H1368 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 3, 2001 month, but they will receive this news, The authorities routinely threaten, arbitrarily original cosponsor of the resolution; and I urge and it will be extraordinarily impor- arrest, detain, imprison and defame human its unanimous adoption today by the House. tant for them to receive the news that rights advocates and members of independent Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- the American Congress, this beacon of professional associations, often with the goal er, I yield back the balance of my time. hope for the entire world, has spoken of coercing them into leaving the country. The The SPEAKER pro tempore. The once again. Why? Because this again, government severely restricts worker rights, in- question is on the motion offered by as I said, Madam Speaker, is the center cluding the right to form independent trade the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. of dignity and honor and of democracy unions. It requires children to do farm work ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House suspend for the entire world. without compensation during their summer va- the rules and agree to the resolution, Yesterday at a conference going on in cation. House Resolution 91. Havana right now, the President of Political prisoners are estimated at between The question was taken. something called the Inter-Parliamen- 300 and 400 persons. Charges of dissemi- The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the tary Union, approximately 1,000 mem- nating enemy propaganda can bring sen- opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of bers of Parliament from around the tences of up to 14 years. The Universal Dec- those present have voted in the affirm- world, elected, have gone to to laration of , international reports ative. celebrate their conference while they of human rights violations and mainstream for- Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Mr. party. The President of that conference eign newspapers and magazines constitute Speaker, on that I demand the yeas was asked, is there democracy in Cuba? enemy propaganda. The Government controls and nays. Her name, Najma Heptulla from India. all access to the Internet, and all email mes- The yeas and nays were ordered. Her answer was, The answer is yes. If sages are subject to censorship. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- we do not believe in it, then we would All media must operate under party guide- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the not have come back. Obviously, the lines and reflect government views. The Gov- Chair’s prior announcement, further parties, while they are being filmed ernment attempts to shape media coverage to proceedings on this motion will be must be very good. They certainly out- such a degree that it exerts pressure on do- postponed. weigh the conscience. mestic journalists and on foreign correspond- f But the conscience of this Congress ents. will outweigh other interests today. I The law punishes any unauthorized assem- URGING INTRODUCTION OF U.N. am certain that the message will go bly of more than three persons, including RESOLUTION CALLING UPON THE out very clearly that this Congress in those for private religious services in a private PEOPLE’S REPUBLIC OF sovereign representation of this Nation home. The authorities have never approved a TO END ITS HUMAN RIGHTS VIO- once again stands with the oppressed public meeting by a human rights group. The LATIONS IN CHINA AND TIBET Cuban people. Government continues to restrict freedom of Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- religion. The Government prohibits, with occa- er, I move to suspend the rules and er, I yield myself the remaining time. sional exceptions, the construction of new agree to the resolution (H. Res. 56) urg- In closing, I would like to quote di- churches. ing the appropriate representative of rectly from House Resolution 91 to in- Madam Speaker, these are not my words. the United States to the United Na- dicate the importance of speaking out They are not the words of the Cuban Amer- tions Commission on Human Rights to against these practices, and I am going ican National Foundation. They are the dis- introduce at the annual meeting of the to quote from two important figures passionate words of the State Department Commission a resolution calling upon from the Czech Republic and the Polish Human Rights Report. the People’s Republic of China to end movement, two of the Republics that I’ll close with two specific accounts of Cu- its human rights violations in China are helping us in passing the resolution bans who suffer under Castro. and Tibet, and for other purposes, as and promoting it in Geneva next week. Dr. Oscar Elias Biscet, a doctor and human amended. It reads, ‘‘President Havel, an essential rights leader, was imprisoned for hanging a The Clerk read as follows: figure in the Czech Republic’s transi- Cuban flag upside down. He has been beaten H. RES. 56 tion to democracy, has counseled that and, during several prolonged periods placed Whereas the annual meeting of the United we thus know that by voicing open in punishment cells in isolation, prohibited Nations Commission on Human Rights in Ge- criticism of undemocratic conditions from receiving visitors, food, clothes and neva, Switzerland, provides a forum for dis- in Cuba, we encourage all the brave Cu- books—including the Bible. This is worse even cussing human rights and expressing inter- bans who endure persecution and years than the treatment given to Nelson Mandela national support for improved human rights of prison for their loyalty to the ideals as a prisoner. performance; of freedom and human dignity’’; and Dorca Cespedes, a reporter for independent Whereas, according to the Department of ‘‘former President Lech Walesa, leader Havana Press, was told by the director of her State and international human rights orga- of the Polish solidarity movement,’’ daughter’s daycare center, that the toddler nizations, the Government of the People’s Republic of China continues to commit wide- who has urged the world to ‘‘mobilize could no longer attend, due to the mother’s spread and well-documented human rights its resources, just as was done in sup- ‘‘counterrevolutionary’’ activities. abuses in China and Tibet; port of the Polish solidarity movement Dr. Biscet has been called the Martin Luther Whereas the People’s Republic of China has and the Polish workers to express their King, Jr. of Cuba. yet to demonstrate its willingness to abide support for Cuban workers and to mon- Ms. Cespedes could be any one of us—a by internationally accepted norms of free- itor Cuban labor rights’’ in Cuba. parent trying to make a living and raise her dom of belief, expression, and association by We thank these leaders for the child in a life of truth and justice. repealing or amending laws and decrees that human rights agenda in Geneva, and Madam Speaker, any even cursory reading restrict those freedoms; we hope that our colleagues will help of what’s going on in Cuba today tells us that Whereas the Government of the People’s us in passing House Resolution 91 we’ve seen this totalitarianism before. We’ve Republic of China continues to ban and crim- inalize groups it labels as cults or heretical today. seen it for decades in Cuba, just as we saw organizations; Mr. MENENDEZ. Madam Speaker, Cuba is it for decades in the former Soviet bloc. Whereas the Government of the People’s a totalitarian state controlled by Fidel Castro. Madam Speaker, let us today recall our sup- Republic of China has repressed unregistered The Government’s human rights record re- port for human rights and democracy in the religious congregations and spiritual move- mains a poor one. It continues to violate sys- former Soviet Union and Eastern Europe, and ments, including Falun Gong, and persists in tematically the fundamental civil and political let us pledge, by agreeing to this resolution, persecuting persons on the basis of unau- rights of its citizens, who do not have the right the same support for Cubans endeavoring to thorized religious activities using such to change their government peacefully. seek truth and break free. measures as harassment, prolonged deten- The Government retaliates systematically Whatever a member feels about our policy tion, physical abuse, incarceration, and clo- against those who seek political change. towards Cuba with regard to the economic sure or destruction of places of worship; Whereas authorities in the People’s Repub- Members of the State security forces and pris- sanctions, there is no excuse for not agreeing lic of China have continued their efforts to on officials continue to beat and otherwise to this resolution condemning the human extinguish expressions of protest or criti- abuse detainees and prisoners, neglecting rights practices of Cuba’s government. cism, have detained scores of citizens associ- them, isolating them and denying them med- I thank the gentleman from New Jersey for ated with attempts to organize a peaceful op- ical treatment. bringing it before us; I am proud to be an position, to expose corruption, to preserve

