Shortridge Daily Echo First American High School Daily Vol
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SHORTRIDGE DAILY ECHO FIRST AMERICAN HIGH SCHOOL DAILY VOL. XXIX. No. 95. SHORTRIDGE HIGH SCHOOL, INDIANAPOLIS, WEDNESDAY, FEBRUARY 2, 1927. TWO CENTS. HATH < LIB. SUPT. GRAFF ADDRESSES SENIOR PI, VV COMMITTEE. The election nf officers of the Meeting today al assembly in Math Cluh nill he held at confer* Koom '22. Every member must enee todnv In Itoom 7. At nieiii- PARENT-TEACHERS'CLUB be present. hers please he pre sent. Thurman Itldge. At Present Harold Warren, Subject is "School for Crippled Chll- 'res. Pro lem. dren"—Miss Hope V. lied. ford Slnjrs. VAUDEVILLE CHAIRMAN Free Rooks in the Schools. "Society is committed to the educa tion of every child; thai is. give each Preparedness. MISS ASHBROOK TELLS child at least an elementary educa APPOINTS COMMITTEES l'ard11ns and Crime Waves. tion," said Mr. E, C. Graff, superin OF HOOSIER ART SALON tendent Of Indianapolis public schools, Charles Houslog, General Chair E. COHN last evening, in Ihe Study Hall. To man, Appoints Tom Long secure this, a school for crippled chil Stage Manager. Isn't it about lime for Indiana to Many Pictures Are Displayed At Marshall Field Galleries dren has been Btarted, with tbe co become modern, alert, anil an like.' operation of the Indianapolis Founda Charles Houslog. general chairman Jfow liml our legislature Is in full By Hoosier Artists. tion, on the first door of School No. 5. of the Junior Vaudeville, lias an suing, why doesn't some Senator brine; The School has special teachers, spe nounced the appointment of the re up a hill to have free books in Hie Miss Ashbrook has just returned cial rooms, and special furniture; the mainder of the Junior Entertainment schools I All modern cities are adopt* from Chicago, where she attended the pupil receive corrective gym work as Committees. Any one who has been ing Hie free book plan. It would work Hoosier Salon which opened Saturda.i well as academic Instruction. A bus appointed on a committee bul does nol especially well In Indiana, where (he with a large reception al Marshall calls for the children and takes them wish to serve Is lo not ily Charles book contracts are changed more fre field's. The exhibition, which will home. The aim of this school is to Houslog at once. quently than necessary. continue during this week, consists of make it possible for some of these The new committees are as follows: * * * Uie work of native Hoosiers or artists lo return to regular public schools. Stage and Property Committee President CoolVigo .stated ll hat he who have worked In Indiana for a Tom Hong. Btage manager: Abe l.c.'il'f. It is hoped thai in the future a new was in favor of a dsarmament meeUng perod of five years. A few prominent Tom liutz. Edmond Engelklng, Enoa huilding will be erected for this group. in which most ot the nations might get artists were detained in Indianapolis Troyer. Robert Wright, William Pat-~« Mr. Buck gave a few words of wel to .-oine agreement concerning "rear bebcause Of the death of Mr. .1. Oltls rick, Ceorge V. Miller, and Paul ileii-" come 10 ihe new members of tin- club, weapons. He is really in favor of dis Adam's. True to the past, there were ley. i, whose children have just entered armament. Hut what nation was ever ma/'y artists from the local group of Shortridge. costume Committee Elizabeth frightened or Intimidated hy an un artists. 'I'll.' musical part of the program Stone. Thelma Porter. Martha Clin armed country? What we need Is a The large prize Of ?".IIII was won by was furnished hy Miss Hope Bedford, ehens. Dvera Cohen, Prances Hill, Eve strong army, a strong navy, and an Ha .-.Jolph fonts Boh Davidson, un ex- soprano, who sang. "To a Messenger." lyn Cross! reel. Marian Jenckes. Vir extra strong and modern air fleet! A Shorl ridge-:, who now attends .lohn "Indian'Love Call." and "Only a Rose." ginia Hetherington, Bernardino Grow, country was never knovfl to start war Hern,,i Arl Institute won a prize for Rosemary Baston, Florence Potlenger, She was accompanied by Mr. Charles with a nation prepared and rwwjy to a scu'fVtured piece, the title of which Charlotte Bruce, Virginia Holt. Muriel B. Hansen, ilu- well known organist, light; Even the Hoy gout's motto is was "An Ideal Head." This was quite Adams. Katherine Tinsley. and Maxine it "lie Prepared." v»«, an honor because Mr. Davidson is a Gardner. After all the acts have been ."ruing artist. Hale Besslre, who was organized elghl members of this com bi-1 editor of the Annual iu 1905, ex There is not much to s-rv concerning