
9 – rates

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 1 9.1 – Nuclear decays: decay By increasing the neutron number, the gain in binding of a nucleus due to the term is exceeded by the loss due to the growing asymmetry term. After that, no more can be bound, the neutron drip line is reached beyond which, neutron decay occurs: (Z, N) à (Z, N - 1) + n (9.1)

Q-value: Qn = m(Z, N) - m(Z, N-1) - mn (9.2)

Neutron Sn

Sn(Z, N) = m(Z, N-1) + mn - m(Z, N) = -Qn for n-decay (9.3)

Neutron drip line: Sn = 0 Beyond the drip line Sn < 0 neutron unbound Gamma-decay • When a reaction places a nucleus in an excited state, it drops to the lowest energy through gamma emission • Excited states and decays in nuclei are similar to : (a) they conserve angular momentum and parity, (b) the has spin = 1 and parity = -1 • For orbital with angular momentum L, parity is given by P= (-1)L • To first order, the photon carries away the energy from an electric dipole transition in nuclei. But in nuclei it is easier to have higher order terms in than in atoms. introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 2 decay

Proton Separation Energy Sp: Sp(Z,N) = m(Z-1,N) + mp - m(Z,N) (9.4)

Proton drip line: Sp = 0

beyond the drip line: Sp < 0 the nuclei are proton unbound α-decay α-decay is the emission of an a ( = 4He nucleus) The Q-value for a decay is given by Q "m(Z,A) m(Z 2,A 4) m $c2 α = # − − − − α % (9.5) Decay lifetimes

Nuclear lifetimes for decay through all the modes described so far depend not only on the Q-values, but also on the conservation of other physical quantities, such as angular momentum. Typical decay times for similar lifetimes are (a) 10-10 s for , (b) 10-16 s for gamma-decay and (c) up to many years for alpha- decay.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 3 Fission Very heavy nuclei can fission into two parts (Q > 0) This happens because for large nuclei the is less important – large deformations are then possible. With a small amount of additional energy the nucleus can be deformed sufficiently so that Coulomb repulsion wins over -nucleon attraction and the nucleus fissions. This will be possible if Q "m(Z,A) 2m(Z / 2,A / 2)$c2 0 (9.6) f = # − % > Ma ss Num ber A Using the LDM formula, Eq. 80 100 120 140 160 20 (7.5) we can shown that Qα > 0 this happens Nuc lear C harge Yield in Fission of 234U for A > 90. 15

) % (

Symmetric fission (fission into ) Z 10 two nearly equal size fragments) ( Y


as well as asymmetric fission are l e i

likely to occur. Y 5

0 Example from 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 Moller et al., Nature 409 (2001) 485 Proton Num b e r Z introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 4 4 9.2 - Observations

1. Most nuclei found in nature are the stable and not too heavy to undergo or fission)

2. There are many more unstable nuclei that can exist for short times after their creation.

3. is favored building blocks of nuclei because of their comparably low when fused with other nuclei high per nucleon

This explains abundance peaks at nuclei composed of multiples of alpha in solar system abundance distribution

4. The binding energy per nucleon has a maximum in the -Nickel region

The iron peak in solar abundance distribution implies that some fraction of matter was brought into equilibrium, probably during supernovae explosions.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 5 Observations – Solar abundances

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 6 9.3 - Nuclear reactions in stars The plasma within a star is a mix of fully ionized projectiles and target nuclei at a temperature T. Using the definition of in Eq. (7.24), we get that for particles with a given relative velocity v and within a volume V with projectile

number density ni, and target number density nj:

λ = σ n v i (9.7) R = σ nivn jV

3 so for reaction rate per second and cm is (9.8) r = nin jσ v

This is proportional to the number of i-j pairs in the volume. However, when the species are identical, i.i., i =j, one has to divide by 2 to avoid double counting 1 r = n n σ v 1 i j (9.9) +δij

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 7 Reaction rates at temperature T Assuming Local LTE the velocity distribution of particles in a plasma follow a Maxwell-Boltzmann velocity distribution:

3/ 2 mv2 ⎛ m ⎞ − 2 2kT (9.10) with Φ(v)dv =1 (9.11) Φ(v) = 4π ⎜ ⎟ v e ∫ ⎝ 2π kT ⎠ where Φ(v) is the probability to find a particle with a velocity between v and v + dv.

This distribution is easily deduced from the Boltzmann distribution f(E) = A exp(-E/kT) by replacing E = mv2/2 and adjusting the constant A to conform with the max at normalization condition E = kT given by Eq. (9.11).