VerDate 03-APR-2001 04:34 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00016 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03AP7.033 pfrm04 PsN: H03PT1 April 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1369 their ethnic minority identity, or to use the in Geneva concerning the deplorable China. The resolutions before us are an Internet for the free exchange of ideas, and human rights condition in the People’s important part of that strategy. have sentenced many citizens so detained to Republic of China. The title will be I am proud that the Bush administra- harsh prison terms; amended to reflect the modifications tion has rejected the view that Beijing Whereas Chinese authorities continue to exert control over religious and cultural in- made by the manager’s amendment. is our strategic partner and considers stitutions in Tibet, abusing human rights This resolution is a statement of fact passage of the China human rights res- through instances of torture, arbitrary ar- outlining that China is an authori- olution one of its top priorities in Ge- rest, and detention of Tibetans without pub- tarian state which continues to sys- neva. lic trial for peacefully expressing their polit- tematically violate the human rights As the U.S. delegation works to en- ical or religious views; of everyone, and the civil and political sure debate on human rights conditions Whereas bilateral human rights dialogues liberties of all of its citizens. State se- in China and to secure the votes for a between several nations and the People’s Re- curity personnel are responsible for nu- resolution calling on China to end its public of China have yet to produce substan- terrible human rights practices, let us tial adherence to international norms; and merous abuses, such as political and Whereas the People’s Republic of China has other extrajudicial killings, lengthy in- show them our full support by voting signed the International Covenant on Civil communicado detentions, and the use in favor of the manager’s amendment and Political Rights, but has yet to take the of torture. to House Resolution 56. steps necessary to make the treaty legally National, racial, and ethnic minori- Madam Speaker, I reserve the bal- binding: Now, therefore, be it ties remain subject to intense persecu- ance of my time. Resolved, That the House of Representa- tion and discrimination. The authori- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I tives— ties frequently launch campaigns to yield myself such time as I may con- (1) strongly supports the decision of the sume. United States Government to offer and so- crack down on opposition and pro-de- licit cosponsorship for a resolution at the mocracy groups. Freedom of move- Madam Speaker, I rise in strong sup- 57th Session of the United Nations Human ment, speech, assembly, and associa- port of this resolution. It was with sin- Rights Commission in Geneva, Switzerland, tion are severely restricted. The con- cere sadness that I introduced this res- calling upon the Government of the People’s trols on religious worship have intensi- olution a month ago, and that I now Republic of China to end its human rights fied, with harassment of church leaders ask my colleagues to strongly support abuses in China and Tibet, in compliance and other faithful, including fines, de- this resolution. with its international obligations; and tentions, physical abuse, and torture. When I introduced this resolution, (2) urges the United States Government Many houses of worship have been de- Madam Speaker, 24 American airmen to take the lead in organizing multilateral were not held captive on a Chinese is- support to obtain passage by the Commission stroyed. of such resolution. Trafficking in persons, mainly land, contrary to all provisions of , and it is a sheer co- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- women and children, for forced pros- incidence that we are considering this ant to the rule, the gentlewoman from titution or illegal forced labor con- resolution at the very time when the Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) and the tinues, placing this segment of the pop- attention of the United States and, in- gentleman from California (Mr. LAN- ulation in constant risk of slavery. Recently, we have seen how their bla- deed, much of the world is directed at TOS) each will control 20 minutes. The Chair recognizes the gentle- tant disregard for the universal rights Beijing to see how they will function in this self-induced and self-created crisis. woman from Florida (Ms. ROS- and liberties of human beings extends When I introduced my resolution a LEHTINEN). to foreign visitors, as reflected by the detention of academics by the Chinese month ago, as all Americans, I also was GENERAL LEAVE hoping optimistically that the Chinese Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- regime. Dr. Xu Zerong, a Ph.D. from government would take at least a few er, I ask unanimous consent that all Oxford University, was detained last minimal steps to improve the abomi- Members may have 5 legislative days fall; and to date the Chinese authori- nable human rights record of the Peo- within which to revise and extend their ties have not offered any explanation ple’s Republic of China. Unfortunately, remarks and include extraneous mate- for his continued detention. His family the State Department’s Human Rights rial on the resolution now under con- still does not know where he is being Report indicates that the human rights sideration. held. situation in China this past year has The SPEAKER pro tempore. Is there Professor Li Shaomin, a U.S. citizen become worse. objection to the request of the gentle- who teaches business at the City Uni- As the report demonstrates, the gov- woman from Florida? versity of Hong Kong, was arrested on There was no objection. February 25. The Chinese have yet to ernment of China continues to use tor- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- present any information regarding ture, forced confessions, arbitrary ar- er, I yield myself such time as I may charges against him. rest and detention, and the general de- consume. There is the case of Dr. Gao Zhan, a nial of due process. The government of Madam Speaker, as a cosponsor of research scholar based at American China restricts freedom of speech. It House Resolution 56, I rise in support University, detained last month by restricts the freedom of the press. It of the manager’s amendment and urge Chinese authorities. denies freedom of religion, including my colleagues to vote in favor of this Just today, Human Rights Watch’s the most brutal crackdown on the important resolution, which urges the Academic Freedom Committee sent the Falun Gong spiritual movement, Ti- passage of a U.S.-sponsored resolution letter to the Chinese leader to protest betan Buddhists, Muslims, and, of at the U.N. Commission on Human these detentions, and calling on the course, Christians. Rights which calls upon the Chinese Chinese leadership to follow inter- The Chinese government continues to Government to end its human rights nationally recognized standards of due subject vast numbers of political pris- violations in China and Tibet. process to protect the lives and the oners to forced labor, and it prevents During committee consideration, the rights of these scholars. the formation of independent trade chairman requested unanimous consent Further, there is the grim situation unions or independent nongovern- that the Chair be authorized to seek that the U.S. is facing of protecting mental organizations. consideration of House Resolution 56 and securing the safe return of 25 The resolution before the House on the House suspension calendar. Americans being held hostage by the today indicates strong support for the PRC. This picture paints a profound decision of our administration to offer b 1530 and widespread violation of inter- a resolution at the Human Rights Com- No objection was heard. The man- nationally recognized human rights mission in Geneva calling on the Chi- ager’s amendment includes an amend- norms. nese government to end its human ment by the gentleman from California The People’s Republic of China must rights abuses, both in China and in (Mr. LANTOS) updating the resolution be held accountable for its action. Con- Tibet. to reflect the fact that the Bush ad- stant pressure from the U.S. and the In the past, Congress has passed simi- ministration has introduced a resolu- international community is vital if any lar resolutions, but unfortunately, the tion at the Human Rights Commission improvements are to take place in Chinese government usually prevails in

