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Public Documents of Maine:














NOVEMBER 30, 1879.



LAND OFFICE, AUGUSTA, December 1, 1879. To the Honorable Governor and Council: In compliance with the provisions of law, I herewith present the Annual Report of the operations of the Land Department during the past year. Under the statutes an

Timothy McDonald, Corinth, three-fifths in common and undivided of timber on township Numbered 6, Range 18, W. E. L. S., in the County of Somerset, $GOO.OO by note payable Sep­ tember 1, 1879. Lien retained to secure payment. TREATY Lo TS. Under the late treaty of \Va-;hington~ authorizing the appoint­ ment of commissioners to locate grants, and determine the extent of possessory claims, and of resolve approved April 12, 1854, a conveyance was made, August 15, 1879, to Peter McKenzie, of all that part of lots numbered one, section fo'; and four, section three, Maysville, which was not intended to be conveyed by the Land Agent in his deed to Sewell Henderson, dated March 20, 1855, and described in the i"eport of said commissioners as follows: "Excepting so mnch as was conveyed by said Henderson to Peter McKenzie, January 7, 185J."

SETTLING LANDS, Under the resolve, approved February 13, 1879, entitled "Resolve to facilitate the settlement of public lands and closing the Land Office," endeavors have been made to accomplish the objects intended by the resolve, therefore, in pursurance of this, and other resolves and acts, authorizing such conveyances to be made, 37 ,899 acres have been conveyed by deed, as shown, described, and tabulated in schedules annexed.

SURVEYS. In response to the obligation imposed in the State deed to the European and North American Railway Company, they have caused to be surveyed, township seventeen, range nine, in the county of Aroostook, into lots of one hundred acres each, part of which have already been contracted, others applied for and may be occupied on the ensuing year. CONCLUSION. With respectful deference to popular opinion, that all duties pertaining to the Land Department can be brought to an early termination without detriment to interests connected therewith; I would not omit this opportunity for expressing an opinion, and commending to favorable recognition, the systematic arrangement of the archives of the office by my predecessors, and valuable sug­ gestions by the then executive, who comprehended the importance to the State for availing ourselves of the original plans, field notes, copies of deeds and contracts, and other important data connected G LAND AGENT'S REPORT. with early and later surveys made by authority of Massachusetts in this State. The admirable compil~tion and arrangement in bound volumes for preservation and future reference, needs only a corresponding recognition for their protection, F.afety and exhibition when infor­ mation shall be desired, to demonstrate the wisdom and forecast of the authorities referred to. ISAAC R. CLARK. Land Agent. APPENDIX.


DR. STATE OF MAINE -in account wz'th EDWIN C. BURLEIGH, Land Agent,from Dec. I to Dec. JI, I878, -inclusive.

To cash paid on account of postage, schedule No. 1...... $128 39 " " charges, schedule No. 2 ...... 1,013 57 timber, schedule No. 3 ...... 12 00 settling lands, schedule No. 4 •...•...•. 401 55 public sale of lands, schedule No. 5 ....• 329 30 lands in township K, range 2, schedule No.6 ...... 160 00 2,044 81 To cash paid into the State Treasury, schedule No. 7, as follows: On account of permanent school fund ...... 1,884 24 On account of reserved lands ...... , .... , ...... 2,433 91 On general account...... ••...... •...... 313 93 4,632 08 To notes retired under orders of Council ...... •.•...... •...... •. 3,885 36 To cash securities, viz. : Notes...... 7,728 58 School Fund...... 4,445 38 12,173 96 Cash balance ...•. ·...... 1,122 08 $23,858 29

CR. STATE OF MAINE z'n account wi'th EDWIN C. BURLEIGH, Land Agent,from Dec. I to Dec. JI, I878, z'nclusz've.

By cash securities in the Land Office, December 1, 1878: Cash balance ...... $3,827 50 Notes...... • ...... • . . . 8, 736 08 School Fund...... 8,847 48 21,411 06 By cash and securities received from miscellaneous sources : For sales of land .....•...... •.•..••...... •...••.....• 1,358 00 For timber stumpage ...... 362 84 For stumpage of timber cut on reserved lands ...... 313 93 For interest on notes, etc•...... •...... •.•..... 412 46 2,447 23 $23,858 29 10 LAND AGENT'S REPORT.

Receipts of Cash from all sources from December I to Decem­ ber JI, I878, -inclusive.

By cash balance December 1, 1878 ...... $3,827 50 " received for bills receivable ...... 1,370 34 " interest on bills receivable...... 244 96 received from school fund account ...... 516 74 " for interest on school fund notes .••..•...... •.•• 167 50 for stumpage of timber cut on reserved lands ..... 313 93 for sales of land ...•.....•.....••..•••...•.••••••. 1,358 00 $7,7!)8 97

Dz'sbursements of Cash.from December I to December JI, I878, inclusive.

To cash paid on account of postage ...... $128 39 " " " charges ...... 1,013 57 timber ...... 12 00 settling lands ...... 401 55 public sale of lands...... 329 30 lands :in township K. R. 2 ....•.••...... 160 00 2,044 81 To cash paid into the State Treasury, as follows: On account of permanent school fund ...... 1,884 24 On account of reserved lands •..•.•....•...... •.••...•.....•..... 2,4.':l3 m On general account....••....••...•...•....•...••.•..•.. , •••••..••. 313 9.':l 4,632 08 Cash balance ....••..•....•...... ••••.•....•..... 1,122 08 $7,798 97

Trial Balance, December JI, I878.

Debit Credit Debit Credit Folio. ACCOUNTS. Footings. Footings. Balances. Balances. ------1 Balances •...•...... •...... $21,411 06 $21,411 06 5 Sales of land ...... 1,358 00 1,358 00 9 Postage •••.•....•.••••.•••••..••.••. $128 39 $128 39 10 Notes retired, •••••....•...... ••...• 3,885 36 3,885 36 11 Timber ...... 12 00 362 84 350 84 18 Reserved lands •.•.•..••••.•..••.... 313 93 313 93 24 Settlinfi lands ...... •••••.... 401 55 401 55 26 State reasury ...... 4,632 08 4,632 08 27 Interest ...... 412 46 412 46 28 Notes ...... 9,098 92 1,370 34 7,728 58 29 Public sale oflands ...... 329 30 329 30 30 Charges ...... 1,013 57 1,013 57 31 Cash •••.•...... •...•. 7,79·.' 97 6,676 89 1,122 08 32 Lands in township K, range 2, ..••• 160 00 160 00 33 School fund ...... 10,731 72 6,286 34 4,445 38 ------$38,191 86 $38,191 86 $23,846 29 $23,846 29 APPENDIX, 11

DR. STATE oF MAINE z'n account wz'th IsAAc R. CLARK, Land Agent,from January I to November 30, I879, z'ncluS'ive.

To cash paid on account of charges and inci,1entals, schedule No. 1 ... $56.'i 94 " salaries of Land Agents, schedule No. 2...... 870 82 on account of settling lands, schc

CR. STATE OF MAINE -in account wz'th IsAAC R. CLARK, Land Agent,from January I to November JO, I879.

By cash securities in Land Office, January 1, 1879: Notes...... $7,728 58 School fund...... 4,445 38 Cash balance...... 1,122 08 --- $13,296 04 By cash and securities received from miscellaneous sources: sale of islands .....•...... ••....• 50 00 timber ...... ••...... •...... 1,155 75 stumpage reserved land ...... •...... •...••.•..••...... 262 07 interest ...... 80 00 sale of tin1ber (security) ...... 600. 00 2,147 82 $15,443 86 12 LAND AGENT'S REPORT.

Receipts ef Cashfronz all sources,from Yanuary I to Novem­ ber 30, I879, inclusive.

I~y cash balance ,Tanuary 1, 1879...... $1,122 08 " received for it;lands...... 50 00 timber...... 1,15,'i 7:i timber, reserved lands ...... 2G2 Oi interest...... • ...... 80 00 $2,6()9 90

Disbursements of Cash from Yanuary I to November 30, I879, inclusive.

To cash paid postage .....•...... •...... $20 ~~ " on account of settling lands ...... 1,2 1:) incidental charges and expenses ...... 565 94 salaries to Dec. 31...... •...... 870 82 into State Treasury ...... 764 66 Cash balance ...... 245 51 $2,669 90

Trial Balances, November 30, I879.

Debit Credit Debit Credit Folio. ACCOUNTS. Footings. Footings. Balances. Balances. ------1 Balances ...... $13,29G 04 $13,296 04 7 Islands ...... •...... 50 00 50 00 9 Postage ...... •.....•.... $50 22 $50 22 11 Timber ...... 1,155 75 1,155 75 18 Reserved lands ...... 27 34 289 41 262 07 24 Settling lands ...... •... 172 75 172 75 26 State treasury ...... 764 G6 764 66 27 Interest ...... 80 00 80 00 28 Notes ...... 7,728 58 7,728 58 30 Charges ...... 781 20 781 20 31 Cash ...... 2,6()7 24 2,451 73 245 51 33 School fund ...... 5,045 38 5,045 38 34 Salary ...... 655 56 655 5G 35 Sales of timber ...... 600 00 600 00 ------$17,922 93 $17,922 93 $15,443 86 $15,443 86 APPEXDIX. 13

Bills Receivable, JVovember 30, I879.


>-< 1-,j 1-,j ~ > ..; ~ a ~ ::i. 0 p' p PRO?tIISORS. Date. c c 'O Residence. ~. c. .... ;:,.. ~ p ~. c ~ p f

Arnolcl, John S ...... Nov. 15, 1878. 187U $106 42 $106 42 Bragg an

Same .•...... •.. 1847 61 2,j 61 25 Holmes, John ...... April :3, 1877. 1879 100 00 100 00 Easton. Hussey, Putnam & Co Jan. 5, 1844 .. 18-±-! 83 75 24 62 59 13 Houlton. Johnson, C. F. A. and Phair ...... April 16, 1875. 1875 28-1 90 284 90 Presque Isle. Jones, J. W. and T. D. l\Iay 14, 1851. 18;31 550 00 50 00 500 00 Ellsworth.

Lib1Jey, Amzi ...... I)cc. 1, 1841.. 1844 li"i 00 15 00 Burlington. Mansur, Rufus ...... loct. 4, 18G2 ... 1862 100 00 100 00 Houlton. Perry, Nathan, ,Jr .... Jan. 6, 1860 .. 18G2 133 33 66 67 66 66 Presque Isle. San1c ...... ••. 18G8 1.33 83 133 33 Pratt, ,Job, et al ...... Xov. 16, 184-1. 18-15 $30 00 30 00 Chester. Saine ...... 184G 30 00 30 00 Smith, B. D., ct al. ... July 28, 1841. 1841 333 00 63 00 Houlton. Sutton, A. n ...... Ang. 19, 18G9. 18G\l 1,010 94 1,010 94 Orono. \Vcntworth, Moses ... Dec. 3, 1830 .. 1831 5!1 50 20 12 59 50 Ellsworth. Sarne ...... 18:t2 59 50 20 12 59 50 San1c ...... •.•..•.• 1833 59 50 20 12 59 50

Same ...... , ... 1834 59 50 20 12 I 59 50 Whittaker, Collins, .. Jan. 15, 18'9. i'833 1,160 001139 30 11,160_~ St.Jolm,N.B. 1$7,728 58

* Paid at maturity; funds entered by mistake to timber account. 14 LAND AGENT'S REPORT.

Bz'lls Receivable, November 30, I879-Concluded.


~ r,j r,j ~ > >-; ~ ~ s0 ~· p" PROMISORS. Date. .:: >;::: ;3. .:: Residence. ;:;. >" "d QJ ~ p p~ .:: ------:° ----- Dunn, E.G ...... Sept. 23, 1874. 1875 $197 46 $35 55 - $197 46·St.John,N.B. Same ...... •... " " 1876 197 46 35 54 - 197 46 " Fish, Ira D., ...... Oct. 30, 1848 .. 1848 54 00 - - 54 00 Patten. ,Jewett, E. D ...... Sept. 23, 1874. 1875 1,382 26 248 81 - 1,382 26 St.,John,N.B. Same ...... " " 1876 1,382 26 248 80 - 1,382 26 " ,Johnston,Daniel, ct al April 27, 1841 1841 250 00 - - 250 00 Prov. ofN.B. McAllister, Abiel .... April 9, 1841. 1841 300 00 - - 300 00 Masardis. McDonald, Timothy.. Oct. 29, 1879 .. 1880 600 00 - - 600 OO!Corinth. Tracy, Stephen, et al. ~lay 20, 1843. 1843 363 30 - - 36:3 30 Greenville. Wadleigh, Ira, et al.. Jan'y 18, 1844 1845 318 64 - - ~8 6rldtown. $5,045 38 SCHEDULE A. Lands conveyed by deed to actual settlers, on the surrender ef outstanding certijicates, during the year ending November 30, I879.

