.^..'.«lt..•lS.^A^...V^- ...... I'M . J

111 !.'i,:i;;i Miin'rif.ftn'i-),) ) j.-i,. .rir..a\ ,':u:rf. UAYIX \ •u\'\.:utv,.;':^ i-:, j,.,.i.n!, r ' 'r''''V'7"/'T'y;l:;a^- ; 11' ''•' fH'i!.,v'l-jfe'-r ..fl; ',(, ....ii.J^.i'l ' • snufibth up the east wind," an It comes Tuomey Bros.—Dry Ooods. Legal. Legal. • • " ">« ••: Y.l' •• .ill laden, with the sweet odors of coming olhiTSOvcit] limnorrtinRa. Tlilnklnir Unit my pliyAlclno I " II ,-1 ,;i;-.'fc^|l/,(^^,.i township ofltoes, linil iiiadn it niUt.kf) In ^ny iiiiKi., I oourtulUKl itnothor OKTQAOE SAI-K.-DEPAUI.r HAVING .li', diu'tnr. llii thniiR'.it iny limiiH iilTtintud. and provurdMid buun miiilo in thu aimdItioiiH of ii cortalii W.S.Holmes, of Unadilla, has re­ MmortKiiitu, iniiilii li.v Ahriihiiiii D. Kiillur to Miir- Tlinndajr, Febrnary 0, 188S. cently sold a number of organs in this for ino Cor u lonK tniio, I ,;ot no botlor iindor hi. trunt- tlin A. Vullur, diitcil Auiriist uLxtuuntli, A. 1>. mold, but itonorully worrto. My ooimh WKH \ory bnd, my vicinity, instruments which put tbe 1880. nnd rociiriUiil In tliu olllcu ul' lliu ruifieti'r ol appotito ontirnly iiotin, 1 had Hiivorn pain in my liiht IIUUUK, for Ihu county of Inttlinm, Hud Htntunf harps of Juhal and the pipers of Pan lido, and for tnonlhn T did not hluopiiKiio than two or Mlclii;;iin, on thu iinii day of Novumliur, A, D. uite in tho shade. Charles Lebar, t'noo liotin. inanli;lil. My'onKmnv.i!, lioavily ooalod, iiii.:i.i;;oii... , ij.i -to o -l^iiuuitiay U* l ii...u.i.i.ur, MJ, Bx(r» SeaaiOB—Oaiie Weat—Jfew Viie« Sleorge Lord, tbe M. E. churcii, and and 1 had a hnd t.isto in my month. 1 hiul tho lioiidaubo 4181881,, oInu I.lliurS.iu which inortKiitjr iiiortKUKuiio thu., - o.n piicca 417 and torjr, Ele. alnioMball thu tliiio. duu nt thu •diit• •u of tliU notluluru uth Iun auduiiiium ofd ninet to byu others, have furnished themselves with dollnrs, and no mil or jiroouodlngH nl Inw hnv- Bev. Q. B. Stocking haa returned these dispensators of sweet sounds. l<'o-liiiK that. HI inolhlnR inoHt ho douo, I at laat oon- liilt boun InBtltutud to rcciivur thu tnono.va aocur- olitdoil to uMiiMilt with Or. ScliKiiok, Iho phyhlohln who, ftom Dubuque, loHra, Ho will again Mr. T. Parmaleo, who has resided in uil by wild nioiti;n({u, or nny pnrl thereof; now, assume the pastorate of the Unlversol- I tlllnk, I havo KootI rouisoii to hoUrvo tn bu Iho I'oat In tliuruforu, by vlrtuu of thu jiowor of H»lo con- this state over 80 years, is visiting tbo Irfiatiiioiit of IUIIK dihuano. 1 wool In hia olboo in tulnud in m\i\ inorlKUitu, nnd t!iu atututu In Much Jst church of this city. friends in this vicinity. Mr. P. was ]to;,toii and wiia ...xatitiniHl. I lo fiiuiiil my lott Uini; tinito cniiu niudu nnd provlduil, iiotlcu la huruhy ulven 'Occasionally a Lansing man leaves badly dlboiihtid and my llvor ."orlonaly alYt'clii-l. ito told thnt nil Friilny, thn UKIi dny »r rdtrii. VOL. XXIV.-NO. T. born in Tilllnghaust, Conn., Sept. 13, itry, .\. n. IS.S1.', nt oiiu o'clock In thu nflurn.ion, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBEUARY 16, 1882. for Dakota. One of the latest to go is 1787, and is coHseq^uently in his Ootli mo that I oonhl ho cnrod If 1 woiiUt follow liU dirlotiona. I uiiull Hull ut public miction, to thu hiKliuat bid- WHOLE NO. Mr. C. S. Cleveland, for some years Of oout-bo 1 iKnihOMlud lu do ao, and I vory aoon aaw that dur.ut Ihu wuHt fiont door of the courlhoiiae. In year. He is remarkably hale for one CLEARING SALE past a Buccesst^l news and book dealer niy conlUioaoH in hia ability waa woll phiL-oil. I look tho tbu cily of Mnaon, Mlcbl({nn, (Ihnl bulng tha of his age, and q^ulte valuable at times. Manilrakt. I'llls. .S"aw»Jod 'I'.tiilo and i'ntiiiomo Syriip all pincu wlinru the Circuit Court for ]ii).|inm uonii- PERSONALS. of this city. He intends to locate at With tiie exception of slight indispo­ nt uim itulo, aa dli-o.tod ly him. and wll bin olU! month ty IH huldcn), thu |iruniUuH dettcrlbud In anld Tiie pound social at the Presbyterian Is Mason dead ? Well, with two Jamestown and will engage in tbe sitions, he says that for 40 years ho has niorlKiiKu, or fo iiiiicli thoruuf ns niny he iieccH- BUSINESS LOCALS^ my wnii.t M.vinptfini.H woio KIOIO. i wont to aia. t.ho di.utor Hury to pny thu nuiiiuut duu on Hnld inorl|:n!;e, cliurch last evening waa pleasant and new boot and shoe stores, one new Amusemente; newspaper business. enjoyed good health. on hisnuxtvlHll to ItoKUm, wbtoll waa ono month aftor with uiKht pur cuul. Interuat, and ull luitui conta, Otis Fuller and H. A. Rose have dis- -AT- tbo Unit. Ihni. I siwblm.aiid ho Hald, "Only oontilliio netted the society $11.50. clothing store and one new barbershop For Hale or KxetaanKB. Lansing has always been well sup lh« iiiuiniauH huinc (liMuribud hi auld inorlgnKO PUBI.IS1IRD EVEIir TlIUaSDAY, BV solved partncrsiiip in tiie publication It will be of interest, in connection witli tJio tnodlolni* and you will anroly Kolwolt," I did UH All tbnt curiiiln lot, pluce nnd pnrcul of Innd Forty acres of good, sugar maple timbered ONE NIGHT ONLY/ plied with olgar factories, but still The Baptist church and society have opened up this week, it would'nt witli the subject of the early pioneers, ao.aud kopt on i^'altiinK in ov.try way unlll I wa.s poifootly Hituntud in Iliecityof l.niialiig. In thu county of V. J. TEFFT. of the St. Johns Republican. Fuller land, lying S'/j miles from R, K.; four acres there seems to be room for ono moro. ]ii;;biiiii, niifl Htiite (if Miclii);iiii, nml known nnd look liko it, would it? to state tliat Henry Fiske, third pro­ woU and a!;lo 1-. work aa iianiil. .Slnoo my ri'troyoiy ( havo will continue tlie biLsiness alone. decided upon a donation to be given at oleared; watered by spring; soli dark, rich Messrs. Lesher & Co. have estttblishcd not loaL a day'a timo o.i.-opl.whoii I havo urulo tilondly deaorihod UH foIlnwH: I.ot iiiiiiibur one (I), block bate judge of Ingliam county, who two liuudred und ui'jlituun (218). Thu nbuve the church on the evening of March 3. We have often heard the Mason loam. Price, HOO, Also 80 acres good,' land; a factory here for the manufacture of vblita lo Ihoiloolorat bis l.bjal^ili OIIIL'O, My ttoiiKh ia nicntldrud lot will bu pold aubjuct to » ru-»nlo, On* yiar, II.SO; r. ,1. 11. .Sobonuii and his motlloiiioa. lio did jniit what appreciation of his services. liiOStf C. S. EDWAKDS, Mnson, Mich. until soon utter the close of tiie war, Bualneaa locals Hvo centa per line eooh and and at W. J. Hill's for the past wcelc. now, and agood one, by tho Ainphions An extra session of the legislature wiien tliey were removed to his native ho i^aiil bowtmld do lor tm., and I lioliovo tlLtt I owu my ORTtiACK SAI.E.-DUPAUI.T II.-VVING «very Insortlon. till* to hia inwdioliio.4 and oani. Howard & Son had ten barrels of oil of Jackson. Tills is an amateur com­ •6,00e To Loan. 80,000 has been called by the governor to con place, ill the state of MiLSsachusetts, by been inndu in the conditionH of n certain' MarrlBBO, birth, nnd death notices fTee. He reports gratifying business prosper­ Mniort;.'n(;u, nindu by .^brnllnnl D. Fuller, lo Mur- Obituary notlceH, rosolutions of respect, At 7 per cont. straight, Nobonus. Insuins vcue on the 23d day of February ncKt Ills son, at tliut time on his way east. For the Next Two Weeks. ity and prospects at Allegan. carted from Lansing to Mason tills pany, but is first-class in overy respect, I'liiso t\ •niuhi.. Ihn .\. I'dliur, dated Auftiiat alxluuiilli. A. I>. esrda'oftbanlcs, etc., Uve cents a line. of |200 and upwards, on farm property only. As the couHtitution allows pay roronly lluiiao.s, .Maa.s., May2.'itb, 1"S1. ISSO, unit rucordufi In tliu olllcu of tliu ru^lHter of week for 43 cents less per barrel tlian composed of ladies and gentlemen who M. J. Titus, of Stockbridge, the duy deeda, for the county of ]iii;liniu, and atate of Two weeks notice required. Apply immedl ENQA&EMENT EITRAORDINARI! 20 days, it is safe to say tliut that will they could get them by freight. Cart­ aro skillful musicians and supported before thanksgiving, with a "Qrotoii, MIchloBu. on Ihe tlflh dny of November, A, D. XHE NEWS JOB BOOM GENEBAL COUNTV NEWS. ately at Abstract ollloc. SEYMOUR FOSTER. be the limit of tho session. There are Of tbe Distinguished Emotional and Tompkins county, IS'. Y.," steam clo­ I.SSI, ill Libur Tiii ol iii.irtitiiitea, on iiaitea -lit) nnd age at both ends and frcigiit would by the best oreliestra in . Mason, Oct. 13, 1881. 88tr three matters set forth in the procia 117,011 wliicli iiiorlonou there la cliiiiiied to be I« Kuppllod with llio best mnohlnery that Tragic Actress, ver hullor, threshed 10} bags of clover due nt the lime of thia notice, the aum oftwo monoy can bny, (Ittod for stoiiin power, a largo Work has commenced in the Wil­ have cost 73 cents per barrel. They They will appear at the Rayner opera niatlon for consideration, viz: the new Heymanr Foater seed, which, when prepared for market, Hereiliiary Consuinptian Cured. liuudred nud twelve dollura and ui;;lity centit, asRortmont of tlie latest Nl.ylcs of Type, Bor­ iiamston coal mine. MISS ADA QBAY, tux bill, the relief of the fire sufferers nnd no auit or |irocuedinf,-a ut Intv baviii),' been hired them drawn from Lansing for 30 house, next Thursday evening, Feb. 23, The Abstract man, has this (Tliursday) morn- uiiioiintcd to 18 bushels. Not being SUPI'QBTED BY— in the Huron peninsula, and a new liistliutud to recover Ibu ninneya aucurud by nnld den, etc., enabling us to do Job PrintinK on sntisfled with the yield, lust Friduy, Du. SaiiKNCic: Harvey Hammond, late of Willianis- cents per barrel. and will present tho most charming Ingcomplotcd arrangements whereby ho can arrangement of congressional districts morlirUKe, or any part thereof; now, Iliurufore, iiliort notice, at low prices, and in tlie W. H, Moody, witli tlie "Biidsel Wishing- to greatly reduce our JJuiir Sir—In tlio iviitniiin ii4 1R77 X Imd ii r.uvuro COUK'U, liy vlrtuu of Ihu iiowur of aule contained In 8uld ton, was buried last Saturday. three-act opera on the road, "The loan a few thousand dollars at 7 per cent, Clias.1 WatMns'StliAyeDneCiiliiiiatioii. wlMi tnnllilf piiiii In iiiy liiilcs hoil lii>t\vi>».Mi iny.ilinuliliim. luorljiajtu, and Ihu aintulu in auch cnae inudu and Mason is tho proud residence of a stralglit. Apply early. 88tf Monitor, Jr.," 11 horse power, re- BEST POSSIBLE MANNER! Chimes of Normandy." Mason never I h.v.l vary littk* niipi'iitf.iiml whni, liti o I rtnjlil I'lit only provltlfd.Iiotlcu la liuruhy i;iveii thnt on Friilny. Co. B, U.S.sharpsiiooters, will hold An Evening of alternate Laughter and Teprs, SOUTH AURELIUS. threshed the strutv, wiiidi had lain Ili« 3IIII tiny ul' Fi'liriiury. A. 1). 188'_>,nt number of young men, wlio are seek­ dl.itrt\-^ttO(l niti. 1 i)-.iiMilU'i.l ]iliy!ti(>i:iiiH, who hi-.ltl my rou. had an operatic entertainment. Greet To Whom it may Concern ! a Vein of Comedy and Patlios. a lasting witliout cover tlirough the storms of onu o'clock In Iho urteniooii. I aliatl null at pub­ Wo do iiH Eooti work ns can he obtained any­ a reunion at Lansing, Feb. 22, ing distinction by standing on tho sermoulto Wives, Mothers and Daugh­ New «rniinry-'IIonrm wli I rt'ft'ivi-d no lum- fiont door ofthe court-Uouae, in the city of Ma­ lianoy Job Printing of any description arc D. L. Grossman and family, of Wil­ berland Coal, Just irom the mine In Virginia, adapted from Mrs. Wood's fni quartor bushels of seed. A prominent aon, Miclilcaii, (that liuiiii; the pliice where thu Arrangements have been made for efit, but Bi'.iiii-il lo urm- womif, nml liiipi l.i-ln;; U.^KII :ind requested to cull, exaniino styles, and obtain iiamston, havo returned from Florida. under fair motion, then jumping off, wbiuh I will sell for fU per ton. 1205w3 ' moua story in aact8,.by. C. S. Wilson will erect a new gran­ larmer, of Bunkerhiil, at tlie clo.se of Ulrcait Uourt for Itiuhuhi county la holdun), thu Miss Gray, and perform­ etrtJiwili. I tiJMi i.k'ht awn-iiN, ami mvn^t. nuisL of the preinlaua du.scribud iii auid niorlcuKU, or ao much prices before pinclUK their oriiem. usually just as a belated brakeniaii Leslie people to return on the ex­ |j, FRANK CLAKK. ary tliis spring. a,job wltli the steamer, is .said to have invoicing, we have put such limy rtuHiiKtli n dny. f i-nunliml and iiiisoii hlnoil jiiiil n Leslieites must hereafter visit tiic ed by her over 2,000 " Iburuof na may bu nucuaaury to piiy thu amount cursion train wlilch takes the Jackson Ume».iti_the prln- ..ii Some of our funnel's are drawing WK PKUFKCT "catches on" and tries to mount. The Barber Mhop. ollered to fbrfeit .*!25, if uii iiiimcdiuto Mill, lii.-iiiiy pliW.'jciu ; my Ilir.uiL wjirt til:i>dwilli iili^itrt*, I iluu on auld morluaKe, with eltjbt per cent, inter- QlTiVltANTKR SATISFAfrrtON. tonsorlal artist on .Saturday, buy a razor, clnul cities of Ice and biiiUliiig ice houses. retlircshiiig of tlie straw did not pro­ ootiUl IwirdJy KWidltiw; hoiiii-l inch I could iml npouk A eat, antl all leijal coatH, thu pieiniaes huini; do­ collision that follows is productive of party home after the concert. The Henry Reed in Hickman's shop, over H.iM • acrlbed in anid lUorlciiKu aa Ull thatcurlain lot, the United duce live bushels of cieun seed, provid­ loiiil wur:l litr wi-tikri; my IIIIIKS KHIW tnom palnhil I'vory or go tochurch unshave|I broken legs. tient and pains-taking rehearsals by Money to IjOan if the yield sliould exceed live bushels. •iiiiDbt niy Ijiiiiit h. I ti.ul r.olii* pidttH, Mrtir sointioli 1 .Mlclilouti, antl known iiiiil tieacrlbuil nafollowH: Bub Vroman, of Emmet Co., is and voiiiiiiii^'up L'vc.ytliin^' 1 ai*'. My wlmlo hudy uir * Lot niiiiiber nine (11), block one hiiiidretl and aev- TK-VYELERS* GUIDE. tiie company has resulted in tho deliv­ On real estate at tiie olllce of J. M. Dresser, The oH'or was not taken. 1 ciiteeii (117). Thu uboru iiiuiitionuti lol will bu Wm. Stewart has opened a barber Tlie suiierintendeiitsof tlie poor have EAST LYNNE welcomed back to North Aurelius sure will move them. tilioil with pai.li. 1 r'liild not lio diMvn,bul had to luuliiw ery of the opera with a precision and over Lowe, Smead & Co.'s bank. 95tf . IIUMIIMI. ( aoltl aulijuct to a ru-aiilu, for thu bnluncu to be- a„ I.. & N. nivlNlon n. v.. Knllroad. shop in Mrs. Sherman's building. itgain. In a fit tin;; imnltini to . come due on anld inortaniru, determined the legal settlement of OB THE ELOPEMEN'T. . I j:;ivu up tiiiil tHiI mil ihiiiUiif cvtir j:«!ttin;; niMij,'iiln, Trains leave Mnson IIH follows, by Chicago fidelity that will astonish those who Planoa and Orsnna. KSNXIK^-HLE. < MAUTIIA A. PUl.LEH. .Morti;UKoc. time, which is sovontoen miniitoa slower than J. W. OBrien lias put a stock of of paupers now at the county poor- LADY ISABEL, Y Alva Baker furnishes entertainment •b il Willi hard iiinvln:.' iny-<«-]l'; my finit. und imklrM ho,i;itli have not witnessed these private per­ W^ shall soli more pianos and organs this Mason time. Throii.i;h tickets oust or west > MISS'ADA GRAY. for the temperance meeting to lie lietd to Kwoll h.-i'.lly, iind my hips tnu] n\\r)\ out lMIII uuod ; It JUall 7;.'>.'i a.tn. Mull I):5ilp.m. best local talent, and with Prof Schef- to success. Organs from *M and Pianos ftom In which character she has nu Living Peer, James Doolittle and Austin Dooliltle ested, and hold the several townsiiips work in Jackson. uoiild i\i) a.m. their stock of boots and shoes Into the fler in cliarge of music tiierc is little SiU5 upwards. Writo4o us for terms. POPtlLAB PBICFJi OF AUMItMION. are making preparations to build new p.miith loiij-'iTisK. w.iy I was. I i>J. buunniniluin Iliu condlllonaof n certain Way freight.. 11:45 a.m. Way freight.. S;U5p.m. Reserved scats can bo secured without ex­ Cook block. and cities liable for the support of the liarns on tlieir tarins tliis spring. Mi.ss Annie Coj,'MWell lias tlic dijih- At lU:it Liiim—.May, 1K:S-I iinuTini'd y.iigr Piilmonio • mortnai-e, made by Abrnliuni 1). p'liller to Mnr- doubt but that tiio performance will BAKKK dt TltAYEB, tra chorgent Parkhurst & Co.'s Drug Store. 1 ilin A. l''uller. ilaleil Au(.'iial al.tleentb, A. D. New A4lvertlHenient« Tbla Week. number assigned to each as indicted «i)-Wlliiams's Old Stund.'^. The boys have organized a debating thcrlu, but ut tliLs writing i.s on the Special Prices now on Cloaks, ISyriip, Suiiwft^d'I'oiijt: (ind I'ilN.iind lonU tlii'in a-Hdireiil. A ploastttit company of young people even excel the charming rendition of Ki Mead Block, Lansing. gain. |oil. In a woek I witn hi'iiiT, and lii-iraii lo ilirmv otl finii! IHSn, and recorded hi thu olllce of ihe rujjialerof below: Aurelius 3, Delhi 1, Ingliam J.L, Bement'ls'the authorized agent for tiiub at the Webb school-liuu.se, and 1 deeda, fnr thu county of Initbuni, nnd atatu of met at J. W. McRobert's in Vevay, tiie "Pirates of Penzance," last season. liave excited considerable interest. M. J. Coiikiin is getting tiic niator- Ihu Iniiu.'* n ;;i'iM>iiirh>yi'Ilow ni.'tl ti>r Mniaki-il it'll li hlood, I .Mlelii;;aii. on Ihu llltli day of Novuinbur, A. D. New IliinliienH I.ocniN. 2, Leroy 2, Leslie 3, city of Lansing 3, Mason. 1 cuiild cat a litllo willioiiL 111 owln;; it up, ihu iivtimi last Tuesday evening. Tlie Adrian Press says of their ren ul on thesptitto liuilil un uddituiii to I8S1, IU Mbur j.i ol nioriHaj;ua, ou pajtua 118 and I.o»k Here. A new board fence appears in front Shawls, Dolmans, Skirts, Knit- j(n my r.idtib won* not MI .sovtiri', I cmild s'l't'ii jiii hour I nil, on nlilcli miirlitUKe ihuro ia cluimudtobe Mason 1, MeAdian 1, OnondngaS, Ve­ RAyNER OPERA HOIIl Ilia liurii. dition of the Pirates of Peu'/.anco : If Ail accounts due me must be paid by Nov • of Wm. Webb's house, whicli udd.'t |T(M'y tH)iinilly,iuul lhal wnn, vAial I Uini iiut done ior dutlin-en a t tbu date of thia notice the ,ninofforly- The ladies of the M. E. church wiil vay 1, Wiliiamston 2, White Oak 1, much to the appearance of the place. Mr. and Mrs. Stetler started on Tties- Shuithfi. niiie dollara, and no aull. or proceedlnita at law Ada Gray is said to improve in lier space and time would permit, we 1st, as I must have the monoy. hiiviiii^ been liiantiited lo recover the nioueya give a cap social at tlio residence of Ingliam county 5. Four cases are yet j 1 tinAi your nii'diuinos rttondily KI\ iiion?*!.-!, my cuiKh sliould find great pleasure in entering 8911', J. C. STEVES, ONE NIGHT ONLY I Josh Youngs has secured a position diiy fiir Cliieugi), witli u view of liuviiig aeuuieil Iiy aalil niorHjaKu, . linjit (•aiiiiiiH; I now, thuref.iru, by virtue of the t'ower of aule in controversy and undetermined, but as peddler lor thclirm of C. Stevenson, .Mrs. fe. treuted by u ))hysiclaii in tliut Notice advertisement of Ttiyior & upon a detailed review of so delight­ The Prenllee CIrnpe Jilowlj.and in ayotir altur I bcH;iwi your miMhii;iiL'S Icould Q coiitiiliiuil lu anld iiiori;;u';e, and Ihe atuiutc iu evening next. Refreshments wiil be will be disposed of at tlie next regu­ THURSDAY, of Eaton Eupids, and will enter upon city. , ^uoh cuau itiudu and iihivTdud, nolicu la huruliy ful, and In every particular, perfect a Is as liiirdy ns tho Concord, and as proliflc. |fay 1 lult woll. Co.'s new shoe iiouse nn Stii page. served. his new duties in a few days. Mr. und Mrs. S. K. Towiiseiid, of 'itiveii thut oil I'riiliiy, lh«> U.illi , ut * ^^'lot-ir thiiii for ton [of land alttiHIeil in thu city of l.umilni;, in the Be aenorona PLAINFIELO. W. F. Near says lie saw blue birds Tuesday evening at a siMiliing match to-night, itis our judgment that even a , MASON, Feb. li, 1.SS2. :iih provious. Yotiri ri'^pcuti'idly, .coiiniyof Iiiithani. und atate of Michigan, und in the United States. Last week's And lot J. L, Puller have somo of that money CHIMBS of Opposite Conrt House. 'known und nuacribud na foiiowa; Thu Miiilh Council met in regular session and r Mlt.S. SAKAIl A. OAItTKU. and robins llittiiiiu; about tiie woods at the Wilson school house, Blanche Ionia .Sentinel .says of them : larger audience would greet them than HoelM--'*C'OHrllnKHii. (.'iiATTHiiToN, Attorney for .MoriKaceo. defeated tiie DuBois seiiool live limes agers, perfect harmony and unruilled 1203tf. A. BUTLEIt. proved. Sayors & Pliel|).s.—Hardware. snow? By tlie way, what lias iiecome tendance, and is tiie iiest evidence of "^""•Wen'ingf""' MaK'hlonos8;...MlB8 Marie No. 40, had a social at E. T. Bush's Piiwnet!, 111. ; .Maaon, Nov. ,'iUlb, ISSl, llO,?wl;i and tlie .Swan scliool five times. I'ETITIONS. tiie people's appreciation of tiie merits smoothness prevailed from the rising of That book account you owe J. L. Fuller last evening. Oysters were served. of Vennor? Gertrude, „ Stella Reld nil. ,1. II. Soni:>u;i: .t: .SON. Pbiladn'pbia; ofthe musicians. The first thing that tlie curtain, until its flnal fall. must be settled linmcUiatcly. l!»2tf Jeanne, Viltoge John Ingalls has purchased the mail A written request from C. O. J-Iun- C\«C)imiAOU SALE.