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1988 The ommeC nt, October 13, 1988 Bridgewater State College

Volume 67 Number 4

Recommended Citation Bridgewater State College. (1988). The Comment, October 13, 1988. 67(4). Retrieved from:

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Bridgewater State College Vol. 67, No. 4 ©1988 Thursday, October 13, 1988 Bridgewater, MA

Students pay more but Jenifer gets a raise Meal plans By Bryon Hayes higher education for Massa­ Regents L. Edward Lashman Endgland area. Comment staff chusetts. He now earns $112,000 spoke in defense of the pay raise, His pay raise comes at a time to be handled per year. stating that Jenifer was being when the public education system The Massachusetts Board This of is the second such pay "rewarded for a job well done." in Massachusetts is in the midst Regents of Higher Education raise by that Jenifer has received. In Lashman also cited that Jenifer of budget cuts. This resulted from appoved a 12% pay increase to be 1987, the Regents gave Jenifer a had made numerous accomplish­ a reduction in the $720 million awarded to the Chancellor of $35,000 increase to bring his ments during the past year which budget request to $668 million. By Ed.Ward Higher Education Franklyn annual total to $100 ,000 for his warrented him a pay raise. As a result of this budget cut, Comment staff Jenifer. working in this position. The Regents decided to make students are forced to pay one The vote, which was held on The pay raise, however, will this move after viewing a survey time fees and higher tuitions in Students who dine here at Tuesday, October 12, was an be subject to approval by the which illustrated the point that order to compensate; fees which Bridgewater will be using a unanimous 13-0 decision. This House Ways and Means Commit­ salaries of the chief executives in were never levied before. Other new system to purchase meals pay raise moved Jenifer into tee, as well as the Ways and the field of public education range methods· of meeting these within the next few weeks. second place as one of the highest Means Committee in the Senate. from $109 ,000 to $163 ,000 in monetary demands are hiring The new process is called paid employees in the system of Chairman of the Board of numerous states in the New freezes and enrollement caps. the "C-Board System" and is entirely computerized. The C-Board System will be the first program at the college to take advantage of the magnetic tape backing each and every student LD. Director of Housing, Mela Dutka expresses confidence in the new system. She states, "It's fairly new. and one of the better upcoming systems." The system replaces the

cont. onp. 2

Congress funds Boxers Yes, that's Health Services, Steve: Stephen McPhee takes a look see in the window of Health SeNices. Temporarily Health SeNices will be open Monday through Friday from 7 a.m. to l1 p.m. and closed. on weekends. Dean of Student Services Martha By Bryon Hayes Jones is looking for professionals to work weekend nights but until then students should call Campus Comment staff Police at 697-1212 in case of emergency when the office is closed (photo by Debra Willis) The Student Government Association took on one of its Inside Introducing the new SGA first projects of the semester President Tuespay night when it approved a motion which created the Marcia Medeiros takes up the reigns for Homecoming Bridgewater St.ate Boxing Club. The motion, which was Alien Nation doesn't submitted by Suzanne Sherwood :Marci Hahn on Medeiros make it on the silver several projects at present. stated that, " If we have and sponsored by Jeff Tucker, Comment staff One is the escort service, no idea what their screen a concerns and moved to allow for the formation service that would provide some needs are, how are we to meet of the club, making it open to Marcia Medieros, a junior here means of protection for people them?" the campus. at Bridgewater, is the newly who must walk to their dorms Anyone may participate in the The club's President Peter elected President of the Student late at night. However, it is still SGA, and they put out signs McNeeley spoke to the Congress, Government Association. She Field Hockey nearer in the planning stages, as the when positions become available. stating that the group's goals has been involved with the SGA to SGA is deciding on the best way Medeiros said that you just have would be "to compete in since her freshman year, when MASCAC title. to do this. to be get involved, and tournaments around the area; but she was in the House of Medeiros is looking into having it helps if you had an interest in if students did not want to Representatives and as a the footbridge covered, to make it High School Student Council. compete, the equipment could be sophomore she held the position Index less of a hazard in the winter. She For now, Medeiros is just used for weight training and self of Chairman of the Congress. It said they art( also trying to get a taking events as they come, and defense methods." was that year that she decided Annouunements...... 10 to microwave for the. commuter she hasn't really sat down to He noted that if there were run for SGA President. center, By. the way...... 2 and working · on . a make any long range .plans. those mem hers who did not want The election. was actually held campus Homecoming float. "Everything will calm down after to compete, it was fair to let Conversations...... at the end of last year, but the ,...... 6 The SGA has been working OR Homecoming," she said. At the them. use the equipment, "so it Classifieds...... 10 results were a tie between a public relations campaign. "We moment she's focusing on would be available to all Editorial...... 4 Medeiros and her opponent could help so many o~ganizations meeting with the deans . to see members of the campus." Entertainment...... 7 Michael Mulcahey. A re-election if they knew we were here;• said what they want, and on McNeeley stated that the group Letters ...... 1 5 was held at the beginning of this Medeiros. Sports Clubs on campus ar.e appoin~ing committees. ''Now had a total of 15 memebers, ...... 12 semester, and Medeiros was the ·entitled to SGA funds, which rm appointing theni instead Of which was without publicity. He victor. .come from a $24.00 per semester being on them," she said. "It's hoped to try and gain two to three The new president is working fee on the tuition bill. But strange." cont. on. p. 2 2 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988

Computers Revolutionize Food Service 'By tlie Way ... cont.from p. 1 those students who do not carry a five dollars worth of purchases. current meal tickets and adds a meal plan. Students who do not enroll in great deal to the service. Each Students registered for a food must first establish an account. student who now carries a meal plan will be entitled to an To do so requires an initial ticket will have that particular automatic $25 of purchasing deposit of $45, for which their meal plan input to the magnetic power. This initial balance can card will be encoded with $50. tape and will use the card in the be augmented ~t any time, in $20 Augmentation will be tickeCs place. increments that translate into $25 available at the rate of $22.50 Meal plans are not the only of credit. And, as with the increase per $20 deposit. thing that will be recorded on the current meal tickets, students tape, though. There will also be who have not eaten in either the Both Dutka and Director of a cash account which will allow Flynn Dining Commons, (i.e. Food Services Dave Zeoli are students to purchase items in any Tillinghast Dining Room), or excited about the new C-Board of the food service operations on Shea/Durgin Hall will be able to system. which Dutka states, campus, without carrying cash. present their cards at any food "will be installed the week of In addition, the cash accounts service operation in the October 24 and should be active will also be made available to Rondileau Campus Center for definitely by October 31.

