North Sulawesi Province Soekarno Bridge in Manado Orth Sulawesi Is Located on Minahasa, the Northern Peninsula of the Island of Sulawesi

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North Sulawesi Province Soekarno Bridge in Manado Orth Sulawesi Is Located on Minahasa, the Northern Peninsula of the Island of Sulawesi PROVINCE OVERVIEW INDONESIA INDUSTRIAL ESTATES DIRECTORY 2018-2019 North Sulawesi Province Soekarno bridge in Manado orth Sulawesi is located on Minahasa, the northern peninsula of the island of Sulawesi. Its natural Basic Data borders are the Celebes Sea to the north, the Molucca NSea to the east and south; while in the west, there is the province of Gorontalo. North Sulawesi moreover includes Capital: Manado the Talaud and Sangihe groups of islands in the Celebes Sea. The capital is Manado City, near the northeastern Major Cities: tip of the province’s mainland. Administratively, North • Bitung : 269.368 inhabitants Sulawesi is divided into eleven regencies and four cities. • Kotamobagu : 116.180 inhabitants In developing the province, the government has set • Tomohon : 95.011 inhabitants the vision of “realizing North Sulawesi as a self-sufficient 2 economy with a sovereign government and culture”. This Size of Province: 15.273 km vision is planned to be achieved by enhancing economic Population: independence, strengthening the agricultural sector and (1) Province : 2.412.118 inhabitants use of maritime resources, and encouraging the industry (2) Province Capital : 473.499 inhabitants and services sector. Under the National Medium Term Development Salary (2018): Plan of 2015-2019, the central government has planned The provincial monthly minimum wage : to create a Special Economic Zone (SEZ) in Bitung, as a USD 209,21. designated center of fishery, coconut processing, and pharmaceuticals. The infrastructures along the site, such as toll road, water distribution network, enhancement of electricity capacity, will also be further developed to Educational Attainment accommodate the needs of potential investors. The target DIPLOMA Undergraduate Postgraduate investment value of Bitung SEZ until 2025 is USD 2 billion. 1,64% 3,69% 0,31% In 2016, the potential of production from fishery in VOCATIONAL Bitung reached approximately 587.000 tons. However, only 3,74% Never attending 25,04% or 147.000 tons were exploited in the same year. school % Fishery resources of Bitung are tuna fish and varieties, 2,97 mackerel fish, squid, and reef fish among others. Not graduated Furthermore, for the coconuts processing sector, the SENIOR from Elementary presence of Special Economic Zone is intended to help % 20,92 % modernizing the coconut processing industry and to 21,52 also serve foreign markets. Among the coconut products produced in North Sulawesi are for example coconut flour, coconut briquettes, and coconut’s copra. In 2015, total Junior Elementary coconut production of the province reached 270,036 tons. 19,27% 25,94% Moreover, the pharmaceuticals industry is supported by the government because the demand from the foreign companies is high. The demand comes from mostly Chinese companies, that already invested about USD 1,48 billion in the herbal pharmaceuticals industry. 22 NORTH SULAWESI PROVINCE ECONOMY Subsistence/common vocation Between 2014 and 2016, the economic growth of North of Population Sulawesi has always been above the national growth rates. The economy grew by 6,12% in 2014, 5,57% in 2015, and 6,01% in 2016. In 2015, GRDP of North Sulawesi was 90,05% USD 6,7 billion with the largest contribution coming from 6,11% MINING agriculture (21,76% of GRDP), wholesale and retail (12,35%), Agriculture, Veterinary, 1,14% PROCESSING INDUSTRY construction (11,53%), transportation and warehousing Forestry & (10,61%), and the processing industry (9,45%). The % Trading, Hotel and Fishery 2,70 Restaurant province contributed 1,1% to the national GDP in 2015. In recent years, the export value of North Sulawesi has always been greater than the import value, thus resulting in a trade surplus. In 2015, the value of total exports from North Sulawesi was USD 807 million. Fats and oil products INVESTMENT with a total export value of USD 646 million was the main During 2011-2016, investments in North Sulawesi exported commodity in terms of value, followed by meat were led by four sectors, such as: agriculture, fisheries, and processed fishes (USD 51 million) and residues of electricity, gas, and water, and food industry. the food industry (USD 37 million). The leading export The main receiving sectors of foreign investment in destination of North Sulawesi were Singapore (USD 158 2016 were electricity, gas, and water with investments of million), the United States of America (USD 229 million), USD 209 million, the non-metal mineral industry (USD