then you know they have always got your back. entire household five times in the six years of married life! We have new challenges every time but also new opportunities. “Your life is taken care of in the forces, it is one for all Even as time goes by, it hurts to see when your husband is and all for one. In the end, you all fight all the troubles not around especially during your child’s growing years, together, you grow to accept everyone for who they are and missing out on important milestones. but thanks to technology, iron out the differences without letting anything come at least we can connect virtually and our son has learned to in the way of your operations.” salute and utter his first ‘papa’ over video calls.” Through the disciplined life, the forces teach you how to take care of your troops in all manners, they enhance your agility and build in you a sense of appreciation, contentment, and the ability to put up with any hardship without complaining, added another IAF officer.

The training also prepares you to compartmentalise and manage your personal and professional commitments without affecting your decision-making skills. However, the forces also understand what needs your priority when and they help you navigate through. You build bonds for life and you learn to have a collective attitude towards situations and work for a common goal together, stated another officer.

The Armed Forces give you an assurance that once you are a part of this family, you can rest assured that you and your family will be taken care of, always.

13 14 ARMED FORCES: presents AN INSTITUTION OF LIFE LIFE LESSONSOnline Course FROM THE BHAGAVADGITA Donning their uniform of service, and sacrifice, Eyes always brimming with a sense of selfless pride; Always on the front, standing tall together in a bind, One for all and all for one, in soul, body, and mind; They rise above to touch the sky with glory, Setting an example of living life, and not just of might and victory.

WHAT WILL YOU LEARN? Learn How to look at Situations from Multiple Perspectives Revisit an Ancient Text from a More Contemporary Lens Manage Conflicts with Clarity and Empower Yourself from Within

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15 16 If you have ever had a chance to speak to someone in the Defence Forces or observe them closely, you will know that there is a stark difference in the way they carry themselves, From Reader’s Pen their attitude towards life, their approach to situations, and their demeanor itself. We are all aware of the courage that the men in uniform possess, the physical and mental endurance that their training gives them, the timeless camaraderie that goes beyond borders, the discipline that they deeply imbibe, and much more. Not everyone gets to experience the expansive and intense life that the officers in the Indian Armed Forces live but there are Ojuswini Sharma is an 11-year-old from Bal Vikas Progressive School, Panipat, Haryana. many traits that all of us can make a part of our lives irrespective of the field we are in. She attended one of IGenPlus’ online courses, Mahabharata: Lessons from Life where students strengthened communication skills, decision-making abilities, and critical thinking through the stories from the epic. Ojuswini shared some beautiful learnings that she SOME LIFE SKILLS THAT WE CAN ALL says she is taking back for life. Read on for some insightful thoughts. LEARN FROM THE DEFENCE FORCES

TAKING EVERYONE ALONG IMPROVISATION, INTENTION, The spirit of forging individuals into a AND INNOVATION EXCESS OF team that sticks together collectively Be it the effect of being in extreme EVERYTHING IS BAD NEVER BE AN for a vision, no matter how grave the conditions so closely or their training, EGOIST AS ITS THE situation gets, is something that we can I realised this through two the Indian Armed Forces know how to FIRST STEP IN all inculcate. The army is the best make the most of any situation, look instances in Mahabharata. The first example where multitudes of culture for the best in every opportunity, find is that if Dronacharya would have DESTROYING YOURSELF can thrive and yet have a common a way out of challenges, and appreciate refused to give Ashwathama the operational vocabulary. With that kind the smallest joys and the various lesson of Bhramastra, he would have If in Mahabharata, Duryodhana of attitude, the army creates not just been saved from the curse. The second would have agreed to give 5 aspects of life. Putting their vision is if Dhritarashtra would have not leaders but also team players who hold before themselves, manage with what supported Duryodhna in his Adhar- small villages to Pandavas, the the integrity of themselves as well as they have, and approach with a solution- ma he would have been safe. But war could have been avoided others. oriented attitude for victory. he had a lot of affection towards but it was his ego and his son, also termed as jealousy which did not “PUTRA MOH”, which let him do so. destroyed both of them. LIMITLESS POTENTIAL AGILITY OF MIND AND BODY Indian Armed Forces are also responsible It is not only the openness of accepting for preparing their soldiers to become everyone for their potential and the all-rounders with a balance of sports, strength of body and mind that the social gatherings, professionalism, Armed Forces hold strong but also the intellect, empathy, everything packed in flexibility and adaptability to get DO one. From survival skills to weapon training, accustomed to new challenges in the A SUDDEN NOT BELIEVE IN simulations to traumatic experiences, forms of missions, changes in physical DECISION OR A SOMETHING UNLESS YOU adventure travels to battles, emotional environments, adventure activities, etc DECISION MADE IN ANGER HAVE INVESTIGATED IT sensibility to operational skills, the but always rooted to their larger goal. Armed Forces prepare you for life. IS NOT ALWAYS RIGHT PROPERLY

