

А.В. Кочкинекова, О.Н. Поликарпова


Учебное пособие

Барнаул – 2017 УДК 811.111(075) ББК 81.432.1я73 К758

Кочкинекова, А.В. Английский язык : учебное пособие / А.В. Кочкинекова, О.Н. Поликарпова. – Барнаул : АлтГПУ, 2017. – 196 с. ISBN 978–5–88210–870–9

Рецензенты: Трунова О.В., доктор филологических наук, профессор (Московский городской педагогиче- ский университет); Добричев С.А., доктор филологических наук, профессор (Алтайский государственный педа- гогический университет)

Пособие состоит из четырех частей, после каждой представлена специальная проверочная работа. Пособие включает в себя тексты с заданиями для активизации прочитанного матери- ала, тематический словарь, упражнения для активизации словаря, тематические диалоги с за- даниями для развития базовых навыков разговорной речи, а также задания на аудирование. Цель пособия – развитие навыков письменной речи в пределах программы для 1 курса, обуче- ние устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизированных речевых навыков, раз- витие техники чтения и умения понимать английский текст. Учебное пособие предназначено для студентов 1 курса неязыковых факультетов и инсти- тутов педагогических вузов. Оно представляет собой коррективно-повторительный курс ан- глийского языка. Пособие может быть рекомендовано широкому кругу лиц, желающих рас- ширить свои знания и разговорные умения по английскому языку. Рекомендовано к изданию редакционно-издательским советом АлтГПУ 24.11.2016 г.

ISBN 978–5–88210–870–9

© Алтайский государственный педагогический университет, 2017 Введение

Учебное пособие предназначено для организации практических занятий со студентами 1 курса неязыковых факультетов и институтов педагогических вузов. Пособие, представляя собой коррективно-повторительный курс английского языка, может быть рекомендовано ши- рокому кругу лиц, желающих расширить свои знания и разговорные умения по английскому языку. Цель предлагаемого пособия – развитие навыков письменной речи в пределах про- граммы для 1 курса, обучение устной речи на основе развития необходимых автоматизирован- ных речевых навыков, развитие техники чтения и умения понимать английский текст. Предлагаемое пособие состоит из четырех частей:  My Family,  My Flat,  My Friend,  My Working Day. В основу всей системы упражнений данного учебного пособия положены следующие ме- тодические принципы: упражнения даны в порядке нарастания языковых трудностей и посте- пенного перехода от упражнений репродуктивного типа к упражнениям продуктивного типа; устные упражнения чередуются с письменными. Упражнения рассчитаны как на самостоя- тельную работу студентов, так и на выполнение их в аудитории под руководством преподава- теля. В пособии представлен вводно-коррективный фонетический курс, упражнения на попол- нение и развитие лексического запаса слов, представлен лексический минимум, при ранжи- ровке которого использован основополагающий в отечественной и зарубежной лингвистике принцип системной организации лексики, а также различные тренировочные упражнения на практическое овладение грамматикой, на усвоение базовых грамматических структур. Грам- матике ввиду её роли как средства создания фундаментальной базы для развития других ком- муникативных навыков отводится особое место в пособии. Приоритетной задачей является ознакомление студентов с грамматическими явлениями и с грамматическими конструкциями, работа над их отработкой, стимулирование студентов к использованию усвоенного и отрабо- танного грамматического материала в ситуациях аудиторного и реального общения. Во мно- гие уроки включены задания на перевод предложений с русского языка на английский. Дан- ный тип работы является важным как для закрепления грамматических явлений, так и для ак- тивизации изучаемого лексического материала. Выполнение такого рода упражнений позволяет учащимся усвоить когнитивные основа- ния существующей в английском языке системы времен, понять, как в целом членится вре- менная действительность в языковой картине мира англичан и, как следствие, обеспечить пра- вильное использования временных форм английского глагола. Для понимания английской ви- довременной системы как целостного явления важна работа с каждой формой в отдельности, и прежде чем переходить к сопоставительному анализу, необходимо четко усвоить правила употребления конкретных форм. В таком методическом русле представлена подача материала по видовременным формам глагола. В пособии также представлены аутентичные и частично адаптированные короткие диа- логи и тексты, имеющие коммуникативно-речевую направленность. В каждом разделе пред- ставлены задания на аудирование. В конце каждого раздела дается проверочная работа. Каждая тематическая серия упражнений расширяет представление об изучаемых явле- ниях. Работа над упражнениями состоит из четырех этапов: ознакомительно-распознаватель-

3 ного, аналитического, активизирующего и повторительного. При этом в зависимости от кон- кретных тем ознакомительно-распознавательный этап может сочетаться с аналитическим, а повторительный одновременно служить и контролирующим. Представленное пособие направлено на решение следующих задач:  расширить активный и пассивный словарный запас студентов по базовым темам;  обеспечить закрепление и активизацию грамматического материала по представ- ленным в пособии темам;  углубить знания об особенностях английской языковой системы (словообразова- ние, местоимения, артикли, видовременные формы глагола, употребление предлогов, притяжательный падеж и др.);  развить умения устной речи (монологической и диалогической);  развить умения и навыки письменной речи. Пособие может быть использовано как для работы в аудитории, так и для самостоятельной работы в домашних условиях. Авторы выражают искреннюю благодарность рецензентам – профессору кафедры зару- бежной филологии института гуманитарных наук ГБОУ ВО «МГПУ» О.В. Труновой и про- фессору кафедры английской филологии лингвистического института, ФГБОУ ВО «АлтГПУ» С.А. Добричеву за их замечания и предложения по улучшению учебного пособия.

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Task 1. Do you know the English alphabet? Listen and repeat. (Track1.1)

Аа Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Аа Bb Cc Dd Ee Ff Gg Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Hh Ii Jj Kk Ll Mm Nn Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Oo Pp Qq Rr Ss Tt Uu Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz Vv Ww Xx Yy Zz

Task 2. Spell your name and surname.

Task 3. A) Study the Glossary. Glossary 1. vowel – гласный 2. consonant – согласный 3. open syllable – открытый слог 4. closed syllable – закрытый слог 5. stressed – ударный 6. unstressed – безударный 7. silent – немой 8. before – до, перед 9. at the beginning – в начале 10. at the end – в конце

B) Repeat after your teacher.

consonants b d g k v f j z s m n l h r w [b] [d] [g] [k] [v] [f] [dʒ] [z] [s] [m] [n] [l] [h] [r] [w] bad dad flag ok very fine jet zip sorry mouse nine like hat red wind vowels open syllable (stressed) (type I) a [eɪ] name, fate, take, late, gate, make, lake, shave, cake, hate e [i:] be, these, complete, me, she, he o [ɜʊ] note, hope, rope, home, open, no, go, hello i, y [aɪ] hi, wife, drive, like, mine, time, rhyme, my, try, spy, style, type u [ju:] cute, nude, student, unit, duty, use, usually, mute, tube, cube

5 closed syllable (stressed) (type II) a [æ] cat, black, rat, fat, bag, apple, dad, man, lamp, bad, mad, map e [e] get, pet, bet, let, red, set, net, teddy o [ɒ] got, not, pot, lot, clock, flock, stock, nod, god, mop i, y [ɪ] fit, sit, pin, big, dig, litter, film, spin, bin, kick, gym, system, symbol u [ʌ] cut, shut, run, under, but, fun, sunny, husband, cup, mud

Task 4. A) Study the Vocabulary Box. Then listen and repeat after your teacher. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Learn the dialogue by heart.

How to greet a friend Nickolas: Hi, Magda. Magda: Hello, Nickolas. How are you? Nickolas: I’m fine / OK/ not bad, thanks. And you? Magda: Fine / OK / Not too bad, thanks.

B) Greet each other.

Task 5. A) Study the Vocabulary Box. Then listen and repeat after your teacher. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Learn the dialogue by heart.

How to introduce yourself Nickolas: Hello, my name is Nickolas. What is your name? Erica: My name is Erica. Nickolas: Nice to meet you, Erica. Erica: Nice to meet you, Nickolas.

B) Introduce yourself.

Task 6. A) Study the Vocabulary Box. Then listen and repeat after your teacher. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Learn the dialogue by heart.

How to introduce someone Nickolas: Erica, this is James. Erica: Nice to meet you, James. James: Nice to meet you too, Erica.

B) Introduce each other.

6 Task 7. A) Study the Vocabulary Box. Then listen and repeat after your teacher. Practise the dialogue with a partner. Learn the dialogue by heart.

How to say goodbye Nickolas: Goodbye, Erica! Erica: Bye! / See you soon! / So long! / See you later.

B) Say goodbye to each other.

Task 8. Study the Grammar Guide.

Singular Plural I we you you he, she, it they

We say he for men and boys, she for women and girls and it for things. We also say it for animals when we do not know their sex.

Task 9. Fill in: he, she, it we or they. 1. Helen she 6. bananas ___ 11. students ___ 2. Mark ___ 7. you and I ___ 12. cat ___ 3. house ___ 8. friends ___ 13. John and I ___ 4. girl ___ 9. Sam and Tom ___ 14. boy ___ 5. cars ___ 10. my dog Rex 15. ship ___

Task 10. A) Look at the sеntenсеs. Matсh thе subjесtive personal pronouns (1–7) with the conjoint form of possessive pronouns (a–g).

1. I’m Russian. a) Its name is Lord. 2. You’re German. b) His name is John. 3. He’s British. c) Our names are Jack and Emily. 4. She’s American. d) My name is Alex. 5. It’s my dog. e) Their names are Rita and Robert. 6. We’re students. f) Your name is Mark 7. They’re 12. g) Her name is Helen.

7 B) Complete the table with the proper pronouns.

Subjective Personal Conjoint Possessive Pronouns pronouns I my your he her it our you their

Task 11. A) Fill in the gaps with I or my. 1. I’m Steven. 2. …..’m fine, thanks. 3. ….. name is Mario. B) Fill in the gaps with you or your. 1. How are you? 2. What's ….. name? 3. Nice to meet ….. . C) Fill in the gaps with I, my, you or your. Practice the dialogues. a) b) ANN: Hello, …….. name's Ann. ROBERT: Hi, Liz. What's.... name? LIZ: Hi, Robert. How are …… ? MARK: Hello, …….’m Mark. ROBERT: …..’m fine, thanks. And …… ? ANN: Nice to meet ……. . LIZ: …..’m OK, thanks. MARK: Me, too. D) Fill in the gaps with the missing words. Practice the dialogue. c) DANIEL: Rita, …… is David. RITA: Hello, David. …… to meet you. DAVID: …... to meet you …… . E) Make a dialogue using the following phrases. Practice the dialogue. Bye, Rita. See you soon. Goodbye, David. Yes, see you. F) Translate the following dialogues. Peter Brown: Здравствуйте! Меня зовут Питер Браун. Как Ваше имя? Anna Smith: Меня зовут Анна Смит. Peter Brown: Приятно познакомиться, Анна! Anna Smith: И мне тоже приятно познакомиться, Питер.

Alex: Привет, Роберт! Как твои дела? Robert: Не плохо. А как твои? Alex: Спасибо, у меня все в порядке. Роберт, это Рита. Robert: Здравствуй, Рита! Приятно познакомиться! Rita: Здравствуй, Роберт! И мне тоже очень приятно! Alex: До свидания, Роберт и Рита! Robert: До скорого! Rita: Увидимся позже! 8 Task 12. Match forms of address (1–9) to their definitions (a–i). Use dictionary.

1. First name a) to a person with a degree (PhD) 2. Mr Smith b) to a girl or unmarried woman 3. Mrs Smith c) to a man we don’t know well 4. Miss Brown d) to medical practitioners 5. Doctor (alone) e) to a university teacher 6. Doctor Smith f) to a person with a certain occupation 7. Professor (with / without surname) g) to friends 8. Officer h) to a married woman we don’t know well 9. Waiter i) to a policeman Porter Nurse

Task 13. A) Study the Grammar Guide.

noun + s → plural form cat + s → cats dog + s → dogs

s, ss, sh, ch, x, o → es box → boxes

constant + y → ies lady → ladies vowel (a, e, I, o, u) + y → s boy → boys

B) Write the plural form. 1. witch 2. fly 3. hat 4. bird 5. day 6. tomato 7. glass 8. toy 9. rabbit 10. spy 11. ostrich 12. fox 13. key 14. play 15. brush 16. poet 17. class 18. house 19. family 20. chair 21. pencil 22. desk 23. country 24. way 25. flag 26. café 27. dress 28. watch 29. car 30. сity.

Task 14. Study the Grammar Guide. Learn the irregular plurals by heart.

man – men woman – women child – children foot – feet tooth – teeth goose – geese mouse – mice fish – fish sheep – sheep

Task 15. Write the plural form. 1. room – rooms 6. tooth – 11. bush – 16. sheep – 2. foot – 7. man – 12. box – 17. tree – 3. eye – 8. mouse – 13. dish – 18. match – 4. child – 9. goose – 14. basket – 19. ship – 5. fish – 10. office – 15. woman – 20. army –

9 .

Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

vowel + r (type III) a + r [a:] car, dark, lark, mark, bark, dart, art, March, far, star o + r [o:] port, sport, dorm, fort, short, horn, born e + r / i +r / u + r / y + r [ɜː] her, term, verb, girl, bird, stir, turn, burn, myrtle, myrrh th [ ð ] / [ θ ] the, this, that, these, those, they, their, three, thing, thin, health sh she, ship, shop, shoes, shy, shine, shut c + -ion, -ial, -ian, -ient, suspicion, special, social, physician, ancient, precious -ious [ ʃ ] nation, position, competition, promotion t + -ion mission, pressure, Russian, discussion, sure, fissure, s + -ion, -ure after conso- censure nant s + -ion, -ure after vowel [ʒ] vision, occasion, illusion, decision, pleasure, treasure ch child, chair, chin, cherry, chart, chess, chicken, chance [ tʃ ] watch, catch, witch, snatch, scotch, kitchen, butcher tch picture, structure, lecture, literature, future, culture

t + -ure dge [dʒ] bridge, fridge

Task 2. Study the Grammar Guide

A/An + singular countable noun a + consonant sound e.g.: a bag – сумка (одна сумка) an + vowel sound e.g.: an apple – яблоко (одно яблоко) some + plural countable nouns or uncountable nous e.g.: some pencils (plural countable nouns) – несколько карандашей e.g.: some cheese (uncountable nouns) – немного сыра

Task 3. Fill in a, an or some. 1. … dog 11. … table 21. … flowers 31. … mouse 2. … elephant 12. … pens 22. … car 32. … geese 3. … rabbit 13. … book 23. … buses 33. … tooth 4. … cats 14. … pencil 24. … salt 34. … ostrich 5. … orange 15. … chairs 25. … house 35. … juice 6. … bananas 16. … girl 26. … aeroplane 36. … ship 7. … apricot 17. … boys 27. … women 37. … man 8. … apples 18. … water 28. … eye 38. … men 9. … chocolate 19. … coca cola 29. … mice 39. … child 10. … sugar 20. … pizza 30. … foot 40. … children

10 Task 4. A) Study the Vocabulary Box. Listen and repeat the countries. Learn the vocabu- lary by heart. (Track 1.2)

Argentina – Аргентина Japan – Япония Brazil – Бразилия Mexico – Мексика China – Китай Poland – Польша France – Франция Russia – Россия Germany – Германия Spain – Испания India – Индия Great Britain – Великобрита- ния Italy - Италия the USA – США

B) Complete the table with the capital cities.

Paris ['pæris] Madrid [mə'drid] New Delhi [,nju: 'deli] Washington, D.C. ['woshiŋtən 'di: 'si:] Tokyo ['toukiou] Brasilia [brə'zi:liə] Warsaw ['wo:so:] Moscow ['moskou] Berlin [bə:'lin] Beijing ['bei'jiŋ] Mexico City ['meksikou 'siti] London ['lʌndən] ] Rome [roum] Buenos Aires ['bweinəs 'eəriz]

Country Capital City Country Capital City Argentina Buenos Aires ['bweinəs 'eəriz] Japan Brazil Mexico China Poland France Russia Germany Spain India Great Britain Italy the US

Task 5. Study the Grammar Guide.

No articles with continents, countries, cities, towns and villages. e.g.: Asia, Africa, India, Germany, Paris, New-York, Barnaul, Solonovka. But: The Hague Use the definite article the if the countries names include the following words: state, kingdom, republic, federation, empire, union, emirates. But: the Netherlands but Holland e.g.: the United States of America but America

Task 6. Use the definite article the where it is necessary. 1. x Russia 11. ______Ukraine 2. the Russian Federation 12. ______St. Petersburg 3. _____ France 13. ______Petrovka 4. _____ United Arab Emirates 14. ______Netherlands 5. _____ England 15. ______Hague 6. _____ Italy 16. ______Stockholm 7. _____ Moscow 17. ______Rome 8. _____ Dominican Republic 18. ______Europe

11 9. _____ Soviet Union 19. ______Czech Republic 10. _____ Berlin 20. ______United States

Task 7. A) Study the vocabulary box. Listen and complete the dialogue. Practice it. Learn the dialogue by heart. (Track 1.3)

How to ask where someone is from Ben: Where are you from, Becky? Becky: I’m from (1)______. Ben: Where in (2)______? Becky: (3)______.

B) Role play the dialogue with your partner. Use the countries and cities from the vocabulary box.

Task 8. Study the Grammar Guide.

AFFIRMATIVE NEGATIVE INTERROGATIVE Full Form Short Form Full Form Short Form I am I’m I am not I’m not Am I? You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? He is He’s He is not He isn’t Is he? She is She’s She is not She isn’t Is she? It is It’s It is not It isn’t Is it? We are We’re We are not We aren’t Are we? You are You’re You are not You aren’t Are you? They are They’re They are not They aren’t Are they?

Task 9. Finish the sentences. Use the words in the box.

French British Mexican Polish Brazilian Italian Argentinean Japanese Russian Spanish Chinese American German Indian

1. Miguel is from Spain. He is Spanish. 2. Alexandra is from Brazil. She is ______. 3. Mao is from China. He is ______. 4. Mark and Rita are from Germany. They ______. 5. Peter is from the USA. He ______. 6. Nina and I are from Russia. We ______. 7. Pedro is from Argentina. He ______. 8. Luis and Ella are from France. ______. 9. Sandra is from Italy. ______. 10. Gita is from India. ______. 11. Alexis from Poland. ______. 12. Amanda and Emily are from Great Britain. ______. 13. Diego is from Mexico. ______. 14. Takahiro and Miko are from Japan. ______.

12 Task 10. Fill in the gaps as in the example. Full Form, Short Form, Negative Form, Negative Short Form, Interrogative Form, Positive Answer, Negative Answer. e.g.: Full form: We are students. Short Form: We’re students. Negative form: We are not students. Negative Short Form: We aren’t students. Interrogative form: Are we students? Positive Answer: Yes, we are. Negative Answer: No, we are not.

1.We are Russian. 2. He is from Spain. 3. You are a singer. 4. It is a picture. 5. They are actors. 6. She is my sister. 7. You are my friends. 8. We are a family. 9. It is your dog Rex. 10. You are an English teacher.

Task 11. Study the Grammar Guide

1. General Questions / Yes or No Questions e.g.: Are you American? – Yes, I am. e.g.: Is he from Spain? – No, he is not.

2. Special Questions

Who (кто?) Who are you? Where (где?) Where is his car? Why? (почему?) Why are you here? When? (когда?) When is your birthday? How? (как?) How are you? What? (что? /как? /какой?) What is your name? Which? (который?) Which bag is yours? Whose? (чей?) Whose book is it? How many? (сколько?) (countable) How many apples are there? How much? (сколько?) (uncountable) How much money is there? How old? (сколько лет?) How old are you?

3. Alternative Questions e.g.: Is your computer new or old? – My computer is new. e.g.: Is it a dress or a long sweater? – It’s a dress.

4. Disjunctive Questions. e.g.: You are from Holland, aren’t you? – Yes, I am. e.g.: Peter is from Spain, isn’t he? – No, he isn’t. He is from the USA.

Task 12. Make questions, use the models. A) General questions / yes or no questions.

Model: They are French. (Yes) Are they French? – Yes, they are 1. Becky is from the Czech Republic. (No; England) 2. Mark and Peter are Americans. (Yes) 3. Berlin is in Japan. (No; Germany) 4. Rome is in Italy. (Yes) 5. Emma is a student. (No; schoolgirl)

13 6. John and Sarah are friends. (No; groupmates) 7. You are Russian. (Yes) 8. Your dog is old. (No; a puppy) 9. The car is very expensive. (Yes) 10. Mark and Clara are from the Netherlands. (No; France) B) Special questions.

How? Who? What? Whose? Where? When? Why? Which? How many? How much?

1. Whose book is it? – It is my book. 2. … far is your house from here? 3. … are you at home after classes? 4. … sugar is there in the cup? 5. … is this boy? – It’s Tim, my groupmate. 6. … are my blue jeans? – They are on the sofa. 7. … English books are there on the desk? – There are 5 books on the desk. 8. … pen is yours? 9. … is your hobby? 10. … are you sad? – I am not, I am tired. C) Alternative questions. 1. the apples / red / yellow – Are the apples red or yellow? 2. the jeans / clean / dirty 3. your house / near / far away 4. the flowers / red / white 5. the computers / new / old 6. they / friends / classmates 7. he / your friend / your classmate 8. the English books / on the desks / on the chairs 9. it / a pen / a pencil 10. Madrid / in Italy / in Spain D) Disjunctive Questions.

Model: She is your friend. (Yes) She is your friend, isn’t she? – Yes, she is. 1. Madrid is in Germany. (No) 2. The English books are on the desks. (Yes) 3. The jeans are clean. (No) 4. The computer is old. (Yes) 5. You are sad. (No) 6. Your hobby is music. (Yes) 7. They are at home after classes. (No) 8. His house is far away from here. (Yes) 9. Peter and Ann are her classmates. (Yes) 10. She is fine. (No)

Task 13. A) Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb to be. A: Hi, Alex. How (1) ______you? B: Hello David. I (2) ______fine and how (3) ______you? A: I (4) ______OK, thank you. B: How (5) ______your sister? Where (6) ______she now? A: She (7) ______in London. B: Really? It (8) ______wonderful! How about your parents? A; They (9) ______fine too. They (10) _____ in India now.

14 B) Fill in the gaps with an appropriate form of the verb to be and pronouns (I, he, she, they). How (11) _____ your sister? — (12) _____ fine, thanks. How (13) _____ your parents? — (14) _____ not bad. How (15) _____ you? — (16) _____ very well, thank you. How (17) _____ your brother? — (18) _____ fine, thanks. How (19) _____ your children? — (20) _____ OK. C) Write in am /’m not, is / isn’t or are / aren’t. I (21) _____ a businessman, I (22) _____ a student. My friend Mark (23)_____ a teacher, he (24) ______a sportsman. My parents (25) _____ doctors, they are teachers. My sister Helen (27) ______at home, she (28) ______at work. My name (29)_____ Peter, I (30) _____ Ben.

Task 14. Read the sentences and correct them as the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences. e.g.: Buenos Aires is the capital of India. – Buenos Aires is not the capital of India. It is the capital of Argentina. 1. Paris is the capital of Spain. 2. New Delhi is the capital of the USA. 3. Tokyo is the capital of China. 4. Washington DC is the capital of the UK. 5. Berlin is the capital of Poland. 6. Rome is the capital of Japan. 7. Beijing is the capital of Mexico. 8. Minsk is the capital of Brazil. 9. Moscow is the capital of Italy. 10. London is the capital of Germany. 11. St. Petersburg is the capital of the Russian Federation. 12. Madrid is the capital of Italy. 13. Kiev is the capital of Belorussia. 14. Warsaw is the capital of the Czech Republic. 15. Mexico City is the capital of Argentina.

Task 15. A) Choose the correct alternative. Hi! (a) I/My name is Tom. I am in my classroom. (b) It/She is large. Is (c) your/you classroom large or small? In the picture two other students are (d) my / your groupmates and friends. (e) Our/Their names are Peter and David. (f) Their/They are 17. (g) Our/Your university teacher is Professor Robertson. (h) She/Her is a teacher of computer technology.

B) Answer the questions. 1. Where is Tom in the picture? 2. Is his classroom large or small? 3. Is your classroom large or small? 4. Two other students in the picture are his brothers, aren’t they? 5. What are their names? 6. The boys are 17, aren’t they? 7. Who is Professor Robertson? 8. Is Professor Robertson a teacher of History? C) Take a picture with your classmates or/and friends in a classroom of your University. Compose a short text, use task 14 as a model.

15 .

Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

vowel + r + vowel (type IV) a + r + vowel [eə] care, rare, dare, hare, various, ware, Mary o + r + vowel [o:] more, core, pore, bore, sore, before i +r + vowel [aɪə] fire, tire, dire, sire, lire e + r + vowel [ɪə] here, mere u + r + vowel [jʊə] cure, pure, fury, endure y + r + vowel [aɪə] tyre, tyrant, lyre, pyre ph [f ] phone, photo, telephone, phonetics, physics, elephant (but: nephew) wh + o [h] who, whose, whom wh + vowel (except o) [w] when, why, where, what w before r silent w write, wrote, written, wrong

Task 2. Study the Grammar Guide.

This –These (near) → This is a pencil. These are pencils. here – здесь That – Those (far) → That is a chair. Those are chairs. over there – вон там

Task 3. A) Write sentences, use this or these, that or those. e.g.: This car is old. – These cars are old. That bike is new. – Those bikes are new. 1. This book is in Chinese. 2. That student over there is from the Netherlands. 3. This fish is very big. 4. That mouse is our pet. 5. This goose is for Christmas dinner. 6. That man over there is from Spain. 7. This tooth is white. 8. That woman is beautiful. 9. This child is my son. 10. That sheep is from Scotland.

16 B) Write sentences, use this, these, that, those.

1. … is a hamburger.

2. … is a tomato.

3. … are bananas.

4. … are cherries.

5. … is a carrot

6. … is an apple.

7. … are berries.

8. … are lemons.

9. … are plums.

10. … are grapes. C) Make questions, use this, that, these, those and the correct form of the verb to be. e.g.: … an orange? Is this an orange?

1. … a hamburger?

2. … a tomato?

3. … bananas?

4. … cherries?

5. … a carrot?

6. … an apple?

7. … berries?

8. … lemons?

17 9. … plums?

10. … grapes? this, that, these, those can be changed to the definite article the e.g.: This man is my friend Peter. = The man is my friend Peter.

Task 4. Study the Grammar Guide.

1. The indefinite article a / an is used after the structures this is, that is, it is. e.g.: This is a lemon. That is an orange. It is a big house. 2. The definite article the is used before nouns which are specific (when the noun is mentioned the second time). e.g.: This is a lemon. The lemon is yellow. 3. No articles before possessive pronouns. e.g.: This is my laptop. My laptop is not new.

Fill in the gaps with the articles where necessary. a. This is … dress. … dress is new and very expensive. b. These are … shirts. … shirts are white and clean. c. That is … sweater. … sweater is woolen and warm. d. Those are … jeans. … jeans are from … USA. e. It is … my jacket. … jacket is from Great Britain. f. This is … my new shirt. … shirt is Mexx. g. That is … our parrot Jackie. … our parrot is from … Brazil. h. It is … bike. It is not … car. i. These are … students from … Netherlands. j. Those are … University teachers from … Beijing.

Task 5. A) Study the Grammar Guide The Absolute Form of Possessive Pronouns

mine yours yours ours his theirs hers B) Study the examples, translate them. Say when we use absolute possessive pronouns. e.g.: This bag is mine. These gloves are hers. That black jeep is ours. This motorbike is his. C) Change the sentences according to the model. Use the absolute form of possessive pronouns. Model: This is my pen. – This pen is mine. 1. This is our classroom. 2. That is her laptop. 3. This is their house. 4. These are your bicycles. 5. That is his car. 6. This is our café. 7. This is my coffee. 8. That is your money. 9. This is my room. 10. Those are their roller-skates.

18 D) Use the correct form of possessive pronouns (conjoint: my, your, his, her, our, their or absolute: mine, yours, hers, his, ours, theirs). 1. Whose dirty boots are these? – They are … . (I) 2. This is … new black dress. (she) 3. … first name is Jack. (he) 4. That umbrella is … . (you) 5. It’s … favourite restaurant. (I) 6. Is this … dog Richie? (they) 7. That is not … purse. … is green. (she / she) 8. This is … room. This is … . (you / he) 9. … flowers are lovely, … are disgusting. (she / I) 10. Here is … car, … is over there. (we / they) 11. … photos are good, … are terrible. (you / we) 12. … garden is small, but … is very big. (they / he) 13. … dress is beautiful, but … is wonderful. (I / she) 14. … cake is not tasty, but … is uneatable. (he / I) 15. … job is not easy, but … is really hard. (we / you) E) Translate the sentences. 1. Это не моя сумка, моя черная. 2. Здесь наш дом, а вон там ваш. 3. Их работа тяжёлая, а наша легкая. 4. Ее велосипед новый, а твой старый. 5. Это твоя комната, а там моя. 6. Мой кофе холодный, а твой горячий. 7. Этот зонт ее, а тот зонт Ваш. 8. Эти зеленые карандаши наши. 9. Те грязные ботинки их. 10. Твое платье милое, а ее очень красивое.

Task 6. A) Study the Grammar Guide.

1 one 7 seven 13 thirteen 19 nineteen 70 seventy 2 two 8 eight 14 fourteen 20 twenty 80 eighty 3 three 9 nine 15 fifteen 30 thirty 90 ninety 4 four 10 ten 16 sixteen 40 forty 100 a hundred 5 five 11 eleven 17 seventeen 50 fifty 1000 a thousand 6 six 12 twelve 18 eighteen 60 sixty 1000000 a million

the indefinite article a/an is the same as one e.g.: a hundred books = one hundred books in 1998 = in nineteen ninety-eight – в тысяча девятьсот девяносто восьмом год in 1906 = in nineteen oh six – в тысяча шестом году in 1900 = in nineteen hundred – в тысяча девятисотом году in 2000 = in two thousand – в двухтысячном году in 2015 = in two thousand fifteen – в две тысячи пятнадцатом году

19 B) Count the stars and write down the numerals.

1. ******** – eight 6. ****************** 2. **************** 7. ********* 3. ************* 8. ****************************** 4. **** 9. *********** 5. ************************* 10. *********************** C) Work with a partner. Write a number. Your partner says it. Example: Partner A – 67 Partner B – sixty-seven D) Look at the pictures. How old are these people? Use the dialogue in the Vocabulary Box as a model.

Bill, 47

How to ask about age Ben: How old is Bill? Becky: Bill is forty-seven years old.

Emily, 7 Mary, 44 Peter, 16

Alex, 33 Ann, 22 Ella, 11

Jenny, Mr. Higgins, 61 Mrs. Whitehouse, 70 55

Task 7. A) Listen and repeat the phone numbers (Track 1.4)

1. 729 1553 2. 07863 400212 3. 01873 839711 B) How do you say these numbers? Listen and check. 0 = ______55 = ______

20 C) Listen and correct the numbers. 1. My mobile phone is 0583 121 668. 2. My home number is 932 81009. 3. My work number is 01872 698470. D) Study the dialogue in the Vocabulary Box. Practice it with a partner. Learn the dialogue by heart.

How to ask for a telephone number Ben: Becky, what’s your telephone number? Becky: My telephone number is nine two three six four one double two eight seven. Ben: Your telephone number is 923 641 2287. Is it correct? Becky: Yes, it is. Ben: Thanks.

E) Ask your partner for his telephone number. Write his telephone number. Check it to- gether. Use the dialogue in the Vocabulary Box as a model.

Task 8. Listen and complete the dialogue. (Track 1.5) Boy: Hi, I’m Thomas. What’s your name? Girl: I’m (a) ______. Nice to meet you. Boy: Nice to meet you too. How do you spell your name? Girl: (b) ______. Boy: Are you English? Girl: No, I’m not. I’m (c) ______. Boy: How old are you? Girl:I’m (d) ______. And you? Boy: I’m (e) ______. This is my friend. His name’s Luke. He’s (f) ______.

Task 9. A) Work with a partner. Practice the dialogue in Task 1. B) Work with a partner. Change the names, ages and nationalities in the dialogue. Act out the dialogue.

Task 10. Write down the following years. 1. In 1983 – in nineteen eighty-three 6. In 1701 – 11. In 1993 – 2. In 988 – 7. In 1812 – 12. In 2008 – 3. In 1223 – 8. In 1544 – 13. In 2014 – 4. In 1380 – 9. In 1914 – 14. In 1861 – 5. In 1604 – 10. In 1400 – 15. In 1961 –

21 Task 11. Study the vocabulary. Days Months Sunday – воскресенье Monday – понедельник January – январь July – июль Tuesday – вторник February – февраль August – август Wednesday – среда March – Март October – октябрь Thursday – четверг April – апрель November – ноябрь Friday – пятница May – май December – декабрь Saturday – суббота June – июнь Use preposition on with days, e.g. on Monday, on Tuesday, etc. Use preposition in with months, e.g. in January, in February, etc.

Task 12. Study the Grammar Guide.

1st first 11th eleventh 21st twenty first 40th fortieth 2nd second 12th twelfth 22nd twenty second 50th fiftieth 3rd third 13th thirteenth 23rd twenty third 60th sixtieth 4th fourth 14th fourteenth 24th twenty fourth 70th seventieth 5th fifth 15th fifteenth 25th twenty fifth 80th eightieth 6th sixth 16th sixteenth 26th twenty sixth 90th ninetieth 7th seventh 17th seventeenth 27th twenty seventh 100th one hundredth 8th eighth 18th eighteenth 28th twenty eighth 1000th one thousandth 9th ninth 19th nineteenth 29th twenty ninth 1000000th one millionth 10th tenth 20th twentieth 30th thirtieth e.g.: My birthday is 02.05 (on the second of May). – Мой день рождения второго мая. Use the definite article the before the ordinal numbers. e.g. on the 1st of June; on the 30th of April

Task 13. Insert necessary prepositions (in, on, of). 1. in March 6. _ Wednesday 11. _ the 17th _ December 2. _ 1507 7. _ July 12. _ December 3. _ the 1st _ October 8. _ 1721 13. _ 1997 4. _ the 9th _ May _ 1945 9. _ the 31of January 14. _ Friday 5. _ 2016 10. _ Sunday 15. _ the 4th _ April _ 2001

Task 13. A) Tell your groupmates when your birthday is. Ask each other in chain. e.g.: My birthday is on the 1st of January. When is your birthday, Alex? B) Tell your groupmates when your mother’s / father’s birthday is. Ask each other in chain. e.g.: My mother’s birthday is on the 2nd of March. When is your mother’s birthday, Ann? Task 14. Complete what Ann says about herself. Use the correct form of the verb to be. My name (1) ______Ann Smith. I (2) ______ten years old and I (3) ______in the fifth form. My birthday (4) _____ on the first of February. I (5) _____ from Santa Barbara, California, USA. I (6) ______American. My phone number (7) ______245-456-689. I live at 11 Park Street. My post code (8) ______LA 30 SM. I have got a sister and a brother. Their names (9) ______Tina and Peter. Tina (10) ______17 years old and Peter (11) ______only four. I have also got a dog. His name (12) ______Sloppy. My Mum (13) ______a doctor. She works at a hospital. My Dad (14) ______a teacher. He works at school. We (15) ______all friendly in our family. Task 15. Tell the class when your family members’ birthdays are.

22 .

Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

ee, ea, ie + consonant [ i:] bee, three, green, tea, read, teacher, niece, believe, money, key, receive ea + d, th, lth [e] head, death, health, bread, breath ear, eer [ɪə] hear, dear, deer, beer (but: bear) ie at the end tie, lie, die igh [aɪ] night, light, sight, bright, right, knight i + ld child (but: children), mild, wild i + nd [aɪ] kind, find, mind, grind [ɪ] wind, window e at the end silent e take, bake, cake, rose, apple c + a, o, u [ k] cat, cake, cup, cute, coffee, cool, coca cola c + e, i, y [ s] cell, century, cinema, city, bicycle, policy ck [k] back, truck, Jack, luck, stick, kick, stock k before n silent k know, knife, knee, knit, knot s between vowels [z] goose, choose, close, rose, base, easy

Task 2. A) Look at the vocabulary words. Tick the words you know. aunt boyfriend brother cousin daughter father (dad) friend girlfriend grandfather (grandpa) grandmother (grandma) husband mother (mum/mom) sister son uncle wife

B) Listen and repeat the words. (Track 1.6)

Task 3. Complete the table with the words from task 2.

Male Female Male or female brother sister cousin

Task 4. Study the Grammar Guide.

Liv Tyler’s father is Steven Tyler, Aerosmith’s lead singer. Read apostrophe ’s in Tyler’s like [z]. Read apostrophe ’s in Aerosmith’s like [s]. Sherlock Holmes’s best friend is Doctor Watson.


Doctor Watson and Sherlock Holmes’s case is very difficult. Read apostrophe ’s in Holmes’s like [ɪz].

Brian is the Griffins’ dog. Task 5. Look аt family tree and read the sentences. Сheсk that you understand the words in italics.

Bart hаs got two sisters, Lisa and Maggie. Bart is Lisa’s elder brother; Maggie is Lisa’s younger sister. They have got uncle Herb and two aunts, Patty and Selma. Mona Simpson and Abraham Simp- son are children’s grandparents. Mona is Abraham’s second wife. Herb is her step-son. Homer is Herb’s half-brother. Herb is a bachelor. Homer is Marge’s husband. Marge is Abraham and Mona’s daughter-in-law. Homer has got father-in-law Clancy, and mother-in-law Jackie. They are Marge’s parents. Clancy and Jackie have got three daughters, Marge, Patty and Selma, but they haven’t got a son. Petty and Selma are twin sisters. Patty has got one nephew and three nieces. Selma is a single mother. Ling is her adopted daughter. Ling has got three cousins.

Task 6. Look at the family tree and complete the sentences. 1) Marge is Homer’s ….. . 2) Abraham is Marge’s …… . 3) Mona is Herb’s …… . 4) Maggie is Patty’s ….. . 24 5) Mona is Bart’s ….. . 6) Clancy is Lisa’s …… . 7) Bart is Herb’s …… . 8) Marge is Ling’s …… . 9) Lisa is Ling’s …… . 10) Bart, Lisa, Maggie and Ling are Abraham’s ….. .

Task 7. Write English equivalents to the following words. Learn the words by heart. 1) отец 2) мать 3) дедушка 4) бабушка 5) сын 6) дочь 7) внук 8) внучка 9) старший брат 10) младшая сестра 11) дядя 12) тетя 13) племянник 14) племянница 15) двоюродный брат/сестра 16) тесть/свекор 17) теща/свекровь 18) зять 19) сноха 20) жена 21) муж 22) мать одиночка 23) холостяк 24) пасынок 25) мачеха 26) сводный брат 27) удочеренная/усыновлен- ный 28) родители 29) внуки 30) бабушки и дедушки

Task 8. Say who is who. a) Angela is my mother’s sister; she’s my …… . b) Tom is my mother’s brother; he’s my ….. . c) My uncle’s daughter is my …… . d) My uncle’s son is my …… . e) Paul’s brother has a daughter, Alice. Alice is Paul’s ….. . f) Albert’s sister has a son, David. David is Albert’s ….. . g) My mum’s grandmother is my ….. . h) My wife’s mum is my …… . i) My wife’s brother is my …… . j) Mary’s daughter has three children. They’re Mary’s …… .

Task 9. A) Write the correct form of the possessives. 1. This is …….. book. (Emma) 2. The …….. room is there. (children) 3. …….. sister is 14 years old. (Peter) 4. …….. and …….. grandma is 89 years old. (Mark, Anna) 5. My …….. birthday is on the 17th of August. (grandpa) 6. ……. shoes are here. (women) 7. My …….. car is not cheap. (parents) 8. …….. computer is very slow. (Charles) 9. It is that …….. bag. (girl) 10. These are those …….. bags. (girls) 11. This is … bicycle. (Arthur) 12. That is … new swimming pool. (the Smiths) 13. … father is a University teacher. (Peter and Mark) 14. … hands are dirty. (Elis) 15. These are … beautiful earrings. (Elizabeth) B) Give short answers to the questions. Model: Whose bag is it? (John) – It’s John’s. 1. Whose farm is it? (Old MacDonald) 2. Whose guitar is it? (my daughter) 3. Whose room is it? (Frankie) 4. Whose basket is it? (aunt Maggie) 5. Whose bike is it? (Mr. Smith) 6. Whose laptop is it? (Elizabeth)

25 7. Whose file is it? (Michael Richardson) 8. Whose coffee is it? (our cousin Emma) 9. Whose glasses are they? (my grandma) 10. Whose jeans are they? (my elder brother) 11. Whose toys are they? (our children) 12. Whose watches are they? (my friends) 13. Whose dogs are they? (uncle Tom) 14. Whose shoes are they? (my twin sister) 15. Whose earrings are they? (your mother-in-law)

Task 10. A) Read the text in Task 3 again. What is the difference between the forms have got and has got? B) Study the following grammar guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I have got I’ve got I have not got I haven’t got Have I got? You have got You’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have you got? He has got He’s got He has not got He hasn’t got Has he got? She has got She’s got She has not got She hasn’t got Has she got? It has got It’s got It has not got It hasn’t got Has it got? We have got We’ve got We have not got We haven’t got Have we got? You have got You’ve got You have not got You haven’t got Have you got? They have got They’ve got They have not got They haven’t got Have they got?

Task 11. Fill in the blanks as in the example.

Full form Short form 1) I have got a pen. I’ve got a pen. 2) Peter ….. a black bag. Peter ….. a black bag. 3) They ….. a cat. They ….. a cat. 4) It ….. a big nose. It ….. a big nose. 5) My father …… a new car. My father …… a new car. 6) We ….. a computer. We ….. a computer. 7) You ….. three cousins. You ….. three cousins. 8) Helen has not got a telephone. Helen hasn’t got a telephone. 9) I ….. a watch. I ….. a watch. 10) We ….. a camera. We ….. a camera. 11) My little sisters ….. English books. My little sisters ….. English books. 12) You ….. work. You ….. work. 13) They ….. a house. They ….. a house. 14) Jane ….. a red dress. Jane ….. a red dress.

Task 12. Look at the Simpsons’ family tree and complete the sentences below with has got / have got or hasn’t got / haven’t got. 1. Mona ….. a husband. 2. Bart …… two sisters. 3. Ling ….. a brother. 4. Jackie … three daughters but she ….. a son. 26 5. Maggie and Lisa ….. two aunts. 6. Homer and Herb ….. a sister. 7. Mona and Abraham … a daughter-in-law. 8. Patty … a husband and kids. 9. Selma … an adopted daughter Ling. 10. Marge … twin sisters.

Task 13. A) Match the questions and short answers.

1. Have you got a CD player? a. No, they haven’t. 2. Has the dog got four legs? b. No, she hasn’t. 3. Have your parents got a cottage in the mountains? c. Yes, I have. 4. Has your brother got a bike? d. Yes, we have. 5. Has your sister got a new bag? e. Yes, he has. 6. Have you got English books? f. No, they haven’t. 7. Have Mark and Anna got a ball? g. No, we haven’t. 8. Have you got exams in English this semester? h. Yes, it has.

B) Choose the correct answer. 1. Have you got a camera? A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. 2. Have you got white teeth? A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. 3. Have you got six feet? A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. 4. Have you got a friend? A. Yes, I have. B. No, I haven’t. 5. Have you got a pet? A. Yes, I have. B. No. I haven’t. 6. Have your parents got a farm? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven’t 7. Have your parents got two cars? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven’t. 8. Have your parents got five children? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven’t. 9. Have your grandparents got bikes? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven’t. 10. Have your groupmates got pencils? A. Yes, they have. B. No, they haven’t. 11. Has your sister got a laptop? A. Yes, she has. B. No, she hasn’t. 12. Has your aunt got a hobby? A. Yes, she has. B. No, she hasn’t. 13. Has your best friend got a job? A. Yes, she/he has. B. No, she/he hasn’t. 14. Has your grandfather got glasses? A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn’t. 15. Has your elder brother got Italian shoes? A. Yes, he has. B. No, he hasn’t. C) Make special questions.

why what whose how many how much when

1. … have you got your birthday? – My birthday is on the 7th of May. 2. … has he got in his hand? – He has got red roses. 3. … friends have you got? – I have got four friends. 4. … book has Emily got on her desk? – It’s Sarah’s. 5. … money have they got in their pockets? – They have got 40 pounds. 6. … have you got this laptop? It is very old. – Yes, it is. But I have got all the information in it. D) Make disjunctive questions. Use the model. Model: You have got 4 sisters. (Yes) You have got 4 sisters, haven’t you? – Yes, I have. 1. He has got an uncle in Mexico. (No) 2. Anna has got great grandparents. (Yes) 3. Your parents have got a new BMW. (Yes) 27 4. We have got new pen friends from India. (No) 5. I have got a mountain bike in dad’s garage. (Yes) 6. It has got three legs. (Yes) 7. Mark and Emma have got a puppy. (No) 8. Your father-in-law has got a new job. (Yes) 9. Their neighbours have got a swimming pool. (No) 10. Our IT teacher Mr. Percival has got a new computer classroom. (No) 11. Emily’s cat King Richard has got a handmade necklace. (Yes) 12. My brother Martin and I have got 20 dollars each week. (Yes) 13. Andrew’s uncle Jeremy has got a little café at the corner of our street. (No) 14. You have got new Louboutin shoes. (No) 15. Tigers have got stripes. (Yes)

Task 14. Translate into English. 1. У тебя есть учебник по английскому? – Нет. 2. У Питера есть фотоаппарат или мобильный телефон? – У него есть мобильный телефон. 3. У Анны новая сумка, не так ли? – Нет. Это ее старая сумка. 4. У твоих родителей есть автомобиль? – Нет, но у них есть горные велосипеды. 5. У этой собаки три ноги, не так ли? – Да. 6. У тебя есть часы? – Да. – Который сейчас час? 7. У меня нет компьютера, а у твоего друга есть? – Нет. 8. У моих родителей есть небольшой домик за городом (out of town). А у твоих родителей есть домик или коттедж? – Да, есть. У них большой дом в горах. 9. У Анны есть дядя в Америке, не так ли? – Да, есть. Его зовут Фред, ему 45 лет, он из Калифорнии. 10. У твоей кошки на шее ожерелье? – Нет. Это ошейник (collar) ручной работы.

