Gender Politics in Asia, with Case Studies from China, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Gender Malaysia
Burghoorn, Iwanaga, Milwertz & Wang & Milwertz Iwanaga, Burghoorn, This book examines cultural complexities of gender by focusing on gender politics in Asia, with case studies from China, Japan, Singapore, the Philippines, Thailand and Gender Malaysia. It is a comprehensive volume that examines multiple aspects of gender politics (in terms of dress, healing, religious ordination, NGO activism, etc.) and brings Politics interdisciplinary approaches of inquiry based on in-depth empirical data. In so doing, this book demonstrates the great diversity in gender politics and women’s strategies to negotiate and in AsiA change gender relations individually or collectively. ‘[A]n excellent introduction to the subject Women Manoeuvring within written in a lively and interesting manner, accessible to a general as well as an academic dominant Gender Orders readership. I would strongly recommend Gender Politics in Asia as a key text for anyone interested in and/or studying gender roles in Asia.’ (Colette Balmain, Buckinghamshire New University) Gender ‘I heartily recommend the book to everybody researching gender questions in Asia and complement the editors for their insightful handling of the theme.’ (Anindita datta, Politics University of delhi) Koudstaal Rob by photographs Cover GeNdering Asia in Edited by a series on gender intersections Asi Wil Burghoorn, A Kazuki Iwanaga, Cecilia Milwertz and Qi Wang Burghoorn_reprint_cover.indd 1 11/05/2011 14:03 GENDER POLITICS IN ASIA Burghoorn_prelims.indd 1 14/3/08 14:43:11 GENDERING ASIA A Series on Gender Intersections Gendering Asia addresses the ways in which power and constructions of gender, sex, sexuality and the body intersect with one another and pervade contemporary Asian societies.
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