-DEKAUbT II.WINU Clark Strank, of Aurelius, tlie al­ E, H. Tliomas, the fellow who bur­ Mnnetto, Fannin Pringle lliiiitlcmon—ILvou will e.x,:iisa iliu iibf.rty, I wrfit„ to you bow yitnr nu'ilirinaH liavocnrisd ma ot imorl^tuiju made by .Miralium 1). Fullur. to Miir- ready famous wrestler, wiil engage in a glarized Camp, Morrill & Camp's store pearance of all tiie girls, not only In Henri, Marn and now goes to Fowlerville three asking permi.sslon to erect a wooden wil it ata.mad a fat ^l r.iVhn oV Cou«nini.lii>ii. . tha A. Fuller, tinted .Aujjuat aliluBUth, A. J). I'JOltf HUNT & ELLIS'S. lUis or Cornovllle'',...P. WeSren building 14xl(i feet in tlie rear of his . ISSO, und recorded in Ibe olllcu of Ihu ru^latur of wrestling contest with H. Boswortii, of ijilO.OOO worth of silks has just been years but also In the simplicity and .TeanOreniclhoax, a flshorman,,J.H. Buckland limes a week. TlirM. ynjjm a«i, I w;ia tjibi.ii pit;!*, and wan l.ild liy my Gaspnrd.n miser, boot and sluie .store, for a woodshed. 1 deeds, tor the cuiiniy of Inithain, and atute of captured. Detective Winney discov­ naturalness of childhood manners. BUSINESS LOCALS. Wanted. " Perry AveriU Wm. Gregg, of Mason, was in this l,]i>'^ii;i;inK—who wi-ra niaiiyainl tioin all parla—liial I i Micliii.-uii.on Ihu llfth dny of November. A. I>. at Nashville tonight. TlieBallli, Tlie .same was gi'aiite; nays—none. Ihe aliilulu in siicli ciia.. iiiiidu and jirovitlud, iio­ President Angell of Michigan uni­ Admission, 85 and 50 Cents. Beserred iugand marrying last week. Thelalter lico ia huruliv Klvun iliui on, f'rliliiy, llic tiitto Its farms are mostly improved. Tlie gy in music. Many wiio have heard 'Heavy Tin Sap Buckets, tlil.OO per hundred, mon, with teams, to sell spring beds. sTA'fi'J'"fiV "KUZAii'i-i'i'rrli". tiiulTsrDii:- versity is expecteil to arrive in Ann nt Ford's Bnzmtr. 12Cfilf Seats, 50 Cents. wus done flrst, on Thursday last at his nUI'OKT OK C'OMMI'rrKliS. cunsod. Siiitu uf .Miclilonii,cimiity ol'lii^'titiiii. 'iluy »r f'<.»riiiiry. A. II. i88'J, nt onu o'clock them may tiiiiik It a pity tiiat such B8tf. H, C. FBEELANO. in llie nt'lernoon, I ahull aill at public auction, roads are quite niuildy.. And yet we Reserved Sff^rorsaleatParkhunttA residence. Mr. Alfred Leacli, of Iosco, The (Inuiice committee reported buck ft.. At a Kcaaioii of tliu tirulmtu court for to the lnuheat bidder, ul thu weat front door of Arbor Feb. 24. Nearly all the students young cliildreu should be taken from nuld coiinly. huld «t tliu proliatu olllcu, .saw yesterday morning, seven teams, Have you called nt Taylor 4 Co.'s New Boot I.adlcN 1 and Miss Mary Clark, of Dansville, the following cluiiiis recommending Ibu courl.bcuiae, in tbe city of Mnaon, MichlRan, of the law department will go to De­ scliool to give musical concerts to tho in the city uf MuHoii, on thu Oili day of Kubniary, (that helui; Ihu place where Ihu Circuit Court lor and Shoe House, ISOOtf You can always got good Sewing Machine were then united in holy matrimony. their allowance at footing: In Ihu yunr one thoiiHUtuI uii;ht tiuiiilrud niul drawing llfteen sawlogs, proceed a la neglect of their education. It may be Thoy liave just received another car-loud of those famous luuham county la holden), the premlaea ileacrib- troit lo meet liiin. Needles, at CANNON dt DaBois. The courting was done on Friday, the eiKliiy.iwo. PruHuni, Uuo. b'.'i.ll.iiiij, judftu of well to say tiiat Mr. Hotchkin, the PackMse I.aNt! BUSINESS LOCALS. A,.J. THllmaii tU.nb priibalc. id iu aaiil mortfa^je, or ao much therenf an niuy funeral procession through Main street parties being Morrisun In the ninttur of tim u!er eeut, liiterual, and ail toward Butler's mill. The lugs belong­ Ills daugliters' needs in tills respect. Money to Vku, xfs, Henry Love. butb II. tlibtip, tlecvaaed. dyke for tlie alleged abduction of the Mason nnd the Poilok sciiool-houso in Wheat- on farm property, at low rate of interest. In­ lu;;nl coata, the preniiaua buliii{ duacrlbud in aaid by the Real Estate Agent, JOHN DUNSBAOK. And that the claim of ,S. A. Paddock ed to Keeler & Dunning, Tliey never travel niglits, make but Hold, Tho flndorwil l bo rewarded by leaving CHAS, PITCH, Round Oak Heating Stoves, On ruiullni.' nnd tllln;t the putiiion, duly vurl- iiiorii;ai;-stair8,) Hair work In Bpldemlea.' ftaiisu H copy of thia oidi:r to lie piib- his meat market by putting in one of On tiie train coming soutli last Tues­ latest style. Hair bought and sold. Mra. A, Austin has returned from On motion council adjourned for ilalied In TiiK l»iiii.*.ii Ooii.srr NKWS, n :iSTATE OK ALTON W. GKANOV, A which we made last week. The points Having sold my drug business I wish to Just now coughs, colds, lung and bronchia nuwapitpur printed niitl elrculnteil in anld coiiiily, ]2J Minor.—stale of MicblKun, county of InKhnin, day evening, Harvey Acker and wife close up ull old accounts. Persons indebted (he east. two weeks, at "i o'clock, Stevens's patent cooling rooms, at a wherein slio takes exception to the ReadQ. W. Glynn's "nd" in another ool. complaints socm to be. epidemic:. In these lliruc .iiccuaalve weekii, pruvloiia to said tiny aa. At a ,'uafllon ofthe prolinte court fur the coun­ occupied a seat, riding backwards, fuc- to mo nro requested to coil ut my old place of ciwes of sudden colds the best thing to do is to Mrs. Paine of this place is in Eaton WM. M. VAN VKANKKN, of bunrlnji. ty of Inithnm. holden ut the probute olllce, in the cost of $32,'). Tills gives liim tlie rtnest umn—"To the traveling publle." statements made are substantially as business at onco. The accounts must be get a bottle of N. B. Downs' EUxtr, which In­ .Kapids visiting. City Clerk. . (A tniucopy.) OKO. K (ill.I,AM, city of Maaon,on the !Wth iluy of ,laiiunry. In the refrigerator tliis side of Detroit. ing a gentleman and lady. Tho gen­ year onu thouaniid clKbt linudrudand ul);lity-two. follows: She says that Mrs, Bennett settled. H. M. WILLIAMS. Physicians say Hopa and Malt BKters are variably gives fipeody. relief and tiltlmately 120.)w;t ,ludi;u of I'robnte. I'resunt, Geo. K. (Jlllum, judijo of proliatu. tleman asked conducter Whito to have Miss Mattie Burdick, of Howell, is Tlio Ann Arbor Courier says tliat G. the best elTccts a complete cure In all cases Where the Farmers* Club. BAIVWrER- COOK, In thu mutter of lh» eatutu of Alton W. Grandy, was not taken from home by Geo. Ben­ A Gent's Good Call Boot, for J2.25 nt Tay­ again among us. Mr. Acker's scat turned over, wlieii Bonlea! Senlea t breathing organs nrii aflbctbd. Use It In time u minor. Oderkirk, formerly proprietor of the jamin, biitby her(Mrs. B.'slbrother-in lor * co's. lacotf. OCCIDENT, and On ruadiiiK and flllnij the putltion.duly verllled, Acker refused to arise. The conductor I havo taken the agency for tha BuHblo nnd prevent serious lung dlffloulties,' Sold by B. A. Davis started Wednesday for The club met at the council rcHims The Irnreat and Heat Mfillclne ever Made. Ingham Farmer, has sold the Milan JEWEI^ COOK. of John ; v the far west. and wiu) called to onler at 2 i'. i\t. Ac iblDAt^n ot Hop*. Buohu, Man* prayiUB for license to aell certuin ruul eatute, bc- attempted to pull liim up but found ho drak' Morning Sun to Francis Brooks, for­ not at work at Mr. Opdyke's when An ologant lino of flno Stylish Overcoats ufacturer's Price. Former's platform scales Mr. W. Morrill, of Jackson, is visit­ President A. F. Wo vai-led unij iiorfuetarotbolir of the Baptist cliiircli in this city, has a cross baby. All cross and crying, babies declined about 2] scuts. Clover seed We have received our Winter .Stock of CROSS-CUT SAWS, and we sell o|Kiratioiui4^% to be holdun ut thu probutu olllce, lu the city ol Clearing Out Sale. ton, Mnrch 22; Mason, March 31, Second The young ladies' social at the Con­ Muaon, und ahow ciiuae, If nny tlutre he, why Ihu Our readers will be gratified to learn she returned to his house; that when need only Hop Bltto'rs to make thom welt them as cheap as they can be itauiid in the country for flrst-class Saws. glTt iiwllVt Ul Ties; to tilt agot iBl Islttm. juat received SI,oCH) back pension. His grade examinations at Leslie, April 5; oon> gregational church Tuesday evening doing better, $4.75 per bushel being praver of Ihe pullllonur ahould not bu Rrnntud; that tiie gifted actress, Atla Gray, will Good Writing Books, only 5 cents at Ford's Toall whoso «%niiiloynu!nt9eauBO irroRularl- Anil It la furthur ordun^d, tbnt auld putillouur many friends licre will rejoice at this she returned it was not to live with mcnoingatOA. M. each day. Teachers will and smiling. Young man, r6iiiembejr|ithi8. was a success. the highest. tyoftbuboivolgorV"''"'"''' orKana, or who re- Rive noticu to Ihu puraona Iiitereated lu auld ea. apjiear as Lady Isabel in East Lyniie, Five and Ten Cent Bazaar. 120fltf bring pencils nnd paper. We hope all per­ —ED. ritllroan liiiMtiier^Tonio aud mild Stiintilant, bit of good fortune. Bennett, but to take care of her chiltl- On Saturday evening, tho young Our Table and Pocket Cutlery Department tutu of thu puiiduiicy of auld petition, nnd the Mr. L. Baker tlioiigiit farmers' pro­ lloii nitlcra aro luTat^""'''". Without IntOX' hunrlnt! thereof, by causlnKU copy of thia order to at the Rayner opera hou.se, next Sat­ ren; that the furniture Mr. Bennett Laiiics' Rubbers, 40 cents. Buoho Arctics at sons applying for license to teach, will come And ao do Otbera.' men of this village hung Gulteau In loatlng. lie publiahed in the INOIIAH COUM'Y NKWH, Tlie Michigan crop report as pub­ 81.00, at Taylor i Co's. prepared for a critical examination. ducts sufflclently liigh to sell. Cannot be Excelled Anywhere. urday evening, supported by a power­ jilaeed in his houso then was borrowed, 1206tr A gentleman of Swedesboro, Nl Y., says: olQgy and then proceeded to light a Noniaiti!rwhatyour|^olln(t« or aymptoni, n newa|in|iur prlnlud und clrculnted In anld county lished by tiie secretary of state siiows Tho third grade certificate issued, requires •ahaveloken 'Kennedy's Favorite Remedy' The subject of grape culture was aro Klmt tbo dJacuao or aiimmone la uao Hop Illt- of Iniibniu, for four anccusalvu wuuka pruvlona ful cast. Miss Gray has the tlinrougli- not bought; that ono week ago last 0.y<;rconta nnii Nulla huge bon-flre. Martial music was about the samo qualifications as the recent forKldnejf Complaint," aud with'tlie best re­ Library Lamps, Chandeliers, Brackets and Bracket tera. Ilon'twaltuntilyouaVro aluk but If yua lo auld duy of beuilni;. that 200,013 busliels of wheat was sold Are nolllng-'Hi^'.aslonlshlngly low prices, at also on the programme. taken up and discussed at length. It only feel bad or mlM)rable,muao them at onco. ly established reputation of being one Saturday Mrs. Opdyke, Mrs. Bennett, second grade. The second grade, as the recent sults." So have ,tliousani|8 of other, folks. (A truu copy.) GKO. K. OIM.AM. in Ingliam county during tiie months O'Brien's Now 'Clothing Store, Third Door was agreed tiiat pruning is essential. Lamps in all Styles, also Ciiimneys and Itm.iyOI.VOyourlife.lth»B|'»vo'l''tyourfrlonil, actresses on tiie stage, wliiie East look for turkeys, wero persuaded by •ulter.butUMJBndurRo tboraV *« "M Hop • STATE OF HUGH IIVEUS. DECEASBIX vember and December, 18S1. Boots that will leave foot prints un the Third grade studies will be orthography January, or tlie lli-st of February. Mrs. B. to return by the way of Mason; '"The Eternul ritnoiia of ThinK«'<-A llemciuber, flop Ililtora la ns^^Ue. dninKni) State of MicbK'an, county of J.nsliain. Lyntie will give the audience an even­ sands of time, at Fuller's. I206tr and grammar, reading, writing and spelling, Poor Job or Thre«hlnK—Not Expect­ Eaa. At u aesalon ofthe probate court for the coui.- A dispatch to the Detroit Free Press Mr. Wood and Mr. Chapin favored drunken no..ftrum. but tho Puroit^^a n d jio^t ing of alternate laughter and tears. that Bennett saw tiicm and tried to geography, arithmetic, theory and art of friend, and costs you only one dollar to'pu t ed—Loriie MMie of OrirnnN, Eto. Uodlclno «vt.r liladu i tbo "tanUlia^k^ VBISIIP tv of lui'liam, holdun ut the probate olllcu, lu the Our asBortmont of Goods has never been the Concord. Those that sold realized Vails, Glass, Putty, Etc. and nort" and no punion or farall^ •Uy of Mnaon, on the Hist day of January, In the states timt A!^.S. Ellsworth, of Hudson, Don't fail to go. persuade his wife to stay and live with teaching. United States history and civil a bottle ou ydursbolf. VFavdrite Seinedy" The two daughters of M. J. Titus are year one thouaand ulyhl hundred and uiRlity-two. as large as al the present time, at Ford's Five fully three cents per pound. L, Baker ahould bo without tbern. — made an assignment last Saturday to him; tiiat Mrs. Bennett then drove to government. The second grade studies will never foils.. Dr. Atviti K.mnedy, Rondout, (|Uite aick. .f.O.laanabaoluteaniL Present. Geo. F. allium, Judue of probate. S. A. Paddock, proprietor of the and Ten Cent Bazaar. 1206tr be as above with tho addition of algebra, phjN considered grape fruit very cheap fruit rl>ninkonneKi,uBo of onlum, tobacco ondl In tho inattor of tho estate of HIIKII Jlyors, his brother, Miles Eilswi^rth. Miles Tiie verdict in the Gulteau trial Is narcotic,R . AU .old by ilruitiisfji. 8eo3 j Ma-son sash, door and blind factory, has her liusband's' houso with Mrs. Op­ Biology and philosophy. Will VIoao Th«ni Onl. Varloua Canaea— endorsed by everybody. for use. Mr. Northrup thougiit grape We have a full line of House Furnishing Coeds, Whips and for Circular. Uop BUtm it,. C*, " ' "on rondlns; nndilllng the petition, duly vurilled, Ellsworth anil A. S. Eilswortii were dyke's little boy; that Mr. Bennett . Rocbentar.N.Y and Tornnto. ont. quit doing building and will hereafter Every man In want of Oood Clothing, can NOTE,—The Interest displayed by teaeben Advancing years, core, sickness, disap|>olnt- fruit a fine fruit, but very perishable. of Denjttiulii Vlckerninn, iirnylni; that Merrill. formerly dry goods mercliants of tliis .13. R. Hawley recently collected $20 Lashes, Bird Cages. We still continue agents for Jackson Cliniiiifo, or some other Hnitnblu person, mny be devote his entire energies to siiop work, sent Ills little girl out ofthe house that save from (5 to $0 In Overeoata and Suits, at In tlio Bohool-room, at teachers' associations mentj and, hbrcditary predisposition .-- oil in this township for the family of Al­ Mr. Bolfe cuts back once in two years, Fire Clay Company and can furnish TILE in any quantity. Grunt eliuiicu to niuHc money. nppolnled adiulnlatrator du bonis uon, with the city. ho miglit talk with his wife alone; O'Brien's. Call early boforo the goads are and institutes, ond tlieir disposition to in­ op^tetb 'turh'tbe halrgray', an'd'oi'thWof fred Aldrlch. Henrietta contributed Thoae who ulwuva tuku udvan- will annexed, of euld estate. including general custom work, the re­ form tliemsolves in regard to their work by and they seem to bear woll. that the boy and Mrs. Bennett's girl disposed of, as I am detlrmined to close thom tliem Indlh^ It to shod premainrbiy.' Airsk's for tbe same object. GOLD.)_taK u of thu (jood chances for Tbereupon It Is onlercd, that Monday, the IfTlli Several of our muscular citizens are tailing of building material, lumber, tho use' of educational papers, .will have lunkiiiL' uioiioy Ihut uru olTured, dny of Februnry next, nt ten o'clock In tho out. Fuller's Barber Shop, Mason Mich, HAIR VIOOR.WUI restore faded or grayi light The tile subject was brought up. forenoon, he naalKued for Ihu henriiiK of anld studying astronomy with bo.xing etc., and tiie manufacture of tables. In started for a rido; that when Mrs. weight with tho board In determining their Mrs. Beulah Harkness,the mother of Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron-ware (.'enerally become weultby, while llioau who do iw J. W. O'BniKN. orredhatr too rich, brown ,or.deepl>laok,ra*hy,,wMk, . over the drug store, where 40 rod whis­ Address STINMON Jfc C'o„ Port- Tiio public scliools were reopened at FuLLEB'a. Mason, Mich. ' «8tR. Side of Detroit. land, Mnlne. liOIyl Inu 0 copy of this order to bo published in TIIK statement and that which wo publish­ or sickly hair, on whlo,h ,a,ftw a|>pllt»Uons.. ky Is dispensed for "medicinal'pur- grasses will be discussed. All inter­ iNuiiau COUNTY NEWS, n nowsiiaper printed and last Monday. Tills news will be re­ tiic road, nnd tlioy are coming in tliiok- Remember, It will pay yoii to go to Ford's Fhrm For Salo^'' ' ' wtitprodiicb the Iflpss 'aiiU 11rra,bnMo^y;ou^b. : pOBCS." • ested are invited to attend. circulated In said county u{ Ini{hnni, for throe ed la.st week but mildly sets forth the AU of the above we oder to our Friends and Customers as cheap as the AC tntOn per day at home. Samplos worth tSfroe succuaslvo wcoka previous to said day nf henrlni;. ceived with joy by every one. Tlie er thau he can fill thom. Every man­ Flvo.and Ton Cent Bazaar for Crockery. Harmlessoiitisnrb iit, Its op^ratton,.ltii|Jn-; very ciieapeat. ipO lUill^U Address BtlaiOB * Cl„ ForUand. Maine. claims of the two sides to this unpleas­ eoacres. Inqulroof. ..J.L,Fuixxg. The MWild Ass of/the Prairies" Is Q. A. Oii.T,ESFiE, A. F. WOOD, (A truo copy.) GEO. F. OILI.AM. fears of any new outbreak of diph­ ufacturing enterprise in Mason gives None but the bent goods sold. IUKU oomparable 'as- a'tfrenl'ng, and it 'espeolally W«rated'Work''iD«ii«>'ria:'. again upon the rdtnpage. He was Secretary. President. —SUBSCRinE FOR— 120lw3 Judue of Probate. ant and unfortunate aflFair. The truth vaiued Ibr the son lustra and.riohnM oftiiue' Bespectfully Yours, theria seems to bo quite abated, as Is employment to men, brings money to All porsons Indebted to me, by note oi To order and upon honor.r Hoqdi.trlrametl billed to enlighten the citizens of Hen­ of them must be determined by the It Imparttj, Jt^UI|Mi -,^fllJMK\a|^ nor, dy e.i rietta upon the finance question, at Tho Ingliam County "News." TuousANiis from noRlectlnB n common cold evidenced by the fact that all the tho city and helps us all. Wo should book account, are requested! tO' call and set^ wltb (Ilk at tbe .samo price > tbey ,tie and Will not soil or-oolor white cambric; yet tfifi * *'BBI< own town. Tormn andontllt courts. .Layton's, Monday evening. "He Imvo dlod of ctinsuniptlon, TaTto Dn. KEHJIOTT'S rooms are well (Iiled with pupils. all givo it every encouragement. tie at onco, ns I must have the monoy. purchased elsewhere, without trinamlug,, ait. Itlastalong.on (be hair, and k'^ps li«re»b: 9DII ttee. AddrciB 8. BtlUtt k C\. Portland Maine. SAYERS & PHELPS, $1.50 a YEA:5I. I'almnnary Balaam aoil ciirn tkit consh. Diitf C, F, BROWN 9otf, MRS. OPDYKE'S, Aurelius. and vlgorons,' Foriale by all dealers, y- -1. . tC tbebwet OadMwa, Il dMA LATBB IfElfS ITEIU. A favorabla rapsrt WW mad* Ml tha Mn for tka berryhave the appearance of dmnkeu- '*.^l:..lJ.. •ala or poritoB* of tha.roiMnrallea at flbrt Bate ani CoekroMhei on Board of Ship. Tbn OufleU >ocajl .poataeo stamp ness. Generally the bird recovers, but iHs Jo)|^ Porter had a long interview Leavamrath. Mr. Banadari lotrodMid a bill winUiMudlClHm^lH^p''.l proaotueed sometimes it is choked to death. The niiAktnral history of a Tcnrage wimld with FnAlNit Arthtar the other day, and for a^bMiHiavaoroa tha Mlssonri nww being in. tho .main those of the outor- JM tjwartJItonaM ^ ai|i;|&4lered Preddent. Omaha, { tad \llr. Orovar . aa act suffocated birds- may be relieved by, bejine aplete, however, without some 20,000,000 bushels, and n ; corn-crop ot FABMHOTBi. priBiugjournaladiivoted to thnt trade : oyer 20^()00,0()0:btishflls of shelled gridn, i %mt-Wmm^^ wosodj; iforcMlaoTfenmek. tor Boathifsli^i^ka. prepsing the beny past the wind-; to thoae old nautical mess- tm&uMa. atint'-n^ l-iTore idtolariac NsU Brown, ofi Taaaeaaeek waa noMnatsd for inatea, 'rata and oookrooohes. Batsfre- Dl'IricI', • J.iimlwr,/at The flocks of sheep in the Statis are esti­ TETTBSDATi IVBBUA •jwjjiiiia b»;the JBcpifi aomulttoe on Bai)^: Tliollpper Ponliiiinls ;. 4riii,iiu(i,uii« STiiAHOH as it may aeem,' thwe ia blaieUef iaWtM^innpoence^f j^l Baoretujfiof the aMateTbnt waTSreiEd b*' qnently ascend tha rigging, and when ItIANI»N, MICIIIOAIf. mated to contain over 2,000,000 aiiimala. TRAVELIN6 PUBLIC I :>Bf#JMid dK^b by/jii-dov., Carpenter, of, tha,voto or Hr. Brawn, of Ooor^ wbo.Voted V Munlsti'o 2r.ll,(KKI,llllll more food raised in the poultry yi»rds of uiimiliir o{;';'<)otfani brokiors^iait: New; A BACE FOE LIFE. discovered aloft tha word la given, and I.llillliglon HMVHHI.IHKI Tlie acreage of wiuter^'Whoat'sown this France than m the stalls and pastures of 'Ioin;jand tliii'ifrieiidto;^lof ..