Linear Regression with One Regressor
Linear Regression with One Regressor AIM QA.7.1 Explain how regression analysis in econometrics measures the relationship between dependent and independent variables. A regression analysis has the goal of measuring how changes in one variable, called a dependent or explained variable can be explained by changes in one or more other variables called the independent or explanatory variables . The regression analysis measures the relationship by estimating an equation (e.g., linear regression model). The parameters of the equation indicate the relationship. AIM QA.7.2 Interpret a population regression function, regression coefficients, parameters, slope, intercept, and the error term. The general form of the linear regression model is: Yi =β0+β1Xi+εi Where The subscript i runs over observations, i=1,, n; Yi is the dependent variable, the regressand, or simply the left-hand variable; Xi is the independent variable, the regressor, or simply the right-hand variable; β0+β1X is the population regression line or population regression function; β0 is the intercept of the population regression line (represents the value of Y if X is zero); β1 is the slope of the population regression line (measures the change in Y for a one unit change in X); and εi is the error term or noise component; its expected value is zero. Y (Dependent variable) Yi =β0+β1Xi εi εi β 1 (Slope) β0 (Intercept) X (Independent variable) 57 AIM QA.7.3 Interpret a sample regression function, regression coefficients, parameters, slope, intercept, and the error term. The general form of the sample regression function is: ˆ Yi =b0+b1Xi+ei Where The sample regression coefficients are b0 and b 1, which are the intercept and slope.
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