A SearchSOA.com E5book

ED LETTER 0 9 CHAPTER 1 D Shifting ground f for mobile W development ! j CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile  with Windows . ? u CHAPTER 3 Create SmartPhone 2 X apps using JavaScript f CHAPTER 4 IBM preps mobile SOA connection

CHAPTER 5 Mobile development resource Mobile ApplicationDevelopment: guide Making it easier for developers



Developers forge ahead with mobile applications By Jack Vaughan


CHAPTER 1 workers pecking away at handheld Shifting ground Mobile applications for mobile devices. Although these machines development have not only have tons more memory than in the past, they still are basically working piqued the interest remotely, hitting on a server some - CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile of developers, but where, and dealing with the world via with Windows services. also of the average Behind the scenes will emerge a

CHAPTER 3 cell phone user. whole new class of mobile app devel - Create opment tools, writes John K. Waters in SmartPhone Learn what all the apps using our lead story, “Mobile app dev trends: JavaScript fuss is about. Making life easier for developers.” Meanwhile, writer Patrick Meader discusses transfer Microsoft develop - CHAPTER 4 IBM preps ers in “Goin’ mobile with Windows.” mobile SOA MOBILE APPLICATIONS have piqued the Technology writer George Lawton connection interest of developers. First, the talks about JavaScript taking advan - iPhone redefined what a phone was: it tage of iPhone resources in his piece CHAPTER 5 looked a lot like a Web browser, really. “Create smartphone apps using Java- Mobile development Then, Apple opened an iPhone App Script.” Writer Rich Seeley adds IBM’s resource store that promised developers an input in the mobile community in guide opportunity to write and sell an appli - “IBM preps mobile SOA connection.” cation to a new mass audience. The There is also plenty of information in year 2009 looks gloomy for mobile the Mobile development resource phone sellers. But converged mobile guide. I devices, the kind the iPhone epito - mizes, are expected to fare far better Jack Vaughan oversees editorial planning and than traditional ones. coverage for SearchSOA.com. He has written about computer hardware and software for such publica - Clearly, when one is on the road, tions as Software Magazine, Digital Design and EDN one sees more and more knowledge News Edition.


Shifting ground for mobile development By John K. Waters


CHAPTER 1 downloads from the App Store Shifting ground The emergence of a for mobile exceeded 800 million. That’s only development new type of mobile eight months after the store opened in July 2008. According to the report, app development tool the total will likely surpass one billion CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile is aimed at develop - before the store is even a year old. with Windows Of course, the App Store’s success ers looking to expoit didn’t go unnoticed by Apple’s com - petitors. Mobile app developers will CHAPTER 3 the App Stores and Create soon have access to similar market SmartPhone their monetization apps using models from a range of mobile plat - JavaScript models. forms, including Research in Motion’s BlackBerry App World, Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace for Mobile, CHAPTER 4 IBM preps ’s Ovi, Palm’s App Catalog, and mobile SOA MOBILE APPLICATION DEVELOPERS have Google’s Android. connection always trod on shifting ground; it’s the The advent of these mobile-focused nature of the terrain. Lately, though, app marketplaces has sparked what

CHAPTER 5 the mobile app landscape has begun Jeffrey S. Hammond, principal analyst Mobile to shake with seismic intensity. For - in the application development group development resource rester analyst Neil Strother says we’re at Forrester, calls “a race to lower the guide in the midst of an “app frenzy,” thanks barriers to entry for developers,” largely to the proliferation of Apple’s which is likely to have a big impact on enormously popular iPhone device mobile app developers. The clearest and its rapidly evolving App Store evidence of this trend, he says, can be concept. seen in the emergence of a new type In a recent industry report (“Is an of mobile app development tool aimed iPhone App Right for You?”), Strother at developers looking to exploit the cited some stunning statistics: At the app stores and their new monetization time of this writing (mid-May), total models.


“These aren’t so much specialized project is anything but modest. “The mobile development tools as tools Web is moving off the desktop and that appeal to Web developers,” Ham - into the pockets of people all over the mond explains. “I think the long term trend here is toward an extension of Web development in the mobile app “The long term trend space.” is toward an extension Hammond points to two examples of Web development in ED LETTER of this trend that are worth watching: Nitobi’s PhoneGap is an open source the mobile app space.” CHAPTER 1 dev tool designed for building mobile —JEFFREY S. HAMMOND , Shifting ground apps with JavaScript and HTML. The principal analyst in the application for mobile development group at Forrester development tool is designed for the Web develop - er who wants to build mobile applica - tions in HTML and JavaScript while CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile still taking advantage of the core fea - with Windows tures in the iPhone, Android, and world,” the company writes on the Blackberry SDKs.” PhoneGap community Web site. Based in Vancouver, British Colum - “Phones are the new window to the CHAPTER 3 Create bia, Nitobi’s hope for the PhoneGap Internet and, currently, they are sec - SmartPhone apps using JavaScript