Task 15. Work with a partner. Draw your family tree and describe it to your partner. Use the plan. 1. Number of family members 2. Where from 3. Family members’ names 4. Family members’ age 5. Family members’ birthdays e.g.: This is my family tree. I have got mother, father and two sisters. We are all from Sibirskoe. My mother’s name is Anna; she is 43 years old. Her birthday is on the 3rd of June…


Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

oo + k [ʊ ] book, cook, took, look oo + n, l [u: ] pool, spoon, moon a + ll ball, tall, all, small, call a + lk walk, talk w + ar [ɔ: ] war, warn, sward au (gh) daughter, autumn, taught, August aw draw, saw, law, awful, paw, jaw y at the beginning [ j ] you, yellow, yes, yummy, year, yet, yard y at the end [ ɪ ] Mary, teddy, tidy, cherry, forty, twenty

28 g before a, o, u, consonants and at the end [g] good, gall, gum, grand, group, egg (but: girl) g before e,i, y except suffixes -er, -est [dʒ] giraffe, origin, stage, cage, orange, gym g in the words of French origin before e, i, y [ʒ] massage, garage, beige gn in the beginning [n] gnome, gh silent night, right, fight, light gh

Task 2. A) Study the Vocabulary Box

Appearance human body – человеческое тело beautiful – красивый ugly – некрасивый, уродливый handsome – красивый (о мужчине) pretty – хорошенькая (о женщине) good-looking – приятный, интересный (о внешности) build / figure – телосложение well-built – крепкий, хорошо сложенный large – крупный fat – тучный, толстый thick – плотный, упитанный plump – пухленький (о женщине / ребенке) slim – стройный (о женщине) bony – костлявый thin – худой height – рост tall – высокий short – низкий medium/normal – средний hair – волосы long – длинные short – короткие curly – кудрявые wavy – волнистые straight – прямые thick – густые thin – редкие dark – темные fair – светлые, русые black – черные brown – шатен(-ка) gray – седые, седеющие red – рыжие blond(-e) – блондин(-ка) bald - лысый eyes – глаза blue – голубые gray – серые hazel – светло-карие brown – темно-карие green – зеленые dark – темные

nose – нос flat – приплюснутый snub – курносый thin – тонкий straight – прямой long – длинный lips – губы full – полные thin – тонкие red – красные rosy – розовые Additional Vocabulary

29 head – голова face – лицо beard – борода moustache - усы dimples – ямочки на щеках fringe – челка chin – подбородок nostrils – ноздри cheeks – щеки forehead – лоб eyebrows – брови eyelashes – ресницы B) Learn the vocabulary by heart.

Task 3. Give Russian equivalents to the following. 1. straight hair 11. long eyelashes 21. beautiful teeth 2. gray eyes 12. snub nose 22. handsome man 3. slim body 13. hazel eyes 23. ugly face 4. rosy cheeks 14. pretty woman 24. large build 5. white teeth 15. dark eyebrows 25. small dimples 6. full lips 16. red beard 26. large forehead 7. flat nose 17. wavy hair 27. black moustache 8. curly hair 18. thin lips 28. big nostrils 9. medium height 19. short fringe 29. round chin 10. bald man 20. bony figure 30. thick eyelashes

Task 4. Give English equivalents to the following. 1. хорошо сложенный парень 11. розовые щеки 21. некрасивые зубы 2. кудрявый волос 12. светло-карие глаза 22. тонкие брови 3. курносый нос 13. костлявый старик 23. стройное тело 4. тонкие губы 14. красивые ямочки на щеках 24. лысая голова 5. блондинка 15. тонкий нос 25. маленькие ноздри 6. густые ресницы 16. волнистый волос 26. прямой волос 7. длинная борода 17. короткая челка 27. загнутые ресницы 8. рыжие усы 18. круглый подбородок 28. пухленькая девочка 9. редкий волос 19. красивый мужчина 29. худая старуха 10. приплюснутый нос 20. хорошенькая девушка 30. русый волос

Task 5. Cross out an extra word. Lips thin full red beautiful slim Nose thick ugly snub flat full straight Eyes green small big handsome beautiful Eyelashes long black curly straight full Hair flat thick thin curly straight wavy Height tall small normal medium short Build large fat plump thick medium Woman pretty plump good-looking handsome

Task 6. Study the Grammar Guide.

The general order of adjectives before a noun is the following: Opinion Size Age Shape Colour Origin Noun beautiful small new triangular black French dress Opinion – nice, cool, lovely, ugly Size – big, small, tall, short, large Shape (weight / length) – round, fat Age – young, old, ancient, antique Colour – blue, green, brown, gray Origin – Chinese, Russian, Italian

30 Before adjectives + noun use the indefinite article a/an if the noun is countable singular. e.g.: Peter has got a long red beard. (countable noun in singular) There is no article before adjectives + noun if the noun is uncountable or in the plural form. e.g.: She has got lovely long brown hair. (uncountable noun) e.g.: Liza has got beautiful big green eyes. (countable noun in plural)

Task 7. Make the correct order of the adjectives. 1. fair / long / hair 6. ugly / fat / face 2. dark / hazel / eyes 7. small / snub / pretty / nose 3. full / red / lips 8. blond / funny / curly / hair 4. round / big / head 9. thick / beautiful / curly / black / eyelashes 5. short / red / fringe 10. white / perfect / teeth

Task 8. Choose the correct description and match the pictures.


G H I J K 1. She's got long blond hair, full lips, a thin nose and long eyelashes. ______2. He's got short curly blond hair, small black eyes and thin lips. ______3. She's got long straight black hair, a straight nose and a high forehead. ______4. He’s got gray hair and a long gray fringe, a big nose and a thick moustache. ______5. She’s got short brown hair, a long fringe and a small snub nose. ______6. He’s got short black hair, small black eyes and a flat nose. ______7. He’s got thick black eyebrows, a large forehead and thin lips. He is bald. ______8. She’s got wavy light brown hair, thick eyelashes and perfect white teeth. ______9. He’s got short curly black hair, big black eyes, full lips and white teeth. ______10. She’s got short curly dark hair, a straight nose and thin lips. ______11. He’s got a brown beard and moustache and a very big nose. ______

Task 9. Fill in the gaps with correct words from the box.

short slim tall thin handsome young old fat pretty 1. A beautiful woman is ______. 2. People above average height are ______. 3. People below average height are ______. 31 4. You are ______if you eat lots of junk food. 5. ______is an antonym to fat. 6. ______is a synonym to thin. 7. ______is an antonym to old. 8. You are ______when you are 70 or 80 years old. 9. A good-looking man is ______.

Task 10. Read the text. Hi! My name is John. This is a picture of my family. These people are my parents, my brother and my sister. My mother is 48 years old. Her name's Anna. She's thin-faced and she's got long, fair hair and beautiful blue eyes. She's in good shape. My mother is on a strict diet. My father, Frank, is 52. In spite of his age he's still dark-haired, maybe with several grey hairs. He's got bright green eyes. He's quite tall. Next is my brother Tom. He's 20 years old. Tom is tall and rather thin. He's a red-haired boy with blue eyes. Finally, my sister Nina. She's 12. She's also red-haired but green-eyed like our father. She's got long curly hair and freckles. I love them very much!

Task 11. Complete the tasks to the text. A) Give equivalents to the following words and phrases. 1. с тонкими чертами лица 2. быть в хорошей форме 3. сидеть на строгой диете 4. несмотря на 5. все еще 6. темноволосый 7. несколько седых волосков 8. ярко-зелёные глаза 9. может быть 10. довольно-таки высокий 11. довольно-таки худой 12. наконец 13. тоже 14. веснушки B) Change the sentences according to the model. Model: He has got dark hair. – He is dark-haired. 1. She has got green eyes. 6. My uncle has got long hands. 2. He has got red hair. 7. My grandfather has got a big nose. 3. Mary has got a thin face. 8. My great grandmother has got gray hair. 4. Peter has got brown eyes. 9. My aunt has got blue eyes. 5. Kelly has got curly hair. 10. My little niece has got rosy cheeks. C) Make statements. Model: has / long / hair / Jane / brown / got. – Jane has got long brown hair. 1. Mrs. / 89 / Smith / old / is / years. 2. My / diet / a /on / mother / strict / is. 3. Mr. / has / old / got / red / long / Jackson / beard / a. 4. She / has / is / and / got / thin-faced / she / eyelashes / long. 5. My / fair / she / Jane / blue-eyed / cousin / has / is / and / got / hair / beautiful. 6. She / our / but / father / green-eyed / red-haired / also / like / is. 7. Mary / curly / short / lips / and / has / dark / full / got / hair. 8. He / with / red-haired / boy / is / eyes / blue / a.

32 9. She / curly / got long / hair / freckles / has / and. 10. In / he / his / is / still / spite / dark-haired / age / of. D) Make general questions. Give short answers. Model: My name is John. Is your name John? – Yes, it is. 1. This is a picture of my family. 2. My mother is 48 years old. 3. She's got long, fair hair. 4. My mother is on a strict diet. 5. Frank has got several grey hairs. 6. He's got bright green eyes. 7. Tom is tall. 8. She's 12. E) These are answers. Make questions to the underlined words. Model: My name is John. What is your name? 1. This is a picture of my family. 2. My mother is 48 years old. 3. She's got long, fair hair. 4. My mother is on a strict diet. 5. Frank has got several grey hairs. 6. He's got bright green eyes. 7. Tom is tall. 8. She's 12. F) Fill in the gaps with articles if necessary. Model: This is … picture of my family. - This is a picture of my family. 1. Mary is … 18 years old. 2. Tina has got … long, fair hair and …beautiful blue eyes. 3. Andrea is on … strict diet. 4. Peter is in … good shape. 5. Robert is … red-haired boy. 6. My sister is … slim. 7. My sister has got … slim body. 8. My great grandfather has got … long white beard. 9. Your fringe is … short. 10. You have got … short fringe.

Task 12. Answer the questions to the text. 1. Whose family is in this picture? 2. Who are they? 3. How old is John’s mother? What is her name? 4. Has John’s mother got short curly hair and gray eyes? 5. Is she in good or bad shape? Why is she in good shape? 6. Who is Frank? How old is he? 7. Is Frank dark-haired or gray-haired? 8. What colour are Frank’s eyes? 9. Is Frank very tall? 10. Who is Tom? How old is he? 11. Is Tom fat and short? 12. What colour is his hair? What colour are Tom’s eyes? 13. Who is Nina? How old is she? 14. Is Nina red-haired or dark-haired? 33 15. Is Nina green-eyed like her mother? 16. Has Nina got freckles and curly hair?

Task 13. Translate into English. 1. Моя мама очень стройная, она сидит на жесткой диете. 2. Моя сестра голубоглазая как отец с веснушками на носу. 3. Я довольно высокий и очень худой, наверное, даже костлявый. 4. Мой отец отлично сложен, может быть, и у меня его фигура. 5. Моей бабушке 72, но, несмотря на ее возраст, она находится в хорошей форме. 6. У Анны тонкие черты лица, длинный волнистый густой волос и ярко зеленые глаза. Она красивая! 7. Я сижу на строгой диете, но все еще пухленькая. 8. Я, как и отец, тоже темноволосый и довольно-таки худой. 9. Весной у меня появляются несколько веснушек на щеках и носу. 10. Том лысый, но у него густая кудрявая борода и короткие усики рыжего цвета. . Task 14. A) Describe John’s family (John, Anna Frank, Tom, Nina) B) Choose any person in your group and describe him/her. Do not mention his/her name.

Task 15. Describe the appearance of your family members.

Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

ay May, day, ray, stay, bay, way, lay ai [eɪ] rain, gain, brain, strain, fail, rail ey (stressed) they, grey ey (unstressed) [ ɪ ] monkey, money a + ir [eə] air, fair, chair, repair ng [ŋ] sing, king, angry, long, tongue (but: orange) nc, nk,nq, nx [ŋ] monk, monkey qu [kw] question, queen, quit qu at the end [k] cheque ou, au + gh [f] enough, cough, laugh

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary box.


1. easy-going – легкий в общении 2. honest – честный 3. sensible – разумный 4. reliable – надежный 5. friendly – дружелюбный 6. brainy – мозговитый, умный 7. serious – серьезный, глубокомысленный

34 8. kind – добрый 9. hard-working – трудолюбивый 10. smart – сообразительный

Task 3. Read and translate the text about John’s family. Complete the tasks to the text below. My mother Anna is very good-looking, always well-dressed and elegant. She is easy-going and al- ways friendly. My father Frank is reliable, serious and hard-working. Sometimes he is late for din- ner because of much work. Tom is always well-dressed because he is fond of fashionable and styl- ish clothes. He's easy-going like our mother and brainy like our father. Nina is honest, very sensible and smart. She is good at English, French and Italian. My family is great! A) Give English equivalents to the following words and word combinations: 1. всегда 2. хорошо одетый и элегантный 3. иногда 4. опаздывать на ужин 5. из-за 6. большое количество работы 7. потому что 8. любить что-то 9. модная и стильная одежда 10. преуспевать в чем-то B) Fill in the gaps with the following word combinations in the correct form: to be fond of to be late for to be good at 1. I … … … football. I am a real fan of it. 2. I am an early bird, I … never … … classes. 3. … you … … Maths? – No, I’m not. I am very bad at it. 4. Sarah … always … … work. She has got problems with her boss. 5. Mark … … … music, he’s always got headphones to listen to it any time. 6. We … … … hockey, we are professional hockey players. С) Translate into English: 1. Очень важно быть честным и надежным другом. 2. Я люблю иностранные языки (foreign languages), потому что это очень интересно. 3. Анна не пунктуальна, она всегда опаздывает на работу. 4. Моя сестра разбирается (хороша) в моде, поэтому она всегда элегантна и хорошо одета. 5. Иногда я опаздываю на свидание из-за большого количества работы. 6. Добрые и дружелюбные люди всегда легки в общении. 7. Ты любишь спорт? – Да, люблю. Я хорошо играю в футбол. 8. Мой брат сообразительный и очень трудолюбивый мальчик. Он разбирается в матема- тике и очень любит иностранные языки. D) Answer the questions. 1. Why is Anna good-looking? 2. What kind of person is Anna? 3. What kind of person is Frank? 4. Why is Frank late for dinner? How often is he late for dinner? 5. Why is Tom always well-dressed? 6. What kind of person is Tom? 7. What kind of person is Nina? 8. What is Nina good at?

35 Task 4. Describe yourself / your partner / your best friend / your mother / your father / your sister or brother. Use at least 3 adjectives from the vocabulary box.

Task 5. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form I swim I do not swim I don’t swim Do I swim? You swim You do not swim You don’t swim Do you swim? He swims He does not swim He doesn’t swim Does he swim? She swims She does not swim She doesn’t swim Does she swim? It swims It does not swim It doesn’t swim Does it swim? We swim We do not swim We don’t swim Do we swim? You swim You do not swim You don’t swim Do you swim? They swim They do not swim They don’t swim Do they swim?

Use Present Simple for: 1) repeated actions and daily routines, e.g.: I visit my grandparents every week. 2) permanent situations, e.g.: I work as a doctor. 3) general truth and laws of nature, e.g. The Ob flows into the Kara Sea. 4) timetables of trains, planes, buses, ships, etc. (with such verbs as come, start, go, leave, ar- rive), e.g.: The train starts at 10.30. 5) instructions e.g.: You go down the street, then turn right. 6) sports commentaries, e.g.: Javier Martinez kicks the ball and passes it to Iker Casillias. Time expressions: always (всегда), usually (обычно), often (часто), seldom / rarely (редко) etc., every day / week / month / year (каждый день / неделю / месяц / год), etc., on Monday / on Tuesday (в понедельник / во вторник), etc., in the morning, / afternoon / evening (утром / после полудня / вечером), at night (ночью), at the weekend (на выходных), etc. Spelling of the 3d person singular for verbs ending in:

ss, sh, ch, x, o, z + consonant + y → vowel + y + I kiss – he kiss I try – he tr I play – he play

Pronunciation of ending s as:

[s] after [z] after [ɪz] after [f] – [lɑ:fs] [m] – [kʌmz] [z] – [lu:zɪz] [p] – [stɒps] [l] – [fılz] [ʤ] – [leʤɪz] [k] – [lʊks] [d] – [stændz] [s] – [pɑ:sɪz] [t] – [sta:ts] [b] – [stæbz] [ʃ] – [rʌʃɪz] [g] – [dıgz] [tʃ] – [wɒtʃɪz] [v] – [pru:vz] [ks] – [mɪksɪz] [n] – [sɑınz] [ŋ] – [sıŋz] after all vowels: [peɪz], [krɑız]

36 Task 6. Give the 3d person forms of these verbs. e.g.: to listen – listens [lɪsnz] to write, to brush, to read, to sail, to build, to watch, to drive, to bake, to sell, to garden, to report, to farm, to swim, to teach, to manage, to visit, to dream, to design, to catch, to act, to bank, to produce, to inspect, to conduct, to dance, to work, to speak, to do, to bring, to kiss, to finish, to buy Task 7. Give the correct form of the Present Simple Tense of the verb in brackets. 1. My uncle …… as a doctor. (work) 2. Mark never ….. up late. (get) 3. The play ….. at 5 this evening. (begin) 4. He ….. a very good brother. (be) We ….. him. (love) 5. It seldom ….. here. (snow) 6. My nephews ….. a lot of coke. (drink) 7. He ….. his grandparents every month. (visit) They ….. in Smolensk. (live) 8. The Neva ….. into the Baltic Sea. (flow) 9. I ….. to work by car. (go) 10. You ….. very tasty pies. (cook) 11. Anna ….. 4 foreign languages. (speak) 12. They all ….. Chinese. (speak) 13. I ….. twin sisters. (have) 14. Emma ….. twin brothers. (have) 15. My parents ….. a very beautiful cottage near the Black Sea. (have)

Task 8. Write the sentences negative. e.g. I study Italian. I don’t study Italian 1. My classes finish at two o´clock. 2. He copies from other students. 3. I think English is difficult. 4. My friends play basketball. 5. I watch TV every morning. 6. She speaks Japanese. 7. The dog likes mice. 8. My parents listen to rock music. 9. I play with my little brother every day. 10. John lives in the village. 11. I get up at 6 every morning. 12. My grandparents go abroad every summer. 13. Mark wears glasses. 14. Anna and Julie visit drama club on Mondays and Thursdays. 15. Rabbits eat wolves.

Task 9. A) Fill in the blanks with do or does. 1. … you go to University every day? 2. … Mike like pizza? 3. … your grandparents know French? 4. … she swim every Sunday? 5. … they work in the bank? 6. … Nina sing well? 7. … you live in Moscow? 8. … Mr. Smith work much? 37 9. … your father give you money? 10. … Mrs. Smith cook dinner? 11. … the children play in the garden? 12. … the lion run fast? 13. … you work in a café? 14. … your grandmother wear jeans? 15. … his relatives live in Spain? B) Make disjunctive questions. Use the model. Model: Rita plays tennis. (Yes) Rita plays tennis, doesn’t she? – Yes, she does. 1. You go to University every day. (No) 2. Mike likes Italian pizza. (Yes) 3. Our grandparents know French. (No) 4. She swims every Sunday. (Yes) 5. Peter and Ann work in the bank. (No) 6. Nina sings well. (Yes) 7. You live in Moscow. (No) 8. Mr. Smith works much. (Yes) 9. Your father gives you money. (No) 10. Mrs. Smith cooks dinner in their family. (Yes) 11. The children play in the garden not in the street. (Yes) 12. The lion runs slow. (No) 13. You work in a café. (Yes) 14. Your grandmother wears jeans. (No) 15. His relatives live in Spain. (Yes)

Task 10. Write questions and finish short answers. Use the model. Model: live / with / you / Do / brother / ? – No, _____ Do you live with you brother? – No, I don’t. 1. in / students / do / the cafe / ? / eat – Yes, _____ 2. to school / your sister / on Sunday / ? / does / go – No, _____ 3. live / near / do / your grandparents / you / ? – Yes,_____ 4. at / University class/ finish / does / three o´clock / ? – No, _____ 5. Emma / in / work / does / a / shop / ? – Yes, ____ 6. cinema / go / does / to / Peter / ? / the / every Saturday – No, _____ 7. little / go / ? / children / to / do / kindergarten / the – Yes, _____ 8. football / well / do / play / you / ? – No, ____ 9. like / she / classical / ? / does / music – Yes, _____ 10. your / cook / ? / does / dinner / father – No, _____

Task 11. A) Complete the questions with the correct word from the table.

Why? How? What? Which? Who? When? Where? How many? How much? Whose?

1. ….. do you do at the weekend? – I go out with my friends. 2. ….. do you go? – I go to the cinema. 3. ….. do you go there? – Because I love watching films. 4. ….. do you go there? – I go by bus. 5. ….. do you go there? – Usually on Saturday evening at 6 o’clock. 38 6. ….. do you go with? – I go with my friends, Steve and Mandy. 7. ….. shoes do you like? – Emily’s. They are really cute! 8. ….. money do you earn? – I earn 12 dollars per day. 9. ….. films do you watch, adventure or comedy? – We watch adventure films. 10. ….. classes per day do you have? – I have 4 classes. B) Listen and check your answers (Track 1.7)

C) Work in a group. Think of your typical Saturday evening. What do you do? Where do you go? Ask each other and compare your answers.

Task 12. Study the Grammar Guide.

The objective personal pronouns are me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. e.g.: Please, give me that book. Ann’s dad tells her fairy tales every evening.

Task 13. Change the underlined words to me, you, him, her, it, us, and them. 1. The children are in the garden, tell the children that the dinner is on the table. 2. My sister Rita loves novels. This book by Sidney Sheldon is for Rita. 3. My husband and I love sweets. This chocolate cake is for my husband and I. 4. Jennifer likes tennis, she plays tennis on Mondays, on Wednesdays and on Saturdays. 5. I want to talk to Mark when we have lunch in the café. 6. Nina doesn’t know Nickolas and Jeff. 7. The Maths teacher helps Richard and I after classes every Friday. 8. Please, tell I the truth!

Task 14. Choose the correct variant. 1. I / Me / My am from London but I / my / me parents live in New York. 2. This is Ann’s book, give it to she / her, please. 3. Mark, help you / us / his. This box is very heavy. 4. The house over there is new. It / his / its windows are French, I really like him / it / its. 5. Tim and Peter know the answer, ask they / their / them! 6. Do you / he / we see Emily? – Yes, I do! She / he / her has got a dark green dress and pretty shoes on. I like she / her style. 7. Us / Our / You dog is sick. He / It has a problem with his / him / its leg. 8. Please, tell they / their / them that I / me / my am at work all day long. 9. Does Mathew visit her / his / our grandparents in summer. – Yes, she / he / we does. She / he / we visits them / they / their in August during vocations. 10. Show him / us / me that picture, I / my / me need something as a present for Jack.

Task 15. Translate into English. 1. После занятий я играю в теннис по понедельникам и средам, а в футбол по вторникам и пятницам. 2. Мы всегда ужинаем дома. На выходных мы ходим в кино, а затем идем в кафе. 3. После ужина моя семья смотрит телевизор, а мой младший брат играет в компьютер- ные игры или читает комиксы. А что делает твоя семья после ужина? 4. Я не встаю в 6.00 утра, я встаю в 6.30. Занятия в университете начинаются в 8.00. Во сколько ты обычно встаешь? 5. Анна ходит в театр по субботам, а каждое воскресенье навещает дедушку и бабушку. Ты тоже ходишь к своим бабушке и дедушке по субботам, не так ли? – Да. Но иногда они приходят к нам. 6. Мой отец много работает, он умный и трудолюбивый. Где работает твой отец?

39 7. Мой брат не ездит в университет на машине, он ездит на автобусе. У тебя есть авто- мобиль? – Да, есть. – А какого цвета твоя машина? 8. Моя двоюродная сестра очень любит пиццу, поэтому она посещает итальянский ре- сторан каждую неделю. Ты предпочитаешь итальянскую пиццу или же американские гамбургеры? 9. Ты думаешь, я надежный, разумный и глубокомысленный? Но я же не такой! 10. Твоя сестра любит классическую музыку и театр? – Да!

Task 1. Repeat after your teacher.

ou [aʊ] house, blouse, mouse, loud ow in the middle town, brown, gown, frown, now oa [ɜʊ] coat, goat, toad ow at the end widow, snow, window oy [ɔɪ] boy, toy oi noise ew [ju:] new, dew, few, stew bt [t] debt, doubt mb [m] dumb, numb mn [m] autumn -ften, -sten, -stle silent t often, listen, fasten, whistle, castle, rustle

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary Box. Learn the vocabulary by heart.

Profession 1. architect – архитектор 2. lawyer – юрист 3. waiter / waitress – официант /официантка 4. cook – повар 5. accountant – бухгалтер 6. dentist – стоматолог 7. shop assistant – продавец 8. nurse – медицинская сестра 9. pilot – летчик, пилот 10. surgeon – хирург 11. secretary – секретарь 12. tailor – портной, швея 13. plumber – водопроводчик 14. electrician – электрик 15. housekeeper – домохозяйка

Task 3. A) Form nouns from the given words with the help of suffixes “er” and “or”. Translate the words. Make a vocabulary list. e.g.: to work → worker – рабочий 40 to write, to read, to sail, to build, to drive, to bake, to sell, to garden, to report, to farm, to swim, to teach, to manage, to visit, to dream, to design, to act, to bank, to produce, to inspect, to conduct, to dance, to speak.

B) Form nouns from the given words with the help of suffixes “man” and “ist”. Translate the words. Make a vocabulary list. e.g. police + man → policeman – полицейский fire, post, to type, fisher, sales, science, bar, journal, milk, business, camera, sports, art, tour, cartoon

Task 4. Match professions and their definitions.

1) dentist a) a person who treats sick people 2) cook b) a person who delivers letters 3) doctor c) a person who fixes people’s teeth 4) shoemaker d) a person who puts out fire 5) nurse e) a person who cuts people’s hair 6) tailor f) a person who fixes shoes 7) plumber g) a person who cares for sick people 8) postman h) a person who repairs pipes 9) fireman / firefighter i) a person who makes or fixes clothes 10) hairdresser j) a person who prepares meal

Task 5. Study the Grammar Guide.

1. Use the indefinite article a/an when you say what somebody’s profession or job is. e.g.: My sister wants to be an English teacher. Michel Phelps is a swimmer. But! My parents are teachers. Michel Phelps and Ian Thorpe are swimmers. 2. Use the indefinite article a/an when you say about profession as one among many. e.g.: I talked to a nurse. – Я разговаривал с медсестрой (с одной из многих мед- сестер, работающих в больнице). 3. Use the definite article the when you say about some specific person. e.g.: I visit the dentist every six months. – Я хожу к (своему, одному и тому же) стоматологу каждые полгода. 4. Use the definite article the when you say about somebody unique. e.g.: The president is elected every 4 years.

Task 6. Fill in the gaps with articles where it is necessary. 1. My grandfather is …… builder. He works for McCarthy Building Company. 2. If you want to see ….. captain he is on the deck. 3. I like shopping. But I trust only my own taste, so I never consult ….. shop assistant. 4. I talked to ….. nurse who takes care of my grandpa. 5. I want to become ….. nurse and help people when I finish school. 6. Bill works in a café. He brings drinks and food. Bill is ….. waiter. 7. ….. waiter who takes orders is my brother John. 8. You have problems with your foot. Do you visit ….. surgeon often? 9. ….. football players of our University are very professional. 10. These boys are ….. football players. 41 Task 7. Read the sentences and correct them as the information is wrong. Write two correct sentences. e.g.: A milkman sells cows. A milkman doesn’t sell cows. A milkman sells milk. 1. A writer reads books. 2. A cook eats meal. 3. An actor works in a shop. 4. An electrician installs and repairs computer equipment. 5. A pilot operates a spacecraft. 6. An architect is a person who makes buildings. 7. A surgeon prepares a patient for an operation. 8. A waiter drinks beer. 9. A baker cooks meat. 10. A fisherman buys fish.

Task 8. Make up alternatives questions and let your groupmates answer them. e.g.: study English / Chinese (you) Do you study English or Chinese? – I study English. 1. live in Barnaul / in the village (parents) 2. prefer coffee / tea (you) 3. get up at 6 / 7 (your father) 4. walk with friends / play computer games after classes (your best friend) 5. read novels / detective stories (your mother) 6. visit grandparents every summer / every weekends (your family) 7. go to school / to the University (your brother / sister) 8. like thriller / comedy (you) 9. play football / volleyball (your father) 10. go the cinema / theatre at the weekends (your friends)

Task 9. Insert do or does / do not or does not. e.g.: ….. Ann often go to the library? - Does Ann often go to the library? 1. My sister is a professional dancer but I ….. dance well. 2. Our postman is always late. He ….. deliver our newspapers in time. 3. ….. your granny work now? – No, she ….. . She keeps house. 4. My parents ….. often go to the restaurant. 5. ….. you read detective stories? – Of course, I ….. . I love them! 6. We ….. want to live in the city. We want to work as farmers. 7. ….. your grandfather smoke? – Yes, he ….. . 8. ….. it often rain in the UK? – Yes, it ….. . 9. ….. your dog Sammie sleep in your room? – No, he ….., my mum is against it! 10. ….. people smoke in cafes and restaurants? – No, they ….. .

Task 10. Answer the questions in negative. Give your own answer. e.g.: Do you go to school? – No, I don’t. I go to the University. 1. Do you live in the village? 2. Do you get up at 8 every morning? 3. Does your mother work as a typist? 4. Does your sister watch football? 5. Do you prefer coffee to tea?

42 6. Does your family go to the restaurant every weekend? 7. Do your groupmates study Chinese? 8. Does your best friend go to the theatre every day? 9. Do your grandparents go shopping by bicycle? 10. Do you often go to the theater?

Task 11. A) Choose the sentences that are true for you. Make the other sentences negative. e.g.: I live in the centre of the city. – I don't live in the centre of the city. 1. I go to school. 2. I like Japanese food. 3. I play computer games every day. 4. I’ve got a laptop. 5. I have got a brother. 6. I study English. 7. I live in a cottage. 8. I work for a Chinese company. 9. I get up at 6.30 every day. 10. I listen to pop music. B) Work with a partner. Compare sentences. How many are the same?

Task 12. Use these sentences to make special questions. Begin the questions with the words in the brackets. e.g.: I listen to music. (How often?) – How often do you listen to music? 1. She gets up at 6 every morning. (Why?) 2. They live in the village. (How long?) 3. My brother does his homework. (When?) 4. Peter works as a waiter. (Where?) 5. My grandfather goes to work. (What time?) 6. I like reading. (What books?) 7. Mark earns money working as a barman. (How much?) 8. My friends play computer games. (How often?) 9. I like that bag. (Which?) 10. My grandmother calls us every day. (Who?)

Task 13. Say what these people do. e.g.: A postman delivers letters and newspapers. barman, shop assistant, housekeeper, dentist, driver, businessman, teacher, manager, cameraman, di- rector, journalist, farmer, architect, reporter, dreamer, shoemaker, designer, scientist, banker, typist, lawyer, secretory, plumber, surgeon, electrician, waiter, fisherman, dentist, dancer, singer.

Task 14. Study the Grammar Guide.

Adverb Translation Example 100 % always всегда I always go to the University by bus. 90 % usually обычно I usually have lunch in the Univer- sity canteen. 70 % often часто I often go out with my friends. 50 % sometimes иногда We sometimes go to the cinema. 30 % occasionally время от времени I occasionally play table tennis. 43 10 % seldom редко I seldom play computer games. 5 % hardly ever почти никогда / практически не I hardly ever drink milk. 0 % never никогда I am never late for classes.

1. Adverbs of frequency come before main verbs (go, have, play, drink, etc.). e.g.: I don’t usually have lunch at home. – Обычно я не обедаю дома. 2. Adverbs of frequency come after to be. e.g.: He is often at home. – Он часто бывает дома.

Sometimes and usually can have initial position. Compare: e.g.: We sometimes go the French restaurant. We usually listen to rock music. Sometimes we go to the French restaurant. Usually we listen to rock music.

Task 15. Make sentences. 1. we / on / play / often / tennis / Sundays 2. mother / hardly / English / our / ever / speaks 3. little / doesn’t / his / brother / usually / do / homework / my 4. Patrick / late / classes / occasionally / for / is 5. never / father / at / smokes / home / my 6. much / seldom / lunch / have / because of / work / I 7. not / friendly / I / always / and / kind / am 8. gives / my / me / father / pocket money / sometimes

Task 1. Read the words according to the rules. A. blouse, toy, tongue, bay, talk, money, cook, twenty, giraffe, gym, taught, draw, child, bring, bicycle, cute, fire, care, write, mane, mission, illusion, thick B. brown, dew, cheque, laugh, rail, sing, they, walk, jaw, cage, fight, yet, paw, wild, wind, knee, city, tyre, who, physics, rose, man, jump, suspicion, occasion, then C. window, goat, enough, monk, grey, repair, moon, small, beige, knight, yummy, tidy, easy, cell, call, truck, cure, whose, nephew, reading, huge, ancient, pleasure, those D. noise, frown, quit, angry, air, lay, yellow, war, massage, right, August, yard, knot, cinema, close, niece, cleaning, lyre, telephone, umbrella, ham, social, treasure, thus E. boy, stew, king, question, fair, orange, sward, forty, gnome, light, autumn, warn, steel, stock, knife, century, tyrant, wrong, pure, ring, men, pension, decision, zero

Task 2. Listen to Cecilia. Make the right choice. (Track 1.8)

1. Cecilia is from Peru / Colombia. 2. She's single / married. 3. Ricardo is her husband / father. 4. Her flat is / isn't in the centre of Cuzco. 5. Ricardo’s car is nineteen / nine years old. 6. She has got two sons / two sons and a daughter. 7. Her sons are / aren't very good at English. 8. They like Chinese food, football and classic music / rock music, Chinese food and football.


Task 3. Answer the following questions. 1. How big is your family? 2. Do you live with your parents? If not, where do you live? 3. How old are the members of your family? 4. When are their birthdays? 5. Describe your mom’s / dad’s appearance. 6. Does your father work? What is he? 7. Does your mother work? Where does she work? 8. What is your brother or sister good at? 9. What kind of person is your mom? 10. What kind of person is your dad? 11. Have you got grandparents? How old are they? 12. Do your grandparents work? What are they fond of? 13. How often do you visit your grandparents? 14. Do you want to have a small or a big family? Why? 15. What is an ideal wife / husband?

Task 4. Read the text and complete the tasks below. Let me introduce myself. My name is Peter. I am a 19-year-old student from Boston. My birthday is on the 7th of May. I am tall and bony. I’ve got short fair hair and blue eyes. My mom says I am kind and honest but rather lazy. But I am not! She says I spend all my time at the computer. I like computers because I am good at them. My major at the University is computer technologies. My family is not large, we are 4. I have got a father, a mother and a sister. We all live together in a big house. My dad is 46 years old. He is a tall and well-built man with short brown hair and hazel eyes. My father is a chef; he cooks meal in our local restaurant. Dad is a talented cook and very hard- working. Sometimes he comes home late at night. My mother is a pretty woman of 42. She is tall and slender. In fact, she is a fitness trainer that is why she is in good shape. Mother has got long wavy fair hair and big blue eyes. My sister is only 17. Her name is Helen. She is tall and slender like our mom with long wavy brown hair and hazel eyes. Helen finishes school this year. Her plans are to enter college and to become an architect but it is really expensive. So after classes Helen works as a waitress in our father’s restaurant to earn and to save some money. My sister is very smart and sensible, she is good at Math and geometry. My family is very friendly. We all are fond of sports. At the weekends we usually play different games such as table tennis, badminton or basketball. Then go to the café or dad’s restaurant and have dinner there. I love my family!

Task 5. Say if the sentences true or false. If the sentences are false, give correct answers. 1. Peter’s birthday is in early spring. 2. Peter has got a skinny build. 3. Peter is good at computers because he likes computer games. 4. Peter’s dad is good at cooking. 5. Peter’s family has got their own restaurant. 6. Peter’s mother is in good shape because she is on a strict diet. 7. Peter’s mom and his sister have got similar appearance. 8. Helen needs money because she wants to travel. 9. Helen is very smart, she is good at computer technology and Maths. 10. Peter’s family is sportive.

Task 6. Make 10 questions to the text (general, special, alternative and disjunctive). Ask your partner the questions.

45 Task 7. A) Make the plan to the text. Retell the text. B) Make your own topic about your family. Mention the following information: 1. Names 2. Place of living 3. Birthdays 4. Appearance 5. Character 6. Hobbies / jobs / activities

Task 8. Write questions to the answers. e.g.: His name is John. – What is his name? 1. His surname is Peterson. 2. He is from Scotland. 3. He is 24. 4. He has got three brothers. 5. He is an electrician. 6. He likes Italian pizza. 7. He is fond of football. 8. Nina is his girlfriend. 9. 21 Kensington Highstreet. 10. At Mark & Co.

Task 9. Make ordinal numbers from the following cardinal ones. Use the model. Model: 11 – the eleventh 1. 2 6. 10 11. 34 16. 145 2. 78 7. 90 12. 66 17. 234 3. 67 8. 19 13. 12 18. 592 4. 43 9. 5 14. 58 19. 923 5. 14 10. 21 15. 97 20. 840

Task 10. Progress Test. 1.This is my dog Rex. … legs are short. A) It B) Its C) He D) His 2. Please, show … that red car, my wife likes it. … is very old and small. A) we / her B) us / hers C) our / her D) us / her 3. Emily … got beautiful thick hair. A) has B) have C) don’t have 4. … Peter like chocolate cakes? A) Do B) Is C) Has D) Does 5. Where do you work? A) I am work at the bank. B) I work at the bank. C) My work at the bank. 6. They live in the UK. A) They are Britain. B) They are British. C) They is Britain D) They is British 7. Are you Mexican? - … . A) No, me Brazilian. B) No, I am Brazilian C) No, my am Brazilian

46 8. Where is her house? - … A) She live here. B) She lives here. C) Her lives here. 9. Do you like swimming? A) Yes, I like. B) Yes, I am. C) Yes, I do 10. Mark has got a new laptop, … ? A) hasn’t he? B) doesn’t he? C) isn’t he? 11. Andy works as a postman, …? A) hasn’t he? B) doesn’t he? C) isn’t he? 12. Do they play tennis every Sunday? – No, they … A) don’t B) haven’t C) aren’t 13. This is my … car, he lives in that house. A) friend B) friend’s C) friends’ 14. This present is for Nina and Rita. It is … present. A) Nina’s and Rita’s B) Nina’s and Rita C) Nina and Rita’s 15. My parents have got five … . A) child B) children C) child’s 16. Do you know … women over there? A) this B) that C) these D) those 17. Who is … man near the window? – Where? I don’t see him. A) this B) that C) these D) those 18. Jimmy has two little white … for his birthday. A) mouse B) mouses C) mice 19. Every person has got 32 … . A) tooth B) teeth C foot D) feet 20. … are you? – I am Tim. A) Where B) What C) Who 21. … is Nick? – I think he is late. A) Where B) What C) Who D) Why 22. Look! This is …octopus! A) a B) an B) the D) – 23. … Czech Republic is a very beautiful country! A) A B) The C) – 24. My dad is …champion in swimming. A) a B) an C) the D) – 25. … 5th of … March is my birthday. A) the / the B) the / - C) - / - 26. … Hague is … capital of … Netherlands. A) - / the / - B) the / the / the C) - / a / the 27. Please, buy … biscuits and … chocolate cake. Granny wants to visit us. A) a / a B) the / the C) some / a D) some / the

47 28. … president of … USA is a very powerful man in the world. A) the / the B) a / a C) - / - D) - / the 29. Uncle David has got a / an … nose. A) ugly long flat B) long ugly flat C) flat ugly long 30. Lora has got … . A) nice curly fair B) nice fair curly C) curly nice fair 31. Mike, this is Anna. - … - Nice to meet you too. A) Nice to meet you. B) Hi, Anna! C) How are you, Anna? 32. Goodbye, Tim! - … A) Fine! B) OK! C) So long! 33. This … city is called Madrid. A) Spain B) Spanish C) Italy D) Italian 34. Michel is her husband’s son from his first wife. Michel is her … . A) son-in-law B) adopted son C) step-son 35. He’s got nobody at all. He is a … . A) bachelor B) bald man C) father-in-law 36. Ann has got very pretty … on her cheeks. A) dimples B) freckles C) moustache 37. Your … is so long! I don’t see your eyes! A) forehead B) beard C) fringe 38. My grandpa is already a pensioner. He is … . A) a 67-year-old man B) 67 years C) a man of 67 years 39. Andy is 88 but he has got only two or three gray … . A) hair B) hairs C) hair’s 40. Tom’s major is computers and technology. Teachers say that he really brainy. Brainy is the same as: A) hard-working B) sensible C) smart 41. I trust my friend Peter, he helps me any time I need it. Peter is … . A) reliable B) serious C) easy-going 42. My mom always fixes my jeans and shirts because she is a professional … . A) housekeeper B) tailor C) plumber 43. … ! I want a cup of coffee and a sandwich with chicken. A) Nurse B) Waitress C) Accountant 44. My aunt Polly is good … cooking. She is a chef in our local restaurant. A) in B) at C) with 45. Why are you late … the class, Mike? A) at B) for C) on 46. What are you fond …, Andrew? – Football. A) with B) of C) at 47. Our country celebrates Defenders’ Day … 23d … February. A) in / of B) on / in C) on / of 48 48. My family usually goes out of town … Sundays. A) in B) at C) on 49. I get up at 6 every morning … my classes at the University. A) because B) as C) because of 50. Ann has got hazel eyes … her mom. A) from B) because of C) like

49 Task 1. Warming-up.  Do you live in a flat or in a house?  How many rooms has your flat (house) got?  Do you want to live on the 30th floor?

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary “Types of Dwellings”. Learn it by heart.

1. a detached house – отдельный дом 2. a semidetached house – дом на двух домовладельцев 3. a terraced house – один из ряда домов, соединенных вместе 4. a mansion – особняк 5. a penthouse – пентхаус 6. a country house – загородный дом, поместье 7. a cottage – небольшой загородный дом, коттедж 8. a bungalow – одноэтажный дом 9. a flat (BrE) = an apartment (AmE) – квартира 10. a bedsit – однокомнатная квартира, сдаваемая в аренду 11. a log-house – дом из брёвен 12. a block of flats (BrE) = an apartment building (AmE) – многоквартирный дом

Task 3. Match the words and photos. 1) a detached house, 2) a semi-detached house, 3) a cottage, 4) a terraced house, 5) a block of flats, 6) a mansion.

а) b) c)

d) e) g)

50 Task 4. Match the following definitions.

1) a cottage a) a house that has got one wall that is joined to another house.

2) a semi-detached b) a large building that contains many apartments or offices. house 3) a block of flats c) a small house that is usually in the countryside. 4) a terraced house d) a house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is a row house. 5) a penthouse e) a house that is not joined to another house. It stands on its own grounds. 6) a detached house f) an expensive and comfortable flat or set of rooms at the top of a tall building.

Task 5. A) Fill in the gaps with the words from the Task 2. 1) Mike lives in (особняк) ______. 2) My granny lives in (коттедж) ______. 3) This (дом из брёвен) ______is very old. 4) He dreams to buy (отдельный дом) ______. 5) Her son rents (однокомнатная квартира) ______. 6) This is (один из ряда домов, соединенных вместе) ______. Sue lives here. 7) John doesn’t want to live in (многоквартирный дом) ______. 8) My parents live in (многоквартирный дом) ______. 9) He wants to buy (пентхаус) ______. 10) Liz has got (дом на двух домовладельцев) ______in London. 11) His (особняк) ______is very expensive. 12) Mr. Smith lives in (поместье) ______. 13) Kate’s (коттедж) ______is in the countryside. 14) This (одноэтажный дом) ______is very beautiful. 15) Sarah lives in (квартира) ______not in (отдельный дом) ______B) Complete with have got or has got. 1. My cousin ______a beautiful mansion. 2. Liz ______a flat in London. 3. His parents ______a beautiful cottage in the countryside. 4. You ______a bungalow. 5. The Smiths ______a country house. 6. Their grandparents ______a log-house. 7. His niece ______a cottage. 8. Sarah’s parents ______a semidetached house. 9. We ______a beautiful terraced house. 10. Mrs. Smith’s son ______a bedsit. 11. Our granny ______a detached house. 12. Kate’s grandpa ______a cottage in the countryside.

51 Task 6. Study the table with ordinal numbers.

первый (the) first второй (the) second третий (the) third четвертый (the) fourth пятый (the) fifth шестой (the) sixth седьмой (the) seventh восьмой (the) eighth девятый (the) ninth десятый (the) tenth

We usually use the definite article the with ordinal numbers, e.g.: I live on the third floor.

Task 7. Fill in the gaps in the sentences with the ordinal numbers, e.g.: I live on the third floor. 1) I live on the ______(5) floor. 2) My friend lives on the ______(9) floor. 3) Her niece lives on the ______(2) floor. 4) My granny lives on the ______(4) floor. 5) Our grandparents live on the ______(3) floor. 6) My sister lives on the ______(6) floor. 7) His flat is on the ______(7) floor. 8) His mum’s birthday is on the ______(3) of August. 9) His birthday is on the ______(9) of March. 10) Kate’s birthday is on the ______(5) of April. 11) John’s birthday is on the ______(1) of October. 12) Our niece’s birthday is on the ______(10) of May.

Task 8. Match the expressions to the numbers in the picture. 1. the ground floor 2. the top floor 3. the first floor 4. the basement

52 Task 9. Study the Grammar box.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form There is a table There’s a table There is no a table There isn’t a ta- Is there a table in in the room. in the room. in the room. ble in the room. the room? – Yes, there is / No, there isn’t. There are 2 ta- There are no two There aren’t two bles in the room. – tables in the room tables in the Are there two ta- room. bles in the room? – Yes, there are / No, there aren’t.

There is / are 1. We use there is and there are to say that something or somebody exists. e.g. There is a picture on the wall. There is a bird in the tree. 2. We use there is for singular items and there are for plural items. e.g. There is a (=one) picture on the wall. There are two pictures on the wall. 3. We often shorten there is to there's. e.g. There’s a cupboard in the kitchen. Note: There is a sofa and two armchairs in the room. There are two armchairs and a sofa in the room.

Task 10. A. Use there is (are) to say what there is (are) or there isn’t (aren’t) in Barnaul, e.g.: There is a supermarket in Barnaul. There is no / isn’t Opera House in Barnaul. 1) (a cinema) ______a cinema. 2) (a theatre) ______a theatre. 3) (a bridge) ______a bridge. 4) (a river) ______a river. 5) (a block of flats) ______block of flats. 6) (cottages) ______cottages. 7) (a sea)______a sea. 8) (an arboretum) ______an arboretum. 9) (a castle) ______a castle. 10) (a museum) ______a museum. 11) (a zoo) ______a zoo. 12) (15 restaurants) ______15 restaurants. 13) (an Italian café) ______an Italian café. 14) (a subway) ______a subway. 15) (an airport) ______an airport. 16) (a lot of trade centres) ______a lot of trade centres. 17) (a river boat station) ______a river boat station. 18) (a park) ______a park. 19) (detached houses) ______detached houses. 20) (Sberbank) ______Sberbank.

53 B. Ask your partner what he or she has got in his or her town or village. Use the sentences above, e.g.: Is there a supermarket in your town? – Yes, there is. Is there Opera House in your village? – No, there isn’t. C. Fill in the correct form of the verb to be. 1) There (be) _____ beautiful parks in Novosibirsk. 2) There (be) ______cinemas in Tomsk. 3) There (be) ______a theatre in Volgograd. 4) There (be) ______a dancing hall in Kemerovo. 5) There (be) ______a church in Barnaul. 6) There (be) ______churches in Novosibirsk. 7) There (be) ______bridges in Irkutsk. 8) There (be) ______a railway station in Novosibirsk. 9) There (be) ______an exhibition hall in Novokuznetsk. 10) There (be) ______art galleries in Omsk. 11) There (be) ______universities in Tomsk. 12) There (be) ______trade centres in Barnaul. 13) There (be) ______technical colleges in Krasnoyarsk. 14) There (be) ______an airport in Gorno-Altaisk. 15) There (be) ______a bus terminal in Biysk.

Task 11. Read the sentences. Circle 6 sentences that are incorrect. Then correct them. 1) There’s two floors in this building. 2) There’re 3 semi-detached houses in Oxford Street. 3) There are a big supermarket in our town. 4) There’s a beautiful park in Barnaul. 5) There is many people at his birthday party. 6) There’s a big park for 60 cars. 7) There are 5 rooms in this detached house. 8) There are a big living room in the flat. 9) There is a bank in Green Street. 10) There are a small balcony in the flat. 11) There are three large cottages in the street. 12) There is many bedsits in this small town. 13) There is a beautiful cottage in our street. 14) There are a lot of flats in this block of flats. 15) There are 5 rooms in our house.

