
Weiterführende Literatur zum Lehrbuch „Biochemie“ (Kapitel 4 – 50)

Im Buch ist aus Platzgründen auf die Angabe weiterführender Literatur verzichtet worden. Auskünfte zu den thematischen Schwerpunkten der vier Hauptteile II bis V geben die im Folgenden aufgeführten knapp 1000 einschlägigen Artikel aus wissenschaftlichen Fachzeitschriften. Die Zusammenstellung folgt der Gliederung des Buchs. Jeder Link führt direkt zur Literaturliste des entsprechenden Kapitels, aber es ist stets auch die gesamte Literatur hinterlegt (z.B. für einen kompletten Ausdruck). Die Aufstellung enthält überwiegend Review-Artikel der letzten 4 Jahre, in denen der aktuelle Kenntnisstand zu einem ausgewählten Thema von führenden Wissenschaftlern präsentiert wird. Beim Einführungsteil (Kapitel 1 bis 3) haben wir dagegen bewusst auf Spezialliteratur verzichtet; hier sei auf einschlägige Lehrbücher der Biochemie, Molekularbiologie, Genetik und Zellbiologie, die diesen fundamentalen Aspekten breiten Raum widmen, verwiesen. Falls Sie als Leser interessante Artikel finden, die unsere Literatursammlung ergänzen und bereichern könnten, bitten wir um kurze Mitteilung an den Verlag.

Werner Müller-Esterl Ulrich Brandt Oliver Anderka Stefan Kerscher

1 Teil II Struktur und Funktion von Proteinen

4 Proteine – Werkzeuge der Zelle

4.1 Liganden binden an Proteine und verändern deren Konformation

Wilson MA, Brunger AT (2000) The 1.0 Å crystal structure of Ca2+-bound calmodulin: an analysis of disorder and implications for functionally relevant plasticity, J Mol Biol 301, 1237-1256 O'Day DH & Myre MA (2004) Calmodulin-binding domains in Alzheimer's disease proteins: extending the calcium hypothesis. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 320, 1051-1054.

4.2 binden und setzen sie zu Produkten um

Showalter AK & Tsai MD (2002) A reexamination of the nucleotide incorporation fidelity of DNA . Biochemistry, 41, 10571-10576.Johnson KA (2008) Role of induced fit in enzyme specificity: A molecular forward/reverse switch. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, 26297-26301.

4.3 Liganden kommunizieren über allosterische Effekte

Ridge KD et al (2003) Phototransduction: crystal clear, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 479- 487 Villaverde A (2003) Allosteric as biosensors for molecular diagnosis. Febs Letters, 554, 169-172. Ascenzi P & Fasano M (2010) Allostery in a monomeric protein: The case of human serum albumin. Biophysical Chemistry, 148, 16-22.

4.4 Die Bindung und Hydrolyse von Nucleotiden steuert Motorproteine

Tomkiewicz D, Nouwen N, & Driessen AJM (2007) Pushing, pulling and trapping - Modes of motor protein supported protein translocation. Febs Letters, 581, 2820- 2828.

2 Enernark EJ & Joshua-Tor L (2008) On and other motor proteins. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 18, 243-257. (PDF)

4.5 Regulatorproteine werden oft über Phosphorylierung gesteuert

Johnson LN (2009) The regulation of protein phosphorylation. Biochemical Society Transactions, 037, 627-641. Bradshaw JM (2010) The Src, Syk, and Tec family : Distinct types of molecular switches. Cellular Signalling, 22, 1175-1184.

4.6 Enzyme passen sich metabolischen Bedürfnissen an

Roach PJ (2002) Glycogen and its metabolism, Curr Mol Med 2, 101-120

4.7 Proteine können auf mechanische Spannung reagieren

Tsunozaki M & Bautista DM (2009) Mammalian somatosensory mechanotransduction. Current Opinion in Neurobiology, 19, 362-369. Arnadottir J & Chalfie M (2010) Eukaryotic Mechanosensitive Channels. Annual Review of Biophysics, Vol 39, 39, 111-137.

3 5 Ebenen der Proteinarchitektur

5.1 Die Proteinstruktur ist hierarchisch gegliedert

Liu M, Grigoriev A (2004) Protein domains correlate strongly with exons in multiple eukaryotic genomes - evidence of exon shuffling?, Trends Genet 20, 399-403 Thomas A, Joris B, & Brasseur R (2010) Standardized evaluation of protein stability. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Proteins and Proteomics, 1804, 1265-1271.

5.2 Aminosäuren werden zu Polypeptidketten verknüpft

Tamura K, Alexander RW (2004) Peptide synthesis through evolution, Cell Mol Life Sci 61, 1317-1330 Rohde H & Seitz O (2010) Ligation-Desulfurization: A Powerful Combination in the Synthesis of Peptides and Glycopeptides. Biopolymers, 94, 551-559. Belousoff MJ, Davidovich C, Zimmerman E, Caspi Y, Wekselman I, Rozenszajn L, Shapira T, Sade-Falk O, Taha L, Bashan A, Weiss MS, & Yonath A (2010) Ancient machinery embedded in the contemporary ribosome. Biochemical Society Transactions, 38, 422-427.

5.3 Polypeptide können nach ihrer Synthese modifiziert werden

Jensen ON (2004) Modification-specific proteomics: characterization of post- translational modifications by mass spectrometry, Curr Opin Chem Biol 8, 33-41 Freitas MA, Sklenar AR, & Parthun MR (2004) Application of mass spectrometry to the identification and quantification of histone post-translational modifications. Journal of Cellular Biochemistry, 92, 691-700. (PDF)

5.4 Planare Peptidbindungen bilden das Rückgrat der Proteine

Takahashi K, Uchida C, Shin RW, Shimazaki K, & Uchida T (2008) Prolyl , Pin1: new findings of post-translational modifications and physiological substrates in cancer, asthma and Alzheimer's disease. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65, 359-375.

4 5.5 Die α-Helix ist ein prominentes Sekundärstrukturelement

Chiang D, Joshi AK, & Dill KA (2006) A grammatical theory for the conformational changes of simple helix bundles. Journal of Computational Biology, 13, 21-42.

5.6 β-Faltblätter und β-Schleifen bilden ausgedehnte Sekundärstrukturen

Khakshoor O & Nowick JS (2008) Artificial beta-sheets: chemical models of beta- sheets. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 12, 722-729. (PDF)

5.7 Sekundärstrukturelemente bilden wiederkehrende Motive

Watanabe M, Kobashigawa Y, Aizawa T, Demura M, & Nitta K (2004) A non-native alpha-helix is formed in the beta-sheet region of the molten globule state of canine milk . Protein Journal, 23, 335-342.

5.8 Nichtkovalente Wechselwirkungen stabilisieren die Tertiärstruktur

Boas FE & Harbury PB (2007) Potential energy functions for protein design. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 17, 199-204.

5.9 Globuläre Proteine falten sich zu kompakten Strukturen

Frauenfelder H et al (2003) Myoglobin: the hydrogen atom of biology and a paradigm of complexity, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 100, 8615-8617. (PDF) Elber R (2010) Ligand diffusion in globins: simulations versus experiment. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 20, 162-167.

5.10 Mehrere Untereinheiten bilden die Quartärstruktur der Proteine

Brinda KV, Surolia A, & Vishveshwara S (2005) Insights into the quaternary association of proteins through structure graphs: a case study of lectins. Biochemical Journal, 391, 1-15. (PDF) Rosenzweig R & Glickman MH (2008) Chaperone-driven proteasome assembly. Biochemical Society Transactions, 36, 807-812.

5 5.11 Proteine falten schrittweise in ihre native Konformation

Dobson CM (2003) Protein folding and misfolding, Nature 426, 884-890 Foguel B & Silva JL (2004) New insights into the mechanisms of protein misfolding and aggregation in amyloidogenic diseases derived from pressure studies. Biochemistry, 43, 11361-11370. Ito K & Inaba K (2008) The disulfide bond formation (Dsb) system. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 18, 450-458. Bandopadhyay R & de Belleroche J (2010) Pathogenesis of Parkinson's disease: emerging role of molecular chaperones. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 16, 27-36.

5.12 Proteine können reversibel denaturieren

May BC et al (2004) Prions: so many fibers, so little infectivity, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 162-165 Oberhauser AF & Carrion-Vazquez M (2008) Mechanical biochemistry of proteins one molecule at a time. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 283, 6617-6621. (PDF) Perrin RJ, Fagan AM, & Holtzman DM (2009) Multimodal techniques for diagnosis and prognosis of Alzheimer's disease. Nature, 461, 916-922.

5.13 Proteine können maßgeschneidert werden

Georlette D et al (2004) Some like it cold: at low temperatures, FEMS Microbiol Rev 28, 25-42

Tian J & Xie ZJ (2008) The Na-K-ATPase and calcium-signaling microdomains. Physiology, 23, 205-211. (PDF) Wang HX, Nakata E, & Hamachi I (2009) Recent Progress in Strategies for the Creation of Protein-Based Fluorescent Biosensors. Chembiochem, 10, 2560-2577. Omenetto FG & Kaplan DL (2010) New Opportunities for an Ancient Material. Science, 329, 528-531. Cartellieri M, Bachmann M, Feldmann A, Bippes C, Stamova S, Wehner R, Temme A, & Schmitz M (2010) Chimeric Antigen Receptor-Engineered T Cells for Immunotherapy of Cancer. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. (PDF)

6 6 Proteine auf dem Prüfstand

6.1 Proteine müssen für die Aufreinigung in wässriger Lösung vorliegen

Bowie JU (2001) Stabilizing membrane proteins, Curr Opin Struct Biol 11, 397-402 Seddon AM, Curnow P, & Booth PJ (2004) Membrane proteins, lipids and detergents: not just a soap opera. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1666, 105-117.

6.2 Die Gelfiltrationschromatographie trennt Proteine nach ihrer Größe

Winzor DJ (2003) The development of chromatography for the characterization of protein interactions: a personal perspective, Biochem Soc Trans 31, 1010-1014 Berek D (2010) Size exclusion chromatography - A blessing and a curse of science and technology of synthetic polymers. Journal of Separation Science, 33, 315-335.

6.3 Die Ionenaustauschchromatographie trennt Proteine unterschiedlicher Ladung

Stahlberg J (1999) Retention models for ions in chromatography, J Chromatogr A 855, 3-55 Jungbauer A & Hahn R (2009) Ion-Exchange Chromatography. Guide to Protein Purification, Second Edition, 466, 349-371.

6.4 Die Affinitätschromatographie nutzt die spezifischen Bindungseigenschaften von Proteinen

Vikis HG, Guan KL (2004) Glutathione-S--fusion based assays for studying protein-protein interactions, Methods Mol Biol 261, 175-86 Lee WC, Lee KH (2004) Applications of affinity chromatography in proteomics, Anal Biochem 324, 1-10 Urh M, Simpson D, & Zhao K (2009) Affinity Chromatography: General Methods. Guide to Protein Purification, Second Edition, 466, 417-438.

7 6.5 Die Elektrophorese analysiert Proteingemische qualitativ

Kleparnik K & Bocek P (2010) Electrophoresis today and tomorrow: helping biologists' dreams come true. Bioessays, 32, 218-226.

6.6 Die isoelektrische Fokussierung trennt Proteine nach Neutralpunkten

Van den Bergh G, Arckens L (2004) Fluorescent two-dimensional difference gel electrophoresis unveils the potential of gel-based proteomics, Curr Opin Biotechnol 15, 38-43 Barnouin K (2004) Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis for analysis of protein complexes, Methods Mol Biol 261, 479-98 Zilberstein G, Bukshpan S, & Righetti PG (2010) Third generation of focusing: Gel matrices with immobilized cation gradients. Electrophoresis, 31, 1747-1753.

6.7 Antikörpersonden identifizieren Proteine

Shaw CE, Zheng J (1998) Western immunoblot analysis, Methods Mol Biol 105, 295- 306 Ahmed FE (2002) Detection of genetically modified organisms in foods, Trends Biotechnol 20, 215-223 Kurien BT & Scofield RH (2009) A brief review of other notable protein detection methods on blots. Methods Mol Biol, 536.

6.8 Enzymimmuntests quantifizieren Proteine in komplexen Gemischen

Plested JS et al (2003) ELISA, Methods Mol Med 71, 243-61

6.9 Die Fluoreszenzmikroskopie lokalisiert Proteine in Zellen

Huang B, Bates M, & Zhuang XW (2009) Super-Resolution Fluorescence Microscopy. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 78, 993-1016. (PDF)

8 7 Die Erforschung der Proteinstruktur

7.1 Die Edman-Sequenzierung entziffert die Primärstruktur eines Proteins

Grant GA et al (1997) Edman sequencing as tool for characterization of synthetic peptides, Methods Enzymol 289, 395-419

7.2 Die chemische Synthese von Peptiden erfolgt im Merrifield-Verfahren

Merrifield B (1997) Concept and early development of solid-phase peptide synthesis, Methods Enzymol 289, 3-13 Marasco D, Perretta G, Sabatella M, & Ruvo M (2008) Past and Future Perspectives of Synthetic Peptide Libraries. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 9, 447-467.

7.3 Die Massenspektrometrie bestimmt exakt Protein- und Peptidmassen

Steen H, Mann M (2004) The ABC's (and XYZ's) of peptide sequencing, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5, 699-711 Bergeron JJM, Au CE, Desjardins M, McPherson PS, & Nilsson T (2010) Cell biology through proteomics - ad astra per alia porci. Trends in Cell Biology, 20, 337-345.

7.4 Die Röntgenstrukturanalyse entschlüsselt Proteinkonformationen

Torres J et al (2003) Membrane proteins: the 'Wild West' of structural biology, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 137-144 Vrielink A, Sampson N (2003) Sub-Angstrom resolution enzyme X-ray structures: is seeing believing?, Curr Opin Struct Biol 13, 709-715 Joachimiak A (2009) High-throughput crystallography for structural genomics. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 19, 573-584.

9 7.5 Die Kernresonanzspektroskopie untersucht Proteine in Lösung

Baldwin AJ & Kay LE (2009) NMR spectroscopy brings invisible protein states into focus. Nature Chemical Biology, 5, 808-814. Sakurai K, Konuma T, Yagi M, & Goto Y (2009) Structural dynamics and folding of beta-lactoglobulin probed by heteronuclear NMR. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- General Subjects, 1790, 527-537. Jensen MR, Markwick PRL, Meier S, Griesinger C, Zweckstetter M, Grzesiek S, Bernado P, & Blackledge M (2009) Quantitative Determination of the Conformational Properties of Partially Folded and Intrinsically Disordered Proteins Using NMR Dipolar Couplings. Structure, 17, 1169-1185.

10 8 Proteine als Strukturträger

8.1 Strukturproteine bilden die Matrix des Bindegewebes

Persikov AV, Ramshaw JA et al (2002) Peptide investigations of pairwise interactions in the collagen triple-helix, J Mol Biol 316, 385-394 Brodsky B, Thiagarajan G, Madhan B, & Kar K (2008) Triple-helical peptides: An approach to collagen conformation, stability, and self-association. Biopolymers, 89, 345-353. Shoulders MD & Raines RT (2009) Collagen Structure and Stability. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 78, 929-958. (PDF)

8.2 Posttranslationale Modifikationen stabilisieren die Tripelhelix

Olsen DR, Leigh SD et al (2001) Production of human type I collagen in yeast reveals unexpected new insights into the molecular assembly of collagen trimers, J Biol Chem 276, 24038-24043 (PDF) Myllyharju J (2008) Prolyl 4-hydroxylases, key enzymes in the synthesis of collagens and regulation of the response to hypoxia, and their roles as treatment targets. Annals of Medicine, 40, 402-417.

8.3 Chemische Quervernetzung stabilisiert die Kollagenfibrillen

Kagan HM, Li W (2003) Lysyl : properties, specificity, and biological roles inside and outside of the cell, J Cell Biochem 88, 660-672 Robins SP (2007) Biochemistry and functional significance of collagen cross-linking. Biochemical Society Transactions, 35, 849-852.

8.4 Störungen in der Kollagenbildung führen zu schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen

Mao JR, Bristow J (2001) The Ehlers-Danlos syndrome: on beyond collagens, J Clin Invest 107, 1063-1069 (PDF)

11 Gregersen N, Bolund L, & Bross P (2005) Protein misfolding, aggregation, and degradation in disease. Molecular Biotechnology, 31, 141-150.

8.5 Elastin verleiht dem Bindegewebe Flexibilität

Tatham AS, Shewry PR (2000) Elastomeric proteins: biological roles, structures and mechanisms, Trends Biochem Sci 25, 567-571 MacEwan SR & Chilkoti A (2010) Elastin-Like Polypeptides: Biomedical Applications of Tunable Biopolymers. Biopolymers, 94, 60-77.

8.6 Proteoglykane und Glykosaminoglykane verleihen Widerstandsfähigkeit gegen Kompressionskräfte

Taylor KR & Gallo RL (2006) Glycosaminoglycans and their proteoglycans: host- associated molecular patterns for initiation and modulation of inflammation. Faseb Journal, 20, 9-22. (PDF) Bishop JR, Schuksz M, & Esko JD (2007) Heparan sulphate proteoglycans fine-tune mammalian physiology. Nature, 446, 1030-1037.

8.7 Adhäsionsproteine sind wichtige Komponenten der extrazellulären Matrix

Kaspar M, Zardi L, & Neri D (2006) Fibronectin as target for tumor therapy. International Journal of Cancer, 118, 1331-1339. Berrier AL & Yamada KM (2007) Cell-matrix adhesion. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 213, 565-573. Rowe RG & Weiss SJ (2008) Breaching the basement membrane: who, when and how? Trends in Cell Biology, 18, 560-574.

12 9 Proteine als molekulare Motoren

9.1 Skelettmuskelfasern enthalten geordnete Bündel aus Proteinfilamenten

Granzier H & Labeit S (2002) Cardiac : an adjustable multi-functional spring. Journal of Physiology-London, 541, 335-342. (PDF) Kim J, Lowe T, & Hoppe T (2008) Protein quality control gets muscle into shape. Trends in Cell Biology, 18, 264-272.

9.2 Dicke und dünne Filamente gleiten bei der Kontraktion aneinander vorbei

Volkmann N, Hanein D (2000) Actomyosin: law and order in motility, Curr Opin Cell Biol 12, 26-34 Gordon AM, Homsher E, & Regnier M (2000) Regulation of contraction in striated muscle. Physiological Reviews, 80, 853-924. (PDF)

9.3 Myosinköpfe binden und hydrolysieren ATP

Kolomeisky AB & Fisher ME (2007) Molecular motors: A theorist's perspective. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 58, 675-695. Spudich JA & Sivaramakrishnan S (2010) Myosin VI: an innovative motor that challenged the swinging lever arm hypothesis. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11, 128-137. (PDF)

9.4 Die Struktur des Myosinkopfs ist im atomaren Detail bekannt

Cooke R (1999) Myosin structure: does the tail wag the dog?, Curr Biol 9, R773- R775 Sweeney HL & Houdusse A (2010) Myosin VI Rewrites the Rules for Myosin Motors. Cell, 141, 573-582.

13 9.5 Ein elektrischer Reiz löst die Muskelkontraktion aus

Michele DE, Metzger JM (2000) Physiological consequences of tropomyosin mutations associated with cardiac and skeletal myopathies, J Mol Med 78, 543-553 Kobayashi T & Solaro RJ (2005) Calcium, thin filaments, and the integrative biology of cardiac contractility. Annual Review of Physiology, 67, 39-67.

9.6 Glatte Muskulatur kontrahiert nach reversibler Phosphorylierung von Myosin

Wang CL (2001) Caldesmon and smooth-muscle regulation, Cell Biochem Biophys 35, 275-288 Murthy KS (2006) Signaling for contraction and relaxation in smooth muscle of the gut. Annual Review of Physiology, 68, 345-374.

9.7 Die Duchenne-Muskeldystrophie beruht auf einem Defekt im Dystrophingen

Cossu G & Sampaolesi M (2007) New therapies for Duchenne muscular dystrophy: challenges, prospects and clinical trials. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 13, 520-526. Woolner S & Bement WM (2009) Unconventional myosins acting unconventionally. Trends in Cell Biology, 19, 245-252.

14 10 Dynamik sauerstoffbindender Proteine

10.1 Myoglobin bindet Sauerstoff mittels seiner prosthetischen Gruppe

Brunori M (2001) Nitric oxide moves myogobin to center stage, Trends Biochem Sci 26, 209-210 Wittenberg JB & Wittenberg BA (2003) Myoglobin function reassessed. Journal of Experimental Biology, 206, 2011-2020. (PDF)

10.2 Die Sauerstoffdissoziationskurve von Myoglobin ist hyperbolisch

Garry D et al (1998) Mice without myoglobin, Nature 395, 905-908 Gros G, Wittenberg BA, & Jue T (2010) Myoglobin's old and new clothes: from molecular structure to function in living cells. Journal of Experimental Biology, 213, 2713-2725.

10.3 Hämoglobin ist ein tetrameres Protein

Kundu S et al (2003) Plants, humans and hemoglobins, Trends Plant Sci 8, 387-393 Lukin JA, Ho C (2004) The structure - function relationship of hemoglobin in solution at atomic resolution, Chem Rev 104, 1219-1230

10.4 Die Sauerstoffbindung von Hämoglobin ist kooperativ

Manning JM et al (1999) Remote contributions to subunit interactions: lessons from adult and fetal hemoglobins, Trends Biochem Sci 24, 211-212 Ackers GK & Holt JM (2006) Asymmetric in a symmetric tetramer: Human hemoglobin. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281, 11441-11443. (PDF)

15 10.5 Oxy- und Desoxyhämoglobin unterscheiden sich in ihrer Raumstruktur

Verde C, Vergara A, Mazzarella L, & di Prisco G (2008) The Hemoglobins of Fishes Living at Polar Latitudes - Current Knowledge on Structural Adaptations in a Changing Environment. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 9, 578-590. Bellelli A (2010) Hemoglobin and Cooperativity: Experiments and Theories. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 11, 2-36.

10.6 Zwei unterschiedliche Modelle beschreiben kooperatives Verhalten

Royer WE, Knapp JE, Strand K, & Heaslet HA (2001) Cooperative hemoglobins: conserved fold, diverse quaternary assemblies and allosteric mechanisms. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 26, 297-304. Shikama K (2006) Nature of the FeO2 bonding in myoglobin and hemoglobin: A new molecular paradigm. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 91, 83-162.