^tluXmeaaura ban: with the RepnbUousi, much to tboaarprias and Whilo X.iilio I'JU.IWO.IIIIU Oiiesns, w)^ had: beeil^ibpdrtiUiig in futurti^ Indlgaatkw of Ibt'Oemocrats. Bologiea wqro the nnbappy rodent haa to run the THURSDAY, FEBRUAKY 1(5, 1882. fall is larger thau'ever; and 'that cereal Engliind. . . , . • The mall roiite irom Dansville t« Mhsori imt hopeiior fkvonbie logltiaUbn. FrMtle Endeavar• a a^t Ib'vL-e F*relv« Muskegon flaJ,IHIil,l)liO has never gone into the winter iu this having been I,discontinued, .the.,subscriber NEWS OF THE havogonotothe wall. ^ delivered npoa the Ute Itepreseatativo O'Con­ gauntlet of morlingspikes held by will- flrnnrt Uavcii Hn,iKIII,IHlii OiiANiTB rooks, sand, ond dust contain will liorciitlor run ii, vehicle ovor tho rond Oapt, James B. Eads.feels confident nor, of South Oaroliaa, during which Mr. Bay­ minlaten a* tilnia t» Dadite Chilian CliiwiKo uuil Went .Mlohlgan rntlroml.... fi.1,0(ili,i)iin State in better oondition than now. '''Bbbert Ayres, a retired merchant ot uig hands below. I taave uotiocd several largo amounts of potash. Ou some of our diillv (Siinihiysiind tho 4th of,July excepted) that tbe Senate committee will make a favor­ ard paid a glowing tribute te the Irish race. NhellM—The Veneratilo Chrl«llano|r Oriind RnplilH uiul ImlUiis rollrmul...... lUB.UIsi.iiim Michigan ranks, ac(!ording to tho last for the coiivoyiiiice of piissuii','oih, express, oases of apparent snioide by tho rat on Oeli'Olt, l.uiinlim nnd Norlliei'li rulii'uuil. 84,111111.111111 sandy lands an application of potash haa AMSitlOAir ITEKI. Louisville, who died the other day, was ouo o( In the House, Mr. Hewitt Introduced a bill to aa a I*c,;ut HiUion the four men in Jefferson countv who voted regulate the meeting of electors and the coiuit- [Waslilniiton T«le«nun.j raiaiug aud fourth wool-growing State. Sabnantepeo ship-railway scheme. If Congress, ing of tho votes for President aud Vice Presi­ overboard from the rigging when it had Mlulliiiiiii Oiiiitrul (0. k 11. 0, and Muek- nt or bi't'oru lOo'ulock A. .M., returning iii. such Abont 100 stadente of the Booheater for Abraham Lincoln for President iu 1800. Hho diplomatic correspondence of tho yea llilic divisions) 8ri,(l(l(l,(inn In tho production of fruit no Weateru A LAYEB of {ihosphate of Ume, which times ca "Il day ns shnll beat promote tbe however, will not usist him In this way, ho pro-, dent. With Mr. Aldrk;h in tha chair, descended almost to the shrouds, where 'J'he Snglimw Vnllcy '.178,111111,11011 oonvenluiice of the pulnllc. is being published at the Government Frintiiig Some Facts as to the Pregeut State thia side of the Rocky mountains is said' to be vory rich, has been discov­ tTfi^Tcnity, fii»ii>( ,v(b'omjWerBJBenio|ra, oroated to get foreign aid. Theliegiglaturo of Virginia has passed some hours were spent on'the Apportionment Oflloc. From advance proof-sheets is gained a enemies were stationed andoutoff its Till! l,ulii! Iliiruii kboro. !)'iii,iiilll,oim bill Mr. MeCold advocated the Beaton plan, Miacellniienlls 3IIU,lll)l).llll(l can rival it.. • According to the United ered near Apt, m the Dopartment of CEO. W. CLYNN. » gtdit'cUetticbiuiae at Owar Wiide'e Isotiu-e in His mail having been doily and duly a law by which com'^iionwoalth attorneys may very interesting account of tbe narrow oscnpo escape. I I'la're also seen'it apparently Oondition of a Great which fixes tbe number of Bepresentatives spring overboard when pursued by my States census-bullotina, ita wheat-farms 'Vancluse, France. . . tot dt^^^^^ 'liimpad faito tbe Potomac, and tbo viEKs"of require seoouds in a duel to, testify, which ser­ from each State without regard to fruottons. of (ho corps tn Peru upon the IStli of Jaunary, Totul ,'1,88(1,01111,(1(10 1881. The story of tliis event bus never been, dog, the aotiou appearing of a voluntaiy Stato, iu 1870 yielded more to tho aero than NK.\BI,Y all of the agricultural work ealleiy, and during tlie Icotnre they kept up a •dmUren etoppe4 by. aatnority of the Jail War­ vice shall exempt tliein from prosecution. General seniiment souniod to favor provision $30,000 in Ingham County more than briefiy mentioned, owing to tho nature. My dog was a small Italian It is also eRtiuiiitod that tlio lumbor- those of any other of tho large whcat- mPnisaio is done by women, and tho rniuiing flMlof;)iiMe«i!grb»na and hootinga '' A rumor having come from Washing­ for 311) members, which will divide tho gidn den, the assDSsin ' Guiteau is- beginning to equally botwoeu tho political parties. A bill was remoteness of tbo locality. Lhiia was sur­ groyhouml,, presumably of pure, bi«ed, inen of Michigun manufactured during liroduoiug StatCR. custom is now as it has olwayS been; the Invested In nseleaa I.lfe Inanranee. :irhic)i oompeUed the lecturer to panie more ton that Mrs. Gsrdcid blid written a letter to It IJCIIIIS AM Aiiicrlciiii States weaken.. Floral tributes as|d ruqueBts for auto­ introduced to retire M. C. Mei^jS wllh tlio rank rendered on tho 17th of • January. Oa aud the laat auimol that oould be consid­ 1881 ovor 3,000,000,001) shingles and men ore considered far too brave and than ;| ;doaen\tin)eM ) Wben.'thej Inotitr; President Arthnr^ asking him to' reprieve tbe afternoon of tbo ISth our Minis­ MISOGIiXiANEOCS. graphs being denied, tbe murderer has to fall of Major General. ered "good for rats." However, such In l..umhcr, Copper, nnd 600,000,000lath,and cut 400,000,000leet •trong to engage ia anything less un­ WHAT 3HARE HAVEYOUIN IT? w ibad. prooeeded abont a qnurler ter, Mr. Ohristiancy, nccompauiod by the Michigan has also tho moat productive back on the newspaper men, to whom he un­ Guiteau, a Now York lleraM reporter called •rna measure for plaolng ttea. uraal on the was tho case, nnd a few of these trapped of hard woo'J—nil of this in lulditiou to portant than war. members of the diplomatic corps, went out to a Still. fresh-water fisheries in tho United There Is a monoy value tn your lapsed life In­ Of anbooTt «n<)(di;dttkif dirfia^'inth a burdens his soul aa occasion may servo. uiKin tho lady to inquire into the (ruth of tho retired list came up in tbo Betiate on the lOth, rodents inan eidpty beef cask prosridc'd a largo amount of staves, iieadinga, vilUigo tivo miles from Lima to have a consul­ States ; and the value of their yield in GUANO was first introduced in England surance policy. No mutlcr how long since ''i^'^'x»*4!^ Wl^tei'^jghyef .liada report. We give the result of the interview in but was laid over because Mr. Logan wns ab­ olways a moment of excitement for this cedar posts, raiirond ties, hemlock bark, any prnmlum lins boon pnld. To determine A. M. Soteldo, derk of the Bailroad tation with President Piorola and to learn from the last census-year was over ^700,000. in 1811. It costs the farmer much more that value, and how to secure It, consult The bonqriet of- flowera ai big ta a (leok meoauie, Ids own words : Her face flushed with n mingled sent. Mr. Maxoy urged the enlargement of the Uttlp and unhkely-lookiug dog. The cord wood, and other minor forest pro­ Moxioan-war list, and Mr. Back expressed his him his auswor to tho tornis of surrender Has Probably Supplanted Pennsylva than it formerly did to carry on his Life Iiksuranco Policy Holders' Association ol Mnilkal down tUiei oentrib aide w^tlT miimy antics Committee of the Senate, went with bis broth­ explanation I take to bo this ; It is ducts. Tho greatest lumber-cutting Its veasel-interest is more important the United .suites. expression of surprise ond indignation, und willingness to uid needy and dosening veterans, offorod by tbo commander of (ho Chilian farm, aiid the need of the hour is pro­ :Mid grimaces, a la ^nntbornek^aod took a front er to the editorial rooms of tlie Wosliington forces. The Peruvian and Chilian armies woro a oufitom to cross blaok-and-tttu-terriors nia as the Largest Iron-Ore- city in tho United States is Muskegon, than that ot any other Stato away irom she replied promptly, and with cmphiisis: but not to others. Iu tho Houso Mr. ducts aad ptiocB oommeiuiarate with hia jieat. i The 'intorveiitibn of the' 'pbliise' was in- Ifational Jiepublican and demanded the publi­ drawn up in lino of battlo in tho neighborhood with the Italiim greyhound to increase ami Manistee ia not equaled on this con­ the seaboard. Its coast-line upon navi­ "Absurd. There is notn word of truth iu it. Oiionther reported n roaolutton of inquiry Producing Stato. Ittorensed expenses. LIFE INSURANCE CL&IS or ALL KINDS yoked;' the itudente .beat » >>as^ retteat^' and. cation of amanniioript explaining his oonnoc as to tlio practioabdity of lowering tho of this town, but hostilities had boon suspend­ the length of tUe uoae, and this has gone tinent iu ,the production of shingles. No gable waters is only surpassed by that THK ORIAT I havo not written to the President at all uiioii of Florida. COLLECTED. ' theeathete^eonotadiBd Ua' leetnre in tiie'pres­ tion with a diiireputablc affair, recently exposed dam couslnictcd for the improvement of the ed for twelve hours. By an nccident a huavy on for some timo, especially in breeding single lumber district in the Union can IT IS tho turnip alone that can be de­ tho Bubjoot." ' " How do you supjiose the ru­ gun was llrod, and, without waiting for anv BURLINGTOir MOVTE. ence of a email audience, in that paper. The managing editor, Clarence Fox and WiiVool. General Htnte Asents. Nebraska, Colorikdo, WyomlnB.; Montana, Ne­ Near NeWburg, N. Y., two men were Qeiiorftl. The Secretary of tho Treasury Ciicapo. From an extract inudo by the Enulish ia time beoomos less olijootionablo. Be­ thirds of tho best lumber sold iu tho of the State havo been exceedingly im­ later on, the roots. Fed with straw, the vada, New Me«9o, Arlaona, IdahOj Oregon and teldo was fatally wounded. Barton rccoivod Aunt Judy Powell, colored, died m turnip sets at defiance the analysis of tha IWV^oshlngton Ave., LANSIUfH. MICH. bloim to atoms bjr'an explosion of gtant pov aulmiittod a report showing that'twenty-nine Ministor, the Hon. Spencer St. John, it apponrs fore tho voyage was fbiiuishod I quite markets of Albany, New York, Boston portant, aud are growing with great ra­ CftUtornla. ^ „ , . two ballots in bis body, but thoy inflicted oiUy Pittabiirgh at tbo allegeil ago of 113 joars. employes of the latorual Kovenuo Department •hemiat in the amount ot nutrition they Oro. M. WOOD, Local Agent, Mason, The ahortest. Speediest and Most Comforto- that MiiiLstor Christinnoy liad hinisolf a veiy lost the repuguauoe I at first felt when and Philadelphia to-diiy is tho product pidity ; but thoir statiatics havo not yet der. She remembered lending events of tlio Itovolu- had bcon killed aud fifty wounded while on- Contaiua the Greatest Copper Mine Mich. Postofllce Building. b'i Route vlaHannlbal to Fort.Soott, Don'son. slight wounds. trying timo. It is evident tlint Jlr. St. John they sometimes ran across my bed at been completed and given to the public. develop. Dallas, Houston, AustlHi San Antonio, Galyos- ; llie I Burgeons . nt thej]Ciiiiyersity: Hos­ forcing tho laws oguinst moonshiners. Both ..and the Largest Iron Aliue in of the Michigan mills. John W. Ouitcau has left 'Washing­ tionary wnr, nnd saw Gen. Washington just did not uudcrstaud Mr. Uliristiuncy's relations night As regards the ubiquitous cook- tonandallpolmifnTaias. , ., , lioiisou adjourned to Monday. IStli. At acau- with hia wife. In bis report, in describing the The United States census estimate of EsFERiUENTB havd shown that^' ot 10() pital, in Fliilodelpbia, removed from a lady a after the Yorktown surrender. rouohcs {Blatla sp.) I leurucd to forget the 'World. ..uq unequnled Inducements offorod by this ton. He says tho assassin is very calm, and will cns of Kopnblicnn Senators, hold after ad- escape he says : "Tlio corps divided, ouo par­ thenmonnt. of standing piuo iu this pounds of the dry matter of fodder, the Cand N.W. Railway. tiunor weighing 113 iibhuds..' ioiiriiinont, it was detorminod to resist any their depredations iu admhatiou of their Davis and the South. Line to Travelers nnd Tourists, are as follows: go to the gollowswith coiu'a{;o. The citizons of Greenwood, Steuben ty making for tbo riiilrnnd train thoy Stnto on Muy 31, 1880, was '29,000,000,- followiug amounts pass into excrements, The celebrated Pullman (IB-wheel) Palace Hazing at Oornell is to be stopped, motion to liriiig up Hiirris' resolution for tho tenacity of life. Bounott records these Stories about doctoring the census county. New York, resisted tho sale of property had loft but a little wliilo before, [OolroU Cor. Ohiciigo Tribiiiie.l 000 feet in tl'io Lower Poninsnln and 6,- " History is philosophy, teaching by Bii>lid and liquids together: Fed to the Bleeping Cars, run only on this Line, C, B. ic ' eren if it roanlte in tho depopulation of tbe iippiiinfmcnt of Neil Browu as acting Chief whilo another party sought to gaiu tbe insects as drinking tho ink, and, as for . Palace Drawlng-Room Cars, with Morton's statistics aro pronounced false. to pay interest on railroad bonds, and Gov. The olllco of thu Commissioner of Im­ 000,000,000 ill tho Upiier ; tho siinie example," and ono of its mnnifoit les­ horse, fifty-three pounds; tho milch cow, Ciork of the Soiiuto. railroad truck fur ahead of tho tram, Jlr. as my ox])erience goes, nothuig oomes eolinlngr Chairs. No extra charge for Seats univorsity. Several recent offundera have been Cornoll declared the township in u state of in­ autliorit.v estimated that Michigun also forty-four pounds; the ox, fifty-two iSn Keolinlnor Chnlrs. Tho famous C, R. tc Q. Mr. A M. Soteldo, who wns shot in Cliristiniicy, tho United States Jlinistcr, ad­ amiss to ttiem. Certainly, when thoy migration, catfiblished last year liy the sons is the danger of excessive territory expelled. . surrection, and wniued tho people to desis' A bill for tho sale of tho Miami lands in Kan­ coiitainoil 30,0(10,UUIJ acres of Hard-wood to tho integrity of a republic. When ponnds, and tho sheep, forty-eight Palace Dlnlns Cars. OorBeous SronklnR Cars the meieo at tho JVittiOTial liiimblican ofiico, sas was passed by tho Sonnto on Fob. 13th, vised tliut eourso, suyiiig tbat, though ho was woro found eating my arsenical soap, Stiiteiii this city, has iioUocted tho latest fitted wttb Elegant Hish-Backed Rattan Re- In Syrnonse, N. Y., 'William Ternlng member your wifo at home.' 'Oh, my unprocedoutod yield of 1880, Ot tlii's passed a few weeks at tho tavern which —showing thnt it.s gros.s nrea ia •'38,015 of ouo part of tho country concorning floeco, or $2 in value to. a sheep, and Williami Miller,.the oldest Mason in and solicit contributions for a monnmcut to the rcsignutiou of Norton, a clerk iu tho tho perils ot Amnricun inissionnrius in Persia. wife!' was tho startling reply, but I noticed snitiiro rnilos, iiistorid of 5G,-i,')l. This total all but .03,000 barrels pcssed the raised ninety lambs worth $2,50 per Mr. Yoniig iiilrodiioed a bill to cronto llio ollico wiUi much salisfnclioii thut thn thought then existed to all'ord shelter to stage- the habits and ideas fif another. En- N. H. DOWNS' the United States, died at OaldwoU, Ohio, Gai-flold nt Washington. I.igbthoiiso Bonrd, ami Slicen, foroniim of ciirefiil State iii.speotioii ns lirst quslitv. head. In 1881 I sheared 200 head and Is tho OLDIilST! HEST CON.STKUfTTKD I of Mining C3oinniissioner, with a saliuy of Boomed to glvo him renewed vigor, for ho sped conch passoiigers. 'Wheiice he came State i.s thus slightly liivgor than En­ gro.saed with their immediate interests HKST KQUIPPEU! and hence tho aged 98., the liiborors in tlio Trensiirj' Depiirtinont, nnd Its niiinut'iicturu was the work of 121 *.old $312 of wool and raised sovouty-five VEQETABLE BALSAMIC POUTICAI. POINTS. $-l,n(K», Sir. Horiidoii proposed a constitu- on with incronsed sixicd, doing txceUont and what wns his business uo ono could gland and Wiili.'.s combined, while its nnd ciitorprisea, the pooplo havo little tha removal of lluti-li, tbo Storel;ee]ior. salt-blocks and 4,500 solar cove.r.-i, hav­ lambs; besides I lost many lambs by tho Z.EAOXNG RAILWV • A ojif'containing seven small-pox pa­ tiunnl niiwndiiioiit limiting tho iiuinlier of work for a while. 'I'lirougli deep marsli- guess. Duoctly opposito the tavcJti area cxcoeda tlintof lUiiioia hy over 2,000 timo to consiiior tho sentimeuts or cs, over hills, climbing walls, etc., ing an eatimiited annual capacity of 3,- lato spring and severe winter. Neither —OF TUK — In response to an invitation for a con­ A gang of workiiiou wero sont into ineiiilHTs of tho floiitto to 325. Tho Siipplo- stood a small cottage and forgo of a .sqiiiiro miles, of New York by over tients has been eido^traokod at Rawlins, on the moiitfll Census bill wns piissod. For two and we pushed on . towuru Limn, thu 100,001) barrels. Tho Saginaw'valley prejudices of thoso who live hundreds— did tho sheep shear so heavily as tho ference of members of tho House opposed to tho I'enn.-'yiviiniii ruilroud tunnel at IJivltimoro blacksmith named Polsom. He Iwul a 9,0(10, of Peiiiiaylvnnia by over liJ,000, WEST AND NORTH-WEST! Utiion Paoiao. a liiilf hours Uio clerks wero kept biisy read­ shot, thu iihell and tho dirt flying nil aronnd yieldiid the greater part of this product; or, as with ua, thouaauds—of miles year previous." the Tariff Commission bill and to tho oxtcndon to ropnir tho lr;iclc Tliey liiid proceeded but a ing bills. Among them wero nieasiires to ns. Tno distance from Lima to Milaflorcs is dnughter who was tho beauty of the of Ohio by ovor 17,000, and of Indiftua away, and aru 8nrpiiaodtodiscover,upon It Is the short nnd best route between Chlcngo Charley Hing, a Chinaman who killed iiut there wore couBidernblo contribu­ nnd nil points In of national-bank charters about forty Con- foff yards when tboy bwu'd tlio distant rum­ pi oliibit polygaiiiifitfl Irom voting or holding bnt five miles, Lut we must have traveled over village, aud it waa her fortuuo to capture by over 22,000. The entire area of the AN OLD New Hampshire farmer writes: It a (ure cure for Coughs, Colds, one of bis dountrympn, was executed at Win- twice that distanco to reach the capital. It was tions from Huron and loacocountios, some unexpected occa-siou, that tUcy Nortberii Illinois, Iowa. DaKoln. Wyoming, grcssmon, principally Southern Democrnta and bling of nu aiipi'oiicliiug train. Hardly hud oflicu in tho Territories, for a ship cnnal from the huiirt of tho young Btrnngcr. He .8ix New England States is hut 7,550 know ao little of each other. This was "I have been intimately acquainted with Nebraska. Cnlirornia, Orceiia, Arlzons, Vlab, Wbooplng-Cough, and all Liing nomncca, Nov. Liilie Ponlobnrtrain'to tlio MisHirisiupi, to re­ lute when wo got there. Mr. C., onr leader, which faco each othor iicross the mouth Qrconbackors, assomblod ono ovoniiig lust tohl his love, said he was tnivoling •square miles greater than that of Mich­ the farmers in my vicinity for twenty-five Colorado. Idaho, Montana, Nevada, ana for DitCBses, when taken in season.. tlicy euuglit tbe sound of tho one ti'iiin duce tho whisky tux to tiO cents per giillon, to was forlorn, dejected and in an exhausted coii- of tho Saginaw bay. During 1881 wolla entirely oxempliiled in our lato struggle, D. W. Vanderhoff, first bookkeeper diiiou ; tho rest of un but littlu boltor." 'incog., but in confidonco gave her h-is igun. Tho isiiiglo counties of Ontonagon yeara, and during the whole period have week. Judge Iteagan presiding. ItesolntionB proiiching when the glare ofu locomotive head­ aid in erecting inoinnneiits on Itevolntioiniry ivoro also sunk nt Mnniateo, on the shore aud wo find further evidence in a lend­ Council Blufrs, Omaha, People die of consumption tirop- of the First National Baltic of ft Piiui, Minn., foiil name, snyiug ho was heir to a largo and JIarquotte aro larger than Delaware, not known a man who made farming his were adopted looking to the prosentation of light was seen in tho opposite direction, Tho bnttle-liclds, to nbollKli tho iiationnl bunks, und of Lake Micliignn, icto brliio-cnrryiug ing editorial oi the Philadelphia In- DENVER., LEADVILLE. ly because of neglect, when the has been niTbstod for embezzlement of an to prevent tbo upreud of iufoctioiis disouses The TroftKury Investigation. fortuuo. Sho returned Lis love, mid and more than double tho size of Rhode only business to fail and become unable bills in opposition to tho pending measures next instnnt tho two trains came tlinndcring basins beneath the Saginaw reservoir f/iilrcf, commenting on thorecent speech SALT LAZE, SAN FBANOISCO, timely use of thit remedy would ampunt variousiy cstinialod.at'from .'320,000 to among cattlo. Ex-Custodian Pitnoy, of the tronsmy, bun lo- they wore married a fow weeks after. iHlaud; five counties in Michigan—thoso io pay his debts. I have known a goodly which havo been reported from the Ways and along. Terror-stricken nnd eoiifnsod, tho iiii- (which ia called by geologiats tho 'Wav- of the ex-President of tho rebel'Con- have cured them at once. ' >^-'; SSO^M.'