BRISTACO gets a face lift Mystery Photo (Photo by Kirk Van Dyke) 'Wood Doctor' Marc Whitman of East Bridgewater is from Take a look at the photo above. Do you know what the Art Institute of Boston. this is a partial photo of and where it is located? If you A carpenter by trade, he can not figure it out don't worry. The answer to these teaches woodcarving at questions will appear in next week's issue. Brockton High School and enjoys caNing birds in his Bridgewater's Crime Rating · spare time. (photo by Charles Tsouprake) Bridgewater State College has one of the lowest total number of crimes on campus for the year 1987. This is according to the results of a survey which was conducted by the newspaper USA TODAY. The survey lists Bridgewater as having had 135 total crimes last year. The only schools, which furnished information to the poll, to have a lower rating than B 0 x er s Bridgewater in this category were Wellesley College (42 Congress funds ,, .... ,_ ...... ~·-·~,··-~. ~~---•...,, .... ,,.,.. l,Q, •.... :. . • . ·' •. North Adams State College (126 total crimes). cont.fromp.1 they were the ones who their club status would take time In the Students Per Crime category, the number of days of gym time so that they sponsored the club. to happen, "if it will, at all." students at a school for each crime, Bridgewater placed could train. He also mentioned a Landsberger also asked why the The motion to recognize the second to last, with a 41.2 rating. Wellesley College had proposal to get the club club was not being funded BSC Boxing Club as an SGA a rating of a 50.3. In this category, the lower the number equipment. through the Athletic Department. project passed by a wide 9-1-2 meant the college o~. university had a high crime rate. There was one aspect, McNeeley said that Sue Crosby, margin, Harvard University was the leader in this category with a however, which disturbed one Director for Intramural Sports, The next. motion, if passed 4.9 rating. member of the Congress. Curtis has .said that there was· not would give the club a fund ·.of In the category of Students Per Violent Crimes, the Landsberger qu~stioned the enough money to ·fund their $700 for equipment and fees. number of students for each violent crime committed, problem of injury liabilicy. organization, and that theywere McNeeley handed the Congress Bridgewater was third from the bottom. Its rating was a McNeeley stated that there was not a club sport. She Said that he a budget proposal, listing the 1391. Salem State College was last with a 2665 rating, a waiver which could be signed, should speak with the SGA about various equipment items the club followed by Merrimack College, which had a 2317 and the collegiate boxing sponsoring their club. would need; head gear, punching rating. Again, the lower the number, the worse the crime organization which governs the Crosby stated that "he would bags,· sparing mitts. rate. W estem New England College had the worst rating· .sport "would pay up to $20,000 have to follow a· procedure, . This budget was ammended with a 92.1 rating . insurance coverage." listing their intents and outline of later to include $40 for traveling In the USA TODAY survey, there were 29 colleges Landsberger asked that if the hat they wanted. Once this was fees for the coach, who is and universities responding from the Massachusetts area. total amount of the bill exceeded completed, their proposal would McNeeleyts father~ The Congress The qualification to make this survey was that the college cthe $20,000 limit, what would be be consigered to see if they could accpeted this ammendment, or university must be a four year college with on campus done. McN eeley had no answer to gain club status." bringing the total budget to residence halls, and have at least 2,000 full-time this question. Crosby also mentioned the fact $740. . students. · The Congressman then stated that college does not have if a lawsuit was filed, he feared sufficient facilities· to set up a This motion was passed · SGA Primary Results that the SGA would be held program the likes of which · 11-1-0 • with Landsberger being responsible for the fees, since McNeeley described, and that ' the only holdout "no" vote. The results Of last weeks primary elections have been finalized, andthe two surviving candidate's names were placed on the ballots for the Final Elections . I~ the Class of 1992 Primary results, Pamela Murphy Ideological forum meets in the Library and Cindy S.tephanick will battle it out to determine who will .be Secretary for the class. Murphy and Stephanick By Mary MacNeil . . Alpha is the first of the kind this Selectman Roger Provost, ,reqe1ved 31 and 24 votes, respectively to defeat Jenni Ward, Comment Staff semes~er; Republican; David Hudson, who garnered 20 votes. At the forum, Moderator Libertarian; John Buckley, In the Vice Pre,sident Primary race, John Galvin Democrats, Republicans, Com!. · Shaheen Mozaffar of the Political administrative assistant to received 31 votes, while the second spot went to Laurie "tnunists, Socialists, Libertarians, · Science department, introducetl Brockton Mayor Pitaro, O'Brien ~th 2~ votes. Honey Ross received 10 votes. andmembersoftheNewindepen·. questions, rangin~ from Democrat; Jim Badger, a graduate dent Alliance Party,. met tQ 7• ':ee!';>n.omicJssuesdealing~:with 'the assistant at U-Mass Boston, .. Thoµght for. tlte Week qiscuss and pre,~ept tbei.t oppos.,. trade deficit to ~oCial, fgreign'~hd Co@munist; Joh.n :t.Iarris, ·.~. ·\~:,T.• .h .. 7.. futri~e,~s·,a.w69d ourselv. es; in it we.·.·· -i~g political ideologies domestic issues to the various Socfalist; and Mary Fridley\ of·, ,=·d1scov~r ·pnl~:'.:Whatsoncerns:us and, sometimes, by ·wei;ifi'e" ,;cc :,ohaµce to outline their The event was organized by · ·'r~specti.Ve' .party's position on The next event for PolitiCal , ,Correction- In last weeks By the Way, it was stated BSC students. Chris Perra and1 : .:.e.aQlbOfi·the issues, and then a Science Club will be a trip to that Congressman Curtis Landsberger had officially filed · Jeff Tucker and sponsored by the chance for rebuttal. as a delegation a complaint against Sharon Cignetti with the Student Political Science Club, the Representatives for the parties to. the national model of the · Court. This was incorrect. ·We appologize for the error. Republican Club and Pi· Sigma were as· follows: Bridgewater :United Nations in March. The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 3 Homecoming '88: triving for the gold

By Bryon Hayes this statement and asked that if Comment staff students do drink over the ·u Drink responsibly and Homecoming weekend, that they behave Bridgewater State College is responsibly"- "drink responsibly and behave gearing up_ for Homecoming responsibly." festivities, and its organizer, -Timothy Millerick One other change will also Student Government Association concern the parking lot. This Vice President Dave White, is year, students who wish to attend optimistic about the weekend chains, and pennants on sale as the game will have to wait until events. mementos of Homecoming '88. 11 :00 a.m. before they will be "This year, there is lots of "These items can be purchased admitted inside. participation; this is a campus outside the bookstore during the Millerick also announced that wide event," said White. week, and at the foofball game on the parking lot will be closed and The Homecoming action Saturday," White said cleared "half an hour after the begins Thursday, October 13 There are, however, several game" to ensure safety. with a Harbor Cruise, and alterations being finalized for culminates on Saturday, October this year's Homecoming. Ac­ This, according to Millerick, is 15 with the annual Homecoming cording to White, and Timothy an attempt to curb the problems football game and the Home­ Millerick, Director of the Office which resulted at last year's coming dance. of Student Services, the Homecoming events. The theme for the weekend is tailgaiting parties, which usually "Striving for the Gold," and this accompnay the football game, are Last year~ there was damage will be reflected in the parade, and an event of the past. done by intoxicated students on the variety of floats that the "Alcohol use will be policed various parts of the campus, and students put time and effort into this year, particularly at the he feels it reflected badly upon creating. This year, over 20 clubs parking lot next to the field," the idea of Homecoming. and organizations are entered in Millerick stated. Millerick and White both hope the parade. White stated that there will that this year's Homecoming will White also mentioned that "absolutely be no kegs allowed at be "fun-filled and safe for Memories-The Sigma Chi bonfire will be held October 14. there will be T-shirts, mugs, key the game." Millerick supported everyone." (File photo). r-----HOMECOMiNG-----1 I SCHEDULEOFEVENTS I I I I October 13 Harbor Cruise ' ~ ~ ~-'·--~----··~ ' . . . - ' • I ) .• M t • 1 '' .f I "11 ) "' ·'·''t!P ! October 14 ~~1!8c~::;{;T,0t ' ~ 7:00 p.m. ~

~ Float Building I~ ~ Behind Harrington Hall ~ I s:oo p.m. I ~ October 15 Float Building resumes I i Behind Harrington Hall ~ "' 8 :00 a.m. "' ;! I ~ Homecoming Brunch ~ ~ at Swenson Field ~ Memories- The annual Homecoming parade will begin at 12:00 noon. (File photo) I 11 :30 a.m. I

~llal:XX:JIDl:XXXXXXXXXXXIIIXIIXX~IIXXIXXXXXX:JICIXIIXXXXXXX.. I Homecoming Parade I M furn • 12:00 noon M . • I I = WBIM-FM 91.5 = I Homecoming Football Game I "- against Framingham State ~ ~ for ~ I 1:00 p.m. I M • I Attention: Homecoming King & Queen I =M Folk I Acoustic music =• I crowned at halftime I = in the Rathskeller = M • ~ Homecoming Dance ~ I . Campus Center Ballroom I jSundays The 6 to 9 p.m. ~ ~ 8:00 p.m .~ ~...... , ....., .....,., ...... ,.J M • M • ~ Union Coffeehouse ~ M • : with DJs John Burns and Jim Reynolds .. • Wow~~~~~~J M • = Sponsored by Bridgewater's Breaking Ground Radio Station WBIM-FM 91.5 Stereo = Transcription * Resumes * Cover Letters ( '-'- M • Free pickup and Delivery within Bridgewater ...... •~XXXXXlCXXXXXXXXXllDCXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXXI~ • • 508'.'697-3933 4 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 Viewpoint