Task 12. Read the text about types of dwellings and translate it into Russian. There are three basic styles of houses in Great Britain: a detached house is a house independent from other houses, a semi-detached house (when two houses are together), and a terraced house (when the houses are all in line). Another type of house is a cottage that is usually in the countryside. Some people prefer to live somewhere in the country in a small, but cozy cottage. Very often the people who prefer this type of dwelling really adore nature: they want to wake up to songs of birds, to enjoy beautiful landscapes and to breath fresh air. People who live in a cottage have got their own land where they grow fruit or vegetables, make flowerbeds and plant beautiful flowers. A lot of people live in semi-detached houses. The Americans call them duplexes. Such houses attract people because they are less expensive than mansions or bungalows and you have got only one neighbour as opposed to block of flats.

54 A block of flats is the cheapest type of dwelling in a town. Flats are of different sizes: one- roomed, two-roomed and three-roomed. Some people say that it takes less time to tidy up a flat than a house. This is one of its advantages. However, as any type of housing a flat has got its disadvantages: your neighbours can make a lot of noise when they, for example, hammer or drill the wall, or when they organize a party. A detached house is also a very important type of dwelling among people. It has got a lot of advantages: there is some land around the house where people build a garage, a summer house and arrange some flowerbeds. There are many types of housing and all the people have got the right to choose where to live.

Task 13. Find English equivalents in the text. 1) отдельный дом; 2) дом на двух домовладельцев; 3) один из ряда домов, соединенных вместе; 4) коттедж; 5) сельская местность; 6) обожать природу; 7) просыпаться (пробуждаться) под пение птиц; 8) дышать свежим воздухом; 9) среди людей; 10) выращивать фрукты и овощи; 11) изготавливать цветочные клумбы; 12) сосед; 13) в отличие от; 14) однокомнатный; 15) двухкомнатный; 16) трёхкомнатный; 17) иметь недостатки; 18) сильно шуметь; 19) стучать молотком по стене; 20) сверлить стену; 21) организовывать вечеринку; 22) земля вокруг дома; 23) строить гараж; 24) убирать в квартире (=наводить порядок в квартире).

Task 14. Answer the questions. 1) How many basic styles of houses are there in Britain? 2) Where is usually a cottage: in the countryside or in a city? 3) What kind of people are those who prefer living in a cottage? 4) Do you want to live in a cottage? Why (not)? 5) What are the main advantages of living in a cottage? 6) What do the Americans call semi-detached houses? 7) Why do semi-detached houses attract people? 8) What are the advantages and disadvantages of living in a block of flats? 9) What is the main advantage of living in a detached house? 10) Do you want to live in a detached house? Why (not)?

Task 15. Translate the following sentences into English. 1) Джон живет в многоквартирном доме на тихой улице в Оксфорде. 2) У Лиз есть небольшой отдельный дом в пригороде. 3) Лиз хочет жить в частном доме. 4) Майк любит проводить каникулы в нашем семейном загородном доме. 5) Крис живет в одноэтажном доме. 6) Моя бабушка живет в маленьком коттедже загородом. 7) Некоторые люди живут в домах из бревен. Эти дома выглядят очень интересно. 8) Мой папа мечтает жить в частном доме. 9) Кейт живет в квартире многоэтажного дома в центре Вашингтона. 10) Я хочу снять однокомнатную квартиру в этом районе города. 11) Он мечтает купить особняк в Майами. 12) Наша двоюродная сестра живет в большой квартире. 13) Особняки стоят очень дорого. 14) Лиз хочет продать свой загородный дом. 15) Мой дядя живет в маленьком доме на Грин Стрит.

55 Task 1. Warming-up.  Have you got your own room? How do you like it?  In what room do you usually watch TV?  What is your favorite room in your flat (house)?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary. Learn it by heart.

1. a sitting room (BrE) = a living room (AmE) – гостиная 2. a dining room – обеденная комната 3. a kitchen – кухня 4. a bathroom – ванная 5. a bedroom – спальня 6. a hall – прихожая 7. a study – рабочий кабинет 8. a toilet – туалет

Task 3. Match the names of the rooms with their definitions.

1) a study a) a room where people cook food 2) a kitchen b) a room that serves as an entry area in a house or flat. 3) a dining room c) a room that has a bath or a shower. 4) a hall d) a room where people study, read and write. 5) a bathroom e) a room where people eat meals. 6) a bedroom f) a room where people sit and relax. 7) a living room g) a room where people sleep.

Task 4. Which room do you usually use for these activities? 1) making breakfast 2) watching TV 3) having a shower 4) eating with family and friends 5) cooking 6) putting up guests 7) sleeping 8) relaxing 9) drinking tea or coffee 10) doing your homework 11) surfing the net 12) having a bath

Task 5. Listen to the recoding and fill in the gaps. My house has _____ floors. Downstairs there’s ______and ______, ______and ______. ______and ______are quite light because they get the sun. Upstairs there’s ______, ______and a nice ______. There’s a spare ______on ______floor.

56 Task 6. A) Study the following words expressions.

1) a maintained house / flat – дом / квартира, который (-ую) содержат в порядке 2) to maintain a house / a flat – содержать дом / квартиру в порядке 3) to have good neigbours – иметь хороших соседей 4) to move into a new flat – переехать в новую квартиру 5) to rent a house – снимать дом 6) to put the rent up – поднимать плату за аренду (арендную плату) 7) to live in the city centre / the town centre – жить в центре города 8) to live in the suburbs of a city / a town – жить на окраине города (в пригороде) 9) to grow vegetables – выращивать овощи 10) a kitchen garden – огород 11) an orchard – фруктовый сад 12) to live next door to somebody – жить по соседству с кем-либо

B) Translate the sentences from Russian into English. 1. Он живет в центре города. 2. Лиз мечтает переехать в новую квартиру. 3. Ему нравится жить на окраине маленького города. 4. Очень дорого снять квартиру в Майами. 5. Многие мои друзья живут в центре Москвы. 6. У Тома очень хорошие соседи. 7. Кейт старается содержать дом в порядке. 8. Необходимо содержать дом в порядке. 9. Сара не желает переезжать в новую квартиру. 10. Он хочет снять квартиру в центре города. 11. Джон живет в пригороде Нью-Йорка. 12. Хозяин каждые полгода поднимает плату за аренду этой квартиры.

Task 7. Read the text and do the exercises after it.

Where I Live

My name is Kate. I live with my mother and father in a flat. We maintain our flat. The flat is on the sixth floor of a tall building. It has got 20 floors and a car park in the basement. My mom parks her car here. Our flat is not in the city centre. It is in the suburbs of the city. My father works in the city centre so he goes to work by bus. He doesn’t drive a car. My mother drives a car. She usually takes us into the country or to the beach at weekends. Our flat has got three bedrooms. There is a bedroom for my mother and father, one for me and one for my younger sister Liz. There is a sitting room, a kitchen, a bathroom and a toilet. We haven’t got a garden but there is a small balcony. There are a lot of beautiful plants on the balcony. In summer we often sit on the balcony because it gets very hot inside the flat. Our flat is small but we are very happy in it. At the weekends we visit our granny. She lives in a small cottage in the country. She has got a kitchen-garden and an orchard. She grows vegetables and fruits there.

Task 8. Find English equivalents to the following words and word combinations. 1) в центре города; 2) добираться до работы на автобусе; 3) водить машину; 4) на выходных; 5) маленький балкон; 6) красивые растения на балконе; 7) сидеть на балконе.

57 Task 9. Answer the questions. 1) Where does Kate live? 2) Does she live alone? 3) What floor does she live on? 4) How many floors has the building got? 5) Where does Kate’s mom park her car? 6) Is their flat in the city centre? 7) How does her father go to work? 8) Does Kate’s father drive a car? 9) Who usually takes them into the country or to the beach at weekends? 10) How many bedrooms are there in their flat? 11) Have they got a garden? 12) What have they got on the balcony? 13) What do they do in the summer on the balcony? 14) Do they like their flat?

Task 10. Study the grammar guide.

We use it is to describe things, e.g.: It is expensive. We use there is (are) to talk about where things are: There is a sofa in the living room. to talk about when things happen: There is another train to London today.

Task 11. Underline the correct option. 1. I'm happy. There's / It's Friday and I love Fridays. 2. There isn't / It isn't a lesson today. 3. There is / It is white bread if you don't like brown bread. 4. Is there / is it five o'clock already? 5. I like London. There's / It's a great city. 6. There’s / It’s next to the bank. 7. Listen, there is / it is something I need to tell you. 8. Here's a letter. There's / It's for you. 9. There isn't / It isn't my book. 10. There is / It is a lift in this block of flats. 11. Is there / Is it any news? 12. There isn’t / It isn’t a TV set in this room.

Task 12. Choose the correct form. It’s / There’s a very nice house. It has got a large garden. There are / they are many trees in the garden. There’s / It’s a living room with a big blue sofa in the house. In the kitchen there aren’t / they aren’t any shelves, but there are / they are some cupboards. There are / They are quite old, but the fridge and cooker are new. There is / It is a good bathroom in the house. It isn’t / There isn’t very big, but there’s / it’s a shower and a bath!

Task 13. Complete the text with the correct Present Simple forms of there + be and it + be (some are negative). Translate the text from English into Russian. The Three Sisters is a famous play by Anton Chekhov. (1) … a small book but (2) … very famous. (3) … three sisters. They live in a boring town at the beginning of the 20th century. (4) … nothing to do in this town. They want to live in Moscow because (5) …. the capital. (6) … more opportunities in Moscow. However, (7) … a long way to Moscow and (8) … many trains. (9) … easy to move from 58 a small town to the capital. So, the sisters never go to Moscow. The Three Sisters is a classic play and (10) … translations into many languages.

Task 14. Read the dialogue, translate it into Russian and role play it. Mike calls his friend Emma. Emma: Mike! Hi! It’s great to hear from you. How are things? Mike: Perfect! I’m just calling to say that I moved to a new flat in South Street. It’s big. Emma: How many rooms are there in your flat? Mike: Five rooms. They’re quite big and the flat gets a lot of light. Emma: How many windows are there in your own room? Mike: There are two windows in my room. And one of the windows has got a view of the park. Emma: Have you got any pictures on the walls? Mike: Sure. There are two big posters of New York.

Task 15. Listen to the dialogue between a dad and his daughter Kate and choose the correct variant (true or false).

I. Kate is talking to her mom and dad. (True / False) II. Kate’s new flat has got little furniture. (True / False) III. There is a kitchen and a dining room in her flat. (True / False) IV. The kitchen has got a nice big fridge. (True / False) V. There isn’t a dishwasher in the kitchen. (True / False) VI. There’s a lovely view out of the window. (True / False) VII. Kate can see the lake. (True / False) VIII. There’s a special room here for Kate’s clothes. (True / False)

Task 1. Warming-up.  Is there much furniture in your flat (house)?  Is there a computer in your own room?  How many windows are there in your living-room?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary “Household Objects and Furniture” and learn it by heart.

1. a table – стол 2. a coffee table – низкий столик 3. a chair – стул 4. a rocking chair – кресло-качалка 5. an armchair – кресло 6. a carpet – ковер 7. a rug – коврик, дорожка 8. a sofa – софа 9. a bed – кровать 10. a cupboard – кухонный шкаф, буфет 11. a wardrobe – платяной шкаф 12. a built-in wardrobe – встроенный шкаф 13. a wall unit – секционная стенка 14. a chest of drawers – комод 15. a fridge – холодильник

59 16. a desk – рабочий стол 17. a washbasin – раковина 18. a washing machine – стиральная машина 19. a dishwasher – посудомоечная машина 20. a pillow – подушка 21. a cushion – подушка (диванная) 22. blinds – жалюзи 23. a curtain – занавес 24. a fireplace – камин 25. a sheet – простынь 26. a blanket – одеяло 27. a chandelier – люстра 28. a desk lamp – настольная лампа

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 2. 1) Her granny dreams to buy (кресло-качалка) ______. 2) There is a beautiful (ковер) ______on the floor. 3) There is a small (дорожка) ______in the hall. 4) There are five (стулья) ______in the dining room. 5) These (диванные подушки) ______are very beautiful. 6) There is a Chinese (кухонный шкаф) ______in the kitchen. 7) This (платяной шкаф) ______is very expensive. 8) There is (встроенный шкаф) ______in his room. 9) My granny has got an old (комод) ______in her room. 10) There is a large (люстра) ______in the bedroom. 11) There is a small (настольная лампа) ______in his room. 12) A lot of housewives have got (посудомоечная машина) ______. 13) There are beautiful Italian (жалюзи) ______in the living room. 14) There are two (кресла) ______and (софа) ______in the living room. 15) There is (холодильник) ______in the kitchen.

Task 4. Write sentences about your own room with there is or there are. Use the words in the box, e.g.: There is modern furniture in my room.

furniture, a sofa, an armchair, a computer, a TV set, a picture, a bed, a window, a carpet

Task 5. Complete the sentences using there is, there are, is there or are there. 1) …. a beach down here. 2) …. a good café in the street? 3) …. a big grey cloud over there. 4) …. a train to Manchester? 5) …. wallpapers in your room? 6) …. two armchairs in the room. 7) …. many chairs in the kitchen? 8) .... a carpet on the floor. 9) … a hotel near here? 10) … two bottles of water on the table. 11) … three hospitals in the city centre. 12) … a wardrobe in the room? 13) …. water in the glass. 60 14) …. apples on the tree. 15) …. a house on the top of the hill. 16) … pictures on the wall. 17) …. a good lift in this block of flats? 18) ….. a big window in your room? 19) ….. a washbasin in the kitchen? 20) …. 2 pillows on the bed? 21) …… beautiful blinds in my room. 22) ….. an old chest of drawers in my granny’s room. 23) …. a wardrobe in your sister’s flat? 24) …. a dishwasher in the kitchen? 25) …. a wall unit in his flat? 26) …. a carpet on the floor. 27) ….. a rug in the hall? 28) ….. a built-in wardrobe in my cousin’s house. 29) ….. a fridge in the kitchen. 30) … a fireplace in the living room?

Task 6. What is a good flat (house) to your mind? Give your comments. Use the model. I think a good flat (house) is a flat (house) where … . 1. there are many rooms. 2. there is modern furniture. 3. there are a lot of windows. 4. there is a big balcony. 5. there are high ceilings. 6. there is a lot of space. 7. there is a lot of modern equipment. 8. there are both a kitchen and a dining room. 9. there is much light. 10. there isn’t much furniture.

Task 7. Study the Grammar Guide.

In affirmative sentences with the introductory there, we use a or an before singular countable nouns, and some before plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns. e.g.: There is a sofa in the living room. e.g.: There is some furniture in the flat. e.g.: There are some chairs in the dining room. In negative and interrogative sentences, we use any before plural countable nouns and uncountable nouns.

61 Task 8. Study the Grammar Box.

Negative Sentences Interrogative Sentences Countable Nouns Uncountable nouns Countable Nouns Uncountable nouns There aren’t any There isn’t any furniture Are there any Is there any furniture in the chairs in the room. in the flat. chairs in the room? flat? – Yes, there are / – Yes, there is / No, there No, there aren’t. isn’t. There aren’t any There isn’t any food in wallpapers in the the fridge. Are there any wall- Is there any food in the room. papers in the room? fridge? There isn’t any light in There aren’t any the hall. Are there any Is there any light in the plants in the garden. plants in the garden? hall?

Task 9. Fill in the gaps with some or any. 1) There is ______furniture in Mike’s room. 2) There are ______pictures in the living room. 3) There aren’t ______wallpapers in Clara’s room. 4) There are ______chairs in the kitchen 5) There aren’t ______chairs in his room. 6) There is _____ water in the jug. 7) There is _____ juice in the bottle. 8) There isn’t ____ light in the hall. 9) There isn’t ______tea left. 10) He hasn’t got _____ money left. 11) Do you know _____ of these actors? 12) I don’t know ______of them. 13) Is there ______soup left? 14) Have we got _____ flour? 15) There isn’t ______juice in the fridge. 16) We can’t make pancakes. We haven’t got ______eggs. 17) There are ______letters for you on the table. 18) There isn’t ______soup left.

Task 10. Read the dialogues, translate them and learn them by heart. A) Kate: Is there any lemonade in the fridge? Dad: No, sorry, there isn't any lemonade. There's some water. Kate: Are there any crisps in the kitchen? Dad: No, sorry, there aren't any crisps. Kate: Oh. Are there any sandwiches left? Dad: Yes, there are. There are some sandwiches and some apples on the table. B) John: Is there any furniture in your flat? Mrs. Smith: Yes, there is some furniture in my flat. John: Are there any chairs in the kitchen?

62 Mrs. Smith: No, there aren’t. John: Are there any armchairs in the living room? Mrs. Smith: No, there aren’t. But there’s a good sofa. John: Oh, thank you.

Task 11. Read the text, find and correct 10 grammar and spelling mistakes.

At Home with Ellen Long

Ellen Long is famous american actress and model. Her husband ricardo Medal, is a top football player. They has got a spectacular new house in dallas. Ellen know what she likes in a house. She loves coffee cups on the table, shoes next to the bed. She doesn’t like people who say: “Oh, look at this beautiful sofa – but don’t sit down, don’t sit down!” When she sees a space where there isn’t pictures or lamps, she always put something there. Ellen also love colour. She like rooms with purple or yellow walls.

Task 12. Find English equivalents in the text. 1. стены 2. картины 3. цвет 4. рядом с кроватью 5. кофейные чашки 6. впечатляющий новый дом 7. красивая софа 8. игрок в футбол профессионального класса 9. туфли 10. пространство

Task 13. Answer the following questions. 1) What is the text about? 2) What is Helen’s profession? 3) What is the name of Ellen’s husband? 4) What is her husband? 5) Where have they got their house? 6) What does Ellen like in the house? 7) Do you think there is much spare space in their house? 8) Walls of what colour does she like? 9) Do you want to have walls of purple or yellow color? Do you like these colours? 10) What does “a cozy house” mean to you?

Task 14. A. Read the text and translate it.

Our House

Our house in the country is not very big and it’s old, but it’s very beautiful. There’s a living room, a kitchen, three bedrooms and a small garden, so it’s perfect for our family. We’ve got two children – Kate is 15 and John is 13. John has got a lot of posters in his room, with all his favorite stars especially footballers. There is a new computer in his room and he spends a lot of time playing video games. Kate has got a lot of interesting books in her room and a lot of clothes. In her room, there is a big wardrobe and a comfortable armchair to sit and read in. There is a good kitchen in our house. There is a lot of light in this room because the windows are very big and we can watch birds in the garden. B. Make the plan of the text.

63 Task 15. Take a picture of your house. Describe it. Use the plan of the text above.

Task 16. Listen to the recoding and fill in the gaps. I live in a big ______in the centre of the city. It’s an old building, maybe ______years old. It is on the ______floor. We have ______, a living room, a studio, a bathroom and two ______. My favorite room is the ______because it’s really big. We spend most of our time there. We even have a ______in our kitchen.

Task 1. Warming-up.  What do you usually do around the house?  Who is responsible for cooking in your family?  Is it difficult for you to maintain a house?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary “Work around the House.” Learn it by heart.

1) to do the ironing – гладить, заниматься глажкой 2) to do the washing – заниматься стиркой, стирать одежду 3) to do the washing up = to wash the dishes – мыть по- суду 4) to do the dusting – протирать пыль 5) to lay the table – накрывать на стол 6) to make the bed – заправлять постель 7) to do the shopping – делать покупки 8) to do the cooking / to cook – готовить 9) to put / to take the rubbish out – выносить мусор 10) to tidy up a room – убирать в комнате, наводить поря- док в комнате 11) to hoover (BrE) / to vacuum (AmE) the carpet – пылесо- сить ковер 12) to water plants – поливать цветы 13) to walk a dog – выгуливать собаку 14) to dust furniture – протирать от пыли мебель 15) to change the sheets – менять простыни 16) to shake out the rug – хлопать дорожку 17) to sweep the floor – подметать пол 18) to mop the floor – мыть (протирать) пол шваброй 19) to mow a lawn – подстригать газон 20) to maintain a house – содержать дом в порядке

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with the words from the Task 2. 1) She doesn’t like ______. Her clothes are always rumpled. 2) She hates to ______. She wants to buy a dishwasher. 3) She likes ______. She makes delicious food. 4) She is a housewife. She is at home all day long. She ______her house. It is very clean. 5) They have got two dogs. John ______them early in the morning. 64 6) The furniture isn’t dusty. Liz ______it every morning. 7) If you don’t ______the plants, they begin to wither. 8) The carpet is always dirty. John doesn’t like to ______it. 9) Liz is very lazy. She only ______the rubbish out. Her mother does all the work around the house. 10) Sarah usually ______the sheet on her bed on Saturday. 11) When Tom is in his granny’s cottage, he helps her to ______the rug and ______the floor. 12) Bob ______a lawn three times a week.

Task 4. A) Make 10 sentences using the words from the previous task. Say what you usually / some- times / often / always / rarely / never do around the house, e.g.: I usually hoover the carpet. I never do the shopping. B) Give full answers to the questions, e.g.: Who usually hoovers the carpet in your family? – My mum usually hoovers the carpet in my family. 1) Who usually does the ironing in your family? 2) Who usually does the washing in your family? 3) Who usually washes the dishes in your family? 4) Who usually does the dusting in your family? 5) Who usually lays the table in your family? 6) Who usually makes the bed in your family? 7) Who usually does the shopping in your family? 8) Who usually cooks in your family? 9) Who usually takes the rubbish out in your family? 10) Who usually waters the plants in your family? 11) Who usually changes sheets in your family? 12) Who usually shakes out the rug in your family? 13) Who usually sweeps the floor in your family? 14) Who usually mops the floor in your family? 15) Who usually mows a lawn in your family?

Task 5. A) Grammar Guide. Do and Make We use do  with the words that end in – ing, e.g.: His mother does all the cleaning; My husband does all the shopping;  with the words that denote work, e.g.: His dad does a lot of work every day;  with the nouns instead of the other verb, e.g.: My granny washes the dishes = My granny does the dishes; We brush our teeth before we go to bed = We do our teeth before we go to bed. Remember the following word expressions with do: do one’s homework; do an exercise; do well; do badly. We use make  to say that we produce something new, e.g.: I make a cake every Sunday; She makes all her new own clothes; She likes to make dinner.  with such nouns as: an appointment, an arrangement, a decision, a plan, a choice, a journey, a tour, a trip, a visit, a promise and noise. Remember the following word expressions with make: to make friends with; to make a mis- take; to make money; to make a difference; two and two make four; to make a good (teacher, doctor).

65 B) Choose the right variant (do or make), e.g.: My granny makes / does the ironing every day. → My granny does the ironing every day. 1) My dad does / makes the shopping after his work. 2) Their aunt does / makes the cooking when she visits them. 3) Their daughter doesn’t like to do / make the washing up. 4) Sarah doesn’t like to do / make the dishes. Her mother always does / makes the washing up. 5) In their family Mr. Smith makes / does all the money. 6) Alex usually does / makes his homework in the evening. 7) Sometimes our granny makes / does dinner for us. 8) David always makes / does a lot of mistakes in his test. 9) When their grandchildren visit them, they always do / make a lot of noise. 10) It makes / does a big difference. 11) Sue makes / does all her own clothes. 12) Five and five make / do ten. 13) Our granny usually makes / does dinner for us. 14) Steve doesn’t like to make / do the shopping. 15) Julia does / makes a lot of work around the house.

Task 6. Study the Grammar Guide.

1. We use much with singular uncountable nouns and many with plural countable nouns, e.g.: much food, much time, much luggage, much light, much snow, much money. There isn’t much light in the room. many things, many rooms, many flats, many people, many cottages, many books, many chairs. There aren’t many rooms in the flat. 2. We use a lot of or lots of with both singular uncountable nouns and plural countable nouns. There is a lot of / lots of light in the room. There are a lot of / lots of chairs in the kitchen. 3. We use a lot of or lots of in affirmative, negative and interrogative sentences, e.g.: There is a lot of snow in this town. Not a lot of tourists know this place. Are there a lot of rooms in this flat? 4. We usually use much and many in negative sentences and questions, e.g.: We do not have much time. Are there many rooms in your house? 5. We don't usually use much in affirmative sentences – we prefer a lot of or lots of especially in spoken English (There’s a lot of information in this book. NOT *There is much information in this book). I saw* (видел) lots of terraced houses in the UK. 6. We sometimes use many in formal statements (in written English), e.g.: Scientists have dis- covered that many female dolphins live in groups of six or eight animals.

Task 7. Complete the sentences with much or many. 1. There aren't … rooms in his flat. 2. There isn’t … snow in this town. 3. Have the boys got … homework tonight? 4. Do … children go to this kindergarten? 5. There aren’t … hotel rooms at this time of year. 6. Do you eat … meat? 7. Do you usually get … presents for your birthday? 8. Maria doesn’t usually give me … good advice. 9. There isn’t … furniture in Victoria’s flat. 10. There aren’t … chairs in the dining room. 11. He doesn’t drink … water.

66 12. His cottage doesn’t have … rooms. 13. There isn’t … light in the living room. 14. There aren’t … people at the café. 15. There aren’t … floors in this block of flats.

Task 8. Complete the sentences using much, many or a lot of. Use a lot of in the positive sentences only. 1) Have you got … work to do? 2) How … children have they got? 3) There isn’t …. information in the newspaper. 4) He has got … problems at the moment. 5) How … rooms are there in his cottage? 6) She is on a diet. She doesn’t eat … food. 7) How … windows are there in the living room? 8) How … money does he spend every day? 9) I haven’t got … money with me. 10) There aren’t … tourists in Turkey this year. 11) I don’t know … people here. 12) There is … light in my room because there are two big windows here. 13) There are … detached houses in this part of Edinburgh. 14) She hasn’t got … luggage with her. 15) There are … pictures on the walls. 16) I haven’t got … homework to do tonight. 17) I don’t drink … milk. 18) I’m sorry but I haven’t got … time. 19) Do you like ….. milk in your coffee? 20) Do you like …. sugar in your tea?

Task 9. Study the Grammar Guide.

Few = not enough (with countable nouns). Little = not enough (with uncountable nouns). e.g.: a) There are few biscuits in the box. It’s almost empty. b) We have got little coffee. There is not enough for all of us.

Task 10. Fill in the gaps with little and few. 1) There is ______bread at home. 2) There are ______candies on the table. 3) There is ______water in the jug. 4) There are ______people in this street. 5) There are ______detached houses in this town. 6) There are ______cottages in the countryside. 7) There is ______fresh air in cities. 8) There is ______sugar in my tea. 9) There are ______terraced houses in this street. 10) There are ______bedsits in this part of the town. 11) There is ______milk in the bottle. 12) There is ______salt in my soup. 13) There are ______block of flats in this part of the town. 14) There is ______money in his wallet. 15) There are ______mansions in our town. 67

Task 11. Study the Grammar Guide. There is a difference between a little and little, and between a few and few. With a, a little and a few have positive meanings. a few + plural countable noun a little + uncountable noun There are a few rooms in this flat. I like a little milk in my tea, please. Note: in short answers no noun is necessary after a few or a little: “Have you got any money” “Yes, I’ve got a little.” “Are there many people at his birthday party?” “Yes, there are a few.”

Task 12. A) Complete the sentences using a few or a little. 1. There are … books on the shelf. 2. We have got only … time to finish this work. 3. My friend speaks …. French. 4. Oleg has got only …. rubles. 5. She has got …. friends. 6. I always take … books with me to read on holiday. 7. I am not a vegetarian but I only eat … meat. 8. She always buys … clothes with her birthday money. 9. “Is there any soap in the bathroom?” “Yes, there is …” 10. I always take … sugar in my tea. 11. Liz has got… time left. 12. I’ve got … ideas. 13. There are …. chairs in the dining room. 14. I usually drink … juice in the morning. 15. My granny eats … butter. 16. She has got only …. dollars. 17. There are … shelves in my room. 18. “Do you eat meat?” “Yes, ... .” 19. She speaks … English. 20. She has got …. money left. 21. I have got…… things to tell you about myself. 22. We need ______eggs to make a cake.

68 B) A friend is visiting you. Rewrite the questions you ask him, using a few or a little instead of some. 1) Would you like some coffee? 2) Would you like some biscuits? 3) Would you like some milk in your coffee? 4) Would you like some cottage cheese? 5) Would you like some cake? 6) Would you like some sandwiches? 7) Would you like some water? 8) Would you like some orange juice? 9) Would you like some sugar in your tea? 10) Would you like some ice-cream?

Task 13. Fill in the gaps with few / a few, little / a little. 1) Would you like ______more coffee? 2) Would you like ______biscuits? 3) I have got______money, but I haven’t got much. 4) Could you give me ______water, please? 5) She only has got ______luggage with her. 6) She always takes ______bags with her. 7) I have got ______sugar in my tea. It isn’t tasty. 8) There are ______people in the street. It is almost empty. 9) There is ______coffee. It’s not enough for all of us. 10) There is ______milk in the fridge. It’s enough for our cat. 11) There is ______salt in my soup. It isn’t tasty. 12) There is ______bread on the table. Kate, cut some bread, please. 13) Would you like ______milk in your coffee? 14) His stepson earns ______money and can live quite comfortably on it. 15) My cousin knows ______about painting. (=almost nothing) 16) My cousin knows ______about painting. (=something) 17) There is ______change in my uncle’s appearance. (= almost no change) 18) There is ______change in my uncle’s appearance. (=some change) 19) We can see ______birds in this place. (=almost none) 20) We can see ______birds in this place. (=some birds) 21) My nephew has got ______friends and lives a lonely life. 22) My nephew has got ______friends who always support him. 23) The factory workers are on strike* (на забастовке). Very ______people are at work. 24) I hope there are ______people I know at the party. 25) ______people swim in the sea in the winter. 26) There are only ______eggs in the fridge. We need some more. 27) I’ve got only ______good friends – Ann, Kate and John. 28) The trip is for three days! You only need ______pairs of socks.

Task 14. A) Answer the questions using a lot, not much, some, only a little, not many or only a few. 1. How much time do you usually spend on your homework every evening? 2. How much time do you spend watching TV every week? 3. How much sugar do you eat every day? 4. How many different butterflies do you know? 5. How many floors are there in your block of flats? 6. How many detached houses are there in this small town? 7. How much money have you got in your pocket?

69 8. How many hours' sleep have you usually got? 9. How much snow is there in Moscow in winter? 10. How many books do you read in summer? 11. How many friends have you got? 12. How many books are there on the shelves in your room? 13. How many flats are there in this block of flats? 14. How many rooms are there in this semi-detached house? 15. How many cottages are there near your cottage in the country? 16. How many windows are there in this detached house? 17. How many tourists visit Italy every year? 18. How many people live on the fifth floor in this block of flats? 19. How many people are there at your birthday party? 20. How many good American films do you know?

Task 15. A) Fill in the gaps with a lot (of), much, some, a little, many, a few, little and few. 1. I have ______sugar in my tea. It isn’t tasty. 2. There isn’t ______sugar in my coffee. 3. There are ______people in the street. It is almost empty. 4. There is ______coffee. It’s not enough for all of us. 5. How ______rooms are there in your flat? 6. There is ______milk in the fridge. It’s enough for our cat. 7. There is ______salt in my soup. It isn’t tasty. 8. There isn’t ______milk in his cup of coffee. 9. Have you got ______friends? – Yes, I have. 10. There is ______bread on the table. Kate, cut some bread, please. 11. There aren’t ______books on the shelf in his room. 12. There aren’t ______biscuits in the packet. 13. There are ______floors in this block of flats. 14. How ______girls are there in your group? 15. We haven’t got ______bread. 16. Are there ______shops in Green Street? 17. I have got ______money. I can buy some bread. 18. His sister hasn’t got ______money. 19. My cousin eats very ______fish. He prefers meat. 20. My aunt doesn’t eat ______sweets because she is on a diet. 21. Their neighbours have got very ______money. They can’t buy any bread. 22. There are very ______people at the theatre. It’s almost empty. 23. We’ve got very ______eggs. We can’t make an omelette. 24. Very ______people speak Welsh. 25. My grandma hasn’t got ______flowers in her garden this year. 26. My younger sister has got ______free time for her hobbies. She doesn’t work. 27. David has got ______comics. He buys one every week. 28. My younger brother has got ______free time for hobbies because he works a lot. 29. How ______tins of cat food have we got? 30. Uncle Tom hasn’t got ______hair. 31. How ______desks are there in the classroom? 32. How ______snow is there in your town this winter? 33. How ______does it cost? 34. How ______books have you got at home? 35. Are there ______cinemas in this town?

70 B) Correct mistakes. 1) There is very few soup in my dad’s bowl. 2) How many butter is there in the fridge? 3) Her husband has got many money. 4) How many sugar is there in your tea? 5) There are a little people in the supermarket. 6) She has got a little books with her. 7) I’ve got very few free time now! 8) My granny hasn’t got much flowers on her balcony. 9) There is very few shampoo in the bathroom. 10) Put a few chocolate in the cake. 11) There are very little people at the museum. It’s almost empty. 12) There’s few salt in my soup. It isn’t tasty. 13) I have got a little things to tell you about myself. 14) There are a little students in this group. 15) I have got very few money to spend. 16) Please, write to me soon and tell me little about yourself. 17) My niece wants to buy few things for her birthday party. 18) They’ve got very few bread. 19) There are a little lions in the zoo.

Task 16. Listen to the recoding and fill in the gaps.

I live in a big ______in the centre of the city. It’s an old building, maybe ______years old. It is on ______floor. We have ______, a living room, a studio, a bathroom and two ______. My favorite room is ______because it’s really big. We spend most of our time there. We even have ______in our kitchen.

Task 1. Study the Grammar Guide.

We say at the office, but we say at home, at school, e.g.: Kate is at the office, Jane’s at school, and John’s at home. We use at + address: at 12 Castle Street, at 30 Green Street, at 2 Thames Terrace, SWI. BUT: in Oxford Street.

71 Task 2. Choose the correct preposition. 1) The book is … the desk. a) on b) at c) behind 2) The picture is …. the wall. a) in b) at c) on 3) There is a carpet … the floor. a) under b) on c) in 4) The TV set is … the sofa a) in front of b) under c) at 5) John is … the bus stop a) on b) in c) at 6) There’s a chair …. the bed. a) next to b) under c) on 7) Liz usually works …. her desk. a) in b) above c) at 8) There’s somebody ... the door. a) at b) in c) under 9) Don’t sit … the grass. It’s wet. a) at b) on c) under 10) What have you got …. your bag? a) in b) on c) a

Task 3. Fill in the gaps in the following sentences with the prepositions in / on / at. 1) Look! There’s a man _____ the roof. 2) There are a lot of fish ______the river. 3) Is there a museum near here? – Yes, turn left____ the traffic lights. 4) It’s difficult to park _____ the town centre. It’s better to take the bus. 5) My sister lives _____ Oxford. 6) Liz lives ______20 Oxford Street. 7) There’s a small hill ___ the top of the park. 8) Munich is a large city _____ the south of Germany. 9) It’s difficult to carry a lot of things ______a bicycle 10) There’s a mirror _____ the wall ______the living room. 11) There’ s a large carpet ______the floor ______my room. 12) I live _____ a flat ______the sixth floor. 13) There is a queue of people ______the bus stop. 14) They live _____ 4 Thames Terrace, SWI. 15) There are some beautiful pictures ____ the wall _____ their sitting room. 16) Ecuador is ______South Africa. 17) This bus stops ______the railway station. 18) The child is ______the house. 19) The woman is ______the door. 20) The bird is ______the roof.

Task 4. Choose the correct option. 1. My book is in / between my bag. 2. My house is opposite / on the bank. 3. Put your hat on / in your head! 4. The kitchen is under / at my bedroom. 5. Kate is in / at the bus stop. 72 6. There's £1 behind / in the sofa. 7. There's a little garden on / in front of our house. 8. I sit next to / between Kate in English lessons. 9. We live near / on a park. 10. He lives in / at West Street. 11. Liz lives in / at 12 West Street. 12. There’s a big apple tree between / in front of our house. 13. The microwave is under / on the cupboard. 14. The cupboard is on / next to the fridge. 15. The bank is between / in a supermarket and a café. 16. The post office is between / at the theatre and the museum. 17. The post office is under / next to the museum. 18. The picture is above / under the fireplace.

Task 5. The sentences below describe the picture. Look at the picture and change the under- lined words which are wrong. Tick * the underlined words which are correct.

1) There is a TV set on the floor. 2) There is a dog on the floor. 3) The is a bird on the cage. 4) The cat is above the table. 5) There is a picture under the table. 6) The flowers are in the vase. 7) The keys are next to the flowers. 8) The dog is behind the table. 9) The cat is next to the flowers. 10) There is a big book in front of the flowers. 11) There is a picture under the wall. 12) There are keys in the table. 13) There is a vase with flowers on the table. 14) The cage is next to the table.

Task 6. A. Read the dialogue, translate it and role play John: Where is the phone? Kate: It is on the sofa. John: Oh, thanks. Where are the car keys? Kate: I don’t know. Are they on the table? John: No, they aren’t. Oh, they are under the table. B. Make your own dialogues. Use the dialogue above as a model. Change the underlined words.

73 Task 7. Look at the picture and describe it, e.g.: There is a ball under the table.

Task 8. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between a flat and a house? 2. Do you live in a flat or in a house? 3. What floor do you live on? 4. Are there many blocks of flats in your town? 5. Would you like to live in a small cottage somewhere in the country? 6. Do you live in the city centre or not? 7. Do you tidy your room up yourself? 8. What do you usually do around the house? 9. Is there much furniture in your flat / house? 10. Do you think it is good or bad to have much furniture in a house or a flat?

Task 9. Study the Grammar Guide.

We use indefinite pronouns to refer to people or things when we do not say exactly who or what they are. We use pronouns ending in -body or -one for people, and pronouns ending in -thing for things:

Person Place Thing All everyone everywhere everything everybody Part (positive) someone somewhere something somebody Part (negative) anyone anywhere anything anybody None no one nowhere nothing nobody

74 e.g.: I know something interesting about this poet. She always tells something interesting. There isn’t anything on the table. There’s nothing on the table. Nothing makes Liz unhappy. He knows nothing and he thinks he knows everything. There is someone at the door. Nobody can help him. I don’t know anyone at the party. I know nobody at the party. Note: The words ending in -body or -one are the same in meaning: Anyone = anybody. Anybody can catch your eye. We often use anything, anywhere, anybody and anyone in negative and interrogative sentences, e.g.: I can't see anything. There isn’t anything interesting in this newspaper. Is there anybody at home? We can also use pronouns beginning with any- in affirmative sentences to mean 'all' when it doesn't matter who, what or where, e.g. Anyone can catch your eye. (= all people; it doesn't matter who they are). He can go anywhere he wants. (= He can go to all places; it doesn't matter where). We don't have two negative words in one sentence, e.g.: I didn't hear anything = I heard nothing. NOT: I didn't hear nothing. Everyone, everybody, everything + singular verb. Everybody is there. NOT: Everybody are there. We can use “else” after something, nowhere, anybody, etc. Let’s talk about something else.

Task 10. Make interrogative sentences out of the affirmative ones and answer them, e.g.: (There is somebody at my birthday’s party). Is there anybody at your birthday’s party? – Yes, there is. 1. There is somebody in the room. (yes) 2. There is something in my cup. (no) 3. There is something interesting about her. (yes) 4. There is somebody at the door. (yes) 5. There is something on the table. (no) 6. There is someone at home. (yes) 7. There is somebody on the balcony. (no) 8. There is something heavy in the luggage. (yes) 9. There is something new in the kitchen. (no) 10. There is somebody in the hall. (no) 11. There is somebody at the bus stop. (yes) 12. There is something strange about her. (no)

Task 11. Make negative sentences out of the affirmative sentences. 1. There is somebody in the room. 2. There is something in my cup. 3. There is something interesting about her. 4. There is somebody at the door. 5. There is something on the table. 6. There is someone at home. 7. There is somebody on the balcony. 8. There is something heavy in the luggage. 9. There is something new in the kitchen. 10. There is somebody in the hall. 11. There is somebody at the bus stop. 12. There is something strange about her.

75 Task 12. Underline the correct variant. 1. Let's go somewhere /everywhere special. 2. There is nothing / anything special about this boy. 3. She doesn't have anything / nothing nice to wear. 4. This book is boring. I want to read everything / something different. 5. I think there's something / anything strange about him. 6. He wants to tell Ann something / anything interesting. 7. He doesn’t know anything / nothing. 8. I have got nothing / anything new to read. 9. Look in the fridge if you're hungry. You can have anything / something you want. 10. This music is boring – I want to listen to something / everything different. 11. I've met someone / anyone special. 12. Everybody / Everything loves a good story. 13. He doesn’t read nothing / anything in summer. 14. He likes to watch anything / something interesting on TV. 15. I want to tell you everything / something. 16. My cousin is very shy – she never says nothing / anything. 17. She lives anywhere / somewhere in Italy. 18. She learns something / anything interesting. 19. There isn’t anybody / nobody here today. 20. Is anyone / someone here a doctor? 21. Nothing / Anything happens in the movie, it’s really boring. 22. I’ve got something / anything to tell you. 23. There isn’t anything / nothing in the fridge. 24. Something / Anything always worries him. 25. Does anyone / no one fancy a game of tennis? 26. I’m sorry, I don’t know nothing / anything about Goethe so I cannot help you. 27. There’s a good shop that sells artist’s equipment anywhere / somewhere on the other side of the town. 28. Is everything / something OK? You look a bit tired. 29. There is anything / nothing to eat. 30. I haven’t got nothing / anything to do. 31. John lives anywhere / somewhere near London. 32. We need to talk. There’s anything / something I want to tell you. 33. There is nothing / anything I want to watch on TV. 34. Liz usually doesn’t go nowhere / anywhere for her holiday. 35. Let’s discuss anything / something else. 36. I can’t find my purse anywhere / somewhere. 37. I can’t find my glasses. Does anybody / somebody know where they are? 38. She is lonely. She’s got nobody / anybody to talk to. 39. It’s dark. I can’t see nothing / anything. 40. Is there something / anything interesting on television tonight? 41. “Listen!” – “What? I can’t hear nothing / anything.” 42. Does anyone / someone know about this? 43. There is nothing / anything in the envelope. It’s empty. 44. My foot hurts. There is anything / something in my shoe. 45. Liz doesn’t know nothing / anything about French history. 46. I don’t believe nothing / anything in that magazine. 47. I want to buy something / anything for my sister. 48. Liz wants to buy a new house somewhere / anywhere in Europe. 76 49. Hello? Is there somebody / anybody at home? 50. “Is there anything / something in your suitcase?” “No, it’s empty.” 51. My daughter is bored. She hasn’t got anything / nothing to do. 52. Where are your friends? There is no one / anyone in the classroom. 53. I haven’t got nowhere / anywhere to sit. 54. She goes to the department store every day but she buys anything / nothing. 55. There isn’t anyone / no one in my group who speaks French.

Task 13. Write sentences which mean opposite, e.g.: She hasn’t got anywhere to live. – She has got somewhere to live. 1) He doesn’t like to speak to anybody among his dad’s friends. 2) He likes everything about his new flat. 3) He wants to buy something for dinner. 4) There is somebody at the door. 5) The woman likes to read something interesting. 6) Everyone is happy. 7) Nobody knows. 8) He always meets someone interesting at the parties. 9) There is nothing unusual about her. 10) You can buy it nowhere. 11) Everybody doesn’t like this movie. 12) Something always disappoints her. 13) Nobody knows Jane’s address. 14) She doesn’t go anywhere for her holiday.

Task 14. Put the right form of a word (pronoun) beginning with some-, any- or no into the dialogue. Kate: I want to read (1) ______interesting. Can you advise me (2) ______? Sarah: Yes, I can. There is a very interesting novel that is a great success in England. (3) ______likes this novel. Kate: What is it about? Sarah: It is about (4) ______who lives (5) ______in England. The woman goes to visit Australia. A few days after she arrives there, (6) ______terrible happens to her. Kate: What? Sarah: While her travelling across Australia, she loses her passport and all her money. She doesn’t know (7) ______who can help her, and she hasn’t got (8) ______to stay. Kate: What happens then? Sarah: I am not going to tell you (9) ______else. I am sure that you will read it yourself. Kate: It sounds like a very depressing book! I don’t think I’ll read it. Sarah. You would like it. (10) ______wonderful happens at the end. Task 15. Change each of these sentences into a sentence with the same meaning. Use the word in brackets with the underlined adjective or with else, e.g.: Is there any tasty food in the fridge? – Is there anything tasty in the fridge? 1) Is there an interesting programme on TV tonight? (anything) Is there ______on TV tonight? 2) Let’s listen to some different music. (something) Let’s listen to ______. 3) Is there any interesting news to discuss? (anything) Is there ______to discuss?

77 4) You won’t find better food in any other place. (anywhere) You won’t find better food ______. 5) Let’s sit in a different place. (somewhere) Let’s sit ______. 6) Is there an interesting book to read? (anything) Is there ______to read? 7) I’d like a cold drink. (something) I’d like _____ to drink. 8) Strange things happen in this town every day. (something) ______happens in this town every day. 9) We can travel to a different country. (somewhere) We can travel ______. 10) He describes interesting things in this novel. (something) He describes ______in this novel.

Task 1. Warming-up.  Is your house (flat) cozy?  What is a cozy place to your point of view?  What do people usually do to make their place of living comfortable and cozy?  Do you think it’s good or bad to have much furniture in a flat?

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary Box. Learn the vocabulary by heart.

1. expensive – дорогой 2. cheap – дешёвый 3. furnished – меблированный 4. spacious – просторный 5. light – светлый 6. modern – современный 7. state-of-the-art – ультрасовременный 8. convenient – удобный, подходящий 9. comfortable – комфортабельный, удобный 10. cozy – уютный 11. uncomfortable – некомфортабельный, неудобный 12. homely – домашний, уютный 13. new – новый 14. old – старый 15. dilapidated – ветхий, полуразвалившийся

Task 3. Fill in the gaps. Spell the words. Give translation. Expe....e, ho…y, ..ght, mo...n, con.....nt , ..rnish.., spac…., c…p, comf…..e.

Task 4. Put the following adjectives that describe a flat or a house under the correct headings. comfortable, cozy, uncomfortable, clean, dirty, state-of-the-art, expensive, modern, dilapidated

Positive quality Negative quality

78 Task 5. Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 1. 1) This bedsit is very (дешевая) ______. 2) Mr. Smith’s mansion is (очень дорогой) ______. 3) Our living room is (просторная) ______. 4) My room is (светлая) ______. 5) The design in his flat is (ультрасовременный) ______. 6) John’s cottage in the countryside is (очень ветхий) ______. 7) There is much (современный) ______furniture in his detached house. 8) This bedsit is really (неуютная) ______. I don’t want to live in it. 9) The Smiths’ living room is (очень уютная) ______. 10) His flat is well (меблированная) ______. 11) Her parents’ penthouse (очень дорогой) ______. 12) She has got (ультрасовременное) ______equipment in the kitchen

Task 6. Listen to the dialogue between an estate agent (агент по недвижимости) and Liz and fill in the gaps.