VerDate 03-APR-2001 03:31 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00017 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03AP7.011 pfrm02 PsN: H03PT1 H1370 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 3, 2001 Geneva on a so-called no-action mo- boy for 26 days, 26 consecutive days, to take a strong stand against Beijing’s tion. Under this devious parliamentary did not see his mother, his father, or abuses of human rights, then its lead- tactic, the Chinese government suc- his grandparents. ers will only become more emboldened cessfully prevents even the consider- This degree of insensitivity to funda- to take further repressive action ation of our resolution. mental human rights of a little 5-year- against Christians, against Buddhists, The Chinese prevail in this vote not old child is an index of the degree to Muslims, and other religious groups because the international community which the Chinese government respects within that Nation. recognizes its performance in the human rights today. Past failure to condemn China has human rights field, but because the I strongly urge my colleagues to sup- undoubtedly led to the severe crack- Chinese government systematically port this resolution. There is nothing I down against Christian house churches, threatens commercial contracts with would like to see more than good rela- against Buddhists in Tibet, Muslims in the developed world and threatens to tions with China. I have the highest re- east Turkistan, and millions of Chinese deny foreign aid to poor nations. gard for the Chinese people. They rep- Falun Gong followers. I am under no illusion, Madam resent one of the great civilizations on b 1545 Speaker, that it will be anything but the face of this planet. They have all an uphill battle to prevail in Geneva the opportunity of building an ad- Madam Speaker, I am particularly this year and to win passage of the vanced, civilized society, but they concerned that Beijing has continued China human rights resolution. must not do it by trampling on the to stonewall any possible meeting with I commend the President and the human rights of their citizens, or on His Holiness, the Dalai Lama; and un- Secretary of State, Colin Powell, for the fundamental human rights of a lit- less they reach out and grasp the olive moving forward with this effort. I will tle 5-year-old American citizen who branch that His Holiness offers, the re- do whatever I can to urge other govern- was deprived for 26 days from contact gional instability will continue to grow ments to support our effort. with his family. worse. In all candor, let me state, Madam Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues Accordingly, I urge my colleagues to Speaker, that I am particularly dis- to support this resolution, and I re- fully support this resolution, and I appointed in the countries of the Euro- serve the balance of my time. thank the gentlewoman from Florida pean Union as they continue to shirk Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for yielding the their responsibilities to promote inter- er, I am pleased to yield 3 minutes to time to me. nationally recognized human rights. the gentleman from New York (Mr. Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I The European Union ministers have al- GILMAN), the chairman emeritus of our yield 3 minutes to the distinguished ready announced that they will not co- committee. gentleman from Washington (Mr. sponsor the American resolution. (Mr. GILMAN asked and was given MCDERMOTT), my good friend. Ultimately, some of them will vote permission to revise and extend his re- Mr. MCDERMOTT. Madam Speaker, I with us, but it is a shame that the Eu- marks.) have great respect for my colleagues ropeans continue to bury their heads in Mr. GILMAN. Madam Speaker, I here on the floor who have put this res- the sand, desperately hoping that trade thank the gentlewoman for yielding olution forward. However, I seriously with China will magically bring about time to me. question the decision to bring this bill the creation of a Chinese civil society Madam Speaker, I am pleased to rise to the House for debate today. based on internationally recognized in strong support of this resolution, I know the decision was made last human rights. House Resolution 56, a resolution urg- week. It was made before the events of I would like to take just one specific ing our Nation’s representative to the the weekend have occurred, and it example of the intensity and flavor of U.N. Commission on Human Rights to seems to me that in choosing to bring human rights violations in China. Re- move ahead with this resolution at the such a resolution to the floor at a time cently, Madam Speaker, as we know, annual meeting of the Commission in when the Chinese Government is hold- the Chinese government imprisoned an Geneva, a resolution calling upon the ing 24 American servicemen in Hainan American University researcher, Gao People’s Republic of China to end its incommunicado even after repeated re- Zhan, and her family on the phony human rights violations in China and quests by our embassy to visit with charge of espionage. Now, Gao Zhan is in Tibet. them is an unnecessary step for us to an academic who has conducted re- I commend our ranking minority be taking. search related to the status of women. member, the gentleman from Cali- Madam Speaker, I called the White She and her husband are permanent fornia (Mr. LANTOS), for crafting this House today and asked them what posi- residents of the United States, and resolution. I thank our chairwoman, tion they had on this resolution; they their son, Andrew, 5 years old, is an the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. do not have one. I do not know what American citizen. ROS-LEHTINEN), for swiftly bringing it that says about the 24 people from the Gao and her family had gone to to the floor at this time. State of Washington who are being China to visit her family. They were Recently, Madam Speaker, our State held in Hainan Island. standing in line at the Beijing airport Department announced it is going to It is not that I am unsympathetic preparing to get on the plane to come introduce such a resolution. On Feb- with this bill. I have traveled to back to their home in the United ruary 26, the same day its Human Dharmasala. I talked to the Dalai States. Out of nowhere, Chinese offi- Rights Report was released, the State Lama in his own place. I have discussed cials emerged and pulled all three fam- Department spokesman, Phillip with him at length the Tibetan prob- ily members out of line and hustled Reeker, said the U.S. decision to go lems. them into separate cars. forward with the resolution is based I visited Nepal and talked with refu- Gao was put in prison, we do not upon the fact that the Chinese govern- gees from Chinese rule there. I have know where. As of today, her where- ment’s abysmal human rights record many of them living in my own city. abouts are unknown. Her husband was has continued to deteriorate over the And I do not come frivolously to this blindfolded and driven 2 hours to an past year. floor to discuss this issue, but I do be- unknown location, and their 5-year-old We commend the administration for lieve that we could easily postpone it son was taken to a government facil- this decision. Regrettably, Beijing has until we have resolved whatever is hap- ity, even though his grandparents live managed year after year to muzzle the pening on Hainan. in the city, where they happened to be. Human Rights Commission by passing I think we have American diplomats One of my grandchildren is 5 years a no-action motion on similar resolu- even at this moment negotiating for old. I can imagine the fear and the hor- tions. Accordingly, there is usually no the release of the crew of the EP–3 and ror and the pain and the nightmare a 5- debate on the resolution, and as a re- trying to get negotiations started for year-old must go through as out of the sult, it almost never comes up for a the freedom of those servicemen; and blue his mother and father are ar- vote before the Commission. either we believe this resolution means rested, taken to separate government Unless the international community, something and therefore will have an police cars, and taken away. This little our Nation included, finally manages impact, and I think most of us who