FIGURE 1: Which application types are you working on? CHAPTER 4 IBM preps mobile SOA 90% connection I Web applications, 80% excluding e-commerce Web sites 70% CHAPTER 5 I Content management Mobile 60% I Business process development management resource guide 50% I Infrastructure I Mobile applications 40%






ond class. PhoneGap aims to move coders. your device to a nice first class win - Mobile developers are also likely to dow.” feel the fallout from what Hammond Another toolmaker that fits this sees as a battle brewing among the trend, Hammond says, is Rhomobile, a aforementioned smartphone operat - ing systems, and what may well be the ultimate demise of the feature phone “Phones are the new (essentially anything that isn’t a ED LETTER window to the Internet smartphone). “As Moore’s law has put increasingly capable devices in the CHAPTER 1 and, currently, they hands of a majority of consumers,” he Shifting ground says, “it cuts into feature phone mar - for mobile are second class. development PhoneGap aims to ket share.” Hammond hastens to add to that move your device to a list of major smartphones, Palm’s new CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile nice first class window.” webOS, which was unveiled in April with Windows —PHONEGAP community web site at the annual Web 2.0 conference. Palm’s senior VP, Michael Abbott, made a direct pitch to developers dur - CHAPTER 3 Create ing his conference keynote. “Develop - SmartPhone ers are an incredibly important part of apps using JavaScript Cupertino, CA-based startup offering the webOS ecosystem,” he said. a new open source mobile application “We’re eager to get the [Mojo] SDK framework. Called Rhodes, the frame - into their hands, and are very excited CHAPTER 4 IBM preps work is designed for quick builds of to work with developers to make this mobile SOA native mobile apps for smartphone unique development environment connection OSes (the company lists iPhone, even better.” BlackBerry, Windows Mobile, Sym - “Unique development environ -

CHAPTER 5 bian, and Android ). According to the ments” is the problem, Hammond Mobile company, the apps are not mobile says. “The bottom line is that mobile development resource Web apps but “true native device development is a mess,” he says. guide applications” that “work with synchro - “With six different OS options, it will nized local data and take advantage of get more confusing before it gets sim - device capabilities such as GPS, PIM pler.” contacts and camera.” Rhomobile’s CEO, Adam Blum, says that 90 percent of the apps currently INDUSTRY INITIATIVE built with the Rhodes framework are MAY CLEAN THINGS UP being developed by ISVs. Ten percent, Bola Rotibi, principal analyst at Mace - he says, are coming from enterprise hiter Ward-Dutton, also sees evidence


of this “race” to lower entry barriers to but it’s an example of a simple tool for the new mobile app markets in a re- dealing with increasing demands for cent move by some of the big mobile sophisticated content on mobile platform players. The Eclipse Founda - devices, she says. tion’s Pulsar initiative might well be viewed as an attempt to clean up that mobile-dev mess for developers. “Mobile application Launched in March, Pulsar is an developers are being ED LETTER industry initiative aimed at creating a called upon to write standard mobile-app development applications that use CHAPTER 1 tools platform based on the open- Shifting ground source Eclipse framework. The list of all this rich content, but for mobile development charter members includes Motorola, the tools are emerging Nokia, Genuitec, IBM, RIM, and Sony Ericsson Mobile Communications. to make it all much CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile The initiative’s goal is to define a com - easier.” with Windows mon set of Eclipse-based tools in a —BOLA ROTIBI , principal analyst packaged distribution that can inter - at MacehiterWard-Dutton operate with the SDKs provided by the CHAPTER 3 Create handset makers. When the initiative SmartPhone was announced, Motorola’s senior apps using JavaScript director of developer platforms and services, Dino Brusco, said that it “It’s about trying to have support for would enable mobile application all the different types of media man - CHAPTER 4 IBM preps developers to work within a single, aged in one environment,” Rotibi says. mobile SOA familiar development environment “Mobile application developers are connection that allows them to target multiple being called upon to write applica - device families. tions that use all this rich content, but

CHAPTER 5 “It remains to be seen where this the tools are emerging to make it all Mobile goes, but I’d call that an attempt to much easier.” development resource lower barriers to entry,” Rotibi says. “The truth is, this trend isn’t new,” guide “Eclipse is a great starting place for an Rotibi adds. “We’ve seen it before initiative like this. The environment among the major tool makers. The and skills are already there.” Rotibi app stores have sparked what I’d call a also points to Adobe’s Flash Catalyst, resurgence.” I an interactive design tool for building interfaces and interactive content John K. Waters is a freelance journalist without coding. The tool is still in beta, and author on the tech beat in Silicon Valley.