10.7 2,3-Bisphosphoglycerat bindet in der zentralen Pore des Hämoglobins

Yachie-Kinoshita A, Nishino T, Shimo H, Suematsu M, & Tomita M (2010) A Metabolic Model of Human Erythrocytes: Practical Application of the E-Cell Simulation Environment. Journal of Biomedicine and Biotechnology. (PDF)

10.8 Protonierung von Hämoglobin erleichtert die O2-Abgabe in den Kapillaren

Lane P, Gross S (2002) Hemoglobin as a chariot for NO bioactivity, Nat Med 8, 657- 658 Gladwin MT et al (2003) Nitric oxide's reactions with hemoglobin: a view through the SNO-storm, Nat Med 9, 496-500 Giardina B, Mosca D, & De Rosa MC (2004) The Bohr effect of haemoglobin in vertebrates: an example of molecular adaptation to different physiological requirements. Acta Physiologica Scandinavica, 182, 229-244.

16 10.9 Hämoglobinopathien beruhen auf molekularen Defekten von Hämoglobin

Strasser BJ (1999) Sickle cell anemia, a molecular disease, Science 286, 1488-1490 Allison AC (2002) The discovery of resistance to malaria of sickle-cell heterozygotes, Biochem Mol Biol Educ 30, 279-287 (PDF) Smiley D, Dagogo-Jack S, & Umpierrez G (2008) Therapy Insight: metabolic and endocrine disorders in sickle cell disease. Nature Clinical Practice Endocrinology & Metabolism, 4, 102-109.

10.10 Eisen wird mithilfe von Proteinen resorbiert, transportiert und gespeichert

Aisen P et al (1999) Iron metabolism, Curr Opin Chem Biol 3, 200-206 Dunn LL, Rahmanto YS, & Richardson DR (2007) Iron uptake and metabolism in the new millennium. Trends in Cell Biology, 17, 93-100. Roy CN, Enns CA (2000) Iron homeostasis: new tales from the crypt, Blood 96, 4020-4027 (PDF)

17 11 Proteine als molekulare Katalysatoren

11.1 Enzyme haben eine hohe Substrat- und Reaktionsspezifität

Mesecar A & Koshland D (2000) A new model for protein stereospecificity, Nature 403, 614-615 Copley SD (2003) Enzymes with extra talents: moonlighting functions and catalytic promiscuity, Curr Opin Chem Biol 7, 265-272 Siddiqui KS & Cavicchioli R (2006) Cold-adapted enzymes. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, 403-433.

11.2 Das aktive Zentrum wird von reaktiven Aminosäuren gebildet

Wolfe MS, Kopan R (2004) Intramembrane : theme and variations, Science 305, 1119-1123 Eliot AC, Kirsch JF (2004) enzymes: mechanistic, structural, and evolutionary considerations, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 383-415 Berger F et al (2004) The new life of a centenarian: signalling functions of NAD(P), Trends Biochem Sci 29, 111-118 Khersonsky O, Roodveldt C, & Tawfik DS (2006) Enzyme promiscuity: evolutionary and mechanistic aspects. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 10, 498-508.

11.3 Enzyme werden nach Art der katalysierten Reaktion klassifiziert

Hult K & Berglund P (2007) Enzyme promiscuity: mechanism and applications. Trends in Biotechnology, 25, 231-238.

11.4 Der Übergangszustand liegt zwischen Edukt und Produkt einer Reaktion

Warshel A, Sharma PK, Kato M, Xiang Y, Liu HB, & Olsson MHM (2006) Electrostatic basis for . Chemical Reviews, 106, 3210-3235.

18 11.5 Enzyme setzen die freie Aktivierungsenergie von Reaktionen herab

Stroppolo ME et al (2001) Superefficient enzymes, Cell Mol Life Sci 58, 1451-1460 Garcia-Viloca M et al (2004) How enzymes work: analysis by modern rate theory and computer simulations, Science 303, 186-195 Hu H & Yang WT (2008) Free energies of chemical reactions in solution and in enzymes with ab initio quantum mechanics/molecular mechanics methods. Annual Review of Physical Chemistry, 59, 573-601.

19 12 Mechanismen der Katalyse

12.1 Enzyme nutzen unterschiedliche Katalysestrategien

Kraut DA et al (2003) Challenges in enzyme mechanism and energetics, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 517-71 Evans MJ & Cravatt BF (2006) Mechanism-based profiling of enzyme families. Chemical Reviews, 106, 3279-3301.

12.2 Enzyme binden bevorzugt den Übergangszustand

Borden J, Crans DC, & Florian J (2006) Transition state analogues for nucleotidyl transfer reactions: Structure and stability of pentavalent vanadate and phosphate ester dianions. Journal of Physical Chemistry B, 110, 14988-14999. Senn HM & Thiel W (2007) QM/MM studies of enzymes. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 11, 182-187. Wojcik T & Kiec-Kononowicz K (2008) Catalytic activity of certain antibodies as a potential tool for drug synthesis and for directed prodrug therapies. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 1606-1615.

12.3 Lactat- verschließt nach Substratbindung das aktive Zentrum

Gutteridge A, Thornton J (2004) Conformational change in substrate binding, catalysis and product release: an open and shut case?, FEBS Lett 567, 67-73 Zhou SF, Zhou ZW, Yang LP, & Cai JP (2009) Substrates, Inducers, Inhibitors and Structure-Activity Relationships of Human 2C9 and Implications in Drug Development. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 16, 3480-3675.

12.4 Die katalytische Triade ist das Herzstück im aktiven Zentrum von

Blow D (1997) The tortuous story of Asp...His...Ser: Structural analysis of , Trends Biochem Sci 22, 405-408

20 Hedstrom L (2002) Serine mechanism and specificity, Chem Rev 102, 4501-4524 Ekici OD, Paetzel M, & Dalbey RE (2008) Unconventional serine : Variations on the catalytic Ser/His/Asp triad configuration. Protein Science, 17, 2023- 2037. (PDF)

12.5 Trypsin bildet eine kovalentes Acyl-Intermediat

Wilmouth R et al (2001) X-Ray snapshots of catalysis reveals a tetrahedral intermediate, Nature Struct Biol 8, 689-694 Dunn BM & Uversky VN (2009) Cryoenzymology: Enzyme Action in Slow Motion. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 10, 408-415.

12.6 Proteasen haben vielfältige biologische Aufgaben

De Clercq E (2007) The design of drugs for HIV and HCV. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 6, 1001-1018. Page MJ & Di Cera E (2008) Serine peptidases: Classification, structure and function. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 65, 1220-1236.

12.7 Ribozyme sind katalytisch aktive Ribonucleinsäuren

Lilley DM (2003) The origins of RNA catalysis in ribozymes, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 495-501 Isaacs FJ, Dwyer DJ, & Collins JJ (2006) RNA synthetic biology. Nature Biotechnology, 24, 545-554. Serganov A & Patel DJ (2007) Ribozymes, riboswitches and beyond: regulation of gene expression without proteins. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 776-790.

21 13 Regulation der Enzymaktivität

13.1 Geschwindigkeitskonstanten charakterisieren chemische Reaktionen

Kraut DA, Carroll KS, & Herschlag D (2003) Challenges in enzyme mechanism and energetics. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 72, 517-571. Walde S & Kehlenbach RH (2010) The Part and the Whole: functions of nucleoporins in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Trends in Cell Biology, 20, 461-469.

13.2 Die Michaelis-Menten-Gleichung beschreibt eine einfache Enzymkinetik

Xie XS, Lu HP (1999) Single-molecule enzymology, J Biol Chem 274, 15967-70 (PDF) Atkins WM (2005) Non-Michaelis-Menten kinetics in cytochrome P450-catalyzed reactions. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 45, 291-310. Moffitt JR, Chemla YR, & Bustamante C (2010) Methods in Statistical Kinetics. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

13.3 Michaelis-Konstante und Wechselzahl sind wichtige Kenngrößen von Enzymen

Fox RJ & Clay MD (2009) Catalytic effectiveness, a measure of enzyme proficiency for industrial applications. Trends in Biotechnology, 27, 137-140.

13.4 Die Enzymkinetik hilft bei der Untersuchung von Enzymmechanismen

Peracchi A (2001) Enzyme catalysis: removing chemically 'essential' residues by site- directed mutagenesis, Trends Biochem Sci 26, 497-503 Cleland WW (2005) The use of isotope effects to determine enzyme mechanisms. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 433, 2-12.

22 13.5 Kompetitive Inhibitoren binden an das aktive Zentrum und verhindern den Substratzutritt

Istvan ES, Deisenhofer J (2001) Structural mechanism for statin inhibition of HMG- CoA , Science 292, 1160-1164 Simmons DL et al (2004) isozymes: the biology of prostaglandin synthesis and inhibition, Pharmacol Rev 56, 387-437 Tafi A, Angeli L, Venturini G, Travagli M, Corelli F, & Botta M (2006) Computational studies of competitive inhibitors of nitric oxide (NOS) enzymes: Towards the development of powerful and isoform selective inhibitors. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 13, 1929-1946.

13.6 Hohe Substratkonzentrationen heben die kompetitive Inhibition auf

Schep LJ, Slaughter RJ, Temple WA, & Beasley DMG (2009) Diethylene glycol poisoning. Clinical Toxicology, 47, 525-535.

13.7 Kovalent bindende Inhibitoren hemmen irreversibel

Nitiss JL (2009) Targeting DNA II in cancer chemotherapy. Nature Reviews Cancer, 9, 338-350. (PDF) Singh J, Petter RC, & Kluge AF (2010) Targeted covalent drugs of the family. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 14, 475-480.

13.8 Allosterische Regulatoren modulieren die Enzymaktivität

Dijkstra BW, Matthews RG (2003) Catalysis and regulation - from structure to function, Curr Opin Struct Biol 13, 706-708 Goodey NM & Benkovic SJ (2008) and catalysis emerge via a common route. Nature Chemical Biology, 4, 474-482.

13.9 Heterotrope Effektoren binden an regulatorische Untereinheiten

Lim WA (2002) The modular logic of signaling proteins: building allosteric switches from simple binding domains, Curr Opin Struct Biol 12, 61-68

23 Villaverde A (2003) Allosteric enzymes as biosensors for molecular diagnosis, FEBS Lett 554, 169-172 Gold MG, Barford D, & Komander D (2006) Lining the pockets of kinases and . Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 16, 693-701.

13.10 Reversible Phosphorylierung reguliert die Enzymaktivität

Kolmodin K, Aqvist J (2001) The catalytic mechanism of protein tyrosine phosphatases revisited, FEBS Lett 498, 208-213 Hirose Y & Ohkuma Y (2007) Phosphorylation of the c-terminal domain of RNA II plays central roles in the integrated events of eucaryotic gene expression. Journal of Biochemistry, 141, 601-608. Pulido R & Hooft van Huijsduijnen R (2008) Protein tyrosine phosphatases: dual- specificity phosphatases in health and disease. Febs Journal, 275, 848-866.

13.11 Gezielte proteolytische Spaltungen können Zymogene aktivieren

Krem MM, Di Cera E (2002) Evolution of enzyme cascades from embryonic development to blood coagulation, Trends Biochem Sci 27, 67-74 Amour A et al (2004) General considerations for proteolytic cascades, Biochem Soc Trans 32, 15-16 Pop C & Salvesen GS (2009) Human Caspases: Activation, Specificity, and Regulation. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 21777-21781. (PDF)

24 14 Enzymkaskaden des Bluts

14.1 Proteolytische Kaskaden steuern die Bildung und Auflösung von Blutgerinnseln

Davidson CJ et al (2003) 450 million years of hemostasis, J Thromb Haemost 1, 1487-1494 Schenone M et al (2004) The blood coagulation cascade, Curr Opin Hematol 11, 272-277 Monroe DM & Hoffman M (2006) What does it take to make the perfect clot? Arteriosclerosis Thrombosis and Vascular Biology, 26, 41-48. (PDF)

14.2 Die Initiation der Gerinnungskaskade erfolgt über den Gewebsfaktor

McVey JH (2003) Your bleeding heart: lessons from low tissue factor expression in mice, Trends Pharmacol Sci 24, 269-272 Hoffman M (2003) A cell-based model of coagulation and the role of factor VIIa, Blood Rev 17, S1-5 Mann KG, Kalafatis M (2003) Factor V: a combination of Dr Jekyll and Mr Hyde, Blood 101, 20-30 (PDF) Persson E, Bolt G, Steenstrup TD, & Ezban M (2010) Recombinant coagulation factor VIIa - from molecular to clinical aspects of a versatile haemostatic agent. Thrombosis Research, 125, 483-489.

14.3 Fibrinmonomere assoziieren zu einem Netzwerk

Yang Z, Mochalkin I et al (2000) Crystal structure of native chicken fibrinogen at 5.5- A resolution, Proc Natl Acad Sci U S A 97, 3907-3912 (PDF) Doolittle RF (2003) Structural basis of the fibrinogen-fibrin transformation: contributions from X-ray crystallography, Blood Rev 17, 33-41 Guthold M, Liu W, Sparks EA, Jawerth LM, Peng L, Falvo M, Superfine R, Hantgan RR, & Lord ST (2007) A comparison of the mechanical and structural properties of fibrin fibers with other protein fibers. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 49, 165-181.

25 14.4 Gerinnungsfaktoren besitzen einen modularen Aufbau

Furie B et al (1999) Vitamin K-dependent biosynthesis of gamma-carboxyglutamic acid, Blood 93, 1798-1808 (PDF) Lee CJ, Chandrasekaran V, Wu SW, Duke RE, & Pedersen LG (2010) Recent Estimates of the Structure of the Factor VIIa (FVIIa)/Tissue Factor (TF) and Factor Xa (FXa) Ternary Complex. Thrombosis Research, 125, S7-S10.

14.5 Inhibition und Proteolyse kontrollieren die Blutgerinnung

Huntington JA, Baglin TP (2003) Targeting - rational drug design from natural mechanisms, Trends Pharmacol Sci 24, 589-595 Bussey H, Francis JL (2004) Heparin overview and issues, Pharmacotherapy 24, 103S-107S Lwaleed BA & Bass PS (2006) Tissue factor pathway inhibitor: structure, biology and involvement in disease. Journal of Pathology, 208, 327-339.

14.6 Das fibrinolytische System löst Thromben auf

Medved L, Nieuwenhuizen W (2003) Molecular mechanisms of initiation of fibrinolysis by fibrin, Thromb Haemost 89, 409-419 Laurens N, Koolwijk P, & De Maat MPM (2006) Fibrin structure and wound healing. Journal of Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 4, 932-939. Zorio E, Gilabert-Estelles J, Espana F, Ramon LA, Cosin R, & Estelles A (2008) Fibrinolysis: The key to new pathogenetic mechanisms. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 923-929.

14.7 Defekte Gerinnungsfaktoren führen zur Hämophilie

Bolton-Maggs PH, Pasi KJ (2003) Haemophilias A and B, Lancet 361, 1801-1809 Nathwani AC et al (2004) Prospects for gene therapy of haemophilia, Haemophilia 10, 309-318 O'Connor TP & Crystal RG (2006) Genetic medicines: treatment strategies for hereditary disorders. Nature Reviews Genetics, 7, 261-276.

26 Nichols WL, Hultin MB, James AH, Manco-Johnson MJ, Montgomery RR, Ortel TL, Rick ME, Sadler JE, Weinstein M, & Yawn BP (2008) von Willebrand disease (VWD): evidence-based diagnosis and management guidelines, the National Heart, Lung, and Blood Institute (NHLBI) Expert Panel report (USA). Haemophilia, 14, 171-232.

27 15 Evolution der Proteine

15.1 Mutationen und Duplikationen treiben die Proteinevolution an

Kinch LN, Grishin NV (2002) Evolution of protein structures and functions, Curr Opin Struct Biol 12, 400-408 Kondrashov FA & Kondrashov AS (2006) Role of selection in fixation of gene duplications. Journal of Theoretical Biology, 239, 141-151. Conant GC & Wolfe KH (2008) Turning a hobby into a job: How duplicated genes find new functions. Nature Reviews Genetics, 9, 938-950. Soskine M & Tawfik DS (2010) Mutational effects and the evolution of new protein functions. Nature Reviews Genetics, 11, 572-582.

15.2 Domänen sind die Bausteine der Proteinevolution

Khosla C, Harbury PB (2001) Modular enzymes, Nature 409, 247-252 Kolkman JA, Stemmer WP (2001) of proteins by exon shuffling, Nat Biotechnol 19, 423-428 Bhattacharyya RP, Remenyi A, Yeh BJ, & Lim WA (2006) Domains, motifs, and scaffolds: The role of modular interactions in the evolution and wiring of cell signaling circuits. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, 655-680. Han JH, Batey S, Nickson AA, Teichmann SA, & Clarke J (2007) The folding and evolution of multidomain proteins. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 319- 330.

15.3 Sequenzvergleiche spüren Schlüsselpositionen in verwandten Proteinen auf

Jeanmougin F et al (1998) Multiple sequence alignment with Clustal X, Trends Biochem Sci 23, 403-405 Kumar S & Filipski A (2007) Multiple sequence alignment: In pursuit of homologous DNA positions. Genome Research, 17, 127-135. (PDF) Lenaerts T, Schymkowitz J, & Rousseau F (2009) Protein Domains as Information Processing Units. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 10, 133-145.


15.4 Der Vergleich von Tertiärstrukturen verrät entfernte Verwandtschaften

Hocker B et al (2002) A common evolutionary origin of two elementary enzyme folds, FEBS Lett 510, 133-135 Lee D et al (2003) A structural perspective on genome evolution, Curr Opin Struct Biol 13, 359-369 Carugo O (2007) Recent progress in measuring structural similarity between proteins. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 8, 219-241.

15.5 Proteine werden in Datenbanken gesammelt

Orengo CA et al (2001) Review: what can structural classifications reveal about protein evolution?, J Struct Biol 134, 145-165 Koonin EV et al (2002) The structure of the protein universe and genome evolution, Nature 420, 218-223 Shen MY & Sali A (2006) Statistical potential for assessment and prediction of protein structures. Protein Science, 15, 2507-2524. (PDF) Dunbrack RL (2006) Sequence comparison and protein structure prediction. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 16, 374-384. Raman P, Cherezov V, & Caffrey M (2006) The membrane protein data bank. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 63, 36-51. (PDF)

15.6 Die Zahl der Proteine ist sehr viel größer als die der Gene

Burley SK, Bonanno JB (2002) Structural genomics of proteins from conserved biochemical pathways and processes, Curr Opin Struct Biol 12, 383-391 Blencowe BJ (2006) Alternative splicing: New insights from global analyses. Cell, 126, 37-47. Jensen ON (2006) Interpreting the protein language using proteomics. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 391-403.

29 Teil III Speicherung und Ausprägung von Erbinformation

16 Nucleinsäuren – Struktur und Organisation

16.1 Aufbau der DNA

Burge S, Parkinson GN, Hazel P, Todd AK, & Neidle S (2006) Quadruplex DNA: sequence, topology and structure. Nucleic Acids Research, 34, 5402-5415. (PDF)

16.2 Antiparallele DNA-Stränge bilden eine Doppelhelix

Watson JD, Crick FHC (1953) Molecular structure of nucleic acids, Nature 171, 737- 738 (PDF) Andersen ES (2010) Prediction and design of DNA and RNA structures. New Biotechnology, 27, 184-193.

16.3 Die Asymmetrie der Basenpaare erzeugt kleine und große Furchen

Dickerson RE et al (1982) The anatomy of A-, B- and Z-DNA, Science 216, 475-485 Herbert A, Rich A (1996) The biology of lefthanded Z-DNA, J Biol Chem 271, 11595- 598 (PDF) Mooers BH (2009) Crystallographic studies of DNA and RNA. Methods, 47, 168-176. Masquida B, Beckert B, & Jossinet F (2010) Exploring RNA structure by integrative molecular modelling. New Biotechnology, 27, 170-183.

16.4 Chromosomen sind Komplexe aus DNA und Histonen

Luger K et al (1997) Crystal structure of the nucleosome core particle at 2.8 Å resolution, Nature 389, 251-260 Shilatifard A (2006) Chromatin modifications by methylation and ubiquitination: Implications in the regulation of gene expression. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, 243-269.

30 Li B, Carey M, & Workman JL (2007) The role of chromatin during transcription. Cell, 128, 707-719. Taverna SD, Li H, Ruthenburg AJ, Allis CD, & Patel DJ (2007) How chromatin- binding modules interpret histone modifications: lessons from professional pocket pickers. Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, 14, 1025-1040.

16.5 Nucleosomen bilden die Glieder einer Chromatinkette

Hirano T (2006) At the heart of the chromosome: SMC proteins in action. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 311-322. Bailey SM & Murnane JP (2006) Telomeres, chromosome instability and cancer. Nucleic Acids Research, 34, 2408-2417. (PDF) Bazile F, St-Pierre J, & D'Amours D (2010) Three-step model for condensin activation during mitotic chromosome condensation. Cell Cycle, 9, 3243-3255. (Website)

16.6 Das Genom von E. coli ist ringförmig

Blattner FR et al (1997) The complete genome sequence of Escherichia coli K-12, Science 277, 1453-62 Espeli O & Boccard F (2006) Organization of the Escherichia coli chromosome into macrodomains and its possible functional implications. Journal of Structural Biology, 156, 304-310.

31 17 Transkription – Umschrift genetischer Information

17.1 Ribonucleinsäuren sind Produkte der Transkription

Orphanides G, Reinberg D (2002) A unified theory of gene expression, Cell 108, 439- 451 White RJ & Sharrocks AD (2010) Coordinated control of the gene expression machinery. Trends in Genetics, 26, 214-220.

17.2 Die Transkription startet an der Promotorregion

Hahn S (2004) Structure and mechanism of the RNA polymerase II transcription machinery, Nat Struct Mol Biol 11, 394-403 (PDF) Haugen SP, Ross W, & Gourse RL (2008) Advances in bacterial promoter recognition and its control by factors that do not bind DNA. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 6, 507-519.

17.3 RNA-Polymerase windet den Doppelstrang auf

Woychik NA, Hampsey M (2002) The RNA polymerase II machinery: structure, illuminates function, Cell 108, 453-463 Kornberg RD (2007) The molecular basis of eucaryotic transcription. Cell Death and Differentiation, 14, 1989-1997. (PDF)

17.4 Eukaroytische Zellen besitzen drei nucleäre RNA-Polymerasen

Cramer P, Armache KJ, Baumli S, Benkert S, Brueckner E, Buchen C, Damsma GE, Dengl S, Geiger SR, Jaslak AJ, Jawhari A, Jennebach S, Kamenski T, Kettenberger H, Kuhn CD, Lehmann E, Leike K, Sydow JE, & Vannini A (2008) Structure of eukaryotic RNA polymerases. Annual Review of Biophysics, 37, 337-352. Geiduschek EP (2009) Without a License, or Accidents Waiting to Happen. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 78, 1-28. Selth LA, Sigurdsson S, & Svejstrup JQ (2010) Transcript Elongation by RNA Polymerase II. ANNUAL REVIEWS, PALO ALTO.