Remarks.I OmGINAL CONTRAOTR. Date. Gr,mtee. Residence. No. of Lot. Township. Acres. I To whom made. Dates. -----, 1------1------1------1-----1----1 ,------1878. Dec. 23 .• · \Jane Lee ....••..••.•• · \Masardis ...... •. 36 5 " Reuben Washburn.... " N. part A. 97 lOR;, ·······\m:::::::::::1U~,D····· ~i~~!nSW:i~f1b~~:::::::: Thos. W. Cliff...... S. pt. A. } so...... Thomas W. Cli:ff.....•..... Thos. W. Cliff•...... in sec. 97 SO...... " Thomas W. Cliff...... •. Dec. 26 .. · \Edmund Currier ••.... Blaine .....•••... 7 B, R. 1. •... -j150.43...... Edmund Currier ...... [May 2, 1878 •. " Isaac :McPherson...... " N. ! 21 " 79.75 •••••••• Isaac A. McPherson... " s. ! 21 79.75 ....•... Geo. W. Collins .••.... Bridgewater .... 2fi 201.32 ....•... David S. Hawes ...... May 31, 1859. Charles F. Collins •.... Stetson ....••...• 35 157 .84 ...... Thomas Corey, ,Jr ...... Nov. 30, 1859. >"a Joel Valley ...... Blaine .....•••... 49 213.37 ...... Joel Valley ...... Nov. 30, 1876. "Cl George H. Collins ..... Bridgewater ..... N. part 50 so ...... George II. Collins ...... June 20, 1860. trj George W. Collins..... " M. part 50 so ...... Benjamin Collins...... " 28, 1860 z James H. Collins •..... S. part 50 21.34 ...... Benjamin Collins...... 28, 1860 tj James H. Kidder ••.... 64 175.84 ...... William Hanselpecker .... Nov. 30, 1859. 1879. ~ Jan'y 14. Desire Violette ....•... Connor pl. ••.••. K, R. 2 •..... 160 ...... Desire Violette ....••...... Dec. 13, 1878. March 51\Iary J. Seely .•...... Fort Kent ...... Undivided ! 27 18, R. 7...... 21.43 ...... " 15 Sam 1. C. Greenlaw .... Presque Isle .•... 96 11, R. 3 •..... 178.38 ...... Grantee .•...... •..... Oct. 22, 1872 .• 17 Amos F. Chase •...... Moro pl...... 44 6, R. 5 ••••• 153.30 ...... Henry A. Webster..•...... Noy. 14, 1871. 17 Sarah C. Johnson ..... P1·esque Isle.... . 33 11, R. 3 •..... 138.21 ...... Eben S. Garland •.•...... Aug. 26, 1871. 17 Daniel Getchell. .••.... Limestone •..•.• 56 E, R. 1 •••••• 160.19 ....•... Daniel Getchell ...... •..... Aug. 21, 1868. 18 George Rust •...••.... Island Falls .••.. 126 4, R. 4 ••.••. 160 ....•...... EdgarC.Covell ••....•..... Nov. 15, 1860. 114 4, R. 4 •..... 160 .....•..... N. M. Leavitt ...... Sept. 18, 1867. rn ~~t~~~~ I: fJ:{l~~:::: " f,. part 67 4, R. 4 ••..•. 80 ...... •.... Ebenezer Webber ••••••.•. Oct. 1, 1874 .•. 18 John Daggett...... •... 58 4, R. 4 ••.... 60 ...... John Anderson ••....•...•• Aug. 16, 1877. 19 Malorum C. Young .... E. part ofE. ! 133 4, R. 4- •••••• 50 .••....•... Grantee ...... •....• Oct. 1, 1874 .. 1 50 Eaton Grant. 110 .....•..... Grantee ...... •....•..... June 9, 1871.. ~f i!!1;!nl c!2n~~:~ .s::: x!1}1~~1a :: :: : : : : : 64 11, R. 5 •..... 158 .....•..... Solomon Brown •...... June 30, 1851. 22 Orrin R. Mitchell ...... Island Falls .... . 45 4-, R. 4 •..... 78 .•...... Grantee •...... Oct. 1, 1874 ... 22 David F. Adams .•..... Caribou ...•..... N. part 61 I, R. 2 ••..... 151.5Ci ...... J. & Winslow P. Robinson Nov. 30, 1874. 22 John G. Kalso ...... Island Falls .... . fi 4, R. 4 •..... 160 ....••..... Grantee ••...... Sept. 26, 1873. 31 Renj. F. Brown ..•..... Van Buren ••.... 82 L, R. 2 ••...•• 153.26 ....•... Nicholas Javroin ....•...•. June 28, 1871. April 3 ... John Keegan ....••.... Cyr ..•.....•.••.• 94 L, R. 2 •...... 150.77 ...... Grantee ...... Nov. 30, 1874. " Joseph Bernard .••..•. Cyr .•....•....• 78 L, R. 2 .•.•... 105.30 ...... Grantee ...... Nov. 30, 1875. -Cc ,...... SCHEDULE A--Continued. 0:,

Date. Grantee. Residence. No. of Lot. Township. Acres. Remarks.I ORIGIN.AL CONTRACTS. To whom made. , I>ates. ------,------1------______1879. Isaac L. Jenkins ...... 'Ox now ...... w. ! 32 9 R. H.•...•. 119.35 ...... U. D .•... Robert Pnrris ...... June 20, 186i5. April 19. )Elb. G. Whitehouse ... Castle Hill .•.... 25 11 R. 3 .••.... 12\J.82...... • " Alonzo ,v. Garland •...... Nov. 27, 1871. " Antoine JHichaud ..... Van Buren ...... 49 L, R. 2 •.••.•. 119.60... .•••• 'l'homas Sirvis, Jr ...... Jul·, 24, 187i'i. Adolphus Lebree ..... Pleasant Ridge .. 68 F, R. 1...... 75.87. .• . . . . John Libree .•...... Xov. lfl, 1870. Lydia A. Daniels ..... Presque Isle .... s. ! 146 11 R. 3 ...... lfl5.29... .• . . . Caleb G. Sprague ...... Nov. 15, 1871. Heuben A. ,ving...... Pleasant Ridge .. 133 F, R. 1., .••.. 167 .rn...... Nathan A. Richardson .... June 10, 187fi. Jtmathan C. Merry .... Sherman ...... 152 3 R. 5 ...... 100...... Grantee ...... •...... July 20, 1871. Abram Grantham ..... Fort Fairfield... . 158 F, H. 1. ••.... 190.91...... Albert Sterling ...... l\Iay 8, 187G .. t-< " !Albert Ilolestridge .... Ashland ...... 60 18 R. G...•... 95... .• . . . . •. John H. Alieff ...... Xov. 30, 187G. z> April 21.. Amasa Howe ...... Presque Isle ...... 26 11 U. 13..... 15:LRl.. ... ~·- .. ~ \Vil!ia1:n IL Garland ...... Nov. 2, ]872 .. 0 " ·Euuie L. Fulier •...... Easton ...... 45 C, n. 1...... 1U5.G:.l...... John W. McDonald ...... June 20, 1878. Charles F. Thomas .... Caribou ...... f>!) I, R. 2 ...... rn1 .52...... Charles I-I. Dean ...... Jan. 30, 1881. Freeman Hayden ...... Presque Isle ... . SG 11 R. 3...... 91.50...... Daniel Lothrop ...... April 22, 1871 >C) Cyrus T. Daniels...... " 138 11 R. 3 ...... • 171.76...... George Rice, 2d ..•...... Sept. 10, 1873 trJ Frank E. Rines ...... Mount Chase ... . no 5 R. 6 ..••... 163.50. •...... Hacker Davis ...... April 11, 1877 z William Gifford...... " 135 5 R. G....•.• 164...... Jame,:; S. Crummett ...... ,July 18, 1876. ...., Orrin A. Gerry ...... Easton ...... 4.J. C, R. 1. ••.... 1G3.'.W...... Grantee ...... Noy. 30, 1874. ut Zenas S. Littlefield .... Patten ...... 12:3 ii U. G...•.•. Jf>!l...... Grantee ...... July 18, 187H. April 22 .. \Dennis Farrell ...... Cyr ...... iil L, H. 2 •....•. 108.5(J...... Uran tee ...... July 24, JR7;>. ~ " Anthonr Valley ...... Haston ...... 57 0, R. 1. ••..•• 168.94...... Grantee ...... Jmie 20, lt-173 trJ "ti Lorin J,'. Boynton ..... Ashlaml ...... 43 13 R. G....••. 118...... Grantee ...... Nov. 30, 187G. 0 Jacob Darling ••...... Mount Chase ... . 82 5 R. 6 .....•. J56...... Grantee ...... Jan. 3, 1874 .. " Dennis D. Cyr .•...... Cyr ...... 70 L, R. 2 ..••..• 173.32... .• . . . Baptist Cormier ...... Dec. 6, 1870 ...... ,~ April 29 .. David F. Adams ...... Caribou ...... 103 I, R. 2 .••..•• 161.44...... Thomas H. Cochran.·...... July 5, 18G2 .. " Samuel Stevens .•..... ],'ort Kent •...... 28 18 R. 7 .••...• 100 ....•...... May l. ... Thomas ,J. Roberts .... Merrill pl...... S. ! 2H 6 R. 4...... 88.27 ...... Grm1tee ...... July 12, 1878. l\Iay 2 •••• Charles C. ,Tewell ..... Blai11e ...... R. ! rn ll,H,. l...... G:_L71 .••.•••• Robt. Gustin ...... Sept. \!, 187:i. " Robert Gustiu ...... Mars Hill ...... N. ! 12 B, R 1...... m.71 ...... GrantPe ...... Sept. l:l, 187,>. Charles S. Perry ...... Island !<'alls .... . 127 4 R. 4 ..•...• 160 •....•••.•. John D. Perkins ...... June 2, 1870 .. George Casey ...... Chapman pl. ... . :n 11 R. 3 ...... 158.52 ....•... Arnlre,v E . .Simonton ..... April 13, 187:.l William H. II. Casey .. l\fapletou pl. ... . 14 11 K 3 ...... 145.t>O ...... Grantee ...... Nov. 27, 1873. John S. Clitronl. •..... Glenwood pl. .. . 1 s. ! 2 B,. 3 ...... 110 .•.••.•..•. Hiram Evans ...... l\Iar. 2G, 1874. " !William Rowe ...... Crystal pl...... N. W. }3!1 4 R. ii ...... Hi6.35 ....•... Grantee ...... Nov. 28, 187;"'i. l\fay 8 .... John A. Smith ...... Ilelg-rade ...... 1:10 ]', R. 1...... IGG.Gl. ...•••. Allen H. Smith ...... Nov. 2, 1875. " Ezekiel Gaynan ...... Caril>0u ...... 124 I, R. 2...... !l\:J.7H .••..... David Charette ...... Oct. 2, 187:l .. Joseph Morrow .•..... Pleasant Ridge .. 17 F, R. 1...... 84.8!l ....•... RemiJotte ...... •...... Aug.13, 1874 Jos.King & Fe!. J arette Limestone ...... 82 F, R 1...... 123.31...... Joseph Chasse ...... Oct. 9, 1873 .. William J. Smith ...... Pleasant Ridge .. 1G2 F, R. 1. •..•.. 182.33 .•....•. Grantee ...... June 8, 1876. .May 8 ••• !Frank A. Delano•••••• ,Pleasant Ridge •• s. ! 132 F, R. 1 • • • • • • 82.C>l •••••••• U. D ••••• Grantee .•..••••••••••••••• April 16, 1875 •• Eugene R. 'l'emple.... " N. ! 132 F, H.. 1 • • • • • • 82.02... •• • • • " Frank A. Delano...... " " " William Sirois ....•.•• Caribou •••••••.• 38 I, H.. 2 .•••••• lM.32...... Albert Noyes ...... Oct. IG, 1862. 1 S. 1. l:'iO I, It. 2...... 7!).!)9...... s. t:<. Albee ...... "O\'. 2, 1872 •• fl!t~~e~· ~{! f;;s:~~~.;:: " N. ! 150 I, lL 2 .•••••• 7!J.!lS...... • S. S. Albee ...... :-.;oy. 2, 1872 .. John Vcnnan .•.••••••. !)6 I, I{. 2 •.••••• IU0.28...... Israel Ketch ...... ~ov. 30, 1874. Jacob Howland ••••• ··JPleasant Ridge •• li7 I!', B.. 1 •••••• 134.80...... Grantee •..•...... •.....••. ,July 27, 1874. :Frank A. Delano...... " s. ! 131 F, lL l • . • . • • 82.02...... Eugene B. Temple .•...•.. Oct. rn, 1875. J.;ugcne B. Temple .... N. k 131 !<', IL 1 • • • • • . 82.01...... Grantee ...... Oct. rn, 1875. John l\Iurdock .•.•••.. !i8 I<', R. 1 ••.••. 128...... Grantee ...... ,July 9, 1877 .. May 9 ••• Joshua M. Crouse.·•••• ,Washburn ••.•••• 84 13 lt. 3 •.•••• l;i5... .•••• ••• Grantee ...... Nov. 27, 1871. " 10 ••• C. u. Young .•..••••.• Caribou ...•.•.•. s. ! 141 J, IL 2 ...... 94.33.. .• ..• • • Timothy Bean ...... Oct. 2, 1873 .. " 10 •••.A.bner Bubar...... " s. ! 102 I, It. 2 ...... 80.43... ..••• William lL Bubar ...... Nov. 30, 1874. " 10 •• Edwnrcl Montgomery. N. ! 102 I, It. 2...... 80.43...... William R. Bubar ...... Nov. 30, 1874. 10 ••• John W. Thompson ... s. ! 138 I, lL 2...... SO.OU...... Eli .Andrews . . • ...... Nov. 2, 1872 .. " 10 ••• Ei Andrews •.••••••• N. k 138 I, lL 2 .•••... 80.07... .• • . • Jrantee ...... NoL 2, 18,2 .. " 10 ••• George F. Rouse .•.... 1U8 I, IL 2 ...... - ,John u. Hardison ...... Oct. 2, 1S7:l .. " 10 ••• Charles Theriault ..••. 30 I, It. 2 ...... 171.79. .•• ..... Grante. e ._...... Dec. :rn, 1875.1· " 12 ••• Andrew Windell ••.••• Woodland pl. ... 70 14, 1L 3 •••.•. 159.40...... Elmer J. lfrost...... X ov. !l, 187-1 . 1 w. !56 14, IL 3...... so.1:l...... Grant2e ...... Sept. 7, 187,i. .. fL: t~\\~1tE.BJ~~~~~~ ~:::: :: w. !50 14, IL 3 ...... 79.HJ...... Grantee ...... ,\l1g. 7, 1878. > " 12 ••• Amanda Emmons ...•. Belgrade ..•••••. ll6 I!' IL 1 ...... Hi3.7:3...... John I<'. Emmons ...... Oet. 2. H-\7ti .. >-;j " 12 ••• faaac E. Berce ...... \Voodland pl. ... E. !53 >-;j 14, lL 3 •..••• 7:J. IH..... •• • Uranteu ...... ,\u,;-. 7, 187~· I t"l 12 •• • IRicl~ard W. \_Vithee... " 96 14, It. 3 ....•. Hi3.G:3 • • • . Grantee ...... \ ll.!.\"· 2:-<, 18,4 12 ••• I. z Dand Tozier .•••..• 88 14, IL 3 •••••• 15,i.08...... Grantee ...... •...... Oct. 31, lt:>77, I I:, " 12 ••• Thomas C. Wallace ... 82 14, IL :1 ...... 158.20...... Grantee ...... '.\ov. 28, 187,i. " 2?· .. Luth~r Be,nsou ...•..• ·1Cha1m:an pl. .•.. 32 14, IL 3 ...... !SJ.GS...... IUeor;.rn \-V. Griilin ...... Nov. 27, 1871 ~ 13 •.• Peter Ohbon .••...... Woodland pl. .•. 52 14, It. 3 ••.••• V'>.3.38. ••• •••. G1·antee ...... \ug. ~s, 1~74 13 ••• George A. Dross...... " 141 14, lL 3 .••.•. 103.10...... Ura11t.Je ...... :\ug. ,, 18,8. 13 .•• Peter H. ~elson .•..•. 118 H, R. 3 ...... 152.71...... Grantee ...... •....•...... \ug. 2, Hl7U. " 13 .•• C. A. Briggs and J. N. !{cough ...... •.. ,Caribou ...... •• ]01 14, R. 3 ...... 175.77 •••..•.. ~ilm1111 Phillips ...... ·1 ·~ug. !.• rnzs. 13 ••• Albert E. Ross ....•... Woodland pl. ... 117 14, It. 3 ...... l!'i4.61i ...... Gn111tee...... :\ov. ,), 1814. 57 14, ]{. 3 ...... lfi!.).76 ...... ,John B11rgcson ...... ,July 3, 1878 .. ii::: Nn~hf*~fo~~~~:::::::: " ll9 14, IL 3 ...... 173.li3 .••.•... :\l(loras 1''arley ...... July 18, 1874. " 13 ••• \Villiam D. Loudon .•. lli) 14, IL 3 ...... l:ili.2fi ••••.... Charles E. Cushing ...... '.\° oY. 30, 1872. " 13 .•• James B. Mcintyre •.. 102 14, IL 3 ...... 173.47 ...... Alexamler Alicy ...... 0(•t. 2::<, 1873. 13 ••• Charles F. A. JohnsonlPresque Isle •... 22 11, H.. 3 ...... 147.33 ...... ~. W1llia1J.1 M. Casey •••••... Oct. 12, 1874. 13 ••• Ada F. Phair...... " 61 11, It. 3 ...... 1Ul.3G •••••••. L. \V. 'l'hompso11 ...... Sept. !J, 187:i. 13 .•• Isaac Grantham ••..••. PleaimntRidge pl 1 157 .I<', IL 1 ....•• Hl0.91 ...... ,James l