I understood that before doing any- If we get to know something, we should thing, we should think several times and not completely believe in it before investi- A RICHER LIFE then make a decision. Like in Bheeshma gating it and finding about it ourselves. Like Pitamaha’s case, the pratigya (pledge) in the Mahabharata war, after listening By giving their people a family beyond their families, and relations to carry for life, which he took was good for his father from Bheema that Ashwathama is dead, by transforming them into individuals who are equipped to handle pretty much everything and the present time but in the that life offers while they are in service or even after that, by giving an unparallel Dronacharya checked with Yudhisthira exposure and teaching management skills, academics, and dependability, and by long-term, the entire future and gave up war. Instead, he should inducing a need to always learn and grow, the Armed Forces indeed provide you with a changed because of his one have first confirmed it himself wealth that fulfills you way beyond money. It is an experience that leaves one richer on pratigya. before taking that physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual aspects. decision.

17 18 The Indian Armed Forces’ Ethos: The Indian Navy, under the command of the Chief of the naval staff – an Admiral and is deployed under three area commands. The Western Naval Command in Bombay; the Of service, faith, and glory Southern Naval Command in Kochi; and the Eastern Naval Command in Vishakhapatnam.

The Navy goes by the motto, Sam no Varunah. The invocation to Lord Varuna (The Sea God) in the Vedas was adopted by the Indian Navy for its emblem, with this motto, meaning: “Be auspicious unto us Oh Varuna”. navy army air force The Indian Army, as we know it today, became operational after the country gained independence from British colonialism much like the Indian Navy and the Indian Air the flag Force.

The Indian Army functions under the Chief of Army Staff and is divided into six operational commands (field armies) and one training command.

The values of “Espirit-de-Corps “ (the spirit of comradeship and brotherhood of the brave), the spirit of selfless sacrifice, loyalty, valour, non-discrimination, honesty, discipline, integrity, fidelity, honour, courage, and forthrightness stoke the belief of Service before Self in every soldier. Indian the motto Army’s motto is "Sewa Paramo Dharma" (Service is our duty.)

The Indian Air Force has been constantly evolving and expanding under the Indian नभः स्पृश ं दीप्तम् Chief of Air Staff. The last decade of the twentieth century also saw a phenomenal शं नो वरुणः सेवा परमो धर्मः (Sanskrit) change in the structure with the induction of women into short service commissions. (Sanskrit) (Sanskrit) Sa No Varuna Sewa Paramo Nabhaḥ Spr̥śaṁ The Indian Air Force (IAF) goes by the motto "Nabha sparsham deeptam" ṁ ḥ Dīptam (Touch the sky with glory). IAF’s motto has been taken from the eleventh (ISO) Dharma (ISO) chapter of the Gita, the discourse given by Lord Krishna to Arjuna on the (ISO) battlefield of Kurukshetra during the great war of Mahabharata. “May the Lord of Water "Touch the sky The Lord is showing His supreme divine form to Arjuna and the be auspicious unto us” “Service is our duty” with Glory" great form of the Lord is reaching the sky with glory, evoking fear and loss of self-control in the mind of Arjuna.

the uniform The Indian Air Force, similarly, aims to overwhelm the adversaries with the application of aerospace power in defence of the nation.