17.5 Eukaryotische RNA macht eine Reifung durch

Proudfoot NJ et al (2002) Integrating mRNA processing with transcription, Cell 108, 501-512 Shyu AB, Wilkinson MF, & van Hoof A (2008) Messenger RNA regulation: to translate or to degrade. Embo Journal, 27, 471-481. (PDF)

17.6 Der Spleißvorgang entfernt Introns aus unreifer RNA

Roy SW & Gilbert W (2006) The evolution of spliceosomal introns: patterns, puzzles and progress. Nature Reviews Genetics, 7, 211-221. Wang GS & Cooper TA (2007) Splicing in disease: disruption of the splicing code and the decoding machinery. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 749-761. Wang GS & Cooper TA (2007) Splicing in disease: disruption of the splicing code and the decoding machinery. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 749-761.

17.7 Das Spleißosom ist ein multikatalytischer Komplex

Murray HL, Jarrell KA (1999) Flipping the switch to an active spliceosome, Cell 96, 599-602 Stahley MR & Strobel SA (2006) RNA splicing: group I intron crystal structures reveal the basis of splice site selection and metal ion catalysis. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 16, 319-326.

17.8 Alternatives Spleißen und RNA-Editing erhöhen die strukturelle Variabilität

Gott JM, Emeson RB (2000) Functions and mechanisms of RNA editing, Annu Rev Genet 34, 499-531 Blencowe BJ (2006) Alternative splicing: New insights from global analyses. Cell, 126, 37-47. Xing Y & Lee C (2006) Alternative splicing and RNA selection pressure - evolutionary consequences for eukaryotic genomes. Nature Reviews Genetics, 7, 499-509.

33 17.9 RNA-Polymerase I produziert ribosomale RNA

Scheer U, Hock R (1999) Structure and function of the nucleolus, Curr Opin Cell Biol 11, 385-390 Haeusler RA & Engelke DR (2006) Spatial organization of transcription by RNA polymerase III. Nucleic Acids Research, 34, 4826-4836. (PDF) Boisvert FM, van Koningsbruggen S, Navascues J, & Lamond AI (2007) The multifunctional nucleolus. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 574-585.

17.10 Transfer-RNAs werden posttranskriptional modifiziert

Kirsebohm LA (2002) RNase P RNA-mediated catalysis, Biochem Soc Trans 30, 1153-58 Kazantsev AV & Pace NR (2006) Bacterial RNase P: a new view of an ancient enzyme. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4, 729-740. Agris PF, Vendeix FAP, & Graham WD (2007) tRNA's wobble decoding of the genome: 40 years of modification. Journal of Molecular Biology, 366, 1-13. Gustilo EM, Franck APF, & Agris PF (2008) tRNA's modifications bring order to gene expression. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 11, 134-140. (PDF)

34 18 Translation – Decodierung genetischer Information

18.1 Basentripletts sind genetische Informationseinheiten

Kapp LD, Lorsch JR (2004) The Molecular Mechanisms of Eucarytic Translation, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 657-704 Koonin EV & Novozhilov AS (2009) Origin and Evolution of the Genetic Code: The Universal Enigma. Iubmb Life, 61, 99-111.

18.2 Transfer-Ribonucleinsäuren haben eine bipolare Struktur

Ogle JM et al (2003) Insights into the decoding mechanism from recent ribosome structures, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 259-265 Park SG, Schimmel P, & Kim S (2008) Aminoacyl tRNA synthetases and their connections to disease. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 105, 11043-11049. (PDF) Guo M, Yang XL, & Schimmel P (2010) New functions of aminoacyl-tRNA synthetases beyond translation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11, 668-674.

18.3 Ribosomen dienen bei der Translation als Werkbänke

Yusupov M et al (2001) Crystal structure of the ribosome at 5.5 Å resolution, Science 292, 883-896 Beringer M & Rodnina MV (2007) The ribosomal . Molecular Cell, 26, 311-321. Steitz TA (2008) A structural understanding of the dynamic ribosome machine. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 242-253. Schmeing TM & Ramakrishnan V (2009) What recent ribosome structures have revealed about the mechanism of translation. Nature, 461, 1234-1242.

18.4 Initiationsfaktoren steuern die Startphase der Translation

Proud CG (2007) Signalling to translation: how signal transduction pathways control the protein synthetic machinery. Biochemical Journal, 403, 217-234.

35 Hinnebusch AG (2006) eIF3: a versatile scaffold for translation initiation complexes. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 31, 553-562. Kolitz SE & Lorsch JR (2010) Eukaryotic initiator tRNA: Finely tuned and ready for action. Febs Letters, 584, 396-404.

18.5 Molekulare Roboter assemblieren die Polypeptidkette

Crick FHC (1966) Codon-anticodon pairing: the wobble hypothesis, J Mol Biol 19, 548-555 Andersen GR, et al (2003) Elongation factors in protein biosynthesis, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 434-441 Abbott CM, Proud CG (2004) Translation factors, in sickness and in health, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 25-31 Peterlin BM & Price DH (2006) Controlling the elongation phase of transcription with P-TEFb. Molecular Cell, 23, 297-305. Mateyak MK & Kinzy TG (2010) eEF1A: Thinking Outside the Ribosome. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 285, 21209-21213.

18.6 Die Proteinbiosynthese ist ein ökonomischer Prozess

Rodnina MV, Wintermeyer W (2001) Ribosome fidelity, tRNA discrimination, proofreading and induced fit, Trends Biochem Sci 26, 124-130 Zaher HS & Green R (2009) Fidelity at the Molecular Level: Lessons from Protein Synthesis. Cell, 136, 746-762.

18.7 Die Translation wird effizient kontrolliert

Kimball SR (1999) Eukaryotic initiation factor eIF2, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 31, 25-29 Browne GJ, Proud CG (2002) Regulation of peptide-chain elongation in mammalian cells, Eur J Biochem 269, 5360-68 Munro JB, Sanbonmatsu KY, Spahn CMT, & Blanchard SC (2009) Navigating the ribosome's metastable energy landscape. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 34, 390- 400. (PDF)

36 18.8 Viele Antibiotika sind Hemmer der Translation

Gaynor M, Mankin AS (2003) Macrolide antibiotics: , mechanism of action, resistance, Curr Top Med Chem 3, 949-961 Ippolito JA, Kanyo ZF, Wang DP, Franceschi FJ, Moore PB, Steitz TA, & Duffy EM (2008) Crystal structure of the oxazolidinone antibiotic linezolid bound to the 50S ribosomal subunit. Journal of Medicinal Chemistry, 51, 3353-3356.

37 19 Posttranslationale Prozessierung und Sortierung von Proteinen

19.1 Zellen sortieren Proteine nach der Translation

Saibil HR, Ranson N (2002) The chaperonin folding machine, Trends Biochem Sci 27, 627-632 Hartl FU, Hayer-Hartl M (2002) Molecular chaperones in the cytosol: from nascent chain to folded protein, Science 295, 1852-1858 Appenzeller-Herzog C & Hauri HP (2006) The ER-Golgi intermediate compartment (ERGIC): in search of its identity and function. Journal of Cell Science, 119, 2173- 2183. (PDF) Saibil HR (2008) Chaperone machines in action. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 18, 35-42. Mayer MP (2010) Gymnastics of Molecular Chaperones. Molecular Cell, 39, 321-331.

19.2 Signalsequenzen dirigieren Proteine zu Mitochondrien

Neupert W & Herrmann JM (2007) Translocation of proteins into mitochondria. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 76, 723-749. Schmidt O, Pfanner N, & Meisinger C (2010) Mitochondrial protein import: from proteomics to functional mechanisms. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 11, 655-667.

19.3 Nucleäre Proteine tragen Kernlokalisationssequenzen

Fahrenkrog B et al (2004) The nuclear pore complex, a jack of all trades ?, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 174-182 Tran EJ & Wente SR (2006) Dynamic nuclear pore complexes: Life on the edge. Cell, 125, 1041-1053. Stewart M (2007) Molecular mechanism of the nuclear protein import cycle. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 195-208. Walde S & Kehlenbach RH (2010) The Part and the Whole: functions of nucleoporins in nucleocytoplasmic transport. Trends in Cell Biology, 20, 461-469.

38 19.4 Signalsequenzen lotsen Ribosomen zum endoplasmatischen Reticulum

Doudna JA, Batey RT (2004) Strucural Insights into the Signal Recognition Particle, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 539-57 Rapoport TA (2007) Protein translocation across the eukaryotic endoplasmic reticulum and bacterial plasma membranes. Nature, 450, 663-669. Kraut-Cohen J & Gerst JE (2010) Addressing mRNAs to the ER: cis sequences act up! Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 35, 459-469.

19.5 Transfersequenzen regulieren den Proteineinbau in Membranen

Hessa T, Meindl-Beinker NM, Bernsel A, Kim H, Sato Y, Lerch-Bader M, Nilsson I, White SH, & von Heijne G (2007) Molecular code for transmembrane-helix recognition by the Sec61 translocon. Nature, 450, 1026-10U2. White SH & von Heijne G (2008) How translocons select transmembrane helices. Annual Review of Biophysics, 37, 23-42.

19.6 Posttranslationale Modifikationen verleihen Proteinen neue Funktionen

Kleizen B, Braakman I (2004) Protein folding and quality control in the endoplasmic reticulum, Curr Opin Cell Biol 16, 343-349 Ni M & Lee AS (2007) ER chaperones in mammalian development and human diseases. Febs Letters, 581, 3641-3651. (PDF) Orlean P & Menon AK (2007) GPI anchoring of protein in yeast and mammalian cells, or: how we learned to stop worrying and love glycophospholipids. Journal of Lipid Research, 48, 993-1011. (PDF)

19.7 Lysosomale Proteine erhalten ein Sortierungssignal

Barr FA (2002) The golgi apparatus: going round in circles ?, Trends Cell Biol 12, 101-104 Bonifacino JS, Traub LM (2003) Signals for Sorting of Transmembrane Proteins to Endosomes and Lysosomes, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 395-447

39 Zhang M, Chen L, Wang SC, & Wang TL (2009) Rab7: roles in membrane trafficking and disease. Bioscience Reports, 29, 193-209.

19.8 Terminale Glykosylierungen laufen im medialen Golgi ab

Ohtsubo K & Marth JD (2006) Glycosylation in cellular mechanisms of health and disease. Cell, 126, 855-867. Molinari M (2007) N-glycan structure dictates extension of protein folding or onset of disposal. Nature Chemical Biology, 3, 313-320.

19.9 Vesikulärer Transport ist spezifisch und gerichtet

Bonifacino JS, Traub LM (2003) Signals for Sorting of Transmembrane Proteins to Endosomes and Lysosomes, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 395-447 Edeling MA, Smith C, & Owen D (2006) Life of a clathrin coat: insights from clathrin and AP structures. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 32-44. McNiven MA (2006) Big gulps: specialized membrane domains for rapid receptor- mediated endocytosis. Trends in Cell Biology, 16, 487-492.

19.10 Kleine G-Proteine regeln den vesikulären Transport

Haucke V (2003) Vesicle budding: a coat for the COPs, Trends Cell Biol 13, 59-60 Nie Z et al (2003) ARF and its many interactors, Curr Opin Cell Biol 15, 396-404 Dong M, Yeh F, Tepp WH, Dean C, Johnson EA, Janz R, & Chapman ER (2006) SV2 is the protein receptor for botulinum neurotoxin A. Science, 312, 592-596. Hsu VW, Lee SY, & Yang JS (2009) The evolving understanding of COPI vesicle formation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10, 360-364. Beck R, Ravet M, Wieland FT, & Cassel D (2009) The COPI system: Molecular mechanisms and function. Febs Letters, 583, 2701-2709.

19.11 Ubiquitin reguliert den Abbau cytosolischer Proteine

Glickman MH, Ciechanover A (2002) The ubiquitin-proteasome proteolytic pathway: destruction for the sake of construction, Physiol Rev 82, 373-428

40 Hartmann-Petersen R et al (2003) Transferring substrates to the 26S proteasome, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 26-31 Nandi D, Tahiliani P, Kumar A, & Chandu D (2006) The ubiquitin-proteasome system. Journal of Biosciences, 31, 137-155. (PDF) Mogk A, Schmidt R, & Bukau B (2007) The N-end rule pathway for regulated proteolysis: prokaryotic and eukaryotic strategies. Trends in Cell Biology, 17, 165- 172.

41 20 Kontrolle der Genexpression

20.1 Ein Komplex aus allgemeinen Transkriptionsfaktoren platziert die RNA-Polymerase

Davidson I (2003) The genetics of TBP and TBP-related factors, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 391-398 Sandelin A, Carninci P, Lenhard B, Ponjavic J, Hayashizaki Y, & Hume DA (2007) Mammalian RNA polymerase II core promoters: insights from genome-wide studies. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 424-436. Torres-Padilla ME & Tora L (2007) TBP homologues in embryo transcription: who does what? Embo Reports, 8, 1016-1018. (PDF) Baumann M, Pontiller J, & Ernst W (2010) Structure and Basal Transcription Complex of RNA Polymerase II Core Promoters in the Mammalian Genome: An Overview. Molecular Biotechnology, 45, 241-247.

20.2 Spezifische Transkriptionsfaktoren binden an definierte DNA- Segmente

Struhl K (1989) Helix-turn-helix, zinc-finger, and leucine-zipper motifs for eucaryotic transcriptional regulatory proteins, Trends Biochem Sci 14, 137-140 Laniel MA et al (2001) Electrophoretic mobility shift assays for the analysis of DNA- protein interactions, Methods Mol Biol 148, 13-30 Laity JH et al (2001) Zinc finger proteins: new insights into structural and functional diversity, Curr Opin Struct Biol 11, 39-46 Wasserman WW & Sandelin A (2004) Applied bioinformatics for the identification of regulatory elements. Nature Reviews Genetics, 5, 276-287.

20.3 HTH-Proteine binden an palindromische Sequenzen

Martinez P, Amemiya CT (2002) Genomics of the HOX gene cluster, Comp Biochem Physiol B Biochem Mol Biol 133, 571-580 Hombria JC, Lovegrove B (2003) Beyond homeosis–HOX function in morphogenesis and organogenesis, Differentiation 71, 461-76

42 Lemons D & McGinnis W (2006) Genomic evolution of Hox gene clusters. Science, 313, 1918-1922.

20.4 Hormonrezeptoren gehören zur Klasse der Zinkfingerproteine

Li L et al (2004) Gene regulation by SP1 and SP3, Biochem Cell Biol 82, 460-471 Novac N, Heinzel T (2004) Nuclear receptors: overview and classification, Curr Drug Targets Inflamm Allergy 3, 335-46 Gamsjaeger R, Liew CK, Loughlin FE, Crossley M, & Mackay JP (2007) Sticky fingers: zinc-fingers as protein-recognition motifs. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 32, 63-70. Siu YT & Jin DY (2007) CREB - a real culprit in oncogenesis. Febs Journal, 274, 3224-3232.

20.5 Enhancer und Silencer sitzen weitab vom Promoter

Dhillon N, Kamakaka RT (2002) Breaking through to the other side: silencers and barriers, Curr Opin Genet Dev 12, 188-192 Cao A, Moi P (2002) Regulation of the globin genes, Pediatr Res 51, 415-21 Valenzuela L & Kamakaka RT (2006) Chromatin insulators. Annual Review of Genetics, 40, 107-138. Bushey AM, Dorman ER, & Corces VG (2008) Chromatin Insulators: Regulatory Mechanisms and Epigenetic Inheritance. Molecular Cell, 32, 1-9. (PDF)

20.6 Posttranslationale Modifikationen steuern die Funktion von Transkriptionsfaktoren

Benayoun BA & Veitia RA (2009) A post-translational modification code for transcription factors: sorting through a sea of signals. Trends in Cell Biology, 19, 189- 197.

43 20.7 Chemische Modifikation von Histonen reguliert die Expression von Genen

Carrozza MJ et al (2003) The diverse functions of histone acetyltransferase complexes, Trends Genet 19, 321-9 Peterson CL, Laniel MA (2004) Histones and histone modifications, Curr Biol 27, R546-51 Lee KK & Workman JL (2007) Histone acetyltransferase complexes: one size doesn't fit all. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 284-295. Li B, Carey M, & Workman JL (2007) The role of chromatin during transcription. Cell, 128, 707-719. Esteller M (2007) Cancer epigenomics: DNA methylomes and histone-modification maps. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 286-298.

20.8 Die Methylierung von CG-reichen Regionen inaktiviert Gene

Wilkins JF, Haig D (2003) What good is genomic imprinting: the function of parent- specific gene expression, Nature Rev Gen 4, 1-10 Hermann A et al (2004) Biochemistry and biology of mammalian DNA , Cell Mol Life Sci 61, 2571-87. Klose RJ & Bird AP (2006) Genomic DNA methylation: the mark and its mediators. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 31, 89-97. Suzuki MM & Bird A (2008) DNA methylation landscapes: provocative insights from epigenomics. Nature Reviews Genetics, 9, 465-476.

44 21 Replikation – Kopieren genetischer Information

21.1 Die DNA-Replikation ist semikonservativ

Davey MJ, O´Donnell M (2000) Mechanisms of DNA replication, Curr Opin Chem Biol 4, 581-586 Bell SP, Dutta A (2002) DNA Replication in Eucaryotic Cells, Annu Rev Biochem 71, 333-74 Masai H, Matsumoto S, You ZY, Yoshizawa-Sugata N, & Oda M (2010) Eukaryotic Chromosome DNA Replication: Where, When and How? ANNUAL REVIEWS, PALO ALTO.

21.2 Origin-bindende Proteine eröffnen die Replikation

Gilbert DM (2001) Making sense of eukaryotic DNA replication origins, Science 294, 96-100 (PDF) Soultanas P, Wigley DB (2001) Unwinding the ´Gordian knot´ of action, Trends Biochem Sci 26, 47-54 Mott ML & Berger JM (2007) DNA replication initiation: mechanisms and regulation in bacteria. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5, 343-354. Singleton MR, Dillingham MS, & Wigley DB (2007) Structure and mechanism of helicases and nucleic acid . Annual Review of Biochemistry, 76, 23-50.

21.3 Die Synthese des Folgestrangs läuft über mehrere Stufen

Frick DN, Richardson CC (2001) DNA , Annu Rev Biochem 70, 39-80 O´Donnell M et al (2001) Clamp loader structure predicts the architecture of DNA polymerase III holoenzyme and RFC, Curr Biol 11, R935-R946 Hübscher U et al (2002) Eukaryotic DNA polymerases, Annu Rev Biochem 71, 133- 163

45 21.4 vervollständigt das 5´-Ende eines Folgestrangs

Kelleher C et al (2002) Telomerase, biochemical considerations for enzyme and substrate, Trends Biochem Sci 27, 572-579 Blasco MA (2007) The epigenetic regulation of mammalian telomeres. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 299-309. Paeschke K, McDonald KR, & Zakian VA (2010) Telomeres: Structures in need of unwinding. Febs Letters, 584, 3760-3772.

21.5 Die Replikation verläuft mit bemerkenswerter Präzision

Kunkel TA, Bebenek K (2004) DNA Replication Fidelity, Annu Rev Biochem 69, 497- 529 Diffley JF (2004) Regulation of early events in chromosome replication, Curr Biol 14, R778-786 McCulloch SD & Kunkel TA (2008) The fidelity of DNA synthesis by eukaryotic replicative and translesion synthesis polymerases. Cell Research, 18, 148-161. (PDF) Bloom LB (2009) Loading clamps for DNA replication and repair. Dna Repair, 8, 570-578. (PDF)

21.6 Die postreplikative Korrektur gewährleistet eine hohe Präzision

Schofield MJ, Hsieh P (2003) DNA mismatch repair: molecular mechanisms and biological functions, Annu Rev Microbiol 57, 579-608 Opin Struct Biol 11, 47-52 Modrich P (2006) Mechanisms in eukaryotic mismatch repair. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281, 30305-30309. (PDF) Burgers PMJ (2009) Polymerase Dynamics at the Eukaryotic DNA Replication Fork. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 4041-4045. (PDF)

21.7 Topoisomerasen entwinden DNA-Stränge

Espeli O, Marians KJ (2004) Untangling intracellular DNA topology, Mol Microbiol 52, 925-931

46 Schvarzman JB, Stasniak A (2004) A topological view of the replicon, EMBO Report 5, 256-261 (PDF) Nitiss JL (2009) DNA topoisomerase II and its growing repertoire of biological functions. Nature Reviews Cancer, 9, 327-337. (PDF) Nitiss JL (2009) Targeting DNA topoisomerase II in cancer chemotherapy. Nature Reviews Cancer, 9, 338-350. (PDF)

21.8 Nucleosomen werden während der Replikation neu verteilt

Mello JA, Almouzni G (2001) The ins and outs of nucleosome assembly, Curr Opin Genet Dev 11, 136-141 Saha A, Wittmeyer J, & Cairns BR (2006) Chromatin remodelling: the industrial revolution of DNA around histones. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 437- 447. Groth A, Rocha W, Verreault A, & Almouzni G (2007) Chromatin challenges during DNA replication and repair. Cell, 128, 721-733.

47 22 Analyse und Manipulation von Nucleinsäuren

22.1 Restriktionsendonucleasen spalten DNA an definierten Stellen

Nathans D, Smith HO (1975) Restriction in the analysis and restructuring of DNA molecules, Annu Rev Biochem 44, 273-293 Williams RJ (2003) Restriction endonucleases: classification, properties, and applications, Mol Biotechnol 23, 225-243 Orlowski J & Bujnicki JM (2008) Structural and evolutionary classification of Type II restriction enzymes based on theoretical and experimental analyses. Nucleic Acids Research, 36, 3552-3569. (PDF)

22.2 DNA-Moleküle können rekombiniert werden

Cohen S et al (1973) Construction of biologically functional bacterial plasmids in vitro, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 70, 3240-44 (PDF) Kan CC (2002) Impact of recombinant DNA technology and protein engineering on structure-based drug design: case studies of HIV-1 and HCMV proteases, Curr Top Med Chem 2, 247-269 Milligan G et al (2004) -coupled receptor fusion proteins in drug discovery, Curr Pharm Des 10, 1989-2001 Zuo PJ & Rabie ABM (2010) One-step DNA Fragment Assembly and Circularization for Gene Cloning. Current Issues in Molecular Biology, 12, 11-16. (PDF)

22.3 Gezielter Kettenabbruch ermöglicht die Sequenzierung von DNA

Sanger F et al (1977) DNA sequencing with chain-terminating inhibitors, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 74, 5463-67 (Website) Itakura K et al (1984) Synthesis and use of synthetic oligonucleotides, Annu Rev Biochem 53, 323-356 Franca LT et al (2002) A review of DNA sequencing techniques, Q Rev Biophys 35, 169-200 Shendure J & Ji HL (2008) Next-generation DNA sequencing. Nature Biotechnology, 26, 1135-1145.