Goin’ mobile with Windows By Patrick Meader


CHAPTER 1 forms such as smartphones and PDAs. Shifting ground Resources, links and for mobile You know the .NET Framework and development caveats, along with your favorite languages, the argument goes; all that’s required is to familiar - your knowledge of ize yourself with the different name - CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile the .NET Framework, spaces and learn the nuances of the with Windows particular platforms you’re interested can help you assess in targeting. This is especially true if

CHAPTER 3 the potential bene - you’re a .NET developer who pro - Create grams primarily in Microsoft’s signa - SmartPhone fits of programming apps using ture .NET programming language, C#. JavaScript for the Windows It’s not just your development lan - guage you can leverage, either. Other Mobile platform. Microsoft technologies supported on CHAPTER 4 IBM preps the Compact Framework include a mobile SOA mobile version of ASP.NET and a spe - connection cial version of SQL Server for compact ONE OF MICROSOFT’S most consistent, devices. That’s not all: You might be CHAPTER 5 oft-iterated promises is that if you pleased to learn that many of the third Mobile development take the time to learn its flagship party vendors that provide tools for resource Visual Studio developer suite, then the full .NET Framework also provide guide you can take the skills you learn and tools for mobile developers. apply them to a wide variety of other Knowledge of the full .NET Frame - situations. For example, if you’re a work is a good start if you’re interest - developer who uses Visual Studio ed in targeting the Windows Mobile 2005 or 2008 to create desktop or platform, but you should also be Web-based .NET applications, then aware of some important resources you’re someone who can branch out and caveats. I’ll walk you through with the knowledge you already have both, explaining where you can find to target different, but related plat - the necessary software development


kits to begin programming mobile dows Mobile devices using Express devices and point you at the wealth of versions of Visual Studio at this time. Microsoft-related resources available, Microsoft also released the Win - including the official Windows devel - dows Mobile 6.5 Developer Toolkit oper blog, a special tutorial on ramp - ing up with Windows Mobile, links to the official forums, and more. Finally, What you’re I’ll touch on one of the ways you can ED LETTER monetize your understanding of Win - leveraging is your dows Mobile by creating applications knowledge of the CHAPTER 1 for Microsoft’s Windows Marketplace Microsoft platform Shifting ground for Mobile, an online store that Micro- for mobile and how it works. development soft will be launching later this year.

CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile GETTING STARTED with Windows The Windows Mobile developer group (DTK) in June 2009. The 6.5 DTK has a page that points you to every - ships with emulators, gesture APIs, thing you need to start programming and article samples for developing CHAPTER 3 Create Windows Mobile devices . Windows Mobile 6.5 applications. SmartPhone You can download either the Win - Note that the underlying requirements apps using JavaScript dows Mobile 6 Professional Software haven’t changed: You must have a Development Kit or the Windows non-Express version of Visual Studio Mobile 6 Standard Software Develop - 2005 or later, as well as either the CHAPTER 4 IBM preps ment Kit here . You can develop Win - Windows Mobile 6 Professional SDK mobile SOA dows Mobile applications on any of or the Windows Mobile Standard SDK connection three platforms: Windows Server installed on your system. 2003, Windows XP, and Windows

CHAPTER 5 Vista. All three platforms require that Mobile you also install Visual Studio 2005 or THE MOBILE DEVICE API SUBSET development resource later, as well as the Microsoft .NET For obvious reasons, the resource- guide Compact Framework v2 SP2. Win - constrained Windows Mobile plat - dows Server 2003 and Windows XP form doesn’t include every feature also require that you have ActiveSync you’ll find in the full Framework. 4.5 installed; Windows Vista requires According to a document on MSDN, that you install the Windows Mobile the .NET Compact Framework imple - Device Center for synchronizing data. ments approximately 30 percent of Note that you must use Visual Studio the full .NET Framework. That’s a sig - 2005 Standard Edition or higher; you nificant chunk of the .NET Framework cannot develop applications for Win - that Microsoft has excised, and it isn’t