Estate agent: Now, let’s start with the kitchen – the most important room of the house. As you can see this is a ______kitchen. All the appliances are brand ______. Liz: Yes, very nice indeed. Estate agent: And the dining room is through the kitchen, here. Liz: That’s good. Estate agent: There’s a ______living room through here and there’s a ______view over London. Liz: Mmm, that’s nice. Estate agent: This is a very ______flat.

Task 7. What quality of the house (flat) is the most important? Explain why. Use the follow- ing phrases. I think the most important quality is that a flat is cosy… because… In my opinion …. I am sure …. I believe …. I suppose …

Task 8. Study the Grammar Box.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I will go I’ll I will not I won’t go Will I go? Yes, I you will go you’ll go you will not go you won’t go Will you go? will. he will go he’ll go he will not go he won’t go Will he go? No, I she will go she’ll go she will not go she won’t go Will she go? won’t. it will go it’ll go it will not go it won’t go Will it go? you will go you’ll go you will not go you won’t go Will you go? we will go we’ll go we will not go we won’t go Will we go? they will go they’ll go they will not go they won’t go Will they go?

79 Use Future Simple: 1. to talk about future facts, and things that we think or believe will happen in the future, e.g.: a) Jane will love your new flat. b) He won’t make any mistake. 2. to express hopes, expectations, thoughts about the future. We use it after verbs think, believe, suppose, imagine, hope, be sure, be afraid and with adverbs like perhaps, possi- ble, probably: I expect they will be here soon. I’m sure you’ll enjoy the movie. Note: We avoid saying I think … I won’t … We say I don’t think … will, e.g.: I don’t think it will rain tomorrow (NOT* I think it won’t rain tomorrow). 3. to talk about a future event based on facts or organized plans. We often use this tense in weather forecasts, e.g. There will be rain in most parts of the country tomorrow. 4. for actions that we decide to do now, at the moment of speaking, e.g.: I like this dress: a) I think I’ll buy it. b) “What would you like to eat?” “I’ll have a pizza, please”, c) “There isn’t any milk left” “Oh, isn’t there? I will get some in town.” For example, when the telephone rings we say: I’ll answer it. 5. to show willingness to do or not to do something in the future (often as a promise or threat), e.g.: I promise I will be there. I’ll never speak to him again. 6. we use Shall I? or I shall… when we want to do things for other people: Offer: Shall I make you a cup of coffee? Offer: I shall make you a cup of coffee. 7. we use Shall we …? to suggest things that we can do: Suggestion: Shall we see a film tonight? Shall we go to the café? Note: We don’t use will to talk about plans, arrangements or schedules: I am flying to Moscow on Monday (NOT: I’ll fly to Moscow on Monday)

Task 9. Write the short form of each full form. If no short form is possible, put X. e.g.: I think I will live in a semi-detached house. – I think I’ll live in a semi-detached house. 1. I will try yoga. 2. Shall we sit down? 3. We will feel better. 4. Will she like it? 5. That will not be easy. 6. Shall I play it again? 7. I will not listen again. 8. Will the course be expensive? 9. I think it will rain tomorrow. 10. He will probably move to a new flat. 11. I hope she will help me. 12. I am sure they will buy a cottage.

Task 10. A) Express your hopes about future. Make the following sentences affirmative, e.g.: I (live) in a cottage near the sea. – I will live in a cottage near the sea. 1) My niece (live) in a mansion. 2) My sister-in-law (live) in a semi-detached house. 3) My nephew (move) to the other town. 4) His daughter (live) in a block of flats. 5) Her granny (live) in a big house. 6) Their dad (buy) a comfortable flat. 7) Her daughter-in-law (buy) a terraced house in England. 8) Their grandchildren (live) in a small cottage. 9) Her granddaughter (rent) a bedsit. 80 10) His cousin (live) on the ninth floor. 11) Our grandpa (live) in a detached house. 12) Her stepson (rent) a flat in the city centre. 13) Our aunt (move) into a new flat. 14) Their uncle (sell) a bungalow. 15) Their adopted children (buy) a flat on the third floor. B) Make the sentences above negative, e.g.: I will live in a cottage near the sea. – I won’t live in a cottage near the sea. C) Ask your partner about his / her hopes, e.g.: Will you live in a cottage near the sea? Task 11. Read the text and make predictions about Julia’s new life. Complete the sentences with will, ‘ll or won’t. Julia is from Russia. She moved to Vancouver last week with her parents. Julia is twelve and she is a good student, but she doesn’t speak much English. What do you think Julia’s new life in Canada will be like? 1. She … learn English very quickly. 2. Julia … like Canadian food. 3. Her friends in Russia … write to her. 4. She … forget Russian. 5. The climate … be a problem. 6. Her parents … worry about her. 7. She … feel homesick. 8. Julia … get lost in Vancouver. 9. Her grandmother … visit her. 10. Her life … be very different. 11. She … find a lot of new friends. 12. She … visit different places of interest in Vancouver.

Task 12. Use the phrases in the box and will / ‘ll to make decisions.

buy some tomorrow give her some milk have a swim help you do it tomorrow get my coat talk to him give you some water open it answer it

1. I'm cold. 2. The baby is hungry. 3. We don’t have any eggs in the fridge. 4. I'm tired. 5. The packages are heavy. 6. The sea is lovely. 7. There's Tom. 8. I am thirsty. 9. The telephone is ringing. 10. There is someone at the door.

Task 13. Underline the correct option in the dialogue. Paul: What do you think, shall / will Sunday be all right for the picnic? Kate: Sunday will / won't be fine for me. But, wait... Sunday is my dad's birthday. Paul: Shall / Will we have the picnic tomorrow then? 81 Kate: Shall / Will we have enough time to buy the food? Paul: We will / won't need much, just some snacks. My mum shall / will probably make something nice. Kate: Shall / Will I call everyone or shall/will you do it? Paul: I will / won't do it, it's no problem. Kate: Great. It shall / will be a lovely picnic. Paul: I just hope it won’t rain.

Task 14. A) Write the following sentences in the Future Simple form. 1) “We’ve run out of milk.” – “Oh, have we? I (go) and get some.” 2) I promise (not do) that again. 3) You look tired. Sit down and I (make) you a cup of tea. 4) “I think there is someone at the door.” “OK, I (go) and answer it.” 5) She looks really upset. I think she (cry). 6) I am not sure he (be) there. 7) Wait a minute. I (open) a door for you. 8) I think I (have) eggs and chips, please. 9) I suppose she (be) in Moscow next week. 10) Don’t worry. I (pay) for the damage to your car. 11) He (never agree) to your idea. 12) There (not be) any newspapers tomorrow. 13) How long (take) the journey? 14) I think the film (be) a big success. 15) The dog looks ill. I think it (be) sick. 16) You (have) probably a really good time. 17) I think the exam in literature (be) quite easy. 18) “I’ve got a headache.” “OK, I (get) you an aspirin. 19) I am sure they (sell) their cottage. 20) I am not sure he (buy) a terraced house. 21) I hope she (write) soon. 22) Don’t worry! I (do) it for you. 23) Tom probably (not / go). 24) They (finish) the project next week, I promise. 25) I am bored. I think I (play) a computer game. 26) I think our team (win). 27) Don’t worry, I (fix) your bike tomorrow. 28) We haven’t got any juice. I (go) to the corner shop and get some. 29) Don’t worry, I (not / live) in the house without you. 30) She thinks she (be) late for school tomorrow. 31) One day I (climb) Mount Everest. 32) I think they (agree) to our plan. 33) “I can’t lift this armchair. It’s too heavy.” – “It’s all right, Liz. I (help) you carry it.” 34) I (help) you with the washing up, Mum. 35) I know you don’t believe me, but I (work) really hard this time. B) Put Shall I or Shall we in the gaps in the dialogues. 1) A) We need a holiday. B) What a good idea! …. go to Florida?

82 2) A) … go to a restaurant tonight? B) OK, but I don’t have any money. Will you pay for me? 3) A. Where is our meeting? B. At John’s office in Baker Street? A. … we walk or take a taxi? 4) A. You look thirsty, … get you a drink? B. Yes, please. Can I have an orange juice or some water? 5) A. It’s a beautiful day! … have a picnic? B. Wonderful idea! Who shall we invite? 6) A. I don’t feel very well this morning. B. Oh, dear. …. look after the children for you? C) Put the verbs into the form of Present Simple or Future Simple, e.g.: 1) I (live) in Barnaul. I like it here. – I live in Barnaul. I love it here. 2) I (see) you someday. – I will see you some day. 1) Our grandmother (live) in a cottage. We visit her every Sunday. 2) I hope we (live) in a mansion one day. 3) My niece (live) on the twentieth floor. She likes it very much. 4) His dad (live) in a big cottage someday. 5) They (move) into a new a flat someday. 6) I am sure my aunt (buy) a cottage in the country. 7) I hope he (repair) his old balcony. 8) His stepson (build) a beautiful house one day. 9) Their grandchildren (play) in the yard of this beautiful house every day. 10) I hope they (demolish*) (сносить) this old house one day. 11) I suppose he (sell) his old cottage. 12) She (maintain) her house. Everything is very clean.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences. 1. Я думаю, Том будет жить в коттедже. 2. А не зайти-ка ли нам в ресторан? 3. Я обещаю, что буду помогать тебе с уборкой по дому. 4. Я уверена, что он купит квартиру на втором этаже. 5. (Звонит телефон*) Я отвечу. 6. «Лифт не работает». – «Хорошо, я помогу тебе занести эти тяжелые пакеты». 7. Я уверен, что Майк купит новый автомобиль. 8. Завтра папе исполняется 60 лет. 9. «У нас закон- чился хлеб». «Хорошо, я схожу в супермаркет». 10. Я полагаю, он продаст свой старый коттедж. 11. Я очень устала. Я сделаю перевод завтра. 12. «Я забыла свой кошелек дома». – «Я одолжу тебе немного денег». 13. Я уверена, что Том не продаст эту новую квартиру. 14. Я думаю, Дейв будет жить в этом маленьком коттедже за городом. 15. Я думаю, что он не купит эту квартиру в много- этажном доме. 16. Я уверена, у тебя будет свой собственный дом.

83 Task 1. Study the Grammar Box

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I can swim ______I cannot swim I can’t swim Can you swim? You can swim You cannot swim You can’t swim Yes, I can. No, I He can swim He cannot swim He can’t swim can’t. She can swim She cannot swim She can’t swim It can swim It cannot swim It can’t swim We can swim We cannot swim We can’t swim You can swim You cannot swim You can’t swim They can swim They cannot swim They can’t swim

1) We use can and can’t to talk about things we are able or not able to do generally, e,g.: She can speak French. He can’t skate. Its negative forms are cannot and can’t. Notes: In spoken English cannot is possible, but we use can’t more often than cannot. 2) We also use can and can’t to talk about things, we’re able or not able to do at the moment, e.g.: I can see the moon. I can help you now. to talk for ability to talk about our senses, e.g.: I can taste it. I can see it. Can you hear me? I can smell smoke. in the future, with a time expression, e.g.: She can’t come to the party tomorrow. to ask for permission: Can I borrow your pencil? to give permission: You can take my book. to make a request or a suggestion, e.g.: Can you make me a sandwich, please? (request); We can make pizza tonight. (suggestion).

Task 2. A) Make the affirmative sentences negative, e.g.: Her mom can paint the house. – Her mom can’t paint the house. 1) Her brother-in-law can repair balconies. 2) His niece can maintain a house. 3) Our granny can cook well. 4) Her aunt can knit mittens. 5) Their younger daughter can hoover the carpet. 6) Your granddaughter can water flowers. 7) Our cousin can play the guitar. 8) David can write with his left hand. 9) My grandma can grow vegetables in the kitchen-garden. 10) His mother-in-law can grow fruits in the orchard. 11) Her daughter can read. 12) Their grandchildren can tidy up the room. 13) My phone can take photos. 14) Their stepdaughter can make tea. 84 15) His half-brother can speak French. 16) Liz can hear the sea from her balcony. 17) My cousin can see the beach from her room. 18) I can go to the library with you on Wednesday. 19) My grandmother can make nice salads. 20) We can call a taxi. B) Make the affirmative sentences interrogative and answer them, e.g.: Her mom can paint the house. – Can her mom paint the house. – Yes, she can / No, she can’t. 1) Her brother-in-law can repair balconies. (yes) 2) His niece can maintain a house. (no) 3) Our granny can cook well. (yes) 4) Her aunt can knit mittens. (no) 5) Their younger daughter can hoover the carpet. (yes) 6) Your granddaughter can water flowers. (yes) 7) Our cousin can play the guitar. (no) 8) David can write with his left hand. (yes) 9) My grandma can grow vegetables in the kitchen-garden. (no) 10) His mother-in-law can grow fruits in the orchard. (yes) 11) Her daughter can read. (no) 12) Their grandchildren can tidy up the room. (no) 13) My phone can take photos. (yes) 14) Their stepdaughter can make tea. (no) 15) His half-brother can speak French. (yes) 16) Liz can hear the sea from her balcony. (yes) 17) My cousin can see the beach from her room. (no) 18) I can go to the library with you on Wednesday. (yes) 19) My grandmother can make nice salads. (yes) 20) We can call a taxi. (no) C) Complete the sentences using can or can’t and one of the verbs in the box.

hear drive read (2) open meet come (2) understand swim use speak take see make run go play talk cook connect bring read drive

1. Julie is only five but she ______very well. Her favorite books are fairy tales. 2. Oh, look. Can ____ you ______that big bird? It’s in the tree. 3. She ______three languages: English, French and Chinese. 4. Unfortunately, we ______to the Internet from this computer. 5. Can ______you _____ the door for me, please? 6. I ______my laptop with me. It’s very heavy. 7. We ______abroad for our holiday this year. It is very expensive. 8. Sarah has got swimming lessons every week and she _____ very well. 9. Could you please be a bit quieter? Your grandparents ______TV. 10. We ______at the café at 6 p.m.

85 11. John eats in restaurants all the time because he ______. 12. I ______him very well. He speaks so quickly. 13. “You can use my car.” Thank you very much but I ______. 14. I’m sorry but I ______to your party on Sunday. 15. ______I ______photos here? 16. You ______your mobile phone in class. 17. “How far ______you ______?” “About two kilometers.” 18. “Does Liz know how to cook?” “No, she ______even ______a sandwich!” 19. She is very good at music. She ______three musical instruments. 20. I am afraid that I ______to you now. I’m in a hurry. 21. I ______this document. It’s in Spanish, I don’t speak Spanish. 22. I’m busy. I ______to the phone right now.

Task 3. Fill in the gaps with can or can’t. 1) A cat ______fly. 2) A pilot ______fly an aeroplane. 3) A dolphin ______fly. 4) A photographer ______take photos. 5) My father ______drive a car. 6) A baker ______make bread. 7) A fish ______walk. 8) An elephant ______fly. 9) A monkey ______climb trees. 10) A hamster ______ride a bicycle. 11) A leopard ______run fast. 12) A swan ______fly. 13) A dog ______bark. 14) A snake ______run. 15) A penguin ______fly.

Task 4. Write questions with can (Can you ….?) and the words in the box.

ask for a direction in English translate English songs drive a car speak French play table tennis buy a ticket in English play the guitar download music from the Internet swim do the ironing cook maintain the house mow the lawn


Task 5. Study the Grammar Guide.

We use could to ask for permission or to make a request / suggestion when we want to be politer, e.g. Could I open the window? (asking for permission) Could you come early tomorrow. (making a request) We could go to the theatre later. (making a suggestion) Task 6. A) Put the words in the right order to make ques- tions. 1) I / have / could / a return ticket* (билет в обе сто- роны) / London / to / please? 2) have / could / I / to / Paris / a ticket / please? 3) could / tell / you / me / please / your / sister’s / phone number?

4) tell / me / please / could / the way / the bus terminal / to? 5) I / could / the / window / please / open? 6) could / tell / you / me / please / your / nephew’s / phone number? 7) could / help / you / me / with / please / exercise / this? 8) I / could / the / window / please / close? 9) help / you / please /could / me / to carry / my suitcase? 10) tell / me / please / could / the way / the railway station / to? 11) could / tell / address / you / me / please / your / brother’s / e-mail? 12) you / could / lend / some / me / money? 13) could / help / you / me / with / please / homework / my? 14) me / tell / where / hospital / the / is / could / you? 15) tell / me / please / could / the way / the cinema / to / you? 16) have / could / I / to / New York / a ticket / please? 17) I / could / have / water / of / a glass / please? 18) you / could / the / door / open / for / me / please? 19) me / tell / could / you / the / please / time? 20) you / could / repeat / that / please? 21) could / the way / tell / you / me / to / town centre / the / please? 22) a timetable / could / give / you / us / please? 23) could / I / borrow / 10 € / you / from? 24) could / I / a / cup / of / tea / have? B. You're staying in a hotel. What do you say in these situations? Use Could you ... ? or Could I ... ? 1) You want the receptionist to turn the air conditioning off in your room because it’s cold. 2) There is only one towel in your room. You want another one. 3) You don’t know taxi services’ phone numbers. 4) There is no hairdryer in your room. You want to borrow one. 5) You want the receptionist to get a taxi for you. 6) You want breakfast in your room tomorrow morning. 7) There is only one chair in the room. You want another one. 8) You want your receptionist to give you a wake-up call at 6.30 in the morning. 9) You want to leave your passport and traveller’s cheques in the hotel safe. 10) You don’t know a wi-fi password.


Task 7. Study the following phrases “Asking for directions”  Excuse me, where is the café? – Извините, пожалуйста, где расположено кафе?  How do I get to the … ? – Как добраться до … ?  Can you tell me where the … is? – Вы можете сказать, где находится …. ?  Can you tell me the way to the … ? – Вы можете сказать, как добраться до … ?

 It is the first / second door on the left / right. – Первая / вторая дверь слева / справа.  It is in the basement. – Это находится на цокольном этаже.  It’s on the ground / first floor. – Это находится на первом этаже.  Take the lift. – Поднимитесь на лифте (Воспользуйтесь лифтом).  Go left / right. – Идите налево / направо.  Go up / down the stairs. – Поднимитесь / спуститесь по лестнице.  Go along the corridor. – Идите вдоль по коридору.

 Go straight on. – Идите прямо.  Turn left / right. – Поверните налево / направо.  Go past …. Пройдите ….  Go down Queen Street. – Идите вниз по улице Куин.  Cross Queen Street. – Перейдите улицу Куин.

Task 8. Translate the following sentences. 1) Извините, пожалуйста, где расположен ресторан Барнаул? 2) Как добраться до речного вокзала? 3) Вы можете сказать, где находится Театр музыкальной комедии? 4) Извините, пожалуйста, где расположен Алтайский государственный педагогический университет? 5) Как добраться до автовокзала? 6) Идите вдоль по этой улице. 7) Идите вниз по улице Молодежная. 8) Идите вверх по Социалистическому проспекту. 9) Перейдите Красноармейский проспект. 10) Это находится на втором этаже. 11) Поднимитесь на лифте. 12) Перейдите улицу Ядринцева. 13) Это находится на седьмом этаже. 14) Поверните на право. 15) Сверните направо у аптеки “Губернский лекарь”.

Task 9. Read the invitation to Kate from Julia, find 8 grammar mistakes and correct them. To Kate from Julia Hi Kate, I really hopes you cans come to my birthday party on Monday. Here is some directions to my house. Take the 53 or 72a bus to the South Street. Get off the bus opposite Harvey Road, then goes left along South Street for about 50 metres. Take first left and second right. My house are about 30 metres along this road, on the right-hand side.

88 Task 10. Circle T (True) or F (False). 1. Julia’s birthday party is on Sunday. T / F 2. Kate should* (должна) take the 53 or 72a bus. T / F 3. Kate should go right along South Street. T / F 4. Julia’s house is about 50 metres along the road. T / F 5. Kate should get off the bus opposite Harvey Road. T / F

Task 11. Use these phrases to describe where the places below are in your town. 1) the library It’s on the corner of … 2) the park It’s opposite … 3) the school It’s near … 4) a café It’s next to …. 5) your flat (house) It’s between the … and the … 6) your friend’s flat (house) It’s behind the ….

Task 12. Make a dialogue with your partner. Ask him (her) how to get to the places that are in the picture.

Task 13. Ask your partner where different places are in your city (town), e.g.: Can you tell me where the Drama Theatre is? – It’s in Molodezhnaya Street.

Task 14. Listen to the dialogue and choose the correct variant where the post office is.

a) The post office is on the corner, next to the school. b) It’s opposite the supermarket. c) It’s next to the museum.

Task 15. A. Read the dialogue, translate it and role play it. John: Excuse me. Is there a cash machine near here? Woman: Yes, there is. There’s one at 20 Green Street. John: Sorry, where is that? Woman: Turn left and go straight on. Then turn right, and it’s on the right. John: Thank you very much. Woman: You’re welcome. B. Make the dialogues. Use the dialogue above as a model. Change the underlined words and word combinations.

89 Task 1. Read the text. The last weekend in October in Italy, there is a wonderful festival for all chocolate lovers. The festival takes place in the city of Perugia. This lovely medieval city surrounded by green hills is a motherland of eurochocolate. In this beautiful place, people can smell, taste and buy hundreds of chocolate products – delicious bars of chocolate with nuts, mini hearts of milk chocolate and dark chocolate with chili pepper. There are also chocolate and caramel cakes and drinking chocolate. All the world-famous chocolate makers are there, but also small hand-made chocolate producers from many different countries. There are also chocolate workshops. You can participate in them. You can learn how to make your own chocolate or to create chocolate sculptures. If you don’t want to get your hands dirty, you can just sit and listen to the fascinating history of chocolate. There is also much fun for people with not much money to spend. You can have a free taste of many products. Chocolate always puts you in a good mood! When you decide to visit the festival, don’t forget to book a hotel room, because it’s very popular and thousands of people visit it every year.

Task 2. Answer the questions to the text. 1. Where in Europe is there a popular festival for chocolate lovers? 2. Why does this festival take place in Perugia? 3. When does this festival take place? 4. What can people do in this festival? 5. What chocolate products are there in the festival? 6. Can people taste the chocolate products? 7. Is there any fun for people in the festival with not much money to spend? 8. Do only the world-famous chocolate makers visit this festival? 9. What is a chocolate workshop? What people can do at it? 10. Why is it so important to festival participants to book a hotel room?

Task 3. Think of the best title to the story.

Task 4. Speak about your house (flat). Mention the next points:  number of rooms  kinds of furniture  why do you like (don’t) like your house (flat)

Task 5. Here are some people talking about themselves. Put the words from the box in the gaps.

in front of on (× 2) in (× 2) under next to at (× 2) above near

 My name is John. I live … Manchester … England. I have a flat … the fifth floor of an apartment block. My friend Mike lives … a flat … the sixth floor. I know that he is … home now, because I can hear the music!  Hi! I’m Kate. I live in Flat 43 and my sister lives … me in Flat 44. I’m a secretary and I live … my office, I can walk to work in twenty minutes. I start work at the office at nine o’clock.  I’m Ted. I’m not happy. There’s a train tunnel … my house, and a very busy road … it. I am always tired because I don’t sleep very much.

90 Task 5. Progress Test. 1. A small house, usually in the countryside a) a cottage b) a semi-detached house c) a terraced house 2. A house that has one wall that is joined to another house. a) a semi-detached house b) a block of flats c) a detached house 3. A large building containing many apartments or offices. a) a block of flats b) a mansion c) a bungalow 4. Give the Russian equivalent to the adjective state-of-the-art. a) ультрасовременный b) искусный c) дорогой 5. A house in a row of similar houses joined together on both sides. The American word is a row house. a) a terraced house b) a semi-detached house c) a cottage 6. Give the English equivalent to the word “особняк”: a) a bungalow b) a cottage c) a mansion 7. Which room do you usually use for eating with family and friends? a) a dining room b) a bedroom c) a study 8. Which room do you usually use for putting up guests? a) a living room b) a bathroom c) a hall 9. Which room do you usually use for having a shower? a) a kitchen b) a sitting room c) a bathroom 10. ______a good restaurant in this city. a) there is b) there are c) there are no 11. ______a carpet on the floor. a) there are b) there is c) there are no 12. ______a table, four chairs and a cupboard in the kitchen. a) there are b) there is c) there are no 13. ______two bathrooms, a kitchen, a dining room, a living room and a toilet in his flat. a) there is b) there are c) there is no 14. ______there any milk in the fridge? a) is b) am c) are 15. ______there any sweets on the table? a) are b) is c) am 16. Give English equivalent for «пылесосить ковер». a) to vacuum the carpet b) to hoover the floor c) to wash the carpet 17. There is ______furniture in Mike’s room. a) some b) any b) many 18. There are ______pictures in the living room. a) some b) any b) much 19. There aren’t ______wallpapers in Clara’s room. a) any b) some c) a

91 20. There are ______chairs in the kitchen. a) much b) some c) any 21. There aren’t ______chairs in his room. a) much b) some c) any 22. There aren't … rooms in his flat. a) much b) many c) a lot of 23. There isn’t … snow in this town. a) many b) much c) lots of 24. Have the boys got … homework tonight? a) much b) many c) a lot of 25. Do … children go to this kindergarten? a) much b) many c) a lot of 26. There aren’t … hotel rooms at this time of year. a) many b) much c) lots of 27. There are … books on the shelf. a) a few b) a little c) little 28. We have got only … time to finish this work. a) a little b) a few c) few 29. My friend speaks …. Spanish. a) a little b) a few c) little 30. My dad always takes … books with me to read on holiday. a) a few b) a little c) little 31. Look! There’s a man _____ the roof. a) on b) at c) in 32. Is the museum near here? – Yes, turn left____ the traffic lights. a) on b) at c) in 33. It’s difficult to park _____ the town centre. It’s better to take the bus. a) on b) at c) in 34. My sister lives _____ Oxford. a) on b) at c) in 35. Liz lives ______20 Oxford Street. a) on b) at c) in 36. Munich is a large city _____ the south of Germany. a) on b) at c) in 37. Kate lives ______the sixth floor. a) on b) at c) in 38. Julia lives ______Molodezhnaya Street. a) on b) at c) in 39. We have ______oranges. We’ll make juice today. a) a few b) few c) a little d) little 92 40. We have ______apples. I will go to the supermarket and buy some. a) a few b) few c) a little d) little 41. We have ______milk. I will make pancakes. a) a few b) few c) a little d) little 42. I have ______sugar in my tea. It isn’t tasty. a) a few b) a little c) few d) little 43. There are ______people in the street. It is almost empty. a) a few b) few c) a little d) little 44. I think I ______to Moscow this month. a) will fly b) fly c) flies 45. ….. we see a movie tonight? a) Shall b) Do c) Does 46. I don’t think it ______tomorrow. a) will snow b) snows c) snowing 47. I promise I ______you. a) will help b) help c) helps 48. What would you like to eat? – I ______a pizza. a) will have b) has c) have 49. Идите вдоль по коридору. a) Go through the corridor. B) Go along the corridor. C) Go down the corridor. 50. Поднимитесь на лифте. a) Take the lift. b) Go there with the lift. c) Travel with the lift.

93 Task 1. Warming-up.  Have you got a really good friend?  How old is your friendship?  Why are you best friends?

Task. A) Here are pieces of advice how to be a good friend. Find Russian equivalents to the English ones. We use imperative to tell one or more people to do or not to do something. e.g.: Come in! Sit down!

1) Listen to each other. a) Помогайте друг другу решать проблемы. 2) Try to understand each other. b) Делитесь. 3) Respect each other. c) Слушайте друг друга. 4) Share. d) Никогда не обижайте друг друга. 5) Never hurt each other. e) Заботьтесь друг о друге. 6) Care about each other. f) Уважайте друг друга. 7) Help each other solve problems. g) Никогда не предавайте друг друга. 8) Never let each other down. h) Пытайтесь понимать друг друга.

B) Fill in the blanks with verbs from the box. Mind your grammar.

solve problems hurt understand share let listen care about respect help

1. When I have got a problem, my friend Helen is always on my side. She … me. 2. When I’m sick and stay in bed, my friend Mary visits me. She … me. 3. When I need a pen but don’t have any, my friend … her pens. 4. When I am in trouble, my best friend helps me … my … . 5. When my friend needs somebody to talk to, I always … to her. 6. If my friend doesn’t agree with me, he never tells me about it because he is afraid to … me. He … my feelings. 7. I know my best friend will never … me down. 8. When I need a hand, my best friend always … me. C) What is friendship? Give your comments. Use the model. I think friendship is … because … . 1. Spending time together. 2. Sharing ideas. 3. Having fun. 4. Respecting each other’s differences. 5. Loyalty. 6. Caring about each other. 7. Lack of conflicts. 8. Listening to each other.

94 Task 3. Study the vocabulary. Learn it by heart.

1. pal / buddy / mate (inf) – друг 2. close friend – близкий друг 3. best friend – лучший друг 4. acquaintance – знакомый 5. friendship – дружба 6. to have a good time with – хорошо проводить время с 7. to make friends – подружиться 8. to be friends with – дружить с 9. to get acquainted with – познакомиться 10. to lose touch with – потерять связь с 11. to get on well with – хорошо ладить с 12. to have a lot in common – иметь много общего

Task. 4 Change the following words and phrases to the vocabulary. 1. to understand someone and enjoy someone’s interests 2. not to see or hear from someone any longer 3. to have current friendship 4. to start a friendship 5. to meet each other 6. to share similar interests 7. friend number 1 8. a good friend 9. a person you know but he / she is not your friend 10. to have fun together 11. a friend 12. a type of relationship between people who care about each other.

Task 5. Answer the following questions. 1. What is the difference between a pal and an acquaintance / a pal and a close friend / a close friend and the best friend? 2. Have you got many acquaintances / mates / close friends / best friends? 3. What does friendship mean for you? 4. Is it easy for to get acquainted with somebody you see for the first time in your life? What do you usually say? 5. Is it easy for you to make friends? 6. Why best friends lose touch with each other? 7. Do you get on well with all your friends? Do hurt each other? 8. Have you got a lot in common? What interests do you share? 9. Do you and your mates have a good time when you go out? What do you normally do to- gether? 10. What is important to be friends forever?

Task 6. Read the story. The Hare with Many Friends A Hare is very popular with the other animals in the jungle who all say that they are her friends. One day she hears the hounds are approaching to catch her and she hopes to escape them by the help of her Friends. So, she goes to the horse and asks him to carry her away from the hounds on his back. But he declines, stating that he has important work to do for his master. "He feels sure," he says, "that 95 all her other friends will help to cope with the difficulties." She then applies to the bull and hopes that he will repel the hounds with his horns. The bull replies: "I am very sorry but I have an appointment with a lady. But I feel sure that our friend the goat will do what you want." The goat, however, fears that the Hare hurts his back if he takes her upon it. The ram, he feels sure, is the proper friend to ask for help. So she goes to the ram and tells him the case. The ram replies: "Another time, my dear friend. I do not like to interfere on the present occasion, as hounds eat sheep as well as hares." The Hare then applies, as a last hope, to the calf, who regrets that he is unable to help her, as he doesn’t like to take the responsibility upon himself. By this time the hounds are quite near, and the Hare takes to her heels and luckily escapes. (http://www.kidsgen.com/events/friendshipday/stories/aesop_fable.htm#VeRYzhW7ZVvv8ehI.99)

Task 7. A) Change the underlined words and word combinations to the following synonyms. Mind your grammar. 1. true 2. to get involved into the case 3. to run away 4. to date 5. to answer 6. to solve the problems 7. to say no 8. to address B) Find English equivalents in the text. 1. охотничья собака 2. приближаться 3. увозить 4. хозяин 5. отгонять рогами 6. посадить на спину 7. последняя надежда 8. сожалеть 9. брать на себя ответственность 10. дать деру

Task 8. Answer the questions. 1. Why does the Hare need help? What animals does she ask for help? 2. What does the horse say to her? 3. The bull doesn’t want to help his friend, does it? Why? 4. What does the goat fear? 5. Why does the ram not like to interfere on the present occasion? 6. Why is the calf unable to help the Hare? 7. All the animals say that they are the Hare’s friends. Are they true friends? Why? 8. Choose the best moral of the story:  He that has many friends, has no friends;  False friends are worse than open enemies;  Friendship doubles your joys, and divides your sorrows. Task 9. Retell the story.

Task 10. Study the Grammar box.

96 Affirmative Negative Interrogative Long form Short form Long form Short form I am walking I’m walking I am not walking I’m not walking Am I walking? You are walking You’re walking You are not walking You aren’t walking Are you walking? He is walking He’s walking He is not walking He isn’t walking Is he walking? She is walking She’s walking She is not walking She isn’t walking Is she walking? It is walking It’s walking It is not walking It isn’t walking Is it walking? We are walking We’re walking We are not walking We aren’t walking Are we walking? You are walking You’re walking You are not walking You aren’t walking Are you walking? They are walking They’re walking They are not walking They aren’t Are they walking? walking

Use Present Continuous for: 4. An action going on at the moment of speaking. e.g.: Ann is reading a book right now. She is preparing for her literature exam. 5. An action going on around now (a temporary action) but not at the actual moment of speaking. e.g.: Mark is reading up for his history exam these days. 6. A future action when it is planned. e.g.: Helen is leaving for Rome next week. 7. A continuous process (with the adverbs always, constantly) e.g.: The Earth is constantly moving. 8. With always or constantly to express irritation at actions which take place too often. e.g.: She is always interrupting me! Time expressions: now, at the moment, these days, at present, nowadays, tonight, always, con- stantly, still, etc. Spelling rules: 1. the base verb + ing: work → working, speak → speaking, study → studying 2. if the base verb ends in -e, we change -e to ing: make → making, take → taking 3. for short, one-syllable verbs, that end with consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant and then add -ing: sit → sitting, swim → swimming 4. when words have two or more syllables ending in consonant + vowel + consonant, we must double the last consonant if the last syllable is stressed: commit → committing 5. if the base verb ends in -l, we double it then add -ing: expel → expelling 6. for verbs that end in -ie, we change the -ie to -y before adding -ing: lie → lying, die → dying

Task 11. Add -ing to the verbs. 1. cut 11. drink 21. lie 31. climb 2. run 12. smoke 22. enjoy 32. know 3. jump 13. begin 23. smile 33. sing 4. forget 14. open 24. cry 34. look 5. listen 15. do 25. die 35. wash 6. cook 16. travel 26. write 36. use 7. teach 17. come 27. see 37. go 8. write 18. control 28. put 38. work 9. dance 19. prefer 29. eat 39. play 10. fly 20. say 30. stay 40. tie

97 Task 12. A) Complete the sentences as in the example. Long form Short form 1. I am reading a book. I’m reading a book. 2. Peter … smoking. Peter … smoking. 3. Ann and Mary … talking on the phone. Ann and Mary … talking on the phone. 4. Kate … cooking. Kate … cooking. 5. You … sitting and smiling. You … sitting and smiling. 6. We … drinking coffee. We … drinking coffee. 7. She … doing the homework. She … doing the homework. 8. He … playing with the ball. He … playing with the ball. 9. I … listening to you attentively. I … listening to you attentively. 10. We … walking in the park. We … walking in the park. 11. He … eating an apple. He … eating an apple. 12. It … flying. It … flying. 13. I … drinking a glass of milk. I … drinking a glass of milk. 14. They … watching TV. They … watching TV. 15. She … listening to music. She … listening to music. 16. I … cooking dinner. I … cooking dinner. 17. We … talking on the phone now. We … talking on the phone now. 18. You … driving a car. You … driving a car. 19. It … barking. It … barking. 20. They … barking. They … barking. B) Read what a boy is saying. Use am, is or are. I ….. in the gym. There ….. a lot of people here. They ….. playing table tennis and basketball. Here ….. my best friend Ben. He …… putting on his trainers, he …… a gymnast. I …… a gymnast too. We …… training hard these days because there will be a competition in Moscow soon. We …… taking part in it. After the training Ben and I ….. going to the café to have a snack.

Task 13. Make up negative sentences in Present Continuous. e.g.: Mark / driving / to / Oxford / is / not. – Mark is not driving to Oxford. 1. the chair / is / Tom / on / not / sitting. 2. are / playing / the puppies / not. 3. Jane / cooking / not / is / the kitchen / in. 4. are / reading / not / groupmates / the story. 5. Mark / wearing / not / is / his American cap / today. 6. I / not / to / listening / am / you. 7. Rita / drinking / coffee / is / her / not. 8. reading / not / grandpa / is / his newspaper. 9. my / not / parents / the news / watching / are. 10. Tina and Nick / not / volleyball / are / playing.

Task 14. A) Make up general questions in Present Continuous. e.g.: Mark / driving / to / Oxford / is / now? – Is Mark driving to Oxford now? 1. the chair / is / Tom / on / sitting? 2. are / playing / the puppies / in the garden? 3. Jane / cooking / is / the kitchen / in? 4. are / reading / groupmates / the story? 5. Mark / wearing / is / his American cap / today? 6. me / to / listening / are / you? 98 7. Rita / drinking / coffee / is / her? 8. reading / grandpa / is / his newspaper? 9. my / parents / the news / watching / are? 10. Tina and Nick / volleyball / are / playing? B) Use special words to make up special questions in Present Continuous. e.g.: ….. is Mark driving to now? – To Oxford. Where is Mark driving to now? – Mark is driving to Oxford. 1. ….. is Andy sitting? – On the sofa. 2. …… is playing / in the garden? – Michael and Frank. 3. …… is Jane cooking in the kitchen? – Dinner. 4. …… are your groupmates reading in the classroom? – Some English story. 5. …… is Mark not wearing his American cap today? – It’s very hot today. 6. …… are you looking at? – At those blue jeans. 7. ….. is Rita not drinking her coffee? – It’s too bitter. 8. ….. is grandpa reading? – His morning newspaper. 9. …… are our parents watching the news? – In the kitchen. 10. ….. is playing volleyball over there? – Tina and Nick.

Task 15. Change the verb into the correct form. 1. Emily … (paint) her living-room this week. 2. Jerry … (write) a letter to his brother right now. 3. Ann … (work / not) on this case. 4. He …(change) constantly his work place. 5. They … (have) a good time in Paris. 6. … your younger son … (study) German this summer? 7. I … (rest) right now, please, call me in the afternoon. 8. … David and Sarah … (talk) on the phone at the moment? 9. Grandma … (cook) dinner in the kitchen, it smells fantastic. 10. Look, George … (run) very fast! 11. It … (rain / not) any more. Let’s go out. 12. What … you … (do), Peter? – I … (read up) for the exam. 13. What … she … (eat)? – It’s tomato salad. 14. My parents … (leave) New-York tomorrow morning. 15. Helen … (sing) constantly this silly song. 16. They … (come) always late. 17. I … (meet) my partners from Berlin at the airport on Monday morning. 18. Robert … (make) a party next Sunday. … you … (come)? 19. Your grandpa … (smoke) always! 20. Emma … (try) to sell her old car. She needs money.

Task 1. Listen to the recording and complete the tasks. (Track 3.1)

A. Make the right choice. 1) Aurelia asks about Hannah’s … a) friend b) boyfriend c) brother 2) Jem’s girlfriend Lucy has got … a) long fair hair b) long brown hair c) short brown hair

99 3) Hanna has got a) one brother b) two brothers c) a brother and a sister 4) Alex and Jim … a) look different b) look the same c) have the same hair but different eyes 5) Aurelia thinks that Alex and Jim are … a) cool b) cute c) big B) Fill in the gaps. 1. Er, that’s … …, Jem. 2. And that’s his girlfriend Lucy. The … girl with the ... hair. 3. I’ve got … … . Jem and Alex. 4. Alex and Jem are …, they’re both … . 5. They’re exactly …! They’re both … and … . 6. They’ve both got … … hair, … eyes and … ears! 7. I think they’re … . 8. And has Alex got a …? C) Answer the questions. 1) What does your boyfriend / girlfriend look like? 2) What hair has he / she got? 3) What is the colour of his / her eyes? 4) Do you like his / her appearance? Why? Why not?

Task 2. A) Choose the correct description.

medium-length curly brown hair / medium-length wavy brown hair/ long wavy brown hair / medium-length straight brown hair / short curly brown hair / short straight brown hair

medium-length curly blond hair / long wavy blond hair / medium-length straight blond hair / short curly blond hair / short straight blond hair

medium-length wavy brown hair/ medium-length straight brown hair / short curly brown hair / short straight brown hair / long wavy brown hair / medium-length curly brown hair

medium-length curly blond hair / long wavy black hair / medium-length straight brown hair / short curly black hair / short straight brown hair

medium-length curly black hair /short wavy black hair / medium-length straight black hair / short curly black hair / short straight black hair B) Describe your best friend’s appearance.

100 Task 3. Match the words 1-20 to their definitions a-t.

1. T-shirt a) брюки 2. shirt b) джемпер 3. skirt c) футболка 4. jumper d) юбка 5. trousers e) рубашка 6. pants f) носки 7. jeans g) толстовка 8. hat h) пальто 9. cap i) шляпа, шапка 10. jacket j) шарф 11. top k) туфли 12. trainers l) перчатки 13. sweatshirt m) кепка 14. socks n) кроссовки 15. shoes o) джинсы 16. boots p) штаны 17. scarf q) пиджак, жакет 18. gloves r) платье 19. coat s) топ, женская кофта без рукавов на бретельках 20. dress t) ботинки

Task 4. Fill in the gaps with the words from task 3. 1. Casual denim trousers are called … . 2. In summer boys usually wear … on their heads. 3. … are types of sports shoes. 4. Girls usually wear … on their bottom half. 5. We normally wear … to keep our legs warm. 6. We always wear … to keep our feet warm. 7. … is a casual short-sleeved top. 8. In winter you always put on a … over your clothes to go outside. 9. You put a … around your neck when it’s cold. 10. … are necessary to protect your hands from cold weather.

Task 5. Fill in the table with words from the box.

dress trousers umbrella winter boots three-piece suit necklace wallet chain pendant sleeve sleepers jacket collar high-heel shoes vest T-shirt blouse earrings belt tie bracelet sneakers make-up kit watch skirt sandals top pocket pumps purse gold ring trainers

Women’s Men’s Accessories Parts of Jewelry Shoes clothes clothes clothes

101 Task 6. Study the vocabulary box. Learn it by heart.

1. to wear – носить e.g.: Tom usually wears a pair of jeans and a T-shirt. 2. to put on – надевать e.g.: Put on your scarf, it’s cold outside. 3. to take off – снимать e.g.: Take off the shoes, they are dirty. 4. to dress up – наряжаться e.g.: Helen always dresses up when she goes out. 5. to button up – застегнуть на пуговицы e.g.: Button up your coat, it’s windy. 6. to have on – быть одетым во что-то e.g.: Who’s Ann? – She has a black dress on. 7. to go with – сочетаться по стилю e.g.: Your red dress goes with that jacket. 8. to match – сочетаться по цвету e.g.: The blue skirt doesn’t match the green shoes.

Task 7. A) Fill in the gaps with the proper vocabulary verbs. 1. I have a date tonight, so I want to …… . 2. When I come home after work, I …… my shoes immediately. 3. I always ….. my shoes when I go out. 4. Look! Robert …… those funny green pants ……. . They are terrible! 5. This sports sweatshirt doesn’t ……. the trousers. 6. This black dress …… those green high-heel shoes. You’ll look great! 7. Mark always …… a white shirt and black trousers, he works in the bank. 8. …… your jumper before you go out. B. Translate the following sentences into English. Use your vocabulary. look + adjective e.g.: You look wonderful! – Ты выглядишь великолепно! 1. Рита, сними все свои кольца, серьги, браслеты и ожерелье. Ты выглядишь очень глупо. 2. Не забудь застегнуть все пуговицы на рубашке перед тем, как начнется собесе- дование, иначе (otherwise) ты будешь выглядеть глупо. 3. Кто же Джессика? – Она вон там, на ней синие джинсы и серый пуловер. Она выглядит мило. 4. Этот жакет шоколадного цвета идет твоим зеленым глазам. 5. Моя младшая сестра вечно наряжается! Иногда она выглядит смешно. 6. Твоя новая рубашка сочетается с папиным итальянским галстуком. 7. Моя бабушка всегда носит косметичку в своей сумочке. 8. Если ты хочешь пойти в спортзал, надень кроссовки.

Task 8. A) Choose the right variant. What do people usually wear… on the beach? – a bathing suit, a scarf, shorts, a hat, sunglasses, swim trunks, a coat in the office? – a three piece-suit, a blouse, a T-shirt, pants, jeans, trousers, sneakers, shoes when it’s cold? – a fur coat, a pullover, mittens, gloves, sandals, winter boots, a woolen hat when they go to bed? – high-heel shoes, pyjamas, a nightgown, a sweatshirt, a vest, slippers on their feet? – pants, boots, sneakers, socks, trainers, trousers, a skirt, a cap, sandals B) What are these girls wearing now? Choose the right variant.


Jane is wearing… Ann is wearing… Helen is wearing… Liz is wearing… o a suit a cap a coat a shirt o a T-shirt a scarf winter boots a pullover o gloves mittens shoes trousers o socks pants a jacket a skirt o shorts sandals a dress a blouse o a skirt a blouse trainers a tie C) Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Обычно Джейн ходит в джинсах и толстовке, но сегодня она в красивом вечернем платье, потому что она с Патриком обедает в ресторане. 2. Моя подруга Элла всегда носит юбки и туфли на высоких каблуках. 3. Почему ты сегодня одет в строгий костюм? – У меня собеседование после обеда. 4. Сегодня на мне теплый джемпер и шерстяной шарф, так как на улице очень холодно. 5. Почему на тебе пижама? Ты разве не идешь в университет? 6. Виктор всегда ходит в кроссовках, он говорит, что это очень удобно. 7. Почему на Нине сейчас кроссовки? Разве у нее урок физкультуры? 8. Ты не носишь подтяжек, не так ли? – Нет, не ношу. А что? 9. На тебе сейчас те дорогие серьги из Испании, не так ли. – Нет, эти серьги подарок де- душки. 10. Зачем ты носишь эти ботинки? Они же неудобные! D) Tell the group:  what you usually wear and what you are wearing now;  what one of your classmates is wearing now;  what you friends usually wear.

Task 9. Study the Grammar Box.

Adverbs of manner tell us how something happen, e.g.: How does Den run? – He runs quickly. We add -ly to the adjective: slow –slowly, patient – patiently, careful – carefully

Spelling Adjective Adverb -le → ly gentle gently -y → ily easy easily -ic → ically automatic automatically -ue → uly true truly -ll → lly full fully Irregular adverbs: good – well fast – fast hard – hard early – early late – late 103 We never use adverbs after these verbs: to be, to become, to feel, to get, to look, to seem. We use only adjectives. e.g.: Sam feels bad. (not “Sam feels badly”) Jack is happy. (not “Jack is happily”)

Task 10. Make adverbs. 1. angry 2. bad 3. beautiful 4. careful 5. clever 6. dangerous 7. foolish 8. fast 9. happy 10. hard 11. kind 12. nervous 13. polite 14. quick 15. quiet 16. secret 17. slow 18. soft 19. stupid 20. good 21. wise 22. late 23. fair 24. easy 25. wide 26. deep 27. close 28. serious 29. sensible 30. honest

Task 11. Insert adverbs or adjectives. 1. She looks (fantastic / fantastically) in the black skirt and blue blouse. 2. Your jeans are (dirty / dirtily), take them off right now. 3. I try (hard / hardly) to look like an office lady but always fail. 4. Nancy swims (quick / quickly), she is number one in the team. 5. I sleep (good / well) in this pyjamas, it is very soft and comfortable. 6. Please, speak (slow/ slowly), I am not good at Italian. 7. It is really (cold / coldly) outside. Put on winter boots and mittens. 8. How does Robert play the guitar? – He plays it (fantastic / fantastically). 9. How does our National Football team play? – They play (bad / badly). 10. You drive (dangerous / dangerously), please, be (careful / carefully). 11. I feel (cold / coldly), where is my scarf? 12. She is always talking to me (cold / coldly)! 13. “You are late!” Peter says (angry / angrily). 14. Our teacher speaks so (quiet / quietly), nobody hears her. 15. It is a very important question. Please, think (careful / carefully) before you give your an- swer.

