Joseph Mccarthy and the Red Scare David Culver Bridgewater State College

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Joseph Mccarthy and the Red Scare David Culver Bridgewater State College Bridgewater Review Volume 2 | Issue 3 Article 12 Jul-1984 Cultural Commentary: Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare David Culver Bridgewater State College Recommended Citation Culver, David (1984). Cultural Commentary: Joseph McCarthy and the Red Scare. Bridgewater Review, 2(3), 23-25. Available at: This item is available as part of Virtual Commons, the open-access institutional repository of Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, Massachusetts. Joseph and McCarthy ••• the hI' f)o,·jd ell""" Ano<.:lllli' Pro/eHor (~l His/ory Red Scare ExactlY thirty years ago millions of New Deal. HUAC charged Franklin Americans were fascinated by a day-time TV Roosevelt's Administration with "coddling" drama featuring the Republican Senator Reds and claimed that the New Deal was from Wisconsin, Joseph McCarthy. The taking America down the road to socialism. Army-McCarthy hearings, called by one As the Cold War intensified in the late I940s, writer, "the greatest political show on HUAC conducted highly publicized earth," were televised by ABC from April 22 investigations of Communists in to June 17, 1954. For many it was the first government, education, industry, unions, opportunity to see the Senator whose name radio, and the movies. Long before Joseph epitomized militant anti-Communism and McCarthy seized the Communist issue, who since 1950 had attracted more attention HUAC bullied witnesses, smeared than the President ofthe United States. Few opponents, and cleverly manipulated the viewers could know, however, that TV's press. exposure would help destroy McCarthy's In 1948 HUAC heard testimony that political career and leaa to his censure by the would lead to one ofthe most famous battles Senate later that year. in American history, and, more than any Between 1950 and 1954, Joseph single event, would lend credibility to the McCarthy, whose name was part of the view that there were spies in high places. In political lexicon, was one of the most August, Whittaker Chambers, editor of powerful men in America. While many nation in the world. But in no time the Time Magazine and former Communist, reviled him as a crude demagogue, others security was gone and America faced a admitted that he had engaged in espionage saw his campaign to cleanse Communism deadly Soviet peril. Surely something had and named Alger Hiss as a Communist spy. from American life as a heroic crusade to gone wrong and for some the answer was a Hiss, a former State Department official save the Nation. Millions rallied to his gigantic and diabolically cunning epitomized the liberal elite who had done so banner and accepted his view that America's conspiracy. much to shape the New Deal. His accuser, failures after World War II stemmed from seedy, rumpled, with a history of instability, spies in high places. For a time McCarthy The Red Scare started slowly after the war seemed no match for the elegantly tailored, was the G.O.P.'s most popular speaker. His but, as the Soviets tightened their grip on well-heeled, well-connected Hiss. eastern Europe, fear of Communist allegations won praise from such large HUAC's investigation of Chambers' newspapers as the New York Daily News expansion became mixed with fear of charges, which launched Congressman. internal subversion -- especially when and the Chicago Tribune and from powerful Richard M. Nixon into the national newspaper chains like Scripps-Howard and evidence of spying came to light. In 1945 spotlight, led to Hiss' indictment for perjury Hearst. His efforts were lauded by such federal agents discovered classified gov­ in December 1948 (the statute of limitations popular radio commentators as Fulton ernment documents in the office of a left­ for espionage had expired). Though the Lewis Jr., Walter Winchell, and Paul wing journal, Amerasia. In 1945, Canadian charge was lying to the grand jury, everyone Harvey; and among his friends and officials uncovered an extensive Soviet spy knew the real issue was whether Hiss had supporters were Joseph P. Kennedy, J. ring. Uneasy over such disclosures, been a spy. Thoughout 1949 the great spy President Harry Truman, just nine days Edgar Hoover, and Richard M. Nixon. trial dominated the headlines and generated after outlining the Truman Doctrine which McCarthy's grip on the nation and its emotional debate. As numerous writers have crystalized the Cold War, initiated a federal obsession with subversion were the result of pointed out, Hiss quickly became a symbol. loyalty program whereby every federal For many Americans the contest was a a Red Scare, a noxious by-product of the employee, whether janitor or atomic Cold War. Thoughout United States struggle between leftist New Dealers and scientist, would be investigated. While well history, in times of unusual stress, right-wing anti-Communists. intended, it was a questionable move which Americans have been susceptible to