-'i ' '- vived intoroBt in the cuntingeiii-tiind inveatiga- The stranger told his wife they must already wciitioaed, and also Chippewa, number of men, who under similar cir­ DEADWOOD, SIOUX CIH, Ueans and' Banking aud Currency Cominittecs fortiinuto men jiiniped from ono track to tho tioii by adding BOmelhing to his former crly group), and with successful re­ federacy. That paper quotes these cumstances, though starting with little THE DSKXOWJf WOULD. visit Now Orleans. Ho did HO, nnd the Mcnomitieo aud Schoolcraft—aro larger Cellar Ilaplis, Ueii Moines. CnluMbas, and all JPiftV'OUt tiear* of can. At the.rosidonoo of James Sweetman, OB these BubjcctB. other only to slop into tlio yuwiiini; jaws tostiinoiiy. Pitney, says n Wasliiiigton tele­ sults. A new salt district was thus cre­ words of Davis : or nothing in tho way of property, have PiilBis In Ike Tvrrllorles.aad Ihe West. Also gos.sip3 of tho town made tho young wifo than the last named Stato; whilo for Milwaukee, orcen Bar. iiahkosli. Skeboygan, itant use proves the fact that no on Michigan avenue, CUic!i'i;a, George Itobiu- of death. Several of tlieiii lind tho presence gram, askud to bo recallod. nnd when ated, aud a Btiinulus givuu to aubter- become owners of valuable property and IheboyBan, Itccord ol llio 4lb«Rrvnli»iiiii ol the iiiihappy by diiiagruoahlo hints and " Tho cause of secession is not lost, .Marquetie, Van* du lae, Waterlowa. Ilouubloo, cough remedy hat ttood the teit Bon, employed as tho driver ot an ico-wiigou, UISCEi:.Z.ANEOUS OUIANINOS. ho nppoarod hu stated that ho hud been Houghtou, Delta aud Mackinac are but ranean explorations olsowhere. Tho have money to lot." IIOUtfbtoD, of mind to ci-oiicli up uguiiist tlio walls of tho Crew ot llio Jt-aiiiielto—finpl. U« curs. In a few weeks ho rotni'ucd; but Nrrnah, Mannsba, Nt. Paul, Minneapolis, Huron, shot and mortally wounded Mary Beggan, who inforiiiod thnt Upton and Lnnipbcro Imd slightly loss in ilimcnsiona. Tho water sinking of salt-wclls haa been in but ouly sleeping. You have done your Volga, fargo. Rlsmarck, Winona, Laurosse, like JDotrtta' Bliixtr* A wealthy English capitalist pur­ tunnel, a eonple of feet onlsido the track, and I.auK'N I'lirty in n Kurrww \Viltl«r- contradicted his tostimnuy with rognrd to uni- leforo a week had elapsed ho received a area of Blichigan is 1,485 square miles, progress with promising prospects in duty in the past, and may God spare FARsnjRS generally lay out too muoh (iwaK'Bna, and all iMlnIs la Hlnaesoia, UakoU, rfi»a&o.r>i)c,siiil'91.U)vwrbolUlk :i. ivftieod hid attentions, and tliun blew ont bis thus made tlieir e.-icape, but livo ot their coni- •ie«N I'liKl'ty' JnileN l.oiijr, ItettUlulo ploycH ot tbo trenfliiry linving dono work tor WlacoBslB and the Sorlbwtsl. For Salo ETorjwhert^ chased 4,'i,000 acres of land m Dakota of tliu largo budget of lettors, and told his wife nearly all consisting of inland lakes aiul you to do it in the future should ever work for the help they emplo.y. The ovTO brains. Tho girl was serving us miiso for «( KabitulioiiH and tJaiuu. Secretary Shcrniuii, for which thoy wero pnid Borrioii, Gnitoit, Muskegon, Alpena, At Council Bluflli the Trains ofthe Chicago Northern Pacific Itiiilroad Company, ond will paniouB woro struck by the locomotives, linriod lie must at oucc return to Eugliiud, and the necessity again arise." best rule is not attempt the cultivation Mrs. tiwcotnmn, upon wboso onl'celilod system Lieut. Diiiienhower sondn from Irkutsk, out of thu contingent fund, lie aidi'eu that that pnads, whoso nurahor is nearly 0,000. Clielioygaii nnd other counties. In Iosco & North-western and the U. P. R'ys depart locate an li^iiglish colony there in tho spring. forward on the trucks and their bodies then niibst go alono. He took his departure, ot largo areas but to make the land pro­ Dr. Baxter's Mandrake Biborin, tho following iutorestiug dispatch to portion ot tJiu toatiinony of Upton and Lain- Tho principal lakes ol tho State, with county a pipe-lino twelve miles iu length Tho Iiujinrcr makes this comment: from, arrive at and use the snmo Joint Union tho tragedy inlliotcd a terrible shook. torn and mntilnted by tho wlieols of tho ours. aud the goasip.s had tiiiothev glorious duce tho largest yields. If one acre of Depot. Oapt. Stono says Mr. Vauclorbilt in­ the New York/7iT(i;! this industry. Michigan's superiority voice," and observe that he is only a und Pun Handle Routes. trot against time. tiamo a mother, nnd for two yeiir.s lived Ourp....- I'- Mullet 4.1 two or three or four acres in tho produo- and all dUea'set arising from BU- for somo time bcon robbing and wonndiiig nnd gsiiio. .loioino ,J. Collins voliintuored to paid out ot tliu coiilinKcnl fund tor work dono OasH 'JII hi thu maiiul'acturti of salt promises to wreck left by tho retreating tide of ao- Close Osnnecllons nade at Junction Points. The report of tho Mis.Hi.sBippi llivor Tliu ilhi.strioiiB Itnliiui tni/^i'dinii I'lissi, 111 silunco and hope. At tho end of tliiit |Toreli ;|J tiou of the same quantities. Forty acres ioutnesi. Price 35 cti. per bottle. trttvolcrs at a point ISO miles west of Albn- stand by a dying seunian, linns Ericl.sun, nnd for Jlr. Hberninii. Pitnoy then rcnftlrnied his OtlolKlJgllll 'Jl irpprr Pfninsuh. be permanent, for it rests ou theso solid cesaion. "Ho simply denotes a storm It la Sbe ONLY I.IKE ruuulUK Coimnissiou iihows that islJliflOO liavo bcon who is innliing a prores.^ioiinl lour of the Inrge let tbo otlier'of Do Long's imrty [insli south. time a letter was received by the Strut- JSlk 1.'. Agogolilu 21 well tilled will, in the long run, yield for9olotvtrywhtrs. ' :. ; ijucrque, Unown as Oiuno's. A iJoinity .Sliciiir toHtimoiiy, thnt Uiey hud 'done such work, and foundations: 1, tho practical inox- that onco rugcel, but which, subsiding, cxjK'iidod for (.alario.i, expenses, and prcliini oties, uiipenrs iliis week ut JlcVicUcr's Tlientir, The now soiiioh builds huts and goes ovor every bnd bcon paid for it out ot that liiiid, nnd suid lord beauty from her husband, directing (Inilld 1'.' Miilll.itlquti -Ill better returns than a hundred carelessly lod a party of citizons to tho cnbiii of tho rob- inoii of n region which is plowed by hoavy drift Higiiins. 17 I'ortugo 21 hnustibility of its brine-supply, now has left him to imliciito its fury." There managed. PuUmanHotel Dining Cars HBNKY « aoHHsonia nary snrvoys, whilo iSUO,i;00 more will bo ro Cliii'ngo. iioBsi ill sonicwlml ynnneer tlmn Sul he wns ]>i'opHi'ed to provo it, and also lo provo Iter to go nt onco to Now York with her aro vory many who think with tho In- bcra| imd a bloody cncolratcr follmvcd. Tho ioD every spiiiig. that .Sccroiiiry SUorinnn and JIIH. .Sherman roruiiATiov. reservoirs' being developed, while tho • BETWEEN ARNICA AND OIL qnii'ud Ijcforo Jnno !iO, and $400,000 for tbo villi, and is said to difl'i.r tnulerinii.v from tlio sliild, takuig nothing with her but the rjuircr that tho South has repudiated ita ONE of tho most prevalent errors villaiuH wero shot doiid, bnt ono of tho attiidt- Wo visited NordoiiHkjold's winter qiiurtors, knew that Iliis work was so paid fur. Tho finnl revi.sinn of the consus plaiica old ones still yield amply; 2, tho strength siicceodiiig Usual year. Thia i.i assido from tlio better-laiowii nclor in tiie iiiethods of liw art ns and fonnd lie wus siifo boforo wo entered tbo slothes slie woro, nnd embark in a ship eliosou chieftain, and is deaf to among average farmers is the neglect ot ing party wna killed niid two otliors BO soriously tho poimliition ef Michigan in 1880 at of its brine, wliich is 91-J por cent., CHICAGO aid'CODML BLUFFS. LINIMENT ••f.l.Odd.OdO iippropi-iiilod for oclniil improvo- iiilliernngo of his chnruotir. 'Mcro gnioefiil ico iiiiir Ueruld islnnd, Tbo genorul health of Senator Halo .spntng to bis feet, and, with for hor home iu Eiiglnnd. his utterances. Nor is this tho making and preserving manure, and also wounded thiitthoy wero sont to Fort Wlngato tliu crew, during tbo twcnty-ono months' drift, 1,02(1,937. The growth of the Stato against 09i at Onondaga, and 3o- at Pullman Sleepers on all Night Trains. J^or Man and Beatt, nionls. Tho couiniission adhcros to its pliiu of and more active, lie «.-.inys ii viiriely of ii.irts Home show of indignation, aslcod : " How diiro On her arrival iu Now York she found Knnawlm; 3, tho systoiu of Stato in­ only matter in which tho Nortn is its improper application to tho ground. by special train for sm'gicil troatmont. wus excellent. No soiu'vy uppearod. Wo used aince its aihiiissioii to tho Union is ex­ Insist npon Ticket Ascnis sellInK you Tick­ The most p«/feet liniment ever rovolments, and approximiitoly oatimates tho to which lie finds liiinai^if nduptod by nnturiil distilled wiitiT, and bear and seal moat twico a you oliurge Uiat Airs. Hhorinnii know tliis'i"' a vessel sploiididly funiL'ihud with every spection, which koops up the chemical wofully iguoraut of Southern seiitimout. Collect all tho refuso material you can, ets via tills road. li:.\niiilno yonr Tickets and Pituuy roiiliud: •' Bccaiiso I received notes hibited iu this table: compounded. Price 35c. and 50C South. cost of tho entire work at .'•Hi,(100,000. Capt litness, und prescnl,' u plen.siii.^' vision to tlie wook. No rnni wns served ont. Divine sorvico luxury nnd conveniouce for her comfort, purity of the jiroJuct; 1, tho cheapness Wlioii.Toe Johnston ciiaually connected use your chip dirt from tho wood-pile in rofnso lo buy If thoy do not read ovor the Chi- Vor Salt Eniy wharf. from liur asking mo to send men to do curtain A'iniA* IH 2iii;o & NortiiwiLstorii Uallwii;-. Ciiwdon balds tliat it will roach .•jLiO,000,000. wnj) rogMliirly hold. Wo took plenty of exor- and two Hcrvaiits iniady to obey cvory with "which tho lirino can be evaporated Davis with thu disappearance of tho loat absorbing liquid. Apply it to flat lands John L. Siiilivau, ot Bostou, and eye while lioUliiig up to iiitylli.;;eiieo an iiitere.it- work on certnin occasions, nnd I Imvo the notes Ptmulutvw, If you wish file HestTrnvellngAccommoda­ • !•?:• fi'jjiv;M«iciaBi»»!iii»,\i-j,/'i' ciHO, Everybody hiinfod. Gnino wns senrcii. wish sho might express. Tho ship duly IHilT :.. I74,4il7 Coufudcrato speeio, how quickly tlie at any timo during winter. It can then tions you wiil buy your Tickets by this route. iiig niiJ luscinnling study. \iU King Lunr, cs- Wo got nlioiit thirty bour.n, 250 souls and six hero now," Uo then pruiliiccd certain notes in blocks connaoted with the saw-mills, Paddy Eyan, of Albany, fought a mill at Mis- Tlio house of John MoreliuiJ, near arrived in lilugland, and tho Stratford lam .. . 212,2(17 Southern ]iros8 and jieoplo defended him be thrown on broadcast and plowed ui *»-AND WILL ^i'AKE N(5 OTflER. ' )iocially, is prononiiccd tliu liniHl witiiosscd in walrus. No fl.-ili or whiiJi-s woro seen. purporting to have lioen writtou by Mrs. Shet- mil! ... ;il)7,li.i4 aud using thoir oxhiiu.stcd stoaai. sisisppi City, Miss., for iji3,pOQ a sido and tho irnntington, Onfjirio, buriiod a fow iiiKlits ago mau, nud requosting that workiiieii bo sent to girl became mistress of a mausiou, imd aa soon as the ground opens. Tho ne­ All Ticket Agents noil Tickets by this Line. All iKissiblo observations wero made during i«im 7411,11!! cori'Rii. and forced Johuaton to a retraction 1 MAIIVI.N lllKiniTT, championship ot tho United States. Nine Jlis wife, idcpdiingbtor and tliroo children woro this country siiico tho deutli of Hdwiii Forrest. tho Secrutary's assistance. Pitnoy nddod tUntbe cessity ot returning as much vegetable tbo drift, tbo result showing a northwest as tho wife of a baronet was saluted as 1870 1,I8I,(1.T.I Davis was not a groat man, hardly a U r.P. * Uen'l Masfr.vmeaio. hitd rccoivod notes of tliu same kind from Soc- lasn..., i,ii;!ii,iiii7 u Tho Upper Peninsula of Michigan is nutriment to the ground as has been roimds woro fought In twonty-uix minutes, biu-uod to doi'tb, Simoon liainbojiKli and 5Ii- I course. Tlio ship wus keeled over, and heavily Lady Samuel Siirluig. Ou tha death of great failure, but he surely is uot an ar­ WESTWARD. liesyl rotiiry Sliermuii. and also ]irodiiced thom. Pit­ disputing Chili's claim as tho chief Ityan falling sonBoloss at the conclusion. Ho unrd Iliiir, young men, woro burned so badly I)OL\GS OF CONGRESS. pressed by loo most of tho timo. Tho nniiitnl her husband, many years ago, the Strat­ The States-which Minhigan has ]5nBsed rant fool. He kuo'.vs tho South with tho taken off by the crop cnnnuot bo too Come to White Oak strain was heavy on all thu ship's company. noy tliuu entered into details with regard to this source of the world's supply of copper. was terribly punished about the head, his tboy will die. ford boy succeeded to the title and ill this forty years covered by tho pre­ suru instinct of his Southern head. Ho strongly impressed upon tho atteution ot Mr. Garland introduced a bill in the Senate, Tho roiitilt of tho drift for the tlrst five inontl'ib work, and maiulainoil that ho eould provo by Thu nununl yield of its mines in puer If you want your Grinding done tho same upper lip being cut through nnd his jaw wealth of his father, and in tho laat ceding tiguros are Miiiuo, New Hamp- ia too wise to speak often, and too wise our farmers. day you fetch your grist. We nra The Globe foundry, iu Lomloii, Out., on the 7th inst., to grant tho right ot way was forty miles. Tlieru WIH a cyeloidal move- thu l^ks and recoril.'i of tho trunKiiry thntthu metal rivals that ol the orc-minos of work was paid for out of tho uontiiigout fund. edition of "Peerngo and Baronetage" he sbir(3," 'Vermont, Connecticut, New Jer- ready every morning to broken. Sullivan showed no injuries, and ran through tho Indian Territory to tho Miaaissippi, | ni' lit of icu. The drift lustud six maiitliH, and wheu he does speak uot tu aay what his WORMS nro among tho best friends of start the mill. was ihiniiigcd 175,000 by tiro. Tbe coiimiitteu fliully decided lo call Upton Chili, and fnr outstrips the product, to his quarters at n lively gait Large sums of Albuqnerqtio and Interoccan railway. A peti­ was very rapid. is Kpoken ot as tho issue of "Miss Fol- ac.y, Marylaiiil, thu Cnvolinaa, Georgia, audienen will appreciate. When he says the farmer; they are great borers. They Great oxcitomentpfovails in Montreal, and Laiiiphero and confront thom with Pitiioyj past or present, or any of the copper monoy wero wngored dn the result. tion wns presented asking unobstriiuted navi- Soundings wero protty even. Thoy wore Bom, of Stratford, N. A" Aliibaraaj^ Mi.saiasippi, Louisiana and that tho lost cause is not dead but sleo]>- go down into the earth, and the holes oecnsionod liy tlio robbery of ccmetoriofi iiy gaiion of tho JIlsHOuri in the oonstrnetinn of eighteen luthoiiis near Wrangoll Laud, which also to have tlio books and records of thu con- T'.'iiuessee. Not a State has passed it, districts of North America, .England, the If you wcint a good pair bt Maj. D. W. Washburn, a prominent tiiigoiit txiwnditinos present for oxamination ing, and that tho South uxpcuts every they make enable tho air containing nicdiciil students. bridges. Tbe bill to dnnntu bronze cannon for wuH often visible seventy-live miles distant. nud no Stnto oiitianka it in .popnlatiou Europonn continent or Aiislralia. No n Biiitno to Garlield was amended lo snlliorizo Tbo greatest diipth found was ciuhly futhoms iu couuuctluu wiUi tbo toHtiniuiiy. THE MARKETS. man to do his duty when the timo carbonic acid to penetrate down to the BOOTS OR SHOES, CHEAP, railroad masi, together with a Mr. Stall, his uow that did not in 1810 exceed it in the mine of its class lias ovor lioeu ns prolit- tho •Secretiu'y of War to pay 8700 to tbo Society ot and tho nverugo tlnrty-llvo. liottoni. blue SUKllUAN'S OEMIAI. cornea, it ia reasonable to aupposo that mineral matter below the surface, by Come and get them. Wo have a fUU wifo and little boy and two negroes, woro rOREI^ NEWS. KEW YOItK. able or as productive na the Calumet tUo Army of tbe Ciiinberluiid ont of tho sales mild. Hlniinps and plenty of algological f-peci- Senator Shonnan publidhos tho following let' proportion of 80 uer cent. At the prcsr ho meana what ho says, nud that the ap- which tho fertilizing qualities are line of jloots and Shoos; also a riding upon a hand-car, near Waco, Texas, nieiirt wore lirouglit np from tho bottom. Tho antl Hecla, which, with a total assoss- mu line of,, Tlio British Parliament reiissorabloi'l ot condemned ordimiicu, A report was madi> tor: IlKr.vKs 2.1 Wl'i w • out rate of growth the cenatis of '1890 plauao of tho people means that thoy changed and fitted for the nourishment wheu thoy wero run down by a freight train, on tlm cluinia for doprodntions committod by Bnr/iico water had u teinporutnre of 20 degree.^ linos 0 Oil 7 1.^ montfor-all purposes upon its sharo- on tlio 7tli iiist. Lord Sclbonio roud tlio Qneini's I havo seen the telegram t<} leading papers of wiil ahow Michigun lending both Ken- agree with him. It ia the dangerous fol­ of plants. Tho worms, by opening and D.ry Qoods, and all of the party, with tho exception of tho the Utos nt the Wliit-a riv..'r miissiicre. In tho ahovo zero, Extretiio.-'. of tuinperutnre of air (lOTTIlS 1 I I'i 'holdera of lees thau $1,000,000, has Vjieei.'b, wiiicb reconinionds tho esl.ablitihniont wero : Gi'oiitost cold, t>$ below zero : greatest Ohio purporting to give the tostimony ot Pit­ lYouu—Suiicrllno 4 30 (» 4 75 ttieky and Massnohusetts, and disputing ly ot a fiilso security to urge that Davis House 11 resolution was ivdoiited caiiiug on tlio built up a v.ist industry, employing over casting up tha soil, do for the farmer Oroceiries, nogroes, crushed to death. Maj. Washburn lieiLl, 44 nbovo zero. The tirst wiiitor moan noy boforo the treasury iiivest'gatitig ooniinit- WllK.vr—Nil. 1 Willie 1 ;r. U I S8 the sixth place with Indiana. is a potritled fo.ssil,'iguored and repudi­ of local Kfclf-Kovoinincnt in Eni-lisli und Welsh Pontniusler aeiierul lor infoiniiitiiiii oonoorning too. I have road tho tostimony given by him, No. aitiid 1 ail & 1 iruiiiro wiui .'l.'l lioknv zero ; second winter, ated by the South. It is lameutablo uou- Wall Paper and connlies, und thij extension of nininci|ial gov- file sub-li.'ltiiii,' ot mail contraeti. Majority and tliere is not ono word of triiili in tho tele­ ConN~-l'ut;rnili*il fiU iif- lit* lUir,WAY SYSTEM. with over .5,000 inhabitants; hiis invested The farmer is indebted to tho worm for ment Company, the International Coniitruotion end nimority reiiorts wero presoiited ,10 lielow zero. Tne fir.-it Hiininior niuiui tem- (l.,-iK—Mixed Wiwturu <7 I'lf- *9 sense ; it borders upon rocklesaueaa to criiincnt ovor tho whole motropolis of London. peratiiro was 40 degrees above zero. gram. No such testimony was given, no such producing plant food, aud to tho plants on tlio hill to extend iiutionnl bank JMlllt—Mi'HS 17 till diilH 11 The incroa.so of the railway mileage a largo eum .in p.-irroancnt imprpve- "Window Curtains. Company and tho Mexican ConstrnctioQ Com­ scone ocuiirrod, nnd no lettors of .Senator or I-.uil. UM& ll« apologize for a aiiUcn soldier who laughs wo are indebted for our own food. In tho House of Conniioiis, a motion by Sir charters. Jlr. Ityan reported tho Indian 'J'he henviin.1 galo sliowed a volocity ot about Mrs. Shonnan were produced, as iilliidwl to. I of Michigun in 1881 wan ovor 315 miles, mcnts ; hits yielded more than ouo-third White Wash Brnsbcs and Lime, Paints and Oliii, pany. He waa, in short, at the head of the fitly iiiiluH nn hour. Bnch gules wero not tro- cmoAoo. tho good-natured excuse to scorn. Davis THE experience of B. P. Ware is very liitall'ord Nortlieoto wiw udoi.>tod Unit Jirudluiigh Appropriutlon bill, tetthig UHido *i,9J0,2ll3, nm aulhorizod by Senator Hale, who is r.ion- lilirvKR.-nhnlco Qrsdeil Slonrs.... COO I* 7 0(1 .•*nd the pioaeiit mileagu within the of tho uutii'o eoppor-produot' of Lake Tarpentlne and Japan, Caslor Oil, Machine Oil, construction department of the Gould system and reilnciug tho iiiiinbor of Agents to sixtv. qiienU TIio buroinetno und tbumuiiieti'ic lliic- tioned, and to whom I showed tbo disputoli, to Clows nnd Ilelfer 11 I.II was a prominent mnii among eminent favorable to ensilage. Last year be bo not allowed to take tbo outli, :ind tho latter liiutioiis woro nut great. Thero wore disturli- (1.1 i iU j.Stato is about 1,111, Superior; nnd hiia divided ovor ^20,- DKtlQSand MKDIVINEN, Hals and Caps, UTcralli in the Southwest. He was about 37 yenr^ mnko tho snmo denial. Tho telepruni is a Mudiiiiii til Fair r. Oil 1,1? 5 IM men. He is yot sound in mind aud body planted tour acres of Bluut'a prolific, a WHS oi-derod to witbdraw. aoxtoii g'^vo iiotieo The Apportiannient bill was tiikon up, and six niices of the neotlla coiiioidont with the auro­ Michigan also contains about n score 000,000 among its Bharcholders. Thu and Itcady-Made Panls, old, and held the highest position in his line aiiiendiiiunts were oflored, tlxing tho niiinbor of whiilo.ialo lio, as tho testimony whim printed Ili.os * 'JO 7 111 —30 far, wo mean, as his inner souse .Southern ooru, somo of which g;rows to of a bill to ropoul tho Coercion oof. In iho ras, Tho winter's growl h of ico wus eight feet. will show. Joii.s .Siii:u.M.i.x. X'l.iiLMi—l'"iiiicy White Winter Ux.j. 7 Ull (li; 7 2.1 of logging railrniids, which connect its yield of all tho copper-mines of Lake of service in the world. Ho was froin Elmira, roni-eHunttttivcs nt Sll) to 305. Mr. Proscott 'J'ho lionviest ico seen won twunty-tlireu feet. (liioil to Ohnlco.SnrinB .Kx.. I! 'il rm 7 IKl goes. 'Why should not he mean what he fifteen feet in height, and some will House of Lords, tbo Miiniuis of Salisbury nsked tliiit ttie weiiltli of the various States bo ipirwieies with mills or wntor-eouraos, and Superior in 1881 is placed nt about 34,- The Jllehlpan Central rniliond, with Its oon Crockery •& Giass"V7ar^» N. y. 'J'bo ongineor stutos Unit tliu hcuvy tnisssnvod Wni-.AT—No.'i Siu'lliK 1 '.in (..D 1 28 says ? Haa the South forgotten tho loat weigh nine pounds to the stock. He I niidloi-.siit Cliicago, nllbnls tho most dlrijcl made a violent attack on tbo (toMirnnieiit. taken into cniisiilerntion, for which sontimout Apportlamncnt^—Tho Pending Bill. No. ;i .SjirlUK 1 Wl nrii uot iticorporiitod under its general 000 tons of mineral, cqunUo2S,000 tons the ship Nov. 21 from being crtislied, 'Iho tol- 1 in cnuBo ? If ao, what moan thoso move­ cultivated with three horse power, and I .Mul ill-.-;-.-'-!? ;oK!