22.4 Nucleinsäuren können miteinander hybridisieren

Southern EM (1975) Detection of specific sequences among DNA fragments separated by gel electrophoresis, J Mol Biol 98, 503-517 Wahl GM et al (1987) Northern and Southern blots, Meth Enzymol 152, 572-581 Croning MDR, Fricker DG, Komiyama NH, & Grant SGN (2010) Automated design of genomic Southern blot probes. Bmc Genomics, 11. (PDF)

22.5 Die Hybridisierung ermöglicht eine chromosomale Lokalisation

Liehr T, Claussen U (2002) Current developments in human molecular cytogenetic techniques, Curr Mol Med 2, 283-297 Jenkins G (2003) Unfolding large-scale maps, Genome 46, 947-952 Bartlett JM (2004) Fluorescence in situ hybridization: technical overview, Methods Mol Med 97, 77-78 Langer S et al (2004) Multicolor chromosome painting in diagnostic and research, Chromosome Res 12, 15-23 Jain KK (2004) Current status of fluorescent in-situ hybridisation, Med Device Technol 15, 14-17

22.6 Die Polymerasekettenreaktion vervielfältigt definierte DNA- Abschnitte

Arnheim N, Erlich H (1992) Polymerase chain reaction strategy, Annu Rev Biochem 61, 131-156. Mocellin S et al (2003) Quantitative real-time PCR: a powerful ally in cancer research, Trends Mol Med 9, 189-195 Jobling MA, Gill P (2004) Encoded evidence: DNA in forensic analysis, Nature Rev Gen 5, 739-750 VanGuilder HD, Vrana KE, & Freeman WM (2008) Twenty-five years of quantitative PCR for gene expression analysis. Biotechniques, 44, 619-626. (PDF)

49 22.7 DNA-Bibliotheken erlauben die Identifizierung unbekannter Gene

Shizuya H et al (1992) Cloning and stable maintenance of 300 kbp fragments of human DNA in E.coli using an F-factor-based vector, Proc Natl Acad Sci USA 89, 8794-97 (PDF) Ying SY (2004) Complementary DNA libraries: an overview, Mol Biotechnol 27, 245- 252 Kasai K & Saeki Y (2006) DNA-based methods to prepare helper virus-free herpes amplicon vectors and versatile design of amplicon vector plasmids. Current Gene Therapy, 6, 303-314.

22.8 Polymorphismen helfen beim Auffinden krankheitsrelevanter Gene

Cullis CA (2002) The use of DNA polymorphisms in genetic mapping, Genet Eng 24, 179-189 Ogino S, Wilson RB (2004) Spinal muscular atrophy: molecular genetics and diagnostics, Expert Rev Mol Diagn 4, 15-29 Altshuler D, Daly MJ, & Lander ES (2008) Genetic Mapping in Human Disease. Science, 322, 881-888. (PDF)

22.9 Rekombinant exprimierte Proteine werden therapeutisch eingesetzt

Andersen DC, Krummen L (2002) Recombinant protein expression for therapeutic applications, Curr Opin Biotechnol 13, 117-123 Kastrup J (2003) Therapeutic angiogenesis in ischemic heart disease: gene or recombinant vascular growth factor protein therapy? Curr Gene Ther 3, 197-206 Walsh G & Jefferis R (2006) Post-translational modifications in the context of therapeutic proteins. Nature Biotechnology, 24, 1241-1252.

22.10 Gezielte Mutagenese hilft bei der Aufklärung von Proteinfunktionen

Kristiansen K (2004) Molecular mechanisms of ligand binding, signaling, and regulation within the superfamily of G-protein-coupled receptors: molecular modeling and mutagenesis approaches to receptor structure and function, Pharmacol Ther 103, 21-80

50 de Graaf C, Oostenbrink C, Keizers PHJ, van Vugt-Lussenburg BMA, van Waterschoot , Tschirret-Guth RA, Commandeur JNM, & Vermeulen NPE (2007) Molecular modeling-guided site-directed mutagenesis of cytochrome P450 2D6. Current , 8, 59-77. Yan Z, Sun X, & Engelhardt JF (2009) Progress and prospects: techniques for site- directed mutagenesis in animal models. Gene Therapy, 16, 581-588. (PDF)

51 23 Veränderung genetischer Information

23.1 Transition und Transversion sind häufige Substitutionen

Courtois G & Gilmore TD (2006) Mutations in the NF-kappa B signaling pathway: implications for human disease. Oncogene, 25, 6831-6843.

23.2 Die Reparatur von DNA erfolgt prompt und effizient

Sancar A et al (2004) Molecular Mechanisms of Mammalian DNA Repair and the DNA Damage Checkpoints, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 39-85 Essen LO & Klar T (2006) Light-driven DNA repair by . Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 63, 1266-1277. Wyman C & Kanaar R (2006) DNA double-strand break repair: All's well that ends well. Annual Review of Genetics, 40, 363-383.

23.3 Eliminierende Reparatursysteme sichern die Integrität der Erbinformationen

Moriwaki S, Kraemer KH (2001) Xeroderma pigmentosum – bridging a gap between clinic and laboratory, Photodermatol Photoimmunol Photomed 17: 47-54 Sinha RP, Hader DP (2002) UV-induced DNA damage and repair: a review, Photochem Photobiol Sci 1, 225-236 Cleaver JE (2005) Cancer in xeroderma pigmentosum and related disorders of DNA repair. Nature Reviews Cancer, 5, 564-573. Reardon JT & Sancar A (2006) Purification and characterization of Escherichia coli and human nucleotide excision repair enzyme systems. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

23.4 Die Neuverknüpfung von DNA sorgt für genetische Variabilität

Petronczki M et al (2003) Un ménage a quatre: the molecular biology of chromosome segregation in meiosis, Cell 112, 423-440

52 Lynn A et al (2004) Variation in human meiotic recombination, Annu Rev Genomics Hum Genet 5, 317-349 Liu Y, West SC (2004) Happy Hollidays: 40th anniversery of the Holliday junction, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 5, 937-946 Neale MJ & Keeney S (2006) Clarifying the mechanics of DNA strand exchange in meiotic recombination. Nature, 442, 153-158.

23.5 Die Auflösung der Strangkreuzung kann auf zwei Wegen erfolgen

Yamada K et al (2004) Three-dimensional structural views of branch migration and resolution in DNA homologous recombination, Curr Opin Struct Biol 14, 130-137 Griffin CS, Thacker J (2004) The role of homologous recombination repair in the formation of chromosome aberrations, Cytogenet Genome Res 104, 21-27 Cox MM (2007) Motoring along with the bacterial RecA protein. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 127-138.

23.6 Die Antikörperdiversität beruht auf ortsgerichteter Rekombination

Oettinger MA (2004) How to keep V(D)J recombination under control, Immunol Rev 200, 165-181 Jung D, Giallourakis C, Mostoslavsky R, & Alt FW (2006) Mechanism and control of V(D)J recombination at the immunoglobulin heavy chain locus. Annual Review of Immunology, 24, 541-570. Di Nola JM & Neuberger MS (2007) Molecular mechanisms of antibody somatic hypermutation. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 76, 1-22. Hewitt SL, Chaumeil J, & Skok JA (2010) Chromosome dynamics and the regulation of V(D)J recombination. Immunological Reviews, 237, 43-54.

23.7 Ortsgerichtete Rekombination erzeugt die Vielfalt von T-Zell- Rezeptoren

Jones JM, Gellert M (2004) The taming of a transposon: V(D)J recombination and the immune systeme, Immunol Rev 200, 233-248 Hersh MN et al (2004) Adaptive mutation and amplification in Escherichia coli: two pathways of genome adaptation under stress, Res Microbiol 155, 352-359

53 Odegard VH & Schatz DG (2006) Targeting of somatic hypermutation. Nature Reviews Immunology, 6, 573-583.

23.8 Transposons sind mobile Genelemente

Kazazian HH Jr (2004) Mobile elements: drivers of genome evolution, Science 303, 1626-32 Levy SB, Marshall B (2004) Antibacterial resistance worldwide: causes, challenges and responses, Nat Med 10, S122-129 Wicker T, Sabot F, Hua-Van A, Bennetzen JL, Capy P, Chalhoub B, Flavell A, Leroy P, Morgante M, Panaud O, Paux E, SanMiguel P, & Schulman AH (2007) A unified classification system for eukaryotic transposable elements. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 973-982.

23.9 Retroviren integrieren ihre DNA in das Wirtsgenom

Wu X, Burgess SM (2004) Integration target site selection for retroviruses and transposable elements, Cell Mol Life Sci 61, 2588-96 Bennett PM (2004) Genome plasticity: insertion sequence elements, transposons and integrons, and DNA rearrangement, Methods Mol Biol 266, 71-113 Goff SP (2007) Host factors exploited by retroviruses. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5, 253-263. Balvay L, Lastra ML, Sargueil B, Darlix JL, & Ohlmann T (2007) Translational control of retroviruses. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 5, 128-140.

23.10 Transgene Tiere gestatten die funktionelle Analyse ausgewählter Genprodukte

Meister G, Tuschl T (2004) Mechanisms of gene silencing by double-stranded RNA, Nature 431, 343-349 Medema RH (2004) Optimizing RNA interference for application in mammalian cells, Biochem.J. 380, 593-603 (PDF) Recillas-Targa F (2006) Multiple strategies for gene transfer, expression, knockdown, and chromatin influence in mammalian cell lines and transgenic animals. Molecular Biotechnology, 34, 337-354.

54 Venkatesh MN (2008) Transgenic animals and current scenario. Research Journal of Biotechnology, 3, 53-63. (PDF)

23.11 Gentherapie ermöglicht die Behandlung von ererbten Erkrankungen

Gaspar HB et al (2003) Gene therapy progress and prospects: gene therapy for severe combined immunodeficiency, Gene Ther 10, 1999-2004 Li SD & Huang L (2006) Gene therapy progress and prospects: non-viral gene therapy by systemic delivery. Gene Therapy, 13, 1313-1319. Waehler R, Russell SJ, & Curiel DT (2007) Engineering targeted viral vectors for gene therapy. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 573-587.

23.12 Der Mensch entschlüsselt sein eigenes Genom

Austin CP (2004) The impact of the completed human genome sequence on the development of novel therapeutics for human disease, Annu Rev Med 55, 1-13 Eichler EE et al (2004) An assessment of the sequence gaps: unfinished business in a finished humane genome, Nat Rev Genet 5, 345-354 Nielsen R, Hellmann I, Hubisz M, Bustamante C, & Clark AG (2007) Recent and ongoing selection in the human genome. Nature Reviews Genetics, 8, 857-868. (PDF)

55 Teil IV Signaltransduktion an biologischen Membranen

24 Struktur und Dynamik biologischer Membranen

24.1 Phospholipide bilden in wässriger Lösung spontan Doppelschichten

Nagle JF, Tristram-Nagle S (2000) Lipid bilayer structure, Curr Opin Struct Biol 110, 474-480 (PDF) Monnard PA, Deamer DW (2002) Membrane self-assembly processes: steps toward the first cellular life, Anat Rec 268, 196-207 (PDF) Carmona-Ribeiro AM (2006) Lipid bilayer fragments and disks in drug delivery. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 13, 1359-1370. Feigenson GW (2009) Phase diagrams and lipid domains in multicomponent lipid bilayer mixtures. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Biomembranes, 1788, 47-52. (PDF)

24.2 Biologische Membranen sind dynamische Strukturen

Jacbson K et al (1995) Revisiting the fluid mosaic model of membranes, Science 268, 1441-42 Bagatolli LA (2006) To see or not to see: Lateral organization of biological membranes and fluorescence microscopy. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Biomembranes, 1758, 1541-1556. van Meer G, Voelker DR, & Feigenson GW (2008) Membrane lipids: where they are and how they behave. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 112-124. (PDF) Elson EL, Fried E, Dolbow JE, & Genin GM (2010) Phase Separation in Biological Membranes: Integration of Theory and Experiment. ANNUAL REVIEWS, PALO ALTO.

24.3 Lipidmembranen verfügen über eine selektive Permeabilität

Holsbeeks I et al (2004) The eukaryotic plasma membrane as a nutrient-sensing device, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 556-564

56 Chen RRZ (2007) Permeability issues in whole-cell bioprocesses and cellular membrane engineering. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 74, 730-738.

24.4 Biologische Membranen sind asymmetrisch und geladen

Devaux PF, Morris R (2004) Transmembrane asymmetry and lateral domains in biological membranes, Traffic 5, 241-246 Fadeel B & Xue D (2009) The ins and outs of phospholipid asymmetry in the plasma membrane: roles in health and disease. Critical Reviews in Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 44, 264-277. (PDF)

24.5 Das endoplasmatische Reticulum produziert asymmetrische Membranen

Sanyat S & Menon AK (2009) Flipping Lipids: Why an' What's the Reason for? Acs Chemical Biology, 4, 895-909. Contreras FX, Sanchez-Magraner L, Alonso A, & Goni FM (2010) Transbilayer (flip- flop) lipid motion and lipid scrambling in membranes. Febs Letters, 584, 1779-1786.

24.6 Die Verteilung von Lipiden und Proteinen in biologischen Membranen schwankt

Parton RG, Hancock JF (2004) Lipid rafts and plasma membrane microorganization: insights from Ras, Trends Cell Biol 14, 141-147 Hancock JF (2006) Lipid rafts: contentious only from simplistic standpoints. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 456-462. (PDF) Jacobson K, Mouritsen OG, & Anderson RGW (2007) Lipid rafts: at a crossroad between cell biology and physics. Nature Cell Biology, 9, 7-14. Parton RG & Simons K (2007) The multiple faces of caveolae. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 185-194.

24.7 Funktionelle Membransysteme können rekonstituiert werden

Silvius JR (1992) Solubilization and functional reconstitution of biomembrane components, Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 21, 323-348

57 Seddon AM et al (2004) Membrane proteins, lipids and detergents: not just a soap opera, Biochim Biophys Acta 1666, 105-117 Liguori L & Lenormand JL (2009) Production of Recombinant Proteoliposomes for Therapeutic Uses. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego. Ritchie TK, Grinkova YV, Bayburt TH, Denisov IG, Zolnerciks JK, Atkins WM, & Sligar SG (2009) Reconstitution of Membrane Proteins in Phospholipid Bilayer Nanodiscs. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

58 25 Proteine als Funktionsträger von Biomembranen

25.1 Integrale Proteine durchspannen biologische Membranen

Doura AK, Fleming KG (2004) Complex interactions at the helix-helix interface stabilize the glycophorin A transmembrane dimer, J Mol Biol 343,1487-97 Opin Struct Biol 8, 640-648 MacKenzie KR (2006) Folding and stability of alpha-helical integral membrane proteins. Chemical Reviews, 106, 1931-1977. Speers AE & Wu CC (2007) Proteomics of integral membrane proteins-theory and application. Chemical Reviews, 107, 3687-3714.

25.2 Periphere Membranproteine binden einseitig an die Lipidschicht

Linder ME, Deschenes RJ (2003) New insights into the mechanisms of protein palmitoylation, Biochem 42, 4311-20 Resh MD (2004) Membrane targeting of lipid modified signal transduction proteins, Subcell Biochem 37, 217-32 Cheng TL & Roffler S (2008) Membrane-Tethered Proteins for Basic Research, Imaging, and Therapy. Medicinal Research Reviews, 28, 885-928.

25.3 Membranproteine bewegen sich in der Lipidschicht

Jaskolski F & Henley JM (2009) Synaptic Receptor Trafficking: the Lateral Point of View. Neuroscience, 158, 19-24. Rayan G, Guet JE, Taulier N, Pincet F, & Urbach W (2010) Recent Applications of Fluorescence Recovery after Photobleaching (FRAP) to Membrane Bio- Macromolecules. Sensors, 10, 5927-5948. (PDF)

25.4 Membranproteine verleihen Membranen ihre funktionelle Vielfalt

Gahmerg CG, Tolvanen M (1996) Why mammalian cell surface proteins are glycoproteins, Trends Biochem Sci 21, 308-311

59 Sperandio M (2006) Selectins and in leukocyte rolling in vivo. Febs Journal, 273, 4377-4389.

25.5 Transportproteine vermitteln regen Stoffaustausch über Membranen

Huang Y & Sadee W (2006) Membrane transporters and channels in chemoresistance and -sensitivity of tumor cells. Cancer Letters, 239, 168-182.

25.6 Transport über Membranen kann uni- oder bidirektional sein

Philipson KD, Nicoll DA (2000) Sodium-calcium exchange: a molecular approach, Annu Rev Physiol 62, 111-133 Zhao FQ & Keating AF (2007) Functional properties and genomics of glucose transporters. Current Genomics, 8, 113-128. (PDF) Abramson J & Wright EM (2009) Structure and function of Na+-symporters with inverted repeats. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 19, 425-432.

25.7 Pumpen und Kanäle schleusen Ionen über Membranbarrieren

Jentsch T et al (2004) Ion channels: function unravelled by dysfunction, Nature Cell Biol 6, 1039-37 DeFelice LJ (2004) Going against the flow, Nature 432, 279 Piddock LJ (2006) Multidrug-resistance efflux pumps - not just for resistance. Nature Reviews Microbiology, 4, 629-636. Tadini-Buoninsegni F, Bartolornmei G, Moncelli MR, & Fendler K (2008) Charge transfer in P-type investigated on planar membranes. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 476, 75-86.

60 26 Ionenpumpen und Membrankanäle

26.1 Die Na+-K+-ATPase arbeitet im Antiport-Modus

Kaplan JH (2002) Biochemistry of NA,K-ATPase, Annu Rev Biochem 71, 511-35 Jorgensen PL et al (2003) Structure and mechanism of Na,K-ATPase: Functional sites and their interaction, Annu Rev Physiol 66, 817-849 Poulsen H, Morth P, Egebjerg J, & Nissen P (2010) Phosphorylation of the Na+,K+- ATPase and the H+,K+-ATPase. Febs Letters, 584, 2589-2595.

26.2 Ionengradienten treiben den Stofftranport über Membranen an

Toyoshima C, InesiI G (2004) Strucural Basis of Ion Pumping by Ca2+-ATPase of the Sarcoplasmic Reticulum, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 269-92 Toyoshima C (2008) Structural aspects of ion pumping by Ca2+-ATPase of sarcoplasmic reticulum. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 476, 3-11.

26.3 Protonentransporter entsorgen die zellulären H+-Lasten

Subramaniam S (1999) The structure of bacteriorhodopsin: an emerging consensus, Curr Opin Struct Biol 9, 462-468 Padan E, Kozachkov L, Herz K, & Rimon A (2009) NhaA crystal structure: functional- structural insights. Journal of Experimental Biology, 212, 1593-1603. Hirai T, Subramaniam S, & Lanyi JK (2009) Structural snapshots of conformational changes in a seven-helix membrane protein: lessons from bacteriorhodopsin. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 19, 433-439. (PDF) Tian P (2010) Computational protein design, from single domain soluble proteins to membrane proteins. Chemical Society Reviews, 39, 2071-2082.

26.4 ABC-Transporter verfrachten Ionen, Lipide und Arzneimittel über Membranen

McCarty NA (2000) Permeation through the CFTR chloride channel, J Exp Biol 203, 1947-62 (PDF)

61 Borst P, Elferink RO (2002) Mammalian ABC Transporters in Health and Disease, Annu Rev Biochem 71, 537-92 Guggino WB & Stanton BA (2006) New insights into cystic fibrosis: molecular switches that regulate CFTR. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 426-436. Rees DC, Johnson E, & Lewinson O (2009) ABC transporters: the power to change. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10, 218-227. (PDF)

26.5 Ionenkanäle bilden temporäre Poren in der Membran

Miloshevsky GV, Jordan PC (2004) Permeation in ion channels: the interplay between structure and theory, Trends Neurosci 27, 308-314 Owsianik G, Talavera K, Voets T, & Nilius B (2006) Permeation and selectivity of TRP channels. Annual Review of Physiology, 68, 685-717.

26.6 Spannungsgesteuerte Ionenkanäle sondieren Potenzialänderungen

Kaczmarek LK (2006) Non-conducting functions of voltage-gated ion channels. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7, 761-771. Dai SP, Hall DD, & Hell JW (2009) Supramolecular Assemblies and Localized Regulation of Voltage-Gated Ion Channels. Physiological Reviews, 89, 411-452. (PDF)

26.7 Der nicotinische Acetylcholinrezeptor ist ein ligandengesteuerter Ionenkanal

Utkin Y et al (2000) Structural organization of nicotinic acetylcholin receptors, Membr Cell Biol 13, 143-164 Miyazawa A et al (2003) Structure and gating mechanism of the acetylcholin receptor pore, Nature 432, 949-955 Albuquerque EX, Pereira EFR, Alkondon M, & Rogers SW (2009) Mammalian Nicotinic Acetylcholine Receptors: From Structure to Function. Physiological Reviews, 89, 73-120. (PDF)

62 26.8 Liganden steuern die Öffnung der Rezeptorschleuse

Neher E, Sakmann B (1992) The patch-clamp technique, Sci Am 266(3), 28-35 Maksay G (2009) Ligand-gated pentameric ion channels, from binding to gating. Curr Mol Pharmacol, 2.

26.9 Zellporen erlauben den Stoffaustausch zwischen Nachbarzellen

Unger VM et al (1999) Three-dimensional structure of a recombinant gap junction membrane channel, Science 283, 1176-1180 Stout C et al (2004) Connexins: functions without junctions, Curr Opin Cell Biol 16: 507-512 Bloomfield SA & Volgyi B (2009) The diverse functional roles and regulation of neuronal gap junctions in the retina. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 10, 495-506.

63 27 Prinzipien der interzellulären Kommunikation

27.1 Interzelluläre Kommunikation nutzt mehrere Modalitäten

Drucker DJ (2007) The role of gut hormones in glucose homeostasis. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 117, 24-32. (PDF)

27.2 Endokrine Signalsysteme sind selektiv, amplifizierend und flexibel

Bokoch MP, Zou YZ, Rasmussen SGF, Liu CW, Nygaard R, Rosenbaum DM, Fung JJ, Choi HJ, Thian FS, Kobilka TS, Puglisi JD, Weis WI, Pardo L, Prosser RS, Mueller L, & Kobilka BK (2010) Ligand-specific regulation of the extracellular surface of a G-protein-coupled receptor. Nature, 463, 108-U121. (PDF)

27.3 Fundamentale Signalwege vermitteln die interzelluläre Kommunikation

Taniguchi CM, Emanuelli B, & Kahn CR (2006) Critical nodes in signalling pathways: insights into insulin action. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 85-96. Pilecka I, Whatmore A, van Huijsduijnen RH, Destenaves B, & Clayton P (2007) Growth hormone signalling: sprouting links between pathways, human genetics and therapeutic options. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 18, 12-18.

