Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W

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Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W Real Estate Record and Builders Guide Founded March 21, 1868, by CLINTON W. SWEET Devoted to Real Estate, Building Construction and Building Management in the Metropolitan District Published Every Saturday by THE RECORD AND GUIDE COMPANY FRANK E. PERLEY, President and Editor; W. D. HADSELL, Vice-President; J. W. FRANK, Secretary-Treasurer Entered aa second daaa matter November 8, 1879, at the Post Office at New York. N. T., under the Act of March 3. 1879. Copyright, 1920, by The Record and Guide Company 119 West 40th Street, New York (Telephone: Bryant 4800) VOL. CV 250. A ropY NO. 19 (2721) NEW YORK, MAY 8, 1920 {12.00 A TEAB AdTertisins Index AdTertlsIng Index Page Page j A B See Electric Elevator.4th Cover Newins, Harvey B ..600 i Ackerly, Orville B., & Son 600 TiABLE OF CONTENTS. New York Edison Co., The 623 ! Adler, Ernest N 600 New York Title & Mortgage Co. .602 ; Alliance Realty Co 600 .... 603 Niewenhous Bros., Inc ....627 . Altmayer, Leon S 2d Cover Noyes Co., Chas. F Front Cover i American Bureau of R. E 600 Opposei Federal Tax on Real Estate to Pay Ogden & Clarkson Corp 2d Cover \ Ames & Co 2cl Cover 605 OReilly & Dahn 2d Cover Amy & Co., A. V 2d Cover Orr & Co., John C ^6^'i < Anderson & Co., James S 600 Mayor iHylan Appoints Committee on Housing Armstrong, John 600 fiO.S Payton, Jr., Co., Philip A.... ..612 ! Aspromonte & Son, L. S 627 Pease & Elliman Front Cover • Atlantic Terra Cotta Co 616 Joseph P. Day's Twenty-fifth Anniversary Cele­ Pflomm, F. & G Front Cover ' Automatic Fire Alarm Co 622 Poe, James E 613 : brated - fiOfi Pomeroy Co., Inc., S. H 621 Beale Co., Harry S 615 Porter & Co.. Front Cover i Beaumont Co., G. B Title Page Real Estate for the Current Week 607 Purdy & Co 600 Bechmann, A. Q 612 607 Benznig Co., Jos. H 620 Rafalsky Co., Mark Front Cover ' Birdsall, Daniel, & Co. .Front Cover 614 Ray Willes, Inc 2d Cover! Boylan, John J 2d Cover Read & Co., Geo. R Front Cover : Brady, Henry 611 Standards and Appeals Calendar 614 Realty Associates 615- , Brown, Frederick .614 i Statistical Table of the Week 615 Realty Company of America... .602 . Brown Co., J. Romaine.Front Cover Realty Supervision Co .'.'..620 Bulkley & Horton Co 612 Marked Increase in Residential Building for Richardson & Boynton Co ...625 1 Basher Co., Eugene J 2d Cover Ritch, Wm. T 62Z Butler & Baldwin 2d Cover 617 Roman-Callman Co 615 State Appropriate Millions for Buildings and Ruland & Whiting Front Cover Cammann, Voorhees & Floyd Runk, George S 2d Cover i 2d Cover filR Ryan, George J 2d Cover j Carpenter, Leonard J 2d Cover Plan Nevir Projects Despite Growing Material Sasse, Geo. W 600 i City Investing Co 602 Schindler & Liebler 600 Classified Advertisements 613 Schwiebert, Henry 612 '• Corning Co., Edward ... .4th Cover Personal and Trade Notes 619 Scobie 2d Cover j Coutoucas, Nicholas 600 Seath, Inc., James 620" ' Corwith Brothers 615 Building Material Markets 620 Seaver & Co., Frank A 612 ; Coughlin, James A 620 Current Building Operations 620 Smith Co., Inc., E. C 618- " Cross & Brown Front Cover Spear & Co S02: , Cruikshank Co Front Cover Contemplated Construction 622 Spotts & Starr OOff Cruikshank Sons, Wm. .Front Cover Steinmetz, John A 612 i Cudner R. E. Co 2d Cover Plans Filed for New Construction 625 Straus & Co., S. W 608 • Cushman & Wakefield. .Front Cover Structural Waterproofing Co....585 Cutler & Co., Arthur 600 Thompson Co., A. G 614 Cutner, Harry B 2d Cover Title Guarantee & Trust Co 602 ' Trageser Steam Copper Works Davies, J. Clarence 615 John 622 Day, Joseph P 2d Cover Trotta, Inc., D. .