Vote: 541 Mubende District Structure of Draft Performance Contract Terms and Conditions
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Local Government Draft Performance Contract Vote: 541 Mubende District Structure of Draft Performance Contract Terms and Conditions Executive Summary A: Revenue Performance and Plans B: Summary of Department Performance and Plans by Workplan C: Draft Annual Workplan Outputs for 2015/16 D: Details of Annual Workplan Activities and Expenditures for 2015/16 E: Quarterly Workplan for 2015/16 Terms and Conditions I, as the Accounting Officer for Vote 541 Mubende District, hereby submit the documents listed above which were generated based on the budget laid before Council on _______________. In addition to the legal requirements on submission of reports to the Council, I undertake to prepare and submit quarterly performance reports to the Ministry of Finance, Planning and Economic Development (MoFPED) with copies to the relevant Central Government Ministries and Agencies to assess the performance of the outputs stated in this Performance Contract based on the monitorable output indicators as set out in the workplans . Performance reports will be submitted on the last working day of the first month after the close of each quarter. I understand that MoFPED will not disburse conditional grant funds until it has received approval of the aforementioned reports from the relevant Sector Ministries and Agencies. I also commit to preparing a revised Annual and quarterly work plan by the end of June after incorporating the appropriate adjustments following the Budget approval by the Council at the end of May. Name and Signature: Chief Administrative Officer, Mubende District Date: cc. The LCV Chairperson (District)/ The Mayor (Municipality) Page 1 Local Government Draft Performance Contract Vote: 541 Mubende District Executive Summary Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget Dec UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,441,237 718,561 1,435,191 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 3,281,803 1,518,408 3,141,224 2b. Conditional Government Transfers 23,332,733 10,509,024 22,231,566 2c. Other Government Transfers 3,914,526 3,054,381 2,764,265 3. Local Development Grant 1,193,041 645,765 1,103,041 4. Donor Funding 1,462,926 286,025 1,545,000 Total Revenues 34,626,266 16,732,164 32,220,286 Revenue Performance in 2014/15 The district Recieved UGX. 8,661,818,000 by the end of the first quarter FY 2014/15 out the the total budget of 34,626,266,000 and UGX. 8242,507,000 was spent in respective departments. UGX. 368,055,000 from Local revenue, UGX. 749,440,000 fromDiscretionary Government Transfers, UGX. 5,306,983,000 from conditional transfers, UGX. 1,824,049,000 from other government transfers, UGX. 298,260,000 from Local Development Grant (LGMSD) and 115,032,000 from Donor funding. Planned Revenues for 2015/16 The district expect UGX. 33,494,257,000 FY 2015/16. UGX. 1,435,290,000 from Local revenue, UGX.3,281,803,000 fromDiscretionary Government Transfers, UGX. 23,332,733,000 from conditional transfers, UGX. 2,800,560,000 from other government transfers, UGX. 1,193,041,000 from Local Development Grant (LGMSD) and 1,450,830,000 from Donor funding. Expenditure Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Actual Proposed Budget Expenditure by UShs 000's end of Dec 1a Administration 1,639,561 801,749 1,566,900 2 Finance 950,390 441,767 914,802 3 Statutory Bodies 1,085,344 430,048 1,089,858 4 Production and Marketing 1,386,893 383,858 927,558 5 Health 4,406,844 1,637,836 4,674,676 6 Education 18,692,205 8,387,316 17,978,556 7a Roads and Engineering 2,172,174 1,083,993 2,237,071 7b Water 765,749 231,576 954,132 8 Natural Resources 456,268 158,827 425,409 9 Community Based Services 1,055,146 241,108 1,047,839 10 Planning 1,919,771 1,427,027 290,734 11 Internal Audit 95,920 44,623 112,751 Grand Total 34,626,266 15,269,725 32,220,286 Wage Rec't: 18,776,571 8,399,315 18,008,094 Non Wage Rec't: 10,233,272 5,739,496 9,007,933 Domestic Dev't 4,153,497 970,398 3,659,260 Donor Dev't 1,462,926 160,515 1,545,000 Expenditure Performance in 2014/15 Page 2 Local Government Draft Performance Contract Vote: 541 Mubende District Executive Summary Out of the total annual budget of UGX 34,626,266,000, the district received a total of UGX 8,661,818,000= in the first quarter with a performance of 25%. The revenue outturn performed on target although with variations in some revenues sources. Other government transfers performed above the target at only 47% with some line items like