hard to drill down on the .NET Frame - EXTENDING DESKTOP APPS work Class Library and find significant One common mobile scenario is to areas that aren’t supported in the take an existing desktop app and Compact Framework. extend it to smartphones and/or PDA- The class library viewer displays a style mobile devices. For example, you small PDA-style icon next to methods, might want to take your sales contact properties, and other objects in the manager and make it available on a .NET class library that are implement - mobile device. As a .NET developer, ED LETTER ed in the .NET Compact Framework you might be excited about being able (see Figure 2 ); it’s also possible to use to use your knowledge of the Frame - CHAPTER 1 topic filters from within Visual Studio work, SQL Server, ASP.NET, and other Shifting ground to find the subset of classes specifi - technologies with mobile devices. for mobile development cally part of the .NET Compact Frame - And that’s all good. However, many work. Specific areas not supported in developers conflate the promise of the .NET Compact Framework include leveraging their skills with being able CHAPTER 2 to port existing applications whole (or Goin’ mobile remoting and code access security, with Windows among other features. close to it) to the .NET Compact

CHAPTER 3 Create SmartPhone apps using FIGURE 2: A screenshot of the Windows Mobile API framework. JavaScript

CHAPTER 4 IBM preps mobile SOA connection

CHAPTER 5 Mobile development resource guide


Framework. Unfortunately, the Com - unlikely that you would want to port pact Framework is a subset—and a a business app directly to a mobile small subset at that—of the full device as-is, anyway. As a developer, Microsoft .NET Framework. You can - you need to give careful consideration not simply take a desktop application to the overall architecture of your built against the full Microsoft .NET application, paying particular atten - Framework that you’re already using tion to which aspects of a given app and reference that project from a need to be on the mobile device. For ED LETTER mobile device project. example, you need to consider which Instead, you should begin by creat - elements of the app need to be always CHAPTER 1 ing the user interface for the platform available (and thus implemented Shifting ground you are targeting, whether it’s for locally), which functions of the app for mobile development smartphone or other device, consider can be performed remotely, what data what business logic you can repur - needs to be stored remotely and on pose, and proceed from there. It is the device, and so on. CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile with Windows

CHAPTER 3 Available Resources Create SmartPhone there are many resources available for would-be Windows Mobile developers. apps using It should come as no surprise that many of these resources are available from JavaScript Microsoft, and I’ll cover several of those here. A good starting point is Microsoft’s Getting Started page for Windows Mobile CHAPTER 4 development . IBM preps mobile SOA In May 2009, Microsoft Learning posted a “RampUp” series for Windows Mobile connection development. If you’re not familiar with this series, Microsoft describes its RampUp series as “a free online learning program that helps developers to acquire skills in specific technologies and development areas.” Using RampUp requires a Windows CHAPTER 5 Mobile Live ID; you also need to fill out a survey similar to what you might fill out when you development sign up for a controlled magazine. resource guide Microsoft also sponsors a moderated Windows Mobile development forum and a moderated Compact Framework development blog . Obviously, you’re not guaranteed a response if you post questions at such forums, but you can read related questions and answers that other developers have posted and received. Finally, you can keep abreast of what’s new in Windows Mobile development a blog that is maintained by the people who create the tools for this technology, and pro - vides frequent updates on significant developer issues; new developer tools, includ - ing free resource kits for developers; and regular posts about upcoming versions and technologies related to Windows Mobile development. I


SELL YOUR APPS ONLINE you submit for certification. Microsoft One of Microsoft’s most ambitious has announced a promotion intended goals for Windows Mobile is to estab - to drum up interest in the program: If lish a marketplace for Windows you register to participate in the pro - Mobile apps. Windows Marketplace gram before the end of 2009, Micro- for Mobile follows the model of soft will give you five free application Apple’s iPhone application store and submissions with your initial registra - will be part of an increasingly crowded tion. You can learn more about this ED LETTER market segment that also features program here . Note that Microsoft will similar efforts from Google and let you post both free and commercial CHAPTER 1 Research in Motion. software on this site, but all applica - Shifting ground Microsoft’s store will feature full tions must undergo the certification for mobile development support for Windows 6.5 devices, process before they can be hosted on which are expected to launch in the the site. Fall of 2009. At the time I write this, CHAPTER 2 Microsoft has committed only to pro - Goin’ mobile with Windows vide support for Windows 6.5 devices SUMMARY and applications at its new online .NET developers interested in pro - store. Note that Microsoft has an gramming for the Windows Mobile CHAPTER 3 Create existing online store for mobile appli - platform have many opportunities to SmartPhone cations, but its aim is substantially dif - leverage their knowledge in ways that apps using JavaScript ferent from that of the announced can save them a lot of time and store. The existing store features money. However, you should be aware select applications from key partners, that what you’re leveraging is your CHAPTER 4 and directs customers to third-party IBM preps knowledge of the Microsoft platform mobile SOA sites for downloads. Windows Mar - and how it works. You should not connection ketplace for Mobile aims to provide a assume that you’ll be able to port your one-stop location for discovering, pur - existing applications or code to a chasing, and downloading Windows CHAPTER 5 mobile platform without revisiting Mobile Mobile applications. your basic architecture. development resource What makes this new store of par - That said, the resources, links, and guide ticular interest to developers is that it caveats I’ve detailed, along with your represents a chance to monetize your knowledge of the .NET Framework, investment in Windows Mobile by can help you assess the potential ben - creating apps for the store. Microsoft efits of programming for the Windows is offering developers 70 percent of Mobile platform. I the revenue for apps purchased at the store. Participating in this store re- Patrick Meader has been covering the Windows quires putting up a $99 annual regis - development as an editor, analyst, and author for tration fee, plus $99 per application more than 13 years.


