THE SHI KING INDIANA Unl\;1:RS!TY Limwlr ( I, , I V, H Str !Jobn1ubbock's"'Un~Te~ L)Ooks
SIR JOHN LUBBOCK'S HUNDRED BOOKS THE SHI KING INDIANA UNl\;1:RS!TY LImWlr ( I, , I V, h Str !Jobn1ubbock's"'un~te~ l)ooks ,THE SHI KING THE OLD II POETRY CLASSIC" OF THE CHINESE A CLOSE METRICAL TRANSLATION, WITH ANNOTATIONS BY WILLIAM JENNINGS, M.A. VICAR OF BURDON', BERKS LATH COLONIAl. CHAPLAINt INCUMBENT OF ST. JOHN'S CATKKDRALI HONG KONG 1on~on anb• ~ew moth GEORGE ROUTLEDGE AND SONS LIMITED 'TJL24-7~ ,}- if I £:f! " If Chinese scholars would bring the ancient literature near to us, if they would show us something in it that really concerns us, something that is not merely old but eternally young, Chmese "tuJies would soon take their place in public estimation by the side of Indo-European, Babylonian, and Egypuan scholarship There is no reason why China should remain so strange, so far removed from our common mterests."-PROF. MAX MULLER, In Nm(teenth Century for May, 1891, J l1el1icate 'XE::r:s :soox: TO MY WIFE. INTRODUCTION TO THE SHI RING.- BY THE TRANSLATOR. WHATEVERbe the merits of this collection of the venerated ancient poetry of the Chinese, it possesses one quality which ought to have weight with the European reader: it represents, as in a mirror, the circumstances, the thoughts, the habits, the joys and sorrows of persons of all classes of society in China 3,000 years ago, pour. trayed by themselves. In it we have some of the oldest writings of that ancient race of strange custom and peculiar ideas. And yet, as proving that human nature IS the same in its feelings and humours, and in its virtues and vices, despite the limits of millenniums and the boundaries of continents, there are pages in which we feel ourselves standing in the midst of the modern life of Europe.
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