Lord, seeing your form Touching the Sky With Glory, effulgent, multi-colored, having its mouth wide open and possessing large flaming eyes, I, with my innermost self frightened, have lost self-control and find no peace. -Srimad Bhagavadgita, Chapter XI, Verse 24

Thus the Indian Defence Forces are appreciated around the world not only for the challenges that they take up in times of warfare and the extreme terrains that they face owing to India’s geographical location but also for the deep sense of service to the nation, the faith in their fellow army men, the belief in the spiritual energy guiding them and the determination to uphold the pride and glories.


Match the following Indian Army Commands with their Head- quarters:

a. Eastern Chandigarh b. Western Udhampur c. Northern Pune d. Southern Kolkata

1. Who is the present Chief of Defence Staff (CDS) of the Indian Armed Forces?

2. Bollywood movie "Border" is based on which India-Pakistan war?

3. Name the highest bridge in the world. Clue: The Indian Army built it in the Ladakh Valley in 1982.

4. Pick the odd one out: a. Sachin Tendulkar b. Mahendra Singh Dhoni c. Kapil Dev d. Sourav Ganguly LIEUTENANT AIR MARSHAL SQUADRON LEADER CHIEF 5. The commando unit of the Indian Air Force is named ______. FIELD MARSHAL COMMANDER FIGHTER PILOT CAPTAIN


players have received an honorary rank in the Armed Forces; 5. Garud Garud 5. Forces; Armed the in rank honorary an received have players

(fought in December 1971); 3. The Bailey Bridge; 4. (d) Sourav Ganguly - The other three Indian cricket Indian three other The - Ganguly Sourav (d) 4. Bridge; Bailey The 3. 1971); December in (fought GENERAL BRIGADIER ADMIRAL 2. Battle of Longewala of Battle 2. 2020; Jan 1 from CDS first the as office assumed He Rawat. Bipin General 1.

a. Eastern - Kolkata, b. Western - Chandigarh, c. Northern - Udhampur, d. Southern - Pune - Southern d. Udhampur, - Northern c. Chandigarh, - Western b. Kolkata, - Eastern a. ANSWERS: The Ancient Defence

There would hardly be an Indian who has not heard the story of the Vanara Sena (the monkey army) in the epic of Ramayana and how they helped the Ayodhya Prince, Shri Ram in reaching Lanka by creating a bridge with rocks and stones (the Ram Setu bridge). Our grandparents and many tales still vouch for the way the Vanara Sena stood shoulder to shoulder with Lord Ram in fighting Ravana and bringing back Sita.

Over time, the Vanara Sena has been a symbol of valour, strategy, strong faith in the Lord, and the deep sense of fulfilling a purpose; traits that are deeply ingrained From Vanara Sena in our Armed Forces to date.

Over the centuries, wars have always held a prominent place in the politics and literature of our country. Whether it is the Indian Vedic literature, the epics of the To Vayu Sena Ramayana and the Mahabharata, Kautilya’s Arthashastra, or Banabhatta’s Harshacharita, they all are a standing testimony to the significance of warfare in ancient India. We have all read stories, seen pictures, and enacted characters from the many war-tales that history is filled with.

Irrespective of the era, be it the ancient world, the medieval world, or the contemporary world, the army has been a constant pillar of societal structure. From being an aid to defend, conquer, and expand territory, to gain control and independence as well as to protect the borders.

The Indian Army even states that Ramayana and Mahabharata constitute the fundamental framework around which the edifice of the Army is built. From chariots, bows, and arrows to artilleries, guns, and drones, the structure, methods, and weapons have evolved but the land forces have been constant.

Even the Indian Navy highlights mention from the ancient texts. The Rig Veda, written around 2000 BC, credits Varuna with knowledge of the ocean routes commonly used by ships and describes naval expeditions to subdue other kingdoms. Later Varuna was relegated to become the God of Seas and Rivers.

There are also mentions of vimanas in ancient Sanskrit literature on multiple occasions, even though there was not a very significant warfare presence in the air. The Special Forces unit of the Indian Air Force (IAF), the Garud Commando Force Unit, derives its name from Garuda, a divine bird-like creature from ancient Hindu scriptures.