Create smartphone apps using JavaScript By George Lawton


CHAPTER 1 for basic applications or prototyping. Shifting ground Learn about the for mobile More sophisticated applications development benefits of JavaScript developers will have to turn to Objec - tive-C, the native Mac programming and how a number language, which Simon Brocklehurst CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile of bridges have points out is not nearly as popular as with Windows other languages, like JavaScript. emerged to help One of the problems is that Java- Script must be interpreted by the CHAPTER 3 JavaScript take Create WebKit embedded browser. As Dr. SmartPhone advantage of native Nic notes, WebKit apps are slow . It apps using JavaScript iPhone resources. can take a few seconds for the WebKit object to become available. It also suf - fers from running inside a JavaScript CHAPTER 4 IBM preps interpreter on top of a limited proces - mobile SOA WHILE OBJECTIVE-C REMAINS the most sor with small memory. Another connection powerful iPhone development lan - drawback is that the bridge is only one guage, JavaScript has been gaining directional. From Objective-C you can

CHAPTER 5 traction as a viable alternative, partic - call JavaScript, but you can’t invoke Mobile ularly for basic applications and rapid native Objective-C objects. However, development resource prototyping. The benefits of JavaScript he notes that JavaScript is a sweet guide are a far larger audience of program - option for rapid prototyping, particu - mers and development tools, and a larly if your objective-C skills are limit - number of bridges have emerged to ed, because it gives the designer help JavaScript take advantage of immediate access to building the app. native iPhone resources. The limitations are also becoming JavaScript alone does not give the less onerous. The second version of developer access to all of the native the iPhone firmware has doubled resources of the iPhone, but there are JavaScript performance compared to ways of accessing iPhone functionality the first release. This was made possi -


ble with an update to the WebKit ren - Web apps and native iPhone APIs dering engine. The iPhone 3G proces - for resources like the accelerometer sor is also 35% faster than the original and geolocation. Future versions will hardware, which also enhances per - support the camera and audio fea - formance. tures. The goal of the project is to John Resig has summarized his take on different strategies for writing JavaScript apps for the iPhone using JavaScript alone ED LETTER JiggyApp, JSCocoa, tuning apps, PhoneGap, and WebTouch. does not give the CHAPTER 1 JiggyApp was one of the first developer access Shifting ground iPhone scripting languages. Unfortu - for mobile to all of the native development nately it required a jailbroken iPhone, and the main site has since died. It resources of the iPhone, gained a lot of publicity as it enabled a but there are ways CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile developer to code right from the of accessing iPhone with Windows phone. JSCocoa is a bridge from JavaScript functionality for basic Core to Cocoa, allowing developers to applications or CHAPTER 3 Create create Objective-C applications using prototyping. SmartPhone JavaScript. Developers can call C apps using JavaScript code, Objective-C code, and build JavaScript classes inheriting from Objective-C classes. Resig believes it CHAPTER 4 IBM preps is better suited for OX-X applications. drive the adoption of open device mobile SOA Note that the main JSCocoa site has standards for JavaScript applications connection documentation and tips and tricks. running on major mobile platforms The Google code site has more docu - including the iPhone, Android, and

CHAPTER 5 mentation and downloads for writing Blackberry. Mobile and testing apps. Meanwhile, WebTouch is a WebKit development resource Tuning Web apps: Developers can instance to render an iPhone applica - guide tune their JavaScript mobile Web tion. At the moment, the project only application code to look a little more provides a few snippets of sample like native iPhone apps by doing code, but Resig believes it is a good things like providing a tray icon and a entry point for developing hybrid full screen view without the browser HTML/CSS, JavaScript/Objective- toolbar. However, these kinds of apps C/Cocoa apps. I have limited access to native iPhone resources. George Lawton is a technology writer living PhoneGap bridges the gap between in northern California.