Task 12. Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Тебе холодно? Надень свитер. 2. Не говори со мной холодно, я тебе не враг. 3. Она выглядит восхитительно! Ее голубое платье великолепно сочетается с бежевыми лодочками. 4. Почему ты смотришь на меня так серьезно? Что-то не так? 5. Мой сосед всегда встает очень рано и сразу же громко включает музыку. 6. Не забудь свой зонт. На улице идет сильный дождь. 7. Я всегда сплю хорошо в этой пижаме. Она теплая и мягкая. 8. Всегда думай хорошо, прежде чем что-то сказать. 9. Ты водишь ужасно! Это же опасно для твоего здоровья! 10. Сними пальто, в комнате очень жарко.

Task 13. Study the Grammar Box.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Long form Short form Long form Short form I am going to I’m going to I am not going to I’m not going to Am I going to dance. dance. dance. dance. dance? You are going You’re going to You are not going You aren’t going Are you going to to dance. dance. to dance. to dance. dance?

104 He is going to He’s going to He is not going to He isn’t going to Is he going to dance. dance. dance. dance. dance? She is going to She’s going to She is not going to She isn’t going to Is she going to dance dance. dance. dance. dance? It is going to It’s going to It is not going to It isn’t going to Is it going to dance. dance. dance. dance. dance? We are going to We’re going to We are not going We aren’t going Are we going to dance. dance. to dance. to dance. dance? You are going You’re going to You are not going You aren’t going Are you going to to dance. dance. to dance. to dance. dance? They are going They’re going to They are not going They aren’t going Are they going to to dance. dance. to dance. to dance. dance?

Use to be going to: 1. when we want to speak about a plan for the future, e.g.: I am going to meet my friends at the café at 4 p.m. – Я собираюсь встретиться с друзьями в кафе в 4 часа. We are going to watch a new film now, would you like to join us? – Мы собираемся посмотреть сейчас новый фильм, не хочешь к нам присоединиться? 2. when we want to make a prediction based on evidence we can see now, e.g.: The sky is getting dark, it is going to rain. – Небо становится темным, кажется (вероятно), будет дождь. Look out! The vase is going to fall off! – Осторожно! Сейчас упадет ваза!

Task 14. A) Use the following words and make up affirmative (long form, short form), negative (full form, short form) and interrogative sentences with the help of to be going to. Give answers. e.g.: he / sell / his dad’s old car (no) affirmative long form: He is going to sell his dad’s old car. affirmative short form: He’s going to sell his dad’s old car. negative long form: He is not going to sell his dad’s old car. negative short form: He isn’t going to sell his dad’s old car. interrogative sentence: Is he going to sell his dad’s old car? – No, he is not. 1. You / listen to / me (yes) 2. He / watch / the football match (no) 3. They / buy / a cottage out of town (yes) 4. You / order / sushi for lunch (no) 5. It / rain (yes) 6. I / clean / the living-room (no) 7. She / wash / the dishes (yes) 8. He / put on / those pants (no) 9. They / repair / the fridge (yes) 10. We / marry / this spring (no) 11. You / get up early / tomorrow morning (yes) 12. He / play / computer games (no) 13. We / take pictures (yes) 14. She / do the gardening (no) 15. He / go for a walk (yes) B) Your best friend wants you to visit him / her. Unfortunately, you are terribly busy this week. Look at your diary and explain why you won’t come.

105  Monday: tennis 6.30 p.m.  Tuesday: visit granny (evening)  Wednesday: work late (till 10 p.m.)  Thursday: theatre (with parents)  Friday: family dinner Your friend: Are you free on Monday evening? You: I’m afraid I’m not. I ……. . Your friend: What about Tuesday at 7 p.m.? You: I’d love to but I …… . Your friend: Maybe you are doing nothing on Wednesday evening? You: I’m sorry but I …… . Your friend: I see. What are you going to do on Thursday evening? You: I …… . Your friend: Will you come on Friday evening? You: Unfortunately, I won’t. We …… .

Task 15. Translate the following sentences. 1. Нина собирается купить ту белую блузку? 2. Мы собираемся купить подарок на день рож- дения Эндрю. 3. Дедушка не собирается обедать с нами, он планирует встретиться со своим старым другом. 4. Ты собираешься ремонтировать телевизор? 5. Выгляни в окно, кажется, скоро пойдет снег. 6. Рита и Том собираются жить вместе в этой квартире? 7. Она не собира- ется ехать на море этим летом. 8. Роберт собирается купить новый автомобиль. 9. Как часто ты собираешься посещать спортзал? 10. Когда ты собираешься прочитать эту книгу? 11. Что ты собираешься делать сегодня вечером? 12. Почему ты планируешь надеть этот костюм? Он же грязный. 13. Что мы сегодня закажем на обед? – Мы собираемся заказать пиццу. 14. В какой университет Дина собирается поступать?

Task 1. Study the Vocabulary Box. Learn the vocabulary by heart.

1. affectionate – любящий, нежный, ласковый 2. ambitious – честолюбивый, целеустремлённый 3. analytical – с аналитическим складом ума 4. athletic – спортивный 5. confident – уверенный 6. cooperative – сотрудничающий, готовый к сотрудничеству, покладистый 7. critical – придирчивый 8. generous – щедрый 9. independent – независимый 10. selfish – эгоистичный 11. sensitive – чувствительный 12. sneaky – подлый, трусливый, хитрый, коварный, действующий исподтишка 13. sociable – общительный 14. stubborn – упрямый, упорный 15. talkative – болтливый

106 Task 2. Fill in the gaps. Spell the words. Give translation. amb…t…s, co…f….nt, so…ble, ta…tiv…, se…s…ve, in…p…d…t, st…b…rn, co…r…ve, an…t…l, af…t…n…te

Task 3. Put the following personality adjectives under the correct headings. sociable, ambitious, critical, confident, sneaky, athletic, stubborn, affectionate, selfish, gener- ous, cooperative, sensitive, shy, talkative, independent, analytical

Positive quality Negative quality Both

Task 4. Find synonyms. 1) talkative a) timid 2) shy b) self-centered 3) affectionate c) easy-going 4) sneaky d) demanding 5) ambitious e) cowardly 6) critical f) sportive 7) cooperative g) sociable 8) athletic h) stubborn 9) selfish i) sentimental 10) sensitive j) gentle

Task 5. Find antonyms to the vocabulary words. Use a dictionary if necessary. 1) confident a) weak 2) independent b) careless 3) sociable c) dependent 4) generous d) heartless 5) talkative e) shy 6) affectionate f) stingy 7) ambitious g) unsociable 8) sensitive h) hateful 9) athletic i) undemanding 10) critical j) reserved

Task 6. A) Fill in a suitable word from the box below.

shy, lazy, kind, reserved, generous, ambitious, cowardly, sensitive, cooperative, stubborn

so + adjective such + a / an + adjective + noun in singular 1. He is so … ! All day long he is lying on the sofa and watching TV. 2. Martin is such a … boy, he never says what he feels. 3. My dad is so …, he buys mom new shoes or jewelry every month. 4. Peter is such an … man, he is already a boss in this company. 5. It is so … of you to help me with these heavy bags. 6. Rita and her sister Mary are such … girls, they start crying very easily. 7. Your behavior is so … . You forget you are a man, not a little girl. 8. Please, don’t be so … to ask me a question. 107 9. My new partners are so …, they are really easy to have a deal with. 10. Tom, don’t be so … like a goat! B) Insert so or such. 11. Liza is … beautiful in this light green dress. She looks amazing! 12. There are … expensive coats in this shop. I haven’t got enough money. 13. You are … sensible and reserved! These are very important features. 14. My aunt is … a talkative woman! She is talking and talking, I think she never stops. 15. Her brother Tom is … athletic! Look at his body, I suppose he is a professional swim- mer. 16. Jimmy is … a cowardly boy. He is scared of spiders and frogs, even our little dog frightens him. 17. My grandparents are … stubborn. They don’t want to sell their old big house in the vil- lage and move to our town. 18. Our daughter Emma is … a selfish girl. She cares only about herself. I think it’s our fault. 19. Don’t be … independent. When you really need help, nobody will give you a hand. 20. Mr. Thompson is … a critical boss. He always demands we come to work at 7.55 a.m. and go home after 6 p.m.

Task 7. Study the Grammar Box.

Adjective Comparative Superlative One syllable kind kinder the kindest cold colder the coldest One syllable ending in one hot hotter the hottest vowel and one consonant sad sadder the saddest Two syllables ending in -y lazy lazier the laziest happy happier the happiest Two or more syllables serious more / less serious the most / the least serious boring more / less boring the most / the least boring Irregular good better the best bad worse the worst far farther / further the farthest / the furthest old older / elder the oldest / the eldest

 Use comparative to compare two things, people or places. In such sentences we need than. e.g.: Moscow is bigger than Barnaul. You are lazier than me.  Use superlative to compare more than two things, people or places. We need the before the superlative form and we often use in. e.g.: It’s the most beautiful place in the world. She is the tallest girl in the class.

Task 8. Give the comparative and superlative of the following adjectives. fat, glad, sensitive, sad, bright, beautiful, cheap, bad, happy, open, clever, dry, free, hard-working, small, friendly, large, interesting, boring, kind, good, curly, slim, sensible, thick, long, rosy, sociable, affectionate, sneaky, lazy, critical, smart, boring, far, independent, plump, confident, ugly, fair, gene- rous, selfish, short, old, late, easy-going, brainy, reliable.

108 Task 9. Give both comparative and superlative forms where possible. e.g.: Her brother is athletic. (than she) – Her brother is more athletic than she. (in his team) – Her brother is the most athletic in his team. 1. Football is popular. (than baseball / in Russia) 2. This T-shirt is cheap. (than that one / in the shop) 3. He is ambitious. (than his colleague Mark / in the company) 4. Ann is shy. (than any other girl in her class / of all) 5. This new film is boring. (than Titanic / of all the films in this genre) 6. Angela is easy-going. (than you / in her family) 7. Jim is lazy. (than his brother Jerry / I know) 8. My house is far from here. (than yours / of all) 9. This car is expensive. (than Nick’s / in the car-park) 10. Sunday is convenient for me. (than Thursday / of all week-days)

Task 10. Choose the correct forms in these sentences. 1. Is this bus stop further / farther than the railway station? 2. You will understand everything further / farther on. 3. We have got no further / farther information. 4. Your test is worse / the worst than mine. 5. Mary always wears more expensive / the most expensive clothes. 6. Mark is the oldest / the eldest son in the family. 7. My room is smaller / the smallest than yours. 8. His English is better / the best in the class. 9. Andrew is older / elder than his wife Anna. 10. You are more responsible / the most responsible man I know.

Task 11. A) What do you think? (Share your opinion with the class.) A. Men vs. women? B. Boys vs. girls? C. Female vs. male bosses? e.g.: I think women are more talkative than men. Or I think men are less talkative than women. 1.______less sensitive than______2.______sneakier than______3.______more analytical than______4.______less talkative than______5.______more hard-working than______6.______less affectionate than______7.______more stubborn than______8.______less cooperative than______9.______shier than______10.______less generous than______B) What quality is the most important? Explain why. Use the following phrases. I think the most important quality is to be … because… In my opinion …. I am sure …. I believe …. I suppose …

109 Task 12. Choose the correct tense. 1. What you (to do) here now? – We (to listen) to the music. 2. You (to want) to see my father? – Yes, I ... 3. Mary (to know) Spanish rather well. She (to want) to know French too but she (to have) little time for it now. 4. What book you (to read)? – It (to be) a German newspaper. There (to be) good articles on politics here. You (to be) interested in politics? – Yes, I .... But I (not to know) German. 5. We (to have) an Italian lesson now. 6. Nina always (to prepare) her homework at the university? – No, she ... . As a rule, she (to work) at home. – And what she (to write) now? – Oh, she (to write) an article for our wall newspaper. 7. Who that man (to be) who (to stand) in the hall? – You (not to recognize) him? It (to be) Jerry, my elder brother. 8. I (to have) no time now, I (to have) dinner with my partners. 9. Your family (to leave) Barnaul in summer? – Yes, we always (to go) to the Black Sea. We all (to like) the sea. Mother (to stay) with us to the end of August but father (to return) home earlier. 10. Where Tim and John (to be) now? — They (to have) a smoke outside.

Task 13. Study the Grammar Box.

Verbs denoting: 1. sense perception – to see, to hear, to smell, to taste, to touch; 2. mental activity – to know, to believe, to understand, to remember, etc.; 3. wish and possession – to want, to wish, to own, to possess, etc.; 4. feeling – to like, to love, to hate, to prefer, etc.; 5. abstract relations – to be, to have, to depend, to belong, to seem, to need, etc.; 6. physical properties of objects – to weigh (= to have weight), to smell ( = to give out a smell), to taste (= to have a flavor), to sound; 7. affect – to surprise, to impress, to please, etc.

Task 14. Choose the sentences that are correct. 1. Do you see me well? / Are you seeing me well? 2. Ann is preferring / prefers coffee to tea. 3. Does Nina like Rome? / Is Nina liking Rome? 4. What song are they singing now? / What song do they sing now? 5. Their train arrives / is arriving in 15 minutes. 6. My grandparents are arriving / arrive on Friday. 7. You understand / are understanding German well. 8. This bag of potatoes is weighing / weighs 20 kilos. 9. My aunt Emily always complains / is always complaining. 10. Jane is working / works in her dad’s café. 11. The river Ob flows / is flowing into the Kara Sea. 12. My best friend is living / lives in St. Petersburg. 13. I usually stay / am staying at the Astoria Hotel when come here. 14. Mary, take your umbrella. It is raining / rains outside. 15. My mom is a famous chef, but she doesn’t work / isn’t working at the moment. 16. They are true friends, they are seldom arguing / seldom argue. 17. We leave / are leaving, good night! 18. The Moon is constantly moving / constantly moves round the Earth. 19. Something burns / is burning, do you smell it? 20. Lora and Jack are getting / get married in April.

110 Task 15. A) Read the text. Jackie is 32 years old. She has got green eyes and light brown hair. Her hair is medium-length and straight. She has got fair skin and a lovely smile. Her arms are athletic because she goes swimming twice a week and every Friday she does kickboxing. Jackie is my best friend. We have got a lot in common and never hurt each other. I like her personality. Jackie is fun and likes to laugh but she is very serious and sensible. She understands how people feel even if she does not agree with them. She is kind, creative, and hard-working. In fact, she is more cooperative, analytical and hard- working than me. That’s why she is taking charge of a very important project at her work. In this picture she is wearing a pretty red, green necklace and my black hat! B) Answer the following questions. 1. How does Jackie look like? 2. Why is she sportive? 3. These two women are best friends, aren’t they? Why? 4. What kind of personality has Jackie got? 5. Why is Jackie taking charge of a very important project? 6. Who is Jackie in the picture? C) Take a picture of you and your friend. Describe your friend. Use the text above as a plan.

Task 1. A) Study the Vocabulary Box and say what you can do alone with your friends

1. to watch television – смотреть телевизор 2. to visit / meet friends – навещать друзей / встречаться с друзьями 3. to entertain friends (when friends come to your house for dinner, etc.) – развлекать друзей 4. to listen to music – слушать музыку 5. to read books – читать книги 6. to go to the restaurant / café / cinema / theatre / night club / the pub – ходить в ресторан / кафе / кино /театр / ночной клуб / паб 7. to do the gardening – заниматься садоводством 8. to go for a drive – поехать кататься 9. to go for a walk – отправиться на прогулку 10. to do DIY = to do home-improvement activities – мастерить, делать что-то своими руками 11. to take pictures – фотографировать, заниматься фотографией 12. to surf the net – сидеть в интернете

B) Answer the following questions.  When you have nothing to do, what do you usually do?  When you and your friends have got free time, what do you usually do together? C) Learn it the vocabulary by heart.


Task 2. Fill in the table with the words from the box.

sailing football jogging paragliding rugby swimming judo cricket mountain- eering tennis karate windsurfing squash hiking hockey baseball canoeing boxing gymnastics volleyball skateboarding rock climbing basketball diving kickboxing athletics

Ball games Martial arts Extreme sports Water sports Other activities

Task 3. Answer the following questions, use to be good / bad at, would like to do. 1. What sports are you good at? 2. What sports are you bad at? 3. What sports would you like to try? 4. What sports is your best friend good at? 5. What sports is your best friend bad at? 6. What sports would he / she like to try?

Task 4. Study the following information. When we talk about our hobbies, we can use the verbs play, do, or go. play + sport / game play football / play video games / play chess do + hobby / individual sport do DIY, do judo go + activity go swimming, go fishing e.g.: My sister plays tennis every weekend. e.g.: My brother likes doing DIY. e.g.: I go swimming three times a week.

Task 5. Work in a group. Continue the lines. Use your dictionary and task 2. Game: football, hockey… Individual sport: judo, gymnastics … Hobby: DIY, reading… Activity: swimming, driving…

Task 6. Fill in the blanks with the proper verb (to play, to do, to go) 1. How often do you … tennis? 2. Michael … karate and he is very good at it. 3. My friends … poker every Saturday night. 4. Every winter my family … skating to our park. 5. Would you like to … hiking with us? 6. I know that somebody in your family … ice-hockey. Is it your youngest son Henry? 7. I … yoga every day, it’s so relaxing! 8. My granddad is such an athletic man! He’s got a small yacht and … sailing regularly. 9. A lot of people like ... chess. 10. Magda … aerobics in the most fashionable gym of our town. 11. Do you prefer to … snowboarding or skiing? 12. Would you like to go to the pub? We can … darts there.

112 13. My colleagues … bowling every Friday evening. We’ve got a good team. 14. My boss Mr. Parker … golfing with his business partners every week. 15. George and Frank … golf on this field. There is a wonderful lawn here.

Task 7. Make the sentences interrogative in Present Continuous, give short and full answers. Insert the definite article where it is necessary. to play + the + musical instrument e.g.: I play the guitar. to play + sports e.g.: I play football. e.g.: Sandra / playing / piano (No) – Is Sandra playing the piano? – No, she is not. She is not playing the piano. Your younger sisters / play / squash (Yes) – Are your younger sisters playing squash? – Yes, they are. They are playing squash. 1. Mark / play / volleyball (No) 2. Peter / play / violin (Yes) 3. Emily / play / tennis (No) 4. Sarah / play / accordion (Yes) 5. David / play / hockey (No) 6. Denis / play / badminton (Yes) 7. Trina / play / chess (No) 8. Nancy / play / drums (Yes) 9. Henry / play / basketball (No) 10. Stacy and Frederic / play / baseball (Yes) 11. George and Sandy / play / ping pong (No) 12. Rita and Nina / play / trumpet (Yes) 13. Mark and Antony / play / billiards (No) 14. Her classmates / play / cricket (Yes) 15. His roommates / play / flute (No)

Task 8. Listen to the recording and choose the correct variant. (Track 3.2)

1. What is Stuart planning to do with his friends? a) go for a drive and have a picnic b) watch a football game c) see a movie and have dinner 2. Why does Amy say she can't go with them? a. She is going to study for an exam. b. She doesn't have any spending money. c. She already has plans to attend a party. 3. What are they planning to do at the end of the evening? a. watch a video b. have a party c. play some games 4. How is Amy getting to the activity? b. She's driving her car. c. Stuart is giving her a ride. d. She's taking the bus. 5. What time does Amy want to be home? a. at 10:30 p.m. b. at 11:30 p.m. c. at midnight 113 Task 9. Do you often quarrel with your best friend? How do you feel? Study the following word combinations.

1. to be angry with – злиться на 2. to be shocked / surprised at / by – быть шокированным / удивленным чем-то 3. to be tired of – устать от 4. to be worried / upset about – быть обеспокоенным / расстроенным по поводу чего-то 5. to be pleased / disappointed with – быть довольным / разочарованным чем-то 6. to be afraid / scared of – бояться 7. to be rude / friendly / polite / cruel / nice to – быть грубым / дружелюбным / веж- ливым / жестоким / милым с 8. to be sorry about – сожалеть о

Task 10. Insert prepositions. 1. Please, don’t be sorry … the mess. I’ll help you to clear it up. 2. She tries to be friendly … everyone she gets acquainted with. 3. Sarah is pleased … her results at her history exam. 4. What are you upset …? Let’s go for a walk and have a talk. 5. I’m tired … all your bags and shoes on my shelves and draws. 6. Peter is angry … me, he says I am always late. 7. All the guests are shocked … his behavior. 8. What are you afraid … ? Tell me, I’ll try to help you. 9. You’ve got a lovely daughter, she is always polite and nice … people. 10. I am surprised … what I hear now. Are you sure about what you are talking about?

Task 11. Translate the words in brackets. 1. You (устал от) this hard work. You need some rest. 2. My mother (довольна) my achievements at the University. 3. I (шокирована) the news. It says there is a war in Syria, a lot of people are already dead. 4. Why (беспокоишься) it? You can do nothing. 5. Maggie terribly (боится) spiders. When she sees one she stars crying. 6. Your elder daughter always (груба) me. What’s the matter? 7. Why you (злишься) me? I don’t understand what you are talking about. 8. I (приношу извинения) the smell in the room. I’ll open the window and air the room. 9. We like the sea and the food is fantastic but my friends (разочарованы) the hotel. 10. Everybody (удивлены) the birthday cake. It is not big but huge and very tasty.

Task 12. Study the Grammar Box.

We can emphasize a comparative adjective when we use such words as much, a lot, far, or a bit, a little before the comparative form of the adjective:

much a bit far гораздо, намного, значительнее a little немного, чуть a lot e.g.: The Ob is much longer than the Katun. e.g.: This book is far more interesting than that one. e.g.: Your hair is a bit darker than Helen’s.

114 Task 13. Use much / far / a lot / a bit / a little before comparatives. 1. His films are ….. than his musicals. (much / famous) 2. It is ….. in March that in April. (a little / cold) 3. This book is …… than that one. (a bit / interesting) 4. Mark is …… than Alex. (a lot / tall) 5. Margaret’s hair is …… than Regina’s. (far / curly) 6. My brother is …… than you, he plays tennis. (a little / athletic) 7. This house is too small for our family. We need something …… . (much / big) 8. I prefer this sofa, it is …… than the chair. (a bit / comfortable) 9. We always buy vegetables and fruits at the supermarket, it is …… . (far / cheap) 10. This dress is ……than all the others, I would like to buy it. (a lot / beautiful)

Task 14. Translate the following sentences. 1. Эта квартира гораздо светлее, чем квартира на пятом этаже. 2. Эти духи пахнут чуть лучше, чем те духи, которые ты держишь в руке. 3. Он намного целеустремлённее тебя. Я думаю, он скоро станет начальником. 4. Для меня французский язык гораздо сложнее, нежели чем итальянский. 5. Великий Новгород гораздо древнее, чем Москва. Это один из самых древних городов России. 6. Эти синие туфли немного удобнее, чем серые. Я бы хотел купить их. 7. Мерседес гораздо дороже Форда, у меня нет столько денег. 8. Твой пирог выглядит не очень аппетитно. – Я надеюсь, на вкус он намного лучше. 9. Сегодня погода чуть лучше, чем вчера. 10. В этой контрольной работе у вас гораздо меньше ошибок.

Task 15. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. Nina always ….. (go) to work by bus. 2. When …… your English class …… (start) today? 3. What …… Alison …… (do)? – She …… (read) her morning newspaper. She …… (read) newspapers every morning. 4. I’m afraid I’ll lose this game of billiards. I …… (play) not well. In fact, I …… (play) better. 5. What …… your grandma …… (do)? – She …… (fix) grandpa’s socks and pants. She usu- ally ….. (fix) his clothes when they ….. (watch) TV. 6. I love my shoes. I ….. (wear) them almost every day. But today I ….. (wear) sandals. 7. The 6.45 train ….. (arrive) at 9.25. 8. We usually …… (travel) by our local train. 9. Look out of the window! It ….. (snow)! It’s so beautiful! 10. In our region it often …… (snow) in winter.

Task 1. Answer the following questions. 1. Do you send emails? 2. How often do you send emails? 3. Who do you usually send emails? 4. Do you prefer to write a letter or send an email?

115 Task 2. Study some writing tips of an informal email. Start with:  Hi + first name, Remember! we don’t use Dear Friend or Hi Friend Before you end the email use:  See you soon.  Speak to you soon. End with:  Best wishes,  From, (for close friends)  Love, / Lots of love, (for close friends)  All the best, If you don’t know the person very well, end with:  Regards,  Kind regards, Use contractions:  I’m, you’re, they’re, etc. Use would like / would prefer but not want:  I’d like some information about … Task 3. Study punctuation writing tips which you use in an email.. . – full stop  Use a full stop at the end of a sentence. e.g.: We are on holiday in Italy. , – comma  Use a comma in lists. e.g.: It’s big, comfortable and beautiful.  Use a come after saying hello + first name and when you end your email (except From). e.g.: Hi Diana, e.g.: Love,  Use comma before or after please. e.g.: Please, write me as soon as you can. e.g.: Write me as soon as you can, please. A, B, C, etc. – capital letters  Use capital letters at the beginning of the sentence. e.g.: We are in Rimini.  Use capital letters for the names (the names of people, places, days, months, books and films and etc.) e.g.: We are in Rimini. Our hotel is Gaston.  Use a capital letter for the pronoun I. e.g.: I like it here a lot!

Task 4. Study the example of an email. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: holidays!!!!!! Attachment: JPG (0.13 MB) JPG (0.21 MB) Hi Diana, How are you?

116 We are on holiday in Italy. We are in Rimini. Our hotel is Gaston. It’s big, comfortable and beautiful. It’s such a wonderful place with many conveniences. It’s 50 meters from the beach and it has got its own big swimming pool and spa. We go to the beach every morning. When it’s getting too hot in the sun, we go for a walk and take pictures of beautiful places or spend time in little cool cafés of Rimini. I like it here a lot! The two attachments are pictures. Pic 1 is Tim and me in the sea. Pic 2 is me at our favorite café. See you next week! Love, Helen

Task 5. Find phrases in the email and change them to their synonyms. Form Hope to see you soon! Hello Diana, Thanks for your letter

Task 6. Answer the questions. 1. What is the subject of the email? 2. How many paragraphs are there? 3. How does Helen start her email? 4. Helen is being polite to Diana. Can you prove it? 5. What does Helen tell Diana about her holiday in Italy? 6. What contractions does she use in the email? 7. What kind of attachments are there in the email? What can Diana see there? 8. How does Helen finish her email? 9. Where does Helen put commas and full stops? 10. Where does Helen use capital letters?

Task 7. There is an email from Tom but it has got a wrong structure. Make it correct. Lots of love, Hi Rita, Maybe we can meet on Saturday after my test. What about café Mooli’s at 5 p.m? I hope you’ve got no plans. See you on Saturday and take care. How are things? By the way, I’d like to ask your advice about Spanish. You’re really good at it and I’m going to study it too. Our teacher says it’s much easier than English. You know I like languages. Probably you’ve got some Spanish books and recordings. Michael I’ve got much work today. I’m preparing for my English final test. Our teacher says it will be really difficult. It is going to be the most difficult test of all we’ll have this semester. Subject: much work (((((

Task 8. Write your answer to the email in Task 7. Say that you can’t come on Saturday and explain why. Don’t forget to give your comments about Spanish. Make another arrangement.

Task 9. Write an email to your friend. Use one of the following topics.  You want to invite your friend to a party. Tell your friend what party it’s going to be, who you’d like to invite, where it’s going to happen.  You are planning to go shopping. You want your friend to join you. Speak about clothes you’d like to buy. Explain what you need it for.  You are going to see football / hockey match. Ask your friend to come with you. Tell him / her why you want to go there.

117  Your friend lives in London and you are going to visit the city soon. Say what you’d like to visit. Ask your friend to show you some places or give some advice what to see.  You need a new laptop. Your best friend is a computer programmer. Explain your friend what you’d prefer to have in a new one. Ask for advice.  You’ve got a date but you’d like to change something in your look. Tell your friend what exactly you dislike in your appearance. Ask your friend for advice.

Task 10. Make up questions. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. Give answers. 1. You / often / wear / trousers? 2. You / wear / trousers / now? 3. It / snow / in your region? 4. It / snow / now? 5. You / listen to / music / now? 6. You / listen to / music / every day? 7. You / usually / read / before / you / go to bed? 8. You / read / a book / now? 9. You / play / volleyball / in summer? 10. You / play / volleyball / now?

Task 11. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. The Ob …… (flow) very fast. It …… (flow) faster than the Irtysh. 2. You always …… (complain) that you ….. (have) much homework. 3. As a rule I ….. (walk) to the University. I ….. (not, take) the bus or the tram. 4. Frank always ….. (say) something bad about people! 5. Marta is a vegan, she ….. (not, eat) meat. 6. Andrew, what …… you ….. (eat)? Is it my piece of cake? 7. This profession ….. (become) popular these days. 8. Where is David? – He …… (be) in the bathroom. He ….. (take) a shower. 9. Why ….. you …… (run)? – I am in a hurry. I’m afraid, I …… (be) late for the interview. 10. My little neighbour ….. (play) the flute all the time! I hate this noise!

Task 12. Use Present Simple or Present Continuous. 1. Rita ….. (smell) the roses in the garden. 2. Your pizza ….. (smell) wonderful! 3. I ….. (think) you are absolutely right. 4. I ….. (think) about buying a new car. 5. This coffee ….. (taste) terrible) 6. Is there garlic in the potatoes? I ….. (taste) something like that. 7. This bag of potatoes ….. (weigh) 10 kilos. 8. Why ….. you ……(weigh) this bag? – I’m afraid, it’s too heavy. 9. Mary ….. (look) great today! 10. Why ….. you ….. (look) at me like that? I’m not joking.

Task 13. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple or to be going to. 1. A: Why are you turning on the radio? B: (I/listen to) the news. 2. A: Oh, I haven't got any money on me. B: Really? Well, don't worry. (I/lend) you some. I’ve got enough. 3. A: I've got a toothache. B: Wait there and (I/get) a painkiller for you. 4. A: Why are you filling that glass with water? B: (I/water) the flower. 5. A: I want to repaint this room. B: Oh, do you? What colour (you/paint) it?

118 6. A: Where are you going to? Are you going out with your friends? B: No, (I/buy) something for my birthday party. 7. A: I don't know how to use this laptop. B: It's quite easy. (I/show) you. 8. A: What would you like to eat? B: (I/have) a hamburger, please. 9. A: Do you know where you’ll spend your holidays? B: Not yet. Maybe (we/go) to Florida. 10. A: The sofa in the living room doesn’t look very new, does it? B: No, it looks as if (it/fall) apart.

Task 14. Translate the following sentences. Use Present Simple, Present Continuous, Future Simple or to be going to. 1. К сожалению, он нас не встретит в аэропорту. 2. Он собирается навестить свою бабушку в больнице. Елена не пойдет с ним. 3. Я уверена, Мартин нам все объяснит. Я собираюсь его попросить об этом. 4. Кто-то звонит по телефону. Ты ответишь? – Я не могу, я разговариваю с Ниной. 5. Я не знаю, когда он придет. Может быть, он придёт в 12. 6. Обещаю, что верну тебе эту книгу как можно скорее. 7. Кажется, будет дождь. Небо такое темное! 8. Ты поможешь мне сделать гостям кофе? 9. Мои родители едут в отпуск на следующей неделе. 10. Наш поезд приезжает в 8 утра.

Task 15. Translate the following sentences into English. Rita is selfish. – Рита эгоистична. (по своей натуре) Rita is being selfish. – Рита ведет себя эгоистично. (хотя по натуре она не такая) 1. Эмили очень разумная девушка, но сейчас она ведет себя очень глупо. 2. Ты же такая веселая и общительная! Почему ты ведешь себя так скованно? 3. Мой босс такой требовательный и придирчивый! По-моему, он самый требователь- ный и придирчивый из всех. 4. Генри такой трудолюбивый! Я не понимаю, почему сейчас он ленится. 5. Питер такой целеустремленный молодой человек! Он более целеустремлен, чем его старший брат Тим. 6. Ты самая общительная девушка из всех, кого я знаю. Почему ты ведешь себя так ско- ванно? 7. Мистер Паркер такой щедрый, странно, что сейчас он скупится. 8. Моя младшая сестра более независимая, чем я. Однако, я менее болтлива. 9. Ты очень упряма. Что не так? Ты же обычно такая покладистая. 10. Пожалуйста, будь более благоразумным. Обдумай все тщательно.

Task 1. Read the text. by Pedro Pablo Sacristán

Soppo is an enormous giant, the biggest of all. He can drink a river dry, or eat a whole forest as a salad. But his favourite delicacy is the clouds in the sky; fresh, spongy. He eats so much that it causes stomach aches that makes him cry. Soppo lives quietly and just how he likes, fearing nothing and no one, coming and going as he pleases. However, despite all that he isn’t happy: he hasn’t got even one single friend. What’s more, every time he visits a country, there is nothing but problems: with him eating so many clouds the rains for the crops disappear and, what with his stomach aches

119 and crying, everything gets flooded. In the end, whenever he appears, everyone flees in terror, and Soppo never spends any time with anyone at all. One night, seeing him crying, various stars come down and asks him why he is so sad. On hearing his story, they comment, “Poor giant. He doesn’t know how to make friends. Yet the Earth is the most special planet of all, and it’s full of all kinds of friends." "But, where can I find friends? How do I do that?" replies the giant. "By giving people a hand or doing something for them. That is what makes friendship. You don’t know that?" replies the stars, amused. "What do you guys do to make friends?" "Well, we learn to show people the way at night time, and serve as guides to many sailors. They’re great friends. They tell us stories and keep us company every night." So the giant and the stars keep chatting a while, and over the following days Soppo thinks about nothing else but ways to find friends. But he can’t think of any way to manage it. Several days later he goes to ask for help from the moon. Being old and wise the moon answers: “You won’t know how to help someone until you know them well. What do you know about these people you want to become your friends?" Soppo thinks for a while, because really he knows hardly anything about human beings. They are so small that he never worries much about them. So he thinks to himself he will find out about them, and he spends long days observing their little lives. This is how he discovers why everyone runs off when seeing him, and he realizes he is causing droughts by eating all the clouds, and that his weeping flood them out, and he learns a thousand other things that fill him with pity and joy. That night the giant runs to greet the stars. “Now I know how I’m going to make friends.... by eating and crying!!!" And so it is. From that day on, Soppo watches the skies, and when the clouds are preparing enormous storms he feasts himself on some of them. Then, when he spots some place where there is a shortage of water, he cries above it. Before long, Soppo changes from being the worse that can happen to a country, to being a blessing for everyone, and he is never short of a good friend to spend a while with, to listen to, or to offer a helping hand. http://freestoriesforkids.com/children/stories-and-tales/cloud-eating-giant

Task 2. A) Answer the questions to the text. 1. Who is Soppo? What can he do? 2. What is Soppo’s favourite delicacy? What problems has he got? 3. Is Soppo happy? What are the reasons? 4. What happens one night? 5. What advice does Soppo get? 6. How do stars make friends? 7. Why does Soppo go to the moon? What advice does he get? 8. Does Soppo follow the moon’s advice? What does he do? What does he realize? 9. How is Soppo going to make friends? 10. Is it easy for you to make friends? What do you usually do? B) Think of the best title to the story. C) Make a gist of the story

Task 3. Find mistakes in the following email. From: [email protected] To: [email protected] Subject: sorry!!! 120 Good morning Donna How do you do? I hope you are fine!!!! I perfectly remember about our arrangement (friday 15th at 12.30), but i can’t come. Sorry me! My parents are going to brazil on thursday and they take me with them. i will be back in two weeks. Maybe you will want to see me. Please write me as soon as you can. Good buy then From: Henry

Task 4. Speak about your best friend. Mention the next points:  his or her name / age  appearance and style  your friend’s qualities and traits which are very important for you  your friend’s qualities and traits which irritate you  interests and hobbies you share together  free time you spend together  what your friendship mean for you

Task 5. Progress Test. 1. Rita is my close friend; she always helps me to … my problems. a) care about b) solve c) share 2. I trust you! Please, never … me down! a) hurt b) let c) bring 3. “We are getting on well with each other.” What does it mean? a) We understand each other and share similar interests. b) We have fun together. c) We have current friendship. 4. Give the English equivalent to the word “перчатки”: a) sleepers b) mittens c) gloves 5. You need it when it’s going to rain. a) a vest b) an umbrella c) a wallet d) a purse 6. What word is an extra here? a) pendant b) sleeve c) collar d) pocket 7. Chains, bracelets, earrings, gold rings are … . a) jewelry b) accessories c) women’s clothes 8. Why are you … the scarf? The wind is becoming stronger. a) taking off b) putting on c) buttoning up 9. Who’s Tim? – He has a black cap… . a) on b) off c) with d) up 10. Rita looks … in this light blue dress. a) well b) beautifully c) nice 11. Ann usually … jeans and a shirt but today she … a beautiful white blouse and a black skirt. a) wears / wears b) is wearing / wears c) wears / is wearing 12. Your pants are awfully … . Take them off now, I’ll clean them. a) dirty b) dirtily c) badly 13. Think … before you say something. a) carefully b) careful c) good d) many

121 14. What word has got a negative meaning? a) affectionate b) generous c) confident d) sneaky 15. “timid” is similar to … a) shy b) cowardly c) lazy d) sensitive 16. This person puts a lot of effort in the work. a) cooperative b) hard-working c) sensible d) analytical 17. This person prefers not to say much. a) sociable b) talkative c) reserved d) sensitive 18. Give the antonym to the word “generous”. a) stingy b) careless c) hateful d) heartless 19. Peter is … stubborn, like a goat! a) so b) such c) such a 20. You are … sensible and cooperative people! I’m happy you are my partners. a) so b) such c) such a 21. My … brother Jack is a professional swimmer. a) old b) older c) elder 22. Louse is my cousin; she is 5 years … than me. a) old b) older c) elder 23. This snake is … on the earth. a) the dangerousest b) the most dangerous c) much more dangerous d) more dangerous 24. Mary never cries. She is … sensitive than me. a) more b) less c) the most d) the least 25. Are you sure you see me … ? a) nice b) good c) bad d) well 26. When your friends come to your house for dinner what do you usually do? a) you entertain them b) you go gardening c) you do DIY 27. When my friends and me go for a walk we often … pictures. a) do b) make c) take d) have 28. There is an extra word in the following line. Find it. a) canoeing b) windsurfing c) squash d) sailing 29. If it’s hot tomorrow, we’ll … swimming. a) go b) do c) have 30. How often do you … karate? a) play b) do c) go 31. My hobby is playing … . a) guitar b) piano c) violin d) tennis 32. Don’t be sorry … it, it’s not your fault. a) of b) with c) at d) about 33. I’m shocked … the news. Is it true? a) of b) with c) at d) about 34. Henry is always rude … people he doesn’t know well. a) at b) with c) to d) of 35. I’m terribly tired … work. I’d like to change it. a) at b) with c) to d) of 36. Why are you so worried … your Maths final test, you are very good at mathematics? a) by b) with c) at d) about 122 37. Please, don’t get angry … me but I can’t stay here any longer. a) to b) with c) at d) about 38. What are you scared …? – That’s your neighbours’ hound. a) at b) with c) to d) of 39. These shoes are … more comfortable than those ones. Maybe we’ll try to find something else. a) much b) a lot c) far d) a bit 40. … you like a cup of coffee? a) Do b) Would c) Will 41. Currently Kelly … a book about her adventures in India. I hope she’ll find a good publisher when it is over. a) writes b) is writing c) will write 42. Do you know how much you … now? a) are going to weigh b) are weighing c) weigh 43. Our neighbours … all the time, sometimes they wake me up late at night. a) quarrel b) are quarrelling c) will quarrel 44. The plane from Chicago … at 11.20 tomorrow. a) arrives b) is going to arrive c) will arrive 45. I feel very cold, I … a sweater. a) am putting on b) am going to put on c) put on 46. Amanda has an interview, she … them on Tuesday morning. a) is going to see b) will see c) is seeing d) sees 47. I’m going to buy a new flat that’s why I … at my brother’s place this month. a) stay b) am staying c) will stay 48. What a terrible noise! – The neighbours next door … a party. a) have b) are having c) are going to have d) will have 49. What is Barbara doing? – She … the roses in the garden. a) is smelling b) is going to smell c) smell d) smells 50. She … selfish! It is so unnatural. She normally cares about others. a) is b) is being c) is going to be

123 Task 1. Warming-up. Are you a morning person? 1) What time do you usually get up? 2) Have you got a shower or a bath in the morning? 3) When have you got breakfast? 4) What have you usually got for breakfast? 5) What time do you go to university? 6) Do you need to hurry in the morning? 7) Do you like mornings? Why (not)?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. half = 30 minutes – половина 2. a quarter = 15 minutes – четверть 3. past – после 4. to – до 5. a second – секунда 6. a minute – минута 7. an hour – один час 8. 24 hours a day, day and night, round the clock – сутки

2.30 – half past two 11.15 – a quarter past eleven 10.45 – a quarter to eleven 3.50 – ten to four 7.25 – twenty-five past seven 7.35 – twenty-five to eight Note: a.m. means in the morning; p.m. means in the afternoon or evening: I get up at 7 a.m.; I go to bed at 11 p.m.: 0:00 – 12:00 – a.m.; 12:00 – 24:00 – p.m.

124 Task 3. Say it in English. What time is it now? Draw the hands in the task A. A)

B) Write the times in numbers, e.g.: a quarter past seven – 07.15. 1) ten to nine ______2) a quarter past six ______3) twenty past nine ______4) a quarter past ten ______5) a quarter to eleven ______6) half past four ______7) twenty to seven ______8) twenty past seven ______9) half past twelve ______10) a quarter to eight ______11) a quarter past eight ______12) five to eleven ______13) five past eleven ______14) half past eleven ______15) a quarter to three ______

125 Task 4. Study the vocabulary “Daily Activities.” Learn it by heart.

1. to wake up – просыпаться, пробуждаться 2. to get up – вставать 3. to brush one’s teeth – чистить зубы 4. to take a shower – принимать душ 5. to take a bath – принимать ванну 6. to comb one’s hair – расчесывать волос 7. to put on make-up – делать макияж 8. to get dressed – одеваться 9. have breakfast – завтракать 10. to leave a house – выходить из дома 11. to go to university – идти в университет 12. have lunch – обедать 13. to go home – идти домой 14. to return home – приходить, возвращаться домой 15. to take a nap – вздремнуть 16. to do homework – делать домашнее задание 17. make dinner – готовить ужин 18. to microwave (food) – разогревать еду в микроволновой печи 19. have dinner – ужинать 20. to take a walk, to go for a walk – прогуляться 21. to do housework – делать работу по дому 22. to watch TV – смотреть телевизор 23. to go to bed – идти спать 24. to sleep – спать

Task 5. Fil in the gaps with the words combinations from the Task 4. Liz Smith (просыпается) ______very early. She (встает) ______at 6 a.m. She (при- нимает душ) ______and (чистит зубы) ______. She (расчесывает волосы) ______and (делает макияж) ______. Then she (одевается) ______. She doesn’t like to (завтракать)______early in the morning. She only has a cup of coffee. She (выходит из дома) ______at 7.15 and (идет в университете). She usually (обедает) ______at the university canteen. She (возвращается домой) ______at 2 p.m. When she is very tired, she can (вздремнуть) ______. She (делает домашнее задание) ______at 7 p.m. After that she (ужинает) ______and (смотрит теле- визор) ______. She (идет спать) ______at 11.30.

Task 6. Circle the action which you usually do first. 1) get dressed / have a shower 2) make the dinner / have dinner 3) have dinner / have a coffee 4) wake up / get up 5) go home / get home 6) have lunch / have breakfast 7) start work / get to work 8) have breakfast / have dinner 9) get up / comb your hair 10) sleep / go to bed 126 Task 7. Study the Grammar Guide.

We use in with parts of the day, e.g.: in the morning, in the afternoon, in the evening; months, e.g.: in May, in March, in January; seasons, e.g.: in (the) summer, in (the) spring, in (the) autumn, in (the) winter; years, e.g.: in 1958, in 1989, in 2012; centuries, e.g.: in the 18th century, in the 21st century. We use at for times: at 7 a.m., at 5 p.m., at 6 o’clock, at midnight, at half past three; Remember! at night, at midnight, at noon, at midday, at dawn, at the weekend, at the moment, at Christmas, at Easter, at lunch(time), at dinner(time). We use on with days: on Sunday, on Monday, on my birthday, on their wedding day; dates: on 9th of February, on 1st of September; adjective + day: on a hot day, on a cold day.

Task 8. Complete with in, at or on. 1) The film will finish ______midnight. 2) I will see you ______6 p.m. tomorrow. 3) She likes to relax ______the weekends. 4) I think they will marry ______2019. 5) Liz has Spanish lessons ______Tuesday mornings. 6) My friend is leaving _____ Friday. 7) His birthday is ______the 3d of May. 8) Liz is going to visit her parents ___ Easter. 9) School finishes ______3 o’clock _____ Fridays. 10) He is going to visit Paris ______2020. 11) ______summer evenings we eat on the balcony. 12) Sarah has English lessons ______Monday evenings. 13) We usually eat out ______the weekends.

127 14) Berlin is a cold place ______winter. 15) The meeting is ______6 o’clock. 16) We are going to buy a new car ______April. 17) They are going to come ______my birthday. 18) We are meeting ______8 _____ the morning. 19) He usually calls her ______9 ______the evening. 20) Do you usually have a good time _____ Christmas? 21) Newton was born _____ the 17th century. 22) I often go skiing _____ winter. 23) I like it when it snows ______winter. 24) I am flying to Paris ______Monday. 25) Charles has French lessons ______Wednesday afternoons. 26) What time do you get back ______Thursday? 27) He usually gets up ______6 a.m. 28) I am going home ______5 p.m. 29) The conference is ______June. 30) Sometimes she calls him ______night.

Task 9. Correct mistakes in the following sentences. 1) Mrs. Smith is arriving in Friday. 2) I like to walk in the park in hot days. 3) Liz doesn’t like to get up early at the morning. 4) She usually comes in midnight. 5) Our family has lunch on noon. 6) Sarah doesn’t like to go for a walk in a cold day. 7) He is arriving in Italy in Wednesday evening. 8) He is arriving at the railway station in Monday morning. 9) He doesn’t go to work in Friday. 10) The farmer gets up on dawn and feeds the chickens. 11) Liz usually feels asleep in midnight. 12) He is going to Prague at 2019. 13) He visits his granny in her birthday. 14) We give presents to our relatives on Christmas. 15) At Christmas day she will be in London

Task 10. Fill in the blanks in the following text with the correct prepositions of time. My name is Kate Smith and I work for a news agency. I usually get up ____ 5.30 ______Mondays and Wednesdays because I have my French class before I start work. _____ Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays I get up later. I go to work by bus, but ____ Fridays I take a car, so I can visit my dad ____ the afternoon. Sometimes I have a coffee break _____ 1.45. I have lunch _____ 2 o’clock and then I work until about 7 p.m. I return home ______about 8 p.m. I get up _____ 9 a.m. _____ weekends. I don’t work _____ these days.