Ignorance is not an acceptable excuse for apathetic behavior Autumn - the season of change. In the past, there have been It is a time when the weather events- dances, plays- scheduled changes; when the temperature for the weekends. Turnout for turns colder; the leaves on the these fucntions is so low that there trees change from greens, to are more sponsors in attendence yellows, reds, and oranges. than there are participants. Unfortunately, there are several Students constantly going home factors which do not change with on the weekends is the key factor the "fall" season. One such factor which directly contributes to this is the apathetic attitude of the problem. students at this college. Many times, the phrase "if there Such an attitude is unlikely to were some activities on the change in the near future. And the weekend, I'd stay up" are used. students have no one to blame but But it's a catch-22 situation.Since themselves. there are no activities, students go Students cry that they want more home; but since all students go representation in matters con­ home, having weekend activities is cerning the college; the Admini­ a waste of time. stration to listen to their problems; The discouraging aspect is that the SGA to take actions against the students accept these pro­ these problems; more activities on cesses. Students on this campus the weekends. who do not make an effort to These situations are a direct effect change have no reason to result of ignorance; students are · complain. They could make a not willing to get involved and difference, but chose to stand in. initiate such changes. the shadows and badmouth the Students of the college are college and the way it is run. constantly complaining that there Not only do students complain views are never being represented, when changes are not made, but it and that the Administration does continues when they are made. not listen to them. One way to The students never seem to be This is a new cartoon change this which the Comment is considering for a weekly run. Feedback is to join a committee satisfied. If the students become fa or organization welcome. which could alter involved in the campus, they could present situations, such as the have a voice in how problems SGA or the Commuter should be resolved. Association. Students who complain should WHEN YOU LIVE IN A WORLD WITH SEXUALLY. When the time comes for keep their mouths shut, unless TRANSMITTED DISEASES THAT COULD KILL MILLIONS elections - to SGA positions, how­ they intend to oppose these - ever, the same people are always situations. If such students ' 2iJ running for the positions. It is rare showed more of a commitment to ..J- to see new faces in these areas~ the college and its activities, What this creates is a situation in maybe they would be taken leoool which the same people continue seriously. putting forth their ideas of what is It is about time that the students .-=ts I best for the college, when in fact, of this college stopped being it may not be so. ignorant clones of one another and The other scenario is that an did show a ·concern and an MR.SPERM organization holds its initial interest towards .this college, meeting to see what problems instead of always asking what the IN THE YEARS TO COME, YOU students would like to concentrate HAVE TO PROTECT college will do for th~m. College YOURSELF. .. "IN MR. CONDOM'S PLAYHOUSE." on and possibly change. The first works two ways - give and take. meeting draws a large crowd of students who are more than "Actions speak louder than t I c ~ willing to do "whatever it talces" to words" - a phrase which students get their points across. on this· campus seem to forget. If When it comes time for de­ they are truly concerned about this cisions to be made and changes to situation, they will stop com­ be oriented, the organization finds plaining and react. But until they that it has lost most of its members do, they remain unindividualistic due 1 and to 'lack of interest. very ignorant. MR.PILES MR.AIDS