STELLAR ROLE GIVEN mittee v ill be chosen and each one hibited two oil paintings. Mr. Besslre the recent epideme of Holdups^rob- will take charge of the costuming of is a* Ilrown County artist. Tag- beries and murders except that it Is TO EDWARD NELL, JR. one certain act. gart, a former Shortridge student, dis nothing luil what should be expected. Make-up Committee Mary Alice continued on Page Four) Wh'ti a Criminal is sentenced, he real Shortridge Graduate Achieves Scheffel, Huth Marie Price. Virginia izes there will he little trouble in be Greal Success In "The (Continued on Page Pour) ing pardoned. Why all Iliis confidence Vagabond Kins." on the part of the sentenced'.' Because GIRL DEBATERS MAKE of the practce of pardoning men for Another Shortridge graduate to win SHORTRIDGE TEACHERS political and petty reasons, the crim NEW SEMESTER PLANS distinction is Edward Nell, '16, who Is inal Is assured of a short term of pun gaining remarkable success in the ATTEND I. U. BANQUET ishment. Not long ago "Ma" Ferguson, Another Tournament Will He stellar role of the "agabond King." ex-governor of Texas, ended here ex Mr. Nell was singing as the under ecutive term by issuing pardons for Conducted—Nine Teams study of Dennis King, who had the Ex-Principal One of Speakers over one hundred prisoners. During Are Selected. leading part in "The Vagabond King" On Program—Tells Of her term she freed over .1,000 crim in CbicagO, 0 few weeks ago. The Extension Work. inals. When there is no punishment to Plans for the new semester were company playing at Newark, N. J , al lie feared from one's crime, there is discussed at the Girls' Debating League that time was in greal need of a Binger Many Shortridge teachers were pres- hound to be an epidemic of wrong meeting, yesterday. wlm could take the part of the famous ent al the dinner given Monday night doing. * « * Mr. Otto said that another tourna Francis Villon. After many had tried hy Hie Indianapolis Extension Centei NO GAME FRIDAY. ment, similar to the one held lasl se out, Mr. Sell was chosen Cor the diffi of Indiana University at the chamber mester would be conducted. The three of ( oiiinierce. There will be no game Friday night cult role. members of the team will not be in Six teachers from Shortridge at with Greenfield. Greenfield wished At his debul In Washington during these debates. The oilier members Of tended the dinner and Mr. Louis Dirks, Shdrtridge to play tlieiu there as they the holidays, Mr. Nell won great ap the league are divided Into nine teams ex-principal, who is now the dean of wished to dedicate their new gym. proval and much praise. He sang willi of two members each. These teams men tit DePauw, was one of the speak Mr. Burton refused to let the team excellent tone and acted his part well. are composed of Huth Hiliner and ers. He told how lie did tlie work for go because of the game at Terre Haute Miss Mary Miller, now in New York. Edith Harrison; Ruth King and Eva his A. M. degree through the exten Saturday night, which necessitates a praised Mr. Nell's work in a letter to Marie Simpson; Carolyn Hofft and sion department. seventy-two mile trip. her father, who is manager of l-.'ng- Mary Holmes; Fdna Schardt and Jo The Shortridge teachers who are do The game was originally scheduled lish's. She said: "He carried the audi sephine Powers; Norma Mack and ing work through this department are to be here. Greenfield has another ence not only with his gorgeous voice Hilda Summer; Iris Hollins and Mr. Gingery, who is teaching a class team scheduled for Friday night. but by his. inspired acting. He did not Helen Johnson; Thelma Porter and assume the nervous tension which in astronomy at Ft. Wayne und i.s Dorothy Tucker; Freida Brill and STOP. LOOK, AND PAY ATTENTION! marked the other Villon's Interpreta taking a course willi Dr. Smith; Mr. Clemtine Casmire; and Margaret Let's put Miss Echo across the tion' of the part, bul he had the otto, who teaches Senior English at Davis and Marjorie Blackman. The channel—1,*M0 subscriptions will do strength, the fire, ami the poetic touch ihe Dental College and a short story ones whose names are given lirst are it. llin ii prize. See map ou dock- remarkably well, in ihe second act lie class ut Wabash; Mrs. Mikels, who is lo act as captains. The question to be landing in old building. was astOUUdingly handsome in I lie in charge of the correspondence ex used is, "Resolved, That the Direct yellow suit ami .straight black wig." tension work iu high school English; Mr. Wade has an excellent full Primary System of Nominating Candi Miss Hauls, Miss Slump, and Miss Ely.