. . ORIGT:'>AL CONERACTS. Date. Grantee. Residence. No. of Lot. 'I'ownslup. Acres. Remarks To whom made. Dates. I 1 1 1 1 1 I May 14 ... ,fared n-r-t-ts-.-..-.-.- ..-.-.- ..-.1Townsl1ip 8, R.5. ------S, ! sec. 4 8 R. 5 ...... 183.12 ...... U. D ..... Grantee, ...... ,July 25, 1874. " 17 ... ,Josiah H. Hunt ...... 1Silver Ri(lge pl.. 11 R. 4 1 " 17 ... Charles If. A. John•on Presque Jsle ..... 31 11 t\~~·:::: m:~t:::::: " Y:!~~~tti:·i1~;:,;~;::: :: :: :: : t;~~ Jf: i~Zf rn ... Gem·ge \Vren ...... :-iil\·er Hi1lge ,,1.. ~· ~ ;;• ~~- ~- .. ~g·~~·...... \\~e:1_twm-th ~Yilliams .•.•...\p1:H ~~· 1~~3 rn ... l\I. Johnson ...... South l\Iolunkus. 83\f: r- 4 E, !.! -, .L{, o ... 11~.i,1...... D,tud !\!. H1Jton ...... \ Jlll· l,>, foil " 20 ... Riclrnnl RPdiker ...... Washburn ...... 38 13 H. :{ .....•• I,il .SS...... Chnrles Hump hey ...... Aug. 11, 1871. " 21. .. Albinas P. Perry ...... lsl:.wtl l<'alls ...... w, !80 4 U. 4, .•.... SO ...... ,.... Gec;rge Dariing ...•...... '.\ov. ll, 1;;7,J.. 21. .. !,James S. C, ,nant...... Limestone ...... 2 1E, R.l...... lf>9...... 11-Iora('C·'l'rne ...... jl\fay 21, 1K72. 3 sec. 17 I~,!~·~ ...... !~~-£4,...... j·~at,m1iol S~wyer ...... :(kt. 2;Ji.187!:· " ~i:::1¥~~~~~-~/ii~~)::~~~::::::. :: 78 ,~, l,_. 1 ...... I J,Jti. ,;,. • • • • • • • IC· luu·tes A.. Grass ....• _. .... ,J -J, 18,,3. 21. .. ,D:wid Ditson, Jr ...... 4 sec. 21 g, R. l...... lu3.-IS...... llm:iel B. Turner ...... July 10, 1874. 21. .. Eel win Dube ...... ~,,t1] E, H.. 1 ...... 78.~2...... Rot hens D. Johnson ...... April 17, 1878 21. .. Abrnhnn1 Dulle ...... E, 78.82...... Rot11ens D. JohEson .•.... ,\ pril 17, 1873 > N, !.! " n. 1...... "d " :ll.. ·10. ,y. Davis, ,Jr ...... Dargor ...... 1\) rn K 4 ...... SIJ.44...... Dayid Jbnrlall ...... Aug.'28, 1872. "O June 17 ... Chr1_s. C. Chan.15...... ,John Goding- ...... Nov. 12, 1878. tti " 18 ... DavHl Dndley...... " 19 If ~~- r .. ", .. 1g7-2~...... {oh c. lllgraham ...... ~ov. ;• l~I! .. z " 20 ... ,Joh11 Baptiste Bosse .. Township 17, R.G 1 103 ~.;;; 1,, R. 6 ...;,J.1:...... • . Grantee ...... ~ov. ,J, J::;,.L. tj " 20 ... William \V. Goo!l.Hl. •• .... . Grantee ...... Xov. 18, 1871. 24 ... Thomas Madore ...... 5 L,H,2 ...... l!i:2.11...... Grantee ...... ,\ng.5,1871.. 2"1 ..• Augustus l\larlore...... 4 IL, H, 2 ...... !G3.43...... Grantee ...... , ...•. Aug. 5, Jt,71 .. 2;"i ....James F. Heecl ...... Glenwood " .... 41 I~. i No. 2, R. 3 100...... Grantee ...... Nov. 20, 1~69. ,July 12 ... ,John Tnpley...... Blaine ...... 1 44 ID, H.J...... 1"i9,31...... Grantee ...... April 2ii, 1860 " 12 ... ,Jamrs C. Wellington .. \lonticello ...... 26 B, R. 1...... lfi4.15...... Grantee ...... :\Jar. 7, 1861.. 22 ... lfrr11'1lo C. Ellingwood Wooc1land pl. ... . 103 14 H. 3 .. , .... 180.59.... •. . . Henry Hi:;·gins ...... \ov. go, 1872. 22 ... ,Jerome Dubois ...... Caribou ...... S, ! 130 r, R. 2 ....•.. 79...... l;rautce ...... ,July G, 1871.. 22 ... Timati Dubois...... " .•...... N, pso 1 , H. 2 ...... 7H...... Jerome Dubois ...... July (i, 1871.. 12 ... neuben Sylvester ...... Woo(llan 17 R. 6 ...... 100.50 ...... t,rantce •.•..•.•....••...• , Oct. 25, 18i8 . ::g " 16 ... Regi,i Daig·le ...... 97 17 H. 6 ...... 100 .....•..••. " 16 ... Augustine Daigle; 2d • 115 Gl'antee ...... •...... Oct. 2ii, lS,8 . lTJ 17 R. 6 .... , .. HiS.38 ...... Grantee ...•...... Oct. 2."i, 1878 . " 16 ... Dennis Daigle ...... 106 171L G••••••• 103 .....•••.•• z 16 ... Louis l\:liclmud ..•.•.•. Grantee ••••...... • , ••....• Oct. 2fi; 18i8 . tj 75 17 IL G••••••• 100.Mi •. , .... . Uran tee...... •.... Oct. 2ii, 18,8. '' 16 ... Adolph Dubey ..•..... , " 116 17 R. G•.•.•.• 174.82 ...... 1~ .•. Dedi!1iene Daigle ..... 1:ownsl1ip 17, R.6 25 Uran tee •••••••.•..••.•..•• Oct. 2ii, 11"378. p, 17 lL 6 ...... 100.75 ...... L;rautcc ...... , ••• May 10, 1876. 1, ... Cassrns Sears ...... I:< ort Kent .•••••• 86 17 R. 6 .••.... 101.50 ...... Grantee ...... •...... ,July 1-!, l87i. 17 •.. Levi Scar::i . • . . . • . • • • • . " 66 17 IL G.•..•.. lO(UlO •••••••. 17 •.. Silas Niles ...••.•••... 76 Grantee ...•...... ••.•..•. ,July 14, 1877. 17 R. Cl ••••••• !00.7i"i ...•.... Grantee ...•...... July H, 1:-:i77. 17 ... Chrysostou Martin •.• 78 17 R. r;...... 100 ...•• , .... . 17 .•. Alexis Demo ...... •.• Grantee ...... ,Jnly 14, 1877. 88 l i It. 6 ....•.. 100 .•.••• , ... . Urantee .....••...... ,Tuly H, 1877. 17 .•. Dominique Daigle ... 37 17 R. (i, •••••• 100.92 ...... ,. 17 •.. Finnin Daigle ...•.... 85 Grantee ...... ,July 14, 1877. 17 R. 6 ..•.... 100.12 ....••. Grantee ...... •..•.. XO\'. 30, 1877. 17 ..• Joseph Bushard •....• 98 17 R. H.... , .. 100 .•••• , ..... 17 ... c. P. Dickey ...... 36 Grantee .....•.•..••...... July 14, 1877. 17 R. 6., ..•.. 101. .. , ..•.... Grantee .....••...•••...•. Oct. 2:i, 1~78. 17 .•• Xavier Pelletier •.•••. 49 171{.(i ..•.... 97.12 .•..•... 17 ... Thomas Pe1leti2r•••••• Grantee .....•. , ...... ~ov. 30, 18i7. 39 17 R. 6...... 9-1.26 .•..•••. Grantee •...... •••.•... Xov. 30, 1877. " 18 •.. Charles 'l'hericault ... . 74 17R.6...... 9!J.9fi ...... 18 ... Antoine Bully, ,Jr .... . Grantee ...... • . . . . . • ... , . Oct. 2,"i, 1878 . 45 17 R. 6 ..•.... 100.83 ..•..... Grantee •••.•••....•••••... ,July lli, 1874. 18 .. Alsine Bully ...... ·1 " ii6 17 R. 6 .•..•.. 10:!.ri3 .•...•.. " 18 •.. Henry Bolier ...... Township 17,R. € Grantee ...... ~ OY. 30, 1876 67 17 ILG ••••••• lO!J.45 ..•••••. Grau tee...... • . • . . Nov. :rn, 187Ci. 18 .•. Thomas Bully . . . . . • • . " " 14 17 R. 6 ....•.. 101 ...... 18 ... Antoine Bullv, 2ct..... " " Grantee ...... •..... :\ov. :"i, 1873 .. 46 17 R. G.....•. H!J.2-! ...... Grantee ...... So,,. 30, 1876. 24 .•. Aaron Arn,tin ...... Gle(l\YO()(l pl ... . '21 So. ! 2 R. 3.. \19.33 ••...•.. 1--' ,Grantee •...••...... •....•. July 10, 1875. :.0 N) SCHEDULE A.-Concluded. 0