Task 11. Read the text and retell it from all persons, e.g. He gets up at 6.30. She gets up at 6.30. They get up at 6.30. We get up at 6.30. You get up at 6.30. I get up at 6.30. I have a shower at 7.00 and then I have breakfast at about 7.30. I go to work at 8.15. I have lunch at 12.45. When I finish work, I go to the gym – that’s at about 6.15. After that I go home – at about 7.30. We have dinner at 8.00 and go to bed at 11.00.

128 Task 12. Fill in the blanks with the verbs DO, GET, GO, HAVE. Mind your grammar. 1. I usually ______up at 6 a.m. 2. Marry ______breakfast at 6.30. 3. I ______a shower early in the morning. 4. It takes her 10 minutes ______to school. 5. I ______a coffee in the morning. 6. What time do you usually _____ lunch? 7. What time does Liz usually _____ home? 8. Does your husband help you _____ shopping? 9. Chris ______his homework in the evening. 10. John is a sportsman. He ______sport. 11. She returns home very late in the evening. She _____ dinner at 9 p.m. 12. Liz ______to bed at 11.30. 13. I _____ a nice day in Paris yesterday. 14. Kate usually _____ by bus to her work. 15. Then he usually ______dressed. 16. She ______to the gym at weekends.

Task 13. A teacher is telling her students about their school trip to Liverpool. Listen to the recording twice. Fill in the gaps. 1) The pupils have to be at Euston station at ______precisely. 2) The train leaves at ______and it doesn’t wait. 3) The train arrives in Liverpool at ______. 4) The Magical Mystery Tour starts at ______. 5) After lunch they assemble at ______and walk to the museum. 6) They are meeting up at the museum shop at ______. 7) They’re catching a minibus to the station at ______. 8) They’re leaving Liverpool on the ______train. 9) They arrive in London at ______. 10) That’s ______in London.

Task 14. Listen to the interview and fill in the gaps. Interviewer: Today we speak to Linda Thomson, an actress who is very famous among teenagers. Linda, teenagers all over the world love watching your films. What’s your secret? Linda: No secrets, really. I just like doing my job and I think I do it well. Interviewer: What is your daily routine when you work? Linda: I always get up very early at about ______and I go jogging for ______. At ______I have my breakfast. At ______we start filming. We work until ______. Then we have a break. I usually finish work at ______. Interviewer: Do you go out in the evenings? Linda: No, I’m too tired for this. I go to bed at ______.

Task 15. A) Read the following dialogue and role play it. Liz: What time do you usually get up? Kate: At half past six. Liz: What time do you usually have breakfast? Kate: At half past seven. Liz: What time do you usually have lunch? Kate: At half past twelve.

129 Liz: What time do you usually have dinner? Kate: At half past seven. Liz: What time do you usually go to bed? Kate: At half past eleven. B) Make the dialogue. Use the dialogue above as a model. Change the underlined words and phrases.

Task 1. Warming up. 1.What time do your parents get up? 2.What time do they go to bed? 3.What is your parents’ usual working day?

Task 2. Read the text and do the exercises given after it. In Ballet You Need to Be Perfect  Ivan Vasiliev is a Russian ballet dancer. He is the principal dancer with the American Ballet Theatre. He is speaking about his usual working day. I live in a flat in St. Petersburg with my girlfriend. I usually get up at about nine and then I have a shower. I always have a good breakfast, and I love eggs. When I’m very hungry, I sometimes eat five. I like sausages, too. Classes start at 10.30. I practise all morning without a break. I sometimes have lunch, but not always. In the afternoon, I practise more. Of course in ballet, you need to be prefect. Nureyev is my favourite dancer. In the evening we sometimes go out. Sometimes, I don’t go to bed until 1.00 or 2.00. It’s often difficult to sleep. I have a lot of things in my head.

Task 3. Find the equivalents to the following words and words combinations. 1) танцор балета; 2) ведущий танцор Американского Театра Балета; 3) около девяти ча- сов; 4) хорошо завтракать; 5) занятия начинаются в …; 6) ложиться спать; 7) обедать.

Task 4. Correct the following statements, e.g.: He lives in a house in Samara. No, he doesn’t. He lives in a flat in St. Petersburg. 1) I. Vasiliev lives with his parents. 2) He usually gets up at about ten and then he has his breakfast. 3) He usually hasn’t got breakfast. 4) He sometimes eats 10 eggs in the morning. 5) His classes start at 9 a.m. 6) He always has a good lunch. 7) In the afternoon he practises less. 8) In the evenings they unfortunately don’t have enough time to go somewhere. 9) He goes to bed at 11 p.m. 10) He falls asleep very fast.

Task 5. Answer the following questions. 1) What is Ivan’s profession? 2) Where does he live? 3) What time does he usually get up? 4) What does Ivan do in the morning? 5) When do his classes start?

130 6) When does he practise more: in the morning or in the afternoon? 7) When does Ivan go to bed? 8) Why is it difficult for him to sleep?

Task 6. A) Read the texts and say whether you like or not a housewife’s daily routine. Fill in the blanks with the verbs HAVE, GET or GO. 1. Sarah Smith from Cambridge in England. I ______up at 7.40 and I make the breakfast for my children. Then I _____ dressed and take the children to school. Then I ______shopping. I _____ to the supermarket and buy all the necessary things for the house. When I ______home, I make the beds and clean the house. I _____ a shower before I pick up the children from school at three o’clock. In the evening we _____ dinner, watch TV and surf the Internet. I go to bed at 10 p.m. because I am really very tired. 2. Eliza McClay from Edinburgh in Scotland. I usually ______up at 9.30 and ______an apple juice for breakfast. Then I ______a bath and ______dressed. At 12.30 I meet my friends in the city centre. First we ______a coffee, and then we ______shopping. We usually ______lunch at about 13.30 in a restaurant. In the afternoon we sometimes ______to the gym. When I ______home, I ______dinner with my husband. In the evening we ______to the theatre or to the cinema. I usually ______to bed very late at about 3 a.m. B) Make a dialogue with your partner. Ask him what time he (she) usually gets up on Monday, Wednesday, Sunday, when he (she) usually has got his (her) breakfast (lunch, dinner), what time he (she) usually goes to university and returns home and when he (she) usually goes to bed. ______

Task 7. Read the text and speak about your mother’s ordinary working day, e.g.: My mom is a teacher at school. Her day starts ….. John is a farmer in New Zealand. He works on a sheep farm and his day starts very early. He has a coffee and starts work at 6 o’clock. He then has breakfast at about 7.30. He starts work again at 8.15.

Task 8. Fill in the gaps with the verbs make and do. Mind your grammar, e.g.: My sister likes to ______the shopping. → My sister likes to do the shopping. 1) My granny ______the washing on Saturday. 2) My mother doesn’t ______the washing up. We have got a dishwasher. 3) On Sunday my grandparents ______different cakes. They are very tasty. 4) My sister ______the ironing when she has got free time. 5) When Mrs. Smith is very busy, her husband ______the cooking. 6) When their little child wakes up, he always ______a lot of noise. 7) She ______her homework in the evening. 8) I am sure she will ______a good teacher. 9) I will ______the kitchen and you will tidy up your room. 10) When John gets up, he ______a morning exercise. 11) When Mrs. Johnson gets up, she ______coffee for her husband. 12) Mr. Smith’s work is well-paid. He ______lots of money. 13) Our granny usually ______the dusting early in the morning. 14) Mary usually ______some work in the house before she goes to school. 15) The living room is really very untidy. Can you ______a bit cleaning up before you go out? 16) Have you got any toothpaste? I want to ______my teeth before I go to bed?

131 17) They are going ______a trip to Paris this year. 18) When he sleeps not well, he ______lots of mistakes in his test. 19) Wait a minute, please. I ______my hair at the moment. 20) My dad ______most of the cooking in our house.

Task 9. Read the following dialogues and role play them. 1) David: I’m tired. What time is it? Liz: It’s twelve o’clock. David: Oh, I need to go. I have a meeting with John at 12.30. Liz: OK. Call me later, please. 2) Kate: Excuse me. What time is it? John: It’s a quarter to nine. Kate: What time is your train? John: At half past nine. Kate: You need to hurry! The traffic is very heavy now. It takes lots of time to get to the railway station. John: Thanks! 3) Steve: Hello. I’m Steve Walker. I’m sorry I’m late. John: You are half an hour late. It’s half past two. Steve: I know. I am really sorry.

Task 10. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I may I may not May I come in? You may You may not He may He may not She may She may not It may It may not We may We may not You may You may not They may They may not

May I? or May we? are used for polite requests, in the same way as Can I? or Can we? It is a very polite form: a) May I ask you a question? b) May I have a glass of water, please? c) “May I have a go” – “Of course. Go ahead.” (*have a go = to try, e.g.: I had a go at catching a fish). We occasionally use may in formal English. It means to be allowed to: Guests may bring hus- bands or wives if they wish. Notes: Its negative form is may not. We do not say mayn’t.

132 Task 11. A) Change these sentences into negative, e.g.: You may take my camera → You may not take my camera. 1. You may change seats with David. 2. You may sit here. 3. You may go out. 4. You may open the window. 5. You may go home now. 6. You may take these books. 7. You may turn on the light. 8. You may speak now. 9. You may turn off the light. 10. You may air the room. 11. You may clean the blackboard. 12. You may leave now. 13. You may speak to boss. 14. You may miss the lecture. 15. You may take this pencil for a moment. B) Change these sentences into interrogative, e.g.: You may take my camera → May I take your camera? (“polite requests”; formal asking for permission). a. You may change seats with David. b. You may sit here. c. You may go out. d. You may open the window. e. You may go home now. f. You may take these books. g. You may turn on the light. h. You may speak now. i. You may turn off the light. j. You may air the room. k. You may clean the blackboard. l. You may leave now. m. You may speak to boss. n. You may miss the lecture. o. You may take this pencil for a moment. We use can and may when we want to ask for permission to do something. May is more official than can. We use may when know our interlocutor (собеседник) not well.

Task 12. A) Choose the right variant. 1. Can / May I play with my friends after school, Mom? 2. Can / May I show you some documents, sir? 3. May / Can I come fishing with you. Dad? 4. May / Can I introduce you to our director? 5. May / Can I play in the yard, Grandpa? 6. Can / May I leave a message for Mr. Smith, please? 7. Can / May I go for a walk, Grandma? 8. Can / May I call Mr. Jones a bit later? 9. Can / May I go to Liz’s party, Dad? 10. May / Can I ask you a question, Mrs. Smith?

133 B) Read the situations and make questions starting with Can I ….? May I … ?, e.g.: Can I use borrow your pen? (in the dialogue with a friend). You want to use the phone in your director’s office. What do you say to him? ______You want to invite some friends to your birthday party. What do you say to them? ______You want to speak to the dean (декан). What do you say to him? ______You and your friend want to go to the party. What do you say to your parents? ______You want to borrow your mom’s jeans. What do you say to her? ______You want to invite your boss to your wedding ceremony. What do you say to him? ______You want to buy a new dress but you don’t have enough money? What do you say to your parents? ______You want to return home a bit later than usual. What do you say to your parents? ______You want to start to congratulate your boss the first. What do you say to your other colleagues? ______You want to borrow your friend’s tent (палатка). What do you say to him? ______We use may to talk about things that are possible, now or in the future, e.g.: 1) She may not be at home now. 2) The letter may come tomorrow. (It’s possible that the letter will come tomorrow).

Task 13. A) Change the following sentences with may that express possibility into negative, e.g.: He may live in the USA. → He may not live in the USA. 1) He may work for this oil company* (нефтяная компания). 2) She may live in Green Street. 3) Liz may be at the cinema. 4) His mom may have lunch at home. 5) He cousin may go to university every day. 6) She may microwave all her food. 7) His wife may leave their house very early in the morning. 8) Her grandma may go to bed very late. 9) His half-brother may return home late at night. 10) She may do her homework not very carefully. 11) Their daughter may cook dinner by herself. 12) She may take a nap after work. 13) Her husband may have lunch at work. 14) Their grandchildren may go to bed very early. 15) Her niece may do all housework herself. 16) Their son may get up very early. 17) Their grandmother may take walk in the park. 18) Their little daughter may get dressed herself. 19) Sarah may be back home now. 20) Chinese may be the most important language soon. 21) You may be wrong about her age. 22) You may like this French cheese.

134 B) Change the sentences above into interrogative, e.g.: He may live in the USA → May he live in the USA? C) Change the sentences. Use the modal verb may, e.g.: Perhaps she is at John’s party. → She may be at John’s party. 1) Perhaps his parents are on holiday. 2) Perhaps he is at home now. 3) Perhaps she is at the café now. 4) Perhaps their cousin is in Montenegro * (Черногория) now. 5) Perhaps this football team will win the match. 6) Perhaps their children go to a private kindergarten. 7) Perhaps her children are at the kindergarten. 8) Perhaps Liz is at the theatre now. 9) Perhaps her dad is in Croatia* (Хорватия) now. 10) Perhaps she will win the Eurovision. 11) Perhaps he knows the answer to this exam question. 12) Perhaps she is a secretary. 13) Perhaps Sandra works for this firm. 14) Perhaps she is a housewife. 15) Perhaps Liz lives in this street. 16) Perhaps she likes listening to folk music. 17) Perhaps she is an easy-going person. 18) Perhaps her brother is a reliable person. 19) Perhaps she knows where the post office is. 20) Perhaps he is French. 21) Perhaps Mrs. Smith is angry with her husband. 22) Perhaps Julia is shocked by his expensive present. 23) Perhaps my sister is tired of her work. 24) Perhaps she is disappointed with her new job. 25) Perhaps my dad is pleased with his job. 26) Perhaps my niece is sorry about her behavior. 27) Perhaps Mr. Smith is rude to his wife. 28) Perhaps she will be surprised at the news. 29) Perhaps her brother-in-law is upset about his test results. 30) Perhaps she is disappointed with her test results. 31) Perhaps she is worried about her mom. 32) Perhaps she is angry with her daughter.

Task 14. A) Complete the conversation using may or may not and the verbs in brackets. Kate: Are you going to the theatre tomorrow? John: I (1) ______(go) there, but there (2) ______(be) any tickets left. Kate: What will you do if you can’t go to the theater on this performance? John: I am not sure. I (3) ______(go out) at all. I (4) ______(stay) at home. I (5) ______(watch) a movie. Kate: What kind of movie will you watch? John: I don’t know. I (6) ______(watch) a horror movie. I like them! B) Complete the gaps in the following telephone conversation using may (not). Mr Smith’s Secretary: Good morning, Delta Airlines, how ______I help you? Mr. Johnson: ______I speak to John Smith, please?

135 Secretary: I'm afraid he isn't here this morning. Can I take a message? Mr. Johnson: No, I need to speak to him personally. Do you know what time he ______be back? Secretary: He ______be back for an hour after lunch but he ______be a bit later if the traffic is bad. Mr. Johnson: Could you tell John that I'll phone him this evening at home? Secretary: Certainly. ______I have your name please? Mr. Johnson: Yes, it's David Johnson.

Task 15. A) Translate the following sentences into English. Use the modal verb may that means polite request, formal asking for permission. 1) Можно мне оставить свои вещи здесь? 2) Можно включить телевизор? 3) Ты можешь взять мой зонтик. 4) Можно я воспользуюсь Вашим телефоном? 5) Могу я поговорить с мистером Смитом? 6) Можно мне оставить вещи здесь? 7) Студенты могут подождать в холле университета. 8) Можно проветрить комнату? 9) Вы можете свой багаж в холле университета? 10) Вы можете взять мой велосипед. 11) Можно мне позвонить Вам вечером? 12) Вы можете открыть окно. В комнате очень жарко. B) Translate the sentences. Use the modal verb may that means possibility. 1) Джон, возможно, сейчас не дома. 2) Дэвид, возможно, сейчас на работе 3) Возможно, письмо придет завтра. 4) Возможно, моя бабушка сейчас печет рождественский пирог. 5) Возможно, она очень злится на своего мужа. 6) Возможно, она удивлена его дорогим подарком. 7) Возможно, он расстроен по поводу своей работы. 8) Он, возможно, сожалеет о своей грубости. 9) Она возможно разочарована своим новым местом работы. 10) Мистер Смит, возможно, был очень груб со своей женой. 11) Дейв, возможно, расстроен по поводу своих плохих оценок. 12) Возможно, миссис Смит обеспокоена поведением своей дочери.

Task 1. Study the Vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. yesterday – вчера 2. the day before yesterday – позавчера 3. yesterday morning – вчера утром 4. yesterday evening – вчера вечером 5. last night – прошлой ночью (вечером) 6. last week – на прошлой неделе 7. last month – в прошлом месяце 8. last year – в прошлом году 136 9. two days ago – два дня назад 10. a week ago – неделю назад 11. two weeks ago – две недели назад 12. two months ago – два месяца назад

Task 2. A. Fill in the gaps. 2. I worked ______(на прошлой неделе). 3. He arrived in the USA ______(2 недели назад). 4. She watched TV ______(вчера вечером). 5. Andrew played football ______(позавчера). 6. Liz washed the dishes ______(вчера). 7. My dad cooked something delicious ______(вчера утром). 8. Tom and Kate walked in the park ______(неделю назад). 9. Nick studied at University ______(2 года назад). 10. Sarah translated this text ______(на прошлой неделе). 11. Mrs. Smith marked the students’ tests ______(два месяца назад). 12. Mr. Smith booked the tickets ______(позавчера). B. What does ending – ed mean?

Task 3. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form I played I did not play I didn’t play Did I swim? – Yes I You played You did not play You didn’t play did / No, I didn’t. He played He did not play He didn’t play Did you swim? - Yes, She played She did not play She didn’t play I did / No, I didn’t. It played It did not play It didn’t play Did he swim? We played We did not play We didn’t play Did she swim? You played You did not play You didn’t play Did it swim? They played They did not play They didn’t play Did we swim? Did you swim? Did they swim? we use the past simple tense for single complete actions, events and situations that happened at a definite time in the past, e.g.: I saw him yesterday. for complete events, actions and situations, even when they are continued for a long time, e g.: “How long did the First World War last?” – “It lasted for about five years, I think.”; My parents lived in Moscow for seven years. Then they went to live in Saint-Petersburg. to talk about repeated events, or habits in the past, e.g.: When John was young, he liked to eat lots of sweets. to tell a story in past time, e.g.: We left home early on Sunday morning and drove, without stopping, to the Scottish border. It took about 6 hours to get there. After we crossed the border, we stopped in a little village and had something to eat …

137 Time expressions with the past simple tense: yesterday, yesterday morning, yesterday afternoon, last night, after that, last week, in September, two days ago, in 2012, e.g.: I won the cup in 2013. We went to a concert yesterday. I went on a business trip two days ago. Remember! We use the infinitive without – ed in negative and interrogative sentences, e.g. I didn’t work yesterday. Did you work yesterday? NOT: Did you worked yesterday? Regular Verbs We form the past simple of regular verbs by adding -ed to the verb, e.g. visit + ed = visited; work + ed = worked, play + ed = played. I worked for that company 2 years ago. I entered Altai State Pedagogical University in 2015.

1) ______“ed” after voiced sounds = [d] rubbed → [rʌbd] turned → [tɜːnd] crammed → [kræmd] 2) ______“ed” after unvoiced sounds = [t] barked → [bɑːkt] stopped → [stɒpt] kissed → [kɪst] 3) ______“ed” after “t” or “d” = [ɪd] voided → [ˈvɔɪdɪd] wanted → [ˈwɒntɪd] waited → [ˈweɪtɪd]

Spelling rules: Verbs ending in – ed add only d: love – loved, like – liked, close – closed, date – dated. For one-syllable verbs ending one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant and add -ed: stop + ed = stopped, fit + ed = fitted. Verbs ending vowel + consonant + y, change -y to -i and add -ed: study + ed = studied. Note: verbs ending vowel + y add -ed: play + ed = played. Two-syllable verbs ending one vowel + one consonant, double the consonant if the stress is on the last syllable and add -ed: prefer + ed = preferred. Note: If the stress is on the first syllable, add -ed: profit + ed = profited.

Task 4. Write the Past Simple forms of these regular verbs and then read them aloud.

work study play talk smoke like love prefer profit stop chat watch translate enter walk 138 Task 5. Correct the endings of the verbs in the Past Simple tense. plaied ______workd ______stydyed ______smokd ______fited ______stoped ______prefered ______droped ______workd ______stydyed ______smokd ______fited ______stoped ______changged ______profitted ______prefered ______droped ______

Task 6. A. Put the verbs into the form of the Past Simple tense. 1. I (play) ______football yesterday. 2. He (work) ______for this company two years ago. 3. John (stop) ______smoking last year. 4. Suzan (prefer) ______apples to oranges. 5. She (study) ______at Altai State Pedagogical University. 6. Sarah (like) ______to fly a kite in her childhood. 7. Michel (talk) ______to his wife last Wednesday. 8. She (chat) ______with her friends. 9. Mike (want) ______to buy this car last week. 10. She (like) ______swimming in cool water. 11. He (watch) ______a movie yesterday. 12. Liz (translate) ______a difficult text yesterday evening. B) Change these sentences into negative, e.g.: I lived in a cottage 2 years ago. – I didn’t live in a cottage 2 years ago. 1. We played in the yard yesterday. 2. Our grandma cooked yesterday. 3. His grandson repaired the balcony last week. 4. Their niece danced waltz last week. 5. Our mom baked a cake last Sunday. 6. Our dad repaired our old TV set. 7. His stepson cleaned his room. 8. Her mother-in-law watered the flowers the day before yesterday. 9. My aunt cooked pancakes yesterday. 10. His half-brother moved to Paris five years ago. 11. Yesterday my cousin dropped her ice-cream on her new dress. 12. My parents tidied up their bedroom on Monday. 13. Tom studied hard yesterday. 14. My nephew posted the letter this morning. 15. Simon turned off the cooker.

139 16. My niece helped her mom and dad with the house. 17. My aunt carried a heavy shopping bag. 18. My grandparents arrived back home at 5 p.m. 19. Kate’s husband watched television a lot at the weekend. 20. They shopped yesterday. C) Change the sentences into interrogative and answer them, e.g.: Did you live in a cottage 2 years ago – Yes, I did / No, I didn’t. 1. We played in the yard yesterday. (yes) 2. Our grandma cooked yesterday. (no) 3. His grandson repaired the balcony last week. (yes) 4. Their niece danced waltz last week. (no) 5. Our mom baked a cake last Sunday. (yes) 6. Our dad repaired our old TV set. (no) 7. His stepson cleaned his room. (no) 8. Her mother-in-law watered the flowers the day before yesterday. (yes) 9. My aunt cooked pancakes yesterday. (no) 10. His half-brother moved to Paris five years ago. (yes) 11. Yesterday my cousin dropped her ice-cream on her new dress. (no) 12. My parents tidied up their bedroom on Monday. (yes) 13. Tom studied hard yesterday. (no) 14. My nephew posted the letter this morning. (no) 15. Simon turned off the cooker. (yes) 16. My niece helped her mom and dad with the house. (no) 17. My aunt carried a heavy shopping bag. (yes) 18. My grandparents arrived back home at 5 p.m. (yes) 19. Kate’s husband watched television a lot at the weekend. (no) 20. They shopped yesterday. (yes)

Task 7. Study the Grammar Guide.

Grammar Box Many verbs have an irregular past simple form: go – went drive – drove get up – got up do – did have – had say – said make – made e.g.: I bought some books. I did my homework. I went to university.

Task 8. Write the Past Simple forms of these verbs. 1. go______2. run______3. drive ______4. do______5. get up______6. wake up______7. sleep______8. have______140 9. eat______10. drink______11. take______12. put on______13. wear______14. read______15. write______

Task 9. Tick ( ) the correct Past Simple Form, and cross out all the wrong Past Simple Forms.

walked drinked passed went taked wrote cryed cooked drank asked swimmed lived gave meeted worked flew cried comed stoped took beginned played gived made spent did writed stopped found bought sended ate

Task 10. A) Complete the following sentences using the Past Simple Form and the words in brackets. 1) We (go) ______on holiday to Paris last year. 2) My brother (take) ______a taxi from the airport to the city centre. 3) We (walk) ______to the park and then we (play) ______tennis. 4) He (say) ______something to his wife, but she (not/hear) _____ him. 5) A: _____ (you / understand) the movie? B: No. I (try) ______to understand it, but the actors (speak) ______very quickly. 6) He (not/go) ______to school last Friday. He (be) _____ ill. 7) A: ______(you / buy) some clothes at the trade centre? B: Yes, I (buy) a dress and a skirt. 8) I (ring) ______the doorbell and a woman (open) ____ the door. 9) A: ______(be / your meal) good? B: No, it (not / be) ______. I (not / like) ______the vegetables. 10) I (write) _____ a letter to my friend and then I (post) ____ it. 11) Charles (call) ____ me yesterday. 12) He (buy) ______a semi-detached house in London five years ago. 13) He (work) ______at this company in 2012. 14) She (enter) ______Oxford University in 2015. 15) She (write) ______a dissertation thesis in 1993. 16) Barbara (buy) ______some new clothes last week. 17) ______(Alex eat) a lot at the party? 18) Nick ______(do) the washing up last night. 19) They ______(not / drink) cold water. 20) We ______(not / know) it was your birthday. 21) Michel ______(forget) his keys yesterday. 22) ______(he go) to the office last Monday? 23) I ______(think) he was wrong. 24) I ______(not / understand) Tom’s question. 25) Mike ______(give) her a present. 141 B) Change the affirmative sentences into negative, e.g.: She went to university yesterday. – She didn’t go to university yesterday. 1. Liz saw her brother. 2. Our parents heard a terrible noise. 3. Their uncle slept till 10.00. 4. Sarah looked at the picture. 5. Their grandchildren drank all the juice. 6. My grandpa thought about it. 7. My father chose this hotel. 8. She lent you enough money. 9. Keiko taught Japanese. 10. Tom hurt his foot. 11. His husband came home at 8 p.m. 12. David lost his wallet. 13. His stepson wrote a novel. 14. Their grandparents flew to Paris. 15. Our granny laid the table. 16. Liz sent it to the laundry. 17. Our grandparents sold their cottage in the country. 18. His daughter-in-law bought a mansion in the city centre. 19. Their son caught the train. 20. My niece chose a new dress. C) Change the sentences above into interrogative ones. Give both negative and positive answers, e.g.: She went to university yesterday. → Did she go to university yesterday? – Yes, she did / No, she didn’t. D) Make interrogative sentences from these affirmative sentences and answer them. 1) You went on holiday in the summer. (yes) 2) She bought a new detached house in London. (no) 3) He worked in Oxford. (yes) 4) They played football yesterday. (no) 5) John cooked the dinner. (yes) 6) Kate gave a present to Ann. (no) 7) John talked to his teacher last week. (yes) 8) She passed her exams. (no) 9) She read the book about Harry Potter last year. (yes) 10) They drove to Scotland. (no) 11) They lived in a terraced house five years ago. (yes) 12) He got up at 6 a.m. yesterday. (no) 13) He went shopping with his wife the day before yesterday. (yes) 14) He worked as a journalist last year. (no) 15) He played the guitar in his childhood. (yes) 16) Kate translated the text from English into French 2 hours ago. (yes) 17) They married in 2013. (no) 18) John travelled to Italy two years ago. (no) 19) He bought a new car last month. (yes) 20) His wife did the washing three hours ago. (yes) E) Kate always goes to Italy for her holidays. But last year she was ill when she arrived. She stayed in bed. Write sentences about the things she didn’t do, as in the example: She didn’t visit different places of interest. Use the phrases in the box and the verbs in brackets.

142 in the mountains the museums in Florence any new friends swimming in the local restaurants football on the beach different places of interest her old Italian friends to a café for a walk in the Italian park. in the hills with her Italian friends.

1) (visit) ______2) (go) ______3) (eat) ______4) (play)______5) (walk)______6) (improve) ______7) (go) ______8) (meet) ______9) (invite) ______10) (cycle) ______F) Read the following text. Complete the sentences with the past simple form in brackets. Two Young Adventurers. Solo Round-the-World Sailors Michael Perham and Jessica Watson are the World's two youngest round-the-world sailors. Mi- chael (1) ______(be) born in the UK in 1992. When he (2) ______(be) 17, he (3) ______(sail) around the world alone. At the time he (4) ______(be) the youngest person to do this. Michael (4) ______(start) his journey in November 2008 and (5) _____(finish) it in August 2009. He originally (6) _____(want) to do the journey in four months without any help. In the end, this (7) ______(not / be) possible because of problems with his boat. There (8) _____ (be) also problems with the weather. He (9) _____ (not / sail) around Cape Horn because there (10) ____(be) bad storms in the Ocean. Instead he (11) ______(sail) through the Panama Canal. Jessica (12) ______(be) born in Australia in 1993. When she was a child she had sailing lessons. For five years she and her family (13) ______(not / live) in a house or flat: they (14) ______(live) on a boat at sea. In 2010, she (15) ______(complete) her first solo round-the-world sailing trip – at the age of just 16. She (16) ______(not / receive) any help on her trip.

Task 11. Read the text and change the verbs into the Past Simple Tense form. I get up at 6 a.m. yesterday. I wash myself, clean my teeth, comb my hair and get dressed. Then I have a cup of coffee and eat a sandwich. I also read a morning newspaper. I leave my house at 7.20. I go to work by bus. There is a traffic jam in the city. Unfortunately, I am late. When I get to work, it is about 8.10 a.m.

Task 12. Julia lived in Spain for a year. Use the verbs in the box in the form of Past Simple. Use each verb once.

stay return find live start work fly leave 143

At the beginning of last year, Julia (1) ______to Madrid. She (2) ______in an apartment near the city centre for ten months. She (3) ______in a clothes shop. After a couple of weeks Julia (4) ______a good language school, and so she (5) ______to improve her Spanish. After ten months Jane (6) ______to Madrid, and she (7) ______in a small town near the sea for two months. Then she (8) ______to England.

Task 13. Read the dialogue, translate it and role play it. Liz: What time did you get up yesterday? John: I got up at 6.30. Liz: Did you have breakfast? John: Yes, I did. Liz: What did you have? John: I had toast and coffee. Liz: What did you do then? John: I went to work.

Task 14. Study the Grammar Guide.

When we use two objects, we usually put the indirect object (1) first and the direct object (2) second, e.g.: He gave me (1) a present (2). I lent him (1) some money (2). We use a preposition with the indirect object if the direct object is first: I lent some money (2) to him (1). We can use two prepositions (to and for). Such verbs as to bring, to give, to lend, to pass, to pay, to promise, to send, to post, to write, to show, to take, to tell, to explain, to recom- mend, to offer and to sell are used with the preposition to: I sent a letter to him. We use the preposition for with the following verbs: to buy, to find, to get, to make, to cook, to book, to choose, to do, to change, to prepare, to pour and to cut. Note: We use the direct object first if both objects are pronouns: He gave it to me. He showed it to her. I’m going to lend it to you.

Task 15. A) Complete the sentences with the prepositions to or for. 1) Nowadays boys don’t often buy flowers _____ girls. 2) My granny gave some money ______me yesterday. 3) She showed her project ______her boss. 4) I will get some money _____ you. 5) She didn’t tell the news ______her relatives. 6) Sarah is going to buy a ticket ______John. 7) She told an interesting story ______her little child. 8) She lent some money ______her friend. 9) Kate showed her painting _____ Mr. Anderson. 10) John found an interesting book ______her. 11) Can you explain the rule _____ me again? 12) Liz showed her marks _____ her parents. 13) He recommended this movie ______Sarah. 14) She sent a letter ______her brother in Moscow. 15) She paid some money ______him. 16) He offered the chocolates ______the others. 17) She chose this present ______him. 18) She likes to cook dinner ______her parents. 144 19) John showed his new flat ______Liz. 20) She didn’t give this note ______her parents. 21) I bought the flowers ______my aunt. 22) I sent postcards ______my relatives. 23) She made this delicious cake ______her friend. 24) She chose these wallpapers ______her mum. 25) She bought some toys ______them. B) Change indirect object into him, her, them, e.g.: Sarah cooked a nice meal for her parents → Sarah cooked them a nice meal. 1) Liz lent some money to her niece. 2) Who will read a fairy-tale to the children? 3) Every morning I make coffee for my dad. 4) He offered a good job to Kate. 5) I booked a room in the hotel for my aunt. 6) John booked a room in the hotel for his parents. 7) Sarah sent a birthday card to her grandmother. 8) Her brother-in-law bought a present for his wife. 9) Jim posted a letter to his grandparents a week ago. 10) Could you pour a cup of coffee for Kate? 11) My dad always shows his photos to his close friends. 12) My grandfather sold his old car to Mr. Smith. 13) She gave a pullover to her husband. 14) She bought a box of chocolates for Mrs. Smith. 15) She is going to cook dinner for her parents. C) Rewrite the sentences with the prepositions to or for, e.g.: I sent him a letter. → I sent a letter to him. 1. Liz will lend me her brown jacket. 2. Kate sent John an email. 3. Liz showed Bob her new oil painting. 4. Sarah wrote her cousin a letter. 5. Mrs. Smith offered Julia some biscuits. 6. Bob gave Sophie some flowers. 7. Kevin showed Chris his new computer. 8. Sarah lent Suzie her laptop. 9. I gave Liz my phone number. 10. She explained Tom the rule. 11. She cut them some bread. 12. His dad booked his children the tickets. 13. She told them a funny story. 14. Mrs. Smith bought her mom a beautiful towel. 15. Sarah cooked her husband the dinner. 16. I’ll buy our children some chocolate. 17. She wrote her nephew a long letter. 18. Liz sent her cousin a birthday present. D) Put the following sentences in order to make correct sentences. 1) to my parents / I / it / gave. 2) any money / they / me / didn’t give. 3) we / a cake / for / made / our parents. 4) you / him / did / my pen / lend?

145 5) an email / some classmates / sends / she / to. 6) gave / Peter / to / a book / my sister. 7) bought / a / dress / new / I / my niece / for. 8) Maria / us / showed / her / new house. 9) brought / the latest / newspaper / to / her dad / Lilia. 10) she / to all / the car / her friends / showed. 11) our neigbours / some vegetables from the garden / we / to / gave. 12) John / his / new cottage/ me / showed. 13) some flowers / bought / I / my parents / for. 14) your dad / driving / lessons / you / to / give / does? 15) a letter / me / wrote / Michel. 16) John / an expensive present / her / for / bought. 17) did / buy / for / a present / he / his parents? 18) he / his / friend / close / lent / 1000 rubles. 19) Clara and John / an invitation / to / sent / us. 20) I / a secret / want / tell / to / you. 21) the waiter / menu / Liz / to / gave. 22) did / buy / a birthday present / her / John? 23) John / his / me / camera / sold. 24) make / do / for / you / lunch / your family? 25) Mike / his / holiday / photos / Liz / showed.

Task 1. Warming up. 1. What do you usually do in your leisure time? 2. What do your parents usually do in their leisure time? 3. When you have got enough spare time at the weekend, what do you prefer: staying at home or going out?

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. skiing – катание на лыжах 2. skating – катание на коньках 3. to do sport, go in for sports – заниматься спортом 4. camping – кемпинг, отдых в палаточном лагере 5. hiking – пеший туризм 6. swimming – плавание 7. sailing – парусный спорт 8. cycling – езда на велосипеде 9. stamps collecting – коллекционирование марок 10. coins collecting – коллекционирование монет 11. going to: -the cinema -the theatre -concerts -museums -zoos -parks -the seaside – посе- щение кинотеатра, концертов, музеев, зоопарков, парков, морских побережий 12. reading – чтение 13. listening to music – cлушание музыки 14. meeting friends – встреча с друзьями 15. chess playing – игра в шахматы


Task 3. Match the words with their definitions.

1) skiing a) activity of walking for long distances usually in the country- side. 2) sailing b) activity of moving over snow on skis. 3) hiking c) activity of travelling across water on a sailing boat. 4) camping d) travelling on a bicycle. 5) cycling e) activity for living in a tent, usually for fun.

Task 4. Listen to the recording and say whether the following statements are true or false. The students are talking about their leisure time.

John likes to spend his leisure time with his close friends. When they gather together, they all have a good time. True / False Alex likes spending his leisure time with his girlfriend. They sometimes go on holiday together. True / False Liz’s favorite way of spending her leisure time is getting up late, having a big breakfast and a long bath. She likes going for a walk in the park when it is warm outside. True / False In his leisure time, Jack goes to different restaurants with his girlfriend. He likes chatting with her. True / False Sarah goes to the Italian restaurant that is in her town and eats pasta there. She loves it very much. Suzan prefers going out with her family to the city centre. She also likes watching movies. True / False

Task 5. Study the Grammar Box.

The Past Simple of the verb to be has got two forms: was and were.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I was tired. I was not tired. I wasn’t tired. Was I tired? You were tired. You were not tired. You weren’t tired. Were you tired? He was tired. He was not tired. He wasn’t tired. Was he tired? She was tired. She was not tired. She wasn’t tired. Was she tired? It (a dog) was It (a dog) was not It (a dog) wasn’t Was it tired? tired. tired. tired. Were we tired? We were tired. We were not tired. We weren’t tired. Were you tired? You were tired. You were not tired. You weren’t tired. Were they tired? They were tired. They were not They weren’t tired. tired.

Task 6. A) Choose the correct variant. 1. My parents was / were here yesterday. 2. His nephew was / were at the café on Sunday. 3. The movie was / were funny. 4. The weather was / were warm yesterday? 5. His grandpa was / were in bed all day. 147 6. We was / were hungry yesterday evening. 7. It was / were warm yesterday. 8. Barbara was / were at school yesterday. 9. He was / were a famous doctor. 10. Ferdinand Magellan was / were a Portuguese sailor. 11. Their grandchildren were / was in London last month. 12. You was / were at the cinema last week. 13. Barbara was / were tired. 14. She were / was annoyed with her husband. 15. My parents was / were in the garden. 16. My friend was / were disappointed. 17. Charles and Barbara was / were in Paris. 18. Alfred Hitchcock were / was a great film maker. 19. A.S. Pushkin was / were a great Russian poet. 20. She were / was at the café in South Street. 21. It were / was very funny. 22. Margarethe and Charles was / were close friends. 23. My mom’s dress was / were new. 24. We was / were in Brighton last week. 25. The trip was / were wonderful. 26. He were / was an outgoing person. 27. Beethoven, Chopin and Mozart were / was great composers. 28. Kate and David was / were late for school yesterday. 29. We were / was in our grandparents’ new cottage in the country yesterday. 30. Her cousin were / was in Miami last year. B) Make negative sentences from the sentences above, e.g.: They were here yesterday. – They weren’t here yesterday. C) Make interrogative sentences from the sentences above and answer them, e.g.: Were they here yesterday? – Yes, they were / No, they weren’t.

Task 7. A) Fill in the gaps in the letter with was or were. Dear Liz, Last weekend _____ fun! On Saturday I ______at friend’s house for lunch. There _____ a lot of people there. John and Kate ______there, too. The food _____ delicious. We ______very happy. On Sunday Sarah and I ______at Susan’s house. It _____ a very warm day so we ______in the garden all day. Where _____ you last weekend? Love Sandra B) Fill in the gaps in the sentences with was or were. 1. Today I’m happy, but yesterday I ______sad. 2. Today Max and Liz are tired because yesterday they ______at the gym. 3. This summer we are staying at home but last summer we ______in Italy. 4. Now Liz is at home but last week she ______on holiday. 5. Kate is very happy today but yesterday she ______very sad. 6. Today it’s raining but yesterday it ______sunny. 7. My mum is a manageress now but last year she ______just a shop assistant. 8. Today is Saturday and we are at home but yesterday we ______at university. 9. This winter John is staying at home but last winter he ______on holiday in Prague.

148 10. This year there is a jazz festival here but last year there ______a pop festival. 11. These days there are houses here but a hundred years ago there ______trees. 12. Today Max feels fine but yesterday he ______in bed all day. 13. Today I am at work but yesterday I ______at home. 14. It’s warm today but yesterday it ______really cold. 15. It’s cold today but yesterday it ______terribly hot. C) Fill in the gaps in the text with was, were, wasn’t or weren’t. Liz _____ on holiday in Greece 2 months ago. She ______in a 4-star hotel. There ______two swimming pools in the garden. There _____ any noise inside of it. There _____ a beautiful beach in front of the hotel. There _____ a nice restaurant in the hotel. There ______a waiter called Manolis – he ______very responsible and friendly. There _____ a big window. In the evening, when there ______any people on the beach, it was very beautiful.

Task 8. Read the text and fill in the gaps with the appropriate form of Past Simple. Last Friday it ______(be) Guy Fawkes Night and there ______(be) a big fireworks display in the park. Everybody ______(watch) it. Liz and John ______(go) to display together. They ______(have) a great time! They ______(visit) every food stall and they ______(buy) something at each one. Liz ______(eat) seven toffee apples. John ______(take) some photos for a special newspaper and Liz ______(interview) some people for her article. Their friends Sarah and Sam ______(not go) to the fireworks. They ______(decide) to stay at home. They ______(be) very tired after the business trip.

Task 9. Find English equivalents in the text. 1. в прошлую пятницу 2. выставка 3. фейерверк 4. глазированное яблоко; яблоко, покрытое слоем карамели 5. продуктовый ларек 6. сделать несколько фотографий 7. быть очень уставшим 8. командировка 9. остаться дома 10. идти вместе 11. в каждом 12. взять интервью у нескольких людей

Task 10. Answer the questions. 1. What holiday was last Friday? 2. Did Liz and John go to the fireworks display? 3. How did they spend their time? 4. What did they buy at food stalls? 5. How many toffee apples did Liz eat? 6. What did John do at the fireworks display? 7. Did Liz interview any people for her article? 8. Dis Sarah and Sam go to the fireworks display? Why?

Task 11. Develop the conversation. Use the words in brackets to write questions. Alex: Hi, John. (1) ______(how / your holiday)? John: Hi, Alex. Yes, it was quite good, thanks. 149 Alex: Oh, good. (2) ______(Where / go)? John: We went to Italy – to Rome and then Venice. Alex: That sounds lovely. (3) ______(weather / good)? John: Well, we had some sunny weather but it rained quite a bit. Alex: Oh, that’s a shame! (4) ______(food / good?) John: Yes, it was delicious! We ate lots of pasta and pizza – which I love. Alex: Fantastic! I love Italian food, too. (5) ______(enjoy / Rome)? John: Yes, it’s a beautiful city. We saw lots of interesting places. Alex: (6) ______(visit / the Colosseum)? John: Yes, it was amazing!

Task 12. Complete the questions with was, were or did. 1. How ____ your weekend? 2. Where _____ you live in 2012? 3. ____ you study for any exams last month? 4. Where ____ you at four o'clock yesterday afternoon? 5. _____ a friend phone you yesterday? 6. Where ____ you born? 7. What ____ the weather like yesterday? 8. When ____ you start learning English? 9. What time _____ you get up yesterday? 10. _____ you tired after your work? 11. ______you read this famous novel? 12. ______you at the restaurant with John? 13. How ______you spend your summer holidays? 14. How ______your business trip? 15. ______you travel alone? 16. Where ______you buy this beautiful dress? 17. How many people ______there at the party? 18. How old ______you when you married? 19. What ______you watch on TV yesterday? 20. Where ______you go on Sunday?

Task 13. Write past tense questions for the answers. Use the prompts. 1) what / weather / be/ like? Answer: It was warm and sunny. 2) (where / Sophia and Rosy /go first?) Answer: They went to the forest. 3) (where / they / sit?) Answer: They sat on the grass. 4) (where / Sophia and Rosy / have / a picnic?) Answer: They had a picnic in the field. 5) (what else/ they/ do / in the field?) Answer: They watched beautiful butterflies and enjoyed pure nature. 6) (how / they / feel?) Answer: The felt happy.

Task 14. A) Study the Grammar Guide. The construction there was / there were is the construction there is / there are in the past simple tense. There was is a singular form while there were is a plural form, e.g.: 1) There is a beautiful park in this street. – There was a beautiful park in this street two years ago. 2) There are many cafés in the town. – There were many cafés in the town many years ago.

150 Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form There was a mu- There was no a There wasn’t a Was there a mu- seum in this museum in this museum in this seum in this town. town. town. town? – Yes, ______there was / No, There were 2 there wasn’t. museums in the There were no two There weren’t town. museums in the two museums in Are there any room this town. museums? – Yes, there were / No, there weren’t.

B) Choose the right variant (was or were), e.g.: There was / were a lot of museums in this town. → There were a lot of museums in this town. 1. There was / were a lot of clouds in the sky yesterday. 2. There was / were lots of holes in John’s jacket. 3. There was / were a lot of people in the room. 4. There was / were a theatre in this street. 5) There was / were a supermarket in this part of the town. 6) There was / were three companies in this town. 7) There was / were a lot of questions in the task. 8) There was / were a lot of people at the cinema. 9) There was / were a lot of sights in this old city. 10) There was / were a beautiful bridge here. 11) There was / were a lot of leisure activities in this resort town. 12) There was / were a lot of fruits in this shop. C) Change the sentences in the task above into negative sentences, e.g.: There were a lot of mu- seums in this town. → There weren’t many museums in this town. D) Change these sentences into interrogative and give both positive and negative answers, e.g.: There were a lot of museums in this town. → Were there many museums in this town? – Yes, there were / No, there weren’t.

Task 15. A) Translate the following sentences into English. 1) Мои родители были в Париже в прошлом году. 2) Джон был в Лондоне 5 лет назад. 3) На улице вчера было тепло? 4) Наши друзья были на футбольном матче вчера. 5) Вчера мистер Смит не был на работе, он был в командировке. 6) Вчера вечером было очень тепло. 7) В комнате было жарко. 8) Моего отца вчера не было дома. Он был в кинотеатре. 9) Кейт вчера болела. Она не была в школе. 10) Лиз была вчера в школе? 11) Ты был в музее на прошлой неделе? 12) Мы не были загородом вчера.

151 13) Мой брат не был на прошлой неделе в Москве. 14) Твоя мама была вчера расстроена? 15) Почему твой папа был вчера расстроен? 16) Вы вчера были в университете? 17) Это была не моя сестра Лиз. 18) Это была моя тетя. 19) Мой брат был в Лондоне вчера. 20) Ты вчера был в театре? B) Translate the following sentences into English. Use there was / there were. 1) В самолете было много пассажиров. 2) В аэропорту было много людей. 3) В музее было мало посетителей. 4) На сцене было мало актеров. 5) В магазине было много разных фруктов. 6) На этой улице был музей? 7) В этом городе были парки? 8) В авиашоу было много самолетов. 9) В России было много талантливых поэтов. 10) На рынке было мало покупателей. 11) На его дне рождения было много родственников. 12) На этой улице был кинотеатр. 13) В этом городе был крупный супермаркет. 14) В этой программе был очень хороший ведущий. 15) На столе стояла красивая ваза.