\ 602 Dean & Co., W. E 612 Tucker, Speyers & Co 2d Cover > Dike, O. D. & H. H 600 Page Page Tyng & Co., Stephen H., Jr. .. .602 Dowd, Jamea A 600 Goodstein, Harry 615 Leaycraft & Co., j. Edgar Ullman 612 1 Duffy Co., J. P 626 Goodwin & Goodwin 2d Cover Front Cover Duross Co 2d Cover Lehigh Portland Cement Co 627 United Electric Light & Power Dwight, Archibald & Perry .2d Cover Hell & Stern 612 Leist, Henry G 600 Co 609 Hecla Iron Works 622 Levers, Robert 600 Uris Iron & Steel Corp., Eastern Gas Appliance Co 624 Hess, M. & L., Inc Front Cover Levin, Inc., Jacob & Morris 612 Abe 4th Cover • Edwards & Richart 608 Holmes Elec. Protective. ..4th Cover Losere, L. G 612 Vogel & Rotkin 628 j Hydraulic Stone Corp 627 Electro Sun Co 626 Voindrans Sons, Christian 627 ' Elliman & Co., Douglas L 602 Mack Co., James C 4th Cover Ely & Co., Horace S Front Cover Jackson, Daniel H. .600 Manning & Trunk 2d Cover Walsh, J. Irving 2d Cover Empire Brick & Supply. .4th Cover Kane Co., John P 4th Cover Martin, H. Samuel 2d Cover Watson Elevator Co., Inc.4th Cover English, J. B 2d Cover Kennelly, Bryan L., Inc..2d Cover Maurer & Son, Henry 4th Cover Weld & Suydam 602 I Kerns Co., James F 612 Ma.'twell, J. S 2d Cover Wells Architectural Iron Co 627 . Feuerbach, T". J 600 Kilpatrick, Wm. D 602 May Co., Lewis H 2d Cover Wells Sons, James N 2d Cover Mclnerney, John P 62i Welsch, S., Sons 612 • Finch & Co., Chas. H 624 Kloes, P. J 621 Wheeler Realty Corp 600 Finegan, Austin 2d Cover Knap & Wasson Co 2d Cover McLaughlin, Thomas F .'.600 White Const. Co.. Inc.. The 610 ' Fischer, J. Arthur 2d Cover Kohler, Chas. S., Inc 600 McMahon, Joseph T 60S White & Sons, Wm. A 602 , Fox & Co., Fredk 2d Cover Miller & Co.. A. W ,..2d Cover Whiting & Co., Wm. H.Front Cover . Frank & Frank 621 Lackman, Otto 612 Mississippi Wire Glass Co 608 Winter, Benjamin 600 Fuller Co., Geo. A 622 Lawrence Cement Co 4th Cover Moses & Moses ei-f Wood-Dolson Co Front Cover Gates, Elmer 612 Lawrence & Co., Geo 621 Nail & Parker 602 Wyckoff, Walter C 2d Cover Lawrence, Blake & Jewell 600 Nason Realty Co 612 Gold, Louis 614 Lawyers' Title &Trust Co 609 Zicha Marble Co., A. R 62* • Nehring Bros 2d Cover Zittel & Sons, Fredk 2d Cover Costly Mistakes in Building May Be Avoided and Many Difficult Problems Connected with Construction Eliminated Y selecting your BUILDER at the time thelAKCHITECT and ENGINEEK B is retained. The result wil! be ECONOMY, SPEED and LOW MAINTENANCE cost. 286 FIFTH AVE. G. B. BEAUMONT COMPANY, NEW YORK 600 RECORD AND GUIDE May 8, 1920 MANHATTAN BROKERS ORVILLE B. ACKERLY & SON 0. D. & H. V. DIKE ROBERT LEVERS Real Estate—Insnrance Appralatn of Lone bland Property Keal Estate Specialists 37« LBNOX AVE., cor. 129TH ST. Phone: Greeley 1760 Management of Phono: Harlem MTfi Improved Heal Estate Exclusively 243 West 34th Street. New York City CANDLER BUILDING THOS. F. MCLAUGHLIN 220 WEST «2ND STHECT Real Estate and Insnrance EllNliiiT N. AULER BRANCH—271 WEST 23IU) STREET 1238 THIRD AVE., NEAR 72ND ST. Upper East Sid« Property • SpecUIttf JAMES A. DOWD GEO. W. SASSE liM FIIUIT AVE., at 7«tli 8t. REAL ESTATE—INSURANCE Real Estate—Insurance 209« EIGHTH AVE., NEAH 114TH ST. 1M« FkoB*: BhliwltnlVir 61M Renting—Management Phone: Cathedral t44T Telephone 394-39T PeiuuTlrmnle 874 SIXTH AVENUE, above 49th Street SCHINDLER & LIEBLER AMERICAN BUREAU Real Eatata and Inanranee OF REAL ESTATE F. J. FEUERBACH lUilnelaailaf tlM 1393 THIRD AVB.. at 7Mh tt AD Aboat Real btete Krerrtklu—Kretrvben MODKUN "AfflBBlKE" BYSTZM Management of Estates and other 18 West mh SIreet properties my specialty. SPOTTS & STARR, Inc. Aetor Coon Oalldliu, New Tork Manager of the Knickerbocker Real Estate—Insoranee C»-«peTallan of Reliable Brokera IaTlla4 Fire Insurance Co. Manaeement LoBoz 2*4* S«T