VerDate 03-APR-2001 04:34 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00018 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03AP7.037 pfrm04 PsN: H03PT1 April 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1371 have traveled abroad have seen the im- of 24 American servicemen by the Peo- She finally summed up her testimony pact of resolutions on the floor of the ple’s Republic of China—a crisis situa- by saying, by day, I was a monster; by House in the newspapers and on tele- tion that all of us want to see resolved night, a wife and mother. vision of other countries, or you do not immediately—only underscores anew It seems to me, Madam Speaker, that believe this resolution has any impact how the policies of the Beijing dicta- the Chinese Population Control Pro- at all, and I think we must consider torship are harsh and unreasonable and gram is a ‘‘monster’’—a monstrous very carefully what the impact of this how those policies have continued to abuse of women; and the indifference of kind of a resolution is when we are worsen and to deteriorate with each both the East and the West makes us, going to be back here in a couple of and every passing year. however unwittingly, complicit in weeks and we could deal with it. Sadly, universally recognized norms these crimes. Madam Speaker, I understand the and international laws have no mean- Madam Speaker, just let me say that conference is on now, but I really think ingful application to the dictatorship. I encourage Members to read the coun- that we have to think long and hard The dictatorship in Beijing mocks the try reports on human rights practices, about timing. The timing was not one rule of law. all 59 pages dedicated to what is going we made, and I am not blaming any- Madam Speaker, any honest assess- on in the People’s Republic of China. body here for choosing to put it up ment of China’s record on human That report is very accurate; and it today. I would be supporting it whole- rights makes it abundantly clear that makes the point in the declarative sen- heartedly if I did not know what had the leaders who rule China with an iron tence near the beginning and I quote, gone on this weekend. fist have no respect whatsoever for The government’s poor human rights I think for that reason we ought to human life, especially the lives of their record worsened, and it continued to commit consider seriously whether or not we own citizens, especially the lives of numerous serious abuses. The government want to go forward with this. women and children. intensified crackdowns on religion and in Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- Madam Speaker, forced abortion is Tibet, intensified its harsh treatment of po- an unspeakable cruelty to women and litical dissent and suppressed any person or er, I yield 7 minutes to the gentleman group perceived to be a threat to the govern- from New Jersey (Mr. SMITH), the vice babies, and was properly construed to be a crime against humanity at the ment. chairman of our Committee on Inter- The State Department report goes on national Relations. Nuremberg War Crimes tribunals when the Nazis were held to account. Today, to say that by the end of the year 2000, Mr. SMITH of New Jersey. Madam and I quote, Speaker, I thank the gentlewoman the crime of forced abortion in China is pervasive, it is systematic, and it is Thousands of unregistered religious insti- from Florida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN), my tutions have either been closed or destroyed, good friend, for yielding the time to common place. Forced abortion in China is state- and hundreds of Falun Gong leaders have me. sponsored violence against women and been imprisoned, thousands have been sent Madam Speaker, I want to congratu- to the lao gai, or mental institutions. children. As I think many Members late the gentleman from California know, as a means of enforcing what The report notes, and I think Mem- (Mr. LANTOS) on his sponsorship of this they call their one-child-per-couple bers need to take note of this, that very important resolution. policy, first announced back in 1979, more than 100 Falun Gong practi- I am very proud to be one of the co- the Chinese Government routinely co- tioners were tortured to death in Chi- sponsors, and I want to thank the gen- erces mothers in China, to have abor- nese prisons. Death by torture is often tlewoman from Florida (Ms. ROS- tions often late in pregnancy or to un- a long, exceedingly painful ordeal. It LEHTINEN) the distinguished and effec- dergo forced sterilization or mandatory does not happen overnight. After daily tive chair of the International Oper- birth control. beatings and deprivations of food and ations and Human Rights Committee Over the past decade, Madam Speak- sleep, finally the victum succumbs to for her work and the gentleman from er, I have led three human rights trips death as a result of those beatings and Illinois (Mr. HYDE) the Chairman of the to China. I have met with Li Peng. The abuse. Full Committee for moving this legis- gentleman from Virginia (Mr. WOLF) Madam Speaker, the United Nations lation to the floor. and I raised human rights issues; face has documented and numerous human I would just say to the previous to face he just dismissed it out of hand rights groups like Human Rights speaker, the gentleman from Wash- as if it was all exaggerated and fab- Watch and Amnesty and, of course, our ington (Mr. MCDERMOTT), that this res- ricated. There was no engagement— own Country Reports on Human Rights olution simply tells the truth, and it constructive or otherwise. Practices that torture is endemic in seems to me that truth-telling should I have chaired over 18 hearings and China. If you are arrested as a political always be in season; but there is also markups on legislation pertaining to prisoner, a religious dissenter or even a the timeliness issue. The U.N. Human Chinese human rights abuses; and in common criminal, they beat you black Rights Commission is currently meet- the 1980s and the 1990s, I and many oth- and blue, sometimes to death. That is ing in Geneva, and Members should be ers in this Chamber have repeatedly the reality of what is going on in the aware that decisions are being made by spoken out against forced abortion and People’s Republic of China. various delegations and by various dip- forced sterilization in China as well as Let me just finally say something lomats right now. other egregious abuses. about truth-telling. Some years back, A postponement of this resolution To my shock and to my dismay, President Clinton invited Chu Haotien could mean the loss of a vote or two many family planning organizations to the United States—the Butcher of from delegates who might think that like Planned Parenthood have decided Beijing, the man who literally ordered we are ducking the issue or having sec- to either look the other way, as mil- the crackdown on the students at ond thoughts that perhaps we are not lions of Chinese women are cruelly Tiananmen Square, and said, go and as serious as we have said we are. Of forced to undergo abortion, or in the bayonet and kill and maim and hunt course nothing could be further from case of the U.N. Population Fund to ag- down those individuals. the truth. We are indeed very, very se- gressively defend it, to whitewash After he was invited here, he was at rious. these abuses as ‘‘nonexistent’’ or as the the U.S. War College and gave a speech Time is not on our side. There is only ‘‘exception’’, rather than the rule. and made the outrageous claim—a big a few weeks left for deliberations by Madam Speaker, at one of my hear- lie—that no one died at Tiananmen the U.N. Commission on human rights. ings we heard from a woman by the Square. Madam Speaker, I have been there. I name of Mrs. Gao. Mrs. Gao ran one of My staff and I quickly put together a lobbied delegations on behalf of human the family planning programs in Fu- hearing and invited eyewitnesses to rights in the past. We need to send this kien Province. She made the point that that massacre; and we invited Chu message right now that we are very se- during the course the decade that she Haotien to come and testify, or anyone rious about human rights in China. No ran the program, they literally would else from the Chinese Government, in- if, ands or buts, about it! take women and put them or their rel- cluding Ambassador Li. We had an Madam Speaker, just let me say that atives behind bars until they acceded empty chair because nobody showed the new tension created by the holding to the so-called ‘‘voluntary’’ abortion. up.