27.4 Intrazelluläre Rezeptoren wirken als Transkriptionsfaktoren

Dilworth FJ, Chambon P (2001) Nuclear receptors coordinate the activities of chromatin remodeling complexes and coactivators to facilitate initiation of transcription, Oncogene 20, 3047-3054 (PDF) Evans R (2004) A transcriptional basis for physiology, Nat Med 10, 1022-1026 Bain DL, Heneghan AF, Connaghan-Jones KD, & Miura MT (2007) Nuclear receptor structure: Implications for function. Annual Review of Physiology, 69, 201-220. Cheng SY, Leonard JL, & Davis PJ (2010) Molecular Aspects of Thyroid Hormone Actions. Endocrine Reviews, 31, 139-170.

64 27.5 Stickstoffmonoxid ist ein gasförmiger Botenstoff

Bredt DS (2003) Nitric oxide signaling specificity – the heart of the problem, J Cell Sci 1, 9-15 (PDF) Moncada S & Bolanos JP (2006) Nitric oxide, cell bioenergetics and neurodegeneration. Journal of Neurochemistry, 97, 1676-1689. Cary SPL, Winger JA, Derbyshire ER, & Marletta MA (2006) Nitric oxide signaling: no longer simply on or off. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 31, 231-239.

27.6 Proteohormone werden aus inaktiven Vorstufen freigesetzt

Tanaka S (2004) Comparative aspects of intracellular proteolytic processing of peptide hormone precursors: studies of proopiomelanocortin processing, Zoolog Sci 20,1183-1198 Michael DJ, Cai HJ, Xiong WY, Ouyang J, & Chow RH (2006) Mechanisms of peptide hormone secretion. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 17, 408-415.

27.7 Zelloberflächenrezeptoren aktivieren intrazelluläre Signalkaskaden

Scott JD, Pawson T (2000) Cell Communication, The Inside Story, Sci Amer 282, June: 54-61 Schlessinger J & Lemmon MA (2006) Nuclear signaling by receptor tyrosine kinases: The first robin of spring. Cell, 127, 45-48. Hanson MA & Stevens RC (2009) Discovery of New GPCR Biology: One Receptor Structure at a Time. Structure, 17, 8-14. (PDF)

27.8 GTP-bindende Proteine verknüpfen Signalketten

Neves SR et al (2002) G protein pathways, Science 296, 1636-1639 Bos JL, Rehmann H, & Wittinghofer A (2007) GEFs and GAPs: Critical elements in the control of small G proteins. Cell, 129, 865-877. Marrari Y, Crouthamel M, Irannejad R, & Wedegaertner PB (2007) Assembly and trafficking of heterotrimeric G proteins. Biochemistry, 46, 7665-7677. (PDF) Gasper R, Meyer S, Gotthardt K, Sirajuddin M, & Wittinghofer A (2009) It takes two to tango: regulation of G proteins by dimerization. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10, 423-429.


27.9 Effektoren integrieren Signale verschiedener Rezeptoren

Tan X et al (2003) Integration of G-protein coupled receptor signaling pathways for activation of a transcription factor (EGR-3). Genomics Proteomics Bioinformatics 1, 173-179 Tiyyagura SR et al (2004) Reciprocal regulation and integration of signaling by intracellular calcium and cyclic GMP, Vitam Horm 69, 69-94 Sadler AJ & Williams BRG (2008) Interferon-inducible antiviral effectors. Nature Reviews Immunology, 8, 559-568. (PDF) Milano A, De Rosa V, Iaffaioli RV, & Caponigro F (2007) Downstream intracellular effectors of epidermal growth factor receptor as targets for anticancer therapy. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets, 11, 771-782.

66 28 Signaltransduktion über G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren

28.1 G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren durchspannen siebenmal die Membran

Ross EM, Wilkie TM (2000) GTPase-Activating Proteins for Heterotrimeric G Proteins, Regulators of G Protein Signaling (RGS) and RGS-like Proteins, Annu Rev Biochem 69, 795-827 (PDF) Dohlman HG, Thorner JW (2001) Regulation of G-Protein-Initiated Signal Transduction in Yeast, Paradigms and Principles, Annu Rev Biochem 70, 703-54 Congreve M & Marshall F (2010) The impact of GPCR structures on pharmacology and structure-based drug design. British Journal of Pharmacology, 159, 986-996.

28.2 G-Proteine modulieren die Aktivität von Adenylat-Cyclase

Lencer WI, Tsai B (2003) The intracellular voyage of cholera toxin, going retro, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 639-645 Rebois RV, Robitaille M, Gales C, Dupre DJ, Baragli A, Trieu P, Ethier N, Bouvier M, & Hebert TE (2006) Heterotrimeric G proteins form stable complexes with and Kir3.1 channels in living cells. Journal of Cell Science, 119, 2807-2818. (PDF) Willoughby D & Cooper DMF (2007) Organization and Ca2+ regulation of adenylyl cyclases in cAMP microdomains. Physiological Reviews, 87, 965-1010. (PDF)

28.3 Kinasen phosphorylieren und desensitivieren G-Protein-gekoppelte Rezeptoren

Ribas C et al (2007) The G protein-coupled receptor kinase (GRK) interactome: Role of GRKs in GPCR regulation and signaling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Biomembranes, 1768, 913-922. Kendall RT & Luttrell LM (2009) Diversity in arrestin function. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 66, 2953-2973.

67 28.4 Die Rezeptorendocytose benutzt clathrinbeschichtete Vesikel

Marchese A et al (2003) The ins and outs of G-protein-coupled receptor trafficking, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 369-376 McNiven MA & Thompson HM (2006) Vesicle formation at the plasma membrane and trans-Golgi network: The same but different. Science, 313, 1591-1594. Wolfe BL & Trejo J (2007) Clathrin-dependent mechanisms of G protein-coupled receptor endocytosis. Traffic, 8, 462-470.

28.5 cAMP steuert über Transkriptionsfaktoren die Genexpression

Brivanlou AH, Darnell JE (2002) Signal transduction and the control of gene expression, Science 295, 813-818 Kitagawa K (2007) CREB and cAMP response element-mediated gene expression in the ischemic brain. Febs Journal, 274, 3210-3217. Benito E & Barco A (2010) CREB's control of intrinsic and synaptic plasticity: implications for CREB-dependent memory models. Trends in Neurosciences, 33, 230-240.

28.6 Sinneszellen nutzen G-Protein-abhängige Signalwege

Buck LB (2000) The molecular architecture of odor and pheromone sensing in mammals, Cell 100, 611-618 Ridge KD et al (2003) Phototransduction, crystal clear, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 479- 487 Palczewski K (2006) G protein-coupled receptor rhodopsin. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, 743-767. (PDF) Yau KW & Hardie RC (2009) Phototransduction Motifs and Variations. Cell, 139, 246- 264. (PDF) Su CY, Menuz K, & Carlson JR (2009) Olfactory Perception: Receptors, Cells, and Circuits. Cell, 139, 45-59.

28.7 Inositoltrisphosphat setzt Ca2+ aus intrazellulären Speichern frei

Patterson RL et al (2004) Inositol 1,4,5-Trisphosphate Receptors as Signal Integrators, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 437-64

68 Carafolie E (2004) Calcium-mediated cellular signals, a story of failures, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 371-379 Mikoshiba K (2007) IP3 receptor/Ca2+ channel: from discovery to new signaling concepts. Journal of Neurochemistry, 102, 1426-1446. Joseph SK & Hajnoczky G (2007) IP3 receptors in cell survival and apoptosis: Ca2+ release and beyond. Apoptosis, 12, 951-968.

28.8 Ca2+ und Calmodulin wirken im Duett

Chin D, Means AR (2000) Calmodulin : a prototypical calcium sensor, Trends Cell Biol 10, 322-328 Corcoran EE, Means AR (2001) Defining Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent cascades in transcriptional regulation, J Biol Chem 276, 2975-78 (PDF) Al-Shanti N & Stewart CE (2009) Ca2+/calmodulin-dependent transcriptional pathways: potential mediators of skeletal muscle growth and development. Biological Reviews, 84, 637-652.

28.9 Diacylglycerin aktiviert Proteinkinase C

Spitaler M, Cantrell DA (2004) and beyond, Nat Immunol 5, 785-790 Newton AC (2004) Diacylglycerol's affair with protein kinase C turns 25, Trends Pharmacol Sci 25, 175-177 Wang QMJ (2006) PKD at the crossroads of DAG and PKC signaling. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 27, 317-323.

69 29 Signaltransduktion über enzymgekoppelte Rezeptoren

29.1 Enzymgekoppelte Rezeptoren besitzen meist Tyrosin-Kinase- Aktivität

Schlessinger J (2000) Cell signaling by receptor tyrosin kinases, Cell 103,211-225 Cross MJ et al (2003) VEGF-receptor signal transduction, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 488-494 Dengjel J, Kratchmarova I, & Blagoev B (2009) Receptor signaling: a view from quantitative proteomics. Molecular Biosystems, 5, 1112-1121.

29.2 Liganden induzieren Dimerisierung und Autophosphorylierung

Schlessinger J (2002) Ligand-induced, receptor-mediated dimerization and activation of EGF receptor, Cell 110, 669-672 Bae JH & Schlessinger J (2010) Asymmetric tyrosine kinase arrangements in activation or autophosphorylation of receptor tyrosine kinases. Molecules and Cells, 29, 443-448.

29.3 Enzymgekoppelte Rezeptoren aktivieren monomere G-Proteine

Corbett KD, Alber T (2001) The many faces of Ras, recognition of small GTP-binding proteins, Trends Biochem Sci 26, 710-716 Harden TK & Sondek J (2006) Regulation of isozymes by . Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 46, 355-379. Karnoub AE & Weinberg RA (2008) Ras oncogenes: split personalities. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 517-531.

29.4 GTP-Ras aktiviert den MAP-Kinasen-Signalweg

Chang L, Karin M (2001) Mammalian MAP kinase signalling cascades, Nature 410, 37-40 Buchwalter G, Gross C, & Wasylyk B (2004) Ets ternary complex transcription factors. Gene, 324, 1-14.

70 Dhillon AS, Hagan S, Rath O, & Kolch W (2007) MAP kinase signalling pathways in cancer. Oncogene, 26, 3279-3290.

29.5 Mutierte Signalproteine haben onkogenes Potenzial

Blume-Jensen P, Hunter T (2001) Oncogenic kinase signaling, Nature 411, 355-365 Rajalingam K, Schreck R, Rapp UR, & Albert S (2007) Ras oncogenes and their downstream targets. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1773, 1177-1195. Krab LC, Goorden SMI, & Elgersma Y (2008) Oncogenes on my mind: ERK and MTOR signaling in cognitive diseases. Trends in Genetics, 24, 498-510.

29.6 Cytokine benutzen Tyrosin-Kinase-assoziierte Rezeptoren

Attisano L, Wranna JL (2002) Signal transduction by the TGF- β superfamily, Science 296, 1646-47 Aaronson DS, Horvath CM (2002) A roadmap for those who don´t know JAK-STAT, Science 296, 1653-55 Schindler C, Levy DE, & Decker T (2007) JAK-STAT signaling: From interferons to cytokines. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, 20059-20063. (PDF) Steinberg GR, Watt MJ, & Febbraio MA (2009) Cytokine regulation of AMPK signalling. Frontiers in Bioscience, 14, 1902-1916.

29.7 Integrine sind zellmatrixassoziierte Rezeptoren

Humphries MJ et al (2003) Integrin structure, heady advances in ligand binding, but activation still makes the knees wobble, Trends Biochem Sci 28/6, 313-320 Fagerholm S et al (2004) P marks the spot, site-specific integrin phosphorylation regulates molecular interactions, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 504-512 Arnaout MA, Goodman SL, & Xiong JP (2007) Structure and mechanics of integrin- based cell adhesion. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 19, 495-507. (PDF) Gahmberg CG, Fagerholm SC, Nurmi SM, Chavakis T, Marchesan S, & Gronholm M (2009) Regulation of integrin activity and signalling. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- General Subjects, 1790, 431-444. (PDF)

71 30 Hormonelle Steuerung komplexer Systeme

30.1 Regulation des kardiovaskulären Systems

Lowenstein CJ (2007) Nitric oxide regulation of protein trafficking in the cardiovascular system. Cardiovascular Research, 75, 240-246. (PDF) Hendriks-Balk MC, Peters SLM, Michel MC, & Alewijnse AE (2008) Regulation of G protein-coupled receptor signalling: Focus on the cardiovascular system and regulator of G protein signalling proteins. European Journal of Pharmacology, 585, 278-291.

30.2 Regulation von Wasser- und Elektrolythaushalt

Ruilope LM (2008) Angiotensin receptor blockers: RAAS blockade and renoprotection. Current Medical Research and Opinion, 24, 1285-1293. Brown D, Hasler U, Nunes P, Bouley R, & Lu HAJ (2008) Phosphorylation events and the modulation of aquaporin 2 cell surface expression. Current Opinion in Nephrology and Hypertension, 17, 491-498.

30.3 Steuerung von Calcium- und Phosphathaushalt

Wada T, Nakashima T, Hiroshi N, & Penninger JM (2006) RANKL-RANK signaling in osteoclastogenesis and bone disease. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 12, 17-25.

30.4 Molekulare Basis von Wachstum und Entwicklung

Kurmasheva RT & Houghton PJ (2006) IGF-I mediated survival pathways in normal and malignant cells. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Reviews on Cancer, 1766, 1-22. Sami AJ (2007) Structure-function relation of somatotropin with reference to molecular Modeling. Current Protein & Peptide Science, 8, 283-292.

72 30.5 Hormonelle Regulation in reproduktiven Sytemen

Hunzicker-Dunn M & Maizels ET (2006) FSH signaling pathways in immature granulosa cells that regulate target gene expression: Branching out from . Cellular Signalling, 18, 1351-1359. (PDF) Palermo R (2007) Differential actions of FSH and LH during folliculogenesis. Reproductive Biomedicine Online, 15, 326-337.

73 31 Molekulare Physiologie des Gastrointestinaltrakts

31.1 Hormonelle Regelwerke im Magen

Kusters JG, van Vliet AHM, & Kuipers EJ (2006) Pathogenesis of Helicobacter pylori infection. Clinical Microbiology Reviews, 19, 449-90. (PDF) Forte JG & Zhu LX (2010) Apical Recycling of the Gastric Parietal Cell H,K-ATPase. Annual Review of Physiology, 72, 273-296.

31.2 Molekulare Mechanismen von Digestion und Resorption

Lomer MCE, Parkes GC, & Sanderson JD (2008) Review article: lactose intolerance in clinical practice - myths and realities. Alimentary Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 27, 93-103. (PDF) Borghese MFA & Majowicz MP (2009) Inhibitors of Sodium/Glucose Cotransport. Drugs of the Future, 34, 297-305.

31.3 Hormonelle Steuerung des exokrinen Pankreas

Alrefai WA & Gill RK (2007) Bile acid transporters: Structure, function, regulation and pathophysiological implications. Pharmaceutical Research, 24, 1803-1823. Czako L, Hegyi P, Rakonczay Z, Wittmann T, & Otsuki M (2009) Interactions between the Endocrine and Exocrine Pancreas and Their Clinical Relevance. Pancreatology, 9, 351-359. (PDF)

31.4 Hormonelle Steuerung des Glucosemetabolismus

Bansal P & Wang QH (2008) Insulin as a physiological modulator of glucagon secretion. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 295, E751-E761. (PDF)

74 32 Neuronale Erregung und Transmission

32.1 An der Zellmembran entsteht ein Ruhepotenzial

Hodgkin AL, Huxley AF (1952) A quantitative description of membrane current and its application to conduction and excitation in nerve, J Physiol 117, 500-544 (PDF) Sundelacruz S, Levin M, & Kaplan DL (2009) Role of Membrane Potential in the Regulation of Cell Proliferation and Differentiation. Stem Cell Reviews and Reports, 5, 231-246.

32.2 Der K+-Gradient bestimmt vorwiegend das Ruhepotenzial

Kurata HT & Fedida D (2006) A structural interpretation of voltage-gated potassium channel inactivation. Progress in Biophysics & Molecular Biology, 92, 185-208. Ashcroft FM (2006) From molecule to malady. Nature, 440, 440-447.

32.3 Nervenzellen können auf einen Reiz mit einem Aktionspotenzial reagieren

Acebes A, Ferrus A (2000) Cellular and molecular features of axon collaterals and dendrites, Trends Neurosci 23, 557-565 Lai HC & Jan LY (2006) The distribution and targeting of neuronal voltage-gated ion channels. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 7, 548-562. Borjesson SI & Elinder F (2008) Structure, Function, and Modification of the Voltage Sensor in Voltage-Gated Ion Channels. Cell Biochemistry and Biophysics, 52, 149- 174.

32.4 Aktionspotenziale verlaufen unidirektional, stereotyp und oft saltatorisch

Chotard C, Salecker I (2004) Neurons and glia: team players in axon guidance, Trends Neurosci 27, 655-661 Kim S, Chiba A (2004) Dendritic guidance, Trends Neurosci 27, 195-202

75 Bean BP (2007) The action potential in mammalian central neurons. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 8, 451-465. Baranauskas G (2007) Ionic Channel Function in Action Potential Generation: Current Perspective. Molecular Neurobiology, 35, 129-150.

32.5 Neurotransmitter übertragen Botenschaften an chemischen Synapsen

Kiehn O, Tresch MC (2002) Gap junctions and motor behavior, Trends Neurosci 25, 108-115 Haydon PG & Carmignoto G (2006) Astrocyte control of synaptic transmission and neurovascular coupling. Physiological Reviews, 86, 1009-1031. (PDF) Rizo J, Chen XC, & Arac D (2006) Unraveling the mechanisms of synaptotagmin and SNARE function in neurotransmitter release. Trends in Cell Biology, 16, 339-350.

32.6 Neurotransmitter können exzitatorisch oder inhibitorisch wirken

Mayer ML (2004) Structure and function of glutamate receptor ion channels, Annu Rev Physiol 66, 161-181 Craig AM, Graf ER, & Linhoff MW (2006) How to build a central synapse: clues from cell culture. Trends in Neurosciences, 29, 8-20. (PDF) Ben-Ari Y, Gaiarsa JL, Tyzio R, & Khazipov R (2007) GABA: A pioneer transmitter that excites immature neurons and generates primitive oscillations. Physiological Reviews, 87, 1215-1284. (PDF) Lau CG & Zukin RS (2007) NMDA receptor trafficking in synaptic plasticity and neuropsychiatric disorders. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 8, 413-426.

32.7 Katecholamine steuern elementare neuronale Prozesse

Oberbeck R (2006) Catecholamines: Physiological Immunomodulators During Health and Illness. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 13, 1979-1989.

76 32.8 Neuropeptide und Toxine modulieren die synaptische Aktivität

Horner PJ, Gage FH (2000) Regenerating the damaged central nervous system, Nature 407, 963-970 Rossetto O, Morbiato L, Caccin P, Rigoni M, & Montecucco C (2006) Presynaptic enzymatic neurotoxins. Journal of Neurochemistry, 97, 1534-1545.


33 Struktur und Dynamik des Cytoskeletts

33.1 Mikrotubuli sind dynamische Strukturen des Cytoskeletts

Nogales E (2000) Structural Insights into Mikrotubule Function, Annu Rev Biochem 69, 277-302 Job D et al (2003) Microtubule nucleation, Curr Opin Cell Biol 15, 111-117 Luders J & Stearns T (2007) Microtubule-organizing centres: a re-evaluation. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 161-167. Akhmanova A & Steinmetz MO (2008) Tracking the ends: a dynamic protein network controls the fate of microtubule tips. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 309- 322.

33.2 Intermediärfilamente verleihen mechanische Widerstandsfähigkeit

Garrod DR et al (2002) Desmosomal cadherins, Curr Opin Cell Biol 14, 537-545 Herrmann H, Aebi U (2004) Intermediate Filaments, Molecular Structure, Assembly Mechanism, and Integration into Functionally Distinct Intracellular Scaffolds, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 749-89 Herrmann H, Bar H, Kreplak L, Strelkov SV, & Aebi U (2007) Intermediate filaments: from cell architecture to nanomechanics. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 562-573. Hyder CL, Pallari HM, Kochin V, & Eriksson JE (2008) Providing cellular signposts - Post-translational modifications of intermediate filaments. Febs Letters, 582, 2140- 2148.

33.3 Die Aggregation von Actin zu Filamenten ist strikt reguliert

McGough AM, Staiger CJ, Min JK, & Simonetti KD (2003) The gelsolin family of actin regulatory proteins: modular structures, versatile functions. Febs Letters, 552, 75-81. Wear M, Cooper J (2004) Capping protein, new insights into mechanism and regulation, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 418-428

78 Levitsky DI, Pivovarova AV, Mikhailova VV, & Nikolaeva OP (2008) Thermal unfolding and aggregation of actin - Stabilization and destabilization of actin filaments. Febs Journal, 275, 4280-4295.

33.4 Actinbindende Proteine bündeln und vernetzen Einzelfilamente

Winder SJ (2003) Structural insights into actin-binding, branching and bundling proteins, Curr Opin Cell Biol 15, 14-22 Pak CW, Flynn KC, & Bamburg JR (2008) Actin-binding proteins take the reins in growth cones. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 9, 136-147. Khurana S & George SP (2008) Regulation of cell structure and function by actin- binding proteins: Villin's perspective. Febs Letters, 582, 2128-2139. (PDF)

33.5 Actinfilamente formieren sich zu Gerüstwerken in der Zelle

Campbell I, Ginsberg M (2004) The talin-tail interaction places integrin activation on FERM ground, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 429-435 Weis WI & Nelson WJ (2006) Re-solving the cadherin-catenin-actin conundrum. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 281, 35593-35597. Elsaesser R & Paysan J (2007) The sense of smell, its signalling pathways, and the dichotomy of cilia and microvilli in olfactory sensory cells. Bmc Neuroscience, 8.

33.6 Proteingerüste stabilisieren die Erythrocytenmembran

Dubreuil RR (2006) Functional links between membrane transport and the spectrin cytoskeleton. Journal of Membrane Biology, 211, 151-161. Mohandas N & Gallagher PG (2008) Red cell membrane: past, present, and future. Blood, 112, 3939-3948. (PDF)

33.7 Actinfilamente und Mikrotubuli bilden Schienen für Motorproteine

Cross RA (2004) The kinetic mechanism of kinesin, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 300-309 Koonce MP, Samso M (2004) Of rings and levers: the dynein motor comes of age, Trends Cell Biol 14, 612-619

79 Cheeseman IM & Desai A (2008) Molecular architecture of the kinetochore- microtubule interface. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 33-46. Hirokawa N, Noda Y, Tanaka Y, & Niwa S (2009) Kinesin superfamily motor proteins and intracellular transport. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 10, 682-696.