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 8 Reaction rates at temperature T In terms of the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution, with the m replaced by the reduced mass m of the i and j particles, i.e.,

m m 3/ 2 µ v2 i j − µ = (9.12) ⎛ µ ⎞ 2 2kT (9.13) m m Φ(v) = 4π ⎜ ⎟ v e i + j ⎜ ⎟ ⎝ 2π kT ⎠

In the stellar environments, the reaction rates given in Eq. (9.9) has to be averaged over velocities, 1 r = nin j < σ v > (9.14) 1+δij using over the distribution Φ(v), 1 r n n (v) (v)vdv (9.15) = i j ∫ σ Φ 1+δij

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 9 Reaction rates in terms of abundances 3 In terms of units of stellar reaction rate given by NA<σv> in cm /s/g, the reaction rate per second and per cm3, is

1 2 2 (9.16) r = YiYjρ NA < σ v > 1+δij

Sometimes, one uses another notation for reactions per second and target

nucleus j, by dividing the above equation by YjρNA, i.e., 1 One usually call this by the λ = Yiρ NA < σ v > (9.17) stellar reaction rate of a 1+δij specific reaction

As an application, lets assume that the species i and j are destructed by j capturing the projectile i in the form i + j à k. Then dn j = −n λ = −n Y ρ N < σ v > dt j j i A (9.18) dn k = n λ dt k introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 10 Reaction rates in terms of abundances

Since the dnj/dt is proportional to –nj, the solution of the equation is a decaying exponential. And since the species k is built from the destruction of of j, its

time dependence should be proportional to [1 – nj(t)]. In other words, n (t) = n e−λ t j 0 j (9.19) −λ t n k (t) = n0k (1− e ) In terms of the abundances: Y (t) = Y e−λ t j 0 j (9.20) −λ t Yk (t) = Y0k (1− e )

The lifetime for the destruction of j is 1 1 τ = = (9.21) λ Yjρ NA < σ v >

After a time equal to a few multiples of τ, the species j is almost completely destroyed while k is almost completely built up from i and j capture. One often

uses the name “half-life”, τ1/2, instead of lifetime, where τ1/2 = τ ln2.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 11 9.4 - Energy generation Lets consider the energy generation by nuclear reaction sin stars. As we know the energy released is given by the Q-values ⎛ ⎞ Q c2 ⎜ m m ⎟ (9.22) = ⎜ ∑ i − ∑ j ⎟ ⎝ initial nuclei i final nuclei j ⎠ where m are the respective of the particles. The energy generated per gram and second by a reaction i + j is then

rQ 1 2 ε = = Q YiYjρNA < σ v > (9.23) ρ 1+δij

We can now define the reaction flow as the abundance of nuclei converted in time T from species j to k via a specific reaction as T !dY $ T F = dt# j & = λ(t)Y (t)dt ∫ # dt & ∫ j (9.24) 0 " %via specific reaction 0

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 12 Branching

Consider possibilities as in the figure on the side in terms k of several possible reaction rates λi i

j The total destruction rate for the nucleus is

m λ = ∑λi (9.25) i

And its total lifetime is given by 1 1 τ = = (9.26) λ ∑λi i

The reaction flow branching into reaction i, bi is the fraction of destructive flow through reaction i. (or the fraction of nuclei destroyed via reaction i)

λi bi = (9.27) ∑λ j j introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 13 Branching As we san in Lecture 8, the lifetime corresponds to a width in the excitation energy of the state according to Heisenberg ΔE ⋅Δt = ! (9.28) Therefore, a lifetime τ = Δt corresponds to a width Γ = E : ! Γ = (9.29) τ The lifetime for the individual decay modes, or decay “channels” for γ,p,n, and α emission are usually given as partial widths

Γγ, Γp, Γn, and Γα with Γ = ∑Γi (9.31) (9.30)

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 14 9.5 – Reaction rates – Theory x experiment Hence, we have seen that in order to determine the elemental abundance and energy generation in stars, we need the lifetime due to several nuclear decays and also the cross sections as a function of energy (or velocity) to integrate over the Maxwell-Boltzmann distribution.

Since there are often several possible decay and reaction mechanisms the experiments needed to determine these quantities in the lab are many and laborious. The cross sections are also frequently very small at the relevant astrophysical . The particles have to be accelerated in the lab to energies of the order of E ~ kT ~ 10 Mi K ~ 1 keV for the , or E ~ kT ~ 1 Bi K ~ 100 keV for a massive star.