VerDate 03-APR-2001 04:34 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00019 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K03AP7.040 pfrm04 PsN: H03PT1 H1372 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 3, 2001 We heard from an editor from the for recognizing that as we speak, the this family at that time? What reason People’s Daily in China, who accu- U.N. conference is being held, and we can they give for not stopping them rately reported on the killing—and would be shamed if our voices were si- and questioning them and releasing paid a big price—and we heard from a lent. them? Absolutely none. Time Magazine correspondent and a I come wearing a particularly dif- So I rise to support this resolution host of others, others who gave witness ficult hat, because I was convinced because I hope as the proceedings are to the big lie uttered by General Chu. about 6 months ago to vote for the going on, there will be a vote that ex- I see I’m out of time—I have so much PNTR. I spoke with President Carter presses the United States’ outrage of more to say. Suffice to say, this resolu- who spoke about the energy and de- China’s behavior. tion puts us on record in favor of the mocracy that was occurring in the vil- Madam Speaker, we will offer a bill oppressed, and the persecuted, and en- lages. I was excited about that. tomorrow to give Gao the citizenship courages the Bush administration to I spoke with many others who felt that she deserves, because we believe continue its work on behalf of human that if you opened the doors of dia- that the voices of reason are not being rights. logue and communication that we heard in China, and that they continu- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I would bring to China the sense of the ously renounce, reject the hand of yield myself such time as I may con- world ownership or membership, if you friendship, the hand of peace, the hand sume. will, owning into the world’s desire for of understanding that many of us have Madam Speaker, I want to thank all opportunities for all of the world’s peo- tried to give in the United States Con- of my colleagues on the other side for ple. gress. their eloquent and strong support. Madam Speaker, I was very troubled I applaud the gentleman from Cali- I would like to comment briefly on by the debate in PNTR, because the fornia (Mr. LANTOS) for his leadership the observation of the gentleman from human rights issues were of great con- on this legislation, and my prayers go Washington (Mr. MCDERMOTT) about cern. At that time the Falun Gong at- out to the men and women that are de- timing. I have the highest regard for tacks were continuing. Suicides in the tained, both Chinese and American, my colleague from Washington, and his squares were going on. People were mu- and to their families I say that we will statement was a carefully thought tilating themselves or burning them- work every day to secure their safe re- through and serious one. selves out of protest. turn. Upon reflection, it seems to me that b 1600 Madam Speaker, I rise in very strong sup- it would be unconscionable for this But yet there was this discussion port of H. Res. 96, Direct U.S. To Condemn body not to deal with the issue of that religion was rising in enthusiasm Chinese Human Rights Violations. This resolu- human rights violations in China as and that we should give China the op- tion says that China cannot suppress religious the U.N. Commission is dealing with portunity. and cultural institutions and expect to pursue the question of whether or not to sup- I am somewhat saddened that we now the economic reforms it must pursue for its port this resolution. speak in the month of April 2001 and development and prosperity. As Victor Hugo It will be interesting to see whether that we can list a litany of infractions wrote in 1887, ‘‘An invasion of armies can be the Chinese Government will add to or violations, more so for people who resisted; an invasion of ideas cannot be re- the human rights violations of its own are incarcerated, it is their life, that sisted.’’ people, human rights violations of 26 we see ongoing in China. According to the U.S. State Department and American servicemen. I hope and pray During the debate, it was said that international human rights organizations, the that they will not, but it would be sin- China does not move as fast as the Chinese government continues to commit gularly unacceptable to be intimidated world does; that we do not understand widespread and well-documented human by the current situation on that island. its culture; that we have to understand rights abuses in China and Tibet. They also The Chinese are illegally holding 26 what its place is in the world. And, say China has yet to demonstrate its willing- American servicemen. This is a fact. It frankly, some of that was appealing or ness to abide by internationally accepted is also a fact that millions of Chinese attractive. Yet we find ourselves today norms of freedom of belief, expression, and are deprived day in and day out of their longing for China to have made the association by repealing or amending laws fundamental human rights, and this commitment that we wished it had that restrict those freedoms. Finally, China body will have to speak out on that made and had turned the corner on continues to ban and criminalize groups that it subject. some of the acceptance of the various labels as cults or heretical organizations, such Madam Speaker, I yield such time as religious groups and as well the right as Falon Gong. Practitioners of Falon Gong she may consume to the gentlewoman to be free. are persecuted for no reason other than being from Texas (Ms. JACKSON-LEE), one of As the gentleman from California well organized as a religious group in China. the strongest champions of human (Mr. LANTOS) knows, because I spoke to This resolution expresses the sense of the rights in this body. him earlier today, I am so struck by House that at the upcoming annual session of Ms. JACKSON-LEE of Texas. Madam the words of Gao Zhan’s husband, the the U.N. Human Rights Commission in Gene- Speaker, I thank the gentleman from professor who is now held in China, va, the United States should solicit cosponsor- California (Mr. LANTOS) for his along with many other academicians. ship for a resolution calling upon the Chinese unending commitment and as well to It is well known that she has gone to government to end its human rights abuse in the gentlewoman from Florida (Ms. China on many occasions visiting her Cuba and Tibet, in compliance with its inter- ROS-LEHTINEN) and the other speakers family. It is well known that her law- national organization; and that the U.S. gov- that have spoken here. yer says she is not a spy. Her husband ernment should take the lead in organizing This is a time, Madam Speaker, that just received his citizenship. She was