OiUGIXAL Co:-.Ti:Acrs. Grantees. Residence. ~o. of Lo. 'l'ownslup.. I Acres. P..emarks _:~~-\ TO whom made. Dates. 18,H. Oct, 2-i ... Louis Violette •...... •• Lyrnlon .•....•.. 72 r, H. 2 ...... lrn,.22 ...... U. D ..•.. Grantee •.•..•••••...••.... i\ng. 27,1870. " :?J .•. P,ci· Anclcn,nn ...... • :'\cw Swe 1 ··'.l)~·Z~· ...... L; 2,j ... 1 Gi!mnn Phillips .•..... " ...... 11, fl 10 IH 1,. a...... 11. ,h...... LC\\"JS L. 0.-;IJornc ...... Od. HI, 1:;, , .. 2,i ... ,\lcxanllcr Alley...... " ...... E, ~ 7U 14 lL 3...... ,, . ,U...... Le\vis L. 0,;borne ...... Utt. 31. 18.7 .. t::I 2-!. .. f>etcr Xelson ..•...... 1Xcw Sweden ... . 7 J.i H. 3 ....•.• 112.48...... Uran tee ...... •.. ~ept. 21, 1875. > :H •.. A. \\'il'cn •..•.••...... • 15 1:i IL 8 ...... • lli.80.. •• ••• . r;rai;tee .••••.••.••.....•••. Sept. rn, l::i78. 0 ·' :n ... LcYi If. <,arry...... 14 !5 U. 3 ...... 11:l.09...... Grantee ...... •..--ept. W, 18,8. tTJ " :n ... CL arks Eclongc •••.•••• Cnr1bon ••.••.••. 37 Ir, H. 2 ...... 1:n.27...... fnmds-ChamlJcrlain ...••. Ott.10, 18W .• z ·• ::;1. •• l\f. L. 1:-t,Jw:1rt •...... • Cl1apman pl. ... . 77 111{. :~ •..••.. Hi:L:2:)...... •. \\'alter S. Gray •.••.••••••. \ov. 2,i, 187;'i. ...., " gi. .. Cl1rtrlcs :--. Richmond.. " ... . 5 II B. 3 ...••.• 17U.Ui... .•. • . GranYille A. Hayden ...... June :20, 1~,l. (/)~ :;1. .. ,Joseph II. l(ccnc ...... Crtribuu ...... •.. 120 H H. 3 ...... 172.:>:L...... Ja,ue·: Guige~· ...... •...•. ,.July 10, 18,.J.. :;i .•.•Jarnesl'.Small...... " ...... l.J-2 H. 2 .. · · · · · 1U4.82.. .• ••• . Gvorge W. ::Canford ...... \o\'. 28, l~i.i. ~ " :;1. .. Ezekiel Le,·asscm·...... •.•..... l:W I''I, H. 2 ....••• W4.U7...... Peter LPreg-u,· .••••.•••.••• ~ov.2, 1872 ... tTJ :! ,James ~\.pl'il "O !--<>Y. 1. .. Ueor.2:c \Valls ...... SI ennan ...... H3 IL 5 ...... 15:i...... W. llrown ...... •. 1, lbiB. 0 " l. .. Charles L. Stodd.n·d •.. \Vas It lrnrn .....•. 4 rn H.. 4 .•••••• 1U:LU4. •• .•• . . t~ralltee ...•...... ••••.••. ~ov. 6, 18,U. ~ " J •• · 1·Tohn ,\. Ste1rart ...... Chapman pl. .... JS ll IL 3 .••••. -1155.!Jl...... Stc>phen Wilcox, ,Jr...... •. Ott. 20, l8G:-:l. ..., 1 ... Henr_v C.Glitllicr...... \\'nshbur11 ••.... 77 1:) IL :1 •••••• .,lll!J.S:{...... Gnmtee ...... Sept. i, 1875 .. lt< ... I<:. S. Brown ...•...... \Yoo:;que brn ... . rn 11 IL :3 ••••••• Ii3.rn...... ,Tames A. Comlon .•...•.•. :,ov. 12, 1873. 2.i ... 1,.Jo n II. ,Jll(l!l...... " ... . 74 11 lL 3 ...... :W9.U4...... Ge<>r,:.;·e Gridle~· •.•...•.•.•• '.'\o\·. J, 18i7 •. " :!,i ... I George l'cnd0xtel' ..... Cl1:1pman pl. ... . 82 11 H. 3 ...... ,l(Hi.48...... c;ra1:tec ...... :-.m·. so, 18,S. '.n .. ·JC. P. Allen ...... P;·cs<1ue ble ... . m IL H. 3 .••...• rn:urn...... Dm·a Stinehlieltl ...•.•.•... Oet. :rn, 18i:'> •• 2;"i ... Frank P. J ,nlan...... ,; ... . GH 11 H. 3 ...... /rns.m...... <'assalton B. I-Ieuey .•.••.. ~ov. l, 1877 .. 2.-. ... _A. E. Wright•••...•.•• i\Iaplcton pl. ... . 107 11 H. 3 ...... 1159.58...... Frank Stowe ...... Nov. 28, 1875. " 18 ... Wilfo1m Reed...... •.. Elevrn R. 1 •••••• 62 11 R. 1. ....•. 100.45, ••••••• Robert W. Davis ...... Juno 9, 1874•• " 26 ••..Joseph C. 1Valkcr...... rslanct Falls .••.. 74 4 R. 4 ••••••• 160 •••••••••• Grantee •.••.••.•..••••••.•• Feb. 20, 1875. " 21; ••• George C. Nortnn ...... lslarnl Falls .•.•. 3;; 4 H. 4 ••••••• lGO ••••••••••• <,;ran tee •••••.••••.•••.•••.• Sept. 10, 187!). " 2fl ... \s:t \V. <·r:mclnll •.•••. Oaklicl .• •• 28 •.• .Tohn n~~roon,,y .•...•. Chapman 111. •.••• 53 11 K :; ...... IG3.33 ...... Grantee ...... •.•...... ••. s\ u • 2,i, 187!J. 28 ... A. E. Chapman pl•..••• 145 11 U. 3 .....•• Iii.GO ...... •. John A. Bellmaine •.•••••. Aug. 26, 18W. 1 Wnght .••••••... Total acres, 32,mn.M > ii:, ii:, SCHEDULE B. l'tj Lands conveyed to Swedish Imm.igrants under Acts approved 11:farch 23, --1870, February 24, 1871, and ~ 'January 23, 1873...... ~

Dat:>. Grantees. Residence. No. of Lot. Townsl11p.. I Acres. IRemarks I OIUUIN.\L CONTRACTS, To whom mnde. I Dates. ------,I ------]~7:l, I I I XoY. fi •.• Fre

~ Date. Grantee. Residence. No. of Lot. Township. .Acres. · Remarks .

1878, Dec. 11. Jeanne M. Strickland •...•••• , 55 SR. 3 ...... 200 ...... ··JU. D. 1879, JI'eb.18. James E. Holmes...... 28 13 l{, 4 ••••...•••.•• 170...... •••.•• " 1879, Mar. 7. Albert A. Burleigh ...... Houlton ...... 67, 68, 69 SR. 3 ...... 600 ...... " " 7. Albert A. Burleigh...••...•••. Houlton ...•....•.••..•• 5, 53, 54 8 IL 3 ...... 600 ...... 12. Roxanna Brown ..•.•••.••..... Merrill pl ..•••....•.... S, pt. 25 6R. 4 •.....•••••••• 78.87 ...... " l\fay 16. Albert A. Burleigh ...•...... Houlton .••...... •. 33 .4 I. pur ...... 200 ...... July 22. Lavinia P. Rollins ...... ••..•. l<~ort Fairfield..•..•.... N,pt. W " Oct. 20. William Brown...... Eagle Lake pl...... 117 1~: fi{iLs::: ::: :: 1gtgg: :: ·::: :: :: : : : lllov.10.,D. avid and ,Jas. Moore...... 11 R. 1 pl...... A, 56 111{. 1 ..•••.••••.•• 104.10 .....• ·••·• .. " 20. Samuel \V. Collins ....•....••• Caribou ...... •...••..•• 12, 16, 17, 22 H, R. 2 •••••••••••. 681.12 ...... " 20. \Vash'gtonA.Vaughan ...... Caribou...... 1, 6 H, R. 2 ..•.•.•••••. 334. 78 .•••••••.•.••• >"O " 20. Charles Michaud ...... Wallagrass ...... 89 "O N, ! 17, R. 6 .•....• 95.84 •...... •... ··\U· D. Res. Feb.17, 1879 lzj " 24. Louis Martin ••••••...... •..... Wallagrass ...... 99 N, ~ 17, R. 6...... 96.64...... " " " " z Total acres, 3378,05. t! 8 SCHEDULE D. Lands Conveyed for Cash during the year ending November 30, 1879.

Date. Purchaser. Residence. No. of'Lot. Township. .Acres. Amount. Remarks.

____ , 1-----1 1------1 ··----- 1878. Dec. 21 ..• , Mary D. Wessenger ... j l\Iasardis ..••.... 37 No. 10, now 11116 .... , ...... 15.00 Deed made in compliance with an order ofl Masardis. I council. 4 ... Elisha W. Shaw & E. H. Dow ...•.•...... !Newport ...•.... 43 No.11, R. 3 .. 1169.94 .•...... 40.00 Deed made in compliance with an order of coltncil, Dec. 4, 1878. 7... !Warren W. Springer •. Belgrade .....•.. 118, 144, 145 F, R. 1 ...... 493.32 ...... 103.00 Deed made in compliance with an order of council, Dec, 31, 1878. j 'l'otal acref<, 779,26. .Amount, $158 00. SCHEDULE E. Lands contracted to Settlers for road labor securities for the year ending No-vember 30, 1879.