EAST t4TH ST. TIMES BUILDING JOHN ARMSTRONG Phone Bryant 4000 Real Estate Asent and Broker HENRY G. LEIST TaL Hariam 211 1984 Third Ave., Cor. 109th St. WHEELER REALTY CORP. BEAL ESTATB—IN8UBANCE ARTHUR CUTLER & CO. APPRAISER—ESTATES MANAGED REAL ESTATE Real EsUte BROKERAGE—MANAGEMENT •1-1 PABK BOW tu Eaat 8(tk St. EaUbliahod IMT 299 MADISON AVE., AT 41ST ST. *14 PkoBo: Boekmaa ITN INl li VanderbUt 970 HARVEY B. NEWINS FOR SALE INCOBTOBATED LAWRENCE, Member of Real Eatate Board. N. T. BLAKE & JEWELL No. 140 West 87th Street Choice Investments In Manhattan and LonK Island Propertlea. Four-story private dwelling, on Mortgage Loans plot 20x102. Thoroughly modern­ CONSULT US ized. Possession October 1, 193(. BROKERS PROTECTED Sales and Rentals Terms to suit. Business Properties APPLY TO 522 FIFTH AVE. NEW YORK 115 BROADWAY The Alliance Realty Co. * PHONE: Tel. 4080 Rector CLARKE G. DAILEY Vanderbilt 2962-2963-2964-2965 Mfmber Itcnl Estate Board, N. Y. Tel.: Rector 3350 115 BROADWAT Established 1887 CHAS. S. KOHLER. Inc. James S. Anderson & Co. 252 West 47th Street REAL ESTATE Waat of Broadway. 2tzl0t Real Estate 6H-Story Tenement—Rents (6,000 Insurance Management—Leasing Bottom Price, $48,000, Free and Clear Broker and Manager of Rentals—Insurance Terms to Suit—Monthly Tenants BROKERS PROTECTED Estates Over twenty-flve years* experience In the management of property. MAIN OFFICE! (01 (Columbus Ave.—Comer 104tb 9L Daniel H. Jackson BRANCH OFFirF; Offices 82-84 Nassau Street 1428 St. Nicholas Ave.—Near ISlat 9t 135 BROADWAY Phone: John 79 NEW YORK Satte 911 Phone: Rector IM* LIBERTY BONDS Manhattan Real Estate BOUGHT and SOLD BENJAMIN WINTER Managed, leases; purchas­ AU Issues and Denominations IN THB HABKBT rOB ing; selling; exchanging; Bonght and Sold for Cash at Stock WBLL-LOCATKD IMCOm- Exchange quotations and full inter­ PBODUCING PBOPBBTin APPRAISALS est to date. BROKERS COLLECT RENTS Call or send by registered mail. INVtriD Tt SUBMIT PIWPMiTIOm PURDY & CO. QUIOK UBUiaMkll OXTXM NICHOLAS COUTOUCAS LIBEBTT BOND 8PECIALIBT8 Lamina Bsn<tof 2299 BROADWAY 307 Times Bldg., New York 34 Pine Bt. VaL J IITS I At tta« Strait BRYANT 6795 JOlui New Tork I "" I Suite • Phono I Baharlw MM ( J177 } May 8, 1920 RECORD AND GUIDE
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    Yarmouth 309 7th Street SE Washington, DC 20003 Management (202) 547-3511 – Fax (202) 547-9361 Your rental source on Capitol Hill [email protected] since 1981 Dear Property Owner: Attached is a package of forms to begin the process for obtaining a Basic Business License that is required by the DC Government. These forms come from the DC government website, except that we have taken this opportunity to fill in some of the items for you or to mark through those that are not applicable in most cases. Each application is different, so please make sure to read each question carefully and contact me if you are unsure about how to answer. The last page of the package is a copy of the Inspection Report checklist used by DC officials inspecting your property. We have highlighted A, E, F, G, H, I, and L as things most likely to be closely inspected. Of course, it is best to make sure you are in compliance with all of these points before the inspector arrives. Two of the forms may be completed online: The FR-500 and the BBL E-Z. Go to to access them. The RAD form must be turned in personally. If you are completing the forms from this package, answer these questions, which may not be obvious, as follows: • On the FR-500 Form, answer Question 5 (Business Name) with Your Name. • On the BBL E-Z form Question 4.b, make sure to fill in the Certificate of Occupancy information correctly.
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