23 24 NAVY Down the History Lane India's maritime history predates the birth of western civilization. History records ARMY showcase that in the period after his conquest, Chandragupta Maurya established a Superintendent of Ships as part of his war office, with a charter for navigation on The military history of India dates back to the sixth century BC, encompassing the the seas, oceans, lakes, and rivers. period when some of the more combative forces like the Persians, Greeks, the Turks, Huns, Mongols, etc. crossed over into India from the north-western route. Being situated on the sea coast, the dynasties in the western, southern, and (coastal) eastern parts of India relied heavily on maritime trade and built navies Manuals of statecraft such as the ‘Arthashastra’ of Kautilya, relating to the period that were used in war. The Mauryas, Pallavas, Cholas, Chalukyas, Palas were 300 BC to 100 AD, indicate the prominence of war as an instrument of state policy. among the dynasties with well-developed navies. The Cholas also became ancient Indian soldiers were a significant part of the army under British India as well. The India’s leading naval power beginning with Raja Raja I who triumphed, conquering revolt of 1857, also known as the Sepoy Mutiny, that played a pivotal role in islands such as Lakshadweep and the Maldives, and sent overseas expeditions to directing the course for India’s independence from the British also displayed the Sri Lanka and Southeast Asia. power of the army. History is filled with many wars that were and have been fought by the Indian army, protecting the nation. The decline of Indian maritime power commenced in the thirteenth century when the Portuguese arrived in India. However, a remarkable resurgence was witnessed in the late seventeenth century. The Maratha King Shivaji created his own fleet, and held sway over the entire Konkan Coast, keeping the intruders away.

The foundation of the modern Indian Navy was laid in the seventeenth century when the East India Company had established a maritime force, thereby graduating in time to the establishment of the Royal Indian Navy in 1934. On India attaining Independence, the prefix 'Royal' was dropped from the Royal Indian Navy on 26 January 1950 with India being constituted as a Republic.


The Indian Air Force was officially established on 8 October 1932. Looking at the problems concerning the defence of India, in 1939 the re-equipment of RAF (Royal Air Force) squadrons based in India was proposed under the British rule. RAF flying instructors were assigned to instruct IAF Volunteer Reserve cadets the Second World War strengthened raised RIAF personnel strength till the time hostilities terminated. In January 1950, the IAF dropped its "Royal" prefix and the Indian Air Force came into being. Over the years it has continued with expansion and modernisation even now as witnessed with the induction of the Rafale aircraft in the IAF this year as the force entered its 89th year of foundation.

25 26 ROGER THAT exclamation THE M LARY /ˈrɒdʒə/ /ðat/ ILITARY VOCABU Perhaps you might have heard this one. It simply means, ‘got it’, or ‘okay’. The next time your mum asks you to do something, you might use, “Roger that!”.

CHECK SIX exclamation /tʃɛk/ /sɪks/ If your body were a clock, 6 o’clock would be your back. This phrase is thus used to ask someone to be careful about what’s behind them. In combat operations, it is widely used to beware of our fellow-comrades to watch out for an enemy behind them.

GOT YOUR SIX exclamation /ɡɒt/ /jɔː,jʊə/ /sɪks/ Every institution has a lingo, Since now you know that 6 means ‘back’, you may guess that this phrase is and this lingo becomes the norm of referred to when soldiers literally cover the back of their comrades in communication. The Indian Defence combat operations. It means ‘got your back’. Well, you now learnt a new line Forces are no exception. to wish your friends on this friendship day, didn’t you? Their language of communication includes many words that are not a part NON COMBATANTS of the nomenclature of those of us who noun plural noun: non-combatants are from non-military backgrounds. /nɒn/ /ˈkɒmbət(ə)nt,ˈkʌmbət(ə)nt/ These include the members of the Armed Forces whose duties do not include Some of the following phrases are so fighting, for example, a chaplain or surgeon. We must know that the Armed commonly heard in the armed forces’ Forces is a huge institution, where the duties of non-combatants play a great homes and gatherings, but how role in the services. many are familiar to you?

