Ml ncnniiT mill ntruni Published by ACCURACY IN MEDIA, INC. 4455 Connecticut Avenue, N.W., Suite 330 Reed Irvine, Publisher Washington. DC20008 Tel: (202) 364-4401 Fax: (202) 364-4098 Cliff Kincald, Editor E-mail:
[email protected] Home Page: Notra Trulock, Associate Editor 2003 RI-:P()RT #15 XXXII-I5 HILLARY CLINTON'S BIGGEST COVER-UPS Ofall the Hillary Clinton scandals right to the left. But it stops far short of "opened my eyes and heart to the and €over-ups^none is^nore significant explaining her involvement with needs of others..." Her conservative thanher attemptto whitewash her own extreme left-wing groups and views persisted, however, into the time personaltransformation fromGoldwater individuals in league with America's that she entered Wellesley College in girl to Marxist. No mainstream media enemies. 1965, where she served as president of organization has examined how she is The book says that Hillary was the thecollege's YoungRepublicansduring determined in her new book to keep daughter ofa staunch Republican and her freshman year. However, she says people in the dark about what thatshe beganhaving more doubts about thewar against communism Hillary biographer, the late The media haven't asked Mrs. Clinton Barbara Olson, described as her about her work for a Communist Party in Vietnam—doubts fed by a "roots in Marxism." lawyer and why her book neglects to Methodist magazine she was "In her formative years," mention it. receiving at college, as well as explained Olson, "Marxism reports in the New York Times. was a very important part of her ideology..." that, in high school, she read Senator Defending The BlackPanthers Olson's important 1999book.Hell Barry Goldwater's book.