« of trnvid fr.,;.! Michigan to Lamps and Clocks, Stone Churns and Crocks, Tho 'Virginia Senate passed a bill ho was slinrply rebiikuil by Jlr. norr. opbono wires wero lirokoii oy thu movoiiiont of Wasliiiigtou disjiutohcs statu that indications Com;—No. 'i '. Ml m; ri7 laws, hut aro operated aa private enter­ of ingot co)>por, possessing a value of all pollits In Kiinsiis, Nobriiskn, Colorado, Bolts of ull kinds, Mill: Puns, Plow Costings A further installmunt of ilotail.H has point very clearly to tho rujeotion ot the pond­ 0.n«—No . 2 s' 2,0il0 auroral obser- H. iltl.KV—No, 2 (ill 1 Ml theso roadrt, Imt it is biilioved that tho of the product of 1881 cumo from Ouy Powell, a colored member of tho present sliupo. Tho Democrats aro goiiornlly tho military feature in all of tliom? lied upon nt Chicago with through tiiiinsfor cuse Chilled Plow.nnd 'Vowles Cultivator; also nidto in the Polar sou. Tlio vessel driflod for amuiidniout proliibiting the manufiicturo or vtttioiiB woro also lost. Tho naturalist's notes II in 'I i:n—Choice Cruniiiery 5)3 (ifi 42 tiitnl length of thoir track is not much the Calumet nnd Hecla levels. to keep the cutter running with a six- tlie west. Rates are an low ns' the lowest. Clothes Wringers, and a full lino of 'I'obucco 'Virginia Houso of Delegates, haa introdnced a Iwciily-one niontlis along with hor priscpn nf salo of liquor after 1900. Jlr. woro saved. ngniust it, and many llopiiblioniis are openly KncjK—KrOHli 10 Iff, .'JO There ia scarcely a Southern youth who horse-power engine (which ho ordinarily Parties going west this spring win find It to of the.bcst kind. A full line of Forlca, Shovels, McCnIl offered rcEoUitions dirocting opposing (t. lleprusentativo Blackburn says I'oiiK—Mi*H 18 nil ©18-2.1 less than 000 milca. \]l of the Luke superior copper, their interest to correspond with Henry G. Spades, etc. Table and Pocket Cutlery. bill bi tluit body wbkih proTidea that the IMQ* haa not some miUtary training and does used for pumping water). He cut tho ice. which at Inst closed in und cnislicd lier ifeaiiiiotte island was diaosvcred JIny 1G, in lat- that it is an nnjust measure, tliat 1. Ann II The cost of the railroads of Michigan bo it remembered, is not an ore, but n Wcntwortli, tho general passenger nnd ticket tho Secretary of State to nego­ MILWAUKHK. ® n,>» uot know tho uses ol warlike service. of nulawfnl alliances shall be considered the hull liko nn egg-shell. Tlio uverago winter itiido 70 deg. 47 mill, north, loiigitudo 153 dcg. it ignores tho rapidly growing Wostorn pure metal, which is marketable after it onailage at three-eighths ot an mch, aud agent nt Chicago, who will cheerfully Impart tiate for a reciprocity treaty with tho Coiitrul WiiKAT-No. a I 27 (S\ 1 28 up to the dose of 1880 is otlicially placed any desired Information relative to rates, con­ legal bohr of (ho male offender,, and shall take und Scmtli American Btatcs, MossrH. Vest 50 mill, (inst. It was small aud rocky, and wo States, nnd gives nn iiicronso m tho ropresoiita- Rend their school books and see if they applied to tho silo a pressure ot 1,000 We take, In exchange for goods, teniperutiiro w»s 03 degreos bolow zero, UIKI did not visit it, Honriitin islnnd wus discov­ CmN—Nil. 2 f)' & fi8 at S195,'000, thu highest price. two bushels to each cow. His animals market price fdi: the same. ^ Lynchburg, 'Vs., haa been sentenced to 168 tone. .B(icliiis(;tts or <3imnectii;nt. The con- Tho wish is Ihe father ot tho thought, Ciipt. John L. Divia to bo Coinuiwluro. In 1)0 Kahilis (I'et laloxicatcd. Ho is suti.sliud it will bo beaten. Pound, Cnu.v—Mixed r,(l (ill (11177 liked it, It increased the quantity of NO PATENT NO the House, Mr. Randall gave notioo of nn OATH-NO. ii. 4'1 •striii'tion of '18fel lind two importiint IROJf; and ivo nro apt to believe what we most lashes on the bote back for boasebroaUng and Daring the past year tho Right Hon. A Nciv York sporting paper some ot Wisconsin, feels sure the bill will ml 4,1 their milk and ita quality is excellent. amendment to the Tariff Commission bill, mak­ be lojccted. Sparks, of Illinois, is opposed Itvi: ,„ J« la K!l t'catures: 1, •Uin building of tho Detroit, For somo years JMichignu' Itna'ranked desire. Beside, prosperity and strougth ' ' ii.i^.cxiAiix.i:j'.' robbery. . •••.i.- • W. E, Forstcr, Sooiotaryot .Stito for Ireland, ing the body couBist of two Senators, tiine hinco staled that tho robin doe.s ma no Mr. Ware's silo ia thoroughly built of to it, and predicts its defeat. It was sup­ VonK—McHH 18 J-i Maripiette nnd Mackinac line, in tho as tho second Stato in the production of incline us of tho North to peace aud WHITE OAH. Sergeant Bush, ot the Tenth ciavalry, received 400 Uireatcning lottors from Irish pKt- three Bepresentatives and fotu: experts. Mr. not show hiiustilf uiiicli in Southern lai- @ ll,V stone and is oetnentcd. aud he believes posed tliat IIS tho bill conferred tho increase cfNCfNNATi:- " 'Upper Pcuiiiaub,, coiiiicoting the two iron ore, but first in tho'ijuulity of tho nraity. And it may bo that Davis do(?s stationed in Teus, killed himself because be riotfl, Lacoy roportod a bill to establish a iMistal-Bav- ittidrs until the lierry of tlic China true WHKAT 1 II* this necesaary in order to fieoure the best proposed upon the larger States it would w 1;» •jiiirts ot the SI If to; 2, the cxteiisiou of not rmdoratnnd his people as well aa the ings depository. Tho ShMnniin Funding bill get tlio support of the deiegntions from these a<'»x ore aud tho value of its; jlrbduct. For resultB with the loaat amount of labor.— was reprimanded and sent to,the guard honae. , TUo death of Bcrthold Auorbach, tho was taken from tho Speaker's table, and re- is ripo, and thou partakes of it libernlly, iH) Oil •fho WabnSh -fyatoni from Butler, lud., Philiiilelphia Iiujuircr, and ia merely a Stiites, but tills is uot so. Suvoral members OATH 4'' liwjXn«iaiid„ ...ancetbat.no horse,c»n ' Aniopinion of the Supreme Court ot lin over tho acqnittal of a Boldior who tired the acting ao'vornor of Arizona in regard to Ki.lfocation, and not intoxication. The street it ia a mere vegetable, but if you •«*Un eott, tImoUier patenl tdtomtyi, Miho art att lawlessness in tbat Temtory, and urges the )iOHcd from their side to keep tbo House at Its Cons-Mixed OK Lnnfbor luwi been for iiinn,v yeara tho aro as yet no ofllcial figures to provfe it, gliisaes swoop along tho Southern hor­ equal.'and for-'ploasnre'. upon'and Ullid two lads who were tcftsiug oenformatioh of tho bird's nock i.s snch OATH—Mixed 48 @ m have to crawl on your stomach about :, or (i^ealth Is ftar superior, Tennessee declares invaliil' and nnconsUta- amendment of tlio posse comitatus act to per­ present figure, 293, Some of tlioso who havo @ 47 nhiof •manufaoturing interest of Mich­ it is believed thnt 'Miehigau in I'i^l' izon.— Omaha Ilcpiiblluan. that food must puss directly acro.sa the BAnt.Ey (nor c«nt«]) 00 half a mile through high weeds ou a *° any_^other Outdoor Uonal the act of April, 1881, to'compromlae the hiin.' mit tli« use of troops iu assistUig tbe oivU au- sludiod Uiu drift of opinion think 807 will bo PonK-Mean i 18 25 (S 2 20 , aport.', Thoiart of riding @]8 fiO igun, tend no'Ainmiean State equals it in stepped to tho front aa tlio largest'ore- moonlight night to steal it, while,the bonded indeblednoss of that State at par and Tho explosions in tho Bhondda volley thoritiei. windpiiKi to roiioh its destination, and thu:uumbor flually adopted. INDIANAP0I,IS. Is easily acquired, and WHKAT—No. a Bed. * 1 84 .(» 1 85 the amount and . 000 fraoM ia iharcs of the Unios Oenerale, (iona beheld for appointment* to offloea, and fooation. It ia then the bird falls from theFrtinoh, 28; the Greek,.24; the Latin, , muscle. of.Tlhp, body, Bridget: " Thank you kudly, mum, Ja'r 4 00 (3 4 00 northern half of the^Lower Peninsuhi ot Aomcui.'rtiTii5, ennesa are houses without windows, Jadge Charles Fox, the oldest member sad it* 1«M dnire bim to suicide. tbat no removals be made oa partisan gronuda tho tree, and bis effort^! to swallow tho Oommon 3 M 2!>; the German, .Dutch and English, 2.6 aswd iHCent stHmp'forv but he's too bashltU for the parlor." Hoas 6 go (5) 7 «r> this State. The cut of white pine in Tho ivgrioullurnl statistics for 1881 gardens without fences, fields without SH-poga lllustmted cata.; SauBP 3 to each; the Spanish, - 27;. the Arabic, 28; tillage, barns without roofs, children tori and Mentiert qf Olmtfmjim evtrf mall. Michigan during •18,'?1 may bo given in havo been bntparf.ially compiled as yot. the Persian, • 81;. the Biutian, 41; the .iddrcM.-lADM •iiSaM*«)*.,MMIei« 1 round , figures as ,follo,w»--tho estimates Thoy indioato a wheat-crop of nearly without clothing, principles, morals or llaUand lull infbrmatfeir''""'"'"'??'*'''^ SauBcript, 60; ;tho-Etliiopioj-2e2. manners. iffttnuaniAttonmtdUm, *' *^ rfWna, THE POPK MFGCO., WaaMMriMi. B.«. eB7W»shlnB*nn'B«k,Botlon,Maaa. : MASON MARKETS. waa wounded'by a bullet from the pis­ Neweomli, Endicott & Co. Boote and Shoes.—J. L. Fuller. ADDITIONAL LOCAL. K. W. Aylniid.—SeM'inir Machines. T. Hoffman.—Hardware. tol of A. C. Soteldo Intended for Mr. TERRIBLEiCCIDENT (tnrenilljr Cprreiiteil Vp t4i Thnrailiiy The cr.vBtal weilding of Mr. nnd Mrs. B|arton.. At a late hour last night Mr. ' Noon oir Ennh M'ocfc. Neemsilatlnv • Mnraricnl OpDratlan— Mcom noTT t CO., Joseph Jcwctt proved to bo a very • ORATX, Btortonaaldthat after a brief conver­ Thursday, February 1ft, 1$$2. Irf> viiic ITotHer Atteiuiits to Take WE B K S plcusaiit sofiiil ovoiit. About KXI gucutiii WHEAT 1 18IIYNICIAKN. two hungiiig lumps, two table lumps, REEF, dressed, per 100 pounds r, oo®7 00 LOOK HERE! Library, Hanging and Bracket Lamps ment that his assailant was torn loose a Ionic and restorative inediclnc. To do tliis HOGS, per 100 pounds 5 00®5 50 that <'a'.man'wli6 has aiiloptnibn that work tiie Doctor prescribed "Konnciiy's Fav­ tecns. Prints nnd cambrics. "Old Reliable" two tea sets, two cake dishes, a fruit of every description. from him by the attnchr. K«iin«'(ly'M **t'»v«rlto Itemeily." LEwl8~P. MAV.lir.liri honey dish, etc. SEWING MACHINES saloon open, in violation of a law pro­ Suteldos was to take his life. removes all impurities from the blood, ro^u- niltlCENS, por pound, alive ® « N NEW DRESS QOODS AND iHYSIOIAN AND SUKOWIN. OFFICE .\s low for cash as any Agent In the Coun­ N KKVor.VKiis nnd all kinds of Aniniunitioii nnd 10,- latesthe Liver ond Kidneys, cures Cnnsll- in Coolt Illock, opposite tlio Postollieo. nUILDINO MATKUIAI., hibiting blm; from so keeping it at Congress has been in session too nation, nnd all diseases nnd weaknesses i.ecu- All warm goods at and below Advertised Letter List. ty, 1 have tlio laigest stock of Ma­ 000 other Hardware articles. SUITIN8S ARRIVINQ DAILY. Iglit calls aiiswured nt tbo olllce. WATER LIME, per barrel @1 30 chines ever brought to Mason. speciAed timesand hours." According months. There has been an immense Ilar to Fcmnles, It Is for sale by all our cost at druggists at ONE DOLLAR ft boule. .\lA.SO!». Feb. 13, 1882. LAND PLASTER, per barrel 6 50@'I> iiiJii,i>i:itN. adjudged lo be an Indigent insane person, at wliiidiyon can niiikc creiit piiv nil the time vou preserve the public credit. selves. Tho pension deficiency bill, GREAT BARGAINS and order mado admitting her to the asyluiii work, write for pnrtlcalurs lo 11'. IIALLBTT * Co., 8rA7PADD"o'cK'A'c6., at Pontine. PorUand, Maine. 120lvl appropriating $540,000, is the only one * HCIIITKCXS, CONTRACTORS, AND Feb. 10.—Ill the estate of SUiis Carter, do- J\. Hulliicrs, and inopi'lotois uf the Mason conseil. Iloport of coininlssioners in piirli- that has been signed by the president. IN tlon tiled, and report conllrincil, IVASHINGTON. lumber yard nnd planing mill, Siisii, doors, I and blinds at wliole.Hiilo and icliill. Feb. 11.-Ill tho esliilo of Lynn Pratt, a mi­ Tl^f fortineations bill, calling forifS-o,- nor. Loiters of guardianship l.ssnod to Cal­ PARKER'S HAIR BALSAM. IProm our regular Oorrestionilent.) 000 has got through the House, but not vin Pratt, Esq. The Pest, Cleanest and jimriiiKN. Feb. l.'i.—Ill the estiite of August Eimloliarl, most Economical Hair STILL TO THE FRONT •WASHINOTON, D. C, Feb. 11,1882. through the Senate. Tlie consuiar- DRY OOODS! et al., minors. Lleeii.so Insuod to gnardlaii, to Drcsting. MILTON RYANi soil real estate. The newspapers in all parts of the and diplomatic bill has been reported . Never Fat: _ 10 EEstore U.STfCE OF THE VKACV. AND C'ONVEY- i''ub. M.—Tho last will of .Tcniilo .S. Coiey, docciised, proved and ailmltled to probato. Itlic youtlifiil color to grey country-arc asking what has become of and the appropriations for the post­ J nn<'.ci'. Collections a s|iu(iliilty Ollieo In •hair, sue nnd $i sizesat WE SHALL CONTINUE Darrow block, second lloor. In the estate of Siim'l I). Cbapln, deceased. the star route prosecutions. They do ofllco department are under discussion. The tlHal ncconnt of adnilnlstratnrs licitnr idnigfiisiS; The Extreme LOW PRICES Having bought the PARKHURST not refer to petty straw bond cases, but The other apropriation bills are in pro­ and allowed, ami ordcrofdlstillnitlon iiiadu, IIAIt!Vi:NN. III the estate of Homer C. .Spiinlding, do- Floreston Coloj;ne. to those which, it was so repeatedly cess of preparation. Tiie river and STOCK of Dry Ooods and Gro­ ceased, Tho llnai ncconnt of luliiilnlstrators A new ami •tctftllnsly fra< -MADE BY ITS ON- WM. F. NEAR, heard and UIIMWCII. L'rniit tna iKtlliig Mrfimii. charged, involved thousands of dollars harbor bill,in whicli every member lias -TO "MlJiJSZIil- ceries at 70 Cents on the dol­ ANUFACTURER OF HARNESS, AND _ S'ricB S5 anil ISc, Illegally taken from the government. an interest, it is announced will not be dealer in saddles, whips, etc, ICcpiiiring lar, I am prepared to make Mpromptly done on short notice and at living Ihml Estate Traiisl'er.s. Table Linens, Turkey Bed Damasks, and all The prosecution on more than one oc­ ready before tlie 1st of April. The prices. Shop iinilcr Neiir block. PARKER'S the following offer for Domestic Goods, Choice Styles of Dress casion declared in most positive terms outlook for the speedy termination of The following arc tlio real estate .niN«'i:i.i.,\>iK«>iJN. ti'aii.sactioiis recorded in the books of that it possessed evidence sufficient to tlie necessary work is anytliing but Goods, Ribbons, Laces, Embroi­ The Next Thirty Days: tlic register of deeds of Ingliuin county establish its accusation aud convict the encouraging. The most important F.W.~ HAVENS, GINGERTONIC deries, Etc., UCTI ON E IO 11. A L1,1UJ S IN ESS !• 110 M1 'T- for the week ending Feb. 10, 1&S:2, wliere tho considcralion isiJKIOorovur: accused. First one excuse and then piece of legislation next to tlie appro­ Special Low Prices \ A ly attended lo. Long cxiiorleiico and A Pure Family Medicine that Never Intoxicilei. During the last ten days, will be another has been offered for the delay, priations is tiie Sherman funding bill, charges modoralc. .\pply In person or ad- .Ins. Smalley to Win. H. Crandall. 15 If you are a niecli.inic or farmer, worn out with .%-i,0«0 First-Class GOODS AT COST. drcHsat FItchburg, MIcii. acres on so corner section II, and 1(1 overwurlc. era mother run ilown by fnniil/or house­ and norw the people of the country which has passed the Senate. Tlie hold duiien try PAIIKUH'S GiNaiiit TUNIC. • A. P. DRAKE, acres on sw \i section 12, Vevay $700 want to know whether the charges of amount of time that the House will WA, Parks to>l. 11. ami Martha .Vllen, If yon are a l.iwyer, minister nr business mnn ex- OUNTY SURVEVOIi. LIOVELS TAKEN 10 acres on o y. of iiw }4 section i, Lan­ hntislcd by nictital mniiii or .mxioiis carei; do not OIsT the prosecution or tiio counter-charges consume in its difcussion can only bo C nnd land surveyed nn Hhort notice. IJruIn sing 1,000 Like jntoxicniiiig stiitittl.'ints, but use PAKKKU'S pp .i L7\ST 100 acres on section 18, .Meridian 9,000 IIISCO.X k CO., lf.3 Wllllaio St.. N,.w Vorli. lOt. ud done with the cases there is no reason aitWCKKN. Will. R. DluKinan lo Osi.nr Hart, 211 by (III on. ilullar .1»., at .11 il.aleri In iii.iiu-in... Icctoii lot II, block lofl, Lansing 10,0.Si n LIFETI ME i-^ OIIEAT SAVINO IlL'YINO DOLLAB BI7K, Reynolds Bros. & Co. apparent to outsiders why the prose­ WOOL GOODS! DUNNING, dealer In gi'oeorlcs, Sam'l Nnrinoro to Anna Schwondenor, HALL'S rockery, and provisions, Ash street. SURPASSES^O'OTHERS cution, should not go on now. The MARCUS GREGOR. lot 4, block 5, LansI ng 1,000 A, HOWARD & SON, deaU^is In jrroccrlos J, H. Eiiuuy to Rachel S. Real, lol I, ir<-llllll IN Wfllltll. Gulteau case is out of the way, and , and provisions, Ellsworth bldiik. Cull! block 17, Laii.sing 7.50 Dr. E 0. West's Ncrvi; nnd llniln Truntmenl; A Mary Odell to ,Ias. lioiitly, 3 acres In IllLiiviiim-j^^ii M. .1. Buck.—Furniture. the courts can give their attention to aspoclllcfor llytiteria, ll\x/,\iwf!>, CiiiivulsIiiiiH, OF XJMJM disgriptions. "Old Muiniiioth."—Caiii|i, Morrill & Camp. Mason 800 ~inxiv."HAi]^STED AC'O., denloi's Ing'i^ .Ills. Huntley to Mary Odell, 8 by 8 rods Nurvouii llciidachu, Mi'iiiiil Uepruiji*ii.,ii, l,n.:tiof the alleged star route ring. (jatarrhgure cerles, drugs, sewing inachliies, etcotc. ao UNION 8Q.NEW YORK Mummy, SpormntorrhiiMi, Impotuncy, Inviilnn- D In .Mason 800 lury Kniissions, I'rcinntiire Old Age. caused by Mary A. .Simmons to Tliaddetis Ueiis- ovcr-e.\ortloii, sulf-iibusu or ovei-induluence, Interest In the convicted and con liOW'I'N KJin KIIOKN. inore, lot 12, block 1(1 and lot '2, block I, 6'HICAGO ILL.-e- which leads to mifcry, riuciiy and dentil. Onu Holt & Steel's addition, MiLsoii 1,100 demned Gulteau seems to have waned Is Raeommended by PhyalclansI box will cure recent cases. ICncli box contains L^FULLElirdoiTlor In \mo{r, STKICB, miT R. a. C. ICNKiUT, Uettlslei'. ft.^ Orange MASS. onu month's trcntinont. Cine dollnr n box, or considerably and uo further attention . Ilnory, nnd liiney goods. .Main street. t*lx boxes for five doliiirs; sent by mail propiilil iissasi 2S on receipt of iirice, W'e ;,'Uiirnnlee si.': boxes to is paid to his movements except by Iiiglinm Tcuclioi's' Assoclntloii. We would Call Attention to ICE ilROS. manufaetuio nnd ropnlr boots eitru any case. With each iirtier received by us THIRTY DAYS! his relatives and counsel. His brotlier We mtnurMtun and icU it with* poSltlVO nnd shoes. Shop In oxpross building. for six bo.xcs, accompanied with live dollars, we guarantao that It will eurs any R The Ingham County Tenohors' As­ Meat Market—H. Peters. will send Ihu purchaser our written guaraulco to John paid him n farewell visit this 1 return the nioncv If thu treatment does not ell'uct oaa0> and we will forfeit tlie tooyt smouut MINCIll.I.ANKWIIN. sociation will hold n session at the a cure. Oua'anteus Issued only when the treat­ I will offer my entire Stock of morning, preparatory to leaving for UitTaifain > •Inele Instanee. ment is ordered direct from ns. Address, ,I0I1N Itii uniike wy other Catarrh remedy, aa Prices on FIl.'VNK CLARK, liliicksmitli and lino liigli school building, in WillUinistoii, H-O-O-P-E-E. Boston to attend to his business. Soon 0, WICSTitCO., Sole jiroprlutors, 181 & 18;) W. L, carriage builder, Rtipalrliig neiit,clienp, on Saturday, the a5tli inst,, commenc­ MailiHiin St., IMiien^to. III. Sold by all druguistii. after his brother iiad left he sent for a diBtroulDg dlaeaosiuk your Druggist for it, and Si a 6! A. UASSUTT, Wholesale Agent, Detroit, Mich. J " LAIliC HOUSE, Will, II. Clark, proprletni'. ing at 10 A. .M. sharp. I177yl PARLOR SUITS, tailor to come and measure him for a ACCtPt HO IKITAnoX OB^SUBiTlItlTB. If he ilestone dollar a day house In tho city. bos not gat it, aenil to na and we will fotwaid C The order of exerci.scs is suggestive new suit of clothes, and also ordered a Immcdiatelr. Price, 7S contsnerbottU. For old or young, malu or female, Dn. KER- SHEETINGS, SHIRTINGS, &c. .M. ilRESSEll louiiH money, bays notes, of good things for the profession. stoTT's Mandrake Pills are Iho beBtcatliartlc. CHAMBER SUITS, ne\f liat, which was furnished him. F. i. CHENEY & CO.. Toledo. Ohio. , and makes collections; also the Insiir- Jnnceagent. Over Lowe's bank. Mala stieet, Surely there should be a largo niid 9.500 licniiril! EASY AND FANCY CHAIRS, He paid for his orders out of the mon­ piLES! PILES!! PILES!!!—.\ HUre cure R.\/,EL Ji: .MEH.VN, proprietors of city prompt atteiRUiiice tif teachers, which Wo will pav the above reward for any case of ey derived from the sale of his auto­ found nt Inst. No ono need sutl'cr. A Liver Ooinp'laint, Ilytpcpela, Sick Headache, F bakery. Fresh bread, pies, and cakos, is most carlestly desired Iiy the board PIER GLASSES, graphs and, wiien asked what he want­ sure cnrc for tbe llllnd. Bleeding, Itching and Indigestion, Constipation or Costlveness wo can­ Ulcomllng Piles hns been discovered by Dr. AYERS & I'llELl-S, dealers In hardware, of examiners. Friends to educational not cure with West's Vegetable Liver Pills, CENTER TABLES. ed with new ciotiies, said he did not JACKSON, MICHIGAN. stoves, llnwar.!, nails, glass, putty, etc. Now is the time. Meat is when the directions are strictly complied with. Wllllanis (un Indian remedy) callctl Dr. Wli- S institutions and advaneoniciit arc In­ Thoy are purely vegetable and never fail to givu expect to remain long after tiie court RESPECTFULLY, salisfacUon. Suiiar coated. Large boxes roii- ilnms' Indian Ointment, A single box has F. IIROWN, tnanfr. and denier In harness, vited to be present. high, and the farmers give it -ETC., AT A- en banc met and wanted to make a cured the worstchroniccasesof 21 aiidllOyears , saddles, whips, robes, trunks, etc., etc, lalnlng 30 pills, ascents. For sale by all drug­ C E.YERCISKS. gists. Bowaro of counterfoils and Imltntloas good appearance when he went out. standing. No one need suHcr Ave minutes to the butcher, so that all he The genuine mnnufttctnred only by JOHN C. EECH it SON, prnprloloiK of tlio .Mason 1. .Music. WEST i Co., "Tho Pill Makers." 