33.8 Selectine und CAM-Proteine vermitteln Zelladhäsion

Dalva MB, McClelland AC, & Kayser MS (2007) Cell adhesion molecules: signalling functions at the synapse. Nature Reviews Neuroscience, 8, 206-220. Sperandio M (2006) Selectins and glycosyltransferases in leukocyte rolling in vivo. Febs Journal, 273, 4377-4389.

80 34 Zellzyklus und programmierter Zelltod

34.1 Cycline und cyclinabhängige Kinasen steuern den eukaryotischen Zellzyklus

Kelly TJ, Brown GW (2000) Regulation of Chromosome Replication, Annu Rev Biochem 69, 829-80

O´Connell MJ et al (2000) The G2-phase DNA-damage checkpoint, Trends Cell Biol 10, 296-303 Santamaria D & Ortega S (2006) Cyclins and CDKS in development and cancer: lessons from genetically modified mice. Frontiers in Bioscience, 11, 1164-1188. Musgrove EA (2006) Cyclins: Roles in mitogenic signaling and oncogenic transformation. Growth Factors, 24, 13-19.

34.2 Aktivierung von CDK1 startet die Mitose

Hochegger H, Takeda S, & Hunt T (2008) Cyclin-dependent kinases and cell-cycle transitions: does one fit all? Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 910-U26. Malumbres M & Barbacid M (2009) Cell cycle, CDKs and cancer: a changing paradigm. Nature Reviews Cancer, 9, 153-166.

34.3 CDK4 kontrolliert den Restriktionspunkt in der G1-Phase Ekholm SV & Reed SI (2000) Regulation of G(1) cyclin dependent kinases in the mammalian cell cycle. Current Opinion in Cell Biology, 12, 676-684. Nyberg KA et al (2002) Toward maintaining the genome: DNA damage and replication checkpoints, Annu Rev Genet 36, 617-656 Graf F, Mosch B, Koehler L, Bergmann R, Wuest F, & Pietzsch J (2010) Cyclin- Dependent Kinase 4/6 (Cdk4/6) Inhibitors: Perspectives in Cancer Therapy and Imaging. Mini-Reviews in Medicinal Chemistry, 10, 527-539.

81 34.4 Der Tumorsuppressor p53 moduliert die Aktivität von CDKs

Vousden KH (2002) Activation of the p53 tumor suppressor protein, Biochim Biophys Acta 1602, 47-59 Lavin MF & Gueven N (2006) The complexity of p53 stabilization and activation. Cell Death and Differentiation, 13, 941-950. (PDF) Vousden KH & Lane DP (2007) p53 in health and disease. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 8, 275-283.

34.5 Eine enzymatische Kaskade löst den programmierten Zelltod aus

Jiang X, Wang X (2004) Cytochrome c-mediated Apoptosis, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 87-106 Kumar S, Cakouros D (2004) Transkriptional control of the core cell-death machinery, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 192-199 Roos WP & Kaina B (2006) DNA damage-induced cell death by apoptosis. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 12, 440-450.

34.6 Caspasen spalten spezifische Funktionsproteine der Zelle

Jiang X, Wang X (2004) Cytochrome c-mediated Apoptosis, Annu Rev Biochem 73, 87-106 Shiozaki E, Yigong S (2004) Caspases, IAPs and Smac/DIABLO, mechanisms from structural biology, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 486-494 Siegel RM (2006) Caspases at the crossroads of immune-cell life and death. Nature Reviews Immunology, 6, 308-317. Lamkanfi M, Festjens N, Declercq W, Vanden Berghe T, & Vandenabeele P (2007) Caspases in cell survival, proliferation and differentiation. Cell Death and Differentiation, 14, 44-55. (PDF)

82 35 Molekulare Basis von Krebsentstehung und Krebsbekämpfung

35.1 Tumorzellen haben ungebremstes replikatives Potenzial

Zeng Q & Hong W (2008) The emerging role of the Hippo pathway in cell contact inhibition, organ size control, and cancer development in mammals. Cancer Cell, 13, 188-192. DeBerardinis RJ, Lum JJ, Hatzivassiliou G, & Thompson CB (2008) The biology of cancer: Metabolic reprogramming fuels cell growth and proliferation. Cell Metabolism, 7, 11-20.

35.2 Krebs ist eine genetische Erkrankung

Jain S, Xu R, Prieto VG, Lee P (2010) Molecular classification of soft tissue sarcomas and its clinical applications. Int J Clin Exp Pathol. 23;3(4):416-28. (PDF)

35.3 Mutagene Agenzien können Krebs auslösen

Sedgwick B, Bates PA, Paik J, Jacobs SC, & Lindahl T (2007) Repair of alkylated DNA: Recent advances. Dna Repair, 6, 429-442. Levine AJ (2009) The common mechanisms of transformation by the small DNA tumor viruses: The inactivation of tumor suppressor gene products: p53. Virology, 384, 285-293.

35.4 Onkogene Zellen können transformieren

Cowling VH & Cole MD (2006) Mechanism of transcriptional activation by the Myc oncoproteins. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 16, 242-252. Musgrove EA (2006) Cyclins: Roles in mitogenic signaling and oncogenic transformation. Growth Factors, 24, 13-19. Zhao L & Vogt PK (2008) Class I PI3K in oncogenic cellular transformation. Oncogene, 27, 5486-5496. (PDF)

83 35.5 Tumorsuppressorgene wachen über die zelluläre Proliferation

Gabellini C, Del Bufalo D, & Zupi G (2006) Involvement of RB gene family in tumor angiogenesis. Oncogene, 25, 5326-5332. Riley T, Sontag E, Chen P, & Levine A (2008) Transcriptional control of human p53- regulated genes. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 9, 402-412. Kim WY & Sharpless NE (2006) The regulation of INK4/ARF in cancer and aging. Cell, 127, 265-275.

35.6 Wachstumsfaktoren und die Signalproteine Wnt, Notch und Hedgehog steuern basale Zellfunktionen

Bray SJ (2006) Notch signalling: a simple pathway becomes complex. Nature Reviews Molecular Cell Biology, 7, 678-689. Clevers H (2006) Wnt/beta-catenin signaling in development and disease. Cell, 127, 469-480. Zardawi SJ, O'Toole SA, Sutherland RL, & Musgrove EA (2009) Dysregulation of Hedgehog, Wnt and Notch signalling pathways in breast cancer. Histology and Histopathology, 24, 385-398.

35.7 p53, TGF- und Rb-Signalwege regulieren Zellteilung und - differenzierung

Bierie B & Moses HL (2006) TGF beta: the molecular Jekyll and Hyde of cancer. Nature Reviews Cancer, 6, 506-520. Adams JM & Cory S (2007) The Bcl-2 apoptotic switch in cancer development and therapy. Oncogene, 26, 1324-1337. (PDF)

35.8 NF-κB- und PI3K-Signalwege wachen über die Apoptose

Baud V & Jacque E (2008) The alternative NF-kappa B activation pathway and cancer : friend or foe? M S-Medecine Sciences, 24, 1083-1088. Yuan TL & Cantley LC (2008) PI3K pathway alterations in cancer: variations on a theme. Oncogene, 27, 5497-5510.

84 35.9 Neue Ansätze in Tumordiagnostik und –therapie basieren auf molekularen Erkenntnissen

Carpi A, Mechanick JI, Saussez S, & Nicolini A (2010) Thyroid Tumor Marker Genomics and Proteomics: Diagnostic and Clinical Implications. Journal of Cellular Physiology, 224, 612-619. Zhang JY & Tan EM (2010) Autoantibodies to tumor-associated antigens as diagnostic biomarkers in hepatocellular carcinoma and other solid tumors. Expert Review of Molecular Diagnostics, 10, 321-328. Giaginis C, Vgenopoulou S, Vielh P, & Theocharis S (2010) MCM proteins as diagnostic and prognostic tumor markers in the clinical setting. Histology and Histopathology, 25, 351-370.

35.10 Molekulares Verständnis von Kanzerogenese eröffnet therapeutisches Neuland

Eskens FA & Verweij J (2006) The clinical toxicity profile of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR) targeting angiogenesis inhibitors; A review. European Journal of Cancer, 42, 3127- 3139. Pytel D, Sliwinski T, Poplawski T, Ferriola D, & Majsterek I (2009) Tyrosine Kinase Blockers: New Hope for Successful Cancer Therapy. Anti-Cancer Agents in Medicinal Chemistry, 9, 66-76.


36 Angeborenes und erworbenes Immunsystem

36.1 Das Komplementsystem attackiert bakterielle Invasoren

Kimbrell DA, Beutler B (2001) The evolution and genetics of innate immunity, Nat Rev Genet 2, 256-267 Girardi G, Bulla R, Salmon JE, & Tedesco F (2006) The complement system in the pathophysiology of pregnancy. Molecular Immunology, 43, 68-77. Nonaka M & Kimura A (2006) Genomic view of the evolution of the complement system. Immunogenetics, 58, 701-713. (PDF)

36.2 Der terminale Komplex stanzt Poren in die Bakterienmembran

Carroll MC (2004) The complement system in regulation of adaptive immunity, Nat Immunol 5, 981-986 Kemper C & Atkinson JP (2007) T-cell regulation: with complements from innate immunity. Nature Reviews Immunology, 7, 9-18.

36.3 Das natürliche Immunsystem nutzt Toll-ähnliche Rezeptoren

Janeway CA, Medzhitov R (2002) Innate immune recognition, Annu Rev Immunol 20, 197-216 Takeda K et al (2003) Toll-like receptors, Annu Rev Immunol 21, 335-376 O'Neill LA (2006) How Toll-like receptors signal: what we know and what we don't know. Current Opinion in Immunology, 18, 3-9. Kawai T & Akira S (2007) Signaling to NF-kappa B by Toll-like receptors. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 13, 460-469.

36.4 MHC-Proteine präsentieren Antigene auf der Zelloberfläche

Horton R et al (2004) Gen map of the extended human MHC, Nature Rev Gen 5, 889-899

86 Jones EY, Fugger L, Strominger JL, & Siebold C (2006) MHC class II proteins and disease: a structural perspective. Nature Reviews Immunology, 6, 271-282. Yaneva R, Schneeweiss C, Zacharias M, & Springer S (2010) Peptide binding to MHC class I and II proteins: New avenues from new methods. Molecular Immunology, 47, 649-657.

36.5 Lymphocyten bilden das Rückgrat des adaptiven Immunsystems

Sprent J, Surh CD (2002) T cell memory, Annu Rev Immunol 20, 551-579

36.6 T-Zellen organisieren die zellvermittelte Immunabwehr

Pitcher LA, van Oers NS (2003) T-cell receptor signal transmission: who gives an ITAM ?, Trends Immunol 24, 554-560 Laky K, Fleischacker C, & Fowlkes BJ (2006) TCR and notch signaling in CD4 and CD8 T-cell development. Immunological Reviews, 209, 274-283. Zhang S, Zhang HJ, & Zhao JD (2009) The role of CD4 T cell help for CD8 CTL activation. Biochemical and Biophysical Research Communications, 384, 405-408.

36.7 T-Helferzellen stimulieren B-Zellen

Davis MM et al (2003) Dynamics of Cell Surface Molecules During T Cell Recognition, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 717-742 van der Merwe PA, Davis SJ (2003) Molecular interactions mediating T cell antigen recognition, Annu Rev Immunol 21, 659-684 Al-Daccac R et al (2004) MHC class II signaling in antigen-presenting cells, Curr Opin Immunol 16, 108-113 Dinarello CA (2009) Immunological and Inflammatory Functions of the Interleukin-1 Family. Annual Review of Immunology, 27, 519-550.

36.8 Cytotoxische T-Zellen versetzen infizierten Zellen den Todesstoß

Kloetzel PM, Ossendorp F (2004) Proteasome and peptidase function in MHC-class- I-mediated antigen presentation, Curr Opin Immunol 16, 76-81

87 Van Kaer L (2007) NKT cells: T lymphocytes with innate effector functions. Current Opinion in Immunology, 19, 354-364. Zhou F (2010) Expression of Multiple by Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte Implies that They Activate Diverse Apoptotic Pathways in Target Cells. International Reviews of Immunology, 29, 38-55.

36.9 B-Zellen organisieren die humorale Immunantwort

Martin F & Chan AC (2006) B cell immunobiology in disease: Evolving concepts from the clinic. Annual Review of Immunology, 24, 467-496. Lanzavecchia A & Sallusto F (2007) Toll-like receptors and innate immunity in B-cell activation and antibody responses. Current Opinion in Immunology, 19, 268-274.

36.10 Variable und konstante Domänen bilden die Antikörperketten

Wang W, Singh S, Zeng DL, King K, & Nema S (2007) Antibody structure, instability, and formulation. Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, 96, 1-26. Chen SW, Van Regenmortel MHV, & Pellequer JL (2009) Structure-Activity Relationships in Peptide-Antibody Complexes: Implications for Epitope Prediction and Development of Synthetic Peptide Vaccines. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 16, 953-964.

36.11 Somatische Hypermutation führt zur Affinitätsreifung von B-Zellen

Kinoshita K, Honjo T (2001) Linking class-switch recombination with somatic hypermutation, Nat Rev Mol Cell Biol 2, 493-503 Odegard VH & Schatz DG (2006) Targeting of somatic hypermutation. Nature Reviews Immunology, 6, 573-583. Di Nola JM & Neuberger MS (2007) Molecular mechanisms of antibody somatic hypermutation. Annual Review of Biochemistry, 76, 1-22. Peled JU, Kuang FL, Iglesias-Ussel MD, Roa S, Kalis SL, Goodman ME, & Scharff MD (2008) The biochemistry of somatic hypermutation. Annual Review of Immunology, 26, 481-511.

88 37 Erforschung und Entwicklung neuer Arzeistoffe

37.1 Arzneistoffe binden an definierte Zielmoleküle

Nelson CP & Challiss RAJ (2007) "Phenotypic" pharmacology: The influence of cellular environment on G protein-coupled receptor antagonist and inverse agonist pharmacology. Biochemical Pharmacology, 73, 737-751. Garcia-Lopez MT, Gonzalez-Muniz R, Martin-Martinez M, & Herranz R (2007) Strategies for design of non peptide CCK1R agonist/antagonist ligands. Current Topics in Medicinal Chemistry, 7, 1180-1194.

37.2 Arzneistoffe binden mit hoher Affinität an ihr Target

Ota T, Shinotoh H, Fukushi K, Kikuchi T, Sato K, Tanaka N, Shimada H, Hirano S, Miyoshi M, Arai H, Suhara T, & Irie T (2010) Estimation of Plasma IC50 of Donepezil for Cerebral Inhibition in Patients With Alzheimer Disease Using Positron Emission Tomography. Clinical Neuropharmacology, 33, 74-78.

37.3 Die Analyse von Genomen und Proteomen liefert neue Zielmoleküle

Oh DY, Kim K, Kwon HB, & Seong JY (2006) Cellular and molecular biology of orphan G protein-coupled receptors. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego. Rix U & Superti-Furga G (2009) Target profiling of small molecules by chemical proteomics. Nature Chemical Biology, 5, 616-624. Bantscheff M, Scholten A, & Heck AJ (2009) Revealing promiscuous drug-target interactions by chemical proteomics. Drug Discovery Today, 14, 1021-1029.

37.4 Naturstoffe dienen als Quelle neuer Arzneimittel

Lam KS (2007) New aspects of natural products in drug discovery. Trends in Microbiology, 15, 279-289. Molinski TF, Dalisay DS, Lievens SL, & Saludes JP (2009) Drug development from marine natural products. Nature Reviews Drug Discovery, 8, 69-85.

89 Harvey AL, Clark RL, Mackay SP, & Johnston BF (2010) Current strategies for drug discovery through natural products. Expert Opinion on Drug Discovery, 5, 559-568.

37.5 Die Durchmusterung von Substanzbibliotheken liefert Arzneistoffkandidaten

Kumar RA & Clark DS (2006) High-throughput screening of biocatalytic activity: applications in drug discovery. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 10, 162-168. Snowden MA & Green DVS (2008) The impact of diversity-based, high-throughput screening on drug discovery: "Chance favours the prepared mind". Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 11, 553-558.

37.6 Arzneistoffe müssen resorbiert werden und in inakter Form an ihren Wirkort gelangen de Boer AG & Breimer DD (1997) Hepatic first-pass effect and controlled drug delivery following rectal administration. Advanced Drug Delivery Reviews, 28, 229- 237. Chu I & Nomeir AA (2006) Utility of mass spectrometry for in-vitro ADME assays. Current Drug Metabolism, 7, 467-477. Ullrich R & Hofrichter M (2007) Enzymatic hydroxylation of aromatic compounds. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64, 271-293.

37.7 Arzneistoffe müssen auf toxische Eigenschaften hin geprüft werden

Zunkler BJ (2006) Human ether-a-go-go-related (HERG) gene and ATP-sensitive potassium channels as targets for adverse drug effects. Pharmacology & Therapeutics, 112, 12-37. Chen MX, Helliwell RM, & Clare JJ (2009) In vitro profiling against ion channels beyond hERG as an early indicator of cardiac risk. Current Opinion in Molecular Therapeutics, 11, 269-281.

90 37.8 Monoklonale Antikörper sind wirksame Biotherapeutika

Peterson E, Owens SM, & Henry RL (2006) Monoclonal antibody form and function: Manufacturing the right antibodies for treating drug abuse. Aaps Journal, 8, E383- E390. Mano M & Humblet Y (2008) Drug insight: panitumumab, a human EGFR-targeted monoclonal antibody with promising clinical activity in colorectal cancer. Nature Clinical Practice Oncology, 5, 415-425. Cheson BD & Leonard JP (2008) Drug therapy: Monoclonal antibody therapy for B- cell non-Hodgkin's lymphoma. New England Journal of Medicine, 359, 613-626.

37.9 Die Arzneimitteltherapie der Zukunft ist personalisiert van't Veer LJ & Bernards R (2008) Enabling personalized cancer medicine through analysis of gene-expression patterns. Nature, 452, 564-570. Zhou SF, Di YM, Chan E, Du YM, Chow VDW, Xue CCL, Lai XS, Wang JC, Li CG, Tian M, & Duan W (2008) Clinical Pharmacogenetics and Potential Application in Personalized Medicine. Current Drug Metabolism, 9, 738-784. Olopade OI, Grushko TA, Nanda R, & Huo DZ (2008) Advances in Breast Cancer: Pathways to Personalized Medicine. Clinical Cancer Research, 14, 7988-7999.

37.10 Die Entwicklung neuer Arzneistoffe ist langwierig

Adams VR & Leggas M (2007) Sunitinib malate for the treatment of metastatic renal cell carcinoma and gastrointestinal stromal tumors. Clinical Therapeutics, 29, 1338- 1353. Luffer-Atlas D (2008) Unique/major human metabolites: Why, how, and when to test for safety in animals. Drug Metabolism Reviews, 40, 447-463.


Teil V Energieumwandlung und Biosynthese

38 Grundprinzipien des Metabolismus

38.1 Biochemische Reaktionen gehorchen den Gesetzen der Thermodynamik

Halle B (2004) Protein hydration dynamics in solution: a critical survey, Philos Trans Royal Soc 359, 1207-1224 (PDF) Smith E, Morowitz HJ (2004) Universality in intermediary metabolism, Proc Natl Acad Sci 101, 13168-13173 (PDF) Saito N, Ohashi Y, Soga T, & Tomita M (2010) Unveiling cellular biochemical reactions via metabolomics-driven approaches. Current Opinion in Microbiology, 13, 358-362.

38.2 ATP ist der universelle Energieüberträger

Burnstock G (2006) Historical review: ATP as a neurotransmitter. Trends in Pharmacological Sciences, 27, 166-176.

38.3 NADH und FADH2 sind die wichtigsten Elektronenüberträger

Lin H (2007) Nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide: beyond a redox coenzyme. Organic & Biomolecular Chemistry, 5, 2541-2554. Wos ML & Pollard PC (2009) Cellular nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NADH) as an indicator of bacterial metabolic activity dynamics in activated sludge. Water Science and Technology, 60, 783-791.

38.4 Coenzym A ist der wichtigste Überträger von Acylgruppen

Engel C, Wierenga R (1996) The diverse world of coenzyme A binding proteins, Curr Opin Struct Biol 6, 790-797

92 Mitchell GA, Gauthier N, Lesimple A, Wang SP, Mamer O, & Qureshi I (2008) Hereditary and acquired diseases of acyl-coenzyme A metabolism. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 94, 4-15. Spry C, Kirk K, & Saliba KJ (2008) Coenzyme A biosynthesis: an antimicrobial drug target. Fems Microbiology Reviews, 32, 56-106.

38.5 Katabole Wege münden in den Citratzyklus

Owen OE et al (2002) The key role of anaplerosis and cataplerosis for citric acid cycle function, J Biol Chem 277, 30409-30412 (PDF) Fernie AR et al (2004) Respiratory metabolism: glycolysis, the TCA cycle and mitochondrial electron transport, Curr Opin Plant Biol 7, 254-261

38.6 Die Regulation der Stoffwechselprozesse erfolgt multilateral

Jafri MS et al (2001) Cardiac energy metabolism: models of cellular respiration, Annu Rev Biomed Eng 3, 57-81 Steuer R & Junker BH (2009) Computational Models of Metabolism: Stability and Regulation in Metabolic Networks. JOHN WILEY & SONS INC, NEW YORK. (Website) Shimizu K (2009) Toward systematic metabolic engineering based on the analysis of metabolic regulation by the integration of different levels of information. Biochemical Engineering Journal, 46, 235-251.

93 39 Glykolyse – Prototyp eines Stoffwechselwegs

39.1 Der glykolytische Weg läuft über zehn Stationen

Heinrich R et al (1999) The structural design of glycolysis: an evolutionary approach, Biochem Soc Trans. 27, 294-298 Sarnyai Z & Boros LG (2008) Modeling Networks of Glycolysis, Overall Energy Metabolism and Drug Metabolism under a Systems Biology Approach. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

39.2 Die Bildung von Glycerinaldehyd-3-phosphat kostet ATP

Dunaway GA (1983) A review of animal isozymes with an emphasis on their pysiological role, Mol Cell Biochem. 52, 75-91 Wilson JE (2003) Isozymes of mammalian : structure, subcellular localization and metabolic function, J Exp Biol 206, 2049-2057 (PDF) Kengen SWM, Tuininga JE, Verhees CH, van der Oost J, Stams AJM, & de Vos WM (2001) ADP-dependent and phosphofructokinase from Pyrococcus furiosus. ACADEMIC PRESS INC, SAN DIEGO. Mathupala SP, Ko YH, & Pedersen PL (2009) Hexokinase-2 bound to mitochondria: Cancer's stygian link to the "Warburg effect" and a pivotal target for effective therapy. Seminars in Cancer Biology, 19, 17-24. (PDF)

39.3 Die Oxidation von Glycerinaldehyd-3-phosphat liefert ATP

Berry MD & Boulton AA (2000) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase and apoptosis. Journal of Neuroscience Research, 60, 150-154. Chuang DM, Hough C, & Senatorov VV (2005) Glyceraldehyde-3-phosphate dehydrogenase, apoptosis and neurodegenerative diseases. Annual Review of Pharmacology and Toxicology, 45, 269-+.