Although these numbers might look large, these are very small energies for accelerator based experiments. Typical laboratories use and accelerate particles (e.g., ) to 100 MeV (CERN accelerates particles to TeVs !). Experimental nuclear physics is very expensive.

Somehow, one needs to rely on theory. A combination of theory and experiment is often the best choice.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 15 notation As we discussed in our QM classes, the in the nucleus are confined and can only have discrete energies. Therefore, the nucleus, like an , can be excited into discrete energy levels, also called by excited states. The figure below illustrates a generic situation

Excitation energy (MeV)

Spin Excitation energy Parity (+ or - )

5.03 - 3/2 3rd excited state

4.45 5/2+ 2nd excited state Nuclear states depend on • energy (mass) • spin 2.13 1/2- • parity 1st excited state • lifetimes of γ,p,n, and α emission 0 3/2- 0 ground state

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 16 Nuclear Reaction Types

1. Fusion & Radiative capture reactions A + C à B + γ

2. Elastic collision : entrance channel=exit channel A + B à A + B: Q = 0

3. Inelastic collision (Q ≠ 0) A + B à A* + B (A* = excited state) A + B à A + B*, etc..

4. Breakup reactions A(= a + b) + C à a + b + C

5. Transfer reactions A + B à C + D

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 17 Ex: Radiative capture

Neutron capture A + n -> B + γ

I. Direct capture

direct transition into bound states

En γ S n A+n


II. Resonant capture

Step 1: capture to an unbound state) Step 2: decay to a bound state

Γ En Γ S γ n A+n

B B introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 18 9.6 - Theory For radiative capture reactions of the type a + A -> B + γ, QM tell us that we need to know the wavefunctions of the relative motion of the initial set of particles, i.e., a + A, and the wavefunctions of the final particle, i.e., the nucleus B. The energy field of the photon, Vγ, is the responsible for the capture process. The equation obtained for the cross section is 2 2 (9.32) σ ∝ πλa B Vγ a + A Pl (E)

where πλ2 is a geometrical factor (deBroglie wave length of projectile - “size” of projectile). B V a + A = Ψ*(r)V (r)Ψ (r)d3r (9.33) γ ∫ B γ a+A

is the interaction matrix element, and Pl(E) is the penetrability factor, i.e., the probability that the projectile reaches the target nucleus and interacts with it. It depends on the projectile angular momentum l and its E. Using h h λ = = (9.34) p 2mE 1 2 one gets σ ∝ f H a + A P (E) (9.35) E l

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 19 Angular momentum Incident particles can have orbital angular momentum L. Classically it is given by L = pb, where p is the momentum and b the impact parameter p b

In quantum mechanics the angular momentum is quantized and can only have discrete values L = l(l +1) ! (9.36)

Where l = 0 s-wave And the parity of the relative motion wave l l = 1 p- is given by (-1) l = 2 d-wave … The particle kinetic energies in stars are pretty low. Let us take E ~ 10 keV for a proton, then its momentum is about p/ħ = (2mE)1/2/ħ ~ 0.02 fm-1. The protons can only react with other protons if they come close to each within a distance of b ~ 1 fm. The angular momentum under these conditions is thus l ~ pb/ħ ~ 0.02 << 1.

Thus, at astrophysical energies only very low values of l (mostly s-waves) are of relevance.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 20 Ex: s-wave

For a neutron incident on a nucleus, there is notV lCoulomb=0 repulsion and the potential looks like in the figure below

Incoming wave transmitted wave

Reflected wave


The change in potential from a free neutron outside the nucleus to the nuclear attraction as it penetrates the nucleus still causes a quantum mechanical reflection. So, the penetrability is not constant (or just one), but depends on the energy as (9.37) P ~ E 1 1 The cross section is thus σ ∝ ( 9 . 3 8 ) or σ ∝ (9.39) E v

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 21 Example: 7Li(n,γ) Deviation from ~ 1/v 1/v due to resonant contribution

1 Because σ ∝ then σv = const =< σv > (9.40) v

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 22 9.6.1 - Penetrability for charged particles

When two nuclei with charge Z1 e and Z2e approach each other they repel due to the Coulomb force. When tehy come within the range of nuclear forces the repulsion turns into a stron attraction. In terms of the V (recal that force F = - dV/dr). V Coulomb Barrier V At the top of the Coulomb barrier c the potential is

2 Potential Z1Z2e V = (9.41) R c R r or

Z1Z2 Z1Z2 Vc [MeV] =1.44 ≈1.2 1/3 1/3 R[fm] (A1 + A2 ) (9.42)

