An Introduction to the IAEA Neutron-Gamma Atlas Ye Myint1, Sein Htoon2
MM0900107 Jour. Myan. Aca<L Arts & Sa 2005 Vol. in. No. 3(i) Physics An Introduction to the IAEA Neutron-Gamma Atlas Ye Myint1, Sein Htoon2 Abstract NG-ATLAS is the abbreviation of Neutron-Gamma Atlas. Neutrons have proved to be especially effective in producing nuclear transformations, and gamma is the informer of nucleus. In nuclear physics, observable features or data are determined externally such as, energy, spin and cross section, where neutron and gamma plays dominant roles. (Neutron, gamma) (n,y) reactions of every isotope are vital importance for nuclear physicists. Introduction Inside the nucleus, protons and neutrons are simply two different states of a single particle, the nucleon. When neutron leaves the.nucleus, it is an unstable particle of half life 11.8 minutes, beta decay into proton. It is not feasible to describe beta decay without the references to Dirac 's hole theory; it is the memorandum for his hundred-birth day . The role of neutrons in nuclear physics is so high and its radiative capture by elements (neutron, gamma) reaction i.e, (n,y ) or NG-ATLAS is presented. The NG-Atlas. data file contains nuclear reaction cross section data of induced capture reaction for targets up to Z =96 . It comprises more than seven hundred isotopes, if the half lives are above half of a day. Cross sections are listed separately for ground , first and second excited states .And if the isomers have half life longer than 0.5 days , they are also include as targets .So the information includes a total of about one thousand reactions on different channels and the incident neutron energy ranging fromlO"5 eV to 20 MeV.
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