BLUE JACKET exclamation CIVILIAN noun /bluː/ /ˈdʒakɪt/ /sɪˈvɪlj(ə)n/ plural noun: civilians It’s a term used for a serviceman in the Navy. The color of the uniforms is In colloquial use, a civilian is a law-abiding person who is not a member of the used to distinguish the officers among the three services. police, the Armed Forces, or a fire department. This use distinguishes from per- sons whose duties involve risking their lives to protect the public at large from hazardous situations such as terrorism, riots, conflagrations, and wars. Are ANCHOR FACED you a Civilian? exclamation /ˈaŋkə/ /feɪst/ The next time you meet a person who is very enthusiastic about the Navy, you will know that you met an ‘Anchor-faced’ that day. COURT MARTIAL noun /ˌkɔːt ˈmɑːʃ(ə)l/ When a trial is conducted by a military court it is called court-martial. Most militaries maintain a court-martial system to try cases in which a breakdown of BRAVO ZULU OR BZ exclamation military discipline may have occurred. Well, the military takes discipline very /brɑːˈvəʊ,ˈbrɑːvəʊ/ /ˈzuːluː/ seriously. It isn’t so complicated. It simply means, ‘well done, but only to sound so much cooler.

27 28 Science and CAREERS Engineering IN The technical entry scheme of the Indian Armed Forces makes it possible for specialists to work on DEFENCE various projects as operators, designers, programmers, and project managers. Openings are available in streams like information technology, mechanical, Donning the uniform of any of the Armed Forces is an electrical, and cyber systems. unparalleled feeling of pride that many wish to experience. However, not everyone wishes or can be on the borders fighting the enemy but if you still hold a strong interest in The Defence Research & Development Organisation defence forces, there are still some options that you can (DRDO) also recruits for scientific positions in professionally explore. Here’s a compilation of some career technical fields, such as aeronautical systems, options apart from being armed personnel that one can consider. combat engineering, naval systems, etc.

Medical Corps Defence Journalist You must be familiar with the Medical Corps in the If you have a passion for writing and research and Indian Army. This branch has professionals like are interested in taking accurate and valuable doctors and surgeons who offer licensed services information about the Defence Forces to the public, to army personnel, veterans, and their families. then you can opt to become a defence journalist. As a Nutrition care specialists are an essential part of defence correspondent, you may cover war stories the food-service team in the Army to ensure the and other events related to military history, regiment’s diet. Additionally, physical training international relations, and geo-politics. Weapon centres of the military often employ Yoga teachers and defence exhibitions are organized both and wellness instructors. nationally and internationally to be covered.

Education War Photographer Suppose you are inclined towards education and OR Videographer research as a professional pursuit, you can look at completing a Ph.D. in Defence Studies. Doctoral If you prefer images over words then as a photo research fellows can find employment as esteemed journalist or a videographer, you highlight relevant professors in Indian universities and other educational topics through the visual medium, adding meaning, institutes. Their job profile also includes other creativity, information, and hence value through aspects like training civilian and military officers of your content. the Government of India.

29 30 Management

Nowadays, you also have the option of studying unconventional courses like MBA in Defence presents Technology. Such qualifications can open up lucrative avenues in defence procurement, logistics, and operations. As Logistics Officers, your primary duty Online Course is to apply your managerial prowess in supporting THINKING all the missions on the ground, air, and sea. You will need training in subjects like Inventory Management, LIKE A SCIENTIST Finance, and Supply Chain Management. TWO MONTHS LONG SELF PACED COURSE FOR TEENAGERS

Analyst Defence systems are constantly integrating new technologies to remain globally competitive. Some examples of emerging tech are drones, big data, autonomous weapons (powered by artificial intelligence), wearable devices, and nanotechnology.