IBM preps mobile SOA connection By Rich Seeley


CHAPTER 1 of this year, but composite applica - Shifting ground IBM plans to put for mobile tions like those IBM describes may development business process help make the iPhone platform an enterprise client, not just a stylish management technology gadget. WebSphere Busi - CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile and business event ness Monitor provides the notifica - with Windows tions and the dashboards and reports processing in the now go to a Blackberry, with iPhone support to follow. CHAPTER 3 palm of business Create The new software bridging main - SmartPhone executives hands. apps using frame to mobile includes IBM Rational JavaScript Business Developer, a tool for creating Web 2.0 mobile applications using Big Blue’s new Enterprise Generation Lan - CHAPTER 4 IBM SAID IT IBM preps has created developer tools guage (EGL). Downloadable from the mobile SOA to support a new set of software and IBM alphaWorks project, platform connection services for mobile devices. This will independent EGL applications can run put business process management on mainframe or mobile, Carter said.

CHAPTER 5 and business event processing in the “With EGL, developers don’t have to Mobile palm of business executives hands, worry about the platform,” she development resource says Sandy Carter, vice president for explained. “They write the application guide SOA and WebSphere strategy. so it works on a mobile and it can WebSphere Business Monitor links extend whatever they have, whether BlackBerry devices to back office it’s something from the mainframe or applications so business executives a pSeries [Unix] box. They don’t have and consumers can check sales met - to worry or be familiar with the under - rics or their bank balances on the run pinning middleware or platform tech - wherever they are. nology. They write it and it’s platform iPhone connectivity won’t be gener - independent.” ally available until the fourth quarter Carter said the new IBM mobile ini -


tiative puts business event process - said Dennis Quan, director of develop - ing—Big Blue’s moniker for a subset of ment in IBM’s Autonomic Computing complex event processing (CEP)—in division. The rising demand of millions the palm of their hands. of mobile executives, workers, and “Business events are about captur - consumers requires the kind of com - ing patterns for really insightful busi - puting power the cloud can deliver, he ness analysis of all the events running said. through our ESB,” Carter said. “IBM’s ED LETTER mobile initiative allows you to look at events that are not just coming in In places like Japan CHAPTER 1 from your corporate ESB but through and South Korea, Shifting ground events that are triggered by a mobile for mobile consumers walking development device. So our business event soft - ware combined with the mobile soft - through a shopping ware can help you identify patterns area with their iPhones CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile and trigger business decisions.” get e-coupons from with Windows This is already happening in places like Japan and South Korea, where the retail stores as consumers walking through a shop - they pass by. CHAPTER 3 Create ping area with their iPhones get e- SmartPhone coupons from the retail stores as they apps using JavaScript pass by, she said. Combining GPS capabilities with business event pro - “Google’s Android project and other cessing makes it possible for a retail mobile initiatives are the driving force CHAPTER 4 IBM preps store owner to fine tune e-coupons to behind the development of cloud mobile SOA meet immediate market conditions. computing because they are really connection While IBM’s mobile initiative is not creating the kinds of scalability directly connected to cloud computing requirements that are needed for the

CHAPTER 5 and does not yet have a connection to next generation of data centers,” Quan Mobile the Google Android mobile platform, explained. I development resource there is a synergistic relationship. guide The proliferation of mobile comput - Rich Seeley is a former News writer ing is a driver for cloud computing, for SearchSOA.com


Mobile development resource guide By the SearchSOA.com staff


CHAPTER 1 Shark analysis tools. Shifting ground Click here to find for mobile development resources, defini- I iPhoneDevelopment Central: This online database of free iPhone SDK tions and links to all tutorials has over 600 minutes of CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile the newest mobile video tutorials developed by over with Windows 1950 registered users. It includes links developments. to the iPhone SDK Forum, a weekly challenge, developer blogs, and news. CHAPTER 3 Create SmartPhone apps using IPHONE JavaScript The iPhone has become something of WINDOWS MOBILE SPECIFIC I a legend. Although the first generation Windows Mobile Development Provides a central repository device fell short of many corporate Center: CHAPTER 4 for content on building apps with the IBM preps needs, the ease of use and Steve Job’s mobile SOA .NET Compact Framework, SQL Server magic touch attracted a cult following. connection and Windows CE/Mobile/Every - At the moment, native iPhone apps where/Compact. A section on Appli - are developed with Objective C. CHAPTER 5 cations for Smart Devices targets Mobile native, managed, and SQL Server development I iPhone Developer Program: Official Compact topics. A Mobile Web sec - resource iPhone developer site from Apple. guide tion covers the nuts and bolts of build - Developers can download the SDK to ing Web sites designed for mobile develop and test new applications. It devices such as .MOBI standards, also has information on distributing W3C Mobile Web best practices and new apps on the iPhone store. The the XHTML Mobile Profile. free iPhone SDK includes Xcode IDE, an iPhone simulator with Open GL ES I support, Interface Builder, Instru - Windows Mobile Development Net - The Microsoft mobile develop - ments, frameworks, compilers and work: ers site with links to upcoming events,


