Pi~ PI:le I oj the Ntltlo D1R~ Disin As a I gallol more For d the ri ~)[} gi For Disinfecting, Deodorizing watel and Cleaning (J ( t s Use Sc ru t Active Ingredients 1 ~ ill [] II 0 ' 01 Plfle Oil , , ' . .. .- " 7U /'0 :: ;(jke S()ap . ... , ,200/0 pre!lll J 'lal Inert Ingredients Deo~ " , "" ,10% Water, , . , , , , , , , , , ' , . ;\[1 ~~~ c.'1(' , W PtrH! then 01 i Be Pine 011 .... ...... ............... 70% Illake~ Soap ....... .............. 20% prerl1l 3 gall Inert Ingredients Dead Water .......... 10% ;lS WE PI II r. thel l I WARNING: Keep out of reach of children. tfl~ate atrllo~ See other \Narnings on back panel. any p Net Contents "One Quart (U.S. Measure) EPA Reg. No. 59-10 ___W'___ ~ vG7Pc~ __________ . ___ . DESIGN fOQ'pE~ I4JF(LlI~~!S//'(/,t{r!r£~r __ 9/2__ L S.O·~~~-L~~~ ___SI~~~~J'w~~/~ _(.E~.)~~IQ'2~_B.P. DAJE/4 l£ SIGNING Cu~tomer agref'\ that (I, Contlnenlal Can Compon), In( ~hall nol be liable for 101 any pr,or In the attacn~d unlt>\\ Ihl~ proof 1\ ,,.tIJrnt>d 10 Conl,n .. nlol "",Ih \uch P"V' plulnly nole y pari cf thfO attachfOd 10 comply with an'" local, \!ale or h·d .. rulla .... or regulollon,!( I any purl of tht> altach~d which Infronge\ Ih,. prop,.,I, IIghl\ of oth,.r\ acqu",.d .... ,IhOlllllmllul,()n Ih"'~of, b. , tten palenl or oth~'wl~e and 'd) produClion colo,\ nol being 1:"10(11'1' I~,I:" \ump U\ Ih.. hond prov .. d color', If an.,. In In .
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