CAAIP, GAVI/UNEPI, Global Fund, Uganda AIDS Commission, LAVEMPII, MAAIF and Ministry of Trade and Industry did not remit any money and no communication to that effect. This affected the performance However some revenue source likes UBOS(NPHC-2014 ) performed above the target. Discretionary transfers were at the target 0f 25% however, urban wage performed at 18% below the target. Although the donor performed at 8%below the target, some donors did not remit any money as planned while others performed above target. For example FAO, WHO and UNICEF performed. Also locally raised revenue was above the target at 26% although some revenue sources still did not realized money as planed especially the revenue from sources not of regular nature and specific collection point like Refuse collection charges, Public licenses and court filing fees among others. Out of the total receipt in the quarter UGX 8,661,006 was released to the departments with a balance of UGX 418,499,000/= which remained in different accounts and departments The wage component totaled to UGX 4,154,743,000 (95%) of the total quarterly expenditure, and the other expenditure was incurred on both development and recurrent expenditure. UGX 3,426,159,000 was spent in recurrent items and Ugx 582,708,000 for Domestic government development whereas UGX 78,896 was in respect of Donor Development. The balance on account donor, development and recurrent were explained in the respective department. Planned Expenditures for 2015/16 Out of a total expect revenue UGX. 33,494,257,000 for FY 2015/16, UGX. 1,535,886,000 was allocated to Administration both at the district and sub county, UGX. 962,390,000 Finance, UGX. 1,080,000,000 Statutory boards, UGX. 1,799,366,000 Production and Marketing, UGX. 4,420,700,000 Health, UGX.18,687,179,000 Education, UGX. 2,039,466,000 Roads and Engineering, UGX. 755,103,000 Water, UGX. 395,409,000 Natural Resources, UGX. 1,047,234,000 Community Based Services, 675,604,000 Planning Unit and 95,920,000 Internal Audit. Out of the total expected revenue, wage component totaled to UGX 18,776,571,000 Non-Wage recurrent UGX. 9,023,947,000 Domestic developments UGX. 4,023,947,000 and Donor funding 1,450,830,000 was allocated to different departments . Challenges in Implementation i. The slow, lengthy and bureaucratic procurement process involved in procuring service providers; loosing of skilled staff to other organizations; ii. Delay in receiving of funds by the district and user departments iii. Inadequate staff especially in Planning Unit , Management and education sectors iv. Inadequate road unit v. Lack of water for production equipment vi. Inadequate local revenue Page 3 Local Government Draft Performance Contract Vote: 541 Mubende District A. Revenue Performance and Plans 2014/15 2015/16 Approved Budget Receipts by End Proposed Budget of Dec UShs 000's 1. Locally Raised Revenues 1,441,237 718,561 1,435,191 Miscellaneous 35,452 1,600 5,029 Rent & Rates from other Gov't Units 70,390 0 53,340 Registration of Businesses 5,362 1,085 5,540 Registration (e.g. Births, Deaths, Marriages, etc.) Fees 5,679 1,115 6,072 Refuse collection charges/Public convinience 2,100 160 2,100 Public Health Licences 14,381 795 12,851 Property related Duties/Fees 36,087 5,069 34,437 Park Fees 308,123 192,648 336,596 Other licences 2,858 3,600 5,485 Rent & Rates from private entities 8,480 3,869 6,160 Other Court Fees 2,200 0 5,960 Other Fees and Charges 23,269 168 11,259 Market/Gate Charges 181,500 75,248 201,594 Local Service Tax 151,167 172,061 114,489 Local Hotel Tax 23,216 2,684 15,022 Liquor licences 989 0 500 Advertisements/Billboards 9,302 1,967 9,124 Inspection Fees 7,815 4,805 10,988 Fees from appeals 200 0 200 Educational/Instruction related levies 21,247 1,655 3,747 Court Filing Fees 3,535 820 4,557 Land Fees 46,903 33,049 97,078 Animal & Crop Husbandry related levies 262,728 118,610 275,186 Business licences 183,500 89,244 204,060 Agency Fees 16,410 722 9,000 Rent & rates-produced assets-from private entities 5,028 1,640 2,000 Tax Tribunal - Court Charges and Fees 300 0 2,147 Sale of non-produced government Properties/assets 5,069 0 670 Sale of (Produced) Government Properties/assets 2,000 0 Unspent balances – Locally Raised Revenues 5,947 5,947 2a. Discretionary Government Transfers 3,281,803 1,518,408 3,141,224 Transfer of District Unconditional Grant - Wage 1,758,340 768,118 1,584,787 Urban Unconditional Grant - Non Wage 122,767 61,384 137,544 District Unconditional Grant - Non Wage 1,197,903 598,952 1,220,148 Transfer of Urban Unconditional Grant - Wage 202,793 89,954 198,745 2b.