an application showcase, help and one of the most popular smartphone tips, along with a variety of podcasts. platforms with over 180 million devices shipped by June 2008. This I Windows Mobile Team Blog: This site provides an overview to official Microsoft blog relating to Win - development with information on get - dows Mobile development links to ting started, tools and SDKs, and tech - news, tips and tricks about .Net Com - nical specs for S60 enabled devices. It pact Framework, application compati - has sections for C++, Java, Flash Lite, ED LETTER bility, and Silverlight. and Python developers.

I CHAPTER 1 S40 Development Forum: S40 Shifting ground OTHER SMARTPHONE PLATFORMS from Nokia is the world’s most widely for mobile development I BlackBerry: The main BlackBerry deployed mobile device platform. development site has information on It is designed for phones with fewer browser development, rapid applica - resources than many smartphones, CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile tion development, and Java applica - yet still runs Java and Flash Lite appli - with Windows tion development. The site includes an cations. Nokia provides IDE plug-ins eclipse IDE plug-in, as well as simula - for Carbide, NetBeans, Eclipse, and tors for many of the phone models, Aptana. CHAPTER 3 Create including the new Storm smartphone. SmartPhone I Qualcomm Brew Developer’s apps using JavaScript I : The main Symbian devel - Home: Qualcomm’s Brew doesn’t get oper’s page with technical information all of the publicity of the iPhone and and news, tools, discussion forums, the Blackberry, but it silently handles a CHAPTER 4 IBM preps and tutorials. Symbian is the market lot of applications. The company esti - mobile SOA leading OS, with mates that Brew applications generat - connection approximately 226 million cumulative ed an average of 80.5 million transac - shipped phones by June 2008. A wide tions per month in 2007, while paying

CHAPTER 5 variety of user interfaces run on top of out over $1 billion in earnings to Brew Mobile the base OS including Nokia’s S60, developers and publishers. This site development resource NTT DOCOMO’s MOAP user inter - contains a link to the SDK, tutorials guide face for the FOMA 3G network and and learning guides, and information UIQ, designed by UIQ Technology, a on how to create a business on top of joint venture between Motorola and the Brew platform. Sony Ericsson. Symbian phone manu - facturers include , LG, Mit - I Google Android: Android is a mobile subishi, Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, OS based on and championed Sharp and Sony Ericsson. by Google and the Open Handset Alliance. Developers write managed I S60 Development Forum: S60 is (Continued on page 19)


NEC and SAIC use SOA for first-responder app By Jack Vaughan

WHILE SOME SING the funeral song of SOA, software services continue to spread and evolve—finding new forms, especially in the realm of telecommunications. For exam - ple, such services are being used as part of innovative first-emergency-responder applications being created by Science Applications International Corporation. ED LETTER Last month, NEC Corp. subsidiary NEC Sphere Communications announced it was working with SAIC to deliver interactive unified communications capabilities as part CHAPTER 1 Shifting ground of their service-oriented architecture infrastructure for collaboration. for mobile Todd Landry, senior vice president of NEC Sphere, said SAIC and NEC Sphere have development developed mobile collaboration technology—in effect, a SOA-RIA-Web Services-IP Telephony mashup—that will be useful to first responders, law enforcement, and oth - CHAPTER 2 ers. The implementation combines SAIC’s GeoSpatial browser-based collaboration Goin’ mobile with Windows software with NEC Sphere’s unified communications technology. Landry told SearchSOA.com that NEC Sphere Communications, acquired by NEC 18 months ago, is dedicated to building communications capabilities as software servic - CHAPTER 3 Create es, rather than hardware elements as was traditionally the case with telecommunica - SmartPhone tions devices and systems. He said this movement will redefine business processes apps using JavaScript that involve human interaction. “If you build a workflow related to your data applications, for example, an ERP sys - tem getting information from inventory, at some point people in the business become CHAPTER 4 IBM preps part of the workflow. At that point it is good to have the ability for the business sys - mobile SOA tem to reach out to the people that can ensure the next step is taken,” said Landry. connection On the development side, Landry said NEC Sphere’s approach to services allows wider ranks of programmers to work with telecommunications systems—a very CHAPTER 5 arcane area for many people. Mobile development “We have abstracted the services in a way that application developers can con - resource sume the services without having to understand the underlying telecommunications guide [systems],” he said. NEC Sphere development tools include a suite of WSDL files that allow application developers to more easily bring telecomm services into their devel - opment environments, Landry indicated. The SAIC work is a fairly advanced application. SAIC’s GeoSpatial service enables users to share geospatial displays. Together with Instant Messaging and Voice-over- Internet Protocol services, the system is ultimately intended to help emergency responders successfully coordinate activities, especially when dealing with catastro - phes. I