Date. Purchaser. ResiL1ence. No. ofLot. Tow,1ship. Acres. Amount. Remarks ----1 1------1------1------1----- 1870- ,July 23 .. I.J. Albert Hurd ...... ,Lc,viston .•...•...... •.. Parts 150, 153 F,R.1 158.65 •...••.. $55.52 L. C. Aug. 26 .. ,.John L. Goodwin ...... Chapman pl. •...•...... 97 11 R. 3 161.63 •••••••• 56.57 John N. Belmain ..•...... 145 177.60 ...... 62.16 ,John D. l\Iooney ...... 53 163.33 ...... 57.16 Sept. 10 .. IGeo. C. Norton .....•...... •..... llsland F "d Total acres, 821.21. Amount, $287 .41. "d zt:rJ ~ ""4 ~

~ ~


The desire and calls for information, often expressed, has prompted the publication of a schedule of Islands, as they have been reported by the Land Agents in annual reports of 1876 and years following. Hence the reason for reproducing the list as published in previous reports, and consolidating the same into the Land Agent's Annual Report of the present year, for con­ venient reference, and response to inquiries touching the history, conveyances, grantees, location and occupancy of the Islands, as have been found within the bays and inlets, and along the coast of Maine. t..:; CJ SCHEDULE F. I List ef Islands alon~-~-c_:_-~st__ °!__1l~a~~1:_~!!'_J~~~~sachztsctts prior to the year I853. -~~I

I I Recorded. I ISLANDS. Acres. Where Sitmtte Cl{\ IC'1,,,,+l, .... ~ T.,,~~~,-~-·'" T ,l, .. l'1 T"'--, -· Ill..-. -- 1. ~ .,,...,...,,-., -, 4,-.,n '.?, A .. v Iot,tlti11 v1 t1 t,11cM11t,rL •••• ••••••••• ~ ...... • 1,, v1111 '0. tJ UIH:!t:i ••••••••• !1uare11 ~, 1. • oc1 •• ~ •• • .•. · 1 i ':i~l I tl A 2 SouthofJonesboro' ...... Sa1ne ...... l " " ...... ! 1 430 ;i.. 0 A 4 In ...... ,John Dickinson ...... ,January 17, 1320. °" •••• / 4 1wll trJ '.?' A or Luke's island ...... 15 In l\Iispecky Reach ...... Daniel Luke ct al. .... I March 4, 1820 ...... 4 !SD ·-t i'f) Allen's 300 South of St. George ...... Gideon Allen ct als ... 1July 17, 1823 ...... ·1 3411 ::,:J t=J Ash or Saddle back island •...... 54 South of Deer Isle ...... , ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 2, 1825 ...... 4 43u >-,:, 0 Bragdon's island •••.•.••...••..•. 86 In Frenchman's Bay ...... Joseph Bragdon...... 1Junc 15, 1786 ...... 40;3 1 ~ ~ Bean's ...... 28 In Frenchman's Bay ...... ••....•.....•... !John Bean...... 406 Beach ...... 205 In Bluebill Bay ...... Robert Haskell ...... !July 6, 1786 ...... 408

Burnt Coat ...... ~ ...... 5875 In Burnt Coat Division ...... , !,James Sw:c,,n ...... , !,July 7, 1786 ..... - ... .. 409 B ...... 4 In Burnt Coat Division ...... Saine ...... ··········· 1 40U

Black 292! In Burnt Coat Division ...... Saine ..• , .....•••...... ~ ...... 4091 ················ I Bradbury's ...... 142 In Penobscot Bay ...... John Read ...... December 4, 1786 •••... 4151 Beach ...... [ 64 Southwest of Cape Rosier ...... Cotton Tufts ...... February 7, 1787 ...... 4rnl 1 Butter ...... 260 ,"Vest of Deer Isle ...... John Lee ...... Fe liruary 14, 1787 ... .. 421 Barr isla1nl...... •...•..•.•• 65 In 1\fachias Bay...... !,John C. Jones ...... ,!February 23, 1787 .•..•. 4221 Bar 1n In 1\Iachia s Bay ...... San1e ...... 4221 Bear 69 In 1\Iachias Bay ...... Same ...... •..... Beal's 1828 South of Jones port...... Same ...... IMarch 2, 1788 ...... ::~11 B 43 South of Jonesport...... Saine ...... 430 Bluff 28 South of Jonesport ... , .•....•.•.....•• ,,,,.... Saine ...... •....• 4301 B 82 South of Jonesboro'...... San1e ...... 1 ~o, *Bartlett's " 2066 West of Mt. Desert Island ...... *Bar 83:i- South of Mt. Desert Island ...... •...... I *Baker's 100 South of 1\It. Desert Island ...... - I I > *Bear IO South of .l\It. Desert Island ...... · 1 - - I - - I >,j 'ti Burnt 61! North of Isle au 1Iaut ...... Henry Barter ...... Fe1.Jruary 12, 1816 ...... 4 6:211 trj ~ 1'28 In Narraguagus Ray ...... Benjamin 1Iin\ls ...... !January 20, lSl!J ...... 4 GGi t, Bowbear I B 6 In Machias Bay ...... John Dickinson ...... !January 17, 1520 •••..•. 4 12u1 ~ B 19 :South of Addison ...... Wilmot "\Vass ...... ,.· il\farcl 3, 1820 ...... 4 18Cj Birch A 23 In Pleasant River Hay ...... Joseph Xash ...... March 4, 1820 ...... 4 1821 I B 70 In Xarraguagus Bay ...... 11:(

Recorcled. ISLANDS. Acres. Where Situatect. Purchaser. Date of Deed.

------·------1------1------·-----1------1 ------~I Calf, Eastern is lall

Camp 10 In l\Iacluas Bay...... John C. ,Jones ...... 1February 23, 1787, .... . 422 t-< Chauncey's 36 In Machias Bay ...... ·1·James Lyon ...... lJune 22, 1787...... 1 4281 > '.!. c island ...... •...•...... 282& South ofJonesboro' ...... i-John C. ,Jones. ········!March 2, 1788 ...... 1 4301 lj c 8 South of ,Jonesport ...... I San1e ...... 4;'301 > C'l t,:J c 14 fn Eggamoggin Reach ...... , !Jonathan Torry ...... jDecember rn, li89 .... . z.., Cross 1344 In l\fachias Tlay ...... !I Phineas Bruce ...... March 6, 1795, •••••.... 2 ;'311 ut Crotch " 101! South of Deer Isle ...... Davirl Coffin ...... February 23, 1801...... 2 172 :::0 GO Near Eastport ...... 1James l\furphy ...... February 14, 1805 ...... 22 t,:J Carlos or Upper Bar island ...... 3 "ti 0 Carnne island ...... 31 West of Deer Isle ...... Heirs ofNathan'l Scott June 6, 1811...... 3 440 :-,~ c 4 In l\fachias Bay ...... , ...... John Dickinson ...... ,January 17, 1820 ...... 4 129 C or Nash's ishncl ...... ]6 South of ~\ddison ...... Joseph Nash ...... March 4, 1820 ...... 4 183 c 4 In Narraguagus nay ...... Edward H. Robbins ... March 6, 1820 ...... 4 191 Campbell's SJ~ East of Deer Isle ...... George Campbell ..... February 20, 1824 ...... 4 314

Camp 4G;l South of Deer Isle ...... •..... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 2, 1825 ••••.. 4 43G

Dudley's 72,\ In PassamaquOll

D 16 In Burnt Coat Division ...... James Swan ...... July 7, 1786 ...... 409

D 67 South of Jonesport ...... ,John C. Jones ...... March 2, 1788 ...... 1 430 D island .•...••.....•...... 42! \South of Jonesb:ro .. : ...... [John C. Jones ...... !March 2, 1788 ••.••••.•. 1 4;30 *Duck, North island ...... 59! South of Mt. DetSert Island ...... - - - - *Duck, South 182 ISouth of Mt. Desert Island ...... Deer 16,828 In Penobscot Bay .....•...... Granted to Settlers .... February 10, 1810 •..... 3 374 Dor Nash's 40 South of .\ddison ...... •..... James Waf's .•.•.••.... March 3, 1820 •••.••.... 4 17!l Dyer's 481 In Narraguagus Bay ...... Edward H. Robbins ... April 19, 1821. •.•••.... 4 234 D 8 In Bluebill Bay ...... ,Jonathan 'l'inker ...... September 17, 1823 .... . 4 40!) D 4 South of Deer Isle ...•..••.•...... •...... Hezekiah Rowell .....• September 2, 1825 ...... 4 436 Drisco's 80 7-16 South of Addison ••••••...... W. P. Cummings ..... · 1·July 14, 1836 ..•••••.... 6 13G Eagle 263 West of Deer Isle ...... ,John Lee ...... -1February 14, li87 •••..• 1 421 > E 18 I South of Jonesport .....•...... IJohn C. Jones ...... ll\Iarch 2, 1788 ...•••..•• "O ~01 "O t,:j English 10 South of Jonesboro' .•...... •..... 1 Saine ...... 1 430 ~ l;j E 19! North of Deer Isle ...... •..... Benjamin York ...•.... I Prior to 1820 ....•....• *East Cran berry island .•....•.... 375 ISouth of' Mt. Desert .•...... •...... ~ *East Cranberry Bar island ...... 7 ISouthofMt. Desert ...... - I Eagle island ...... •...•... 2 1-6 In Plea,s,ant River Bay...... · [Wilmot-Wass ...... 1 March 3, 1820 ....•.•••• 4 180 E 10; South of Addison ...... James H. Sarge.nt. .... September 1."i, 1823 .... . 4 348 E 4 South of Deer Isle ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 2, 182,5 •••... 4 436 Ensign 10 In Penobscot Bay ...... · 1Chas.&1 .. Wm. D.Crooker December 20, 1839 •.... 6 202 }<, 20 In Burnt Coat Division .•...•...... ,James Swan ...... July 7, 1786 .•..•.•••.•• 40H Fling West of Deer Isle ...... •.... /John Lee ...... ••.... 11<,ebruary 14, 1787 •••••• 1 421 l<,oster's 25 In l\Iachias Bay ...... ·1·John C. Jones ...... !February 23, 1788 ••.•. 1 422 1788 .••••••••. 4;30, F 70 South of ,Jonesport...... Same ...... 1\Iarch 2, t-..!) ~ C;:., SCHEDULE F-Continued. I 0

Recocded. I ISLANDS. Acres. Where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deed. Vol. Page. /

F island ...... •....•.. ,--1 12& iS~uuth of,Tonesboro'. ·········:······· ...... ',John C. ·:~ncs ...... '1\farch 2~ 1788~ ...... ' 1 4-3: Flake 3 l:Nortl~ of Isle au Haut ...... Geo~·ge Iumball .....•. August,>, 181.J...... 4- 4, I t"i F 17 In Mrspccky Reach ...... Damcl Luke ct al ..... l\farch 4-, 1820...... 4 18!:J :;.. "' Fouracre 4 In Narraguagus Bay...... -... Edward H. Robbins ... March G, 1820...... 4 mo/ 8 Fouracre 4 In Bluehill Bay ...... N ealand Osgood...... September 24, 1832 .... . 5 248 > 0 G 33 In Burnt Coat Division ...... James Swan ...... ,July 7, 1786 ...... 40fl zt:r:J G 13 South of Jonesport ...... John C. Jones ...... March 2, 1788 ..•...... 4:30 "'°t Ul G South of ,Jonesboro'...... Saine ...... 430 si ~ t,-J Great island ...... ••••...... ••.. 4 East of Calaiill ...... ,John Brewer...... March 1, 1820 ...•...... 4 183 "O 0 Great Green island ...... 95 East of1\fatinic Island ...... Ephraim Snow ...... July 1·:1-, 1823 ...... 4 341 !:rj ~ G 28 South of Ad1lison ...... ,James II. Sargent ..... September 15, 1823 .... . 4 348 G 4 South of Deer Isle ...... ••.....•. Hezekiah Rowell .....• September 2, 1825 •••• ,, 4 48G Goat Off Kennebunkport ...... United StJtes ...... October 28, 1831. •....•. 5 164 Gourd 14 jin Narraguagns ...... David Alexander ...... August 17, 1837 •...... 6 157 Hat 20 \In Burnt Coat Division ...... ,James Swan ...... ,July 7, 1786 ..•..•.•••. , 409 Harbour 1441-10 In Burnt Coat Division ...... San1c •...... •..... 409 Hog 47 South of Cape Rosier ...... [Cotton Tufts ...... ·1Fel,ruary 7, 1787 .••.•.• 4rn Horsehead Southwest of Beach Island ...... Same ...... 419 Hardhead island .•...... ,vest of Deer Isle ...... iJohn Lee ...... !February 14, 1787, ..••• 1 421 Head 11 lIn Machias Bay ...... John C. Jones ...... February 23, 1787 ...••• J 422 Hog 28 Jin Machias Bay ...... James Lyon ...... I.rune 22, 1787 ...... 1 428 Head Harbor No. 1 island ...... 703 South of Jone sport ...... • . • • ...... Same ...... • . \!\larch 2, 1788 ...... 4-:30 No.2 312 South of Jonesport...... Same ...... •...... 430 No.3 45 South of Jonesport...... Same ...... 1 430 H 16 South of Jonesport...... • . . . . Same .....•...... •• 430 H 24 South of Jonesboro'...... Saine ...... 1 430 Horn, or Scammits island ...... 74 South of Grindstone Point ...... ,v. W. Parrott ...... June 16, 1820 ...... 4 210 Hog 10 Near Matinic Island ...... , Robert Thorn~like ..... ,July 25, 1823 ...... 4 34:'l >- H 49 South of Addison ...... James II. Sargent..... September 1.5, 1823 .... . 4 818 "d S Northwest Little Deer Island ...... John R. Redman ...... September 17, 1823 .... . ti::J Head i~5.5 :.,:"' H 3 South of Deer Isle ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 2, 1825 ...••. 4 4:36 tJ Holt':5 12 In Bluebill Bay ...... Ncaland Osgood ...... September 24, 1832 .... . 5 248 ~