94 39.4 Die Erzeugung von Pyruvat ist an ATP-Gewinn geknüpft

Sugden MC & Holness MJ (2003) Recent advances in mechanisms regulating glucose oxidation at the level of the complex by PDKs. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 284, E855-E862. (PDF) Munoz ME & Ponce E (2003) : current status of regulatory and functional properties. Comparative Biochemistry and Physiology B-Biochemistry & Molecular Biology, 135, 197-218.

39.5 Die Energiebilanz der Glykolyse ist positiv van Wijk R & van Solinge WW (2005) The energy-less red blood cell is lost: erythrocyte enzyme abnormalities of glycolysis. Blood, 106, 4034-4042. (PDF)

39.6 Weitere Kohlenhydrate werden in den glykolytischen Weg eingeschleust

Novelli G & Reichardt JKV (2000) Molecular basis of disorders of human galactose metabolism: Past, present, and future. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 71, 62- 65. Michels PAM & Rigden DJ (2006) Evolutionary analysis of fructose 2,6-bisphosphate metabolism. Iubmb Life, 58, 133-141.

39.7 Die Glykolyse wird engmaschig kontrolliert van de Werve G, Lange A, Newgard C, Mechin MC, Li YZ, & Berteloot A (2000) New lessons in the regulation of glucose metabolism taught by the glucose 6- system. European Journal of Biochemistry, 267, 1533-1549. (PDF) Mader A (2003) Glcolysis and oxidative phosphorylation as a function of cytosolic phosphorylation state and power output of the muscle cell, Eur J Appl Physiol 88, 317-338 Wu CD, Khan SA, & Lange AJ (2005) Regulation of glycolysis - role of insulin. Experimental Gerontology, 40, 894-899.

95 40 Citratzyklus – zentrale Drehscheibe des Metabolismus

40.1 Die oxidative Decarboxylierung von Pyruvat liefert Acetyl-CoA

Zhou ZH et al (2001) The remarkable structural and functional organization of the eucaryotic pyruvate dehydrogenase complexes, PNAS 98, 14802-14807 (PDF) Roche TE & Hiromasa Y (2007) Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase regulatory mechanisms and inhibition in treating diabetes, heart ischemia, and cancer. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64, 830-849.

40.2 Der Citratzyklus ist eine geschlossene Folge von neun Einzelreaktionen

Huynen MA et al (1999) Variation and evolution of the citric-acid cycle: a genomic perspective, Trends Microbiol 7, 281-291 Aoshima M (2007) Novel enzyme reactions related to the tricarboxylic acid cycle: phylogenetic/functional implications and biotechnological applications. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 75, 249-255.

40.3 Oxidoreduktasen liefern die Reduktionsäquivalente NADH und


May SW (1999) Applications of . Current Opinion in Biotechnology, 10, 370-375. Cecchini G, Maklashina E, Yankovskaya V, Iverson TM, & Iwata S (2003) Variation in proton donor/acceptor pathways in succinate : quinone oxidoreductases. Febs Letters, 545, 31-38. Jeong JJ et al (2004) Crystal structure of from Aeropyrum pernix, Proteins: Structure, Function and Bioinformatics 55, 1087-1089

96 40.4 Der Citratzyklus bedient katabole und anabole Wege

Gibala MJ et al (2000) Anaplerosis of the citric acid cycle: role in energy metabolism of heart and skeletal muscle, Acta Physiol Scand 168, 657-665 Owen OE, Kalhan SC, & Hanson RW (2002) The key role of anaplerosis and cataplerosis for citric acid cycle function. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 277, 30409- 30412. (PDF)

40.5 Der Citratzyklus unterliegt einer stringenten Kontrolle

Krebs HA (1970) Rate control of the tricarboxylic acid cycle, Adv Enzyme Regul. 8, 335-353 Cozzone AJ & El-Mansi M (2005) Control of isocitrate dehydrogenase catalytic activity by protein phosphorylation in Escherichia coli. Journal of Molecular Microbiology and Biotechnology, 9, 132-146.

97 41 Oxidative Phosphorylierung – Elektronentransport und ATP- Synthese

41.1 Cytosolisches NADH gelangt über Umwege in die Atmungskette

Minarik P et al (2002) - - structure and function, Gen Physiol Biophys 21, 257-265 (PDF) Li YJ, Dash RK, Kim JY, Saidel GM, & Cabrera ME (2009) Role of NADH/NAD(+) transport activity and glycogen store on skeletal muscle energy metabolism during exercise: in silico studies. American Journal of Physiology-Cell Physiology, 296, C25- C46. (PDF)

41.2 Die oxidative Phosphorylierung verläuft in zwei Pasen

Saraste M (1999) Oxidative phosphorylation at the fin de siecle, Science 283, 1488- 1493 Kerr DS (2010) Treatment of mitochondrial electron transport chain disorders: A review of clinical trials over the past decade. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 99, 246-255.

41.3 Komplex I schleust Elektronen von NADH in die Atmungskette ein

Brandt U (2006) Energy converting NADH : Quinone (Complex I). Annual Review of Biochemistry, 75, 69-92. Lenaz G, Fato R, Formiggini G, & Genova ML (2007) The role of Coenzyme Q in mitochondrial electron transport. Mitochondrion, 7, S8-S33.

41.4 Verschiedene FAD-abhängige Dehydrogenasen bilden weitere Zuflüsse zur Atmungskette

Scrutton NS, Sutcliffe MJ (2000) Trimethylamine dehydrogenase and electron transferring flavoprotein, Subcell Biochem. 35, 145-181 Cecchini G (2003) Function and structure of complex II of the respiratory chain, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 77-109

98 Toogood HS, Leys D, & Scrutton NS (2007) Dynamics driving function - new insights from electron transferring flavoproteins and partner complexes. Febs Journal, 274, 5481-5504.

41.5 Cytochrom c-Reduktase überträgt Elektronen auf Cytochrom c

Hunte C et al (2003) Protonmotive pathways and mechnisms in the cytochrome bc1 complex, FEBS Lett 545, 39-46 Crofts AR (2004) The cytochrome bc1 complex: function in the context of structure, Annu Rev Physiol, 66, 689-733 Crofts AR, Lhee S, Crofts SB, Cheng J, & Rose S (2006) Proton pumping in the bc(1) complex: A new gating mechanism that prevents short circuits. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Bioenergetics, 1757, 1019-1034. Covian R & Trumpower BL (2008) Regulatory interactions in the dimeric cytochrome bc(1) complex: The advantages of being a twin. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta- Bioenergetics, 1777, 1079-1091. (PDF)

41.6 Cytochrom c-Oxidase überträgt Elektronen auf molekularen Sauerstoff

Michel H (1999) Cytochrome c oxidase: catalytic cycle and mechanism of proton pumping - - a discussion, Biochemistry 38, 15129-15140 Richter OM, Ludwig B (2003) Cytochrome c oxidase - - structure, function, and physiology of a redox driven machine, Rev Physiol Biochem Pharmacol 147, 47-74 Wikstrom M (2004) Cytochrome c oxidase: 25 years of the elusive proton pump, Biochim Biophys Acta 1655, 241-247 Qin L, Sharpe MA, Garavito RM, & Ferguson-Miller S (2007) Conserved lipid-binding sites in membrane proteins: a focus on cytochrome c oxidase. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 17, 444-450. (PDF) Diaz F (2010) Cytochrome c oxidase deficiency: Patients and animal models. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Basis of Disease, 1802, 100-110.

99 41.7 Elektronentransport und Phosphorylierung sind gekoppelt

Saraste M (1999) Oxidative phosphorylation at the fin de siecle, Science 283, 1488- 1493 Huttemann M, Lee I, Pecinova A, Pecina P, Przyklenk K, & Doan JW (2008) Regulation of oxidative phosphorylation, the mitochondrial membrane potential, and their role in human disease. Journal of Bioenergetics and Biomembranes, 40, 445- 456.

41.8 Ein Nano-Rotationsmotor synthetisiert ATP

Boyer PD (2002) Catalytic occupancy during ATP synthase catalysis, FEBS Lett 512, 29-32 Weber J, Senior AE (2003) ATP synthesis driven by proton transport in F1F0-ATP synthase, FEBS Lett 545, 61-70 Nakamoto RK, Scanlon JAB, & Al-Shawi MK (2008) The rotary mechanism of the ATP synthase. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics, 476, 43-50. (PDF) von Ballmoos C, Cook GM, & Dimroth P (2008) Unique rotary ATP synthase and its biological diversity. Annual Review of Biophysics, 37, 43-64.

41.9 Eine Translokase lässt Nucleotide über Membranen fließen

Palmieri L et al (2000) Yeast mitochondrial carriers: bacterial expression, biochemical identification and metabolic significance, J Bioenerg Biomembr 32, 67-77 Halestrap AP, Brennerb C (2003) The adenine nucleotide : a central component of the mitochondrial permeability transition pore and key player in cell death, Curr Med Chem 10, 1507-1525 Dorner A & Schultheiss HP (2007) Adenine nucleotide translocase in the focus of cardiovascular diseases. Trends in Cardiovascular Medicine, 17, 284-290.

41.10 Entkoppler verursachen einen Kurzschluss der Protonenbatterie

Kadenbach B (2003) Intrinsic and extrinsic uncoupling of oxidative phosphorylation, Biochim Biophys Acta 1604, 77-94 Cannon B und Nedergaard J (2004) Brown adipose tissue: function and physiological significance, Physiol Rev 84, 277-359 (PDF)

100 Kovacic P, Pozos RS, Somanathan R, Shangari N, & O'Brien PJ (2005) Mechanism of mitochondrial uncouplers, inhibitors, and toxins: Focus on electron transfer, free radicals, and structure-activity relationships. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 12, 2601- 2623.

41.11 Die Verbrennung von 1 Mol Glucose erzeugt bis zu 30 Mol ATP

Rigoulet M, Leverve X, Fontaine E, Ouhabi R, & Guerin B (1998) Quantitative analysis of some mechanisms affecting the yield of oxidative phosphorylation: Dependence upon both fluxes and forces. Molecular and Cellular Biochemistry, 184, 35-52.

101 42 Pentosephosphatweg- ein adaptives Stoffwechselmodul

42.1 Der Pentosephosphatweg läuft in zwei Phasen ab

Kruger NJ, von Schaewen A (2003) The oxidative pentose phosphate pathway: structure and organisation,Curr Opin Plant Biol 6, 236-46 Huck JH et al (2003) Profiling of pentose phosphate pathway intermediates in blood spots by tandem mass spectrometry: application to deficiency, Clin Chem 49, 1375-80 (PDF) Gupte SA (2008) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase: A novel therapeutic target in cardiovascular diseases. Current Opinion in Investigational Drugs, 9, 993-1000. Bolanos JP, Almeida A, & Moncada S (2010) Glycolysis: a bioenergetic or a survival pathway? Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 35, 145-149.

42.2 Die oxidative Phase liefert NADPH und Ribulose-5-phosphat

Duffieux F et al (2000) Molecular characterization of the first two enzymes of the pentose-phosphate pathway of Trypanosoma brucei. Clucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase and 6-phosphogluconolactonase, J Biol Chem 275, 27559-65 (PDF) Ho HY, Cheng ML, & Chiu DTY (2007) Glucose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase - from oxidative stress to cellular functions and degenerative diseases. Redox Report, 12, 109-118. Cappellini MD & Fiorelli G (2008) Gluclose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Lancet, 371, 64-74.

42.3 Die nichtoxidative Phase interkonvertiert Kohlenhydrate

Kochetov GA (2001) Functional flexibility of the molecule, Biochemistry (Mosc.) 66, 1077-85 (PDF) Zhao J & Zhong CJ (2009) A review on research progress of transketolase. Neurosci Bull, 25. Samland AK & Sprenger GA (2009) Transaldolase: From biochemistry to human disease. International Journal of Biochemistry & Cell Biology, 41, 1482-1494.

102 42.4 Der Pentosephosphatweg dient wechselnden zellulären Bedürfnissen

Siems WG et al (2000) Erythrocyte free radical and energy metabolism, Clin Nephrol 53(1 Suppl), 9-17 Tozzi MG, Camici M, Mascia L, Sgarrella F, & Ipata PL (2006) Pentose phosphates in nucleoside interconversion and catabolism. Febs Journal, 273, 1089-1101.

103 43 Gluconeogenese und Cori-Zyklus

43.1 Die Gluconeogenese läuft über elf enzymatische Stationen

Hers HG, Hue L (1983) Gluconeogenesis and related aspects of glycolysis, Annu Rev Biochem 52, 617-53 Nuttall FQ, Ngo A, & Gannon MC (2008) Regulation of hepatic glucose production and the role of gluconeogenesis in humans: is the rate of gluconeogenesis constant? Diabetes-Metabolism Research and Reviews, 24, 438-458.

43.2 Eine transiente Carboxylierung führt über Oxalacetat zum Phosphoenolpyruvat

Delbaere LT et al (2004) Structure/function studies of phosphoryl transfer by phosphoenolpyruvate carboxykinase, Biochim Biophys Acta 1697, 271-8 Jitrapakdee S, St Maurice M, Rayment I, Cleland WW, Wallace JC, & Attwood PV (2008) Structure, mechanism and regulation of . Biochemical Journal, 413, 369-387. (PDF)

43.3 Zwei Phosphatasen sind Schlüsselenzyme der Gluconeogenese

Foster JD, Nordlie RC (2002) The biochemistry and molecular biology of the glucose- 6-phosphatase system, Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 227, 601-8 (PDF) van Sschaftingen E, Gerin I (2002) The glucose-6-phosphatase system, Biochem J 362, 513-32 (PDF) van Poelje PD, Dang Q, & Erion MD (2007) Discovery of fructose-1,6- bisphosphatase inhibitors for the treatment of type 2 diabetes. Current Opinion in Drug Discovery & Development, 10, 430-437. Hutton JC & O'Brien RM (2009) Glucose-6-phosphatase Catalytic Subunit Gene Family. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 29241-29245.

104 43.4 Glykolyse und Gluconeogenese werden reziprok reguliert

Tirone TA, Brunicardi FC (2001) Overview of glucose regulation, World J Surg 25, 461-7 Boden G (2003) Effects of free fatty acids on gluconeogenesis and glycogenolysis, Life Sci 72, 977-88 Heijboer AC, Pijl H, Van den Hoek AM, Havekes LM, Romijn JA, & Corssmit EPM (2006) Gut-brain axis: Regulation of glucose metabolism. Journal of Neuroendocrinology, 18, 883-894. Yalcin A, Telang S, Clem B, & Chesney J (2009) Regulation of glucose metabolism by 6-phosphofructo-2-kinase/fructose-2,6-bisphosphatases in cancer. Experimental and Molecular Pathology, 86, 174-179.

43.5 Der Cori-Zyklus verbindet muskuläre Glykolyse und hepatische Gluconeogenese

Katz J, Tayek JA (1999) Recycling of glucose and determination of the Cori Cycle and gluconeogenesis, Am J Physiol 277, E401-7 (PDF) Granchi C, Bertini S, Macchia M, & Minutolo F (2010) Inhibitors of Isoforms and their Therapeutic Potentials. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 17, 672-697.

105 44 Biosynthese und Abbau von Glykogen

44.1 Glykogen ist ein verzweigtes Glucosepolymer

Roach PJ (2002) Glycogen and its metabolism, Curr Mol Med 2, 101-20 Shearer J, Graham TE (2002) New perspectives on the storage and organization of muscle glycogen, Can J Appl Physiol 27, 179-203 Ozen H (2007) Glycogen storage diseases: New perspectives. World Journal of Gastroenterology, 13, 2541-2553. (PDF)

44.2 Die Glykogensynthese läuft über vier enzymatische Stationen

Melendez R, Melendez-Hevia E and Cascante M (1997) How did glycogen structure evolve to satisfy the requirement for rapid mobilzation of glucose? A problem of physical constraints in structure building, J Mol Evol 45, 446-55 Ballicora MA, Iglesias AA, & Preiss J (2003) ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase, a regulatory enzyme for bacterial glycogen synthesis. Microbiology and Molecular Biology Reviews, 67, 213-25. (PDF) Agius L (2008) Glucokinase and molecular aspects of liver glycogen metabolism. Biochemical Journal, 414, 1-18.

44.3 Glykogen-Synthase ist das Schlüsselenzym beim Aufbau von Glykogen

Lomako J et al (2004) : the primer for mammalian and yeast glycogen synthesis, Biochim Biophys Acta 1673, 45-55 Weinstein DA, Correia CE, Saunders AC, & Wolfsdorf JI (2006) Hepatic deficiency: An infrequently recognized cause of ketotic hypoglycemia. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 87, 284-288. (PDF) Graham TE, Yuan Z, Hill AK, & Wilson RJ (2010) The regulation of muscle glycogen: the granule and its proteins. Acta Physiologica, 199, 489-498.

106 44.4 Eine Transglykosylase verzweigt wachsende Glykogenketten

Abad MC et al (2002) The X-ray crystallographic structure of Escherichia coli branching enzyme, J Biol Chem 277, 42164-70 (PDF) Ostash B & Walker S (2005) Bacterial transglycosylase inhibitors. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 9, 459-466.

44.5 Die Glykogenolyse umfasst fünf enzymatische Stationen

Bollen M et al (1998) Specific features of glycogen metabolism in the liver, Biochem J, 336, 19-31 (PDF) Greenberg CC, Jurczak MJ, Danos AM, & Brady MJ (2006) Glycogen branches out: new perspectives on the role of glycogen metabolism in the integration of metabolic pathways. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 291, E1- E8. (PDF)

44.6 Glykogen- ist das Schlüsselenzym der Glykogenolyse

Livanova NB et al (2002) Pyridoxal 5’-phosphate as a catalytic and conformational of muscle B, Biochemistry (Mosc) 67, 1089-98 (PDF) Somsak L, Czifrak K, Toth M, Bokor E, Chrysina ED, Alexacou KM, Hayes JM, Tiraidis C, Lazoura E, Leonidas DD, Zographos SE, & Oikonomakos NG (2008) New Inhibitors of Glycogen Phosphorylase as Potential Antidiabetic Agents. Current Medicinal Chemistry, 15, 2933-2983. Richard JP, Amyes TL, Crugeiras J, & Rios A (2009) Pyridoxal 5 '-phosphate: electrophilic catalyst extraordinaire. Current Opinion in Chemical Biology, 13, 475- 483.

44.7 Ein bifunktionelles Enzym entzweigt Glykogen

Nakayama A et al (2001) Identification of the catalytic residues of bifunctional glycogen debranching enzyme, Biol Chem 276, 28824-8 (PDF) Narahara E et al (2001) Glycogen debranching enzyme in bovine brain, Biochem (Tokyo) 130, 465-70 107 Lees SJ et al (2004) Glycogen debranching enzyme is associated with rat skeletal muscle sarcoplasmic reticulum, Acta Physiol Scand 181, 239-45

44.8 Störungen des Glykogenabbaus führen zu Speicherkrankheiten

Chen YT et al (2002) Prenatal diagnosis in glycogen storage diseases, Prenat Diagn 22, 357-9 Wolfsdorf JI, Weinstein DA (2003) Glycogen storage diseases, Rev Endocr Metab Disord 4, 95-102 Koeberl DD, Kishnani PS, Bali D, & Chen YT (2009) Emerging therapies for glycogen storage disease type I. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 20, 252-258.

44.9 Hormonelle Signale steuern den Glykogenstoffwechsel

Yeaman SJ et al (2001) Regulation of glycogen synthesis in human muscle cells, Biochem Soc Trans 29, 537-41 Klover PJ, Mooney RA (2004) Hepatocytes: critical for glucose homeostasis, Int J Biochem Cell Biol 36, 753-8 Holst JJ (2007) The physiology of glucagon-like peptide 1. Physiological Reviews, 87, 1409-1439. (PDF) Wasserman DH (2009) Four grams of glucose. American Journal of Physiology- Endocrinology and Metabolism, 296, E11-E21. (PDF)

108 45 Fettsäuresynthese und β-Oxidation

45.1 Die Struktur der Fettsäuren bestimmt ihre Eigenschaften

Kaneko F et al (1998) Diversity in the fatty-acid conformation and chain packing of cis-unsaturated lipids, Curr Opin Struct Biol 8, 417-25 Griel AE & Kris-Etherton PM (2006) Beyond saturated fat: The importance of the dietary fatty acid profile on cardiovascular disease. Nutrition Reviews, 64, 257-262.

45.2 Lipasen hydrolysieren Triacylglycerine zu freien Fettsäuren

Yeaman SJ (2004) Hormone-sensitive – new roles for an old enzyme, Biochem J 379, 11-22 (PDF) Cilingiroglu M, Ballantyne C (2004) Endothelial lipase and cholesterol metabolism, Curr Atheroscler Rep 6, 126-30 Zimmermann R, Lass A, Haemmerle G, & Zechner R (2009) Fate of fat: The role of adipose triglyceride lipase in lipolysis. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1791, 494-500.

45.3 Acylcarnitin ist die Transportform der Fettsäuren

Eaton S (2002) Control of mitochondrial beta-oxidation flux, Prog Lipid Res 41, 197- 239 Ramsay RR, Naismith JH (2003) A snapshot of carnitine acetyltransferase, Trends Biochem Sci 28, 343-6 Stephens FB, Constantin-Teodosiu D, & Greenhaff PL (2007) New insights concerning the role of carnitine in the regulation of fuel metabolism in skeletal muscle. Journal of Physiology-London, 581, 431-444. (PDF)

45.4 Die β-Oxidation spaltet sukzessive C2-Einheiten von Fettsäuren ab

Ghisla S (2004) Beta-oxidation of fatty acids. A century of discovery, Eur J Biochem 271, 459-61 Bartlett K, Eaton S (2004) Mitochondrial beta-oxidation, Eur J Biochem 271, 462-9

109 Zhang LY, Keung W, Samokhvalov V, Wang W, & Lopaschuk GD (2010) Role of fatty acid uptake and fatty acid beta-oxidation in mediating insulin resistance in heart and skeletal muscle. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1801, 1-22.