and China (USD 108 million). Furthermore, total imports 95,9 million), and hotel and restaurant (USD 26,9 million). of North Sulawesi amounted to USD 62,48 million in 2015. The main receiving sectors of domestic investment in The top countries of origin for imports were China (USD 19 2016 were electricity, gas and water with investments of million), Taiwan (USD 8,7 million), and Singapore (USD 6,8 USD 252 million, followed by mining (USD 118 million), and million). The trade surplus in 2015 was USD 583,52 million. the food industry (USD 1,36 million). Investment Realisation 800 700 600 500 DDI 400 FDI 300 200 Manado City 100 Economic Growth (2014-2016) (mio USD) 2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 Year DDI 50,30 4,90 6,10 20 375,50 Description 2014 2015 2016*) FDI 46,70 65,70 98,50 88 382,80 Economic Growth of Province 6,12 5,57 6,01 Total 97 70,60 104,60 108 758,30 National Economic Growth 5,01 4,88 5,02 Economic Resources *) estimated Commodities Outlook Actual expenditures of the government of North Sulawesi increased from USD 15 million in 2013 to USD Agriculture 16 million in 2014 and USD 19 million in 2015. In 2015, indirect expenditures such as personal costs and grants Metal Industry and funds for districts and cities accounted for 52% of the overall actual expenditures, with the remaining 48% went Tourism to direct expenditures. In 2014, average expenditure per capita per month in Fishery North Sulawesi was USD 58, which increased to USD 60 in 2015. Of the later, USD 28,8 were spent on non-food Pharmaceuticals consumption such as housing and housing facilities and USD 29,2 were spent on food consumption . Manufacturing Industry 23 PROVINCE OVERVIEW INDONESIA INDUSTRIAL ESTATES DIRECTORY 2018-2019 Scale 1:2,000,000 Sulawesi Sea Bunaken Island Sam Ratulangi Airport Sangihe Archipelago Manado Port MANADO Bitung Port Tahuna Port Sangihe Island Capital City 1 City Scale 1:2,000,000 Main bridge Toll road National road Medium road Nanusa Archipelago Small road Railroad International Airport Domestic Airport Gorontalo Maluku Karakelong Island Province International Port Sea Domestic Port / Harbour Existing Industrial Estate Industrial Estate in Development Tomini Strait EXISTING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE N/A DEVELOPING INDUSTRIAL ESTATE 1 Bitung Special Economic Zone LAND ROAD 1.391,231 km Indonesia’s flag carrier in Sam Ratulangi International Airport SEAPORT 13 (Bitung Port, Tahuna Port, Petta Port, Bukide Port, Kalama Port, Lipang Port, Kahakitang Port, Kawaluso Port, Matutuang Port, Kawio Port, Sawang Port, Buhias Port, and Amurang Port). AIRPORT 5 with Sam Ratulangi International Airport, Naha Tahuna Airport, Melonguane Airport as the more noticeable ones TRAIN SYSTEM Planned railways between Manado and Bitung. Harbor in Manado City 24 NORTH SULAWESI PROVINCE The Soekarno Bridge over the harbor in Manado by night DEVELOPMENT PLAN 1. Construction of Airports on Sitaro Island and Talaud Island. 2. Construction of Manado-Bitung Railways. 3. Construction of Manado-Bitung Toll Road. 4. Construction of Gorontalo-Manado Toll Road. 5. Construction of a dam in Bolaang Mongondow. 6. Development of an ocean fisheries port in Bitung. 7. Development of a power plant in Suluttengo. 8. Development of a geothermal power plant in Lahendong. 9. Development of the Special Area of Economic in Bitung. 10. Development of Bitung International Port. 11. Development of a clean water distribution network in Sangihe. 12. Development of the fish canning industry in Bitung. Bunaken National Marine Park, located in North Sulawesi, has 13. Development of a fishery port in Bitung. one of the highest marine biodiversity in the world that attracts 14. Development of a gas power plant in Bitung (2x100 many visitors MW). STRENGTH 15. Development of Sam Ratulangi Airport. 16. Development of Taman Sari Metropolitan Manado. 17. Development of the Kuwil Multifunction Dam in 1. The province has suitable conditions for North Minahasa. horticulture. 18. Development of Manado Tourism. 2. The government is planning to build a railroad 19. Construction of ports in Sangihe Island and Talaud between Manado and Bitung as part of its plan Island. to develop the province’s infrastructure. 3. Tourism, especially marine and eco-tourism sector is emerging, for example Bunaken is the first of Indonesia’s growing system of marine parks. CONTACT 4. The developing Special Economic Zone Bitung will serve as a specialized center for the coconut processing industry, fisheries and the Provincial Government of North Sulawesi pharmaceuticals industry. Jl. 17 Agustus No. 69 Manado 5. The province is experiencing strong governance Phone : +62 (431) 86200 and economic stability. E-mail : N/A Website : 25.

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