For example, if we consider the reaction 12C(p,γ) (relevant in the CN cycle),

then VC = 3 MeV. In start the typical particle energies when this reaction occurs is kT = 10 keV. This is much smaller than the Coulomb barrier, meaning that the particle has to tunnel (a pure QM effect) to get close together and fuse together.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 23 Tunneling through a generic barrier # 2 & T E exp 2 (V E) i ( ) = %− Δ µ − ( $ ! ' (9.43)

T(E) = ∏ Ti (E) i


Each transmission probability Ti through each barrier can be obtained using Eq. (B.53) of slides on QM. This way of calculating the total transmission probability is called the WKB approximation. " D $ 2 " $ T(E) = exp'− ∫ dr 2µ #V(r) − E%( (9.45) # ! 0 %

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 24 Penetrability for charged particles The penetrability through the Coulomb barrier can be calculated from QM by dividing the barrier into small step barriers (much in the way we do integrals) and multiplying the transmission probabilities obtained through each barrier using Eq. (B.53). One gets V Coulomb Barrier Vc −2πη (9.46)

Pl (E) ∝ e Potential Potential where R r µ Z Z e2 η = 1 2 (9.47) 2E ! This implies that

2 1 1 −2πη(E) σ ∝ f H a + A Pl (E) ~ e S(E) (9.48) E E

Where S(E) contains the information of what happens when the particles are inside the barriers, i.e., when they interact via the strong force.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 25 Penetrability for charged particles

The penetrability Pl(E) for charged particles decrease very fast as a function of E. And so does the cross section. An example is shown in the figure for the 12C(p,γ) cross section. The dots are experimental data.

Very small cross sections cannot be measured because the number of events (reactions) occurring per unit time is very small requiring a very long time for data taking (expensive, or even impossible).

We need the cross section here !

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 26 9.6.2 - Astrophysical S-factor Astrophysical S-factor S(E) Coulomb barrier for charged particles 1 # Z Z e2 & σ ∝= S(E)exp%−2π 1 2 ( (9.49) E $% !v '(

Extrapolation of data to low astrophysics energies better done with astrophysical S-factor S(E)

Cross section has a steep energy dependence

The S-factor can be • easier graphed • easier fitted and tabulated • easier extrapolated • and contains all the essential nuclear physics introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 2727 Astrophysical S-factor - example Astrophysical S-factor for the reaction 4He + 3He à 7Li + γ.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 2828 9.6.3 - Gamow window Adding up the cross sections for all angular momenta (partial wave expansion),

(E) (E) σ = ∑σ  (9.50) " E %  σ v ~ ∫ σ (E)E exp$− 'dE In stars we have to average over velocities: # kT &



Note that the relevant cross section is in tail of MB distribution, which is much larger than kT. This is very different than n-capture which occurs at energies ~ kT. Nonetheless, one has always E0 << Ecoul (coulomb barrier) and only a small number of partial waves (l = 0 mainly) contribute. introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 29 Reaction rates - examples 1/3 2 2 2/3 10 E ~ 0.122 Z Z A T MeV 1 MeV ~ 10 K 0 ( i j ) 9

9 AiA j T9 = 10 K A= A A i + j (9.52)

9 Reaction T (10 K) E0 (MeV) Ecoul (MeV) σ(E0)/σ(Ecoul) d + p 0.015 0.006 0.3 10-4 3He + 3He 0.015 0.021 1.2 10-13 α + 12C 0.2 0.3 3 10-11 12C + 12C 1 2.4 7 10-10

Z Z " E % E ~ 1.2 i j MeV σ v ~ ∫ σ (E)E exp$− 'dE Coul 1/3 1/3 # kT & Ai + Aj (9.53) (9.54)

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 30 Reaction rate estimates By approximating the Gamow window by a Gaussian function centered at the energy E0, one can calculate the reaction rate in an approximate form

2 16 1 1 !3E $ < σ v >= S(E )# 0 & (9.55) 0 9 3 µ 2παZ1Z2 " kT % where 3/2 ! bkT $ 1/3 E = = 0.12204 Z2Z2A T2/3 MeV (9.56) 0 # & ( 1 2 ) 9 " 2 %

1/3 1/3 " Z2Z2A% −4.2487$ 1 2 ' " % $ ' Z Z T9 (9.57) N < σ v >= 7.83⋅109 $ 1 2 ' S(E )[MeV ] e # & A $ AT2 ' 0 # 9 & in cm3/(s.mole). One still needs to know (measure, calculate) the cross section, or