(Continued from page 17) members. It has information on start - code that use Google libraries. Mem - ing, designing, developing, testing, and bers of the OHA alliance include HTC, running mobile apps. The site is pro - Intel, Motorola, Qualcomm, T-Mobile, vided by dotMobi, based in Ireland. It Sprint, Sony Ericsson, and Vodaphone. exists to accelerate the mobile Web Initially, T-Mobile is the only company and promote best practices for mobile to deploy the phone. However, the sites. It includes a directory of suppli - phone is getting quite a bit of spotlight ers, services and tools for designing ED LETTER because of Google’s backing. This site developing and testing mobile sites. includes the Android SDK, and a vari - I CHAPTER 1 ety of tools to develop mobile apps on Mobile Development: Mobile dev Shifting ground the Android platform. The SDK is blog maintained by Sunil Kumar, a for mobile development designed for use with Eclipse, but the mobile app developer from Singapore. SDK includes other tools for debug - This site highlights lesser known facts ging, packaging, and installing appli - to mobile developers, such as how to CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile cations on the emulator. detect if a phone is 3G enabled or how with Windows to force apps to use AGPS rather than I Adobe Flash Lite: Flash Lite is a GPS. stripped down version of the Flash CHAPTER 3 Create Player for mobile phones. This version I Device Atlas: The world’s most SmartPhone is designed for phones and consumer comprehensive database of mobile apps using JavaScript electronics devices like the Chumby device information includes multi- and media players. The Flash Lite sourced data, for maximum reliability player supports ActionScript pro - and scope. It is free to use for devel - CHAPTER 4 IBM preps gramming language. This site is the opment purposes. It includes informa - mobile SOA main Flash Lite Developer page with tion about the components in the connection links to tools, tips, tricks, and a sample device as well as development infor - gallery illustrating Flash Lite possibili - mation, APIs, properties, DRM, and

CHAPTER 5 ties. other technical information. Mobile development I resource QT Software (Formerly Trolltech): guide MULTI5PLATFORM SITES QT is a cross-platform application I Mobile Phone Development: Blog framework. It allows developers to by mobile developer Simon Judge on create applications once using C++ Symbian, Windows Mobile, Android, and Java that can be deployed on top iPhone, Java ME and the Mobile Web. of Windows CE, and embedded Linux platforms (and the Symbian S60 in I MobiForge: MobiForge is the world’s Q2 2009) without rewriting the largest independent mobile develop - source code. The company was ment community with over 20,000 acquired by Nokia in June 2008. This


site includes a link to a trial version of the development tool IDE and various mobile development white papers, webinars and tutorials.

I Navteq: Navteq is one of the world’s largest providers of maps, traffic infor - EDITOR mation, and other geographic data. Jack Vaughan ED LETTER This site includes tips and tools for GROUP MANAGING EDITOR developing mobile mapping applica - Bree Matturro CHAPTER 1 tions for consumers and enterprises. Shifting ground The NAVTEQ Network for Developers ASSISTANT SITE EDITOR for mobile Mike Pontacoloni development provides application developers access to the extensive collection CONTRIBUTORS George Lawton of highly accurate and robust digital Patrick Meader CHAPTER 2 Goin’ mobile NAVTEQ maps, and the resources Rich Seeley with Windows needed to bring new location-enabled John K. Waters services to market. I The enclosed material is copyright CHAPTER 3 SearchSOA.com unless otherwise stated. Create John K. Waters is a freelance journalist SmartPhone and author on the tech beat in Silicon Valley. apps using JavaScript

CHAPTER 4 IBM preps mobile SOA connection

CHAPTER 5 Mobile development resource guide