The Ministry of Defence has several projects on the horizon to make use of these capabilities. In the coming years, we will see many opportunities for young scientists who wish to apply advanced imaging techniques or manufacture better military use equipment. So, positions like GIS Analyst and Nanoscientist (Defence R&D wing) are likely to be in high demand. Learn to Think Creatively, Critically and Scientifically Enhance Observational Skills & Discover Logic behind Usual Occurrences Analyse the everyday objects and Expand your Reasoning Capabilities Stepping stone to Exploring Vedic Wisdom of Shaastras

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31 32 Numerous movies have been made on the theme of wars and Indian Defence Forces. Rather it can be considered as one of Bollywood's favourite genres. Watching the engaging filmmaking in the cinema hall with undivided attention, a sense of Does Bollywood nationalism and patriotism often evokes in the audience with assumptions and conclusions formed about the Defence Forces. Bollywood is marked with many exceptional army movies like ‘Border’ (1997), ‘LOC Kargil’(2003), ‘Lakshaya ‘(2004) to name a few but Romanticise the question is, how sensationally or realistically are these stories presented? With the Defence Forces? their creative prowess, do Bollywood filmmakers go far at times? The institution of the Defence Forces is prestigious with its strict protocols and privacy policies, and so the common people know very little about its actual functioning. Thus Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration when movies on such themes release, they gobble them up. The filmmakers of ‘Holiday: A Soldier is never off duty’ (2014), established that army people don’t have the luxury of respite that civilians thrive on. The lead hero is the patriotic, committed one-man-army who is devising all the plans and undertaking all the risks to fight off the national threat to his nation. And the fact that he is hampering with the cases that logically lie under the purview of police is just another thing to settle with.

The latest movie, ‘Gunjan Saxena: The Kargil Girl’(2020) has been condemned and rebuked greatly by the Indian Air Force (IAF) officers. The male counterparts of Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration Ex-Flt. Lt Gunjan Saxena are shown as mean and insensitive, which is far from reality. Just to glorify the central character, the filmmakers first made her a victim of unreal sexism and then just navigated her to a journey of triumph and glory. As a result, the movie that was supposed to be inspirational is only able to make a spoof and mislead the thousands of impressionable young girls. Standing under the roof of creative license, shouldn’t the makers of the film be accountable to society?

While the representation of army people in Bollywood is often very testogren and machismo driven, some movies have also tried to portray the intricate layers, the Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration Scene Shot Duration vulnerability, and greys that all Defence Forces go through. Few of them are ‘Shaurya’(2008), ‘Raazi’(2018), and ‘Uri’(2019). The pain of losing one’s dear ones and yet showing up the courage to do their best duty is a very significant aspect of the Forces. It is essential to talk about the forces’ role in not only keeping the borders safe but also showing some of their everyday functioning like rescue operations, keeping the peace inside the country, etc to nudge the right sense of awareness about what they do.

Imagine the stories that our jawaans might have, who are trained in leadership, handling the finest of machinery and combatting in extreme situations. When these stories are told, they often nudge and inspire youngsters to become a part of something larger than themselves which many of the good movies have accomplished. And maybe, that is an aspect which filmmakers can research more into, showcasing the real stories, struggles, and glories that they come out of on an everyday basis and leave the audience not just inspired but also rightly informed.

33 34 This Day, That Year

WHAT WHEN Inauguration of the 10th Indian December Military 1932 Academy

On December 10, 1932, the Indian Army gained one of its earliest officer-training institutions. The Indian Military Academy (IMA) was established in Dehradun, Uttarakhand, following a military committee's recommendation.

The committee was chaired by Field Marshal Philip Chetwode, a senior British Army officer who led action during the first World War. Spread over 1400 acres, the Academy aims to prepare the country's future military leaders.

The scope of professional instruction at the academy includes military sciences, warfare strategy, and associated technologies. The coursework comprises a wide range of activities, from physical training and adventure sports to character-building and leadership development exercises. Upon completing a course, cadets get permanently commissioned into the Army as Lieutenants. IMA's first batch had only 40 male cadets. Today, it can train 1650 individuals from the world over.

IMA alumni, including India's first Field Marshal, Sam Manekshaw, have gone to achieve great things in their military careers. Six recipients of the Param Vir Chakra, India's highest military decoration, were a product of the academy.

December 10, 2020, marks 88 years of existence of this exemplary institution dedicated to enabling top-notch military services.

