The Tennessee Magazine
Ansearchin ' News, VOI.46, NO.3 Fa11 1999 rT THE TENNESSEE MAGAZINE THE TENNESSEE GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY 91 14 Davies Plantation Road on the histonc Davies Plantation Mailing Address: P. 0.Box 247, Brunswick, W38014-0247 Telephone: (901) 381-1447 5 OFFICER$ & BOARD MEMBES TGS Librarian Nelson Dickey ident JAMES E. BOB0 .or DOROTHY M. ROBERSON Dies After Extended Illness ing Librarian LORETTA BAILEY Nelson Dickey, librarian of the Tennessee Genealogical asurer FRANK PAESSLER Society for the past five years, died 23 June 1999 at a Mem- iness Manager JOHN WOODS phis hospital following an extended illness. He was 67. ording Secretary JO B. SMITH, Born 9 Oct 1931 in Jackson, Tenn., he was the son of responding Secretary SUE McDERMOTT George Hervey Dickey and Mayrne Huber Chumber of Milan. nbership Chairman SANDRA AUSTIN On 19 June 1957, Nelson rnanied Gladys Ann Ross in Milan. %tor of Sales DOUG GORDON They later moved to the Memphis area where he was vice :ctor of Certificates JANE PAESSLER president of Atlas Contractors, Inc. He was a Navy veteran ector at Large MARY ANN BELL of the Korean War, a member of the Germantown United Methodist Church choir, a Mason, Shriner, and member of ector at Large BETTY HUGHES ector of Surname Index JEAN CRAWFORD the Sons of the American Revolution. Nelson is survived by his wife; two daughters, Dara ector of Surname Index MARILYN VAN EYNDE Fields Dickey and Dawne Dickey Davis, both of Leesburg, Va.; and two grandchildren. Graveside rites were held at : Charles and Jane Paessler, Estelle Oakwood Cemetery in Milan on 24 June, and memorial Daniel.
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