181 ,t 183 W. after applying this woinlorlul soothing iiicill- foundry and machine shojis, llopalrlng. This was regarded as an attempt at B 2. ReuUIng and prayer. Madison Street, Chicago. Froo trial package sent Discount of Twenty Per Cent. clno. Lotions, Instruments and Elcctiinrics gets is clear profit aud he can by mall prepaid on receipt of aiJccnt stamp, 77yl bragging, for the appearance of the do moro harm tiinn good. Williams' OIntr TUOMEY BROS., EllIl & .MEAD, excluslvo dealers In 3. I'apor — "AdvunUige.s of Eilucatloii," clothing{ annndd gentgentss ' furnishing goods. Prof. E. G. Trowbridge. prisoner certainly belies "his assertion. ment absorbs tbo tumors, nlliiys tbe intense $100,000 worth of Dry W just as well trust you as not. Ann n week, tli a day at home easily made Costly -FOR- 4. l)l«cussion—"Relation of Teacher lo Pa­ Itciiing (particularly nt night after getting ^^JS73El'lcooIv, "CAnmMTV. WORK (pliioutllt free. Address Tnsit Co. Augusta Maine The injustice of the pending appor­ warm in bed), nct« as a poultice, gives instant rent," IL M. SILsby. Opposite Court House. . and general blucksiiilUilii},'. Come to tionment bill and of the methods on and painless relief, and Is prepared only tor 5. —I'npor—"Tu.\l Hooks," .1. R. Slioltoii. Goods and Carpets at P. STROUD, UNDERTAKER. IHi.VLER fl. "Lessons In Writing," G. W. lliowei'. Piles, Itching ofthe private parts, and nothing , 111 iilutnrcs and IVame.s. Grout building. CASH! CASH! which It is based has become so appar­ S 7. "Longitude and Time," Prof. IT. F. Dcrr. olso. ,mO IS UNACQUAIMTKD WITH TMC aKOOHAPHY OF THIS COUH- ent that it'is virtually dead already. REI''.D. ATTORNEY AT LAW. OFFICE 8. Select reading, E. E. Granger. HENRY PETERS. Rend what the Hon. J, M. ColHnborry, of TnV WILL SEE DV tXAMlNINfl 7HISMAPTHAT THi To clo-ie out niy Business nt NO. 122 and 124 Washington Avenue. The bill was baited to catch tho votes ACTUAL COST. L^7".In Riiyiiiir block ove" r City llaUery, II. Query box. Cleveland, snys nbout Dr. Williams' Indian of the large stato delegations ; but, to Pile Ointment; "I havo used scores of pile ANNON Dti'llOIS, DEALERSIN HEA'V Y JAY CALKINS, He keeps a large stock of and Slioirilai'uwaie. Mnple street. the credit of the members from tlie cures, but It affords mo pleasure to say that I C Chairmnn Ex. Com. Choice Meats constantly on most populous states, it can be said have never found anything which gave suoh JKWKI.IOKN. inimedlntennd pcrmnnont relief ns Dr. Wil­ F«t!N ot Dnclors. that they refused to accept an Increase hand. By the way, if you liams' Indian Ointment." For sale by all LIAS CULVER, dealer 111 watches, clocks, Tho fee ofiioctors Is an Item that vory many LANSING, MICHIGAN. of representation arbitrarily taken from druggists, or mailed on receipt of price, Jl.OO, E Jewelry,sllverwure,otc. Repalrlngdone, persons arc interested in Just at present. We believe tho schodulo for visits Is S.l, whicli happen to have the money at REWARD! the smaller and weaker states. It is JAS. E. D.WIS AGO., WholcsnioDrtigglstw, A. W. Parkhurst & Co.—Jloots and Shoes. would In.v a luiin condncd to his bed torn evident that the House will con­ Detroit, Mich., Agents, year, and in need ofa daily visit, ovor 1)1,000 a Ciiunon & Du'Bois.—Hardware. veiir for medical nttcndnni'C alone! .\iul ono hand he won't be mad if you demn the "Seaton method" of appor­ single bottle of Iliip lllllers taken in llinc Iron Works. would .save the 81,000 and nil tlio year's sick­ pay him for your meat. tionment and adopt the old plan of al- 4^ E DI Ci N ness.—En. We will pay $100 to any person loting the representation as nearly HENRY PETERS. We Have Found § Burglars. O.M.llAIlNKS. S. K.TAllVIS. JOSEPH LOO EB HOPS&MliLf BITTERS Aee aweok inyoiirown town, Tcnnsniulfonutllt equal as possible in proportion to pop­ charged more than COST for WEliiimriJiovED ipOD free. Addrcus 2, Ballolt i Zf.. Portland -Mnlne. South sido Court-House. ulation. .Viul we now wish to say to our friends Mid patrons that we have more than replaced LANSING IRON WORKS, goods in our establishment Reculnte the Liver. Doslllvolyourn tho goods thnt were stolon. Our stoclc Is complete. Aiiytliint; that Dy.pcpsla, Inrilacsitlnn, and Sick Tho IVaiiien nt Home. yon wnnt In tho shape of Col. Seaton, superintendent ofthe Manufacturers of llcadncbe, pruvont (!oni »"< I.eNlie. nilcli. Paul, via tho Famous This is no Humbug but a rrcntcBt MustJiil Invonilon nf 1 huMiy cm |.orfon:i Hoard at D, Howard's, South Woodworth St. Our Tin Shcp, with Mr. Alex. Robb as Foreman, you will find fori :thc can, on the otlier, tlie former lies prob­ loss is your great gain. Buy all NOT r "HOP.'^ Ja MA I. T. ' upon it with thu niipnruliulllll of nnm.l«r, nil .acre.l, Mjciilitr, "ALBERT LEA ROUTE." upper floor, and any repairing or now work that aiiy Tinsihlth can dojwlll be bnslnoBB now before tho public. ronulor, onil lUnco mu.lo. K^uallr iiullnlilo for Iho lion.., A Now and Plreot Line, via Boneoa and Kankn.. ably dying while the latter ia severely You can make monoy faster at lodKe, or church. Aitmlrnhly .ilaptrtl for tho hilll.room.pU'llIc, koo.haa rooontly boon oponod betwoon Blohmond, done with neatness and dispatch. \ ^ : work for us than at anvtblDB else. excumlon p.rtlcii,otc. No In.trootloD rtiqoirail. I'ricu.. (1, ^ 4^ Oront clianco to msKo money. wounded in two places. The bitter EESTi Positive Fact. 110. |.'0, S:iil, ond upwnrrl. Ilownro of worthies. Inilliitli-rt. Capital not needed. We will start with iilnillnrnnnio.*. ARont.wniitcd. KiitornrlsInR tttfii iiitil:. fiflT Tj Thoso wlio nlwiiys tiiko nilvnii- —Always,on hand, o full supply ofr—, , ' yon. 112 a day and upwards made at homo by tlie the goods you need for a year as SIO lo t:n OCT tlnv. Illimtrnlcil Cnttiloctoo* fri-'O. yrU^^/.tnge of the good chiuicus fnr feeling on the part of Mr.,-A. M. So­ ^ niiiklns monoy tbnt are olTurcd, olirt antl at. Paul nnd Intormediate polntB. industriouB, Men, women,boys and Birls wanted We can make you prices that cannot be ASTHMA. BRONCHITIS, LYON&'HEALV,Sli>io.oil MimrooSI>.,Chl. All TlirouRh I'asaongora I'ravel onPaotEx; CROSS-CUT, DRAG AND CIRCULAR SAWS! teldo towalrd.Mr. Barton jWBstbe result everywhere to work for na, VfiW is the time. Bonerally lioconio wualtliy, wliilo iliosu who do 'I'ratna. CONSUMPTION and all not linprovosuch chances rcnuiln in poverty. Wo The only OKNVINE DInniond, Tuttle iind Champion Saws in'tlio'clty^'.'(Beware ' You can work in spare time only or give your duphcated. your purchases will pay over 33^3 Tloicetsfor lale'at all principal Ticket Offlocaln of. certain publications In the Bepub­ whole timo to tbo bnsinoes. You can live at home ^ throat affoctrons 9ured -GET YOUR- want many men, woniun. I oys nnd girls to work tho United Btaton and Canada. : of Imitations.) ./-..•(! ^ by a new method. Inha- H ^, BoKgago ohocked through and rates of faro ol- lican which the former believed' ought and do.the work. No other business will pay Ci for UH right In their own iocnlitios. Any one can woyo aa low as oompetltora that offer leM adviu... you nearly OS .well. No one. can foil to molie latlon combined with our constl do tlie work properly Irom lliu llrst start. The ; „, TBS'LASMBT STOOK^0P::WH1M,1N;.THB^pirT^-^;;':;':^,, tutlonal treatment efTects oertam business will pav more tliiiii tun limes ordinary .not to have seoh the llgbt., j: After care­ enormous pay by engsgiag at once. CoBtl;|r Ootllt pier cent, interest. JOB FRXIffTXIVG! "l^or'dotallod information, got tbo Maps and Fold- Wo could not If wo should llll this piiper, tell you of haif. tlio'a<>6(is.tha't'wo wWd'I^ easily, and wnooB. Expensive fanlflt fninlshodfrue. Hoono era of the ful review of aill' the incidents' of the and Uirms free. Money mode fast. CALL AND BE CONVINCED. SrSRc'u'lar' ongaBes falls to make monoy rapidly. Yon can show you, butcomo nnd see for yourselves and be convinced.. „ ' :.| " "'• ;' ' > i . .. bonortbly. TBU« 4 Co., Augusto, Moine. . ORIAT ROCK ISLAND ROUTB, ^-'•'--•^ofJKffMsS' devote your wholo time to tlio work, or only your affray, and going over, the testimony -AT THE- spare moments, I''nll Infoiniation nnd nil that Is At your nosrest Ticket Omoe, or address of Messrs. Barton,'Conger, and others, 'ba. KsBMOrr's pills cnrc headache, liver com- Dn. KEHMOTT'S Extract of lllackbcny, for acute nondcd sent tree, Adclrosfi STISSON & Co., Port­ fljA*"*-"' 1. ST. JO HN, jloint, .indlgesUon, costivonosB, aud purify the and cbronic diarrhea, cholera morbus, ..lalua, etc. NEWS OFFICE. land, Maine. li»lyl GAiioriil&fiuBaisp it becomes evident that A. M. 'Soteldo A. W. PARKinJIlST & CO. CAMP, MORRILL & CAMP. .Vt9rftn,A0i'a'IU'i'r, Qcn'l Tkl. * ran, A|t. OHICAOO. UUM0B8 OF THE DAT. silver, for yellowish green; copper, for -no MKEWISB.'* ahe oould appear in that oharaoter." enemiea .who. as aha Imew fnll well, wet* The Italia of Habit. amusements thembolvos are a worry. ToTobaaCoM Batb. TM SM Wall WaMuit Live Well. bright green; iron, for pale red; cobalt, Da. B. V. PiKHOB, Eiiffslo, N. Y.i Hear Birt rr.rl'he impoverished atate q^f the national resolved on the deposition and destruo- Habita in little things exercise a petty Wo go away ou a suinmoring, bang up ALWAYS KEEP coot. It happened when U. was Pre- U;- :;:iM;if'W:*'*:noimir"^.w'.^j"7i A coviiTffin attraotiou—a pretty girl torbluu; iiu, fori white; manganese, in " Five yean tgo I was a dread (nl sufferer from Every event, QO patter how trivial, is A |treasnry-^nBM;.ohlefly'Aby thia dia- tion of,her royal house. Onlumniea, ToBtlrbtovDilt teot of Police. One morning', a. man,' tyranny which fa most degrading. A man nnd down tho country, and obtain the dei'k. small quantity, to iiialie the glass devoid • uterine' troubles. Having exhausted the null pointing to the alMoliite freedom of man. ostroiw wori with,Franco and the unset- many of them of, the basest character, subject Biiiftho pale, haggard, panting for breath, over­ .EeWiei\-doth'wtttll >• cannot do anything without observing a advantages of ivliat? Rest—of a fash­ truth Is en excd- of color—in a larger to, give it nu ame­ of three pbysioiaiu, I was complotely diwour- How can it be, othorwiae? Man in. Oio ;tl6tl atate; of; :thB> ootmby—added to were aowu broadoast—calumnies not AxwAvs ready to take a hand in con­ whelmed with emotion, forced his way sgei], and so weak I oould with diflicolty crow .'/ "'.Old'UmyoMtiiiiiidiioita'of/.cIroK'V vWt lot of preliminary forms ; he must have ionable seaaon.—J, IK. Tcnmjcc'n Lcdt- lont plun, and thyst huu-'and in great quantity to bkiBsomed thou^hti paaaing rapidly iiito Ki^g.'flonry's diiUculties in raisinjs the ouly refloating on , her conduct as a ur^ oil Jif.nt, wlictlier U bo in versation—deaf aud dumb people. into tbe olBdo of the great, poisoiuige the room alono. I liegan lakiug you^ i'ravoi<- Hanaleaa to tbe noat Delicate* slept just BO many hours, have risen at a .quesllnnn of make it black and opiique; autimony, the matured fruit ef matter; every day necessary funds to meet the'i expenses Queen, but on her honor aa a woman. " Tinati! is no rest tor tho wigged" is who pcesiilea at No. 7 Boulevard du ItoPtOHcriptiou,' and nsmg the local..trbatiniBal ' WUiiboiitoCpilntlieiiBlntahliiooato regular time, have breakfasted ou beaf- 'iliiniico or li..ihln tor reddish, hyacinth color. and hour, every revolution of tbe earth By IU laHhfol ua. ConMiMpllim haa 1>«en oiired upon his v inarriage. v .*<:He was com­ reouuimeiided iu your ' Common Ueiuiu UediciU . Of »riu»Bbov»bl»dobrj . Warwick, in particular, never spared steak aud coffee, have read one particu­ An .Arkansas OuUcan. or any topilice whuwliui what a liald-liended man suid when hu Palais. ,, . Advhier.' In tbreo :mOuth» I waa prrfrotly on ita axis contributes their ripening in­ when otber Remedla* nnd PbyaioUnaibava i ; Hl» motto iH, "I H«w tUd tnron, pelled to pawn nearly "oU his private over.clvlloriiolitovor,clvllor - cliasod his falso hair up tho street iu a (aUed lo cglsit ftOttW . her, and it may be easily imagined that, lar newspaper, havo walked a cortain "Parson Timothy," said tlio.Tndge to Iciil. nlMiiyl-sTis Tioe' n neking' en tbo Old Jiaig*. ••Mbnaieur i:le Prefect," he gasped, [cured,: \l wroto;:a "letter to my family pa[ior, fluences to him. Already he is learuiug ..';\':> ;• Sow all niy rip tho moro." ' gnlo. jewels and household plate, many of tho to so spirited and impetuous a nature a number of blocks, before ho can mako a cci^ored umn wlio hud jiiat been ar- cool aud tell tho " I have just reeaived a letter. My sotil hrit-fly mentioning how my health had burn ro- hia own powers^, end irom them the jERKKTAn WiifoBT.of Morion oauntr. W. Va.. mltea trutli. Iloivevcr,' [Now York World.] Btored, nnd offuriug tuaeud the full particular iiB unit Ilia Wile had 1>III.MOKABY Up.iBDMrTXOS, iind •' Hc'il prcmi a suit iiii'l unit a proBS JHwisls being pledged to his great uncle, Margaret's, tho shameful doubt cas his groat spoooh, or write his brilliant YoiT can always tell the fastidious man is iu dcspiur. My wife has written me KBK iironnanoed •IMCCIIADUI by tliob phyalclnn, iflien r.'iignoil, "youare clinv(,'ed with stealing ,thcro Is A ccr- Since tho Princess of Wales began to to any one writing ine for them atui incloiiug a powers of others. He is-finding his own tlm iiwi of Allon'a l.ung.BnlBiim ENTinEi.v oo«i:t> naii. .: : Of bimliKiHfmliKiHf, wlillokiraiiliitwhllo kiraiiliitf the rich Cardinal Beaufort." ' upon the legitimacy of her beautifu editorial. He cannot riae to a great oc­ that I shall never see hor more. Why, .' \ • ' An. oy. o- on tlioiitIioi>o uro'unil liiraliira,, raiiA ' !. .Oenooii '! liouipsoii'a wife. I have known 'tiiin mnrgin al­ by his Konding" twouty-savcu cuffs and play on the zither, that instrument has tlainped enveltype /or reply. I'liiivu receiveequiposed , aud establishiug from this H.-wr;UMtli»t beand blanelghbora tnlnk'U llio heat All irdii ulotbcH u cruupl'iiai Ontho2aaof'Apiil, 1415, the royal bo.v aroused iu hor the fiercest feelings casion. He becomes a maohine. His lowed for lying, she explains not, yet to mo aU is ]>laiu; lufdiuinn ill Iho world. , U» : yon for years, and hail always considered when it comes to collars to the laundry, aoconipauied by a become vory poptiiar with English ladies, 'over four bniidrud lettora In reply I have do­ point tho equipose of the uuivcrse. W.M. O. OiGOKa, Merohnnt, of Bowllna Orm.,n.ya., nuptials wero celebrated at Ticlifield of anger and resentment. As Mias work may bo regular aud ncnt, but it ia at this moment my darling spouse, my scrlbud my caso and the troatinuut nsod, and irriiM, AnrHtli, IBU, Unit II" ivonU (.• t£ kniin thnt Ihp Uo iaunarllot tailor and . ..' you an upright man. Aud aiow, sir, that fl.shliig,il»iilsiior- single sliirt.—Yc/iAcra Oazatte. many of whom have become skillful per­ ArohimodeH said that if he bod a fulcrum Ablboy , with great splendor, and on the Strickland graphically shows, from tliis soulless, cold, touehod with no charm of Jnllli'd in iiomher heart's treasure, has ceased to exist. earu(;stly advised them to * do likewise.' From biiHU BAMSAM HAS CoiiEn UIS JIOTlir.ll OP OoMSOMr-, . HlH urllH', work, ho'll toll, yim are arraigned on .so ferrible ucliargo, "Tiii: truth alwdjs pays in tho aud" formers. Yonug English gentlemen, on which to rest his lever, he could lifl TliiKiiniirllio nhyiil.dan bud aivim bur up aa Inourihle. < :lti gotdug pay f roiti (iiiritbmors individuality. Such a man may servo Biibject. and no She must have committed suicide." a groat many I have rccelvtid' second letters of lUi 1.1.111 ( 5J"nii»» ';,"<";'»".» ing llis oppo.sitiou to Henry's marriago aro you guilty'? Did you ruu away with hot mill the nir Is to believe nothiug of: what they hear, rnrnwoll kii.r...-s inn limsl wora iwn,t will fon) uli mfo rbiiim.ntlliiilu twnlvti yoiu-,.d .w Tiiij'X'uni ill isuoa-r 'And then bo'd oye-blH olotbus a while, fierce and terrific impulses, till at length pictures nor people. Y",t ho prides him­ coidliiHtlicy.slifliild pedal phenomenon whicii she exliihited growth, the larger aU men looii to him. — - - * 'I'lKj Luna ' Thou olo;o'his «jyo« mid suord. . . with Margaret had been useless, was Deacon 'Thompson's wifa ?" sonnet, ho made hor name rhyme whh bniijoista, and thero seems o growing liiilhiim'ciirtiil h[ui.»alttianiniiny(itliur8,uf Bu the graceful attributes of mind aud man­ aolf on the " good habita" by which ho lio,biitnronot,)iind and uot a great dual of what thoy see; to his astonished gasse. All at onco he "Beauty is in the eyes of tbe possessor," luoNcmxu. they iirouppin-cnt- "sardine." with to perfect themselves in the art. In -AS AUO- ono ot tho first to treat tho .young ners by which the Queen, the beauty has blunted hia sensibilities, and limited "Jedgo," replied Timothy, after sev­ but, faint as it was, it cxasperate'd his stopped in the very middle of hia task it ia said. It is by the aense of beauty To tbroiid a little nomllo lyiii Ibecondlllon " WEI.T.," said a cow-boy, ns he looked the United States tho banjo is muoh in : Hu would jiuotllu ItttUi thi-ood; ' Quoen with marked courtesy and friond- and the, patroness of lonrniug. had licou his enjoyment of everything intojidod by eral miiiutos' reflection, " it would take when il I.s much visitor, who forthwith oxphidcd ua ouly and appeared to be reflecting iirofoundly. tlMit the presence of beauty can be ro- iWliuii outtliig dandy's suit iHi'dsuy, liuess. Ifnfortiiuatoly, Margaret waa Providence to elevate and iuapiro a fallen easier tu catch vogue with ladies, and $700 dollars is no ooutd explode au intrepid husband Consumption, Coughs, Golds, •"i'bU Mclsior out I droud." distinguished, wero forgotten in the am- mu some timo to splaiu dis matter tcr do "George, darling," she asked, "what wgnizad. The same may be said of too inexperienced, and too muoh of a i-lieininitl.-im tlmn uncommon price to givo for an instru­ ready to stake his lite ou hia helpmate's azon ond fho avenger." race. satishiction oh do Court But I'll try. nsli,lii v'liUdioiisn are you thinking about? " goodness aud virtue, of greatness iu spoiled benut.v, to readily overlook his ment." The abovo paragraph was shown fidelity, Tha Prefect sat quietly until Asthma, Croup, In wlntor hd Invests In vests; With a husband wanting in rcaohition But thero is a worse danger yet. Thia I ia a preacher, as yerself well knows, {It wiiidd be well "I am thinking," ho answered ab­ every i'lu-m, and alas, in every form of ; Iu summer punts hi paiitri; previous sliglitiug behavior. Her im­ fortlu'iii that tlicT a burred of passiigo, all th'e same*." to Mr, Henry C. Dobson, a well-known the storm had paased, nnd then calmly, and fimnosH, and whoso mind waa fre­ subject haa ao long been miaunih.'ratood, an' haa aaaisted many a man in findui' stractedly, with a look that indicated vileueas also. 'The iuviug thought accks All Dlaenaca of the Throat, Lnnn nnd In spring hu sows snmo seedy ttilugs; petuous tompei'iiuiout novor allowcerBou, and will bring baek O. S. MAUTIN, OniiiKlat. at Oakly, Ky., writea that th. He would mako brceiihos of thn ploua and dislikes which discretion impora- „, ,. trroiit fi'ernian is thu motlior of rest, biil ho never gets "So the once despised ne,i;ro inatru- ladle, tliliik tboru In no remedy ununl to lung Balaam Whioh hu WUH botiiul tu Ituoii, ond anxious vigilaneo wero requi-sito, tho have come to ragaid it with actual siitis- toun' my sheep an' stole it last fall, an' I " Why, I want you to givo orders at dear, whether, if Noah liad ono of your nothing elso; it can find absolutely uoth- for CROUP and WUOOPINO OOUQU. tivoly calls for; a less clever or, less ItcnieOy fortbisii.swellnsothcr paliil'iil uilnien'ji. very woll aoipiainted with bis otV.-i)iruig ment isnow popular in society?" asked But iioiiu uarod for hia little fliioos Queen was imperativol.v culled u|>on to faetioii, '.L'hia unworthy coutontmoiit is ken priibo it." onco to dredge tho .Sciiio for the body of shoos, he would have found it uoocs'sary uig but its owu ruliection. And so of BucuiiKO his goods were SIILM^J, spirited woman would havo had tho tact wr.-r.L K.I IT. ITS aoLona ro T:II-: .M.-I'ST. on thia terrestrial sphere.