N3 Media Analysing Media Unit


N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Lesson 1 Genres

Genre means type

LI: To understand what genre means with regards to SC: • I can explain what the word genre means • I can give some examples of film genres

Match the film genre to its definition

Films that make you laugh. • Rom-com A film that has a hero who must overcome challenges and obstacles. There are usually a lot of violence, weapons and explosions. • Sci-Fi

Films with exciting plots, usually involving crime or murders. • Thriller

A film with a frightening storyline or atmosphere. They usually deal with monsters and ghosts. • Horror

Romantic comedy where people fall in love, but funny things happen to them. • Documentary

Films that deal with futuristic settings, science and technology, space and time travel parallel universes • Action and aliens.

Films about real people or events • Comedy

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Complete the table below with as many films titles for each genre that you can think of.

Rom-com Sci-Fi Thriller Horror Documentary Action Comedy

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Lesson 2: Sci Fi Genre

LI: To identify conventions of the Sci Fi genre SC: • I can identify the conventions used in sci-fi posters • I can explain how images in posters represent the sci fi genre • For this unit of wrok we are going to focus on the Sci Fi genre • We are going to look at posters advertising the films.

Look at the for the first Star Wars film, released in 1977. List the images in the poster that link it to the Sci Fi genre

Look at the poster for the 2nd Star Wars film, . Again, list the images in the poster that link to the Sci Fi genre

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Complete the mind map below of the genre conventions you would expect to see in a Sci Fi film poster.

Sci Fi Film Poster Conventions

Some of the images in the poster are linked specifically to the Sci Fi genre Match the correct convetion to the sci-fi link.

Convention Link to the Sci Fi

New weapons that have still to be invented

Found in outer space and used by aliens to travel or live in

Things that are found in space

New technology that doesn’t exist yet

Creatures from other planets that are not found on earth

Robots Lightsaber Spaceships Aliens Stars/Planet/Universe

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Practice Assessment

Look at the poster for the third Star Wars film, The Return of the Jedi.

Answer the following questions: 1. What kind of film is advertised in this poster?


2. Give reasons for your answer by referring to the content of the poster.




N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Lesson 3 Representation

LI: To understand how characters are represented in film posters SC: I can explain what representation is I can explain what different aspects of representation tell us about a character

In films and posters, directors try to show what characters are like in different ways.

The do this through: • Costume • Appearance • Body Language • Action • Props

Look at the following images. Answer the questions under each image using your whiteboard or Ipad.

Now look at the original poster for Star Wars. Think-Pair-Share Who do you think is the hero of the film? What is it about the way they are represented that makes you think this?

Now complete the sentences below, filling in the missing words. 1. The character is wearing white clothing, showing that he is fights on the side of good. 2. The character also seems tidy and well presented, which we would expect from a hero. 3. The character seems quite confident as he is standing tall, ready to fight. 4. The character has a sword and seems to be about to use it to protect himself and the girl below him.

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

5. The sword looks like it is made from light, symbolising hope and positivity.

Think-Pair-Share Who do you think is the villian of the film? What is it about the way they are represented that makes you think this?

Now complete the sentences below, filling in the missing words. 1. The villain is wearing black clothing, showing that he is fights on the side of evil. 2. The villain is hiding face, as if he trying to keep his identity a secret. 3. The villain in the background of the poster, almost looking down on the hero, showing that he will challenge the hero. 4. The villian’s helmet is quite menacing and scary, showing that he is evil.

Look at the poster for the 2n Star Wars film, The Empire Strikes Back.

Mind map the ways in which the characters are represented.



N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Practice Assessment Look at the poster for the third Star Wars film, The Return of the Jedi.

Answer the following questions: 1. Identify one person in this poster?


2. Describe how this person has been represented in this poster.




Lesson 4 Audience LI: To identify the audience for a film SC: I can explain what the term audience means I can identify the audience for a film I can justify my answer using evidence

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

An audience is a group of people who are interested in a particular form of entertainment.

For example, they might all like the same film, or attend a concert by a particular band, or read a particular book.

Audeinces can be catogorised in the following ways: People who like dance music

• Age Teenagers • Gender Young adults over 18 • Nationality • Specialist interests • Occupation • Social status • Stage in life Politicians People interested in politics Match the audience to the form of entertainmewnt Those over 18

Newspaper article on the General Election 2015 Avicci gig 22 Jump Street People who like comedy films Book about Scottish history Teenagers and young adults David Beckham Biography

Hibs cup final match Channel make up advert

Historians and history teachers

Football fans Scottish people

Manchester United Supporters People interested in history

Older adults

Hibs supporters Women People interested in football Wealthy/Upper class Scottish people Those interested in fashion N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment People who live in Edinburgh

Now look at the poster for the original Star Wars films.

Complete the mind map below as a class

People interested in the sci-fi genre This poster has spaceships and aliens in it, showing that the film is about science fiction and set in outer space

Occupation Specialist interests

• Age • Gender

Audeinces for Star Wars: A New Hope

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Now look at the poster for The Empire Strikes Back

In pairs, complete the mind map below.

Specialist interests

• Gender

Audeinces for Star Wars: A New Hope


• Age

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Practice Assessment

Look at the poster for the third Star Wars film, The Return of the Jedi.

Films are made for particular groups of people, such as girls, boys, men and women.

a. Who do you think this film has been made for?

b. What has been put into this poster for this audience?

Lesson 5: Purpose LI: To identify the purpose of a text SC: I know what the 4 main purposes of a text are I can give evidence to explain the purpose of a text

There are 4 main prupsoes of a text: To inform To persuade N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

To entertain To discuss

Try to identify the main prupose of each of the following texts

The 6 0’Clock News The Jeremey Kyle Show Prime Minister’s Questions The Harry Potter books 22 Jump Street A leaflet about healthy eating A road sign A film poster An advert for Irn Bru

Now look at the original poster for Star Wars What do you think the purpose of this film is? Why do you think this? What evidence would you use from the poster to back this up?

No look at the poster for The Empire Strikes Back Think- Pair- Share What do you think the purpose of this film is? Why do you think this? What evidence would you use from the poster to back this up?

Practice Assessment Films are made for a particular purpose.

a. What do you think the purpose of this film is?

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

b. How does the evidence in the poster back this up?

Leson 6: Film Institutions LI: To explain what institutional information is SC: I can explain what the institutional information of a film is I can identify it in a film poster I can explain why particular institutional information has been included

A film poster will contain institutional information.

For example, it will tell you about: the stars the director certification awards critics’ comments the studio that made the film Other information about how it was made

Look at the poster of the original Star Wars film and answer the following questions.

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Who directed the film? What studio produced the film? Name two actors in the film.

Now look at the poster for The Empire Strikes Back. It also contains institouoinal information. Can you find an similarities with the original Star Wars poster?

Particular institutional information attracts particular people Match the insituional information to the correct reason for including it

Directot George Lucas Peopl who are fans of his work would want to see this film Mark Hamill and Harrison Ford People may be fans of thses actors and would wnt to see the film because they are in it Producers 20th Century Fox They are a well known company who make good films so people will know the film will be of a good quality

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

Practice Assessment A film poster will contain institutional information. For example, it will tell you about the stars, the director, certification, awards, critics’ comments, the studio that made the film, and so on.

a. Describe one piece of institutional information in the poster.

b. Give a reason why this information has been included.

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment

N3 Analysing Media Unit Assessment