Photo Editor Debra Willis , Arts & Entertainment Editor Caitlin Andrews Business Manager Karen Melanson The Senior CoIDillent Sports Editor Angela Comacchtolt Ad Manager since 1927 Stephen McPhee Managing Edit.or Editor in Chief Executive Editor. Junior Sports Editor Bryon Hayes EdmundF. Wani John R. Bums, Paul Coumt:)yer Copy Editor m Mary Beth MacNeil Sta.ff. Mi.chaelAbU.sheery, Peter Ashworth, JohnR. Brown, Kirk Van Dyke, Copy Editor David Flannery, Maret Hahn and Charles Tsouprake ·· · Patrick· Hurley Advertising Secretary: Patricia Hogan. Columnists: Christopher Perra. and Jeff Tucker The Comment is a student supported and operated weekly newspaper serving the academic determined by the community of Brtdgewater State College. Editorial Policy is Editor-In~Chief in consultation With the Executive Board. Republication of any material written. permission of the Editor-in-Chief. contained herein ts prohibited without the expressed All material submitted becomes property of The Comment. Letters ·· 250 words and must be typed. Letters, to the Editor are encouraged but may be limited to classified advertisements, and all other written materials are subject to condensation. upon request. Any person wishing to join The Comment Advertising rates are available should contact either the Editor-in-Chiefor the Managing Editor. All correspondence to The Comment, Campus Center, BrtdgewaterState College, Bridrgewater, should be directed Massachusetts 02324,.Telephone (617) 697-1200 extentioll 2158. r------T_h_e_C_o_m_m_e_n_t_T_h_ursday, October 13, 1988 5 Former Basketball coach Paul Mahoney reponds Ruggiero has to editorial daIDaged the To the Editor: something wrong on campus or wanted to put it in writing. the truth and "business as or just plain didn't do my job. I feel the people involved, usual" will in reality continue. Bridgewater I would like to congratulate However, many of my players though members of the As you can tell this letter you on an excellent Editorial. wrote a letter of support, Mike academic profession as I am was written out of frustration The September 29, 1988 Story wrote a letter of could care less about my from months of waiting, to Editorial, in my opinion, hit recommendation, and Saul professional reputation. It was hear something that I felt since An Open Letter to: the nail right on the head. Auslanger gave me a vote of bad enough that I was never last March. However, I waited Paul Bogan, Commissioner What you stated in your confidence. Who did not want even granted an interview for a and lost the chance to apply for Massachusetts State College Editorial has had a direct effect me at BSC and why? position I held on campus. other coaching positions. Athletic Conference on my life. It is because of On Thursday, October 6, Though I am not a graduate Maybe that is why the athletic this that I have decided to write 1988 I, in a telephone of BSC my short stay left me department didn't hire a coach Dear Commissioner Bogan, to you. conversation with Dean Jones, with a good feeling about the till the end of September. I was the Women's asked for a letter of termination academic community. Many Once again I commend you We, the undersigned, are deeply Basketball coach for the past and explanation. I feel that I people went out of their way on a well written piece and disturbed about the recent public season at BSC. As you as well cannot pursue another position to make my stay comfortable. hope you continue to address allegations of NCAA violations aware, I was not re-hired for with the rumors abounding as It was very easy to recruit the important issues and possible ethical infractions of this season. The only coach to why I was released. Dean players because of the academic confronting the college.. the Athletic Department at not to be re-appointed. I could Jones informed me that they climate. I have found out first Bridgewater State College. These live with that if I did neither had to put it in writing hand that few people care about Paul J. Mahoney allegations are directed toward our current Associate Director of Athletics, George "Bo11 Ruggiero. Director of Sports The Bridgewater Athletic inforIDation recolllIDends return of Department has been the focus of much negative publicity over the coach past two years. So much so that it has sullied and damaged the Personnel Office time (last summer) when negatives, he 'never had a bad through college is vital to a reputation of Bridgewater State Bridgewater State College recruiting was impossible. word to say about either his successful athletic program, College both athletically and Bridgewater, MA 02324 Because of the chaotic players, his team, or especially at the Division III academically. It is that reputation personnel situation in the Bridgewater State College. His level. By retaining students the that we hold very close to our To whom it may concern: athletic department in the first rapport with local sports playing experience level for hearts both professionally and semester, he received little reporters was excellent. All of every program grows, plus the personally. To blacken it, I writing am this letter to 'administrative support until them had good things to say number of graduated student blackens us as well. recommend Paul Mahoney for the new Athletic Director, about him and were athletes increases which is the It is our understanding that the the position of Academic Cecelia DeMarco was hired in instrumental in putting the ultimate goal for any Division supervisors of the athletic Coordinator and Women's January, 1988. college back in a positive light III institution. department are currently con- Basketball Coach at after so many negative happen- On the court, the women's ducting an internal investigation Bridgewater State College. ings of the past year. Paul team was drastically hurt by Mahoney was only at of themselves. Unfortunately, I have known Paul only the loss of a strong senior Paul was looking forward to Bridgewater State a short ':"'hile such· a structure for investigation during the time that he was the contingent next season as well. He spent s~ you cannot real~y hst a will have little or no legitimacy Bridgewater State women's from the previous year. In fact, they had many days recruiting around history ~f accomphshment.s regardless of the merits of their basketball head coach only one senior on the team and she did New England and was expected... ~~,-..~~t~t::o~h~1;;s~n~a~m~e~ . .;H~o~w~e~v~e~r ·~· i~f ._, ...... ri.,,n•dMinMg~s •• .,.Twhwiiie .,.c@o~lllliteireMceiaorn'"'m"uin---.--• (1987-88) on a part-time basis. ,.. not offically join the squad to ha. ve .a...... group of During his one-year tenure as ·~talented g.iv~lnd. a.. ··b., .~;<~.p.,~ .. ~· '~ .. ...e._vet.:h ,, deserve8 have • .. B',..:A·ro..··. :H ...... · w.ou .·.. o success.-,u 1 in e to a neutral party until the second semester. · ne'Wcomers • head coach, Paul brought. the in . . ~'.l.U5V~~ .· h • · ·•·· . k · nd a a8certain the Injunes also proved detrimental unif()rllls :next year. He was coac .ing .ran s . . a true scope of such Bridgewater State women's · ·d· · · · · th · tremendous allegations. If we are to the. team with this being the d e t ermme 1o improve e .. benefit to the BSC guilty of basketball program back into · · · t athletic dep. artment and student something we must put our worst year I've seen in my six program an d regarn 1 s . . a positive light after a very . f th best ·n athletes as a full-time academic house in order. If we are not, we at BSC. I still remember the reputati on as one o e 1 . demoralizing year in 1986-87. D' . . III advisor. I hope he gets that should be exonerated. last game of the first semester t v1s1on In fact, the team finished with . chance. We, when four players sat at the as a group, ask that you, a respectable 15-11 record and His experience as an the end of the bench with their Commissioner of the participated in the 1988 educator in the Boston school Sincerely, crutches behind them. MASCAC Conference, take tournament system seems perfect for the measures of your own to Paul went though a very However, no matter how duties as Academic Michael Storey guarantee a true and objective difficult year this past season. frustrating it was for Mr. Coordinator. Monitoring Director of investigation. It is only from an To start with, he was hired at a Mahoney due to all these student athletes' progress Sports Information outside source. like yourself, that we can get to the root of this never ending problem and once again be proud of our institution. Lady Bears want their coach back We await your reply. Editor's note: This letter was signed by 24 members of the An Open Letter to: Mahoney , we would like to us on the court, ~s well as off. Women's Basketball Team that college staff and faculty. The Cecilia DeMarco, acknowledge the fact that he This time that he devoted to us was in desperate need of a new signatures are available for Athletic Director always spoke to us helped us to become more leader. This leader was found in viewing at the offices of the collectively, as a team, about proficient and helped carry us Paul Mahoney. Comment. We the undersigned are the order of our priorities. on the fine tradition and Our hopes are that sending this letter of support Although he expected nothing integrity here at Bridgewater Bridgewater State College will in regards to Coach Paul less than 100% .out of every State College. continue its fine tradition. We Mahoney in hope that he will one of us, he stressed the fact look forward 1 In all fairness, bearing the to the Women s remain head coach of the that our academics were the Basketball Team being allowed above in mind, we feel that it Burns and Perra Women's Basketball Team here first and foremost reason that to is only show its espirit de corps at Bridgewater State College. we are attending Bridgewater proper that Coach Paul Mahoney under the leadership of Paul were unfair. To begin with, Coach State College. be given at least one more year as Mahoney. Mahoney didntt start off with When he spoke with us head coach of the Bridgewater State the most ideal coaching individually, he spoke with Lady Bears It is our collective hope that Not MassPIRG Basketball Team. conditions possible. The man very high regard to us as ladies This would you will show your support give him the opportunity whom he replaced· as Head and about. our future first, to for us and reappoint Coach work with ·the people Women's Basketball Coach basketball second. that he Paul Mahoney for the ensuing To the Editor: has been. developing school was still a very active and Although there were some when he year, as soon as came possible, visible member of the staff times we disagreed with some on board, as well as the so our plans for next As a former Congressman who chance to year here at Bridgewater State of Coach Mahoney's tactics, work with the can be underway. was very involved in the debate women that he has recruited to over College. In fact, he holds a that has been the case at other We thank you for the last Spring's MassPIRG come to Bridgewater next year. very prominent position in the points in our basketball careers time out of your busy schedule question,. I read with great Athletic Department itself. and every time we realized that Bridgewater State College to read this letter of support amusement the comments of This fact alone, to ·say the in the long run it was for our has had a very traumatic year and act upon it. John Burns and Chris Perra in the least, caused undue pressure on best interest. as far as staff·· changes go, Appreciatively, October 6 Comment. Coach Mahoney and the Coach Mahoney worked starting off with the position I will say first I am not a great members of his staff. very hard, was dedicated, and of President of the college. The Lady Bears supporter of MassPIRG. I did, On behalf of Coach spent immeasurable hours with Joining that change was the "· Women's Basketball Team however. do everything in my cont. onp. 6 6 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 Burns and Perra were unfair The commuter MassPIIRG was cheated Commentary wider view of traffic. cont.fromp. 5 year was only put on the ballot retrial. .. " (Bums, October 6) There are those who feel that power as editor of the by one vote, a vote which was and "well, they may not like it leaving down ·Burrill Ave. is By Joe Shennan Comment, and later, as a later reconsidered, and could but the issue is closed," shorter, but a- Campus Police Contributor Congressman, to stop the have stopped the referendum if (Perra, same issue). officer is needed to direct traffic. referendum from taking place. not for the elective inter­ Cheif Graca commented, "We To Mr. Bums, I ask just The reason was simple. It was ference of then - chairman So, You're a commuter and can't have an officer at the end of who it is who's "experiencing unfair. Marcia Medieros. Moreover, you say you've got problems, Burrill A venue primarily because severe memory loss?" The language of the question the question failed in Congress well, you're not alone. The of the constant deliveries of beer To Mr. Perra, I say the issue was undeniably misleading and three times before enough majority of commuters at and the other trucks parked in is not, and will not be, closed, negative. It resulted in an people became fed up enough Bridgewater State College have front of the package store, so it's as long as students disagree on overwhelming vote to remove to pass it just to get it out of problems. almost impossible to have it. That is what "representative MassPIRG from the campus. the way. So don't let go. Just Whether it's finding a parking someone stand in the middle of democracy" is all about. In fact, the vote was almost make sure your question is space after 8 a.m. or needing a the road and have two lanes." as decisive as the one only a fairly presented and unbiased. And finally, to both of you, current parking sticker after year earlier in which equally Both Perra and Burns were I say this: Scott Faria's you've been ticketed, everyone misleading and one-sided among question appears has had a problem or complaint the most avid to be valid. A significant problem wording led to an over­ proponents of last semester's Anyone who would use the about being a commuter. whelming vote to raise the MassPIRG question. They precept of free speech to get One complaint that is shared facing commuters is the MassPIRG fee. This was a big spent a great deal of time what they want. then tum their by commuters and resident part of the rationale used by telling the Congress about the back on it when it doesn't suit students alike is the long walk seemingly endless traffic Bums, Perra, and company in students' right to speak. to be them, is, in my book, truly a from the parking lot to the main trying to wipe out MassPIRG heard. fascist. campus, which is complicated by from 11:00a.m.-3:00p.m. last year~ but I believe the When it was pointed out to the uncovered footbridge. This expression "two wrongs don't Wilfred Bilodeau these civil rights protectors the can be quite discomforting, make a right11 still holds true. Former Editor in Chief students had just spoken less especially on the cold mornings. The only way to possibly end The Comment than a year earlier. voting to the MassPIRG issue is to put A significant problem facing Another issue is that of not only keep MassPIRG on before the students a question Editor's note: The minutes commuters is the seemingly students parking on the streets campus, but to raise their fee which both sides feel is fair of the February 9, 1988 endless traffic from l 1a.m.-3p.m. that are the property of the town by 33%, they responded by and unbiased. But enough fairy meeting of the SGA Congress which makes leaving the campus of Bridgewater and the town does stating that the students should tales. show a vote of 9-7-0 to place difficult. When asked what is not allow parking on its streets. be allowed to express their In response to the comments the MassPIRG referendum on one of the main causes of traffic Most recently the position of opm10ns at any time, of Burns and Perra, I contend the spring ballot. Former during this time, Campus Police parking enforcement officer was regardless of past votes. the MassPIRG issue is not Congressman-at-Large Burns Chief Fortunato Graca responded, established so that illegally over, nor will it be during the Now that they have won the is recorded therein as voting " Because so many people enter parked vehicles would be ticketed. college career of any student battle and have what they against the question at that from Burrill Avenue, they seem There is no solution to the nowatBSC. want, they utter such gems as time. Mr. Pe_rra was to assume it's the only way out." problems of being a commuter, To Mr. Faria (Who's the "the students spoke less than Parliamentarian of the Chief Graca suggests that but until improvemenL~ are made Fa$clst?··.. ~ ~ep~m~r +9)~ 1.. say si~ months ago .•• there is no , <;ongres~ at that time and did exiting down Hooper Street or something better comes along, keep trying. The question last reason to' give therri a. ''"not havtHa vote.on'·the matter. .. lightens the traffic making it the commuters will just have ~() gri~ • ~ ""'"'";•l}f'llfi:",,·""'"'~""'"'''"'" ~""ra...... ,..,1<1\l ;.,,-" safer way, giving 'the driXrer a .. '"atitf'~a1" fU •11n u n1 . ti f 1fH11lilll&·1mi: d 111 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 7 Arrtc§ 0 JErmfc®rrft~finnmmcellilfc o ffitevfi®W§ o