—Zanipton. the reporter. MotUera will Snd It a aafo and sure romedy to give thelf exorcise to the full all tho courage, ileiith to iutellootual growth. The mind "Silence 1" thundered tho Judge, "or "Hello, neiniyl what is llio troiiblo?" "Ob, ber who bus alwa.vs been tho tender, to build the ark." the luilovuig, the baser thought; it, too, to try and conciliate hor enemies ; Mar­ "Nogro instrument? Let mc toll you vhlldron wlien iillllot..d with Croup. promptitude aud dotcrmiuiition sho I)OB- is liamiiercd in tliought and oxpreasion you will be stood ou your bend. The I'm nil brol;o iij-t," vjt.s tho ri'upim.HO to tlio In­ TUB gelitlemiin who caught a severe loving compiiuipn of my hearth and From that moment their souls floated sees nothing but that which is allied to II II hirmleii lo the moat dellcile child t garet never aucooeded in doing this, nnd quiry of nu oldsliipnialoof Wililnm (i.liuimls- that tho banjo is notauogroinstniment. se.'jsod. by mental mannerisms which it is nover prisoner shall bo protected. Tho Con­ cold from pressing his lixia to ii mnidon'a homo," toward tho infinite by different routes.— its owu chiuacter. To aeu tho best Uiero It contains no Opium In any terml MlBttARETOF ANJOIT. her want of juilgment in this respect toii, ono of I'arniKiil's war-worn veieniiis. well No, sir; tho banjo caa chiim to be the rv-Recomniendoil by Phyelciniai^ MlnUter. aoa Tho fluctuating fortunes of thoso long- taught to shake oil". stitution of tho United States doolorcs known in Ctucoiilliorii lioc'.i.m r.f tliis ci:y, who snowy brow, recovered quite rajiidly Tho Prefect again smiled, and thon, Jiroolclyn Kagte, _ . is in meu wc must live tho beat there is iu A'lirava. In faot, liy ovorybody who hiie given It a good greatly added to tho bittcruess of tho cumo liiiipiii;rliiMtIio American i-niifo yesterday. oldest muaicnl inatniment we know. The continued deadly Wars of tiia linsos In s]ieakiiig of tho typionl hahitunl iu iialios that pris"onors are untitled to whAolinaking is the .sunny smiles of an­ after an iustant's search through a pile oursevlcB^i trlAl. It A'ever Valla lirlus Kollei; •riiv ItoGora of a Mliiriiiy r.Ife, struggles she had afterward to endure. "I UioiiKlil I would g.i iiiuler tlio liulc.h-:stliij biinjo comes from Egypt. It has been >'n«niir>lllc,1blnl:liigitwn:ii'.niillu'rfineoflliosondvcr- A NEW YOUK lady who was traveling ment." Mr. Dobson showed on page HMMtiirt, WnalilnRton, O. O. flve-and-twenfcy yeiira played a conspicu­ ter, who wns hoir-prosumptivo to the might have reiiaonably conchulcd all ir.vti SOX niideserviully. Women iire rrd mnlo loves oats, Visitin' his house tlHud iiostniMi.s, but wii.-i nnallv induecil to glvo it as Mmc. X., very much alive, nnd nj)- Sheep Raising. PATENTS—l Our"Saiontiflun4icordHluia in Ohio gave a baliy her gold watch to 119 of Sir William Wilkinaon's volume fZtT'KrSl a.»olvenu Calalciua free, ildm^ Book" and " How to Procure Patonta" unt/rea. ous part in England's history. During throMO. The Cardinal's iuiluoiico ovor was lost, Margaret r'alliod fresh ad­ jiftod by niittiro with greater llexiliility; I often, I seed diit his wifo gib him I'l great n trial, und a Ini'liycbiy it was for mo. Why, pi>rently iu excellent w'pirita, had this Sheep raising in Dakota pays. In the %J Jita 8r«al Weit. Qua jrttU. riiuborfh. Pa. bless niy mars I nllerballilng IlioliniblliuronBliIy play wiliii, and tha baby gulped it down of Egypt, a out ot a musical instrument tho young Queen was cotisidoriiblo, and mid, doubtless, tlm onliiniry eii-ciiiii- I deal ob 'iioyanco. I seed, Kopenter morning crosaed tho Belgian frontier, ou spring of 1879, Frederick Hertz, living her Bojourn among tho EiigUsh arose that herents to her stiitidiird. So long a,s her wilb liioOil 1 f'ltrL-liel'.and lay faith wiui pinned and cried for moro. Wliat they can't rcHembliiig the banjo. Thou he road a difili A week In yonr own town. Term, nnd fifi nntflt Over , it i.s much to be regretted that ho did stiincea of their livi-soll'T fowi'o r teiiiiitii- I somothin' was done, dar would bo a split tho iu;m ot a young man who prosnmnbly deadly feud between the rival houses of hnsViiind lived, so long as her princely loKi'..l.ironnn.l bis Oil alter tiiat. I freely sny description ot tho instrumeut to show in the south port of tliis townahip, pw- VUD free. Addreta H. UAU.ETT A Co., Portland, Me. Half MilUoB not use it for hor benefit. 1st wait till I iu do fiimil.y. Artor stiidyin' do ques- tbaliflt iiiid ni.lbeenf»r.ST..lA(onaOii. 1 slionUl, swallow in that Blata must bo over a foot was her lover. "Tho dispatch," added York and Lancaster, which culminated son was safe beside hor, she uevor lost tioiis toward habits. V.'e must that it resembled the banjo in coustitu- chascd 100 sheep, paying for them 8400. Innii prnliabilly, bo still lion.sod. Jiyfimlpnin; iu width.—Detroit Free J'renn. tho Prefect, f'does not indicate tho BOOK en the proper treatment of tho Throat and Acres in the torrih.'y devastating " Wiif .if tho Two years paa.sed, ami Margaret gave lieiirt, nor courage, nor energy. a womiin'a outward life bo'..omi;s ns nearly tion soboral days I was inspired to ro UIO Ijiilliitlo, and tbe.sivelling hiiscnliroly pas.scd tion also. "A similar instrument," he Siuco then he has sold three clips of I.unal,liyR.HunUir..M.D.,10:iStat<>St.,UbioiiK0. /'r.a IOWA Bwny. It b.-.il.s iinylhiin,' of thu kind 1 Imvo over YoHsa man, hiok not upim tho church direction taken by the tngitivea, but us A Rosea." Thus Margaret's position as no sign of becoming a mother. i)nring From the tornble battle of Iloslinm likci that of a man as it will soon bf.cotui', movo d 'omiin. Do iiupul.sc was FO continued, "still moro closely resembling wool for 8654; fifty-five sheep tor $171, heard of,an.I any jiersoii wliod'-in'ttsitseiid them sociable oyster stew when it i.s' rod— tho thermometer stands nt iiinety-tlireo 4Ma ^/i dlOn perilay at borne. Saniplea worth 9G free, ttu English Qadon consort wus one ot this timo Glouoostiir's political o)i|io- sho, ui mortal terror for her sun's life, .Hlrong diit I couldn't shake it off. .Af­ to UIO al South Tculh til.—MilaMplila Xinia, tho banjo has been found in India. Of and ha now has on hand 300 sheep Vm lal. by tta. liL'fin-n wo should boast of her snpi-rior with popper; bncauao at tho last it sting- degrees iu the shade, I should recom­ 90 10 9CV Addroiia SriNBON A Co., Pnrtlnnd, M« constant anxiety, , ing been unfairly dealt with, nnd a ru­ liiive no' habils nt all. Some days, I "Wero you ever crazynsked tho not barm tho most deliciilc invalid. Its UKO Minstrel Jokes. It. U. SllUMWiT ibtiNoia. son of your King 1" Tho mim, struck TUE liiiost marvel of aoionce is iustan- YflllMR M EN J' ">'• ''.">"> 'TKleiinipliy n • eloquence, energy aud virtue. Princess fancy, .she wiia very ailent, and on othcn's soniisel for dofunso. wonderfully ruvivos tho mental fnenltios, iii- lUUnO men tow umnllui, ami lio um-taln ofu alt. mor soon si)read that the beaulifiil timoons pliotognipliy. By tho aid of tliis "What is the cause ot tha present The origin of tha banjo dates back to Margaret was boru 23rd of March, by hor bounty and miijesty, aa well ns over'llowing witli'tiilk. Wheu Antony "I alionld remoj'k," nnsworcd the ere.^aes tho power of physical oiiduriuicc, and uatiiJli, uddriMB VAI.E.\'ri.NK BllOS., JimMVUlo, Wla young Queen had, in part, been tho process it is possible to oblaui a piotiiro IKipuIarifcy of tho instrument?" makuii tho blood rich, von and pnro, enubling the time "of the Pharaohs, ono of theso TO PROVIDE FOR 1882-SfflD at Ponl-al\l'ous3ou—Iter mother's dower means of causini^' the doiith of tho popu­ by tho boy's interest ing and helplcas ap- marched homo late in tlii-i evening lin prisiiiicr. "I flung a liateliot at olo of yourself and gbl in tho act of being "When well played tho banjo is a vor.v it to eniintoraot the effect of oxbaniitivo and instruments having been found in tho TONE'S, IT A iniY BI.AdKnEKKV. The WIMIIN .V l-Ocnt. I4lutn|> for lIlH 1»AV«Y. nlace, one of thu gnindost castles iu lar favorite. There was nothing in tho pearimco, turned his threatened enmity ini'glit he jierfectly sure iliiit the Queen luiister 'fore do wiir; nn' iirtewards butt dobililatiiiK disoiises. In localities where tliis S hardloflt In onltiv.tinn, Fordoaoriptinn nnd roota. .ViCOutNlamprue. HAIIiri.AND thrown over a stono wall b,y a runaway fnscitiatmg instrument. You never hear tomb of a royal family by a relic-hunter addroso I.N. SI'ONE, Fort Atkin.on, Wimioniiin. ONE lOiTiiiue. When but. 2 yenrs old tho into frioniUinoss, and ho led thom to n would uot be upset by having her dniiu-r my head iigin a beech tree till it t hrobbed remedy is host Unown, UnigKiots iind it dillicult E evidence to support so serious a charge horao. This picture cim be placed on tho banjo played ns it ought to bo plaj'cd in Egypt, It is described ns being of *'OI,llS' lICAIklllt.' baby Priucess commonccd hur npprou against Margaret. cave where ho sheltered thom for two lit nine iu';tend of-.(.t six lUul tliiitshc liko a i-tono-brnisd. I is a higli-toneil to supply tlio demand. It contains Vollinv for 18S!i. with ImproTod ^ l'rUr<-«'»-"<'<-lirsiumiia"T«r WIHS the mantlopieoo iu a miirixin velvet at a musical enturtainmant. A fow com­ tho exact form of those played by our Inlerent Tublo. Citiuudrtr. From Date I AW.IICE. ticeahip to sorrow and advor.sity; for at dn.ys. uiggar, an' ef I hadn't eomo tcr Little Bouli, ciiirsaparilla, .luiiipcr. Iron, liiichn, Cele­ Diary Free would bo iileasod io sit tq) tlio rest of frame as a warning to young men to mon negro melodies and a variation of ry, Calisuya, etc. Every pliysiciau knows the negi'o minstrels. Wa didn't auppdse tho , . iito. Kent to any iiddrou To D. I.OTIIUOP * 00.. Biiiiton.foraiimploeof thono this oiu'ly age her father was taken captiva All readers of history know how Mar­ the iii.glit to listen to his ex]iloits. Sho Bock I might Imb staid awiiy. Don't en rocplpt of two Tlirve-Oeii, Nliimiia. Addrmia Itiiat Munr.inoK in-Ihi, World for Olilldiun. Brllllfinl Soon after Gloucostor's death. Cardi­ nover lot go tho niiiia with both bunds.— 'Homo Sweet Homo,' or 'The Laat Rosa merit of such iiiRrodicnta. banjo waa so ancient Ii the rulic-liuut- OUAULliS E. niRKS. 18 N. Dulaware Ave.. PUlla. PronpiiutuH, .Mi'iu. uf PrizuH, luid Illuatruttid Outidogno while eugiigod in a struggle reai>uotiug garet's heroic struggles wero finally let how-h^ggod Ike testify, fur I bor­ nal Beaufort was called to his last ac­ probiiiily I'oso ono dny at noon, and on New Jiaiieii. Herjinlfr. of Summer,' is tho common musical er had fonnd in tho same spot tho identi­ friio. her mother's patrimony iu Lorraine; and overcome in tho bust bravo ollbrt of tho rowed n shirt from liipi," "Stoneiviill" Jackson. count, and Margaret naturally trans­ the next viewed the suuriso from her stouk iu triido of tho minstrel performer. cal jokea used by our negro minstrels we THE FAMILY LIBRARY tho anxious and distraught IsabcUii; Lancastrians at Towksbury, that "fatal SHE wanted to loat his affection, so, ferred hur conftdeuco to her early and garden. Hero a frisky iiegri. ate]->ped up and The banjo is moro easily played than No Southern eotnmander who cvor should not have been sm-prised. Contnlna aplonilid now anil coraploto Novel.. Sond i while clasiiing Margaret to her breast, trusted English friend, the Duke of Suf­ field " that witnessed the "death of " tho As I havo s:iid, ono who has haliits, iiniok tho prisoner with a liooji-ixile. picking up the rovolver and piittiiig'lier tho gnitiir, which requires much exerciso toiigbt hi tbo Civil Wnr was ao warmly conitt for tt.-tiiiiilo nunibiir. l.VTEIE.N'.ATIO VAi. gave vent to hor grief iu tears nud low gallant, springing yonng Phintngonet." eye to thu mii/.zle, shu Miid, innoeeiitly, MilWSt eo.,-.iU.uulai UoeUlUiin St!.NowVoi. folk. Among her most ijowcrful and nu- may bo a good servant, bnt one who The prisoner in hia excitement talloil and groat persistence ou the tiiirt of tha idiftired by Northern soldiers as "Stono- Huquvalioiiablti Gratltiidc. mtumui's of alarm. The despair of Queen ]\iiirg:u'et iit this "I wonder if its loaded." "Oh, don't"," scrupnlous foes wero the Duko of York, wia"h(?s to do more, must got rid of tlioiil. the judgo a liar. Roeess was thon learner. 'Tho banjo has a stronger and ivtill" .lackson. Ho acemiid even to them W.vnniiN, Ohio, '.Tuly 80, lafll, rA-r TH.!. CVnuO. Sam-rrra ol ho exclaimed, with miiiiifest agitation. Nniiil aoi! li*nchlul CATABBIi dc- Mnrgiirat was twice l)atrotliod during Richard o.'fovillo, Eori of Salisbwy, and ovorwholniing diaii-st.or ivns lifelong. A soldier, ii molln.-r, a frontiersman, a taken, during which timo the prisoner doepor tona. Bring it into a parlor nnd ss ono of tho knights of romanoo, with­ H. H, WAHNKII i tJo.t .Sirs—Your Safe Kid­ LYDIA E. PINKHAM'8 It's.itisliod hor that he loved her and alr nil a auwj, pormanoiit curi', w'ubout J01IN80N'8 ANODYN1! MNIItinNT win hor iiUaucy, firstly to tho Oouut St, Pol, his son, Warwick, "tho King-maker." Sho was brought to London wiih the physieiiui, or any ono who has to meet ate il boiled ciibliii.ge. After rereess tho ovcryliody listens. Whou you aro de­ out tear and ^vitllollt reproach. Tho ney and Liver Cine has rolievcd mo of a sovero f "k ot failure or oxpeiino, until o cure IKisItlvoIy proveut ttiistorrlblo disciiuo, nud will pn.1. aho ii.sked, inditl'ereiitly 1 "Wh.y notV kidney diflicnlty which caused mo mnnli troiilile , -^w. «,Jl*'Gr?'«'V, will adfii-CBa at onco for Cir- tlvolycnronluecuscsout of ton. Inforiiiatlon .thai secuudly tu the Count do Nevors; but Those influential nobles, aided by their youthful widow of lier beloved son, tho nature face to fnco, and work with her prisoner acknowledged that he owed an- VEQETABLE COMPOUITD. pressed it throws a ray of sunshine into t'ollowiiig skotoli, fiiriiiahod by a Virgin­ culara, DB. WM. BANBOBB, Oontrovtae. tad. win Hiivo many IIvos, sont free by mall. Don't delay a "Bocauso," ho unsworud, "I'vo got nnd tiiffering. I'. W. yu-ri.iiT. monii.nt. I'rnveution la better thiiu euro. 1. 8. Joiis* both thoso projected nlliancos loll supporters, ultimately cftected the down- ill-fiitcd Anno of Wnrwiok, to grace tho forcos, lins nothing to do with habits. othor witiioas tun conra. Thon tho Court the wearied heart Oh! it is a lovable ian, illuatratea somo ot liis peculiarities; le s roflltlvc Cure house rent to pity next month ami a ios A Co.. Boston, Mass., foruiorly BuuKor, Ualn% through. When a little ovor l-l years of fitll of Suffolk. tram of tho victor. Thii same night tho Such a one must learn to bear fatigue, (idjourued.—Littia liacl: Omette, instrument whan you have onco made it "It was niy privilege to kuow 'Stono- fwall tkoM Pdnflil Osmplalnta ond WeafaK^ funeral would em biirrass me.'"—lirorjl.li/n Those who never retract their opinions AGENTS WANTEDteUBII th. ngo hor youthful iittraoiions woro tha Quoou was inipri.soncd iu the 'i'owor, heat ax\A cold, broken aleop, irrogiihir •ooomfMOD tooMrkcttrvmulv itoimUtloii. speak to you. It has a futuro before it. ft-iiir JackEon tweaty-oight years ngo, "He was sentenced to baui.shmont, Feeding Horses. J'](i(jle. I have boon in tho buaincas thirty years, love themselves moro than thoy lovo theitie of general admiration. and to the loss of her son was addeil und iiisnfficieiit food, days of anluoua It wlU oure enllrtlr the wonit form ot E1om>l> Com. wheu ho was a professor al the Virginia LIFE, TRIAL and flHiTCAil but met his death on bonrd a vessel, his that of her husliiiiid, who wns niurderoil plolntfl, all or&rlAn troubles. InHuminntlon and Ulcer* and ovory year the business increased." truth. " Tho courts of Prance iihd Burgundy work, and days of enlorcod iilleness,— Tho horse has the Bmallost stomach in A NEW btiiirdor ut tho Oecideiitiil gn-'.ed Military Institute. At that timo none EXECUTION or y^HM? head and sovorod trunk being flung on at the sarao timo by Richard, Duke of tion. Falling and Dis;tlacomentH, and the coneequenl Vis S700 a comraon price for a iianjo." •Wiiv sutler such distress from piles and eon- . rang with her charms," tho luarnod Clarism in rndiannvoUs JJi:rald. proportion to his size of any animal. Spinal Wcakneu, ud K rarticularly adapted to tbe at his plate, tho other mornuig, and then at the atudcnts thought that our country Complntfl litntfiryof hiti nhAmnftil lifo; fall reonrtl oi'.ths Dover sands, where hia chaplain found Gloucester. "No, it is uo common price. You can Btipatiou V Kidney-Wort will cure you. moiit notnnuiiH trial In ttm nnniilti of oriinit. Pnifuntily chronicler, B.arantu, doolared. *' Thera Fifteen or aixtoeu quarts is its utmost Chance ot life. suid: "Is there a reliiiblo pliysieiaii tvould over bo doliiged in blood, or that mPliiaoil.' ruruuiiv mmin I'llla miiko Now aiiSt them nnd gave thom honorable burial." UliwtratiHi. lx>w prlrml. Oiitjit W c^ntt. Kur uirculata After a long and weary period," in stopping ill this house?" " Y.ia, sir," buy a banjo for 81, or you can buy one Dur quiet, eccoutric professor would bo Blood, and will coinpletoly chnnRo tbo blood In.tb. was no Princess iu Christendom more A i^amsoii of tho West. capacity. This space is cumplotoly filled It wia dlauolve and exjiel tiimom from tbo utenisln IT is stated that persons under the in- ctnil tiirmH, addrons HUUBAUD IlKOS.. Oliloago, 111, Iu tho vory brief intervals of puaeo whieh she was conscious of nothing but an early itasoof doTolopmciit, Tho ti:ndcncr to cal> said tho water. "Good surgeons, too, for §150. The cheapest banjo I mako Balled upou to lay down his life in a Kjtlru ssBtom In three months.. Any permm who accomplished than my Latly Margaret Jonas Johns, or "Big Jollns," is tin! byfoiir ipiiirts of onts with the saliva, fluoucoof other aro prone to confess their wilitorel talido tono aonne pilld eac healthh nlRb. Ift Iroaudmi 1a tbiiito ISwookiB hepotiii mal vlo. b*' which allowed, Margaret ojiportuuitios an awfnl sen.so of utter desolation, the cisroui bumora tberoljcbcckc^verjr apecdU^ by Ita use. eh?" "Believe so, sir." "Then jtistseo coats S15. I havo mnde several for pro­ 'Loat Cause.' of Anjou." Golitth of thia region, and aomo of tha that Icoca into tbo stomaoh with it crimes. . 8. JllilNliUN^ib CO., Iloiiton, flia of boiieiiting her subjects, we tind sho cliildlcss, widowed nnd dotliroucd Qneen II remoTes (alntneaa, flalulciii^, dostroygall eravlna il he ii in his room boforo I atnrt in on sentation, howovor, and thoso coat as rntrrly Bansor, Ale. fliau.. Tho young bachelor King, Houry VL stories ot hia strength and ondurnuco Horses nro generally overfed, and not foretlroulanta, and rntloTcs wcia-neaa of tho Btoraach. "The cadets loved and honored him, ondenvorcd to encourage tho manufiict- was ransomed by her kind old fatlior, thia breakfast. I lind a brother choked muoh lis ^fSOO. 'I'hoy wero vory olabor- (••> 'I'Uirty Daya' Trial. GONSHPTION! of England, liaving heard of hor peer­ sound fabuloua. In 1858 ho gainoil ii fod often eiiongh. For a horse with 1ft OUTM Bloating, CteAdncboB, ^*orT•t19 Prontratlon, bhoiigh tboy often laughod at his peouli- uvo of silk nud woolen goods; and King Rouo, at the sncrilice of ids iulier- to death on a steak liko thnt once, and I ato instruments with solid silver heads, Tho Voltttio Bolt Co., Marshall, Mich., will I have n. positlvti reriiBilr lor tlio aliovo (liK-Mo; by Ha less beauty and lofty spirit, sent a trusty national reputation by walking from jlli- modenite work, six or eight quarts of Ocneml DeblUty, EleEiiltiiiauuu, Oojireaaioa and hull, irities. He waa a firm boUover iu the Queen's Collego, Cambridge, owes its itanco of Provence—of that Provence ceatlon. nm bound to take nil tho neci>s.sai'y pre­ rosewood necks and raised ivory frets. Blind tlieir Electro-VoUiiio Bella and othor Eleo- nm wioiirtimditii' ii»neM or tho worst kind i:iul ot long omiflsni'v to tho Coiirt of Lorraine to ob­ bruised oats nnd eight or ten pounds of sfficncy of hydropathy, and amusing BtJindintr Imvi- boon cured. Inddoil.fonii'onjr IK my fiiitti PENSIONS found«ti,on to her. From these tokens wliicli lincl onco rung with joyful accla­ iioia to California, imahiug hia provis- That feeling ef bearlnc: doim. oADatniT pain, mlgbl cautions."—Smt Frunclaeo Voal. This ia a littia picolo banjo I havo just irio .Viii;.Jiaium» on trial for thirty dayB to any in ita t'ttitacy ihiil I will Hcmi *rWi» U(.»'l"ri,ICS 1* JililC. tain a portrait of her. The geutlomnu Gne bay a day ia auilieient. This ahoiild stories" wero 'told ot his gomg to bed wo aro j'uslllicd in conoludiug that, had mations at sight of tho lovely Alargarct ioua boforo him in a wheel uaiTow. Ho and haokaolio. Ia alwayi pcmionontly ouwl hr Ito ua*. riiiished for a young lady. It is worth puidon iillllotod with Nervous Debility, Loat (oKntlior witti n VALUAIilili; TRKATISK im Ttiin dlit' AP. dm, Al.f. .NOr/M.Kn..ny wltb the lawa tbat corom Uie fenmle lyitera, Peculiar Arctic Vegetation. blankets to relieve himaolf ot a severe coir.iil.itu restoration of vit;or and luauiiood priiil iur luiff- of linpor or u ft, cliionld dliinliRa, dlhunneof fatal evil of war," she v,'onld Imvo cU'ciCi;- lone matron " inul now ilruuk too deeply the gold fever swept over tlie country, better if fed in four. with a broad white silk ribbon, de­ ' Address na abovo without delay. moniirch described in glowing terms tho Fortbecureof Elitncy Complolota of either sex tbla cold. iiiPt;ii. briiiri or t-ycd, iiintiirf, viiiIciiFO voinn, total or ed yot moro substantial good for lier of the imp of siirrow and bitterness to and, licing in the early twenties of his A liorse'a digestion is veiy rapid, and tSun rrsnciflco Hulk'ttn.