35 36 Letters of the Past


On July 23, 1939, Mahatma Gandhi wrote a letter that captures a pivotal moment in world history. Just over a month before World War II began, the great Indian leader put into words his plea to avoid war “for the sake of humanity.”

Addressing the leader of Nazi Germany—Adolf Hitler—as his ‘friend,’ he stuck to his ideals of non-violence and conviction. The letter was supposed to reach Berlin from a small village in Wardha, Maharashtra. But it never reached its intended destination due to an intervention by the British government.

What followed was Germany’s invasion of Poland and a series of international conflicts that claimed the lives of millions of civilians and military personnel. During the war, the Axis powers included three principal partner countries - Germany, Italy, and Japan. Their main goal was German domination in continental Europe, Italian domination over the Mediterranean Sea, and Japanese domination over East Asia and the Pacific. On the opposing side were the Allies, who resisted their supremacy. The United States, France, Poland, the United Kingdom, and British India were the leading players of this alliance.

The Allied forces finally won the war on September 2, 1945. But by then, the bloodshed had lasted for six years and one day. Gandhiji’s assertive appeal for peace was an attempt to prevent this suffering. It endures as one of the most critical documents in military history to this day!

A copy of the letter follows.

37 38 Thank Us Later! Defence Sector Exams

The Indian Defence Forces promise several paths and highly- respected positions. If you also want to pursue a profession in the defence services, here's a list of exams you can take to enter this prestigious field.

1 3 UPSC Entrance Examination AFCAT The Union Public Service Commission (UPSC) conducts an If you aspire to become an Air Force engineer, buckle up for the entrance exam twice a year for entry into the National Defence Air Force Common Admission Test (AFCAT). The purpose of this Academy (NDA) and Naval Academy (NA). The NDA & NA tests exam is to recruit suitable candidates as Commissioned Officers require candidates to have completed their 10+2 level of in different branches, such as Flying, Ground Duty (Technical), education. You will be eligible to appear when studying in the Ground Duty (Non-technical), etc. 12th class. A three-year bachelor's degree and upper age of 25 years are the Additionally, the UPSC organizes the Central Armed Police Force minimum eligibility requirements. For technical posts in the (CAPF) exam, a graduate-level test for entry into paramilitary Ground Duty branch, you will need to get qualifying marks in an forces. These include the Border Security Force (BSF), Central online written exam and the Engineer Knowledge Test (EKT). Industrial Security Force (CISF), Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF), Indo Tibetan Border Police (ITBP), and Sashastra Seema Bal (SSB). 4 ICG recruitment The Indian Coast Guard (ICG) conducts recruits for different 2 categories examination for its General Duty and domestic CDS Exam branch. The selection board evaluates aspirants through a The Combined Defence Services Examination (CDSE) is held written exam and interview. The minimum eligibility for ICG job twice a year, also by the UPSC. University graduates or those in opportunities is a 10+2+3 education with at least 50% aggregate the final year of their undergraduate degree are eligible to marks and a background in Maths and Physics. Alternatively, you compete. Successful candidates join the Indian Military Academy can undertake short service as a commercial pilot or prepare for (IMA), the Air Force Academy, or the Naval Academy. entry into the engineering and electrical domains.

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45 #Teenspiration



Our soldiers nobly fight to protect our freedom and to guard the nation. Motivated by this thought, 16-year-old Harshwardhansinh Zala from Ahmedabad, Gujarat came up with an innovative solution to help the Indian Forces.

Zala has invented a drone called EAGLE A7 to detect active landmines. In warfare, anti-personnel and anti-tank mines pose a significant threat to human life and fighting vehicles. Drones can act as the "eyes in the sky" when human-operated flights may be considered too risky or challenging. Zala's unmanned aircraft can hover over the ground and place a blasting cap on the spot, enabling the military forces to destroy the landmines later. He has applied multi-spectral technology for detection and included a battery box, military-grade controller, main technology box, and micro-computer in the device. The drone can be operated remotely from a distance of 100 km and potentially save millions of lives.

Although his creation has received international interest, he wishes to deploy the drone to serve the Indian Army and the Central Reserve Police Force (CRPF).