Task 1. Warming up.  Do you like to go to cinemas or museums in your leisure time?  What museums do you like in your town?  Do you like to visit exhibitions? Task 2. Study the Vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. to visit museums, galleries, theatres – посещать музеи, галереи, театры 2. to adore art – обожать искусство 3. an exhibition – выставка 4. an exhibit – экспонат 5. a performance – представление 6. a production – постановка 7. a play – пьеса 8. a cast – состав 9. a matinee – дневной сеанс 10. to go to a cinema – ходить в кинотеатр 11. a feature film = a movie – художественный фильм 12. ballet – балет


Task 3. Translate the words and words combinations in brackets. Mind your grammar. 1) In my leisure time I like to watch (художественные фильмы) ______. 2) There are different interesting (экспонаты) ______(на выставке) ______. 3) My husband prefers (дневные сеансы) ______. 4) (Актерский состав) ______in this theatre is marvelous. 5) This museum has got a lot of historical (экспонаты) ______. 6) My niece (обожает искусство) ______and in her leisure time she visits dif- ferent (музеи, театры, галереи) ______. 7) (Представление) ______that we visited last night was brilliant. 8) My children and I like to visit ______(постановки по пьесам) by A.P. Chekhov. 9) In her leisure time, Liz (ходит в кинотеатр) that is in the city centre. 10) This famous American (художественный фильм) ______stars S. Bullok.

Task 4. Read the text and do the exercises after it. Madame Tussaud’s

Madame Tussaud’s is a museum with a large collection of waxworks of famous figures from around the world. Madame Tussaud (1761-1850) was a maker of wax death masks, a technique for recording the features of people before the invention of photography. Popular exhibits are the Chamber of Horrors, the Grand Hall and the Spirit of London. The Chamber of Horrors gives a scary view of the criminal world of the past 200 years. The Grand Hall has got waxworks of the Royals including the current Queen. The Spirit of London offers the sights, sounds and smells of 400 years of London life.

Task 5. Find English equivalents in the text. 1) большая коллекция работ из воска; 2) со всего мира; 3) черты лица; 4) до изобретения фо- тографии; 5) популярные экспонаты; 6) представлять ужасающий вид криминального мира; 7) последних двух столетий; 8) члены королевской семьи; 9) нынешняя королева; 10) комната страха.

Task 6. Answer the questions. 1) Who was Madame Tussaud? 2) What is there in Madame Tussaud’s? 3) What are the popular exhibits of this museum? 4) What has The Grand Hall got? 5) What can you see in the Spirit of London? 6) What is The Chamber of Horrors? 7) Would you like to visit Madame Tussaud’s?

Task 7. Listen to the following recording and correct the mistakes (8 mistakes).

Madame Tussaud’s is open from Monday to Thursday from 9 a.m. until 5 p.m. On Friday and Sunday, it is open from 10 a.m. until 4.00 p.m. Admission: adults – £ 15, children under 16 – £ 12. Task 8. It’s the beginning of a new term at college. Two students, Alex and James, are talking about the summer holidays. Complete their conversation using the correct Past Simple form of the words in brackets. Alex: What (1) ______(you /do) in summer? James: I (2) ______(take) a trip around Europe by train. Alex: (3) ______(it / be) expensive? James: No, I (4) ______(buy) a railcard, and it (5) _____ (be) quite cheap. 153 Alex: (6) ______(you / go) on your own, or with some friends? James: A couple of friends (7) ______(come) with me. Alex: How many countries (8) ______(you / visit)? James: I (9) ______(go) to six or seven countries. I (10) ______have a great time, and I really (11) ______(love) all of them. Alex: Which one (12) ______(you / like) most? James: Sweden, I think. The countryside (13) ______(be) marvelous and I (14) ______(take) lots of photographs. Alex: When (15) ______(you / arrive) back home? James: Last week. I’m still rather tired.

Task 9. Choose the correct variant (Present simple, Past Simple or Future Simple). 1) I am sure we will have / have / had a great time at Sarah’s party tomorrow. 2) We will visit / visit / visited Disney World one day. 3) My niece seldom goes / will go / went to bed after midnight. She tries to fall asleep earlier. 4) My cousin was / is / will be always late for work. He isn’t responsible. 5) Life will be / is / was better fifty years from now. 6) His wife is / was / will be never late for meetings. She’s very responsible. 7) I think my husband goes / will go / went to work tomorrow. 8) His dad wakes up / woke up / will wake up half an hour ago. 9) My nephew drove / drives / will drive to work. He doesn’t go by bus. 10) He played / will play / plays football yesterday. 11) It often rained / rains / will rain at this time of the year. 12) He earned / earns / will earn lots of money in his job. He’s got a well-paid job. 13) His grandchildren went / go / will go on holiday to Prague last summer. 14) Their brother-in-law is / will be / was 35 years old tomorrow. 15) My parents went / go / will go to bed at 10 p.m. every night. They like it very much. 16) My grandparents got / get / will get married fifty years ago. 17) Her cousin always made / makes / will make mistakes in important matches. He always wor- ries about it. 18) The sun rises / will rise / rose in the East. 19) We take / will take / took a taxi from the airport to the city centre yesterday evening. 20) Last Sunday my grandparents went / go / will go camping in the countryside. 21) Last summer my niece will travel / travelled / travels abroad. 22) It’s rather hot in here, isn’t it? – Yes, you’re right. I open / will opened / open the window. 23) It’s time for me to go home. – I gave / give / will give you a lift. 24) Trains to London leave / left / will leave every hour in the morning. 25) My dad flies / flew / will fly to the USA regularly. He’s got a lot of business trips. 26) My uncle parked / parks / will park his car in the street outside his flat. It’s very convenient. 27) Her son cycles / will cycle / cycled to university. He doesn’t like buses. 28) Kate’s daughter liked / likes / will like Chemistry, Physics and Biology. She always gets good marks in her science exams. 29) Tony Blair was / is / will be the British Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007. 30) Her half-brother lived / lives / will live in London and works / worked / will work for “The Times”. He likes his job very much.

154 Task 10. Study the Grammar box.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I was walking – I was not walking I wasn’t walking Was I walking? – You were walking You were not walking You weren’t Yes, I was / No, I He was walking He was not walking walking wasn’t. She was walking She was not walking He wasn’t walk- Were you walk- It was walking It was not walking ing ing? We were walking We were not walking She wasn’t walk- Was he walking? You were walk- You were not walking ing Was she walk- ing They were not walking It wasn’t walking ing? They were walk- We weren’t Was it walking? ing walking Were we walk- You weren’t ing? – Yes, we walking were / No, we They weren’t weren’t. walking Were you walk- ing? Were they walk- ing?

Use Past Continuous for: an action or situation that was in progress at a particular time in the past (e.g. at 8 p.m.; in 2012). e.g.: When I came into the room, Kate was reading. in a story that was in progress when something happened, e.g.: The sun was shining. People were sitting under the trees or walking around the park. Suddenly a car drove into the park… Note: We put a comma when “when” and “while” come at the beginning of the sentence, e.g.: While I was talking to my dad, my telephone rang. Time expressions: at 6 p.m. yesterday, the whole evening yesterday, etc. Spelling rules: 1. the base verb + ing: work → working, speak → speaking, study → studying 2. if the base verb ends in -e, we change -e to ing: make → making, take → taking 3. for short, one-syllable verbs, that end with consonant + vowel + consonant, we double the last consonant and then add -ing: sit → sitting, swim → swimming 4. when words have two or more syllables ending in consonant + vowel + consonant, we must double the last consonant if the last syllable is stressed: commit → committing 5. if the base verb ends in -l, we double it then add -ing: expel → expelling 6. for verbs that end in -ie, we change the -ie to -y before adding -ing: lie → lying, die → dying

Task 11. Add -ing to the verbs. 1) get up 8) walk 15) prepare 2) awake 9) sleep 16) read 3) do 10) eat 17) translate 4) make 11) drink 18) type 5) go 12) talk 19) watch 6) run 13) work 20) play 7) drive 14) wait 155

Task 12. A) Complete the sentences as in the example. Affirmative Sentences Negative Sentences 21. I was reading a book. I wasn’t reading a book. 22. Peter … traveling. Peter … travelling. 23. Ann and Mary … driving home. Ann and Mary … driving home. 24. It … snowing. It … snowing. 25. You … going shopping. You … going shopping. 26. We … doing our homework. We … doing our homework. 27. She … typing the letter. She … typing the letter. 28. He … translating the text. He … translating the text. 29. I … waiting for you in the park. I … waiting for you in the park. 30. We … hoovering the carpet. We … hoovering the carpet. 31. He … drinking coffee. He … drinking coffee. 32. It … raining. It … raining. 33. I … tidying up the room. I … tidying up the room. 34. They … reading the newspaper. They … reading the newspaper. 35. She … cooking in the kitchen. She … cooking in the kitchen. 36. I … doing the washing up. I … doing the washing up. 37. We … talking with our dad. We … talking with our dad. 38. You … doing the dusting. You … doing the dusting. 39. It … barking. It … barking. 40. They … walking to work. They … walking to work. B) Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the correct form of the Past Continuous Tense. 1. I (drive) home from work at 7 p.m. yesterday. 2. It (rain) when I left home this morning. 3. I tried to explain my problem to her, but she (not / listen) to me. 4. A lot of people (wait) for the 8.30 bus last night. 5. Fortunately, he (not / drive) too fast when the child walked into the road in front of him. 6. My dad (talk) on the phone when I arrived. 7. She (translate) the text from Russian into English from 4 p.m. to 6 p.m. 8. What you (do) at 3 o’clock yesterday afternoon? 9. She (do) the washing the whole evening yesterday. 10. It was a sunny afternoon and people (sit) on the grass in the park. Then it suddenly started to rain. 11. He looked out of the window and saw that it (not / rain) any more. 12. Kate (read) a newspaper when her dad entered the room. 13. The storm started while he (drive) home. 14. My friend saw an accident while he (wait) for the bus. 15. She (make) a salad when her guests arrived. 16. She (talk) to her dad when Tom entered the room. 17. While she (do) the cooking, he (watch) TV. 18. He (do) his homework from 5 till 7 p.m. yesterday. 19. At this time last week, we (lie) on a beach in the sun. 20. I (watch) the episode on TV, when the electricity went off. 21. I didn’t interrupt him because he (speak) to Mr. Smith. 22. Her child (cry) loudly we couldn’t hear each other. 23. Our uncle (wait) for us when we arrived at the station.

156 24. My father (sleep) when you phoned. 25. We (talk) when she came in. 26. I (look) for my camera when I found this old photo of mum and dad. 27. Sarah (cry) when I saw her. 28. Liz (get) ready for school when I called her. 29. Sarah and Sue (watch) TV when I left house this morning. 30. Ben (walk) home from school when he found € 10 in the street. C) Change the affirmative sentences into negative, e.g.: He was reading the latest newspaper at 5 p.m. yesterday. → He wasn’t reading the latest newspaper at 5 p.m. yesterday. 1) He was laughing all through his English lesson yesterday. 2) It was raining while I was waiting for the bus. 3) Our dad was drinking tea at 5 o’clock yesterday afternoon. 4) My grandpa was doing a crossword when the lights went off. 5) My niece was learning a poem at a quarter to eight in the morning. 6) His children were watching TV at about 8 o’clock in the evening. 7) I was checking my students’ works from 5 till 6 p.m. yesterday. 8) I was driving home at 4 p.m. yesterday. 9) Their grandchildren were building a snowman. 10) Their mom was looking out of the kitchen window. 11) Her daughter was cleaning the house. 12) We were doing the Maths test. 13) She was standing at the bus stop. 14) My granny was watering the flowers. 15) My sister was hoovering the carpet. 16) His mom was going shopping. 17) She was microwaving the food. 18) My aunt was making a salad. 19) We were having dinner. 20) Our sister was having a bath. 21) It was snowing heavily that day. 22) She was crying all that day. 23) We were still waiting for the bus? 24) My dad was staying in Oxford. 25) She was having a hot shower. 26) Everybody was talking. 27) Their children were playing happily. 28) We were listening to the radio. 29) They were flying from London to New York. 30) Her grandfather was reading a newspaper. D) Change the sentences above into interrogative and give both positive and negative answers, e.g.: He was reading the latest newspaper at 5 p.m. yesterday. → Was he reading the latest news- paper at 5 p.m. yesterday. – Yes, he was / No, he wasn’t.

157 Task 13. A) Complete with verbs in the Past Continuous Tense. What was everyone doing at 7 p.m. yes- terday evening? 1. Liz ______(write) an email to her pen friend. 2. Mr. and Mrs. Smith ______(watch) TV. 3. Irene ______(talk) to her friend on the phone. 4. Chris ______(play) the game “Pokémon GO.” 5. Kate ______(have) a shower. 6. John ______(shop) with his friends. 7. Bob ______(listen to) music. 8. Clara ______(study) for a test. 9. Mrs. Jones ______(mark) her pupils’ homework. 10. Sarah and her cousin ______(surf) the net. 11. Mr. Jones ______(fly) to London. 12. Mrs. Roy ______(check) her students’ tests. 13. Julia ______(drink) a cup of coffee. 14. James ______(learn) a poem by heart. 15. Mrs. Roy ______(read) a newspaper. 16. Sarah ______(clean) the floors. B) Describe what the people in the picture were doing when Rick came into the room. Use the correct verb from the box in the Past Continuous.

brush watch eat listen write play paint sit come

1. Rick ______into the room. 2. Caroline ______on the floor. 3. Ann ______a picture. 4. Barbara ______a letter. 5. Rita ______her hair. 6. Sue and Liz ______table tennis. 7. Julie ______a sandwich. 8. Alison ______to some music. C) Complete the sentences using the words from the box in the Past Continuous Tense.

drive wait play not snow talk cry watch have translate walk

158 1) The baby ______loudly, so I couldn’t hear. 2) _____ you ______TV all day? 3) He ______a difficult text from 5 to 7 p.m. yesterday. 4) His mum and dad ______a coffee in the kitchen when he arrived. 5) John ______his car to work when it happened. 6) While we ______for the bus, it started to rain. 7) They ______the guitar at 6 p.m. yesterday. 8) It ______, but it was very cold. 9) He ______in the park when I met him 10) He ______to his dad when I called him. D) Read what Liz is saying about what she was doing the whole evening yesterday. Use Past Continuous. I (1) ______(work) around the house the whole evening yesterday. There was a lot of work to do. I (2) ______(do) the washing. From 5 till 5.30, I (3) ______(hoover) the carpet in my room. At 5.30, I (4) ______(do) the dusting in the living room. At 6 p.m., I (5) ______(water) the room flowers. I (6) ______(tidy) the kitchen from 6.30 till 7 p.m. I (7) ______(do) the washing up from 7 p.m. till 7.30. I (8) ______(cook) for my family at 7.30. After that I (9) _____ (clean) the windows on the balcony. When my parents arrived home I (10) ______(sleep) at the table in the kitchen. I (11) ______(wait) for them and suddenly fell asleep. We use the Past Simple (walked) for a completed action. We use the Past Continuous (was reading) for an action in the progress in the past. Note: We can use when or while before the Past Continuous: I met him when / while we were working for the same company. We can only use when (not while) before the Past Simple: When I met her, we were working for the same company.

Task 14. A) Choose the correct variant (Past Simple and Past Continuous). 1) I was having / had a shower when my friend called. 2) While Kate was walking / walked to the park, she met Harry. 3) Tom went to bed and was saying / said, “Goodnight.” 4) We danced while the music was playing / played. 5) I was meeting / met Isabel many years ago. 6) While she was looking / looked at the picture, she was thinking / thought about her life. 7) I was watching / watched TV when the phone rang. 8) We were playing / played tennis at 5 p.m. yesterday. 9) When she arrived / was arriving, we were watching / watched TV. 10) When I saw them, they played / were playing basketball. 11) Julia went / was going to a few concerts while she stayed / was staying in London. 12) My friend cooked / was cooking the dinner when he was burning / burnt his fingers. 13) While Kate was going shopping / went shopping, her husband waited / was waiting for her in his car. 14) Alice drank / was drinking her coffee when she was hearing / heard her phone. 15) I was shopping / shopped when I met / was meeting him. 16) While they were eating / ate breakfast, the letter arrived / was arriving. 17) John broke / was breaking his arm while he did / was doing judo. 18) Kate was having / had a shower when I called. 19) She was doing the dusting / did the dusting at 6 p.m. yesterday. 20) I was reading / read “The Great Gatsby” the whole evening yesterday.

159 21) While Liz was cleaning / cleaned the house, she found / was founding her ring under the armchair. 22) David was running / ran to catch the bus when he fell over / was falling over. 23) While you were talking / talked to David, I got an email from my friend. 24) I was walking / went to work when I saw / was seeing Sarah in her car. 25) Her son was doing / did his emails when his friend called him. 26) While our nephew was living / lived in London, he ate / was eating at 10 or 11 o’clock in the evening. 27) It was snowing / snowed when I woke up this morning. 28) Her son was travelling / travelled by boat when he felt / was feeling sick. 29) When the music started / was staring, I was talking / talked to my cousin. 30) While her nice was carrying / carried the plates, she fell / was falling. 31) When children were running / ran in the park, they saw / was seeing a large black dog. 32) We didn’t visit / weren’t visiting the Louvre while we were staying / stayed in Paris. 33) Her husband was swimming / swam when someone stole / was stealing his wallet. 34) My close friends were snowboarding / snowboarded when they saw / was seeing a famous musician. 35) When you sent / was sending the message, I was doing / did the exam in English. B) Choose the correct answer. 1) Was it snowing when / while you went to bed last night? 2) While / When I walked into the room, Liz was reading my diary. 3) I found your keys while / when I was tidying the living room. 4) My dad phoned me while / when I was sleeping. 5) Mrs. Smith didn’t sleep when / while her daughter came back. 6) When / While Chris was walking home, he found € 10 in the street. 7) While / When Sarah was shopping, her dad was waiting for her in his car. 8) We were having lunch when / while it started to rain. 9) I was reading a newspaper when / while I was eating my lunch. 10) He saw an accident while / when he was waiting for the bus this morning. 11) I was having breakfast while / when I heard that noise. 12) When / while I was singing, I started coughing. 13) While / when you were having a good time, he was lying in bed with a bad cold. 14) I was wondering who the artist was when / while I saw his name on the painting. 15) I was just closing my suitcase when / while the taxi arrived to take me to the airport. C) Join the sentences. Use the correct form of the past tenses, e.g.: John was drinking coffee while Kate was talking to her dad. 1) John / fall asleep. He / watch / TV. (while) 2) It start / to snow. The / climb / the mountain. (when) 3) I / get on / the plane. Someone / shout / my name. (when) 4) Liz / do / the crossword. You / surf the net. (while) 5) She / shop. Her husband / wait / for her in his car. (while) 6) Liz / break the plate. She / do / the washing up. (when) 7) The Headteacher / walk in. We / do / a test. (when) 8) Bob / get up. His parents / have breakfast / in the kitchen. (when) 9) The children / take / this photo of you. You / sleep. (while) 10) They / paint / the chairs. Mike / plant / the trees / in the garden. (while) 11) My grandfather / fish. We / swim in the sea. (while) 12) Mrs. Smith / mark / her pupils’ tests. Mr. Smith / read / the newspaper. (while)

160 D) Complete with the past simple or past continuous. It was late on a Friday afternoon and Mr. Smith (1) ______(walk) home from work. There was a big lorry outside his block of flats. “Somebody’s moving house,” he (2) ______(think). He (3) ______(stand) outside the front door when he (4) ______(see) two men at the door. They (5) ______(carry) a huge TV set. Mr. Smith (6) ______(hold) the door open for them, they (7) ______(thank) him and they (8) ______(carry) the TV to the lorry. Then, Mr. Smith (9) ______(go) upstairs to his flat on the second floor. While he (10) ______(look) for his keys, he (11) ______(notice) that the door (12) ______(be) open. He (13) ______(remember) the two men with the TV and he nearly (14) ______(faint)! The two men (15) ______(be) thieves and the TV they (16) ______(carry) was his TV.

Task 15. Translate the sentences into English. 1) Когда я посещала выставку, мой папа был в кинотеатре. 2) Когда я была на дневном сеансе, моя бабушка приготовила вкусный вишневый пирог. 3) В то время как я ждала свой автобус, я увидела своего друга. 4) В то время как я смотрела новогоднее представление, мои родители общались со сво- ими старыми друзьями. 5) Когда Лиз принимала ванну, ей позвонила коллега с работы. 6) В то время как моя племянница читала пьесу А.П. Чехова, ее родители смотрели балет. 7) В то время как я делала домашнее задание, моя подруга разговаривала по телефону. 8) Когда я слушала музыку, я услышала звонок в дверь. 9) Я сломала карандаш, когда делала домашнее задание. 10) Я увидел радугу, когда ехал домой с работы. 11) В то время как моя бабушка вязала моей старшей сестре свитер, я наводила порядок в квартире. 12) Пока мы ждали автобус на остановке, внезапно пошел сильный дождь. 13) В то время как отец смотрел интересный американский художественный фильм, я де- лал домашнее задание в своей комнате. 14) Когда я шла в кинотеатр, я встретила свою школьную подругу. 15) В то время как Лиз и Сара внимательно рассматривали экспонаты, мы разговаривали с организатором выставки.

Task 1. Warming-up. 1) How do you like to study at your university? 2) Do you study hard for all your seminars? 3) What do you like more: study at university or at school?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. to finish school = to leave school – окончить школу 2. to drop out of school – бросить учебу в школе 3. to get a school-leaving certificate – получить аттестат о среднем образовании 4. to enter university (BrE) = to enroll in university (AmE) – поступить в университет 5. to study at university – учиться в университете 6. to graduate from the university – окончить университет 7. to defend thesis – защитить диплом

161 8. a first-year student (BrE) = a freshman (AmE) – первокурсник, студент первого курса 9. a second-year student (BrE) = a sophomore (AmE) – второкурсник, студент второго курса 10. a bachelor – бакалавр 11. a master – магистр 12. a post-graduate student – аспирант 13. to revise for an exam (BrE) = to study for an exam (AmE) – готовиться к экзамену 14. to take an exam in – сдавать экзамен по 15. to pass an exam – сдать успешно экзамен 16. to fail an exam – завалить, не сдать экзамен 17. finals (BrE) – выпускные экзамены 18. to have a seminar on History – иметь семинар по истории

Task 3. A) Fill in the gaps. Mind your grammar. 1) Her son decided to (бросить учебу в школе) ______. 2) Julia (получила аттестат о среднем образовании) ______. 3) John (поступил в университет) ______last year. 4) Her cousin (учится в Оксфордском университете) ______. 5) Liz (окончила университет) ______two years ago. 6) Sarah (защитила диплом) ______at Cambridge University. 7) Ann studies at Harvard University. She is (студентка первого курса) ______. 8) Olga studies at Altai State Pedagogical University. She is (студентка второго курса) ______. 9) They (будут сдавать экзамен) ______in March. 10) John (успешно сдал экзамен) ______in Biology yesterday. 11) Kate (готовилась к экзамену по английскому языку) ______the whole evening yesterday. 12) Tomorrow we’ll have (семинар по истории) ______.

Task 4. Listen to the recoding and fill in the gaps. I think I have quite a good life, with my family and at university. I’m ______student. I decided ______Altai State Pedagogical University when I studied in ______. I live near my university so I usually get up at 6.45 a.m. I leave home at 7.35 and I always walk to university. It only takes 10 minutes. When it rains my dad takes me in his car, but I prefer walking. It’s not a problem. My favorite university subjects are ______and ______. The only subject I really don’t like is ______. In the evenings I usually ______my ______on different subjects. I want ______all my exams. When I defend my ______and ______from this university, I want to work as a ______at school.

Task 5. Read the text, find and correct 15 grammar mistakes. When Kate got school leaving certificate, she enter in the Altai State Pedagogical University. Now she is first-year student. She like to study at these university. Everyday she have different seminars in History, Psychology, Philosophy and other subjects. She studies on her seminars. She dream to pass all her exams. In winter she is taking an exam on General Psychology. She is very responsible student. When she defends her thesis in Psychology, she dreams to work at a psychological centre. She think that she chose very good career. 162

Task 6. Read the following text. When I Leave School

Most people have ambitions. An ambition is something we want to do, want to be or want to have. A student’s ambition, for example, might be to pass their exams and then get a good job. An athlete’s ambition could be to win an important competition. A businessman’s ambition is usually to make a lot of money. Not all ambitions are about success at work, however. Some people just want to be good people, have a family or help others. John’s ambition is to be a sports writer. He writes the sports reports for his class newspaper. He likes most sports, but track-and-field and volleyball are his favourites. Sarah’s ambition is to be a concert pianist. She’s very serious about it and practices every day with her best friend Liz. It is very important to her. Mike’s ambition is to become a psychologist and to work in a psychological centre. He wants to consult people who face psychological difficulties in their life. Bobby’s ambition changes every day! One day he wants to be an astronaut. The next day he wants to be a teacher. The next day he wants to work in a news agency. What is your ambition?

7. Find English equivalents in the text. a) иметь цель; b) сдать успешно экзамены; c) получить хорошую работу; d) выиграть важное соревнование; c) заработать много денег; d) успех в работе; e) спортивный обозреватель; f) спортивные отчеты; g) легкая атлетика и волейбол; h) очень серьезно относиться к чему- либо; i) быть очень важным для кого-либо; j) стать астронавтом; k) работать в агентстве но- востей; l) заниматься каждый день.

8. Answer the following questions: 1) Do most people have ambitions? 2) What is an ambition? 3) Are the Russian word «амбиция» and the English word ambition the same or are they different? 4) What is a usual student’s ambition? 5) What is a businessman’s ambition? 6) Are all people’s ambitions about success at work? 7) What is John’s ambition? 8) What are John’s favourite kinds of sport? 9) What is Sarah’s ambition? 10) What does Sarah do to realize her ambition? 11) What ambition does Mike have? 12) Does Bobby have any ambitions? 13) Do you have an ambition? 14) Is it important or not to have an ambition? Why (not)?

Task 9. Translate the following sentences from Russian into English. 1) Моя двоюродная сестра работала учителем в одной московской школе 5 лет назад. 2) Очень многие российские студенты работают нянями за рубежом по специальной программе Au Pair. 3) Джон учится в Оксфордском университете. Он первокурсник. 4) Лиз – студентка второго курса Оксфордского университета. 5) Она хотела стать бухгалтером и работать в одной из крупных американских компаний.

163 6) Многие выдающиеся российские спортсмены по окончании спортивной карьеры ра- ботают тренерами. 7) Очень сложно выбрать правильную профессию. 8) Сын Сью, к сожалению, бросил учебу в школе. Он решил пойти работать. 9) Когда Лиз закончит университет, она будет работать архитектором. 10) К сожалению, российские учёные получают очень низкие заработные платы. 11) Мой друг второкурсник переехал жить в Токио. 12) Тед успешно сдал экзамен по химии. 13) Алекс в этом году защитил свой диплом. 14) Сара очень боится сдавать выпускные экзамены. 15) Завтра Лиз сдает экзамен по физике. 16) Ольга поступила в Алтайский государственный педагогический университет. 17) В прошлом году Диана выпустилась из университета. 18) Мэри – аспирант Гарвардского университета. Она пишет научное исследование. 19) Лиз очень уставшая сегодня. Вчера весь вечер она готовилась к экзамену по психологии. 20) В то время как Лиз готовилась к экзамену по психологии, Дейв слушал музыку.

Task 10. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I must I must not I mustn’t *Do I have to ? You must You must not You mustn’t Do you have to ? He must He must not He mustn’t Does he have to ? She must She must not She mustn’t Does she have to ? It must It must not It mustn’t Does it have to ? We must We must not We mustn’t Do we have to ? You must You must not You mustn’t Do you have to ? They must They must not They mustn’t Do they have to ?

We use must to say that an action is necessary: All visitors must go to reception when they arrive. We use You must … to give somebody an order, e.g.: a) Your work is poor – you must try harder. b) You must finish this work tomorrow. to strongly recommend or offer something, e.g.: a) You must read this novel; it’s fantastic! b) You must go for lunch at our house. The form must is the same for all persons. Its negative form is mustn’t, e.g. You mustn’t park here. We use I / we mustn’t (must not) to say that we think it’s necessary that we do NOT do something, e.g.: a) I mustn’t forget her birthday again. b) We mustn’t be late for the dinner. We can use must and mustn’t to talk about the future (NOT: I will must …), e.g.: I must phone Liz tomorrow. We cannot use must in the past we use a form of have to (had to) (see p. 165), e.g.: I had to talk to John.

Task 11. A) Put the words in the right order to make sentences. 1. I / study / hard / must / this / exam / for. 2. you / talk / mustn’t / in / the library.

164 3. go / mustn’t / to bed / you / late. 4. mustn’t / you / talk / the exam / during. 5. hard / study / for / finals / must / you / your. 6. his / uncle / quickly / a doctor / must / see. 7. stay / you / mustn’t / out / late. 8. I / get / must / there / 7 p.m. / before. 9. do / all / must / you / your / homework. 10. late / be / mustn’t / you. 11. room / this / mustn’t / enter / you. 12. so / fast / drive / you / mustn’t. 13. you / talk / must / to / daughter / your / her / future / about. 14. spend / you / mustn’t / much / too / time / your / with / friends. 15. you / smoke / mustn’t / public / in / places. 16. leave / the / room / a while / for / mustn’t / he. 17. in / room / this / mustn’t / smoke / you. 18. park / here / mustn’t / you. 19. you / to / listen / mustn’t / music / the / library / in. 20. a / dictionary / mustn’t / you / use / the exam / in. 21. you / mustn’t / here / take / photos / any. 22. mustn’t / you / jeans / wear. 23. you / drink / mustn’t / water / cold. 24. well / must / you / study. B) Fill in the gaps with must or mustn’t. 1) You ______cross the road without looking. It’s dangerous. 2) It’s a very important match. You ______play well. 3) You ______go into the cinema without a ticket. 4) You ______read this novel. It’s fantastic! 5) Be careful! You ______lose that money. 6) You ______try the food that my dad cooks. It’s delicious! 7) You ______drink alcohol if you are going to drive. 8) You ______do all the exercises. 9) Car drivers ______drive slowly in towns. 10) You ______make any noise in the library. 11) You ______park your car in a “No Parking” area. 12) You ______play football in the street. 13) Drivers ______be careful when it’s foggy. 14) You ______hear this story. It’s extremely funny! 15) You ______forget to buy some petrol. There isn’t much left. 16) You ______book the tickets before it’s too late. 17) You ______smoke in public places. They can fine you for it. 18) We ______arrive late tonight. Our dad will be furious. 19) You ______miss the movie. It’s very good. 20) You ______play with matches. It’s dangerous. 21) You ______talk loudly. The baby is sleeping. 22) You ______play near the busy road. 23) Passengers ______fasten their seatbelts during take-off* (взлет). 24) All visitors ______go to Reception.

165 We don’t use must in a question form (in interrogative sentences). We use have to, e.g.: 1) Do I have to be there at 9 a.m.? 2) Does he have to work hard? С) Change the affirmative sentences into interrogative, e.g.: 1) You must read this novel. → Do I have to read this novel? 2) Your husband must read this novel. → Does my husband have to read this novel? 1) You must talk to your director. 2) You must fasten your seatbelts. 3) You must arrive early. 4) Your son must arrive early. 5) You must work hard. 6) Your daughter must work hard. 7) You must be punctual. 8) Your husband must be punctual. 9) You must be organized. 10) Your wife must be organized. 11) You must be polite. 12) Your cousin must be polite. 13) You must be quiet. 14) Your son must be responsible. 15) You must study well. D) Liz has a cold so she went to the doctor. The doctor told her everything that she must and mustn’t do. Look at the words combinations and make sentences, e.g.: You mustn’t go for a walk. 1) stay in bed ______2) drink warm tea with raspberry jam ______3) eat ice-cream______4) go to school______5) wear a scarf______6) drink warm water______7) drink cold water______8) measure temperature ______9) take pills ______10) gargle the throat ______E) Translate the sentences into English. A strict dean is pronouncing these sentences in his talk with the fifth-year students of Massachusetts University. Use the modal verb must. 1) Вы должны хорошо учиться в нашем университете. 2) Вы должны усердно готовиться ко всем семинарам. 3) Вы должны отвечать на всех семинарах. 4) Вы должны окончить университет с отличием. 5) Вы должны помогать студентам первых курсов нашего университета. 6) Вы должны успешно сдать экзамены по всем предметам. 7) Вы должны хорошо подготовиться к вашим выпускным экзаменам. 8) Вы не должны завалить ваши выпускные экзамены. 9) Вы должны успешно защитить ваши дипломные работы. 10) Вы не должны пропускать семинары и лекции.

Task 12. Write what people mustn’t do in the university library, e.g.: Students mustn’t listen to music there. 1) ______


Task 13. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I have to I’ve to I do not have to I don’t have to Do I have to get You have to You’ve to You do not have to You don’t have to up early in the He has to He’s to He does not have to He doesn’t have to morning? – No, She has to She’s to She does not have to She doesn’t have to you don’t. It has to It’s to It does not have to It doesn’t have to We have to We’ve to We do not have to We don’t have to You have to You’ve to You do not have to You don’t have to They have to They’ve to They do not have to They don’t have to

We use have to to talk about things that are necessary because other people oblige us to follow, e.g.: a) My dad has to travel a lot in his job (His employer requires it.); b) We have to pay the rent every month (The landlord requires it). for things that are necessary because of the circumstances, e.g.: a) I have to get a bus to my university (It’s the only way I can travel there). We use don’t have to to say that something is NOT necessary: a) We don’t have to hurry; we’re early. (=It isn’t necessary to hurry. We have plenty of time.); b) I don’t have to get up early on Sunday. I can stay in bed if I want. We form the past of have to like this: a) I had to do a lot of work yesterday. b) Did you have to study hard for the exam? We form the future of have to like this: a) John will have to look for another job. b) Will they have to get visas? Note: We can use the Present Simple of have to to talk about the future, e.g.: a) I have to do some shopping tomorrow. b) Does she have to work next weekend?

Task 14. A) Change the affirmative sentences into negative, e.g.: 1) I have to study on Saturday. – I don’t have to study on Saturday. 2) My aunt has to work on Saturday. – My aunt doesn’t have to work on Saturday. 1. I have to work on Saturday. 2. My sister has to tidy up the living room. 3. Her cousin has to work on Sunday. 4. My niece has to go to school on Saturday. 5. Our parents have to get up early at the weekends. 6. He has to study hard. 7. His wife has to cook a lot. 8. Her husband has to go to work on foot. 9. Their grandparents have to grow vegetables in the kitchen garden. 10. Her granny has to grow fruits in her orchard. 11. His stepson has to work a lot. 12. Our niece has to tidy up her room. 13. Our parents have to live in a small flat. 14. Our daughter has to rent a bedsit. 15. Their son has to study for the exam. 167 16. Mr. Smith has to go to Paris on business. 17. They have to wait here for a taxi. 18. Her husband has to start work at 7 a.m. 19. Her son has to sleep on the sofa. 20. We have to show our passports here. 21. We have to be at school at 8.30 for the school trip. 22. Students have to bring snacks. 23. Sam has to tidy up his room every day. 24. All the students have to bring dictionaries tomorrow. 25. The pupils of this school have to turn off their mobile phones during the lesson. B) Change the affirmative sentences into interrogative and answer them, e.g.: 1) Do you have to study on Saturday? – Yes, I do / No, I don’t. 2) Does your aunt have to work on Saturday? – Yes, she does / No, she doesn’t. 1) I have to work on Saturday. (yes) 2) My sister has to tidy up the living room. (no) 3) Her cousin has to work on Sunday. (no) 4) My niece has to go to school on Saturday. (no) 5) Our parents have to get up early at the weekends. (no) 6) He has to study hard. (yes) 7) His wife has to cook a lot. (yes) 8) Her husband has to go to work on foot. (no) 9) Their grandparents have to grow vegetables in the kitchen garden. (yes) 10) Her granny has to grow fruits in her orchard. (yes) 11) His stepson has to work a lot. (yes) 12) Our niece has to tidy up her room. (no) 13) Our parents have to live in a small flat. (no) 14) Our daughter has to rent a bedsit. (yes) 15) Their son has to study for the exam. (yes) 16) Mr. Smith has to go to Paris on business. (no) 17) They have to wait here for a taxi. (yes). 18) Her husband has to start work at 7 a.m. (no) 19) Her son has to sleep on the sofa. (yes) 20) We have to show our passports here. (no) C) Complete the sentences using the correct forms of have to and the words in brackets. Be careful to use the correct tense. 1. ______(I / leave) you now; I’ve got an appointment at the dentist’s. 2. ______(I / run) to school because I was late. 3. ______(I / work) last weekend. 4. ______(You / show) your passports when you reached the border? 5. ______(You / not / go) to John’s party if you don’t want to. 6. ______(I / do) this work now, or I can do it tomorrow? 7. ______(You / not / wait) for me. You can go home alone. 8. ______(I / not / get up) early yesterday. 9. ______(I / return) the book to the library. 10. ______(We / not / get up) early at the weekends. 11. ______(She / answer) all the phone calls at work. 12. ______(You / read) all these books for the exam? 13. ______(You / not shout). – I can hear you.

168 14. ______(The hotel staff / sleep) in the hotel? 15. ______(You / not / explain) it to me. I understand the problem. 16. ______(You / not / send) the present by post. I will see him tomorrow and I can give it to him then. 17. ______(She / open) the shop at 9 o’clock every morning. 18. ______(I / decide) which job I want before the end of the week. 19. ______(We / not / take) the bus into town. We can walk. 20. ______(I / turn) right at the traffic lights to get to the hospital? must and have + to-infinitive have got different meanings in negative sentences: You mustn’t smoke on buses. (Smoking is against the rules). You don't have to wait for me. I can get a taxi. (= It is not necessary for you to wait for me, but you can wait if you want to). D) Complete the following sentences with must, mustn’t, and the proper form of have to or don’t (doesn’t) have to using the verbs in brackets. 1) You ______(be) quiet. The baby is asleep. 2) We ______(not / hurry) home. It is still early. 3) You ______(not / take) the dog for a walk. I’ll do it later. 4) Liz ______(see) a doctor. She’s ill. 5) I’m really tired, but luckily I______(not / get up) early in the morning 6) They ______(not / go) to school tomorrow. It’s a holiday. 7) You ______(put) your hand up first. It’s more polite. 8) Sonia ______(walk) to work. There aren’t any buses. 9) Ted ______(not / cut) the grass. I cut it this morning. 10) You ______(not / wash) the dishes this morning. I’ll do them. 11) You ______(not / play) music in the library. 12) You ______(not / put) a stamp on this letter. It says FREEPOST on it. 13) In our country children ______(not / go) to school on Saturday. 14) We ______(not / take) an umbrella with us. I’m sure it isn’t going to rain. 15) You ______(not / touch) the ball. It is against the rules. 16) You ______(not / stand) on the desk. You’ll break it. 17) You ______(not / look) at other students’ works. It’s against the rules. 18) Sorry, but my train is at 6 p.m. I ______(go) now. 19) His eyes are not very good. He ______(wear) glasses. 20) At the end of the course all the students ______(do) a test. 21) Alex doesn’t understand much English. You ______(speak) very slowly to him. 22) It’s Kate’s birthday next week. I ______(not / forget) to buy her a present. 23) I want to know what happened. You ______(tell) me. 24) I ______(get up) early tomorrow. I’ve got a lot to do. 25) Bob, it’s very important to be careful with matches. You ______(not / play) with them. 26) Linda is twenty-five, but she lives with her parents. That saves her a lot of money. For example, she ______(not pay rent) or buy her own food. 27) Liz ______(go) to work by bus; she doesn’t have her own car. 28) My flat is near the university, so I can walk to it. I ______(not / take) a bus. I take a bus only in bad weather.


Task 15. Translate the sentences. Use the modal verb have to. Mind your grammar. 1. Ему приходится много готовиться к семинарам по психологии. 2. Ему приходится много учить, чтобы хорошо сдать экзамены. 3. Тебе приходится много читать? 4. Лиз приходится очень рано вставать каждый день. Она живет в пригороде, а работает в цен- тре города. 5. Джону приходится вставать в пять утра каждый день. 6. Мистеру Смиту приходится очень много работать. 7. Тебе приходится много работать? 8. Мне не приходится вставать рано в выходные дни. 9. Её дочери не приходится ходить в школу в субботу. 10. Он был вынужден выбрать эту профессию. 11. Тебе приходится добираться до работы на автобусе? 12. Тебе приходится просыпаться в 6 часов утра даже в выходные дни? 13. Ты должен защищать диплом по этой теме? 14. Тебе придется сдавать экзамен по психологии? 15. Стиву приходится читать много научных* (scientific) книг по психологии.

Task 1. Warming up. 1) Are you happy with your future career? 2) Are you going to work as a teacher? 3) What are your plans for the future?

Task 2. Study the vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. a teacher – учитель 2. a lecturer – преподаватель в университете или колледже 3. a kindergarten worker – работник детского сада 4. a coach – тренер 5. an accountant – бухгалтер 6. a cook – повар 7. a doctor – врач 8. an engineer – инженер 9. an artist – художник 10. an actor – актер 11. an architect – архитектор 12. a firefighter – пожарный 13. a babysitter, a nanny – няня 14. a lawyer – адвокат, юрист 15. a scientist – ученый точных и естественных наук 16. a scholar – ученый гуманитарных наук 17. a translator – переводчик (письменный); an interpreter – переводчик (устный) 18. a police officer – полицейский, сотрудник полиции 19. a flight attendant – стюардесса 20. a bank clerk – банковский служащий


Task 3. Match the words with their definitions (activities).

1. a lecturer a. treats people. 2. a teacher b. advises people about the law. 3. an architect c. prepares food. 4. a firefighter d. puts out fires. 5. a coach e. makes paintings. 6. an artist f. trains a sports player or team. 7. a cook g. works at a university or college. 8. a doctor h. designs buildings. 9. a lawyer i. works at school. 10. a scientist j. does scientific research.

Task 4. Fill in the gaps with the words from Task 2. 1) My dad is ______. He works at Oxford University. 2) Mike is a ______. He likes to draw landscapes. 3) He conducts research in Philology. He is ______. 4) Kate is ______. She cures patients. 5) Sarah is a participant of Au Pair program. She works as a ______in Germany. She likes children very much. 6) Liz does a research in chemistry. She is ______. 7) John is ______. He catches criminals. 8) Bob is ______. He trains a football team. 9) Kate works in one of Saint Petersburg schools. She is ______of Biology. 10) His mum is ______. Everybody likes her delicious food. 11) Kate is ______. She adores flying. 12) Julia is ______. She translates from Russian into French.

Task 5. Listen to the recoding and match the names of the professions with their advantages and disadvantages.

1. an actor a) you can travel all over the world. But it’s also quite stressful be- cause travelling to different time zones is difficult for the body. 2. a businessman b) you can visit lots of different places and work with all types of people. 3. a flight attendant c) you can work in a comfortable office with other people. It’s a stable job. But some people think it’s a boring job. 4. a bank clerk d) you can prepare and read different lectures, conduct seminars on various subjects. It’s interesting. 5. a lecturer e) can earn lots of money and manage other people.

Task 6. Read the advertisements, translate them and do the tasks 7 and 8. NANNY WANTED Kind, hard-working nanny wanted to look after two friendly children. Must be experienced and have childcare qualifications. Please, call Sarah at 5678 3342 between 10 a.m. and 3 p.m.


PART-TIME WAITER Busy café needs honest and reliable waiter’s staff for weekends. Must enjoy working in a team and dealing with customers. Call John at 9921 8958 after 5 p.m. DELIVERY PERSON Young, fit person required to deliver heavy boxes of books. Must have a current driver’s li- cense and be able to carry heavy boxes. We are looking for a trustworthy person for this po- sitions. Call Mike at 0716 212 589 any time.

Task 7. Find English equivalents to the following words and words combinations in the text from Task 6. 1) трудолюбивый; 2) присматривать за детьми; 3) няня; 4) должен быть опытным; 5) иметь документы, подтверждающие опыт работы по уходу за ребенком; 6) надежный; 7) клиенты; 8) действующее водительское удостоверение; 9) искать надежного человека на эту должность.

Task 8. Answer the following questions. a) What qualities should the nanny have? b) What qualifications should the nanny have? c) What qualities does the part-time waiter need? d) What time should people call John? e) What things should the delivery person deliver? f) Why is it necessary to have a driver’s license? g) What time should people call Mike?

Task 9. Liz, Kate and Jack are looking at the employment section of their local newspaper (see Task 6). They are looking for advertisements for different types of jobs. Read the dialogue and translate it into Russian. “Why don’t you apply for the job as a waiter, Jack?” said Kate. “Do you really think I can work as a waiter?” Jack replied. “Of course you can,” said Kate. “You’re honest and reliable. Everyone trusts you and you are never late.” “I think Liz should apply for the job as a nanny,” Jack said. “Yes, Liz,” Kate said. “You always work so hard and you love children. You will be perfect!” “I’d love to do it,” Liz said, “but the advertisement said they want someone experienced. I haven’t got any experience or qualifications. But what about you, Kate?” “Yes, Kate,” Jack said. “Which job would you like?” “I think I will become a careers advisor!” said Kate.

Task 10. Read the following dialogue, translate it and role play it. Liz: Who’s that? Sarah: Ann Smith. Liz: Does she work for the International Company. Sarah: No, she doesn’t. She works for one news agency. Liz: And who is that man over there? Sarah: Allan Walker. He is a journalist. Liz: Where does he work? Sarah: He works for Burda Magazine. But he worked for Hello magazine two years ago. Liz: Oh. That’s very interesting.


Task 11. A) Listen to the recoding and fill in the gaps. Put the modal verb have to into the correct form. I’m an Alaskan deep sea fisherman – it’s a very dangerous job. OK, so ______any qualifications and I ______university, but I certainly ______a lot of skills. Our boat is very old and we ______very careful. We also ______very strong. Sometimes we ______for 20 hours! And we ______during terrible storms. Drowning is a real risk. So of course we ______jackets. B) Read what the sea fisherman’s friends recommend him to do or not to do. Say what the modal verb should mean. 1. You should wear warm clothes. 2. You should be very careful. 3. You should take a rest after your hard work. 4. You should wear jackets. 5. You should eat and sleep well. 6. You should drink hot tea after the drowning. 7. You should call your relatives to tell that everything is OK. 8. You shouldn’t risk your life.

Task 12. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form Full form Short form I should I should not I shouldn’t Should I eat fruit? You should You should not You shouldn’t – Yes, you should He should He should not He shouldn’t / No, you She should She should not She shouldn’t shouldn’t. It should It should not It shouldn’t We should We should not We shouldn’t You should You should not You shouldn’t They should They should not They shouldn’t The form “should” is the same for all persons. Its negative form is shouldn’t. We use should / shouldn’t to give advice, e.g.: You should look for a better job. You shouldn’t drive so fast. Should is not as strong as must or have to. Compare: You should eat more fruit. (It’s a good idea). “You must eat more fruit,” said the doctor. (It’s very important). We use the question form should I / we …? to ask for advice, e.g.: What should I say to my dad? I need a passport. Where Should I go? We can use do you think I should …? to ask for advice, e.g.: a) What do you think I should give Alex for his birthday? b) He hasn’t replied to my letter. Do you think I should phone him?