Horsehead 13 In Penobscot Bay ...... Chas.&Wm. D.Crooker December 20, 18:rn .... . 202 Island, a small ...... 2 Northwest of Dudley's Island in Cobscook bay John Allan ...... March 17, 1785 ...... 392

6 South of Dudley's Islanrl in Cobscook bay.... Same ...... 39Z

I island ...... •...... •... 6il In Burnt Coat Division .... : ...... ,fames Swan ...... July 7, 1786 ...... 409 Island, a small ..•...... •...... Near Pond Island ...... Cotton Tufts ...... February 7, 1787 ...... 419

Between Beach and Little Hog Island . • . . . . . Same ...... •....• 4HJ Islands, two small ...... South of Eagle Island ...... John Lee ...... February 14, 1787 ...... 421 I islanfl ...... •...... 3 /South of ,Jonesport ...... John C. Jones ...... March 2, 1788 ...... 430 tisle au Haut, Gr.:iat ...... 4,968 /South of Deer Isle ...... I <:,•:> ...... ~ SCHEDULE F-Continued. NJ

Recorded. ISLANDS. Acres. Where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deed. Vol. I Page.

Isle au Haut, Little ...... 343 South of Deer Isle ...... jSolomon Kimball...... !December 25, 1788 ... .. 434 iTironbound Island, part of .•....• 500 IIn l!'renchman's Bay ...... IRichard Meagher...... ,October 28, 1814 .•....• 4 3!) t-' Islands, two s1J1all ...... North of Preble's Island in Frenchman's Bay. John Preble ct al...... June 20, 1815 ...... 4 > I island ....•...... 5! South of Addison ...... [,Tames H. Sargent ..... jScptembcr 15, 18~3 ...... 4 ,H::;~ z 2 ~:i t::;j Indian 29l I.South of Deer Isle ...... ,Hezekiah Rowell ...... !September 2, 1825 ...... 4 436 Q> I 43 South of Deer Isle ...... · . · · • · · · · • · · · · 1 Same · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · · 4 436 zl:zj John's 201-16 In Burnt Coat Division ...... James Swan ...... ·IJuly 7, 1786 ...... 409 >--:] r:n~ Jordan's 281 East of Mt. Desert Island ...... •...... w. W. Parrott ...... June 16, 1820 ...•..••.• 4 210 ~ tii Jordan's Delight Island ...... ••..• 9! In Narraguagus Bay ...... •...... • Edward H. Robbins ... April 19, 1821. ••..•.... 4 2:34 "C 0 Job's 75 In Penobscot Bay ...... Cha2.& Wm.D.Crooker Decmnber 20, 1839 .... . 6 202 ~ >--:] K 5;!'. In Bumt Coat Division ...... James Swan ...... July 7, 1786 ...... 409 Knight'2 58 In 1\lachms Bay ...... John 0. Brian ...... February 28, 1787 ...... 424 Kennebeck 10 South of Jonesboro' ...... John C. Jones ...... J'llarch 2, 1788 ...... 430 Knox or Nichols' 238 In l-1 arraguagus Bay ...... John Frost et al...... February 19, 1789 ...... 438 K 19 South ofMispecky Reach ...... Aaron ·wass ...... 11\farch 4, 1820 ...... 4 182 Knowles' Night Cap island ..•..... U In Pleasant River Bay ...... Joseph Nash ...... 4 183 K 9 South of Deer Isle ...... Hezekiah Rowell...... !September 2, 1825 ...... 4 436 Long 1,132 13-16lin Burnt Coat Division ...... ,James Swan ...... !July 7, 1786 ...... 409 Long island .....•••.... 4,265 In Bluehill Bay ...... •....•...... John Read ...... • !December 4, 1786 ••..•• 4l;j

Little Deer 1,624 In Penobscot Bay...... San1e ...... 41:'i

Little Hog 27 Southwest of Cape Rosier ...... Cotton Tufts ...... February 7, 1787 .•..••. 419

Little Spruce Head island ...... 40 Southwest of Cape Rosier...... Same ...... February 7, 1787 ...... 419 Larraby's (two) 110 In Machias Bay •....•...... ,John C, Jones ...... February 23, 1787 •..•.• 422 Long 100 In Cobscook Bay ....•..•••..•...... Oliver Shead .•...... December 19, 1805 ....• 3 94 L and small island near it .•...... 10 Near Moose Neck, Addison ...••...... ••..... Williarn Merritt .•..... March 4, 1820 •....•.... 4 184 Little island •....••..... East of Robbinston ...... John Bre,,rnr ...... March 1, 1820 .•..••.... 4 185 Little Green 25 East of]\fatinic Island ...... •.•...... !Joshua Thorndike, Jr. !,July 2f>, 1823 ...... •.. 4 3H

L 6 !South of Deer Island ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 2, 1825 ...•.. 4_;l(j

Little l.Vfark island •.....•...... Off Harpswell .....•...... •...... •...... United States .••...... May 9, 1827 ...... •••. 5 24, "d>­ "d Lime In P1 Marshall's ··········· 843! In Burnt Coat Division ...... •...... James Swan ...... •. July 7, 1786 ..••...•.... 409' Mnrshall's Little " ...... 42! I11 Burnt Coat Divisior.. •....•.•...... •..... I Same ....•....•...... 409 Mark ...... 29 South of ,Jonesport .•...•...... •...... •••. •· l,John C. Jones ...... \March 2, 1788 •...... 430

Masons' ...... 25 SouthofJonesboro' ...... •...... / Same ...... 430 Moosepekick ······· ... 1,359 South of Jonesboro' .•...... •.•...... / Same ...... •...... 430 McGlathery's ...... 99! South of Deer Isle ...... •..•.•...... David Coffin ...... February 23, 1801. ...•• 2 172 Moose ··········· 25 South of Deer Isle ...... George Allen et al .... December 30, 1822 •..•. 293 Monhegan ...... 433 South of St. George ...... •...... James Sterling .....•.. July 23, 1823 ...... 342 Man an a ...... 25 Near Monhegan...... Same .....•...... ••. 4 342

M ...... 2 South of Addison ...... •...... •...... James H. Sargent .... -!September 15, 1823 .•••• 4 348 C>!) C>!) c.o H"" SCHEDULE F-Continuecl. I ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~R~e~co~1~·,1~e~d~.~1 ISLANDS. I Acres. I Where Situated. I Purchaser. I D~tte of Deed. \------1 Vol. I Page. -----/ I ,__ --

McCobb's island .•..•..... 30 South of St. George .•...... ••....•••...... !James l\IcCobb ...... ,!September 17, 1823 .... . 4 332 Moose 50 'In Bluebill Bay ...... •...... •....•••••...... !James Read ....•••... · 11\larch 16, 1824 ...... 4 378 !:"" Matinic 300 South of St. George ...... Joshua Thorndike •••. ,July 21, 1824 ...... 4 3901 'z> M 28 IR011th of DPP1· Tsle ...... \Hezekiah Rowell ••.••• !Sep• ernlier 2, 1825 ...... 4 8 Matinicus Rock 8 ISoutheast ofl\fatinicus ...... ,United States .....•.... ,November 2, 1826 ...... 5 4~~1 (;)> Mt. Desert Rock South of .Mt. Desert Island...... Same ..•.•••••••..... J\,fay 4, 18:29 ...... [j i:rj 6HI ~ tMark 40 IIn Penobscot Bay .. ..•..... ,Chas.&\Vm.D.Crooker!Deccmber 20, 1839 ..... 6 202 ~ (f:... Mark 12 Between Camden an--3 Norton's 57 IIn Pleasant River Bay...... IWilmot \Vass ...... :March 3, 1820 ...... 4 ]SO N 13 South of Addison ...... Aaron Wass ...... March 4, 1820 ...... 4 I 1821 p HI In Burnt Coat Division ...... James s·wan ..•.•...••. July 7, 1786 ...... 409

Pond :l07 In Burnt Coat Divbion ... , ...... I Bame ...... 40!li

Placentia, Great 447 31-32 In Burnt Coat Division ...... I Sarne ...... 4oj Pickering's 20li IIu Penobscot Bay...... · 1·Tohn Reatl ...... IDecember 4, 1786 ...... 41,Ji Pond 32 South of Cape Rosier ...... Cotton Tufts .....•..... February i, 1787 .••••.• *Placentia, Little 222i South of Mt. Desert Island ...... ~'"I Preble's island ...... 79 In Frenchman's Bay ...... •.••....•...•..... IJohn Preble et als •.... ,June 20, 1815 .••••••••. · 1 4 591 Porcupine, Great ········ 103 In Frenchman's Bay ...... ,v. W. Parrott ...... June 16, 1820 • • • • . • . • • . 4 210 Porcupine, Little ...... n In Frenchman's Bay .....••...... · 1 Same . · · · · · · · • • · • · · · · 4 210 Porcupine, Middle ········ 14 In Frenchman's Bay ...... Same ...... 4 210 Porcupine, Bald .... 7'., In Frenchman's Bay ...... Same .... , .....•..... 4 210 Pond ...... 160 . In Narraguagus Bay ...... ·1Edw. H. Robbins ..... April 19, 1821. •••••... 4 234 Poor ...... 39 South of Deer Isle ...... Hezekiah Rowell ..•.•. September 2, 1825 •..••• 4 436 Q ...... 3 South of Addison ...... •.... ··!·Tames H. Sargent ..... September 15, 1823 ...•• 4 34-8 Robertson's ...... 442 In Bluebill Bay.....•...... •...... •...... Joseph Vose ...... March 20, 1786...... 1 399

Robertson's Bar ...... 32;J In Bluebill Bay ...... Same ...... ,...... " " ...... R99

Row islands .. 1 West of Butter Island ..•.....•...•...... •..... ,John Lee ...... February 14, 1787 •• , ••• 1 4-21 >"d . I 'O Ram island ...... 10 In Machrns Ray ...... ',John C. Jones ...... February 2:3, 1787 ...... 422 tr:I I ~ Round ...... 7! In Machias Harbor ...... ( ohn 0. Brian ...... February 28, 1787 ....•. 4:2~ 0 Ragged 25 ········ South of Jon~sboro' ...... •...... John C. Jones ...... l\larch 2, 1788 •••..•.... 4301 x R ...... 5 South of Addison ...... 1James H. Sargent ..... September 15, 1823 .... . 4 348 Ragged A...... 277 South of Matinicus Island...... •....•....•. Henry Brockman ..... Novcm ber 11, 1831 ..... I 5 lGG Spruce Head ...... 240 In Penobs,cot Bay ...... •...... John Read ...... December 4, 1786 •••••• 41n Sloop West of Deer Isle...... John Lee ...... February 14, 1787 ••.•.• 421 Stone's ...... 37 In Machias Harbor ...... ,John 0. Brian ...... February 28, 1787 .••••• 424 I Stave ...... 453 In Frenchman's Bay ...... [Nathan Jones .•...... March 26, 1788 .•••••••. 446

*Somes' ...... 83! South of Mt. Desert Island ...... · 1 *Sutton's ...... 170 South of Mt. Desert Island ......

Stave ...... 22ij East of Little Deer Island .....•...... \Elizabeth Temple ..... !January 4-, 1804 ..•.•... 2 319 ~ (:)( c.o 0) SCHEDULE F-Concluded.

• Recorded. ISLANDS. Acres. Where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deetl. ----- Vol. Page.

