Production, Study and Us© of in Pure and Applied Nuclear Research
Production, study and us© of In pure and applied nuclear research by Tor Bjernstad University of Bergen 1986 THESIS for the degree Doctor Philosophiae (dr.philos.) at the University of Oslo. Obligatoric lectures: April 25, 1986. Defence of the thesis: April 26, 1986. to tlie thesis PRODUCTION, STUDI AND USE Of SHORT-LIVED NUCLIUES IH PURE AND APPLIED NUCLEAR RESEARCH by lor BJornstad LOCA!ION IS WRITTEN SHOULD BE 238,, • 235,, REVIEW PAPER, (>.)), line II "...Induced fission of U..." "...Induced fission of U..." REVIEW PAPER, p.14, Une 4 "Chemical metods..." "Chemical methods.,." SEVIEW PAPER, p.JO, line 17 "lived mud ides ("or..." "livpd nuclides for..." REVIEW PAPER, p.29, line 11 '...for sampling of this,.," "...for sampling of thin..." REVIEW PAPEfl, p.30, line 26 \..T1/2(M) * Tl/JID)..." \..Tj{H) * Tj(D)..." REVIEW PAPER, p.31, line 11 "...suncrocyclotron..," "... synchrocyclotron.*." REVIEW PAPER, p.31. line B **... Trie release tfie »uclear..." "...The release of the nuclear. from the bottom REVIEW PAPER, p.31. line A "...low vapor pressure..." ..low vapour pressure., from the bottom REVIEW PAPER, p.35, line •'...76Or(tj-1.355)..." \..76V(tj-1.3Ss)..." REVIEV PAPER, p.47, 1 lues 6, Ptiranthese after the reference on These parflntfieses should be on the 11,1? and 14 ttje level of Hie text line level of the reference number. In addition, there should be Inserted connid between references in line 15 and 12. REVIEW PAPER, p.48. line 1 "The separted molecular. "The separated molecular,.," PfVIEW PAPER, p.48, line 7 "...irridfum..." "...iridium..." from the bottom REVIEW PACER, p.50.
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