fueled anxiety and led to abuse. While the Hiss proceedings were dividing conspiracy theories to explain their the nation, two shocking events of 1949 anxieties. Such a time was the late 1940s and Despite the Administration's security would add momentum to the spies-in­ the early 1950s when many Americans were system, which should have satisfied the most government notion. First came the confounded and frustrated by setbacks ardent inquisitor, talk of subversion and announcement of the "fall of China." Since abroad. After all, most Americans believed Communism mounted. By its activities, the the I930s America had been supporting that the United States had almost single­ House Un-American Activities Committee Chinese leader Chiang Kai-Shek and since handedly defeated Germany and Japan, had (HUAC), contributed to public 1945 had sent millions to aid him in his civil sole possession of the atom bomb, and at apprehension. Established in 1938, it war struggle against the Communists. In war's end in 1945, was the most powerful quickly became an instrument to attack the August the State Department conceded the 23 loss of the world's largest nation to nation. In the name of Heaven, is this the Others, to be sure, had raised the specter Communism. Secretary of State Dean best America can do?" of treason, but other Red-baiters lacked Acheson defended American policy, arguing The time was ripe for a demagogue and six McCarthy's phenomenal impudence and persuasively that the events in China were days after Fuch's arrest, with the Red Scare mendacity. As one veteran Washington beyond the control of the United States, and well under way, Joseph McCarthy, then a reporter wrote, "McCarthy was surely the put the blame squarely on Chiang Kai-Shek, relatively obscure Senator, told an audience champion liar. He lied with wild abandon; whose regime was corrupt and incompetent. in Wheeling, West Virginia: "I have here in he lied without evident fear; he lied in his Although the government's defense of its my hand a list of 205 - a list of names that teeth and in the teeth of truth." Crude and policy toward China was irrefutable, many were made known to the Secretary of State reckless, McCarthy did not hesitate to smear Americans, not generally informed, were as being members of the Communist Party his opponents and, when crossed, he got shocked and bewildered. The Chiang they and who nevertheless are still working and even, which made him a dangerous foe. knew was the Generalissimo seen frequently shaping policy in the State Department." A Many followers conceded that the Senator on the cover of Time Magazine, one of the few days later, he charged that there were played a little rough, but argued that war's Big Four (along with Roosevelt, "fifty-seven card-carrying members of the excesses were excusable in a life and death Stalin, and Churchill), dependable and pro­ Communist Party in the State Department." struggle. Nor could other witch hunters American. Besides, how could the most McCarthy had no lists; it was an enormous match McCarthy's skill in manipulating the powerful nation in the world lose China? fraud, but he was on the front pages of press. He pioneered the technique ofholding Sensible observers noted that America never newspapers, where he wanted to be and one press conference to announce that a had China to lose, but deceived by the where he intended to stay. shocking revelation would come at another illusion of omnipotence, Americans wanted McCarthy's allegations prompted an press conference later in the day. Afternoon to know where the government had gone investigation by a Senate committee which, newspapers would blaze such headlines as wrong. after almost five months, reported that the "McCARTHY TO NAME TOP Spy A month later came the second shock SOON." Headlines usually featured when the government announced that McCarthy's charges, while denials less the Soviet Union possessed the atom sensational and more complex were bomb. Americans, who had been buried at the end of the story. assured that the Soviets were years Even as skillful a demagogue as away from developing a nuclear McCarthy, however, could not have weapon, began to ask whether spies had thrived for so long without the events of turned over secrets to Stalin. 1950. First there was the arrest ofJulius By the end of 1949, talk of spies and and Ethel Rosenberg for spying, traitors was commonplace. President confirming what many already Truman's Attorney General warned accepted. In June the Korean War that Communists "are everywhere -- in turned the Cold War decidedly hot and factories, offices, butcher stores, on the accumulating frustrations were street corners, in private businesses." made to order for McCarthy. In this HUAC, which had just published a hysterical atmosphere. anti­ booklet entitled Spotlight on Spies, Communism demagoguery became warned in its annual report: "We feel commonplace with both Republicans more than ever impressed with the and Democrats raising the subversion insidiousness and vastness of the bogey.
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