新巴城巴臨時交通安排(發佈時間:1330) NWFB & Citybus Special Traffic Arrangement
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新巴城巴臨時交通安排(發佈時間:1330) NWFB & Citybus Special Traffic Arrangement (2019 年 7 月 7 日──香港)因應道路封閉,新巴城巴 6 條日間路線改道行駛。乘客如要查詢個別路線改道詳情及臨時巴士站安排,可使 用新巴城巴流動應用程式直接輸入巴士路線查詢。 (7 July 2019, Hong Kong) Due to road closure, 6 daytime routes of New World First bus and Citybus are having traffic diversion. For details of individual routes, passenger may look up in NWFB & Citybus Mobile App by inputting the route number. 路線 方向 改道時段 臨時改道措施 停用巴士站 替代巴士站 Route Direction Diversion Time Temporary Diversion Arrangement Suspended Bus Stop Substituted Bus Stop 於廣東道後,改經九龍公園徑,然後 尖沙咀 (麼地道) 下午 2:00 至尾班車 返回梳士巴利道原有路線 北京道, 九龍公園徑 北京道, 廣東道 110 Tsim Sha Tsui From 2:00pm to last Peking Road, Kowloon After Canton Road, divert via Kowloon Peking Road, Canton Road (Mody Road) departure Park Drive, then return to normal Park Drive routeing at Salisbury Road 1. 西區海底隧道收費廣 不入佐敦及尖沙咀 1. 廣東道、九龍公園徑 場 Omit Jordan and Tsim Sha Tsui 及梳士巴利道沿途各站 Western Harbour 約下午 2:30 至道路 En-route stops along Crossing Toll Plaza 於西九龍快速公路,改經連翔道、海 Canton Road, Kowloon 尖沙咀 (麼地道) 解封止 輝道和海帆道,以大角咀(維港灣) 總 Park Drive and Salisbury 2. 大角咀(維港灣) 973 Tsim Sha Tsui From around 2:30pm Road (Mody Road) 站為終點站 Tai Kok Tsui (Island until roads are reopened At West Kowloon Highway, divert via Harbourview) Lin Cheung Road, Hoi Fai Road and 2. 尖沙咀(麼地道) Hoi Fan Road, terminate at Tai Kok Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Tsui (Island Harbourview) Road) 第 1 頁,共 3 頁 1. 尖沙咀(麼地道) 不入佐敦及尖沙咀 Tsim Sha Tsui (Mody Omit Jordan and Tsim Sha Tsui Road) 1. 大角咀(維港灣) Tai Kok Tsui (Island 約下午 2:30 至道路 由大角咀(維港灣)總站開出,經海輝 2. 暢運道、漆咸道南、 Harbourview) 解封止 道、櫻桃街和連翔道,然後返回西九 赤柱 梳士巴利道、廣東道及 973 Stanley From around 2:30pm 龍快速公路原有路線 佐敦道沿途各站 2. 西區海底隧道收費廣 until roads are Depart from Tai Kok Tsui (Island En-route stops along 場 reopened Harbourview), then run via Hoi Fai Cheong Wan Road, Western Harbour Road, Cherry Street and Lin Cheung Chatham Road South, Crossing Toll Plaza Road, then return to normal routeing at Salisbury Road, Canton West Kowloon Highway Road and Jordan Road 下午 3:00 至道路解 不經九龍公園徑、廣東道 金巴利道, 彌敦道 機場 封止 新港中心, 廣東道 A20 Omit Kowloon Park Drive and Canton Kimberly Road, Nathan Airport Silvercord, Canton Road From 3:00pm until Road Road roads are reopened 改由尖東站(維港文化匯對面)開出後 尖東站 (維港文化匯對 中環 (天星碼頭) 下午 2:00 至尾班車 返回原線 面 半島酒店 ) H1 Central (Star From 2:00pm to last Depart from East Tsim Sha Tsui Station The Peninsula East Tsim Sha Tsui Ferry) departure (opposite to Victoria Dockside) and Station (opposite to then return to normal routeing Victoria Dockside) 於康莊道後,改經加士居道後、佐敦 1. 星光大道, 梳士巴利道 道、彌敦道,然後返回梳士巴利道原 Avenue of Stars, Salisbury 尖東站 (維港文化匯對 有路線。改以尖東站(維港文化匯對 Road 下午 2:00 至尾班車 面) 尖沙咀 H1 From 2:00pm to last 面)為終點站 Tsim Sha Tsui 2. 尖東站, 梳士巴利道 East Tsim Sha Tsui departure After Hong Chong Road, divert via Station (opposite East Tsim Sha Tsui Gascoigne Road, Jordan Road, Nathan Victoria Dockside) Road, then return to normal routeing at Station, Salisbury Road Salisbury Road and terminate at East 第 2 頁,共 3 頁 Tsim Sha Tsui Station (opposite to 3. 北京道, 廣東道 Victoria Dockside) Peking Road, Canton Road 4. 半島酒店 The Peninsula 改由上海街(西貢街後)開出,經佐敦 道及彌敦道後返回原線 中環 (天星碼頭) 上海街(西貢街後) 所有班次 Depart from Shanghai Street (after 半島酒店 H2 Central (Star Shanghai Street (after All departures Saigon Street), run via Jordan Road and The Peninsula Ferry) Nathen Road, then return to normal Saigon Street) routeing 1. 北京道, 廣東道 改以上海街(西貢街後)為終點站 Peking Road, Canton Road 尖沙咀 所有班次 H2 Terminate at Shanghai Street (after --- Tsim Sha Tsui All departures Saigon Street) 2. 半島酒店 The Peninsula 高鐵西九龍站上落客區 高鐵西九龍站 (巴士總 金鐘 / 西九龍站 至道路解封止 不經匯民道 HSR West Kowloon 站) W1 Admiralty / West Until roads are Omit Wui Man Road Station Boarding and Kowloon Station reopened HSR West Kowloon Alighting Area Station (Bus Terminus) - 完 End - 第 3 頁,共 3 頁 .