S-factor, at the Gamow energy E0.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 31 9.6.4 - Resonant Reactions In some reactions, the energy of the formed nucleus B might coincide with a quantum state that would be in the system if the nuclear confining well would be infinitely high (impenetrable walls). These are like excited states above the particle a separation energy from B, which we call Sa. Such states serve as . Step 1

Er Γ Sa


Step 2



introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 32 Resonant Reactions

If the reaction occurs close to a , the cross section contribution due to the resonance is given by the Breit-Wigner formula Γ Γ (E) 2 a b (9.58) σ = π! ω 2 2 (E − Er ) + (Γ / 2)

where ω is a statistical factor given by

2J r +1 ω = (9.59) (2J1 +1)(2J 2 +1)

Γa is the partial width for decay of resonance by emission of particle a = rate for formation of B nucleus. Γb is the partial width for decay of resonance by emission of particle b.

Γ = Γa + Γb is the total width is in the denominator as a large total width reduces the relative probabilities for formation and decay into specific channels.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 33 Resonant Reactions Assuming a narrow resonance, then one can carry out the integral for the reaction rate can be done analytically and one finds, using

∞ Γ1Γ2 πΓ1Γ2 dE = ; for Γ << Er (9.60) ∫0 2 2 (E − Er ) + (Γ / 2) Γ

that the contribution of a single narrow resonance to the stellar reaction rate is given by −11.605 E [MeV] r 3 T cm N < σ v >=1.54⋅1011(AT )−3/2 ωγ [MeV]e 9 A 9 s mole The rate is entirely determined by the “resonance strength” (9.61)

2J r +1 Γ1Γ2 ωγ = (9.62) (2J1 +1)(2JT +1) Γ

and this has to be determined experimentally for the angular momenta and partial widths for the decay of nucleus B by emission of particles a and b.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 34 9.7 - Complications in stellar environment Beyond certain temperature and density, there are additional effects related to the extreme stellar environments that affect reaction rates. In particular, experimental laboratory reaction rates need a (theoretical) correction to obtain the stellar reaction rates.

The most important two effects are:

1. Thermally excited target

At high stellar temperatures can be absorbed and excite the target. Reactions on excited target nuclei can have different angular momentum and parity selection rules and have a somewhat different Q-value. In the laboratory it is nearly impossible to prepare targets under such conditions.

2. screening

In a stellar environment, atoms are fully ionized, but the electron gas still shields the nucleus and affects the effective Coulomb barrier.

In the laboratory, the reactions are also screened by the atomic , but the screening effect is by bound electrons.

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 35 9.7.1 - Electron screening (in stars) In stars the particles are surrounded by free electrons. Once can use the Debye-Hueckel screening (Salpeter 1959). This approximation works only if

More positive ions 3 Ion under n RD >>1 consideration More electrons (9.63)

One then finds a correction of the form R D U /kT Debye Radius f (E) = e e , v f (E) v 0 σ plasma = σ bare R D ~ kT / ρ ~ 0.218 A (Sun) 2 Ze −r/R V = e D (9.65) eff r (9.64) 7 8 7 Be(p,γ) B (T ~ 10 K) : f (E) ~ 1.2 (20 % effect) (9.66)

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 3636 Electron screening (in stars) But there are problems: Gamow energy >> (dynamical screening) à Debye sphere is not really spherical

α = v / vthermal , s12 = dynamic / Debye

Carraro, Schaefer, Koonin, ApJ 1988

Also, the number of particles within the Debye 3 (9.67) spehere is not so large to justify the mean-field n RD ~ 3− 5 approximation à Fluctuations in the Debye sphere. • One cannot derive the screening from but one has to resort to kinetic equations. • Deviations from Debye-Hueckel can be large. introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 3737 9.7.2 - Electron screening (in the laboratory) In the adiabatic model one assumes that the projectile acquires atomic binding energy as it penetrates the electron cloud of the target. The extra amount of energy is due to the different atomic bindings for A and B which can be taken from an atomic table. One then finds the extra ΔE ΔE = E'−E (9.68) With this one can calculate the change in the cross section: fusion σ lab ~ σ bare (E + ΔE) € " ΔE % ~ exp π η(E) σ (E) #$ E &' bare (9.69)

introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 3838 Electron screening (in the laboratory) But the amount of screening needed to Rolfs, 1995 explain the experimental data has been more than either the adiabatic model, or a more complex theoretical calculation (dynamic screeening) can explain.

Also, very enhanced electron screening has been found in solids, and liquids.

Czerski, Kasagi, 2010 introducon to Astrophysics, C. Bertulani, Texas A&M-Commerce 39