PublicPublic CitizenCitizen SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUE Vol. 26, No. 1, 2006 Public Citizen 1600 20th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20009 (202) 588-1000 PublicPublic THE 35TH ANNIVERSARY ISSUE e-mail:
[email protected] ublic Citizen is a national nonprofit CONTENTS Pmembership organization based in CitizenCitizen Washington, D.C. Since its founding by Ralph Nader in 1971, Public Citizen has fought for corporate and government accountability in order to guarantee the individual’s right to safe products, a healthy environment and workplace, fair trade, and clean and safe energy sources. Public Citizen is active in Congress, the courts, government agencies and the news media. Welcome to the Birthday Party By Joan Claybrook, President Public Citizen does not accept government 2 or corporate grants. Our funding comes from our thousands of individual supporters throughout the country who believe there should be full-time advocates of democratic principles working on their The People of Public Citizen behalf; from foundations; and from the sale of our publications. Public Citizen is an Raiders of the Lost Democracy equal opportunity employer. A look at the amazing people who have To become a member of Public Citizen and 3 receive Public Citizen News, please call made Public Citizen a force for good for (202) 588-1000 or send a check payable 35 years to Public Citizen for $20 (or $35 to add one year of Health Letter) to Public Citizen Membership Services at the address Meet the Directors above. Introducing the dedicated individuals who Public Citizen News (ISSN 0738-5927), 7 entire contents copyrighted 2006.