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Bird. directed by Clint Parker's ·drug problem, Eastwood, is a compassionate rehabilitation attempts. legal portrait of visionary Charlie difficulties also surface; combined "Bird" Parker played by Forest with his road travelling experi­ Whitaker. The man and his music ences. his friends Red Roney and is a reflection of the musician and Dizzy Gillespie played by his art. Michael Zelnker and Sam His life is almost defined by Wright, and his wife Chan the music he played through his Parker. Parker died at age 34, in . "Bird" was ahead of 1955. his time musically. but elements of his life off-stage had him Clint Eastwood, director/ wrestling with demons. He was producer combines his affection calmed by the only woman he for jazz and cinematography in loved, Chan Parker portrayed by his project "Bird." Eastwood has Diane Verona. His relationship been a fan of 's with Chan was probably the only music. He received support from continuity during the artist's life. Chan Parker, who attended Parker's first public debut was pre-production meetings with in 1936 in a Kansas City jazz actress Diane Venora and stayed club. Parker was sixteen years for the first week of production. old. Although his style was awkward, his future music career The authenticity and integrity was soon going to greatly are a main concern of Eastwood. influence the jazz generation. Eastwood hired Lennie Niehaus, a noted musician to supervise the Scenes from Parker's life are soundtrack and prepare Forest put together in this film. Some Whitaker for the physical of the scenes include glimpses of immitation of "Bird." the young "Bird" battling for the spotlight with veteran saxo­ phonist "Buster" in 1936. This is Bird is planned for release in combined with scenes of an older late October/ early November. Parker opening the famous New Look for it at the local theatres York Club "Birdland" in 1945. soon. A portrait - of Charlie "Bird'' Parker (Forest Whitaker) as portrayed in the movie "Bird". It's great for 1.,.V. but not for the screen Alien Nation fails tolive up to "the hype" of the previews

detective named Sykes, portrayed addictive. a television plot, in that many of scenario was not what would be Review by James Caan. He is paired with Patiiikin and Caan arrive at a the events were predicatable, and expected after seeing the the first Newcomer to reach the methan gas refinery factory, would have been sufficient in an previews. By Bryon Hayes rank of detective. This character, where all three of the murdered hour long show. But on the big It would have been better, Comment staff San Francisco but nicknamed Newcomers worked, and discover screen, the near two hour movie though, if Graham and the writer "George" is played by Mandy the drug producing machinery. lacked enough substance to bring of this movie, Rockne O'Bannon, One of the latest science Patinkin. After they put the process out of it along to an interesting and had delved more into the past, fiction thrillers to blaze across commission. the duo attempts to unpredictable conclusion. personal lives and interactions movie theatre screens is Graham The first half of the movie stop Stamp. The one difference which is with the humans, and concen­ Baker's "Alien Nation." Unfortu­ centers on the notion that Syke's noticed is that the previews gear trated less on . the 11 Miami nately, the movie tends to rival partner is killed in a robbery of a They begin a chase through the movie towards the alien Vice" -ish anti-drug kick. That television shows instead of other mini- mart, and he is paired with downtown Los Angeles to catch aspect. They hype it as being· a plot has been done before in other movies in its genre. Patinkin in order to investigate a Stamp and his briefcase con­ race of unknowns who try to fit movies, and done more effec­ spree of killings; all of which taining a large supply of the in with humans, but there is a tively. The year is 1991. Three years involve the death of Newcomers. drug. secret which we do not know Caan and Patinkin do, prior, an alien ship "washed up" about them. This concept would however, provide some humorous While following on the planet Earth. This the cases and Caan finally· catches up· with play well upon those people who banter and situations, which did attempting .to link the three, contained the group which be­ Stamp. Rather than surrender, saw the miniseries "V" and pick up the dull moments. One Patinkin learns of the came known as the Newcomers - relation­ Stamp overdoses on the drug, and liked it. But the similarities end such moment is when Caan finds ship between the thJ:ee deaths: Caan alien laborers from a planet leaves him for dead, while here. out that while humans become they were all connected outside of the solar system. to New­ he goes and calls for back-up. But True, there is a fact which we drunk on alcohol, the Newcomers comer chemical engineers at a Patinkin informs Caan that an do not know, and this is that become intoxicated on rancid These Newcomers soon be­ refinery. overdose of this drug does not their entire race was once addicted milk. But, even come as much of a part of this ''original" kill them, but turns their kind to the drug/substance which idea has been done before, on the American society as apple pie and What results in the second half into savages, capable of killing Stamp and his men manufactured. miniseries "Something mothers are now. They appear in is Out of the film can be described as a and maiming any being who tries That was the only real unknown There." Pepsi ads, and are even portrayed cross between three television to oppose them. This is the that was played out. The drug "Alien Nation" is a movie as prostitutes; proving that they shows: "V," "Something is Out secret the Newcomers have been scenario parallels humanity's which tries to encompass a have melded into every aspect of There," and "Miami Vice." trying to hide. problems, but somehow, it did variety the culture. But, the Newcomers of topics to appeal to the not seem believable. science fiction and drama viewers also have a secret which they are There is a Newcomer drug lord, The movie's climax results in Is the viewer expected to accept alike. Unfortunately, the movie trying to keep from their human . played by Terence Stamp. who is a helicopter chase above the the notion tnat a drug habit can never delivers enough material to allies. manufacturing a drug which harbor in which Caan and Stamp end because society wishes it to? either group. "Alien Nation" stimulates pleasure centers in the battle to the death. This is asking too much to belongs on television, not the The human lead is a police Newcomers, and i~ .. higll.y The. ~qyi~ ~as tqq ..sJgi,iJar tQ . l; .. Howev:er, placing a.drug .... big screen. 8 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 BLOOM COUNTY A Shakespeare circus•

By Peter Ashworth often considered to be his first. Comment staff The plot is based on Plautus' The Menaechmi in which two sets of What do high wire acts, trapeze twins cause massive cases of artists, roller skaters, cyclists, mistaken identity. The audience twirlers, tumblers, gymnists, and often finds it frustrating because clowns have in common? If you the twins are constantly mistaken said the circus you were almost for each other, and at times it right. But in the Bridewater State appears that nothing is going to College Laboratory Theatre, all be resolved. However, the funny, this means Shakespeare's The fast-paced lunacy sustains and Comedy of E"ors; to be pre­ heightens. sented in early December. Dr. Dr. Ramcyzk has set the action Suzanne Ramczyk of the Speech of Errors in a small family ~ Communication, Theatre Arts, circus. Everyone in the cast has .. ~;;)o - ·--·_-· ---- .. and Communication Disorders learned to roller skate. Some have . . . r.o. department directs this Shakes­ sharpened their gymnastic skills pearean comedy. It will be per­ while others have learned to twirl formed and produced by the stu­ a baton or hang from a trapeze. dents of the Laboratory Theatre The students are not only Production class. designing and building their own "Lab theatre" is a course that costumes, but are also designing studies one certain style, genre, their own individual clown period of. theatre or one play­ makeup. They have invited a wright for the entire semester. professional clown to help them The course culminates in a per­ "discover" their own clown faces formance. Dr. Ramczyk, who has and to discuss the clowns of the directed Company, The Three-­ American circus. As another part Penny Opera andLock Up Your of their study they are seeing the Daughter, chose Shakespeare as Ringling Brothers and Barnum the topic of study for the Bailey Circus. And in case you semester. Dr. Ramcyzk's goal were wondering, the students get Ot.lva?. CK/Me IS Of' was to explore methods of three credits for this class. 10%, 1116 n'!50N5 I/Re 5P!U!NfJ Otle'R making Shakespeare accessible to Some of their performances will ANP HONm; f!fq[..{) modem be special high school 1tteN Me K(J81JtM2 audiences. "I wanted to matinees. 811NK5JV5r1lJ look for a play which we could Often Shakespeare is studied as AfflJ/?.P Y()(Jf< ..-- CONTT(Ol/.EfJ have a lot of fun physicalizing" literature, but it is much more: SVBSrANC£. •.• said Dr. Ramcyzk, "and The These matinees will give many Comedy of E"ors seemed to be students a chance to see the Bard accessible to this kind of in production. The show itself is approach. After analyzing and free . to the general· J>ubli~ .'but studying the play l arrived at a seating "is :"limited •. It, Witt' :~ >: circus format" December 8, 10, 11 at 8 p.m. and The Comedy of Errors, December 9. 12, 13 at 10 a.m. in Shakespeare's shortest play, is the Campus Center Auditorium. often considered to be his first. Come and see The Greatest Show · The plot is based on ·Plautus' on Earth doing the Bard. Forensic team brings trophies home to BSC