Spectacle island- .••.••.•.••. 10 ;;;liamHammond.... Jamuu,y 29, 1sos .•••••• 1---:- -- 297 Sheep ...... 48! West of Deer Isle ••.••.....•.•....•....••... ·I Settlers of Deer Isle ... February, 20, 1810 .... ·1 3 374 r< Sheep ...... 40 East of Deer Isle ..•..••.•.••••..•••...••....•• A. Thurston et al...... August 14, 1815...... 4 48 z~ Sheep ...... 16! North of Isle au Haut .•...... •.... Peletiah Barter .•....• March 2, 1820 •.•....•.. 4 190 t! Sheep ...... 2 In Pleasant River Bay ...•....•....•....••.... Wilmot Wass ....••... March 3, 1820 ...... •.• 4 180 >C) Scoodic Point ...... 37 South of Gouldsboro' ...... W.W. Parrott....•.... June 16, 1820 ....•••.... 4 210 t,rj I z 3_13[ >-3 s ...... 4 South of Addison ....••.••.•.....•••...••.•.... James H. Sargent ..... September 15, 1823 ..••. 4c [FJ~ Seavey's ...... 40 South of St. George .••.••.•.•••...... John Seavey ...... September 17, 1823 ..••• 4 354 ~ t,rj Ship ...... 7! West of Mt. Desert Island...... •...... • Jonathan Tinker ...•.• 4 409 'O 0 Soward's ...... 7 South of Sullivan ...••...... •...... •..••.... John Bean ...... •.•• November 10, 1825 .... . 4 441 ~ >-3 Saddleback ...... In Penobscot Bay••.•.•.•••.•.••...••....•...• United States ...... August 5, 1837 ...... 6 159 Saddle ...... I.I In Penobscot Bay•..•.•.••...•••...... •••••• Chas.&Wm.D.Crookcr December 20, 1839 .... . 6 202 Trade ············ 10 In ...... John Allen ...... •.... J\Iarch 17, 1785 •••••.•.• 1 392 Torrey's ...... 21 North of Deer Isle ...... •...... •.....••••••...• Jonathan Torrey ..•.• -1December 19, 1789 •...• *Thomas' ...... 68£ North of Mt. Desert...... -- Turtle ...... 12 South of Grindstone Point ...... W. W. Parrott...... !June 16, 1820 ....•••.•.• 4 210

• •••••• 31f Tebut's ...... 11 South of Addison •....•.. 1 James H. Sargent..... jSeptember 15, 1823 ..... 4 T ············ I! South of ~\.ddison ...•...... •••..•••...... ••. I Same ...... •.•••..• 4 34E Trafton's island ...... •.•... 100 !In Narraguagus Bay ...... •.•...... •..... David Alexander ..•... August 17, 1837 ..•••... 6 1571 u 17~ In Burnt Coat Division ...... James Swan .....•..... ,July 7, 1786 ...... •••.. 1 409 u South of Addison ...... •...... James H. Sargent ..... September 15, 1823 ..... 4 348 y. In Burnt Coat Division ...... •...... James Swan ...... July 7, 1786 ••••..••..•. 1 409 v South of Deer Isle ...... •...... David Thurlo ...... September 17, 1823 ... . 4 404. w 10 IIn Burnt Coat Division ...... •....•.... James Swan .•...... July 7, 1786 •••••.••..•. 409 Western 16 South of Cape Rosier ....•...•...... Cotton Tufts .•...... •.. February 7, 1787 ••...•• 4rn *West Cranberry 850 South of l\rt. Desert. •.•...... *West Cranberry .Bar Islan

Webb's island...... 34! /East of Isle au Haut ...... -!Asa Turner ...... !February 5, 1818 .••.... 4 so

White 7015-IG In Eggamoggin Reach ...... •..••.....•..... !Solomon York .•...... !August 24, 1824 ..•••... 4 399 Mj> Mj Wooden Ball island, one-half.... . East or Matinicus Island ...... Samuel Rankin ...... December 1, 1823 •••... 4 360 ztrJ Wooden Ball island, one-half. ... . nn East of :!\fatinicus Islarnl...... ••...• Ricbanl Bartlett.•..... ,July 21, 1824 .•...••.... 4 389 ti w 3 South of Deer Isle ...... •.....•..... Davill Thurlo ...... September 17, 1823 .... . 4 404 8 York 62 East of Isle au Haut ....•...... ••....•..... Benjamin York ..•..... Prior to 1820 .••.•..•... - z 15 In Narraguagus Bay ...... •.•....•..... Edwar,~ H. Robbins ... l\farch 6, 1820 ....•••... 4 191 z 2 South of Deer Isle ...... Davhl Thurlo ...... September 17, 1823 .... . 4 404 *These islands are htld under titles derived from the DeGregorie Grant. tConvcyed in lots to settlers by l\Iaine and l\Iassachusctt::: in separate dee(ls an

Ci:) -.1 Ci-:l w SCHEDULE G. List ef Islands conveyed by ftfaine prior to Nov. 24, I876.

. . I Ree~rde~: ISLANDS. Acres. ·where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deed. I Vol. I l'age.

A island...... 20 Tu Dcec Isle ThO.-oughfa,e •••••.••••••••..•••. Dasid O'lrnrlo ..••...... Scpl<·mhcr h\ J&:!4 •••• • I l I H Babson's island...... - In Eggarnoggin Reach ...... Abraham Babson ..... tlepteml!er 6, 1824 .•.... 1 E r 1 ~ Birch Point island ....•....•...... , 9 ~forth of Isle au Haut .. ·•· ...... , 1Jabob Carleton ...... jSeptember 10, 1824 ..... I 1 I 5i ij Bear ...... 28 In Eggamoggin Reach ...... Joseph r. Batchelder. September 14, 182,J...... 98i > C"l Bear ...... 46,'t In Deer Isle Thoroughfare ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... February 17, 1825 ...... 33! ~ Burnt ...... 220 South of St. George ...... John Ruggles ...... August 10, 1825 ...... , 50: ~t [/) 49'· Bear ...... 4•J!.-·2 West of Deer ble ...... Paul Walton ...... January 29, 18'.!8 ..... ··1 2 ~ D 12i In Eggamoggin Reach ...... Solomon York ...... September 14, 1824 .... . 13, trJ ...... ~ 0 Dianne ...... 7 Southeast of Little Deer Isle ...... •...... •... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 15, 1824 .... . 5 ~ ~ Eastern Ear ...... 7 Southeast extremity of Isle au Haut ...... Daniel Gilbert ...... September 10, l824 .•... Eastern Ear ················ 7 Southeast extremity of Isle au Haut ...... •... Ebenezer Leland...... • ...•. 4 Easton's ...... 12 East of Little Deer Isle ...... !Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 15, 1824 .... . 15

Egg Rock ...... ~ ... 2 Mouth ofFrenchmau's Bay ...... jEben l\L Hamor ...... lFebruary 21, 1866 ...... 1 14 I 209 F ...... 10 South of Deer Isle ...... ,Hezekiah Rowell...... !February 17, 1825 ••.... 33 F, or Harbor ...... 50 In Eggamoggin Reach ...... Joseph Ree.1...... 1\Iay 26, 182:3 ...... 35 Flat ...... West of.Grimlstone Neck ...... !Ansel Coggi~s ...... lFebruary 26, 1859 •••.•. , 11 I 94~ Gunny Rocks " ...... South of St. George ...... Ebenezer Ut1s ...... February 12, 1866...... 14 217 Hardwood island .....••...... "\.Vest of l\.ferclrnnt's Jslancl .•...... 'Ezekiel Merrithew etal\October 26, 182-5 ...... (l Harbor l\\'est of Mcrcl1:mt's blarnl...... Sarne ...... •...... (i Hard head south of HradlJury'o 1slarn1. •...... Hezekiah Rowell •..... ,January 29, 18:!8 .••.. .'i 1 ,4•):1 I ' • Harbor '::l•),1 'l[n hggamogg-111 Reach ..._ ...... •..... _ I>'M,c Cartc1·, Jr ...... Ja1111:wy 1, 18,33 •...... Hay Ledge •..•. South of St. George ...... •...... Elie11ezcr Otis ...•..... Februar., J:!, 18GG •••••• ! I+ ll 7 Islands, four small ...... •...... Between Great Spruce Head and Butter Isl'll,s1 Hezekiah Ro"·ell ••.... ,Ja1rnary 29, 1828 ...... 50 Mark Isla nu ...... •..•..••. Southeast of:McGlathery's Island .•.....•..... Israel Pruden ...... September 9, 1824 ..•... 2 Matinicus island ...... •...... 744 !South or:Fox lsl:.lmls ....•.•.•.•••••.•...•••... Jmncs Hall ct als ..... August 10, 182,5 ...... 59 2 Ji Merchants 186 North of Isle au Haut•...... Anthony Merchant .... 2 lleeds) ~~~:;:cf;~~l~n 3 JI l\fatimcus Rock islanu •••...•..... Southeast of l\Iatinicus hland ...... 1G11itct1 States ...... Xoyernber 2, 18:.W •..... }') > l\Iark island .....•...... Southeast of Grirnlstone ~eek ••...... •..... S:1n1e ...... · 1' Mn rch 30, 185G .•.•••... 10 27:3] f-j Ea;:;t of Little Deer blc ...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 15, 1824 .... . J:i' t!j"" Partridge island ...... • .... z p 24! South of Deer Isle ...... ••...... Same ...... jFe1H"uary 17, 1825 ...... 3,,•> ti I >-1 Pumpkin Northwe;;t of Little Deer Isle ...... · 1 Umtc11 Slatee ...... March 27, 18ti4 ••••.••.. 10 N3) I Porcupine, two isiaJl(ls...... ••.... 11 Southwest of Eagle Island ...... •..... James Quinn, ct als ... August 21, 18GO ...... 11 WGi R island ...... •...•. 204 South of Deer Isle ...... David Thurlo ...... September 15, 1824 ..•.. 14! Round isrnnd ...... 2r,t t'louth of Deer Isle ...... •.•...... Hezekiah Rowell...•.. lli'cbruary 17, 1825 •••..• 331 East of Isle au Haut ...... ••....••...... ,John Rich et als .•..... Septernber 10, 1824 ..... GI Spoon 15 I Seal 65 East of Matinicus •...... - ...... \Villiam Yrnal. •.•••••• September 20, 1824.•... 161 Southwest of Grindst.ine ::Seek ...... Ansel Coggins ...... February 26, 1859 ••••.. 11 Spectacle " 1 94!\ Tent G! East of Little Deer Isle ...... •...•...... Hezekiah Rowell ...... September 15, 1824 .•... 15[ Ten Pound island •..•...... 20 Xear Matinicus lslarnl ...... •...... '...... Xathanicl Fernald ..... Uarch 2, 1832 •••••••.•. 73/ Thumb Cap 1 ~ear Middle Porcupine Island ...... T. D. Hodgkins et als .. April 21, 1865 •••••••••• 13 5Mi co The :Brothers " South of St. George...... • ..... Ebenezer Otis ...••.... .E'ebruary 12, 1866 •••••• H n1! <:.o J,j::,. SCHEDULE H. 0 Sales ef Islands in pursuance ef "An act to authorize the sale ef -islands belonging to the State," approved February II, I876, and orders ef Council approved .lvovember I7 and October 26, I876.

