Jennifer M. Buck Curriculum Vitae Azusa Pacific University Office Phone: 626.815.6117 Department of Practical Theology Email:
[email protected] 901 E. Alosta Ave Azusa, CA 91702 Updated: July 2020 EDUCATION Ph.D., Philosophy of Religion and Theology, 2015 Claremont Graduate University Claremont, CA Qualifying Exams: Augustine of Hippo, Martin Luther, 19th and 20th Century Philosophical, Religious & Theological Thought, Third World Feminist Theology Dissertation Title: “Reframing the House: Aspects of Constructive Global Feminist Ecclesiology for the Western Evangelical Church” Dissertation Committee: Rosemary Ruether, Chair; Anselm Min; Tammi Schneider Masters of Divinity, Theology & Intercultural Studies, 2010 Fuller Theological Seminary Pasadena, CA Bachelor of Arts, Psychology, 2007 Bachelor of Arts, Theology Azusa Pacific University Azusa, CA ACADEMIC POSITIONS Azusa Pacific University Assistant Professor, Department of Practical Theology, School of Theology, 2016- Present BOOKS Reframing the House: Constructive Global Feminist Theology for the Western Evangelical Church (Pickwick, 2016) Distinct: Quaker Holiness in Everyday Life (Barclay Press, forthcoming 2020) Bad and Boujee: Towards a Trap Feminist Theology (Lexington/Fortress Academic, 2020) Theology of Fashion (in contract negotiations with Baker, forthcoming 2021) BOOK CHAPTERS “Richard Foster” and “Evangelical Friends” in The Quaker World (Routledge, forthcoming 2021). Essay included in The Grandparenting Effect (Wipf & Stock, 2020) “Quaker Women & Suffrage” in Quakers, Social