The Bridgewater State College Silva's outstanding performance Forensic Team won six. trophies was a major contributing factor. in two intercollegiate speech She received the first place trophy tournaments held on October 8 in Dramatic Interpretation, fifth and 9. The awards included ·a place in Mixed Interpretation, and fourth place team trophy and five ninth in Poetry .. Interpretation. individual awards. Karen Coons points included a The team. travelled to George sixth in Communication Ana­ Mason University in Fairfax, lysis~ and eighth in both Virginia ·for a tournament Persuasion and Speaking to attended by twenty- two colleges Entertain~ Other points were and universities including Co­ contributed by Ian MacGonnigal, lumbia, Cornell, University of Joe Mucci, a senior Communi­ North Carolina, St. John's , and cation major; and first time Seton Hall. Team president Karen competitors Chris Hudson, a Coons, a senior Speech Com­ junior Communication major, munication major, received a and Chris Mather, a sophomore fowth place trophy in impromptu Communication major. Calendar of Events speaking which was the largest tournament event and tenth place Team coach Susan Miskelly vf rank in Communication Ana­ the Speech Communication humor with scams and tricks. (617) 720;.3434, and at all lysis. Deidre Silva, a senior department said, "This is one of Theatre They have been a team for ticketron outlets. For further Theatre major, received the fifth the most impressive . first fourteen years and have won information call or write the place trophy in Dramatic tournament perfonnances in the Ensemble Theatre is spon" several prestigious awards for Colonial Theatre, 106 Boylston Interpretation. Ian MacGonnigal, nineteen year history of the soring a "" dance on Friday their performances. Penn and St., Boston, MA a senior·speech Communication 02116, (617- Forensic team. We can expect October 21, from 8:00 to Teller will run Tuesday through 426-9366. major, received a seventh place more trophies from this team at 11:00 p.m. in the Campus Saturday evenings at 8:00 p.m. trophy in informative speaking. the Suffolk University Tourna­ Center Ballroom. Admission is On Saturdays and Sundays there On the following day, Lecture the same ment on October 29-30." $4.00 or half price for anyone will be a 2:00 p.m. matinee teams competed in another tourn­ Anyone interested in joining the dressed in a fifties costume. show. Sundays there will also be Dr. Genevieve Fitzpatrick will be ament sponsored by Howard Forensic team is invited to attend a 5:30 p.m. perfonnance. Tickets lecturing about ,"AIDS: Safer or University in Washington, D. C. the next meeting on Wednesday, Penn and Teller will be at range from $20.00 to $32.00, Sorrier?" on October 18 at 7:30 The BSC team placed fourth in October 19 at 3 p.m. in Professor Boston's Colonial Theatre depending on the day and the p.m. in the Campus Center overall points. This team trophy Miskelly's office in the Campus October 18 through November seats. Tickets can- be bought at Ballroom. This program is is given for cumulative points Center (opposite the Speech 13. Penn and Teller are a unique the Colonial Theatre box office sponsored by the Campus Center from. ai1 ·team members .. Deirdre Communication office). brand· of comedians that tie. by charging through Teletron a~ Program Committee. The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 9 by ''War of· the Worlds'' debuts on television

the alien's plan to recapture their Review ships in an abandoned air force hanger. The scientists foil the By Paul Clifford I Clllr Fiii} f'l'I l.JlllRl'S TIC /{',[' alien's plans and destroy the space C/JBlS?.' ld1¥RI'S Contributor Pl.Jr/BOY l'JllCllZJNl! !'JY 8llR?l ships, ending the show's two flUJ lJllS SIJl'l'DI hour premiere episode. }l[HT JS HILLJN; /TJ{.J 11r. Are you a science fiction buff? How convincing is this new '-_./ Did you grow up watching "Star series? The plot is familiar with Trek," "Battle Star Galatica," the invasion of Earth from some "Buck Rogers,'' and "V"? aliens, as in the television series Remember those days when your "V. n The show may still be mother asked you to go out and interesting, but why watch a play and you responded, "Sure, program and plot that has already I'll go out, after Godzilla been seen. destroys Monster X." The aliens use humans as In the past decade, imaginative hosts and steal their bodies, as in minds have produced a variety of Invasion of the Body Snatches. inventive television series. Last Saturday night another In another scene, an alien's arm science fiction series debuted. The comes out from a· human host new series is called "War of the reminding us also of the movies Worlds." The pilot does not show Alien and Aliens. much promise for the true science fiction fan. It is hard to sit down and watch something that has already seen. Based on the original movie The weekly series may improve, JKJIJ flf,()UT of War of the Worlds, the series however. From its premiere this TIC flll~NINC TRU[' IY//ICJl/S/'10? begins with the U.S. Military past Saturday night, however, it CF L/Fl". \ trying to track down terrorists. does not look like much can be \ They discover, with the expected much from this sci-fi assistance of a ragged band of show. scientists and a small military For a science fiction fanatic, force, that these "terrorists" are there is nothing in this series too actually aliens. frightening. Don't settle with These aliens intend on War of the Worlds, but keep invading .. Earth for unknown searching. for a. b.. etter. s.,nce·...... reasons.·The.'SCTenn':"\1"1 s"':'"'ts:"""ffii'll'Sc;...... ,ov....,e""'roo""'fi""'~'tilb"1c~ti"""on_s.,Jio•w-."'"""""'··-· · .... •i~- 1 ••11·•1112•1 •111~•• TAKE A BITE OUT OF YOUR TUITION

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UNITED PARCEL SERVICE ... for Cnlimited PotentialS ..\lways an Equal Opportunity Employt.~r 10 The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 s

Unusual Ideas to Make Cruise Ships - Now Cancun, Mexico and Ski trips groups of patients in a living Spring Break Tour Money with your home hiring Men and Women. to Vermont and Colorado. For room setting for approximately Promoter-Escort - computer. $3.00 Lb Ent., 30 Summer can Career more information call toll free one hour. Informal and relaxed. Energetic person, (M/F). to E. 42nd St.#906, NYC, NY Opportunities (wi_ll train). 1-800-231-0113 or in Ct. Call Shirley Ezernis at the take sign-ups for our Florida 10017. Excellent pay plus world 203-967-3330. Brockton Hospital, 586-2600, and/or South Padre tours. travel. Hawaii, Bahamas, ext. 2543 for more We furnish all materials for a Caribbean, etc. Call now! information. successful promotion. Good Help Wanted - Easy 206-736-700, ext. 367C. pay and fun. Call Campus Jobs In Australia - Work! Excellent Pay! M a r k e tin g at 1-800- Immediate Openings for Men Assemble products at home. 777-2270. and Women. $11,000 to Call for information Trick or Treat: Send a $60,000. Construction, 312-741-8400. Ext. A-1967. bag of candy to your love, A-1 EARNING DOLLARS Manufacturing, Secretarial friend or roommate for only Supplies furnished. Work, Nurses, Engineering, Campus Reps Needed $1.50. Orders taken in front of Guaranteed details. Send SASE. Sales. Hundreds of jobs listed. - earn big commissions and Musicians and bookstore October 18 and 19 Write: Call now! 206-736-7000, ext. free trips by selling Earn fr 9 3 s d b Brights/de Entertainers: extra om - · ponsore Y Box 1190 • Battle Creek. Ml 49016 367A. Nassau/Paradise Island, money performing for small SARC. '------....,. Announcements