Estimated l ISLANDS. A

t'"' A island ...... •... · 1 2.50 Xorth of :Mt. Desert Island ...... !Warren II. Smith ...... \November 24-, 1876 .... . -i--$3 25 c. D. I >- ~ Barred isl:mds ...... 10.00 Northwest of Beach I~land...... · \T. L. Roberts ...... 1 9 50 do ti I Barred 3.00 Southwest of Little Deer Island ...... !Edwin Blastow...... 3 00 do ··············! Q> Barred ·············· 4 00 '\Vest of Deer Isle ...... •..•...... ,Edward A. Pierce ..... \November 29, lt 76 ..... 13 50 do t:r1 ...,z Bill's island ...... •.... 2.00 South of Deer Isle...... San1e ...... 4 00 clo ut Black ...... 9.00 West of l\ft. Desert Island...... Same ...... lO 00 do ~ trl B 3.00 North of Mt. Desert Island...... Same ...... 7 50 do ':! ············ 0 Burnt ...... 2.00 Southwest of Calflsland ....•...... •...... •... Eli Foster ct als ...... [November 24-, 1876 .... . 2 50 do ;:o ""3 Block ...... 2.00 Soutlrwcst of Calf Island...... Same ...... 2 50 do

Burnt ...... 3.50 East of Stave JslanFlat ...... 1.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare •.••••. :. .roseph Fifield•..••••• -!NovemlJer 24, 1876 •.... 3 co do Flat ...... 1.00 etwcen Camp and Green Islands •••••••••.•• Samuel S. Eaton •••••• 2 5C do Folly ...... 7.00 West of Mt. Desert Island .•••••••.••••...••... Ira L. McFarland et al. 11 50 do GooseRock •.••••••••••••.•.. 50 North of l\Iark Island ...•••.•••••••••••••.•••• J. G. Goss •••••••.•..•• 25 do Goose island •••••....•• 2.00 Southeast of Lassell's Island •.....•..•••••.... Richard S. Frohock •.• 2 ()') do Grog ...... 6.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare .....•••••..••.••..• Edward A. Pierce •.•.. !November 29, 1876 •.... 10 00 do

Gooseberry ...... 2.00 East of McGlathery's Island •....· ...... Samuel S. Eaton •.•.••. November 24, 1876 ...•• 2 00 do >"d "d Gooseberry ...... 5.00 Southwest of Swan's Island .••••••.•••••••••.. ,Joseph Stanley ••.•••.• 2 00 do tl1 z Green ...... 3.00 Barred to Petit Menan Island .•••••••.•.•••••• Eli Foster et als .•••••• 5 00 do tl Green ...... 3.50 East of Stave Island ...... Galen H. Smith ...... !November 29, 1876 .••• 5 00 do ~ Hart's ...... 2.00 West of Deer Isle ••.•.••••••••••...••...••••.• Rodney Witherspoon. November 24, 1876 ..... 7 50 do Ironbound, part of .••••••.•. 151.66 In Frenchman's Bay ...... ,Galen H. Smith et als · INovember 29, 1876 ..... 95 00 do John's island •.•••••.•.. 2.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare ••. . . ,Edward A. Pierce •.••. 3 50 do tmmball's ...... In Deer Isle Thoroughfare-8 acres ..•.•.•...• - Lassell's ··········· 148.00 In Penobscot Bay...... !,John Carver et al .•.••. !November 29, 1876 .... . 440 00 do Lazygut islands ••.•••••••.•• 10.00 East of Deer Isle .••••.••••.•. ,Josiah C. WcblJ ••••.•• !November 24, 1876 ..... 21 00 do Little l\Iark island.••••••••.. 1.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare ••••••..•..•.•••• ,.,!Lemuel Conary ••••••• l 50 do Lime ...... 1.00 North of Kimball's Island .... Emma Montgomery .•. 1 05 do

Mou so ., ... ~ .... "'. 6.00 .East ofLassell's Island...... , •••••••• jH. B. Eaton ••••••••••• 4 00 do ,1,,. I ~ SCHEDULE H-Concluded. ~1 ~ ISLANDS. Estimated ·where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deed. Amount. IRemarks ______, 1------1------, ------l\Iahoney island ...... 5.00 South of Naskeag Point ...... IG. W. Black ...... I November 29, 1876., .. . $14 00 C. D. l\fatinic Green island ...... 10.00 South ot l\Iatinic Island .•..••....•...... •... Eliza Thorndike et al. November 241 1876 .... . 35 00 do No l\'fan's Land 2.00 Northeast of l\IcGlathery's Island ..... , ...... Michael .A.. Achorn ... . 2 50 do t"' ~ 'T-,.H---·'- _,,, .. _,., __ , ____ ~., ...-, I~---···-' T T. ·'· I z No l\fa,n's Land HV!Lllt,C~bL Vl .J.UltLllJHoUb .1.toHUlU ••••••••• , •••• •• 1"1u11ue1 .1 • .LVVeJvy .... . 31 001 t.lo tj Neil's 5.00 South ~f Grindstone Neck ...... ,J~mes M. Sargent .... . 5 25 CTO >Ci Outer Bar 6.00 In Indian Harbor ...... Hiram D. Coombs .... . 3 75 do zt:tJ Potato 2.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare ...... Edward A. Pierce ..... INovember 29, 1876 .... . 7 50 do ~ u-t Peggy's 2.00 In Deer Isle Thoroughfare ...... Charlotte Thurlow .•.. November 24, 1876 ••••. 1 00 do ~ Robinson's Rock ...... •... 2.00 In Penobscot Bay ...... Albion Ingraham ...... 3 00 do t,:j 0 Ram island .•.•.. 1.00 !Northwest of l\Icrchant's Island ...... , I Charles Cousins.,,,, .. 1 00

Scrag 6.00 S. W. of Great Spruce Hearl Island ...... 1Peter Eaton ...... [November 24, 1876 .... . 5 00 do Spectacle 15.00 In Eggarnoggin Reach ...... Daniel Blake ...... 11 00 do Sheep 2.00 Southwest Little Deer Isle ...... Edwin Blastow ...... 1 50 do Scot's 4.00 In Deer hle Thoroughfare ...... Charlotte Thurlow ... . 3 50 do Scrag 2.50 Southwest of Deer Isle ...... Jor.;eph Fifield...... 1 50 do Sheep island ...•.... LOO West of Deer Isle ...... •....•••...... •.•.... Joseph Fifield ....•... · jNovember 24, 1876 •.... $1 00 C. D. Second ...... 2.00 West of Deer Isle ...... ••.•...... ••...... Charlotte Thurlow ... . 2 75 d@ Sheep ...... 9.00 Mouth of Gouldsboro' Ilay .•....••...•...... Eli Foster et als ...... 5 25 do Sallie ...... 8.00 Mouth ot Gouldsboro' nay ...... Edward R. Spear .... . 6 00 do Western Ear ...... 7.00 Southeast extreruity of Isle an Haut .•.....•.. Enuly Harvey •..••.•.. 8 GO do White Head ········ .50 Between Camp and Green Islands ...... Samuel S. Eaton •.•... 1 50 do V(estern ...... 7.00 In Indian Harbor ...... •••.••....•••••. Hiram D. Coombs ..... 3 60 do Wheaton's ...... 10.00 Barred to Matinicus fsland ...... ••....•... Henry J. Condon •..... 50 00 do Yellow ...... 5.00 West Jordan's Island ...... T. L. Roberts ...... 12 50 do oG:LGG $1,109 1.5 *This island has since been paid for and deed given. These 1slands were re-sold at public sale December 28, 1876. t >"C "C zt.rl t:1 ~

~ ~ ~ SCHEDULE I. ,f"- Sales of Islands in pursuance ef "An act authorizing the sale ef islands belongi11g to the State," approved February 7, I877, and order ef Council approved August 22, I877.

Estimated/ ISLANDS. Acres. · Where Situated. Purchasers. Date of Deed. Amount. IRemarks.

1----1 1----,---- Four small islands ...... In Ramsdell's Cove in Pleasant river...•..... ~ :>z Fort island ...... •. Tn mouth ot Pleasant river ...... , .. t:, Carrying Place island ...... In Pleasant river bay ...... :> 0 Mink island ...... In mouth of Pleasant river ...... zt%l Hemlock island ...... ~ In mouth of Pleasant river ...... r:n.. Gibbs' island •...... •. In Pleasant river bay ...... •...... ••.... ::i::, I t,:j Upper Birch island ...... North of Birch island A ...... ············:···· )-,Tohn Plummer et aL[October 30, 1877 ...•.•.. 30.00 C. D. >tj 0 Ladle Lland ...... •.... Southeast of Wass island ...... ~ Hay island ...... •.•...... In l\1isprcky bay ...... I ~ Sheldrich island ...... Xortheast of Hay island ...... I Bear island ...... ·I Xortheast of Sheldrich island ... .

Shabbed island ...... 1 Three.fourths mile Southeast of Hay island .. Barred island ....•....•..... Three-fourths mile South west of Hay if'land .. I Look's island •...... •... 5.00 rn Mason's bay .... Mary E. Look ...... ·!October 30, 1877 ..•.... 10.00 C. D. Five Islands ...... At mouth of Great Marsh bay ...... ,· l Ripley's island ...•...... South of Five islands ...... Tommy's island .•...... •..• In Narraguagus Bay ....•••.••••..••..•.•••••• fS. W. Nash ...... JOctober 30, 1877 ...... 23.00 C.D. Ship stern island ...... In Narraguagus Bay...... •.•••...•....• Narrows islands .•...•...... South ofNarraguagusBay .•••...... •...••... One island ...•...... • In Mason's Bay .•...•.•••••..••...•••.•.•••••• Sheep island...... ••••... Between Beal's and D islands ....••....•.•.•• Mouse island ..•...... Northeast of Sheep island ...... l\louse island ....••••...•.... Between Drisco's island and Drisco's point .. . Slate island ...... •••••.••••. West ofBeal's island ...... • John's islands (2) ••••••••••• Between Beal's island & Head Harbor islands Spectacle island ...... •.. Saine ...... •...•...... Mink island ...... Same ...... •.•...... •.•...... •.... > "'d Green island ...... ••.... "'d Same ...... •.••....•.•..••...... l _~D. J. Sawyer•.•••••. joctober30, 1877 .••••••• 1 100.00 C.D. ti:i z Harwood islands (4) ••••••.• \Yest of Head Harbor island No. 1 ..•••••• ·•.. I t:, Steel's Harbor island...... In Head Harbor ..•.••••....••.••...... •••.•• ~ Black island ...... ••... In Head Harbor ...... •...•••..•.....•.•.... Marsh island .....•.....••... In Head Harbor .•..••.•.••...•••.••...••••••• Peabody's islands (2) ••••••• In Head Harbor ...... ••.•..•••••••• Man's island.•..••••...••.... South entrance of Head Harbor ...... •.•••••• Sheep islands (2) •••••••••••• ~orth of Head Hnrbor island ~o. 1 •••••••••••. Seguin island .•.•..••.•••.... Bet'n Head Harbor island No. 1 & l\fark Isl .• I Water island ••...•...•••.... Southwest of Head Harbor island No. 3.•••••• J Virgin's Bre:1st islands (2) •• Northwest of Mark island ...... Little Ram island ....••••••• In Englishman's Bay .••••••••••••••••••••••••• t l'P-· C':l SCHEDULE I-Concluded.

Estimated Where Situated. Purchasers. Date. of Deed. Amount.I Remarks. ISLANDS. Acres. I

:------1 I 1------1·---,----- Little Mark islanu. ..•..•...• !rn Englishman's Bay...... · 1

Little Barred island ...... /Near S. E. extremity of Rogue's island...... 1· r" l\Iink island ...... /North of Ballast island and '\V. of Rogue's Is. I > , I ( D. J. Sawyer ...... October 30, 1877 ...... 100.00 C. D. z :Flying Place islancl ...... I IIn cove on \V. shore Beal's island ...... , I ti

Little Pig island ...... s. of and near E. entrance to Pig island gut.· 1J I Q> l:zj Little Marsh island ...... San1e ...... ! z ~ Sheep islands (2) ...••••••... 7.00 In Dyer's Bay...... • . . • . . • . . • ) r.n"'

00 Douglass islands (3) •..••.•• 10.00 In Narraguagus Bay ... , .. ,·,·· ...... ··•· • • • I ~ i::rj Turkey island ...... 50 "d 0 l\Iajor's Head & Stern island 2.00 ::::.:::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: I ~ ),Alexander Campbdltoctobcr 30, 1877 ...... 75.00 C. D. ~ Cow island ....••••...•.•.••. 5.00 Same ...... , .••...... •...... · 1 j et alsl Kemp's F'olly island ....•.. · I 2.00 Entrance of Back B.1.y ...... · · ...... · · · · · · j I Partri~1gc's islaml •...... , 1.00 Entrance of Back Bav ...... I Crow ISlan

Hope & Despair islands (2) ·1 5.00 1111 Kennebec Bay ...... •....•...... IEzek'l R. Marston ct al October 30, 1877 •••••. · 1 8.00 C. D. Hog island ....•.•..•...... --'~j'" Kennebec Bay ...... E,ekiel Tha~ter et ,u,ioctober 30, 1877 .•••••. ~ C.D. \ I $ .. ol.00 SCHEDULE J. islands sold at public auction, z"n Bangor, November 2I, I878, z"n pursuance of "An Act additional to chapter /iz•e of the Revised Statutes, relatz"ng to the Publz'c Lands," approved February I9, I878.

Date. Island. Arca. Where Jituatcd. Amount Purchaser. R0111arks.

1 1

Nov. 21, .... \ Green's Ledge ...... \ About one acre ...... \ Peri,.ollscot bay, 500 yards southwest ofl • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~-~~e_st_c_r_n_I_s_1~tnd ...... $11 50 [B. C. Farr1ngton ...•.. l ~. D.

~ "t:i ~ z SCHEDULE K. lj Sale if island in pursuance if "An act to authorize the sale if islands belonging to the State,'' approved ~ February 7, I877, and order qf Council approved ':fanzvrry 2, I878.

Island. Estimated Acres. Where Situated. Purchaser. Date of Deed. Amount. I Remarks.

~--~~--~~--~~~1~~~--~~~1 1~--~~--~~~1~~~~~--~-,~--~~-,~~~~ Pond Cove Island .....••... 40 Eastern 1,art of Englishman's Bay, N. E. of Rog-ue's hlan

;.j:>, -1