Childe Hassam, Appledore, August 16 and 21, 1906, to Florence Griswold, 51
176 CHILD E HAS SAM, AMERICAN IMPRESS I 0 N IS T Shore, exh. cat. (New York: National Academy of Design; New Haven: 66. "Notable Artistic Exhibit," New York Times, September 6, 1903, p. 7, and Yale University Press, 20or), app. A, p. 213. "Paintings at Lyme," Hartford Daily Courant, September 4, 1903; so. Cather mentions ,Cos Cob in The Song of the Lark (Boston: Houghton archives, Florence Griswold Museum. Mifflin, 1915 and 1943), p. 537. Lincoln Steffens, "Cos Cob: An Art 67. Anthony H. Euwer, "Old Lyme, Connecticut: The American Barbizon," Colony," chap. n in The Autobiography of Lincoln Sttffens, 2 vols. (1931; Sound Breeze, April 2, 1904, quoted in Andersen, "Art Colony at Old New York and London: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1958), val. 2, pp. 436- Lyme," p. 123. The article originally appeared in the Pittsbut:gh Index. I 42. For more writers and performing artists who were members of the am grateful to Jeffrey W. Andersen for this information. Cos Cob art colony, see Larkin, Cos Cob Art Colony, app. B, pp. 218-21. 68. Childe Hassam, Appledore, August 16 and 21, 1906, to Florence Griswold, 51. "Art School at Cos Cob," p. 56. Old Lyme, archives, Florence Griswold Museum. Hassam's appearance in 52. Steffens, Autobiography, val. 2, pp. 436-37. Old Lyme exhibitions between 1903 and 1912 are noted in the exhibition 53. Constant Holley MacRae, Cos Cob, October 20, 1902, to Josephine chronology in this publication. Holley, Rock, Mass., Holley MacRae Family Papers 69. Hassam is known to have visited Old Lyme in 1903, 1904, 1905, 1906, and 54.
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