multilateral support to obtain passage by the one might pause and offer to tread separated from her husband some 26 or commission of such a resolution. lightly. We do know that there are so days. She is being held. This measure states that Chinese authori- American citizens, military personnel, How can any one of us not be fright- ties have committed to suppress protest criti- our men and women, who have offered ened and appalled and outraged about cism. The Chinese leadership is plainly un- themselves for our freedom now held the family separation, even while they comfortable with organized dissent. Further- incognito, without opportunity to were in China, to the extent that the 5- more, H. Res. 56 states that Chinese citizens speak in China. I respect that and year-old boy was separated from his fa- have been detained for peaceful opposition, would want to be cautious in saying to ther and his mother, and still today re- attempting to expose corruption, trying to pre- this body that we are respectful of the mains without a mother. This seems to serve ethnic minorities and using the Internet. negotiations, and we want our loved be an incident that was not provoked, H. Res. 56 makes clear that China con- ones, our Americans, the Americans that China did not have to engage in. tinues—with impunity—to exert control over that are held illegally and against all The family was on their way out of the religious and cultural institutions in Tibet, international agreements, back imme- country; not in the country, trying to abusing human rights through instances of tor- diately. get in. ture, arbitrary arrests and detentions of Tibet- At the same time, I thank the gen- What merciful reason, what reason ans, without public trials, for peacefully ex- tleman from California (Mr. LANTOS) can they give to explain the stopping of pressing their political or religious views; that

VerDate 03-APR-2001 03:31 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00020 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\K03AP7.051 pfrm02 PsN: H03PT1 April 3, 2001 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H1373 bilateral talks with several nations and China women and the aircraft and end this in- Again, without U.S. leadership and have yet to produce substantial adherence to cident now. the full weight of our U.S. Congress be- international norms; and that China has signed A nation like China is measured by hind this resolution and behind the the International Covenant on Civil and Polit- how its treats people of different lan- democratic forces in China, the PRC ical Rights but has yet to take the steps nec- guages and religions. China’s record on will once again manipulate the U.N. essary to make the treaty legally binding. Tibet is disappointingly clear, and in Commission on Human Rights in Gene- Despite the recent crackdown against reli- human rights in general one of abuse va to continue its reign of subjugation gious and cultural institutions in China, some and imprisonment for prisoners of con- and terror over the Chinese people. progress has been made through a commit- science. Li Shaomin, recognized in Let us force the PRC to abide by the ment to normalize relations between our na- China as a key leader, was jailed for covenants and the declarations it has tions. But we must be vigilant, nevertheless, in sending e-news to her husband; Gao signed. We must stand firm in the face speaking out for those who cannot speak. Zhan was detained February 11, along of Chinese aggression against its own Madam Speaker, I urge my colleagues to vote with her 5-year-old American son; Xu people, against foreign visitors and in favor of the resolution. Zerong, an academician, was jailed last against American citizens. Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- fall and still is held incommunicado; Madam Speaker, I ask my colleagues er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman and Rabiya Kadir was jailed March 10 to please vote ‘‘yes’’ on the resolution from Florida (Mr. DIAZ-BALART), who for giving her husband newspaper arti- before us. will be in Geneva carrying forth the cles. Madam Speaker, I have no further re- message of the United States for free- Children in Tibet today are taught quests for time, and I yield back the dom for the Chinese people. that religion is backward behavior. balance of my time. Mr. DIAZ-BALART. Madam Speaker, Nuns and monks make up 74 percent of Mr. TOM DAVIS of Virginia. Madam Speak- I thank the gentlewoman from Florida China’s political prisoners, and China er, I rise today in strong support of House (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) for yielding me regularly jams Radio Free Asia broad- Resolution 56, urging the appropriate rep- this time. casts designed to keep people informed. resentative of the United States to the United With regard to some confusion that We must speak out. Nations Commission on Human Rights to in- may have arisen based on some com- Chun-gua, China, and Mai-gua, the troduce at the annual meeting of the Commis- ments made previously from the other United States, can live in peace and be- sion a resolution calling upon the People’s Re- side of the aisle, I wish to say that it is come friends, but this depends on public of China to end its human rights viola- the Bush administration, Madam China adhering to international agree- tions in China and Tibet. Speaker, which has demonstrated their ments like the Universal Declaration Tibet is a country and culture that has gar- possession of the dignity as well as the of Human Rights and the Incidents-at- nered international attention in the past sev- vision to introduce precisely the reso- Sea agreements, both agreements eral decades. Since 1959, China has imple- lution in Geneva that this resolution China signed, and shared values. mented a relentless policy and program to before us today is in support of. Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I erase Tibet from history and existence. The The regime in mainland China is a yield myself such time as I may con- former religious leader of Tibet, the Dalai brutal, totalitarian, cowardly, rogue sume. Lama, was forced to leave Tibet, and now regime that tortures men and women This was an eloquent debate, Madam lives in exile in India. There are many other Ti- due to their religious and political be- Speaker, and I want to thank all my betans who chose to follow him and thus, re- liefs. It is a regime that brutally forces colleagues. The American people stand main in exile today. abortion on its women once they have united in demanding that our service- I am particularly concerned with China’s met Orwellian quotas of birth control. men be released unconditionally and human rights record with respect to Tibet, The least that we can do in this Con- immediately, and we are calling on such as repression of freedom of speech, reli- gress today to be true to the values, be- China to improve its human rights gion, and expression. The Chinese govern- liefs, and aspirations that gave birth to record. ment’s policy of suppressing religious, political, these United States of America is to Madam Speaker, I yield back the bal- and cultural freedom in Tibet in highly dis- support this resolution. ance of my time. turbing. Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, I do Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- I am deeply troubled that monks and nuns not believe we have any additional er, I yield myself such time as I may make up seventy-four percent of over 250 po- speakers, but I reserve the balance of consume. litical prisoners incarcerated in Tibet. While my time. To close, Madam Speaker, I would there has been a slight decline in new deten- Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN. Madam Speak- like to remind my colleagues that the tions since 1997 in Tibet, this may be attrib- er, I yield 2 minutes to the gentleman State Department has given us vote uted to the implementation and intensification from Illinois (Mr. KIRK), a longtime counts and cost sheets. They have of the Patriotic Education campaign, which re- staffer of the Committee on Inter- come up to the Hill to ensure congres- quires monks, nuns, and lay persons to de- national Relations and now a Member sional support and help for the Bush nounce the Dalai Lama. However, the number of our institution. administration’s priorities in Geneva. of monks and nuns known to have been de- Mr. KIRK. Madam Speaker, I thank When we talk to the State Department tained as a result of opposing the Patriotic the gentlewoman for yielding me this officials, they tell us what their direc- Education campaign is a small fraction of time. tives have been from the President and those who have been expelled from their mon- Madam Speaker, China is a powerful the White House. We have been meet- asteries or who have fled from Tibet. nation, but not yet a great nation. ing with them for the last 3 months, Recently, it has come to my attention that Powerful nations muster armies and and they clearly stated that the Sec- Chinese authorities have increased the jam- command territory, but great nations retary of State and the White House ming of foreign radio broadcasts in Tibet fol- lead mankind and advance human val- ask for daily briefings on the status of lowing the allocation of increased resources ues. China stands on the brink of being the China resolution in Geneva. by Beijing in an attempt to prevent ‘‘infiltration’’ either powerful or great, and the Madam Speaker, if Congress does not of the airwaves by ‘‘foreign hostile forces.’’ It events of the recent days disappoint us speak today by voting in favor of the is my understanding that Voice of America, all and keep China from her own poten- resolution before us, House Resolution Radio Free Asia and Voice of Tibet, which all tial. 56, the Chinese regime will be able to cover both international news and news of the With regard to the Hainan incident, I prevent any discussion on its human activities of the Dalai Lama and the Tibetan speak as a Naval Reserve officer and rights record in Geneva. Year after community in exile, have encountered intensi- call on China to return our servicemen year they intimidate members of the fied jamming of their broadcasts into Tibetan and women. Our aircraft was in inter- Human Rights Commission for a vote areas over the past four to six months. The national waters, unarmed and a danger of no action on China, silencing the Chinese authorities have also announced an to no one. China is a party to the Inci- dissidents and the opposition further, expansion of state-run Tibetan language dents-at-Sea Treaty, an agreement she removing one critical vehicle for the broadcasting, including the training of more Ti- signed but does not appear to abide by. voices of the oppressed to be tortured betan journalists and new programs in Kham China must return our servicemen and in China, and they must be heard. and Amdo dialects, in order to counter foreign

VerDate 03-APR-2001 03:31 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00021 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 9920 E:\CR\FM\A03AP7.017 pfrm02 PsN: H03PT1 H1374 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE April 3, 2001 radio broadcasters. It is my belief that this in- (b) EFFECTIVE DATE.—The amendments tion and geographic location, of the fol- tensified focus to jam such broadcasts is a re- made by subsection (a) shall take effect at lowing retail banking services and products sult of the Chinese government’s recent em- the end of the 2-year period beginning on the provided by insured depository institutions date of the enactment of this Act. phasis on propaganda work in Tibet, an impor- and insured credit unions (along with related SEC. 3. INTEREST-BEARING TRANSACTION AC- fees and minimum balances): tant element of Beijing’s campaign to develop COUNTS AUTHORIZED FOR ALL ‘‘(A) Checking and other transaction ac- the western regions of China. BUSINESSES. counts. The United States has a moral obligation to Section 2 of Public Law 93–100 (12 U.S.C. ‘‘(B) Negotiable order of withdrawal and pursue strong diplomatic pressures which as- 1832) is amended— savings accounts. sert an end to civil persecutions not only in (1) in subsection (a), by adding at the end ‘‘(C) Automated teller machine trans- Tibet but all countries where individual liberties the following new paragraph: actions. ‘‘(3) EXCEPTION FROM PARAGRAPH (2) LIMITA- are routinely repressed. I join by colleagues in ‘‘(D) Other electronic transactions. TION.—Paragraph (2) shall not apply to any ‘‘(E) Credit Cards. voicing every American’s opposition to these depository institution which is prohibited by atrocities and acts of repression. ‘‘(2) MINIMUM SURVEY REQUIREMENT.—The the applicable law of its chartering State annual survey described in paragraph (1) from offering demand deposits and either— I commend Congressman FRANK WOLF from shall meet the following minimum require- ‘‘(A) does not engage in any lending activi- Virginia for his leadership in bringing attention ments: ties; or to the plight of the Tibetan people and Tibetan ‘‘(A) CHECKING AND OTHER TRANSACTION AC- ‘‘(B) is not an affiliate of any company or culture, and I urge my colleagues from both COUNTS.