The Village View Newsletter of the Glencarlyn Citizens’ Association since October 1952 March 2021 Update your Information for the Glencarlyn Directory. Every five years the Glencarlyn Citizens’ Association prints and distributes our neighborhood directory of names and phone numbers for all residents of our neighborhood. The directory provides contact information for internal Glencarlyn use only and has been a mainstay of our neighborhood for many years. The GCA does not share this information with external parties or offer it online. Residents can request to not be included, and or not have their phone number or email address printed. To maintain social distancing guidelines, we are beginning with online data collection using a secure Google Form. Complete the form at the google address sent out in the Glencarlyn Updates For more information about the update process or for February 2021 brought on our first measurable snowfall in the past few assistance with the form, please email years and several icy days. While the ice-covered vegetation was pretty,
[email protected] the slippery sidewalks and streets were difficult to navigate Photo Courtesy Gerald Martineau You Can Help Glencarlyn: Officers, Delegates Needed By: Barbara Martinez Do you love our neighborhood? Do you have ideas for improving this already special place? Consider putting your name forward for nomination as an officer or delegate of the Glencarlyn Citizens Association. A nominating committee—Steve LeSueur, Barbara Martinez, and Kathy Reeder—is recruiting candidates for the annual election to be held at the May 3 GCA meeting. Any individual residing in Glencarlyn is eligible for membership and election to a position.