Softwoods of North America. Gen
United States Department of Agriculture Softwoods of Forest Service Forest North America Products Laboratory General Technical Report FPL–GTR–102 Harry A. Alden Abstract This report describes 52 taxa of North American softwoods, which are organized alphabeti- cally by genus. Descriptions include scientific name, trade name, distribution, tree character- istics, wood characteristics (e.g., general, weight, mechanical properties, drying, shrinkage, working properties, durability, preservation, uses, and toxicity), and additional sources of information. Data were compiled from existing literature, mostly from research done at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, Madison, Wis- consin. Keywords: softwoods, properties, North America, wood Acknowledgments Sincere thanks to the staff of the USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, for their aid in the preparation of this work. Special thanks to David Green, David Kretschmann, and Kent McDonald of the Engineering Properties of Wood Group; John “Rusty” Dramm of State and Private Forestry; Scott Leavengood and James Reeb of Oregon State University; and Lisa Johnson of the Southern Pine Inspection Bureau who reviewed this manuscript. Also thanks to Susan LeVan, Assistant Director, Forest Products Laboratory, for her support and the Information Services team, Forest Products Laboratory, for final editing and produc- tion of this report. This book is dedicated to Elbert Luther Little, Jr. (1907–present) for his significant and vo- luminous contributions to the nomenclature and geographic distributions of both softwood and hardwood trees of North America (45, 76, 100–139, 197, 198). September 1997 Alden, Harry A. 1997. Softwoods of North America. Gen. Tech. Rep. FPL–GTR–102. Madison, WI: U.S.
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