Transnet Bonuses a Disgrace
Labour Report Winter 2013 NEWS FLASH NEWS UTATU SARWHU’s message to TFR Why labour’s pay ‘If you want to emulate First World rail, begin with demands seem salary levels,’ – see: ‘Can one-man trains work in SA?’ on page 3 excessive - Page 9 Affiliated to FEDUSA It is an outrage People need to be protected when doing their jobs. Read the story on page 3 about a UTATU SARWHU member’s ordeal. Gallant UTATU SARHWU Transnet bonuses celebrates its first anniversary a disgrace n 22 June UTATU “Not only have we proved them Both presidents agree that their SARHWU celebrated its wrong, but we have demonstrated that union’s success over the past year is a TATU SARWHU, nomic downturn and the Kumba Ofirst anniversary. black and white workers can achieve tribute to the efforts of the workers Transnet’s largest trade strike - had nothing to do with the The union’s celebration was sweet- better results by working together . of all races and both genders who U union, has declared the company’s workers, George argues. ened by the fact that, contrary to the that there is more to trade unionism have pulled together to create a company’s decision to slash its 2013 “In addition to their bonus shock,” gloomy forecasts of its critics, the than flag-waving, slogans and strikes . union of which they are proud. productivity bonuses by up to two- George continued,“Transnet’s work- union has become by far the largest . that worker unity, professional man- “Everyone in the UTATU SAR- thirds ‘a disgrace.’ ers are offended by the report’s and most accomplished trade union agement, top quality representation WHU team - our dues-paying “It is clear from Transnet’s 2012/13 absence of any credit for their efforts.
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