Supplement to the London Gazette, Ist January 1964 27
SUPPLEMENT TO THE LONDON GAZETTE, IST JANUARY 1964 27 Thomas ALDONS, Boatswain, "Esso Pembroke- Miss Rose CLIFFORD, Manageress, Furnishings shire," Esso Petroleum Company Ltd. (Belfast). Work Room, N.A.A.F.I. (London, S.W.19.) Hedley Henry ALFORD, General Worker III, Win- Leonard Charles COKAYNE, Chief Officer Class frith, United Kingdom Atomic Energy I, H.M. Prison, Wandsworth. Authority. (Weymouth, Dorset.) Ethel Maud, Mrs. COLLEY, Deputy County Thomas Wilfred ANDREWARTHA, Stores Foreman, Borough Organiser, Carlisle, Women's Volun- N. Holman & Sons, Ltd., Penzance. tary Service. Alfred Jackson ARNOLD, Miner, Anhydrite Mine, Alexander COLLINS, Pumpman, s.s. '" Aluco", Imperial Chemical Industries Ltd., Billingham Shell Tankers. (West Croydon, Surrey.) Division. Thomas Henry COOKE, Senior Chargehand, David Tyrie BAIRD, Storekeeper, South of Scot- Distillers' Company Ltd., Hull. land Electricity Board. (Dunfermline, Fife.) Douglas CORLETT, Boatswain, m.v. "Demodo- Luke BAMFORTH, Fitter, 1st Class (Industrial), cus", Alfred Holt and Company. (Ramsey, Ministry of Transport. (London, N.W.2.) Isle of Man.) William Henry BATES, Assistant Foreman, Cen- George COUCH, Chargehand Linesman, Luton tral Works, Southdown Motor Services Ltd. District, Eastern Electricity Board. (Cadding- (Portslade-by-Sea, Sussex.) ton.) Edward Percy BENTLEY, Driver, Maidstone and Frances Mildred, Mrs. COWAP, Centre Organiser, District Motor Services Ltd. (Sheerness, Kent.) Lymington Municipal Borough, Women's Leonard BERRY, Station Officer, Auxiliary Fire Voluntary Service. Service, Birmingham. William John CULSHAW, Housekeeper, National Miss Dorothea Flora BERWICK, Chief Super- Headquarters, British Red Cross Society. visor, Southend-on-Sea Telephone Exchange, (London, S.W.I.) General Post Office. (Westcliff-on-Sea.) Miss Margaret Smallwood CUNNINGHAM, Hon- Norman BLYTHE, Locally-engaged Clerk, Com- orary Collector, Burneside Village Savings mand Secretariat, War Office, Cyprus.
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