Task 13. A) Change the affirmative sentences into negative and interrogative, e.g.: You should look through these papers. → You shouldn’t look through these papers. Should I look through these papers? 1. You should apply for this job. 2. You should air the room. 173 3. You should pay now. 4. You should sleep a lot. 5. You should complain to the director. 6. You should look for a better job. 7. You should enter Pedagogical University. 8. You should work with children. 9. You should send your CV. 10. You should prepare for the interview. 11. You should consult the manager. 12. You should check the documents. 13. You should sign the documents. 14. You should call the boss. 15. You should solve this problem yourself. 16. You should do your homework before dinner. 17. You should walk to work. 18. You should walk up the stairs. 19. You should do some sport. 20. You should eat some meat. 21. You should wear that tie. 22. You should phone and tell them everything. 23. You should learn some Chinese before you go to Beijing. 24. My friends should have a party in the new house. 25. You should travel everywhere by taxi. 26. You should take a lunch break every day. 27. You should book a table. 28. You should do a budget* (планировать бюджет). 29. You should eat another pizza. 30. You should cook some food for your guests. B) Complete the sentences using should or shouldn’t and the words in brackets. 1) I enjoyed that movie. ______(We / go) to the cinema more often. 2) This food is terrible. ______(We / complain) to the manager. 3) ______(I / pay) now or later? 4) Do you think ______(I / apply) for this job? 5) ______(You / wear a coat). It’s cold outside. 6) What ______(I / cook) for dinner tonight? 7) ______(We / arrive) at the airport two hours before the flight. 8) What dress do you think ______(I / buy)? 9) ______(You / smoke). It’s bad for you. 10) I know you like sugar but ______(you / eat) quite so much – it's bad for you. 11) ______(You / eat) more fruit. 12) I enjoyed the book. ______(We / read) classical novels more often. 13) What do you think ______(I / write) in these documents? 14) ______(You / work) so hard. Have a holiday. 15) What book do you think ______(I / read)? 16) What ______(I / cook) for John’s birthday? 17) ______(You / drink) cold water. You have a sore throat. 18) ______(You / eat) a lot of sugar. You’ve got skin allergy. 19) 'Do you think ______(I / learn) some Portuguese before I go to Brazil?' 'Yes, that is a good idea.'

174 20) What movie do you think ______(I / watch)? 21) Liz has got a temperature. ______(she / go) to school. 22) David hurt his leg. The doctor says ______(he / play) football for three weeks. 23) John failed his exam. His teacher thinks ______(he / study) harder. 24) If your back hurts, ______(you / go) swimming. It’s good for you. 25) If you have got skin allergy, ______(you / eat) oranges. We can say I think we should, I don’t think you should to give an opinion, e.g.: I don’t think you should believe everything he says. NOT: I think you shouldn’t believe everything he says.

Task 14. A) Write sentences with I think …. should and I don’t think …. should. 1) We have to get up early tomorrow. (come home now) ______2) John isn’t well today. (go to the doctor) ______3) The jeans are too small for you. (buy them) ______4) The hotel is too expensive for us. (stay there) ______5) Liz isn’t well this morning. (go to work) ______6) Sue needs a rest. (have a holiday) ______7) My dad has to go to work at 7 a.m. tomorrow. (go to bed early) ______8) The skirt is too big for you. (buy it) ______9) John and Kate are too young. (get married) ______10) You don’t need your car. (sell it) ______11) You have to go to work by bus. (buy a car) ______12) You’ve got an allergy to sweets. (eat lots of sweets) ______13) The book is very boring. (read it) ______14) The house that you want to buy is situated too far from the city centre. You don’t have a car to get to your job. (buy it) ______15) You were too rude with your wife. (apologize to her for being rude) ______16) His cousin lost his mobile phone yesterday. (go to the police station) ______17) My son’s hand hurts. (go to the doctor) ______18) She’s got a headache. (take some medicine) ______19) My leg hurts. (walk) ______20) I feel sick. (eat anything) ______B) Write down 10 sentences advising your friend how to behave during a job interview (use the verb should), e.g.: You shouldn’t be nervous.

Task 15. Choose the correct variant. 1. A: Must / Can I feed the animals in the zoo? B: No, you don’t have to / mustn’t. Read the sign. 2. A: Must / Can I have a party for my birthday? B: Yes, of course you can. 3. A: I have an allergy to sweets. B: You shouldn’t / don’t have to eat lots of sweets. 4. A: Can / Could I bring my kitten to school? B: No, you can’t / couldn’t. You don’t have to / mustn’t bring pets to school. 5. A: I’ve got a toothache. B: Well, I think you should / can see the dentist. 6. A: You mustn’t / don’t have to wake up early tomorrow. B: Why not? A: It’s Sunday!

175 7. A: Why do you have to / must you be at work at 8 a.m. tomorrow? B: I have to / can see a client at 8.20. 8. A: I’ve got a headache. B: You should / must take an aspirin. 9. A: The dress is too big. B: You should / must try on a smaller size. 10. A: I don’t know what to wear to the party. B: Don’t worry you don’t have to / mustn’t wear formal clothes. A: Can / Must I wear my jeans then? 11. A: I feel very tired. B: You should / have to go to sleep. 12. A: Mum, can I have some friends over tonight? B: Yes, but you can / must tidy up your room first. A: Oh, do I have to / can do it now? B: Yes. You don’t have to / can’t have your friends over until your room is tidy. 13. A: The shirt is too small. B: You should / must try on a bigger size. 14. A: Oh, it’s raining outside. B: You should / must put up your umbrella. 15. A: You don’t have to / mustn’t do the shopping today. B: Why not? А: I’ll do it later.

Task 1. Warming up. 1. Is it possible for a student to combine study and job? 2. Would you like to have a part-time job? (Why / not) 3. What do you think it is difficult or not to find a good job in a small town?

Task 2. Study the Vocabulary and learn it by heart.

1. to look for a job – искать работу 2. to apply for a job – подать заявление о приме на работу 3. to get a job – получить работу 4. to work as a – работать в качестве 5. to work for a company (an agency) – работать на компанию (агентство) 6. a blue-collar job – работа простого рабочего 7. a white-collar job – работа, относящаяся к офисной работе или умственному труду 8. to have a part-time job – работать неполный рабочий день 9. to have a full-time job – работать полный рабочий день 10. a well-paid job – хорошо оплачиваемая работа 11. to have a good salary – иметь хорошую заработную плату 12. to earn money – зарабатывать деньги 13. to be a responsible / an experienced worker – быть ответственным / опытным работником 14. to be promoted – быть повышенным, получить повышение 15. promotion – повышение 16. a position – должность

176 17. to be dismissed – быть уволенным 18. dismissal – увольнение 19. to be unemployed – быть безработным 20. to be retired – быть на пенсии

Task 3. Fill in the gaps. Mind your grammar. 1) John’s granny is ______. She doesn’t work. She lives with them in their new flat. 2) Kate has ______. She works only the first part of the day. 3) Tom ______as a manager at the American company. 4) Mr. Smith ______a lot of money. He bought a new mansion in the city centre. 5) Jack was ______by his director last week. He was always late for his work. 6) Julia was ______last month. Now she is a director. 7) Bill is ______. He is looking for a job now. 8) Mike is ______worker. He can easily find a good job in this sphere. 9) Susan ______from the university last year. 10) Sarah ______for a big company in London. 11) Clara has a good ______. She manages to buy expensive things. 12) His job is ______. He can travel all over the world with his family. 13) Mr. Jones ______for a job yesterday. He hopes that he will get this position. 14) A lot of people want to work somewhere at office. They don’t like ______job. 15) Liz is a very ______worker. She’s never late for work.

Task 4. Match the words with their definitions.

1. a position a) job where people do physical work 2. a blue-collar job b) job, a post of employment 3.a white-collar job c) money that a worker earns every month 4. salary d) work in an office 5. promotion e) when an employer officially makes someone leave their job 6. dismissal f) a move to a more important job or rank 7. a part-time job g) when you work for the whole time of the working week 8. a full-time job h) when you work only part of the day or week

Task 5. A) Read the text. Mr. Smith works as a manager at the famous American company. He has got a full-time job. He is a very responsible and an experienced worker. His job is well-paid. His salary is much higher than the salary of managers who work for other companies in the USA. But 2 years ago the situation was absolutely different. Mr. Smith couldn’t find a job. He was unemployed and was looking for a job for seven months. He applied for a job and got a very good position in C&C Company. Now he’s dreaming to be promoted and get a higher position. He said to all unemployed people, “Do not worry. Don’t give up and you will certainly find a good job!” B) Answer the questions. 1) What is Mr. Smith’s job? 2) Has he got a part-time job or a full-time job?

177 3) He is a very responsible worker, isn’t he? 4) His job is well-paid, isn’t it? 5) Is his salary higher than the salary of managers working for other companies? 7) What was the situation with his job 2 years ago? 8) What is he dreaming of now? 9) What does Mr. Smith tell all unemployed people? 10) Do you know any people who were unemployed and then found good jobs? C) Read the text, find and correct grammar mistakes. There are 10 mistakes in the text. I’m Julia and I’m secretary. I work for a Insurance company at London. Every day from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. I talk to customers or works on the computer. I love my job. At a moment I type a letter for my boss. Next week I will go on holiday to the Caribbean. I buyed the tickets in Monday. I am look forward to it.

Task 6. A) Complete the gaps in the text about J.K. Rowling. Use the Past Simple form of the words in brackets. J.K. Rowling (1) ______(be) born in Gloucestershire, England in 1965. She (2) ______(live) together with her sister and her parents in Gloucestershire, until Joanne (her real name) (3) ______(be) nine. From an early age Joanne (4) ______(want) to be a writer. She (5) ______(write) her first book at the age of six – a story about a rab- bit. At school she (6) ______(be) very quiet and (7) ______(not / like) much sport. Her favourite subjects (9) ______(be) English and Modern Literature. After school she (10) ______(study) French at Exeter Univer- sity. She later (11) ______(become) a bilingual secretary. She (12) ______(not / enjoy) her life as a secretary and when she (13) ______(be) 26 she (14) ______(leave) the UK to teach English in Portugal. She (15) ______(meet) and (16) ______(marry) a journalist. Their daughter, Jessica, (17) ______(be) born in 1993. Their marriage (18) ______(end) in divorce and Ms. Rowling (19) ______(move) to Edinburgh, Scotland. The idea for the Harry Potter story (20) ______(come) to her while she (21) ______(be) on a delayed train from Manchester to London in 1990. She (22) ______(write) in a café while her daughter (23) ______(be) asleep. The first book Harry Potter and the Philosopher’s Stone quickly (24) ______(become) a bestseller on publication in 1997. In the same year she (25) ______(win) one of the most important book awards in Britain. The book (26) ______a great success. J.K. Rowling’s books about Harry Potter (27) ______(become) popular all over the world. Harry Potter is possibly the most famous boy in the world. B) Read the following sentences. Do you know what the construction used to + Infinitive means? 1) J.K. Rowling used to live together with her sister and her parents in Gloucestershire. 2) She used to be very quiet at school. 3) She used to like English and Modern Literature. 4) She used to live in Portugal. 5) She used to teach English in Portugal. 6) J.K. Rowling used to work as a secretary. 7) She used to have little money. 8) She used to be married to Portuguese man.

178 9) She used to bring her child up alone. 10) The name J.K. Rowling used to be unknown to people.

Task 7. Study the Grammar Guide.

Affirmative Negative Interrogative Full form Short form I used to play I did not use to play I didn’t use to play Did I use to swim? – You used to play You did not used to You didn’t use to play Yes I did / No, I He used to play play He didn’t use to play didn’t. She used to play He did not use to play She didn’t use to play Did you use to swim? It used to play She did not use to play It didn’t use to play – Yes, I did / No, I We used to play It did not use to play We didn’t use to play didn’t. You used to play We did not use to play You didn’t use to play Did he use to swim? They used to play You did not use to They didn’t use to Did she use to swim? play play Did it use to swim? They did not use to Did we use to swim? play Did you use to swim? Did they use to swim?

We use the construction used to + Infinitive to talk about how things were different in the past, e.g.: Dave used to smoke. (= He doesn’t smoke now); She used to work for the BBC. (= she doesn't work for the BBC now); He didn't use to like me. (= he likes me now). Sometimes we want to contrast past situations with present situations, e.g.: John used to like science subjects but now he wants to study languages. My brother used to play rugby but now he plays football.  The negative is didn't use to + infinitive: She didn't use to drink coffee. NOT: She didn’t used to drink coffee.  The interrogative form is did + subject + use to + infinitive: Did you use to walk in the park?  The interrogative and negative forms are not used very often.

Task 8. A) Change the affirmative sentences into negative ones, e.g.: She used to live in the country. – She didn’t use to live in the country. 1) I used to wear long hair. 2) My grandparents used to live in a cottage. 3) My dad used to earn lots of money. 4) His stepson used to play chess. 5) Their grandchildren used to go to the kindergarten. 6) His nephew used to rent a bedsit. 7) Our niece used to live in a detached house. 8) Her daughter-in-law used to knit mittens. 9) My grandmother used to grow vegetables in the kitchen-garden. 10) His wife used to grow fruits in the orchard. 11) My uncle used to work for this company. 12) Our parents used to dance waltz.

179 13) My mom used to work as a teacher. 14) Their children used to study abroad. 15) Her stepson used to live on the twentieth floor. 16) Her uncle used to sell fruit. 17) His mother-in-law used to wear long dresses. 18) His half-brother used to eat lots of sweets. 19) He used to get good marks in English. 20) Their daughter-in-law used to like pop music. B) Change the affirmative sentences into interrogative and answer them, e.g.: She used to live in the country → Did she use to live in the country? – Yes, she did / No, she didn’t. 1) I used to wear long hair. (yes) 2) My grandparents used to live in a cottage. (no) 3) My dad used to earn lots of money. (yes) 4) His stepson used to play chess. (no) 5) Their grandchildren used to go to the kindergarten. (yes) 6) His nephew used to rent a bedsit. (no) 7) Our niece used to live in a detached house. (no) 8) Her daughter-in-law used to knit mittens. (no) 9) My grandmother used to grow vegetables in the kitchen-garden. (yes) 10) His wife used to grow fruits in the orchard. (no) 11) My uncle used to work for this company. (yes) 12) Our parents used to dance waltz. (no) 13) My mom used to work as a teacher. (yes) 14) Their children used to study abroad. (yes) 15) Her stepson used to live on the twentieth floor. (yes) 16) Her uncle used to sell fruit. (no) 17) His mother-in-law used to wear long dresses. (yes) 18) His half-brother used to eat lots of sweets. (no) 19) He used to get good marks in English. (yes) 20) Their daughter-in-law used to like pop music. (no) C) Write these sentences, putting one verb into the correct form of used to and the other into the past simple tense. 1) She ______(smoke), but she ______(give) it up last year. 2) Liz ______(live) in Moscow before she ______(go) abroad. 3) Suzan ______(earn) lots of money, but then she ______(lose) her job. 4) I am surprised that John ______(join) the tennis club. He ______(not like) tennis. 5) My dad ______(drive) a lorry before he ______(start) this business. 6) We ______(see) them every week, but then we ______(have) an argument. 7) ______(you travel) a lot before you ______(get) this job? 8) She ______(wear) long hair when she ______(be) a little girl. 9) He ______(work) for American Airlines before he ______(move) to Paris. 10) When I ______(be) a child, I ______(not like) tomatoes. 11) John ______(live) in a small cottage when he ______(be) a child. 12) Where ______(live) you before you ______(come) here? 13) She ______(wear) jeans when she ______(be) a teenager. 14) I ______(play) volleyball. I ______(stop) playing a few years ago. 15) What games ______(play) you ______when you ______(be) a child? 16) ______Alan ______(cycle) to school?

180 17) ______your parents ______(read) to you? 18) Ann ______(live) in a semidetached house when she ______(live) in Texas. 19) She ______(play) the violin when she ______(be) a child. 20) John ______(walk) to work when he ______(live) in the city centre. Task 9. Fill in the gaps with the appropriate from of used to + Infinitive. 1. Buildings _____ (be) smaller in those days. 2. She ______(not live) in a cottage. 3. David ______(drive) Porsche when he lived in France. 4. She ______(cook dinner) for her parents. 5. We ______(go) to the cinema every Sunday. 6. I ______(not like) TV, but now I do. 7. Liz ______(go) to work by bicycle. 8. Kate ______(not go) skiing. 9. I ______(live) in a detached house. 10. They ______(be) best friends when they lived in Italy. 11. He ______(play) in a rock band. 12. She ______(not like) black coffee. 13. She ______(live) in Green Street. 14. He ______(work) as a teacher. 15. They ______(play) football in the morning. 16. She ______(wear) long hair. 17. She ______(not drink) milk. 18. He ______(surf) the Internet when he was a teenager. 19. She ______(not eat) meat. 20. I ______(swim) before work. We can always use the past simple tense instead of used to, but we cannot always use used to instead of the past simple tense. For example, used to doesn’t refer to single past events: I went swimming last Sunday. NOT: I used to go swimming last Sunday.

Task 10. Cross out all the sentences which are incorrect, e.g.: Last year Liz used to buy a new dress when she was on holiday. 1) When she was at primary school, Sarah used to work very hard. 2) I didn’t use to surf the Internet much, now I do. 3) 2 weeks ago I used to visit my granny. 4) Liz used to play tennis a lot, but she doesn’t have enough free time now. 5) Did John use to go to the café last night? 6) Julia used to be really fit when she went in for sports. 7) She used to walk a lot in the park when she had free time. 8) Did you use to go to the kindergarten when you were a child? 9) Did your mum use to tell you fairy tales in your childhood? 10) I used to talk to my dad a week ago. 11) When my dad was a teenager, he used to buy all the Beatles’ records. 12) I used to live in this part of London when I studied at University. 13) I used to get up at 5 a.m. when I lived in the city suburb. 14) She used to live in a suburb of Manhattan. 15) Sarah didn’t use to talk to him yesterday. 16) Mike used to spend a lot of money on that jacket he bought last week. 17) Marie didn’t use to come to school yesterday because she was sick. 18) Did you use to live in Scotland when you were a child?

181 19) John didn’t use to eat meat in his childhood. 20) Did you use to live in a detached house when you were a child?

Task 11. A) Complete with used to + Infinitive. 1) My grandmother ______(be) a teacher. 2) Mr. Smith ______(work) in a bank but now he works in an office. 3) What ______(you /do) in your free time, Grandma? 4) ______(Liz / cry) a lot when she was a baby? 5) My younger sister ______(not drink) milk, but now she drinks a glass of milk every morning. 6) When we lived in London, I ______(travel) by bus. 7) We ______(go) to the cinema once a week, but now we don’t. 8) Mrs. Johnson ______(be) very sensitive when she was pregnant. 9) Sarah ______(not / love) comedies, but now she loves them. 10) My granny ______(live) in that terraced house. 11) I ______(not / love) pizza very much when I was a child. 12) I ______(get up) on Saturdays very late when I was a child. 13) We ______(not / go out) very often. 14) Mr. Smith ______(be) critical. 15) They ______(eat out) on Sundays. 16) Kate’s son ______(be) selfish when he was a teenager. 17) She ______(play chess). 18) She ______(go) to parties when she was a teenager. 19) Charles ______(be) very independent when he studied at the boarding school. 20) Our cousin ______(be) stubborn when he studied at school. 21) My sister ______(like) folk music but she doesn’t like it any more. 22) She ______(be) ambitious when she studies at college. B) Read the dialogue where Mrs. Hall who is about 90 years old says about her life, about her generation’s life to her granddaughter. Translate the dialogue. Liz: Granny, how did you spend your free time in your childhood? Mrs. Hall: When I was a child, we used to play board games. There was no TV. Liz: Didn’t you watch any films? Mrs. Halls: We used to watch a film occasionally. Films were silent then. Liz: Oh, I can’t imagine how it is to watch a silent film. Granny, how old were you when you finished school? Mrs. Hall: Girls didn’t use to stay in school for very long. I left school when I was 12. Liz: Granny, did you have a car when you were young? Mrs. Hall: No, I didn’t. We didn’t use to have a car. They were very new and very expensive. Liz: Did you have any mobile phone? Mrs. Hall: Oh, no! We didn’t even have an ordinary phone. There used to be just one in our village – for emergencies. That was our life. I love it very much. C) Answer the following questions. 1) How did Mrs. Hall spend her spare time when she was a child? 2) Did Mrs. Hall use to watch any films? 3) Did she have a TV set? 4) Did she use to have any phone? 5) How many phones did they use to have in their village? 6) Where did she use to live in a village or in a city?

182 7) Did she use to have a car when she was young? Why (not)? 8) How old was Mrs. Hall when she left school? 9) Why did she leave school when she was only 12? 10) Does she love her generation’s life?

Task 14. Choose the correct variant Present Simple, Future Simple or Present Continuous. 1. I ______Liz at 2 p.m. a) am meeting b) meet c) will meet 2. I ______to John’s birthday party on Tuesday. a) go b) will go c) am going 3. I think, it ______tomorrow. a) will rain b) is raining c) rains 4. I promise I ______there. a) am being b) will be c) will 5. Mr. Smith ______to London on Tuesday. a) will fly b) flies c) is flying 6. Don’t touch that! You ______yourself! a) is hurting b) will hurt c) hurts 7. There ______any newspapers tomorrow. a) aren’t be b) won’t be c) aren’t being 8. The train ______at 6 a.m. a) is leaving b) will leave c) leaves 9. “Oh, there is no milk in the fridge.” – “OK, I ______some in the supermarket.” a) will buy b) is buying c) buy 10. His plane ______Moscow at 10 p.m. a) leaves b) is leaving c) will leave 11. He ______to Paris on Sunday. a) is flying b) flies c) will fly 12. The night train from Edinburg ______in London at 6.30. a) arrives b) will arrive c) is arriving 13. The bus ______at 4 p.m. a) leaves b) will leave c) is leaving 14. I ______anything this weekend. a) am not doing c) won’t do c) don’t do 15. Sit down. I ______you a cup of coffee. a) will make b) am making c) make 16. “Oh, no! It’s raining” “Don’t worry. I ______you my umbrella.” a) am lending b) lend c) will lend 17. Ann ______eighteen next week. a) will be b) is being c) is 18. We ______to Switzerland tomorrow. a) will fly b) are flying c) fly 19. You look tired. I ______you a cup of coffee. a) will make b) make c) am making 20. What would you like? – I ______a tea, please. a) am having b) have c) will have

Task 15. Translate the sentences into English. Use the construction used to. 1) В детстве я носила длинные волосы. 2) Ты в детстве была кудрявой девочкой? 183 3) Раньше он был более легким в общении. 4) Раньше я носила джинсы и футболки. 5) У тебя в детстве были волнистые волосы? 6) Мой папа раньше работал инженером. 7) Бывало раньше мы приглашали много гостей в наш загородный дом. 8) Раньше Лиз навещала бабушку каждое воскресенье. 9) Когда-то Брауны нас чаще навещали. 10) В детстве наш племянник очень любил мороженное. 11) Ты в детстве носила короткие волосы? 12) В детстве мой двоюродный брат Джон любил пить молоко по утрам. 13) Раньше она любила ходить на разные выставки. 14) Раньше Кейт ела много сладкого. 15) Джон был когда-то капитаном футбольной команды. 16) Раньше женщины носили длинные платья. 17) Моя бабушка работала учителем в школе. 18) Он раньше не играл в футбол. 19) Бывало мы собирались все вместе в доме у Дэвида. 20) Раньше она была добрее. 21) В детстве он очень любил рисовать. 22) Ты раньше хорошо учился в университете? 23) Твой папа работал неполный рабочий день? 24) Раньше Маргарет кушала мясо, сейчас она его не употребляет в пищу. 25) Она раньше не работала в школе. 26) Твоя мама работала полный рабочий день? 27) У твоего мужа раньше была хорошо оплачиваемая работа? 28) Ты раньше хорошо сдавал экзамены? 29) Ты раньше работала в качестве бухгалтера в этой компании? 30) Твой муж раньше работал на эту компанию? 31) Мы раньше не готовили дома, мы ходили кушать в рестораны и кафе. 32) Раньше моя племянница добиралась до университета на велосипеде. 33) Раньше моя двоюродная сестра просыпалась в 6 часов утра. 34) Когда-то Сью работала преподавателем в одном из американских университетов. 35) Раньше мой отец работал в банке. 36) Раньше у моей бабушки была собака. 37) У твоего племянника раньше была хорошая заработная плата? 38) Мы раньше жили по соседству с мистером Смитом. 39) Моя бабушка раньше очень много готовила. 40) Раньше её дочь была безработной.

184 Task 1. Read the text and translate it. The Eurovision Song Contest takes place in May every year. The idea of the contest is to promote pop music and to give an opportunity to new singers and composers. It is not obligatory for singers to have the nationality of the country they represent. For example, Nana Mouscouri represented Luxemburg, although she is Greek. Since 1986, all participants must be over 16, after a 13-year-old girl from Belgium won the competition the year before. In the first years of Eurovision only the UK, Ireland and Malta could sing in English. Now there are no rules about languages. All the participants can sing in their own language, or in English if they want to. Today a lot of people sing in English. The competition takes place in the country where the last year’s winner came from. Many Eurovision singers are very famous, for example, Abba and Julio Iglesias.

Task 2. Find English equivalents in the text. 1) музыкальный конкурс Евровидение; 2) проходить в мае; 3) популяризировать (продвигать) поп-музыку); 4) давать возможность; 5) должны быть старше 16 лет; 6) выиграть соревнова- ние; 7) могут исполнять песни на своем родном языке.

Task 3. Answer the questions. 1) When does the Eurovision Song Contest take place? 2) What is the main idea of this contest? 3) Is it obligatory or not for singers to have the nationality of the country they represent? Give examples. 4) How old must the participants be? 5) Do all the participants sing in their own language? 6) How many people currently sing in English? 7) In what country does the competition take place? 8) What singers became famous thanks to Eurovision?

Task 4. Retell the text.

Task 5. Read the text, fill in the blanks with the correct from of the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple tense. A Chinese businessman (1) ______(have) a big surprise last Friday when he (2) ______(get) the wrong bus to the airport and (3) ______(miss) his flight. One day, he (4) ______(go) to the station to catch the bus to Heathrow airport. He (5) ______(have) a meeting the next day in Paris and he (6) ______(want) to catch the evening flight. When he (7) ______(see) a silver bus marked Club Class, he (8) ______(get) on it. Unfor- tunately, the bus (9) ______(be) for people going to a wedding ceremony. The people on the bus (10) ______(help) him with his bags and (11) ______(find) him a seat. He (11) ______(think) he (12) ______(be) on the right bus until they (13) ______(stop) at a restaurant and everyone (14) ______(get off). They (15) ______(ask) him to join the wedding ceremony party and so he (16) ______(follow) them into the restaurant. When he (17) ______(look) at his watch he (18) ______(see) that he (19) ______(be) late for his plane. At first he (20) ______(be) very worried, but then he (21) ______(decide) to stay in the hotel that (22) ______(be) near the restaurant. The next morning, he (23) ______(take) a taxi and (24) ______(fly) to Paris, but he (25) ______(be) too late for his meeting.

185 Task 6. Find English equivalents to the following words and words combinations in the text from Task 4. a) опоздать на самолет; b) сесть не на тот автобус; c) поймать автобус до аэропорта Хитроу; d) успеть на вечерний рейс; e) сесть в автобус; f) люди в автобусе; g) остановиться у ресторана; h) выйти из автобуса; i) присоединиться к вечеринке по поводу празднования свадебной цере- монии; j) последовать за ними в ресторан; k) остаться в отеле; l) взять такси; m) лететь в Па- риж; n) опоздать на совещание (встречу).

Task 7. Read the following dialogue, translate it and answer the questions. Interviewer: Hi, Liz. Tell us a bit about your experience. Where do you work? Liz: I work in a clothes shop called Guess. Interviewer: What kind of clothes does Guess have? Liz: Er, well clothes for men and women, informal clothes, trousers, T-shirts, sweaters things like that. Interviewer: What do you do every day? Liz: Well, er, I help the customers find the clothes that they are looking for. It is a big shop and it has a lot of things. People sometimes can’t see the things that they want. Interviewer: Do you like working there? Liz: Yes, I love it. The people are really nice to me. I’m making a lot of new friends. Interviewer: Is there anything you don’t like? Liz: Well, we can’t sit down, we are standing up all the time. So that’s quite hard. Interviewer: Do you wear a uniform? Liz: No, we don’t. We wear clothes from the shop. Interviewer: Are the clothes that you are wearing today from Guess? Liz: Yes, they are.

Task 8. Answer the following questions. 1. Where does Liz work? 2. What kind of clothes is there in Guess? 3. What does Liz do every day? 4. Does she like her job? Why? 5. What are the disadvantages of her work? 6. Does she wear a uniform? 7. Do you think Liz’s work is really very hard? 8. Would you like to work in the shop? Why (not)?

Task 9. Speak about your usual working day. Mention the next points:  What time do you usually get up?  What have you got for breakfast?  How much time does it take you to get to university?  How do you get to university by bus, by car or on foot?  What time do you return home?  How do you usually spend your evening time?  What time do you usually do your homework?  What have you usually got for dinner?

186 Task 10. Read the text, find and correct 15 grammar and spelling mistakes. Matt Taylor, the well-known basketball player, gots a nasty shock during the basketball game last friday. He were trying to steal the ball from Ricky Fitz, a player for the other team, when a gigantic St. Bernard’s dog jumpped on him, threwn him to ground and held him down with his huge paws. All the players tryed to help, but the dog didn’t moved. However, when Rick Fitz order the dog to got off the court, it leafted immediately! After the game, Ricky explain, “That were my dog, Bernie! He is used to be a police dog. In his mind, when he jumpped on poor Matt, he was attacking a nasty thief.”  By Harry Davis

Task 11. Read the text and choose the correct form of the Past Continuous and Past Simple tenses in brackets. An- swer the questions. A few months ago, George and his friends (1) ______(cycle) in the hills when they heard a strange noise. George's friends (2) ____ (not / stop) cycling, but George (3) ______(stop) and (4) ______(get off) his bike. He (5) ______(look around) but he (6) ______(cannot see) anything. The noise (7) ______(stop). Then George (8) ______(look down) and (9) (see) something white at his feet. It (10) ______(be) an envelope. He picked it up and (11) ____ (open) it. He (12) ______(cannot believe) his eyes. There was £10,000 inside! George (13) ______(take) the money to the police. Will someone ask for it? George is still waiting to hear. Questions: 1) What happened when George and his friends were cycling in the hills? 2) What were George’s friends doing when they heard the noise? 3) What was George doing when he heard the noise? 4) What did George see when he looked down? 5) What was in the envelope? 6) What did he do with the money?

Task 12. A) Fill in the gaps with the verbs in brackets in the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms. 1. When I ______(phone), Liz ______(study) for the test. 2. My mum and I ______(clean) the house when uncle Ted ______(knock) at the door. 3. When we ______(see) Sandra and Tom, they ______(play) tennis. 4. Mrs. Smith ______(wait) for the bus when she ______(see) the accident. 5. When I ______(get up), my parents ______(have) breakfast. 6. When my dad ______(walk) into my room, I ______(surf) the net. 7. It ______(rain) when we ______(go) to bed last night. 8. She ______(read) a book when she ______(hear) a strange noise. 9. While we ______(swim), it ______(start) to rain 10. They ______(have) dinner when the telephone ______(ring). 11. We ______(shop) when we ______(see) them. 12. While they ______(drive) down Green Street, the police ______(stop) them. 13. Liz ______(get) ready for the party when the telephone ______(ring). 14. My dad and I ______(play) chess when my cousins ______(arrive). 15. My mum ______(have) coffee with her friend when I ______(arrive). 187 16. I ______(find) the key while I ______(tidy) the room. 17. They ______(play) a computer game when Mrs. Smith opened the door. 18. It ______(rain) when we ______(come out of) the cinema. 19. When I ______(walk) in the garden I ______(see) a snake that ______(sleep) under my bike on the grass. 20. It ______(snow) when I ______(get up) this morning. 21. Steve ______(get) ready for school when I ______(get up). 22. I ______(read) a detective story when I ______(fall) asleep. 23. My mum ______(live) in Oxford when she ______(meet) my dad. 24. When I ______(phone) her, she ______(do) her homework. 25. Liz ______(make) a cake for her sister’s birthday when she ______(cut) her finger. 26. When I ______(see) them, they ______(go) to the sports centre. 27. Liz ______(talk) with Luke when Tom ______(come) in. 28. Elizabeth ______(drive) to work when the accident ______(happen). 29. When I ______(go) to university, I ______(find) 100 rubles. 30. When Sarah ______(phone) me, I ______(get) ready for bed. 31. The train ______(leave) while you ______(buy) the magazines. 32. When Mrs. Smith ______(come) into the classroom, the boys ______(read) something. 33. Liz ______(loose) her glasses when she ______(run) in the park. 34. Bob ______(cycle) home when it ______(start) to rain. 35. I ______(lock) the front door when the telephone ______(ring). 36. We ______(work) for the same company when we ______(meet). 37. He ______(hurt) his back when he ______(lift) a heavy box. 38. While we ______(talk), the baby ______(wake up). B) Complete the text with the Past Simple or Past Continuous forms of the verbs in brackets. Then retell the text. This (1) _____ (happen) last week when I (2) ______(be) in the park. The sun (3) ______(shine) and I (4) ______(sit) on the grass. I (5) ______(paint) a picture of the ducks on the pond. Some children (6) ______(play) football. Suddenly, their ball (7) ______(hit) my paint pots and the paint pots (8) ______(fall) over. The blue paint went on my picture and the pink paint (9) _____ (go) on the grass. My hands (10) ______(get) dirty when I (11) ______(clean) my picture so I decided to go and wash them in the pond. The ducks (12) _____ (fly) away when I (13) _____ (wash) my hands because they were scared of me. They (14) ______(land) on the grass by my picture. They walked on the pink paint, then they (15) ____ (walk) on my picture. They (16) ___ (make) pink marks all over the paper. And that wasn't all. When the ducks (17) ____ (walk) on my picture it (18) ______(start) to rain. By now my picture looked terrible. I (19) ____ (think) about what to do with the picture when a girl (20) ______(speak) to me. “I love your picture,” she (21) _____ (say). So what did I do? I gave it to her!

Task 13. Choose the correct variant. Dick Whittington was a famous mayor of London. The story says that Dick was a poor boy who (1)… to London to become rich. Dick (2) … his cat with him for company. Life was very hard in London. Dick worked as a servant for some months but he (3) … very little money and all he had was his cat. Finally, Dick (4) … to give his cat to a merchant and leave London. As he (5) … down the street, he (6) …. a voice in his head. The voice said, “Come back, Dick, you will be Mayor of London!” Dick came back. At the same time, the merchant and his men (7) … by ship to another country. It was a good ship but there was a big problem: rats! Rats (8) … everywhere on the ship. No one (9) … them. Luckily, Dick’s cat was very good at catching rats. The merchant was very happy with the cat and (10) … Dick a nice present.

188 Dick now had some money and he (11) … his own business. He also (12) … a rich woman. Dick (13) … a mayor of London. When he died, he (14) … a lot of money. The story does not say what (15) … to his cat. 1. A) was coming b) came c) come 2. A) takes b) took c) was taking 3. A) gets b) got c) was getting 4. A) decided b) was deciding c) were deciding 5. A) walks b) walked c) was walking 6. A) hear b) hears c) was hearing 7. A) was travelling B) were travelling C) travelled 8. A) was running B) were running C) run 9. A) could catch B) catch C) were catching 10. A) gave B) was giving C) were giving 11. A) start B) started C) was starting 12. A) was marrying B) married C) marries 13. A) become B) became C) was becoming 14. A) left B) leaves C) was leaving 15. A) did happen B) happened C) were happening

Task 14. Read the text and translate it. My dad is the most incredible person I know. He works harder but he is always full of energy. He owns a small company which produces handmade tables, cupboards, chests of drawers and bedside tables, all in hardwood. They sell their products all over the world via the Internet. They have clients everywhere, from the USA to Australia. But although he is always very busy, he is always planning to do something interesting, like visiting a new place or taking rafting lessons or going for a long ride on his motorbike. My mum is not like him at all. She is the laziest person in the world! Her favourite Sundays are those when she can relax with a cup of tea and a good book. As you can imagine they have problems choosing holidays. My dad wants to go trekking in the Lake District and my mum wants to go sunbathing by the seaside. I don’t know how, but they always manage to find a place that is OK for both of them, like a sea resort with mountains around it. I like spending time with both of them. I love having adventures with my father and, at the same time, I love sitting by the fire with my mum on a relaxing afternoon.

Task 15. Find English equivalents to the following words and words combinations in the text. 1) работать упорнее; 2) быть полным энергии; 3) владеть небольшой компанией; 4) столы ручной работы; 5) продавать свой товар через интернет; 6) по всему миру; 7) брать уроки рафтинга; 8) отправиться в длинное путешествие на своем мотоцикле; 9) удается найти место.

Task 16. Answer the following questions. 1) How can you describe John’s dad? 2) What does his small company produce? 3) To what countries do they sell their products? 4) How do they sell their products all over the world?

189 5) How does John’s dad prefer spending his leisure time? 6) What can you say about John’s mom? What person is she? 7) Do John’s mother and father have any problems in choosing holidays or not? 8) What alternative do his parents find? 9) How does John like to spend his spare time?

Task 17. Progress Test. 1. Nick ______his exam in Biology. He is really very sad. a) failed b) passed c) took 2. Liz ______Moscow State University. She is a first-year student. a) entered b) graduated from c) finished 3. John ______for his exam at 5 p.m. yesterday. a) was studying b) revised c) studied 4. Steve worked ______this Internet company 5 years ago. a) for b) on c) – 5. What word is an extra here? a) a first-year student b) a sophomore c) a freshman 6. Carl usually gets up ______6 a.m. a) in b) at c) on 7. Jane ______live in Germany in her childhood. a) used to b) is used to c) uses to 8. Kate ______to wear long hair when she studied at university. a) uses to b) used to c) is used to 9. Ann ______shopping while her husband ______for her in his car. a) was going / was waiting b) went / waited c) was going / waited 10. What word combination has got a negative meaning? a) to pass an exam b) to fail an exam c) to enter the university 11. “to study for an exam” is similar to … a) to revise for an exam b) to fail an exam c) to pass an exam 12. This person studies in the first course. a) a freshman b) a sophomore c) second-year student 13. This person studies in the second course. a) a sophomore b) a first-year student c) a freshman 14. Give the antonym to the word “to pass an exam”. a) take an exam b) to sit for an exam c) to fail an exam 15. He ______in London last week. a) was b) were c) been 16. Where ______you yesterday? a) was b) were c) will be 17. ______there a book on the table? a) were b) was c) have 18. When we ______the office, it ______. a) left / was raining b) was leaving / was raining c) left / rained 19. I ______to work when I ______him. a) walked / saw b) was walking / was seeing c) was walking / saw

190 20. She ______fast when the accident ______. a) was not driving / happened b) didn’t drive / happened c) wasn’t driving / was happening 21. Nowadays boys don’t often buy flowers _____ girls. a) to b) for c) at 22. My granny gave some money ______me yesterday. a) for b) to c) before 23. She showed her project ______her boss. a) to b) for c) at 24. Sarah is going to buy a ticket ______John. a) for b) at c) to 25. My dad is ______. He works at Oxford University. a) a lecturer b) a teacher c) a doctor 26. John is ______. He likes to draw landscapes. a) an artist b) a driver c) a babysitter. 27. Olga conducts research in Philology. She is ______. a) a scholar b) a scientist c) a doctor 28. Sarah is a participant of Au Pair program. She works as ______in Germany. She likes children very much. a) a babysitter b) a teacher c) a driver 29. Kate works in one of Saint Petersburg schools. She is ______of Biology. a) a lecturer b) a teacher c) a nanny 30. The film finished ______midnight. a) at b) in c) on 31. I think I will see you ______6 p.m. tomorrow. a) at b) in c) on 32. She likes to relax ______the weekends. a) at b) in c) on 33. My friends married ______2015. a) at b) in c) on 34. Liz has Spanish lessons ______Tuesday mornings. a) at b) in c) on 35. My friend is leaving _____ Friday. a) at b) in c) on 36. Sarah has English lessons ______Monday evenings. a) at b) in c) on 37. I ______leave now; I’ve got an appointment at the dentist’s. a) have to b) has to c) must 38. I ______run to university because I was late. a) had to 2) should c) have to 39. Liz ______work last weekend. a) had to b) should c) has to 40. We ______get up early at the weekends. a) don’t have to b) doesn’t have to c) mustn’t 41. You ______take the dog for a walk. I’ll do it later. a) don’t have to b) mustn’t c) can’t

191 42. If you don’t feel well, I think you ______stay at home. a) must b) should c) have to 43. ______you tell me what the time is, please? a) could b) should c) must 44. You ______forget to set an alarm clock for 5 a.m. Your train is at 6.30 a.m. a) don’t have to b) can’t c) shouldn’t

45. I enjoyed that movie. We ______go to the cinema more often. a) should b) must c) have to 46. This food is terrible. We ______complain to the manager. a) should b) may c) have 47. Do you think I ______apply for this job? a) has to b) should c) must 48. What ______I cook for dinner tonight? a) must b) should c) may 49. ______you bored? – Yes, I ______. a) were / was b) did / was c) was / were 50. There ______an Italian restaurant in this town five years ago. a) was b) did c) were

192 Заключение Организация процесса обучения иностранному языку на неязыковых факультетах и в ин- ститутах вузов является достаточно трудоемким и одновременном довольно творческим про- цессом. Авторы учебного пособия постарались представить наиболее важный с их точки зре- ния фонетический и лексико-грамматический материал, изучаемый в рамках дисциплины «Иностранный язык» (английский). Как известно, у языка есть всеобъемлющая и многогранная единица – слово. Однако, несмотря на то, что слово, являющееся главным средством формирования понятия, способно изолировано обозначать предмет или оформить понятие, оно не может выразить событие или отношение, сфор- мировать мысль. Для выражения мысли, а также формирования высказывания необходима связь слов или синтагма, создающая целое предложение или высказывание [Козлова 2009, с. 52]. Только через предложение как центральную единицу синтаксиса осуществляется выход всех остальных единиц в сферу коммуникации. В.Я. Плоткин еще в 70-80 годы подчёркивал синтактико-позици- онную природу частей речи в разговорном английском языке, типологическую разнородность ан- глийского языка, а также то, что английскую грамматику следует изучать не с морфологии, а с синтаксиса, ввиду того, что морфология в английском языке «рыхлая» и в общесистемном плане ее роль меньше, чем, к примеру, в русском языке [Шапошникова, 2011, с. 11–12]. Поэтому в посо- бии значительное внимание уделено именно предложению (простому). Авторы пособия надеются, что с помощью методически корректного объяснения теории по основным изучаемым грамматическим правилам у студентов сформируется достаточно четкое и целостное представление о грамматической структуре английского языка. Выполне- ние различного рода упражнений позволит студентам усвоить когнитивные основания суще- ствующей в английском языке системы времен, понять, как в целом членится временная дей- ствительность в языковой картине мира англичан, как следствие, обеспечить правильное ис- пользования временных форм английского глагола. Для понимания английской видовремен- ной системы как целостного явления важна работа с каждой формой в отдельности, и прежде чем переходить к сопоставительному анализу необходимо четко усвоить правила употребле- ния конкретных форм. Все это позволит в речи употреблять структуры, не противоречащие норме и узусу английского языка. Авторы с признательностью примут критические замечания и предложения, которые мо- гут возникнуть при работе с данным учебным пособием.


1. Козлова, Л. А. Этнокультурный потенциал грамматического строя языка и его реали- зация в грамматике говорящего [Текст] : монография / Л. А. Козлова. – Изд. 2-е испр. и доп. – Барнаул : АлтГПУ, 2009. – 182 с. 2. Шапошникова, И. В. Идентификация границ носителей значений в условиях типологи- ческой перестройки языка [Текст] / И. В. Шапошникова // Вестник Новосибирского государственного университета. Лингвистика и межкультурная коммуникация. – 2011. – № 1. – С. 11–27. 3. Aesop’s Fable. The Hare with Many Friends [Электронный ресурс]. – Режим доступа: http://www.kidsgen.com/events/friendshipday/stories/aesop_fable.htm#VeRYzhW7ZVvv8ehI.99. 4. Davis, F. Active Grammar [Text] / F. Davis, W. Rimmer. – Cambridge : Cambridge Univer- sity Press, 2011. – 199 p. 5. Dooley, J. Grammarway 1: Практическое пособие по грамматике англ. языка [Text] / J. Dooley, V. Evans / под ред. О. В. Афанасьевой ; пер. с англ. Г. И. Бардиной. – Москва : ЦентрКом, 2003. – 144 с. 6. Harrison, M. Grammar Spectrum 2. English Rules and Practice [Text] / M. Harrison. – Ox- ford : Oxford University Press, 2010. – 121 p. 7. Jervis, S. New Grammar Time 3 [Text] / S. Jervis, M. Carling. – Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2008. – 137 p. 8. Paterson, K. Oxford Living Grammar. Elementary [Text] / K. Paterson. – Oxford : Oxford University Press, 2008. – 156 p. 9. Vince, M. Elementary Language Practice. English Grammar and Vocabulary. 3d edition [Text] / M. Vince. – Oxford : Macmillan Publishers Limited, 2010. – 304 p. 10. Walker, E. Grammar Practice for Elementary Students with Key [Text] / E. Walker, S. Els- worth. – Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – 172 p. 11. Walker, E. Grammar Practice for Pre-Intermediate Students with Key [Text] / E. Walker, S. Elsworth. – Harlow : Pearson Education Limited, 2000. – 174 p.


Введение ………………………………………………………………………………………….…3 Part 1. My Family. Lesson 1. Nice to Meet You! …………………………………………………....5 Lesson 2. Where Are You from? ……………………………………………………………………10 Lesson 3. How Old Are You? ………………………………………………………………………16 Lesson 4. Have You Got a Family? …………………………………………………………………23 Lesson 5. Is She Pretty? ………………………………………………………………………….…28 Lesson 6. What Kind of Person Are You? ………………………………………………………….34 Lesson 7. What Are You? …………………………………………………………………………..40 Lesson 8. Revision ………………………………………………………………………………….44 Part 2. My Flat. Lesson 1. There Is No Place Like Home. Types of Dwellings ……………………50 Lesson 2. How Many Rooms Are There in Your Flat? …………………………………………….56 Lesson 3. Inside the House ………………………………………………………………………….59 Lesson 4. Household Chores ………………………………………………………………………..64 Lesson 5. Where Is It? It Is on the Table ……………………………………………………………71 Lesson 6. Is Your Flat (House) a Comfortable Place to Live in? ……………………………………78 Lesson 7. How Can I Get There? ……………………………………………………………………84 Lesson 8. Revision ………………………………………………………………………………….90 Part 3. My Friend. Lesson 1. How to Be a Good Friend?…………….………………………………94 Lesson 2. You Look Great Today! ………………………………………………………………….99 Lesson 3. Ambitious and Hard-Working People Deserve Respect! ………………………………..106 Lesson 4. Would You Like to Watch a Movie ……………………………………………………111 Lesson 5. You’ve Got a Mail ………………………………………………………………………115 Lesson 6. Revision ………………………………………………………………………………...119 Part 4. My Working Day. Lesson 1. What Time Do You Usually Get Up? My Routine Day…….124 Lesson 2. How Do People Spend Their Working Days? ………………………………………….130 Lesson 3. My Yesterday’s Working Day ………………………………………………………….136 Lesson 4. My Leisure Time ……………………………………………………………………….146 Lesson 5. In My Leisure Time I Usually Go to the Theatres, Museums and Art Galleries. And What about You? …………………………………………………………………………………...... 152 Lesson 6. University Life. I’m a Student of Pedagogical University ………………………………161 Lesson 7. How to Choose the Right Career? ………………………………………………………170 Lesson 8. Study and Work: Is It Possible? …………………………………………………………176 Lesson 9. Final Revision ………………………………………………………………………… 185 Заключение ……………………………………………………………………………………….193 References …………………………………………………………………………………………194

195 Учебное издание

Кочкинекова Алена Васильевна, Поликарпова Ольга Николаевна


Учебное пособие

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