1989 Younger Deadline for application is Management and Admini­ Tillinghast Hall to make an completed applications is Mon­ Scholars A wards November 1, 1988. stration. All applicants must appointment with the Orthopedic day, October 31, 1988. To request guidelines and have a minimum GPA of 3.0/4.0 Physician, Dr. Scott Oliver, for Any student who is interested in The National Endowment for application forms for Younger and Liberal Arts Grads must take the following dates: Mondays, further information before the Humanities invites Scholars Awards, write: Younger the agency's test called the PQT October 17 and 31. November 14 applying should contact the applications for Younger Scholars Guidelines, Room 316, (Professional Qualification Test). and 28 and December 12. Financial Aid Office as soon as Scholars A wards. These awards Di vision of Fellowships and The test will be offered October possible. support individuals who wish to Seminars, National Endowment 29, 1988, and the application Christa McAuliffe conduct research and writing for the Humanities, 1100 deadline is: October 14, 1988. A Teacher Incentive ;1rojects in the . humanities Pennsylvania Ave., N.W .• Wash­ bulleting and registration form Financial Grant during the summer of 1989. ington, D.C~ 20506. are available in the Career Grant Program Search Service 1\ ward recipients will be expected Planning and Placement Office. ~\J work full time for nine weeks Career Planning The majors which are ho r­ -Theneoafl~nM~~~~~~~J~~~~~~~~~.... • cluring the summer, doing re­ required to take the exam are: Affairs isn conjunction with the Announces Their A recent congressional study ·":~arch and writing a paper under Computer Science, Mathematics, Office of Financial Aid is pleased estimates that over $6.6 billion the close supervision of a human­ Fan Hours Slavic, Near Eastern and Asian to announce that applications are in student scholarships and loans ities scholar. No academic credit language majors. These indi­ now being accepted for the goes unused each year. Why? may be sought for these projects. The fall '88 hours· for the Office viduals can apply directly to the Christa McAuliffe Teacher Principally, because students and College Younger Scholars of Career Planning and Placement Agency (address in the CPP Incentive Grant Program for parents didn't know these sources awards are made to undergraduates are: Monday through Friday 9 Office). 1988-89. This program is exist. below the level of senior. Awards a.m. to 5 p.m. and Tuesday sponsored by the Board of Financial Grant Search Service are $2,200 for college students. evenings 5 p.m~ to 8 p.m. The Regents and is designed to Student Referral with home office in Norwell, Any college student below the office is located on· the ground provide grants of $1,000 to Mass. is a computerized research level of senior may apply. floor of the Rondileau .Campus Service students in Massachusetts and scholarship matching service Applicants must be U.S. citizens Center. Walk-ins are welcome. If colleges and universities who designed to uncover sources of or foreign nationals who have an appointment is desired, please Many part-time job opportunities agree to · teach in a public educational aid . Financial Grant lived in the U.S. for at least three call 697-1328. available. If you are looktng tor a educational system in the Search provides a computer consecutive years at the time of parMime job stop by and check Commonwealth. assisted i program which matches application. out our listings. Our office is Students who are interested in National Security students to financial aid sources In the act that established the open Monday - Friday 9 a.m. - 2 applying for this grant must be Agency Exam to be based on the information National Endowment for the p.m. We are located in in either their junior. or senior submitted by 'the student. Once Humanities, the term humanities Offered in October Tillinghast Hall T-6. year, and enrolled _in a full time - these matches are made, the includest but is not limited to, program of study resulting in student is supplied with the name the study. of the following The National Security Agency eligibility for teacher certifi­ Orthopedic and address of whom to contact, disciplines: history; philosophy; (NSA) is the government•s cation. Interested applicants must the amount of financial assistance languages; linguistics; literature; principal intelligence gathering Examination Clinics also demonstrate financial need as awarded, and on what grollllds the archaeology; jurisprudence~ ··the agency. and is located in qefined by the Financial Aid student is nominally eligible. history. theory, and criticism of Maryland. There are many types The College Health Service will Office. Financial Grant Search Services the arts; ethics; comparative of positions available including: be providing muscular and bone Applications are available in the are not only for high school religion; and those aspects of the Computer Systems, Language, and joint injury assessment Office of Academic Affairs and students. Adults wanting to social sciences that employ Communications Security, clinics to students of the College the Financial Aid Office for those continue their education, historical or philosophical ap­ Intelligence Research, Crypto­ Community. Feel free to stop by students who meet the above housewives and graduate students proaches. graphy, Signals Analysis and the Health Service office in criteria. The deadline for can benefit from the matching Pollk:dl ~t Polllcal~ . Pollllool~ Pdlllool~ PolllcalAdverftsement Pc1tk:C11 AtMlrtlsament Pdllk:al~ ; ***********************************************************************! ~~.over four billion dollars -,...... - worth of financial aid information i Republicans '88 Rally ! ~::::0:~;1= ~ * so the student is assured of ·i Bush for President ·i :~:'.te and up-to-date infor- ~ ,.,.. Mr. Clifford has had four ~ i children-go through college and is .tTuesday, October 18: · Science Lecture Hall 2 to 5 p:m. i ~~:pa:re~~i:Onth:ssia::i~~~ ~.•· . . ·. . . Professor Jon Bryan -- opposing Gaty Studds for 10th Congressional District ~ attendent cost of living expenses. l Guest Speakers: Deborah Tucker -- opposing Barney Frank for 4th Congressional District * call either -« * 1-800-8722-1221 ext 8450 or ~· Matt Striggles -- Plymouth County Commissioner Please come and show your support. : 617-659-79223 and request ~ Plenty of newspaper and television coyerage from the New Engl~d region sponsored by the BSC Republicans ~ · further infonnation about· search

1 !x***************************************************'**********"lf*"*******'* .for.scholarshfpandgrantmoney' ,,, · ... "· • ···...... • · • ·· ' • t • ~ • 11 :,,, ·• r 1t .. The Comment Thursday, October 13, 1988 11 Profile Player Scoreboard WOMEN'S TENNIS BSC 7 Salem State 1 FOOTBALL BSC 7 SMU 2 SMU 22 BSC 9 MEN'S RUGBY MEN'S SOCCER BSC 8 Nichols College 0 BSC 4 Suffolk Univ. 0 VOLLEYBALL North Adams 1 BSC 0 Fitchburg State 2 BSC 0 Bryant College 3 BSC 1 BSC 3 Babson College 0 WOMEN'S SOCCER Pamela Homecoming Saturday Wheeler,.. BSC 3 WPI 0 All games 1:00 This week's player profile is at of tennis player Pamela Wheeler. She is a transfer FIELD HOCKEY student, making this her first Football vs. Framingham State year on the team. Wheeler is Field Hockey vs. Plymouth State the number one seed in BSC 1 Keene State 1 singles and in doubles. BSC 3 Framingham State 0 Women's Soccer vs. Southern Maine Here's a closer look at Pamela: Men's Rugby vs. Worcester State

Name: Pamela J. Wheeler Age: 21 High school: Hingham High ''I dofit wa11t Major/minor: Elementary Ed/English a lot of hype. Year: Junior Team: Women's Tennis I just want Events: #1 singles, #1 doubles something I Game rem em her most: cai1 count,o~,,-~ _..~--,, 1<11l"~'1l'~i--....--i~'*'·~~ ~L m~tch against Pine _ ·-·,.,, ..... Manor. Twc:revenly matched teams kept them on the courts for over three hours. Best advice from coach: "You'll hate yourself if you lose this, so get out there and do your stuff~ go for it!" Goals for the season: To get in great shape and brush up Some long distance on all my strokes. companies promise you Sports Idols: Ray Bourge the moon, but what vou and Chrissy Evert .really want is depenclahlel Fav. quote: "Anything is high-quality service. That's possible to a Y"'illing heart." · just what you'll get when Fav. sports: Skiing and you choose AT&T Long tennis Distance Service, at a cost Hobbies: Traveling, going to · that's a lot less than vou the. beach, boating, art, think. You can expect low aerobl.cs, and working with .long distance rates~ 24-bour kids.-, operator assistance, dear•, Fav.:, Movie: An Officer and · £Onnections· and immediate A Gentleman . credit for \Yror1g. numbers1 . Fay. course at BSC: . And the assurance that·, . "None yet, I just transferred virtually all ofyour c:.ills \Vill . here!", go through the« That's the genius .Fav.~.' Pigom food: Italian 9fthe ·... · foods~ pizza, lasagna, fettucini. AT&T Worldwide tntelligent . Fav: ice crerm1: Mocha chip Network. . . , . . .. Best. exper~i:~nce at BSC: When it's time to Creating friendships. choose, forget the gimmicks H·appiest when: "All others and make the intelligent awµn4 me are happy also." choice-AT&T. · · If youtl like to know Fi~ld Hockey wins more about our products or . ~ i . ' , servic:~s; like International · -Callipg.andthe AT&T Car:d, Bridgewater up 3 to 0, where us at 1800-222-0~00. score remainedJor the rest ofthe ,, game. ··Other BSC team members who played~exceptionably well, were Meli~da Moleon and Martha Wall."' "·Both provided a solid defense· as well as pushing up the offense to increase pressure on . ,-:;{: :ri"- Framingham State. ATs.T . 'BSC's Women's Field Hockey The right choice. team· will play their next home games .. lhls:.~uir~y.rmid&tarday on Homecoming weekend. Volleyball team aces Sports Babson in three games