45.5 Zwei zusätzliche Enzyme erlauben den Abbau ungesättigter Fettsäuren

Novikov DK et al (1999) Enzymology of beta-oxidation of (poly)unsaturated fatty acids, Adv Exp Med Biol 466, 301-9 Poirier Y, Antonenkov VD, Glumoff T, & Hiltunen JK (2006) Peroxisomal beta- oxidation - A metabolic pathway with multiple functions. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1763, 1413-1426.

45.6 Bei einem Überangebot an Acetyl-CoA entstehen Ketonkörper

Fukao T et al (2004) Pathways and control of ketone body metabolism: on the fringe of lipid biochemistry, Prostaglandins Leukot Essent Fatty Acids 70, 243-51 Maalouf M, Rho JM, & Mattson MP (2009) The neuroprotective properties of calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies. Brain Research Reviews, 59, 293- 315. (PDF)

45.7 Die Fettsäuresynthese ist keine einfache Umkehrung der β- Oxidation

Munday MR (2002) Regulation of mammalian acetyl-CoA carboxylase, Biochem Soc Trans 30, 1059-64 Smith S et al (2003) Structural and functional organization of the animal , Prog Lipid Res 42, 289-317 Menendez JA & Lupu R (2007) Fatty acid synthase and the lipogenic phenotype in cancer pathogenesis. Nature Reviews Cancer, 7, 763-777.

110 45.8 Fettsäure-Synthase ist ein multifunktionelles Enzym

Smith S (1994) The animal fatty acid synthase: one gene, one polypeptide, seven enzymes, FASEB J 8, 1248-59 (PDF) Smith S et al (2003) Structural and functional organization of the animal fatty acid synthase, Prog Lipid Res 42, 289-317

45.9 Fettsäuren entstehen durch multiple Kondensation von C2-Einheiten

Wakil SJ (1989) Fatty acid synthase, aproficient multifunctional enzyme, Biochemistry 28, 4523-30 Kremer L, Dover LG, Carrere S, Nampoothiri KM, Lesjean S, Brown AK, Brennan PJ, Minnikin DE, Locht C, & Besra GS (2002) Mycolic acid biosynthesis and enzymic characterization of the beta-ketoacyl-ACP synthase A-condensing enzyme from Mycobacterium tuberculosis. Biochemical Journal, 364, 423-430. (PDF)

45.10 Im Cytosol entstehen längerkettige und ungesättigte Fettsäuren

Ntambi JM, Miyazaki M (2003) Recent insights into stearoyl-CoA desaturase-1, Curr Opin Lipidol 14, 255-61 Leonard AE et al (2004) Elongation of long-chain fatty acids, Prog Lipid Res 43, 36- 54 Tehlivets O, Scheuringer K, & Kohlwein SD (2007) Fatty acid synthesis and elongation in yeast. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1771, 255-270.

45.11 Arachidonsäure ist die Vorstufe von Prostaglandinen und Thromboxanen

Ruan KH (2004) Advance in understanding the biosynthesis of prostacyclin and thromboxane A2 in the endoplasmic reticulum membrane via the cyclooxygenase pathway, Mini Rev Med Chem 4, 639-47 Harizi H, Corcuff JB, & Gualde N (2008) Arachidonic-acid-derived eicosanoids: roles in biology and immunopathology. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 14, 461-469.

111 46 Biosynthese von Cholesterin, Steroiden und Membranlipiden

46.1 Cholesterin entsteht durch multiple Kondensation von Acetyl-CoA

Olivier LM, Krisans SK (2000) Peroxisomal protein targeting and identification of peroxisomal targeting signals in cholesterol biosynthetic enzymes, Biochim Biophys Acta 1529, 89-102 Santosa S, Varady KA, AbuMweis S, & Jones PJ (2007) Physiological and therapeutic factors affecting cholesterol metabolism: Does a reciprocal relationship between cholesterol absorption and synthesis really exist? Life Sciences, 80, 505- 514.

46.2 Eine komplexe Reaktionsabfolge führt vom Isopentenylpyrophosphat zum Cholesterin

Wang KC, Ohnuma S (2000) Isoprenyl diphosphate , Biochim Biophys Acta 1529, 33-48 DeBose-Boyd RA (2008) Feedback regulation of cholesterol synthesis: sterol- accelerated ubiquitination and degradation of HMG CoA reductase. Cell Research, 18, 609-619. (PDF)

46.3 Lipoproteine steuern Transport und Verwertung von Cholesterin

Kruth HS (2001) Lipoprotein cholesterol and atherosclerosis, Curr Mol Med 1, 633-53 Schaefer EJ (2002) Lipoproteins, nutrition, and heart disease, Am J Clin Nutr 75, 191-212 (PDF) Davidson WS & Thompson TB (2007) The structure of apolipoprotein A-I in high density lipoproteins. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 282, 22249-22253. (PDF)

46.4 LDL wird über rezeptorvermittelte Endocytose internalisiert

Schneider WJ, Nimpf J (2003) LDL receptor relatives at the crossroad of endocytosis and signaling, Cell Mol Life Sci 60, 892-903

112 Blacklow SC (2007) Versatility in ligand recognition by LDL receptor family proteins: advances and frontiers. Current Opinion in Structural Biology, 17, 419-426. (PDF)

46.5 Störungen der Cholesterinverwertung führen zu Hyperlipidämien

Soutar AK et al (2003) Genetics, clinical phenotype, and molecular cell biology of autosomal recessive hypercholesterolemia, Arterioscler Thromb Vasc Biol 23, 1963- 70 (PDF) Gotto AM Jr (2003) Treating hypercholesterolemia: looking forward, Clin Cardiol 26(1 Suppl 1), I21-8 Smit JW, Diamant M (2004) Genetically defined hyperlipidemia, Pharmacogenomics 5, 295-304

46.6 Gallensäuren und Steroidhormone entstehen aus Cholesterin

Russell DW (2003) The enzymes, regulation, and genetics of bile acid synthesis, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 137-74 Espenshade PJ & Hughes AL (2007) Regulation of sterol synthesis in eukaryotes. Annual Review of Genetics, 41, 401-427. Norlin M & Wikvall K (2007) Enzymes in the conversion of cholesterol into bile acids. Current Molecular Medicine, 7, 199-218.

46.7 Gallensäuren sind natürliche Detergenzien

Thomson AB et al (1993) Lipid absorption: passing through the unstirred layers, brushborder membrane, and beyond, Ca J Physiol Pharmacol 71, 531-55 Houten SM, Watanabe M, & Auwerx J (2006) Endocrine functions of bile acids. Embo Journal, 25, 1419-1425. (PDF)

46.8 Progesteron ist die gemeinsame Vorstufe aller Steroidhormone

Edwards PA, Ericsson J (1999) Sterols and isoprenoids: signaling molecules derived from the cholesterol biosynthetic pathway, Annu Rev Biochem 68, 157-85 Patel FA, Funder JW, & Challis JRG (2003) Mechanism of cortisol/progesterone antagonism in the regulation of 15-hydroxyprostaglandin dehydrogenase activity and

113 messenger ribonucleic acid levels in human chorion and placental trophoblast cells at term. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism, 88, 2922-2933. (PDF)

46.9 Phosphatidsäure ist die gemeinsame Vorstufe aller Phosphoglyceride

Vance JE, Vance DE (2004) Phospholipid biosynthesis in mammalian cells, Biochem Cell Biol 82, 113-28 Kooijman EE & Burger KNJ (2009) Biophysics and function of phosphatidic acid: A molecular perspective. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids, 1791, 881-888. Carman GM & Han GS (2009) Phosphatidic , a Key Enzyme in the Regulation of Lipid Synthesis. Journal of Biological Chemistry, 284, 2593-2597. (PDF)

46.10 Ceramid ist die Vorstufe aller Sphingolipide

Merrill AH Jr (2002) De novo sphingolipid biosynthesis: a necessary, but dangerous, pathway, J Biol Chem 277, 25843-6 (PDF) Hanada K (2003) Serine palmitoyltransferase, a key enzyme of shpingolipid metabolism, Biochim Biophys Acta 1632, 16-30 Grassme H, Riethmuller J, & Gulbins E (2007) Biological aspects of ceramide- enriched membrane domains. Progress in Lipid Research, 46, 161-170.

46.11 Ein gestörter Sphingolipidabbau führt zu Lipidspeicherkrankheiten

Butters TD et al (2003) New therapeutics for the treatment of glycosphingolipid lysosomal storage diseases, Adv Exp Med Biol 535, 219-26 Zhang X, Kiechle FL (2004) eview: Glycosphingolipids in health and disease, Ann Clin Lab 34, 3-13 Sillence DJ (2007) New insights into glycosphingolipid functions - Storage, lipid rafts, and translocators. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

114 47 Abbau von Aminosäuren und Harnstoffzyklus

47.1 Transaminierungen entfernen die α-Aminogruppe der Aminosäuren

Christen P, Mehta PK (2001) From cofactor to enzymes. The molecular evolution of pyridoxal-5’-phosphate-dependent enzymes, Chem Rec 1, 436-47 Burns KA, Kurian S, & Burke CC (2007) Evaluating patients with mildly elevated levels. Clin J Oncol Nurs, 11.

47.2 Der Harnstoffzyklus entsorgt freie Ammoniumionen unter Energieaufwand

Morris SM Jr (2002) Regulation of enzymes of the urea cycle and arginine metabolism, Annu Rev Nutr 22, 87-105 Husson A et al (2003) Argininosuccinate synthetase from the urea cycle to the citrulline-NO cycle, Eur J Biochem 270, 1887-99 (PDF) Deignan JL, Cederbaum SD, & Grody WW (2008) Contrasting features of urea cycle disorders in human patients and knockout mouse models. Molecular Genetics and Metabolism, 93, 7-14. (PDF)

47.3 Das Kohlenstoffgerüst der Aminosäuren gelangt in den Citratzyklus

Owen OE et al (2002) The key role of anaplerosis and cataplerosis for citric acid cycle function, Biol Chem 277, 30409-12 (PDF) Newsholme P, Brennan L, Rubi B, & Maechler P (2005) New insights into amino acid metabolism, beta-cell function and diabetes. Clinical Science, 108, 185-194.

47.4 Hauptprodukt der C2- und C3-Familien sind Acetyl-CoA bzw. Pyruvat Yudkoff M (1997) Brain metabolism of branched-chain amino acids, Glia 21, 92-8 Layman DK (2002) Role of leucine in protein metabolism during exercise and recovery, Can J Appl Physiol 27, 646-63

115 47.5 Oxalacetat, Succinat und Fumarat sind Intermediate der C4-Familie Blau N, Erlandsen H (2004) The metabolic and molecular bases of tetrahydrobiopterinresponsive phenylalanine hydroxylase deficiency, Mol Genet Metab 82, 101-11 Schnell JR et al (2004) Structure, dynamics, and catalytic function of , Annu Rev Biophys Biomol Struct 33, 119-40 Bolstad DB, Bolstad ESD, Wright DL, & Anderson AC (2008) Dihydrofolate reductase inhibitors: developments in antiparasitic chemotherapy. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Patents, 18, 143-157.

47.6 Verzweigtketten-Dehydrogenase baut Intermediate der C4-S-Familie ab

Banerjee R, Ragsdale SW (2003) The many faces of vitamin B12: catalysis by cobalamin-dependent enzymes, Annu Rev Biochem 72, 209-47 Harris RA et al (2004) Mechanisms responsible for regulation of branched-chain amino acid catabolism, Biochem Biophys Res Commun 313, 391-6 Binder S, Knill T, & Schuster J (2007) Branched-chain amino acid metabolism in higher plants. Physiologia Plantarum, 129, 68-78.

47.7 α-Ketoglutarat ist Sammelpunkt beim Abbau der C5-Familie

Curthoys NP, Watford M (1995) Regulation of activity and glutamine metabolism, Annu Rev Nutr 15, 133-59 Haussinger D & Schliess F (2007) Glutamine metabolism and signaling in the liver. Frontiers in Bioscience, 12, 371-391.

116 48 Biosynthese von Aminosäuren und Häm

48.1 Die α-Aminogruppe entstammt molekularem Stickstoff

Suarez I et al (2002) in brain: effect of ammonia, Neurochem Int 41, 123-42 Stanley CA (2004) Hyperinsulinism/hyperammonemia syndrome: insights into the regulatory role of in ammonia metabolism, Mol Genet Metab 81 Suppl 1, 45-51

48.2 Das Kohlenstoffgerüst der Aminosäuren stammt aus Intermediaten des Stoffwechsels

Umbarger HE (1978) Amino acid biosynthesis and its regulation, Annu Rev Biochem 47, 532-606 Curien G, Biou V, Mas-Droux C, Robert-Genthon M, Ferrer JL, & Dumas R (2008) Amino acid biosynthesis: New architectures in allosteric enzymes. Plant Physiology and Biochemistry, 46, 325-339.

48.3 Einfache Reaktionen liefern acht nichtessenzielle Aminosäuren

Maden BE (2000) Tetrahydrofolate and tetrahydromethanopterin compared: functionally distinct carriers in C1 metabolism, Biochem J 350, 609-29 (PDF) Selhub J (2002) Folate, vitamin B12 and vitamin B6 and one carbon metabolism, Nutr Health Aging 6, 39-42 Ragsdale SW (2008) Catalysis of Methyl Group Transfers Involving Tetrahydrofolate and B-12. Elsevier Academic Press Inc., San Diego.

48.4 3-Phosphoglycerat ist Vorstufe für Serin, Glycin und Cystein

Fontecave M et al (2004) S-adenosylmethionine: nothing goes to waste, Trends Biochem Sci 29, 243-9 Stipanuk MH (2004) Sulfur amino acid metabolism: pathways for production and removal of homocysteine and cysteine, Annu Rev Nutr 24, 539-77

117 Wang SC & Frey PA (2007) S-adenosylmethionine as an oxidant: the radical SAM superfamily. Trends in Biochemical Sciences, 32, 101-110.

48.5 Aminosäuren sind Vorstufen von Hormonen und Neurotransmittern

Barrenetxe J et al (2004) Physiological and metabolic functions of melatonin, Physiol Biochem 60, 61-72 Grillo MA, Colombatto S (2004) Metabolism and function in animal tissues of agmatine, a biogenic amine formed from arginine, Amino Acids 26, 3-8 Kvetnansky R, Sabban EL, & Palkovits M (2009) Catecholaminergic Systems in Stress: Structural and Molecular Genetic Approaches. Physiological Reviews, 89, 535-606. (PDF)

48.6 Porphyrine entstehen aus Glycin und Succinyl-CoA

Fujita H (1997) Molecular mechanism of heme biosynthesis, Tohoku J Exp Med 183, 83-99 (PDF) Schultz IJ, Chen C, Paw BH, & Hamza I (2010) Iron and porphyrin trafficking in heme biogenesis. J Biol Chem, 285.

48.7 Der Abbau von Häm erzeugt Bilirubin und Biliverdin

Kapitulnik J (2004) Bilirubin: an endogenous product of heme degradation with both cytotoxic and cytoprotective properties, Mol Pharmacol 66, 773-9 (PDF) Shibahara S et al (2002) Heme degradation and human disease: diversity is the soul of life, Antioxid Redox Signal 4, 593-602 Vitek L & Ostrow JD (2009) Bilirubin Chemistry and Metabolism; Harmful and Protective Aspects. Current Pharmaceutical Design, 15, 2869-2883.

118 49 Bereitstellung und Verwertung von Nucleotiden

49.1 Die Neusynthese von Purinnucleotiden läuft über zehn Teilreaktionen

Zalkin H, Dixon JE (1992) De novo purine nucleotide biosynthesis, Prog Nucleic Acid Res Mol Biol 42, 259-87 Tatibana M et al (1995) Mammalian phosphoribosyl-pyrophosphate synthetase, Adv Enzyme Regul 35, 229-49 Zimmer HG (1998) Significance of the 5-phosphoribosyl-1-pyrophosphate pool for cardiac purine and pyrimidine nucleotide synthesis: studies with ribose, adenine, inosine, and orotic acid in rats, Cardiovasc Drugs Ther 12 Suppl2, 179-87

49.2 Der zweite Teil des Purinringsystems wird schrittweise aufgebaut

Maden BE (2000) Tetrahydrofolate and terahydromethanopterin compared: functionally distinct carriers in C1 metabolism, Biochem J 350, 609-29 (PDF) Ashihara H, Sano H, & Crozier A (2008) Caffeine and related purine alkaloids: Biosynthesis, catabolism, function and genetic engineering. Phytochemistry, 69, 841- 856.

49.3 Die Biosynthese von Purinnucleotiden wird engmaschig kontrolliert

Moriwaki Y et al (1999) Enzymes involved in purine metabolism – a review of histochemical localization and functional implications, Histol Histopathol 14, 1321-40 Downie MJ, Kirk K, & Ben Mamoun C (2008) Purine salvage pathways in the intraerythrocytic malaria parasite Plasmodium falciparum. Eukaryotic Cell, 7, 1231- 1237. (PDF)

49.4 Carbamoylphosphat, Aspartat und PRPP sind Bausteine bei der Pyrimidinbiosynthese

Evans DR, Guy HI (2004) Mammalian pyrimidine biosynthesis: fresh insights into an ancient pathway, J Biol Chem 279, 33035-8 (PDF)

119 Zrenner R, Stitt M, Sonnewald U, & Boldt R (2006) Pyrimidine and purine biosynthesis and degradation in plants. Annual Review of Plant Biology, 57, 805-836.

49.5 Nucleosidtriphosphate entstehen unter Verbrauch von ATP

Ishikawa N et al (2003) Molecular evolution of nucleoside diphosphate kinase genes: conserved core structures and multiple-layered regulatory regions, J Bioenerg Biomembr 35, 5-6 Yegutkin GG (2008) Nucleotide- and nucleoside-converting ectoenzymes: Important modulators of purinergic signalling cascade. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta-Molecular Cell Research, 1783, 673-694.

49.6 Desoxyribonucleotide entstehen aus Nucleosiddiphosphaten

Eklund H et al (2001) Structure and function of the radical enzyme , Prog Biophys Mol Biol 77, 177-268 Stubbe J et al (2003) Radical initiation in the class I ribonucleotide reductase: long- range proton-coupled electron transfer?, Chem Rev 103, 2167-201 Herrick J & Sclavi B (2007) Ribonucleotide reductase and the regulation of DNA replication: an old story and an ancient heritage. Molecular Microbiology, 63, 22-34.

49.7 Fluoruracil ist ein irreversibler Hemmstoff der Thymidylat-Synthase el Kouni MH (2003) Potential chemotherapeutic targets in the purine metabolism of parasites, Pharmacol Ther 99, 283-309 van Kuilenburg AB et al (2004) Pyrimidine degradation defects and severe 5- fluorouracil toxicity, Nucleosides Nucleotides Nucleic Acids 23, 1371-5

49.8 Harnstoff und Harnsäure sind die Hauptabbauprodukte der Nucleotide van Gennip AH, van Kuilenburg AB (2000) Defects of pyrimidine degradation: clinical, molecular and diagnostic aspects, Adv Exp Med Biol 486, 233-41 Beck H, Dobritzsch D, & Piskur J (2008) Saccharomyces kluyveri as a model organism to study pyrimidine degradation. Fems Yeast Research, 8, 1209-1213.

120 50 Koordination und Integration des Stoffwechsels

50.1 Die metabolischen Homöostase jeder Einzelzelle wird bedarfsgerecht eingestellt

Lage R, Dieguez C, Vidal-Puig A, & Lopez M (2008) AMPK: a metabolic gauge regulating whole-body energy homeostasis. Trends in Molecular Medicine, 14, 539- 549. Wheatcroft SB & Kearney MT (2009) IGF-dependent and IGF-independent actions of IGF-binding protein-1 and-2: implications for metabolic homeostasis. Trends in Endocrinology and Metabolism, 20, 153-162.

50.2 Glucose-6-phosphat, Pyruvat und Acetyl-CoA markieren metabolische Knotenpunkte

Cappellini MD & Fiorelli G (2008) Gluclose-6-phosphate dehydrogenase deficiency. Lancet, 371, 64-74. Roche TE & Hiromasa Y (2007) Pyruvate dehydrogenase kinase regulatory mechanisms and inhibition in treating diabetes, heart ischemia, and cancer. Cellular and Molecular Life Sciences, 64, 830-849.

50.3 Transportvorgänge tragen zur Aufrechterhaltung der metabolischen Homöostase bei

Kellett GL, Brot-Laroche E, Mace OJ, & Leturque A (2008) Sugar absorption in the intestine: The role of GLUT2. Annual Review of Nutrition, 28, 35-54. Wu IC, Ohsawa I, Fuku N, & Tanaka M (2010) Metabolic analysis of 13C-labeled pyruvate for noninvasive assessment of mitochondrial function. Ann N Y Acad Sci, 1201.

121 50.4 Die Koordination des Stoffwechsels beruht auf einer Arbeitsteilung zwischen Organen

Kraemer FB & Shen WJ (2006) Hormone-sensitive lipase knockouts. Nutrition & Metabolism, 3. (PDF) Maalouf M, Rho JM, & Mattson MP (2009) The neuroprotective properties of calorie restriction, the ketogenic diet, and ketone bodies. Brain Research Reviews, 59, 293- 315. (PDF)

50.5 Hormone orchestrieren den Gesamtstoffwechsel eines Organismus

Newsholme EA, Dimitriadis G (2001) Integration of biochemical and physiologic effects of insulin on glucose metabolism, Exp Clin Endocrinol Diabetes 109 Suppl 2, 122-34 Silva JE (2006) Thermogenic mechanisms and their hormonal regulation. Physiological Reviews, 86, 435-464. (PDF)

50.6 Glucose ist die wichtigste Regelgröße bei Nahrungsaufnahme und Hunger

Herman MA & Kahn BB (2006) Glucose transport and sensing in the maintenance of glucose homeostasis and metabolic harmony. Journal of Clinical Investigation, 116, 1767-1775. (PDF) Airley RE & Mobasheri A (2007) Hypoxic regulation of glucose transport, anaerobic metabolism and angiogenesis in cancer: Novel pathways and targets for anticancer therapeutics. Chemotherapy, 53, 233-256. Bansal P & Wang QH (2008) Insulin as a physiological modulator of glucagon secretion. American Journal of Physiology-Endocrinology and Metabolism, 295, E751-E761. (PDF)

50.7 Der Organismus antizipiert Situationen erhöhten Energiebedarfs durch gezielte Stoffwechselanpassungen

Febbraio MA (2001) Alterations in energy metabolism during exercise and heat stress, Sports Med 31, 47-59

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50.8 Langfristige Anpassung des Energiestoffwechsels

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50.9 Störungen des Glucosestoffwechsels führen zu schwerwiegenden Erkrankungen

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