—Data on checking and transaction companies with assets that, in the aggre- sides of the aisle to support this important res- accounts shall include, at a minimum, the gate, represent more than 10 percent of the following: olution. total assets of the depository institution.’’; ‘‘(i) Monthly and annual fees and minimum The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. (2) by redesignating subsections (b) and (c) balances to avoid such fees. SHAYS). The question is on the motion as subsections (c) and (d), respectively; and ‘‘(ii) Minimum opening balances. offered by the gentlewoman from Flor- (3) by inserting after subsection (a) the fol- ‘‘(iii) Check processing fees. ida (Ms. ROS-LEHTINEN) that the House lowing: ‘‘(b) Notwithstanding any other provision ‘‘(iv) Check printing fees. suspend the rules and agree to the reso- ‘‘(v) Balance inquiry fees. lution, H. Res. 56, as amended. of law, any depository institution may per- mit the owner of any deposit or account ‘‘(vi) Fees imposed for using a teller or The question was taken. which is a deposit or account on which inter- other institution employee. The SPEAKER pro tempore. In the est or dividends are paid and is not a deposit ‘‘(vii) Stop payment order fees. opinion of the Chair, two-thirds of or account described in subsection (a)(2) to ‘‘(viii) Nonsufficient fund fees. those present have voted in the affirm- make up to 24 transfers per month (or such ‘‘(ix) Overdraft fees. ative. greater number as the Board may determine ‘‘(x) Deposit items returned fees. by rule or order), for any purpose, to another ‘‘(xi) Availability of no-cost or low-cost ac- Mr. LANTOS. Madam Speaker, on counts for consumers who maintain low bal- that I demand the yeas and nays. account of the owner in the same institu- tion. Nothing in this subsection shall be con- ances. The yeas and nays were ordered. ‘‘(B) NEGOTIABLE ORDER OF WITHDRAWAL AC- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Pursu- strued to prevent an account offered pursu- ant to this subsection from being considered COUNTS AND SAVINGS ACCOUNTS.—Data on ne- ant to clause 8 of rule XX and the a transaction account (as defined in section gotiable order of withdrawal accounts and Chair’s prior announcement, further 19(b) of the Federal Reserve Act for purposes savings accounts shall include, at a min- proceedings on this motion will be of such Act).’’. imum, the following: ‘‘(i) Monthly and annual fees and minimum postponed. SEC. 4. PAYMENT OF INTEREST ON RESERVES AT balances to avoid such fees. f FEDERAL RESERVE BANKS. (a) IN GENERAL.—Section 19(b) of the Fed- ‘‘(ii) Minimum opening balances. SMALL BUSINESS INTEREST eral Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 461(b)) is amended ‘‘(iii) Rate at which interest is paid to con- CHECKING ACT OF 2001 by adding at the end the following new para- sumers. graph: ‘‘(iv) Check processing fees for negotiable Mr. OXLEY. Madam Speaker, I move ‘‘(12) EARNINGS ON RESERVES.— order of withdrawal accounts. to suspend the rules and pass the bill ‘‘(A) IN GENERAL.—Balances maintained at ‘‘(v) Check printing fees for negotiable (H.R. 974) to increase the number of a Federal reserve bank by or on behalf of a order of withdrawal accounts. interaccount transfers which may be depository institution may receive earnings ‘‘(vi) Balance inquiry fees. made from business accounts at deposi- to be paid by the Federal reserve bank at ‘‘(vii) Fees imposed for using a teller or tory institutions, to authorize the least once each calendar quarter at a rate or other institution employee. rates not to exceed the general level of ‘‘(viii) Stop payment order fees for nego- Board of Governors of the Federal Re- tiable order of withdrawal accounts. serve System to pay interest on re- short-term interest rates. ‘‘(B) REGULATIONS RELATING TO PAYMENTS ‘‘(ix) Nonsufficient fund fees for negotiable serves, and for other purposes, as AND DISTRIBUTION.—The Board may prescribe order of withdrawal accounts. amended. regulations concerning— ‘‘(x) Overdraft fees for negotiable order of The Clerk read as follows: ‘‘(i) the payment of earnings in accordance withdrawal accounts. H.R. 974 with this paragraph; ‘‘(xi) Deposit items returned fees. ‘‘(xii) Availability of no-cost or low-cost Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Rep- ‘‘(ii) the distribution of such earnings to the depository institutions which maintain accounts for consumers who maintain low resentatives of the United States of America in balances. Congress assembled, balances at such banks or on whose behalf such balances are maintained; and ‘‘(C) AUTOMATED TELLER TRANSACTIONS.— SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. ‘‘(iii) the responsibilities of depository in- Data on automated teller machine trans- This Act may be cited as the ‘‘Small Busi- stitutions, Federal home loan banks, and the actions shall include, at a minimum, the fol- ness Interest Checking Act of 2001’’. National Credit Union Administration Cen- lowing: SEC. 2. INTEREST-BEARING TRANSACTION AC- tral Liquidity Facility with respect to the ‘‘(i) Annual and monthly fees. COUNTS AUTHORIZED. crediting and distribution of earnings attrib- ‘‘(ii) Card fees. (a) REPEAL OF PROHIBITION ON PAYMENT OF utable to balances maintained, in accordance ‘‘(iii) Fees charged to customers for with- INTEREST ON DEMAND DEPOSITS.— with subsection (c)(1)(B), in a Federal re- drawals, deposits, transfers between ac- (1) FEDERAL RESERVE ACT.—Section 19(i) of serve bank by any such entity on behalf of counts, balance inquiries through institu- the Federal Reserve Act (12 U.S.C. 371a) is depository institutions.’’. tion-owned machines. amended to read as follows: (b) AUTHORIZATION FOR PASS THROUGH RE- ‘‘(iv) Fees charged to customers for with- ‘‘(i) [Repealed]’’. SERVES FOR MEMBER BANKS.—Section drawals, deposits, transfers between ac- (2) HOME OWNERS’ LOAN ACT.—The first sen- 19(c)(1)(B) of the Federal Reserve Act (12 counts, balance inquiries through machines tence of section 5(b)(1)(B) of the Home Own- U.S.C. 461(c)(1)(B)) is amended by striking owned by others. ers’ Loan Act (12 U.S.C. 1464(b)(1)(B)) is ‘‘which is not a member bank’’. ‘‘(v) Fees charged to noncustomers for amended by striking ‘‘savings association (c) SURVEY OF BANK FEES AND SERVICES.— withdrawals, deposits, transfers between ac- may not—’’ and all that follows through ‘‘(ii) Section 19 of the Federal Reserve Act (as counts, balance inquiries through institu- permit any’’ and inserting ‘‘savings associa- amended by subsections (a) and (b) of this tion-owned machines. tion may not permit any’’. section) is amended by adding at the end the ‘‘(vi) Point-of-sale transaction fees. (3) FEDERAL DEPOSIT INSURANCE ACT.—Sec- following new subsection: ‘‘(vii) Surcharges. tion 18(g) of the Federal Deposit Insurance ‘‘(n) SURVEY OF BANK FEES AND SERVICES.— ‘‘(D) OTHER ELECTRONIC TRANSACTIONS.— Act (12 U.S.C. 1828(g)) is amended to read as ‘‘(1) ANNUAL SURVEY REQUIRED.—The Board Data on other electronic transactions shall follows: shall obtain annually a sample, which is rep- include, at a minimum, the following: ‘‘(g) [Repealed]’’. resentative by type and size of the institu- ‘‘(i) Wire transfer fees.

VerDate 03-APR-2001 03:31 Apr 04, 2001 Jkt 089060 PO 00000 Frm 00022 Fmt 7634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\A03AP7.018 pfrm02 PsN: H03PT1