By Paul Cournoyer personally scoring 14 points for Shorts Comment Staff the night, 3 of the points being Tennis ace's. Karl, on the other hand, had Bridgewat~r State Women skills against Babson. It seemed The Bridgewater Women's Volleyball team their mai .... i·.::, . ·e ~-ould return her hard on Babson College this past hitting spikes. Tennis team started on a bad foot Monday night. BSC shut out Even though the Volleyball as they lost their first home three Babson in their best 3 out of 5 team has a 5-8 record now, matches· to Rhode Island matches, 15-1, 15-13, and 15-11. Kuralekas can see "things" College, Simmons College, The Volleyball team had just happening in the future.· "We and North Adams State. come home from the Rhode have a very good chance to win However Island College Invitational the MASCAC this year," says on their first away match they tournament where BSC beat both Kuralekas. "We're 1-0 now, but came home winners. RIC and UMass Boston, but lost our only obstacle will be Salem The Lady Bears ended Pine to Wesleyan University. Overall State. We have so much Manors' six game win streak in the tournament, BSC placed individual talent on the team it is with their victory. The second, which has never been just a matter of putting it all women felt that win may have done before according to first year together." been the start of their own win coach Paula Karalekas. streak, unfortunately it was Kuralekas was pleased with Kuralekas sees this year as a .quickly terminated by Salve Monday night's win. "Both "challenge" but has a lot of Regina. captains, senior Nancy Leger and confidence in her team's ability. The Lady Bears held their junior Cathie Kurl had excellent The next home Volleyball game racquets high and went on to games." will be this Friday at 6 p.m. in beat Salem State and Leyer highlighted the game the gym against Eastern Southeastern Massachusetts Jennifer Mosca (28) seis up h.;om ccp+ain Cathie Karl (26) with 99% serving accuracy and Nazarene. University. across the net with the ball (staff photo by Paul Cournoyer) Against SMU the team won 7-2. Four of their single sets Men's were won at 6-love. The SMU Rugby shuts out Nichols College team put up a good fight winning two of the doubles By Andy ReCapp Nichols 20 meter line and El well and Charlie Doherty all single-handedly against three matches. Special to the Comment handed the ball off to Bill Hunt. possessed the ball at one time or Nichols scrummers. Hunt sco:r:ed easily. However the another during this drive. The B-game was a total blow The BSC Visigoths RU g by continued 35 yard conversion kick was Although the conversion· kick out, as several A players had .a ,.,, ,,,..,., .. ,,, .. Lheir winning ways Friday as missed. was missed again, the Visigoths chance to show off their talent. they shut out a strong Nichols Soon after the ensuing kickoff took an 8-0 lead which was Gary Parziale and Coady each The Women's Rugby. team.. , College team 8-0. This win sends the Visigoths struck again, never to be relinquished. scored three trys a piece. Damon will be selling bumperstickers the Visigoths into the Division II taking advantage of the Nichols' The Visigoths then went into also added another try. Paul at the rugby game this Championships as the Central backs mistakes. Rick Damon their potent pressure game, Riley kicked five of seven extra Saturday at 1:00 behind the Conference Cup Champions. picked up a .fumble and passed it keeping the ball in Nichols student apartments. As usual, the Visigoths struck The stickers off to the strong Visigoth territory for the remainder of the points through the posts, for the read: early. Two minutes "Bridgewater after the scrummers. They then powered match. The team won all their final score of 38-4. State Rugby opening kickoff, Dan Coady Elegant Violence their way 10 yards into the try line outs, as Mespelli brought Chris Mazieka, Ed Swirbalus, " and "Rugby blocked a punt by a Nichols Elegant Violence." zone, resulting in a Frank down the ball every time. Paul Cangiano, Joe Foglietta, back and passed it off to Faherty score. The backs also played Allen Scott, and F."Franchise" Cost is two dollars for one teammate Chris Murphy. Scrummers or three dollars Marc Mespelli, excellently, led by Mike Collar Longo all performed well during for both. Murphy then made his way to the Dave Powers, Allen Hebb, Rich who <.:Lone time scrummed down the game. Proceeds go to funding· the women's spring season. t SMU trounces the Bears 22-9 Field Hockey victorious By Paul Cournoyer opportunities, but were unable to By Angela Comacchioli position. Charters then and Jeff Lane with &ix points. Comment staff score. The Framingham team Comment staff executed a field 39 goal to gain Passing: Jim Sperzel 289 showed their abilities as they the 9-7 lead. yards, Charters 149 yards, The Bridgewater State College controlled the ball for the end of The Bears Football team During the fourth quarter, Doug Benoit 40 yards, and Women's Field Hockey team the first half. Framingham suffered another loss this SMU turned in 15 points to Chuck Lindberg 38 yards. dominated Framingham State attempted to score with 7 shots weekend as the Southeastern win the game. SMU's scoring Rushing: Egan 233 yards, College in Tuesday's MASCAC compared to the 12 shots from Massachusetts University resulted from an 18 yard pass Sarkisian 161 yards, Charters game, winning 3-0. The Lady. BSC. Corsairs rallied in the fourth with a two- point conversion 106 yards, Bob Brackett 55 Bears took control early in the In the second half Bridgewater quarter for a 22-9 victory. The play and a 2 yard touchdown yards, Mike Lawson 20 yards, first half and did not let down. came alive. BSC gained Bears lost their 9-7 third pass and a point after kick. and Slean Connor 18 yards. BSC had taken seven shots on possesion and rarely gave up the quarter lead when the Corsairs Leading the defense against Defense: Macri 29 tackles, goal and earned five comer shots. ball. Bryne and Carney hooked up came back in the fourth quarter SMU was... Bill Macri with ·one· Carlos Oliveira 26 tackles, The first goal came when for a 2 on 1 break away, putting scoring 15 points. . quarterback sack Kathleen and nine Jorge Orta, Lane and Goldman Carney scored after a more pressure on the The game was scoreless tackles. Paul Burke, Brian are tied with 16 tackles each; strong drive led by Captain Kathy Framingham team. until the second quarter when Jones, and Mark Goldman each David Adams and Sean Frazier McGough. Carney, assisted by BSC's second goal of the game SMU scored on a 16 yard pass. had five tackles. Joanne have 15 tackles; Jones and Tim Smith, drove the ball into was scored on a corner shot. The point after was successful Rushing against SMU the corner were Philpott 14 tackles a piece; and of the goal. Kelly McGough, having received the placing SMU on the board first Charters for 59 yards, Bryne Mark Chris "C.J." Patota with 13 had strong drives pass from the corner, pushed with seven. Sarkisian, 47 yards, throughout and Tom tackles. the half, .having one forward past two opponents. BSC's Sean Tiernan was Egan with 37 yards. break away Tiernan Interceptions: Frazier, four with a hard shot McGough was open, and drove next to score, as he ran in for a receieved two passes . for a interceptions being saved by the for 11 yards Framingham the ball hard and low into the nine yard touchdown pass from total gain of 19 yards and returned goalie. and Patota, one for 20 goal, before the goalie was able Rob Charters. The extra point Sarkisian gained nine The ball went yards. vards. back and forth to prepare herself. BSC ·final was missed leaving BSC After the first across the field five games Saturday the Bears look for a throughout the score came late in the second half trailing 7-6. here are some leading. rest of the half. win in front of the After dwing a scramble in front of the In the third quarter BSC individual statistics. Framingham made adjustments Homecoming crowd as they in goal. Carney scored her second marched down into SMU Scoring: Charters, their game strategy and 35 challenge Framingham State at goal while the goalie was drawn territory setting up field goal points; Sarkisian, 12 points; substitutions, they came back 1:00. out .. in the scramble, putting later 'with strong corner shot cont. on p. Ji