} corated wth wntor-color piiintinga of a—No rink is incurred, ti thirty days' i^.'iiiiiil dioifiiot-'K, otl!. V'ldiavMl Orplum Childruii and. many alti'iictirms of this Jnoomparablu Cempouad h niunirpaAdcd. "I wns at the reception given for Prof.' IJi'piindc'iit- riiiontH (.'ntitlrd. 'J'boiu::iidfi uf pontiiomjit liooplo. tnko much interest iu anything that, life life, was tired with nn ambition to join thoi-eforo ho gels hungry sooner than a LTDIA E. rlVKUA.M'S V^OETAnLE COU- A striking result ot tho shaking up ferns and autumn leiivoa, so that it trial is allowed. SILYERWATCHESFREE mil • 111 It 0(1 xo Jiimitytfl Jiuif*. Mtulfctnl and AWeefrd Princess, imd his rapoi't was woll soe- tho Argonauts. He was imperfectly »o- POUND la praparod at a» nnd S3i Wcjlorn Avenue, ind au'ing aud draining of tho tnndra could bo hung from the ahoiilder. It was Jackson when ho married his first wife, Kvory wook Solid tiflvoi* lIiintln)(-OiiBo ^Vtitcln'H urn CluIniK iiikitt) rp mid collected. l'''orl>liiiikfl and Informa- Tho Duko of Somerset suoi;eedod Suf­ could oll'er her. Tho agony niul lierce man. When ho Ls liiiti,(j;ry ho is iniiffou- frivnn away wilti Thu Ituyw* (.'htimi»l<>i), Ttmii''nioii ton .'iddi-ot-ii '4 . V It nOIIT, iNIXWAroUH* iND. ondcd by the puintiug. Both Henry's I^n,IIun. Price tl. Six bolllu:tror $1. Sunt Iiy mail ot German silver, wth gilded brackets hb.tho. lovelInvolyv V.IlifEUiet .TnnbiJunkinn , thoflin,ui lrn/-iwknowu„ oaas tiiivliiipnlbu.'* It'ox fur either. Urg. Flnkham was of black walnut, with tho owner's 3ho waa fair as a lily. Olotliiid in hor .suLtrtini,', frcipicnt or diliicul-S uniiation, kid­ .\ KuiKllno: r.dtidon Phy. Iowa to Omahai making tho distanco in ture, and dilutes tho gastric juice, tliiu'o- fraelyanairate all iKttor/l t4 Inquiry. Send for pamph­ tundra matci-ials rolls down upon thoso leal; tlieir inilnenee iu supporting .tlen- broiik of hostilities between tlio York i trueo of hor onco ravishing beauty tlis- initials ou tho cover, and was lined with bridal robes, hor graceful bearing and ney di.-ien.-ios. .?! at' dni(,'|,'ists. I'rcpuid liy l»i Wlllimn Ml., Xew Vork V'Uy. 'Nit-iiPi 4>MtiiIMlMhi'a 'un and Lancaster factions, and—us ia ao ' two wouk.s. There ho bought a wlioid- foro a horso should uot drinkiiiimediatu- let. Addroaa aa abi^e. Mtmllon tM» f^per. portions of tha ico front whei-o it can express, ii.-lj, 6 fur iJ5. K. S. Wxi-Ui, .lersey iUrn-ii ht A'vu-VfM'k. ry's choice. The .Cardinal in particu­ appeared. She mndo tho most stroiiu sky-blue velvet bright, iutollectuid faco contrasted vory i'a>r the Cure or well-known—tho red rose liocaiiio tho barrow, and laid in a stock of provisions. ly boloro eating. Neither should ho bu coma to x-eat, it is web buffattcd aud City, N. .). THE OPFICIAL. HISTORY OF THE lar wiia very anxioiia for the aliiiiiuio, ous elfort.s to obtain the bodies of her • Wo faaUy ahonld be without I.TDU E. riNSILUrS' strongly with hor tall, dark, reticent badge of tho Lancastrians, and tlio white murdered husband and son. Even tliis With tho.so, on tho loth day uf April, lie wiiturad imniediatoly after eating, be­ UVEn PELLS. Thoj oure couatfpatlon, Mllniiriai* shaken, nnd frequently lies upside down Ec had cdiioatcd his royal nephew, nud "Where do tho English players get husbamL Tan Tear*' Exuerlonce. EPIIEPTIC FITS. rose that of the Yorkists. ^Margaret consolation waa d(!nied hor ; yet nyt to jiushcd boldly out, and ninety duya cause he will drink too much, and force aad torpidity ot thn Uvar. » centa per liox. ' aa if turned with a plow. Here it is well CUITEAU TRIAL Frotn Am. Jonnial a/'JJntlieinn. Sio saw clearly enough "that Henry was thereafter ho " landed " safely at the Mr Sold by nil Dragglat*. fU drained, though resting on melting ice, thoir banjos?" "Ho was the most reserved and stately CeaAJivii.i.E, Oliio, Dca l KI:AI>V UHCU*KH. when thoy coma to America they always "On her return from her bridal trip failed to give iniincfliato relief when used in AditieM NAnaNAi, PtiBMsmNO Co., Oblcngo. IU. atlviiMj nny ono winblnu ii uuro to add- osa respects would provo lienolieial for thn character of armed dictator to tho journey—alone—and was snccesal'ul. He the si/.o of tho Ust, into the mangor with leaved as may bo found in any fiurmor'n Du. AB. MICSEROLli:. No. 116 John St^NawTorki Tho romiiinder ot her life wns passed sho told an amusing anecdote of her bus- caooa of Summer Complaint Oholem-infaatura, King. At tho same timo ho also hoped throuo. Tho high-spirited Margaret waa able to cam from SIO to SHO per day, tho ottta. I AVortU San, CoHt Ji-lo. field. Cut for hay it would mako about call for a few lessons wliilu staying iu in tlio greatest eGcluaiou. Sho expired Ily tilt; iiiitlior of band's ignorance of tho materials worn or pains in the stomnch. Mothers, wheu yom ber youth aud inuxperionco would ren­ raaeutod this conduct, nnd, aided by her aooi.rding to the uninber of hours ha Givo only n modornta drink ot water tour or five tons per acre. Only a few Uio city." lituo darlings are suffering from these or kin­ USE'jioilE-BUT THE 8ES1 , nt the Chateau of Uampriorre, on the "PuAi.s UDMK TAU: " A.M) •• Mi:mc*t by ladies. She lost her veil. Aa the TRUTH S„f.'«i.SJi,a?tiNi5!fhVii^ der hor a valuable instrumeub iu pro­ adviser, Someraet, she urged ICing put iu. A year siitisfied him, and with to a horse. A largo drink of cold water i5>;.s.t>;." otl'cr plants that would bo called weeds dred canses, do not bcsitato to give it a trial. THE QREAT flKWlV-,^, lyanlib B«rf •»! WItaH alll lir XI MAU allb M«. 25th ot August, 1480, in her 51st year. 1 OQ l*AiiK.s uf ,\(ivii'.! iiiirmt nnllr day was warm and dusty slio wished io Ifnu will surely lie pleased with tho charming Ii«l|M, wlM of ajM, «nll .Aliiii'-iil.'t; A vn.tbilil.! Iluok' uf mostly seuicio and urtcmesia, both tall It is a well known fact that an.y per­ S.0'^P#^^5^V dftte at nurtu*. Hcnij ntortitd M all not MlliBtd. quieting elVeet upon a nervous horso. A hi*i('(fin'(? rnr i.'Vfiy fumlly. (inly •J.'j cu. posed to got it for her, .'did was told to Bynip. Hold by all drugijiBtB. Ouly 26 cents AMma fntTL MfttttM*, V>Un\'j H, BMM«, MM. " The darling of tho people," Duko from an apjienl to arms, and for a timo A BOY'S I.UCK. York, to hia former homo in lUinoiH. rnco horso always runs on un empty 'I'lif iinii(l-lii>i>I: niiita.iiycliiiptiT.'ton lly- and exuberant, showing the ellecfs of son of iiveriigo atriicliira and lung ca- per bottle. ;MIIIIII>>II - CHHC ask for ii yard of green bcrego. m open warfare waa avoided by York be­ '..•Iciic fi'f nil 'a.'><>iis. 1 iiti ptieily will Hour ai^curel.y in water it eiiru O. N. D. Humphrey of Gloucester, uncle to tho The Xoriistown (Pa.) lli'.ruM iu n roooiit Hia feats of strength aro no leas re­ atomniili. Digestion progreasiia moder­ ).'.iliitit"ii li-s. lly;;lflil.:UiMuIlvf .M.-iisiin*rt. this strange system ot cultivation of this ^^^-'^NCENTHl.TEr, Ll'E No. 1 ing inducod.to swear a aolumu oath of is tiikon to keep the hiiiid.s and arms sub- "Ho left thu stage nt tiio lirst siovo SOLDBYALL CiHCCERI. young King, was opposed to this alli­ issue rofuri-od, iiiiioiif,' otliors, to the follow­ markable. Abont twenty yeara ago ho ately during txereiso, if the oxeroisu is KtiacKs Will til l\,iiowji:i;,lilms mi niilliliii;. strange soil. Tho vegetation on tho top Y\^-^ SOLDE iWiUW WKITIN« TO AUVi:irTI.SER8, I.II .\"lll.-.lir.; Iltc S|i:k, (»ll )'ll|i;ri'''lirlrs, thoy passed, nnd lironghl; bank, iiincli FOB dyspepsia, -indigeetioD, depresBlonof spU> ance with Margaret; consequeully Car­ loiilty. ing oiiHPS of Sjiiiciiil iiitoi'ost. Thoy aro found a cow iu uo uncommon predica­ uot so violont aa to exhaust tho powers of the blull" is thu most beaatiful that I ini:rgi;d nnd tho lungs fnll of nir. Yot iU aud general dobility, in their varloas forms; -. */,----l' liivatliJit* Oorstood hia mistake, a yard i.>f ;jrueii ofhor intermittent fovors, the " Forro-Phosphor- issue as to the choice of a consort for Nyeo i-esidoh- at liDH MiirKliall street, und A team of horses, planted on firm i worlh twenty per cent, morn than whole, lookiiig, liko that ou the faco slopes, but mers immediately raise tlieirliiinda above ' AeomhlnattotiofPn^ • ero she gave birth to thu long-wiahed-for holds the responsililu iiosition of journal thoir head and acroaiu the momonfc thoy baizu!" ated KUxir of Ciilisaya," made by Caswell, Haz­ toxido of Inn, Peruvian their royal kjusman. ground, had proved unable to draw her I They aru moro compactly digested. Murray Hill Book Publishing Co., showing the flnent nud most delicate ard &, Co.. NewYork, and sold by all drugginta, hair. Gloomy, indeed, were tho cir­ clerk iu tlio feiiusylvania Lfigisliitnro, at find thoiiisidves in deep wiitor. 'I'li'c Xarli niulI'lioaphoniiM - Henry himself, however, was deeply from tho mire, wherouiion .Tonus, laying ' Prefer oats to any other grain for horses. iL'li \'.A*r '^Mii Srit»2t;rj .Sy.w Y'*!"^ ,'^'"'» beauty of wildncaa, in forms, combiiiu- Mil. E. B. HoLAjii), of Ooviiipttoii, Ky., is tho beat tonic ; and' for pntiontB reoovoring a patatatilet form, J3M cumstances wiiicb heralded the birth of Hiirrii4bni'i5. While 'Mr. Nyco aud faniily folly of such action can bo impressively enamored by her pictured charms. He down some boards to give a good loot­ CriickeJ corn is very good under somo tions and colora of leaf, 'stalk nnd fiiiit. writes; "I hud given np over lindiug reliof from fever or other lickuosB it haa no equal. only wrvarattonof iron the young Prince Edward. Tho En­ wero in the country recoutlv, his lioy, ugeil illnstrated by moans of a hiilf-empty that tvitl not blaekuntho resolved to obtain Margaret at whatever ing, lifted hor bodily out of tho awarop, circnmataucca, but I wouldn't uae muai 'I'hero wero red and yellow dwarf bu'ch, from the ills thut nfllicted mo. I siiderod tmth, so citavcierlatte of. glish arms had met with disasters in 3 years, fell and bioko his leg. Ho recov­ boltlo and I'l couplo of niiils; and the Kreatl.v, both mentally and physically. I'iimiles Fon Headache, Constipation, Liver Complaint ( other ironitrrvarattona,: cost; and, ns King Rene demanded tho nnd, aoiising her by the horns, dragged and arbutus, and willow, and pnrpla ered, but a very troublesome stiU'noss sot iu or shorts. The diaoaao called big licad and all bilious derangements of tho blood, thort wmmm foreign fields ; discontent, clamorously oxpi;iinicnt flinuhl bo repeated in every and boils wero all over ino. 'Iiio smallofit 'out cession ot Maiue a::d Anjou its the i^rice her to firm ground. At another time his is caused by feeding corn. hiickleboriy, with lovely grays of acdges ...jtliic, and 111 an experience of . ex])re.s of St. .Jaoiibs Oil that enroll the stilV- under and the nioiitb shut. Any ahort- never can grow woiiry of praisinKltto niyiuj- ffimta eolorto the liloml,' woigh all tho riches in the world." forward to better ground, making a lift against watering, and for feeding, for 60 pure and fresh is it. Red cranberries quf.iiitancos." • LiiT it bo understood onco for all OAIIIIOLIXK, wliieli deprived him of reason. Most ness. Jlr. Nyoo himself used tlio Great EMIGRANTS. nockod, sf|uare-slioiildered bot'tla will a deodorized oxtraot of petroloum. will positive­ naturalhealthfultdne to Tho Duko of Suftolk, acoompauiod by which is moderately estimated at not tho systom is thi.'n just in the condition with shaded sides like apples, put ou in Iho dlgcMve organt and touching is it to road the old chronicler's Gorman lloiiiedy for tnotlmebo with godd answer, and the nails can bo eibsily kept ly roKtoiu hair to bald heads, and thero U no his Duchess and a brilliant train ot tho loss than 1,300 pounds, and performed to begin digostion. A hor.y a rubber band or a string. other )>i'epiiration uudor tho faco of the sun Uitpplieabtoto Otnerat nobility, was dlspotohed to France "to under unfavorable conditions. He ia founder if fed moderately wheu hot. I AKI> (iOVKIt.NlUKN'r l.AMlli, OF OltBAT Kprayi.; huukleberries, with delicate blue "How many times, captnm," said Miss that 0(111 accomplish this work. to cliuit from the nflliuted monarch some rliDiimatiii niitui-o, and always with good First ballast tha Iwtlla with sand, aotliat -.^iXott.ofAppe. espouse the Lady Margaret of Anjou, as now a hale, ruddy-faced man of 58 years, prefer dry food unlesa a jiorso has sonvo FKIITIMTY. WITHIN EASV ItEACH OF bloom on their cheoka; black cranlierries Gush, at the broakfnnt table on board an Ute, rroatratlim of Vital sign that ho really know the bubo pre­ cU'eut. llrs. Nyon also says sho thinks Iho it will just float with tho nnila pointing proxy for his sovereign." The festivi­ located en a fine farm of 120 acres iu disoaao of the throat or lungs. Do uot I'EKMANENT niAKKKT, AT EXTIlh'ltlE- nnd arbutua berries; ptaimigan in large ocean steamer, "hovf many timea bavo ONE Rroasing with Frnzcr .Vxle Grease lasts .Poufers ancl Impotenee.i _ sented to him was tho son he had so Oil is a splendid thing, iiud she iilwiiyu I.V LOW l'KIi:iM, is nonr olfertid for aale la downward, then by tnrning the arms up­ ties, lasting eight days, wero carried out kuops it on hand. Boono and Hamilton counties, well conaiilur it worth while to cnt hay. 1 flocks, tho youDg neariv full-grown, ward, tho bottle will dither bo foi'cod un­ you boon shipwrecked?" "Three," aaid tbreo Vi'eeUs—others tbreo days. Tho Frnzor is MANUFACTURED DYTHE OR. fe^^•ontly do.nred. First, tho Duke ot KAMTI'.ItNonlUiWNnnd KA!4TKRN WAHII- tho cheapest. Try it ' . ~ ,- with great mngniflcence. stocked and improved, beside being the always feed hay from the floor, then tho 1>'OTON TEKHITOUy. wandering over tho fruitful wilderneas der water nt onco or will bo tipjiod ovor tho captain, na ho kuocked.liis egg with Buekiugham presented the royal child At the close of the festivities Margaret fortunate owner of two others, KiO and horses do not get particles iu thuir Tbexn luiuU fnrni pnrt of ihe m-entlinAIN nnd rc\'eling in obundanca. I found the so that tho water will pour into tho open a spoon. "And you were never to the King, but mot with no response. AK KXOHANOE has a long article on FOB Bhenmatlora, Sprains and B.-nlsos, nan took most nffootionate leave of hor par­ 120 iicroa, respectively. Ho wns bnni i •yes. ItEl.T of the I'noillc Mlnpcn nd nrn within shoro blurt" toward the mouth ot the mouth, and do-.vn it. will go. To chil­ drowned?" wont ou Miss Gush, who wn-i Thon Queen Margaret herself took the "The Perils of Kissing," that is enough nn avernitc ilutdiioe I- dogreos, and covered with willows and Ittughoil and Miss Gush niiido luisto to iTlS^X'SaMnnome;""''I IM A Flower from Hothor'a Uran.' time entreating tho paternal blcaaing upon those who are hardened by long • Tho t.ittlo Onna at lloraa. - li«ThepldLoBCabinonth.BUl., -., and Duchess of Suffolk wero eloquent of ntAM)!^ A PRICK KUl/AK TO TIIAT OU. alders, somo of them five or six i'cot Tho vital vnluo of thia precaution wna Kcek tlia seclusion hor stateroom grant­ Is Soo That Hy QraTe'a KaptOrees. lao Oomlnr Th ro'th e Byo. • '' ''' and embrace. Just for au instant Hen­ usage. Such articles are highly pernic­ ,» Orandfather'aClock. . 1" Muat #., rhen; UootuStmeen; tho love and admiration universally felt fais BtockingH. and tips tho beam at 215 • and valuablo calendar. The il- TAlNJCn IN ClUCAfJO. high, and long grass, and patches ot ice strikingly illuatratod near Accomac O. ed. 'IS Wbere Waa UoaoBwIlon the Light las The Elae Behind Iho lloor- ry's eyes rested on tha babo, but not a ious and throw a deud of ^loom over 'J'hff early eompWitn of ihti Knrth^rn J'a- DrBULCS ft Rwoot Hy and By. IWunt Olit. in I>UBememIior Vou,' Lava, Inlfy '"EiwrihutfOiintloraariBdlU^ , for her. pounds. A No. 12 boot accommcKluto.s ^ vl vl^^ ^7 here and there, bnt showing no large H., Virginia. A iiieco of tho Hon. .Tolin l; Whoa, iJrama. ' _ IMafrgle. !» Nobody, fianing but Mln.; •' •' •' • single spark of roooguitiou was iu the ono of the beat and most invigorating ot eiflc JC, Jt. ia flow aanttrrtf, atid u***it'nntreii Neoly, whilo bathing, was swept off into THE average size ot farms in tho Unit­ •3 Whoa you and T ware Tonnir K! yi'.'*"™" Away.:, I; , r Her landing in England was heralded to ^fttlvrn chfap aud titticJi trunnttortation masses. Tho soil ia a fiiio bliio clay at M Whan I Saw Sweet Nollln Uome. 1« Ton JCayIonic, bul IfnanH •ft'ifc'h." ;;jP,ftfln«NollloOra}-. .• ' ' i abstracted glance. ont-door sports. Ot course there are foot, ami hia hand ia that of a ;riant. ^ ^tn Ji^^ LF^^""^- "t^?^.0. Board, ed Kingdom ia seventy acres. In En- 1» Ibore'a Aliviiys u Seat lu tbo Stt-i by a terrific storm. "The olio's of Al­ and iiotml mariivta both Kant and H't'itt. 2'he bottom, with wafer-worn quarts:, pebbles tho ciecan by a strong curront nnd soon 4liTnkotlilHLultortollyllnUior. . • lor for Vou;. "lierils of kissing," as the paper states, ^noone (Iowa) Standard, . ,,^^^^1]^ ^propriutJ, aud aro no_ slight 02t"f*htjf of thin UKto overland ihu* to thn (tisappeared in tho~ high breakers. As ghuid only the average is i greater than 40 A ModulLovoLetter.-^omta mrvt no Jlothot Now; lifii Weeping OM Don Bolt. ., , ,,' , ., bion wero flrst visible to her amid flashes Unhoppy Queen and mother I With and to avoid the perils it is necessary to i'ae.tjlct tojtffhfr with the coHHtrurJion of the nnd sand above it, liko tkat at tho oppo­ ta wiro'a Cmnmnndmonta.—somlc. IMMnaaa'a In do Cold,Cold Uround. ?II W?/*Sw«tlioart."' '•' "' i{,.Ht. ! rocommendation to tha increased value tieiuiot'U Of' 700 mih's of railroad bn the O. H. she could not swim her companions gave thisj but smaU holdings in Scotland and ti lliinband'a Oammnnilmont..'' ' •. IM Bay ft Kind Wonl Whon' Vou Can.- ot liglitning. and the shores resounded what indescribable grief must sho have lut np, occasionally, and give nature «ivc Us a site aide of the estuary, aud evidently W Utile OMLoK Cabin In tlia;.ana.. P«».i,i,WAk'' • •'•'^;' * S. Co. in thn vftHftifH of the ffrrat- Cohnnhia her up for lost Two young flsliermcu L'cliuid counterbalance the excess. ' Iii' 0s Uarclitnii Tlirniiflh QtfiTllla-. 1051 CannotenijjtJioOWIienBa. ; m The Bat flyPalhi r Wore.: 'li' -Ii with peals of thunder." On arriving at borne this nftlicting moment! During 11 nliunco to recuperato. It beats all, Look nround Iho foporlers' table, "/„!'**^J.!"'" being a pleasant diver- and ita prinvipat tribufarittttrendrrHcertain brought down by tbe river floods when •0 Widow III tho Oollanbf tho'Soa; aion and iinstimo, witliiint nn undiio who woro employed somo distance away America the avornge sizo is taken ns 100 M Tho Htnmrijl Boy. •• •• ur Walitnlf, By nartlnniforTlioa. • Ji? icr»r»{ftfe"v,''''""•«««>•',• Southampton she was seized with a dan­ Henry's melancholy illness, Margaret though, what a fascination there is about Thero never wus a mora brill iiiiit sot of a rapid incrfasn in the vahio of the laadn the ice of tbe glaciers that occupied thia to Tnko Hack Iho tfuarti: . 11. \m .lonnlo tho Tliiwur of Klldaro. flow open to pnrohune and j>rf-f thoiiRhtfnlly set out with a small bont in acres; Franca, 35; Germany, 40 ; Bel­ 1711 I'm J.onoly Sliico Sly Bother nied .STo.Th.Votnut Chair. . gerous illness—supposed, to have bean devoted h'iraelf to hor bolovoil child, atid yonng men than that fimnd in journal- \ ^""f' « ^T" river liiiaiu ond that ot the Ku-uk was fg The fiulod Oontof Bliin,! S90 ThoSv..,iotSnniiySonUi;' , , ' . danger, and perils, for aomo. There in ei^.-rif Indicatimi of on enonn*ta% searijh of her, nud when a milo or mora gium, 15; Holland, M; Russia, 30; Aus­ The ICiiilod Oontof Bliin,! .(Nluht. 113 Tuutlujr ou tlm Ol.l v'aninamund. .SM ComeIlomeKiubor.':: -•.• i.- 11 small-pox—and the anxious young King to the amelioration ot her husband's niffvement of puptiUttlon to the Columbia •• • Homo. Iiood feu Onvfommy, Dnn't Oo. ism. What becomes of thorn 7 You i Ll„fl 1 1^'"/'^^"'""^ ^ melting. from shore, fonud her floating on the tria-Hungary, 45 ; Italy, 30 ; tSpain,^ 25; ^..Jirlit Lovfl.- l.ni Wllllo Woliura Xlamid Vou. awaited her recovery with the. greatest pitiable condition. Jtiver rt-ifion in the imnu^diate fature, Llawn (ottio Mockln^'lllril. 'SJSSI?'»<^f.=>...':' might as well ask for a dead iniiU, 1 You \ " n? '"^^iffYi f''^/"' V°?'''/"'^ water. Sho had been drifting iionrlj an Portugal, 25; Tiu-key, 30; Greece aad ta.UerllrlRht Smile Uwinu .Mn Rtlll 1 na Ovor tho Hills to tho I'por Ilouao. ,. In the meantime her enemy, York, Ita £quaJ la IJnkauvirn. no Uon't bo Ali.„-r»'rrlihlle.'l)otllui,-. . impatience. don't find many ot them oe'n Kullure ol* Crnpi vvvr known* Those now i)roducod in Paris by recovered. Unable to swim sho bnd '%'iif «'l.Utin'Kiii'lJd nowbr.' lOOTh.iu IXMt I.i..ilruoil to Lovo AU- 15th year, even siiffered frdmpovorty, depose Somerset from office, and took cites tho caso of Mr. P. H. Short, proprie­ IiMn >TiThKe ai.rl I Liift Beliluiiau. !W3 Tlioni'i, .Sono l.Iko ftSl.thor lor.. . t 2!l?}!it.!-'«.','"'9"'''"V«'""Bforiie; ;' Why'? They rarcl.v live to be old enough I smokers ia~the pans fjriTeu which far- i KAIUtOAII ljANI>.Soireredut Iho nnlfomi diomical means .io urarly resemble the pluokily floated, thereby mnking her HAVINO used Dr. Bnll's Cough Bynip in my . 105 Ullo llutuirciiii., . 201 YonWor Woroe faliie I'aliiei ibu b t I'll KorelTiiKori . butb in her own home and in that of upon himself the protectorate of En­ tor ul' the Belmont Hotol, that city, who ' ratn of l§'4*oO nn A«ro. lOT 'Cl.. larr.yyUoB Uo Baci k In OM Vlrglnny. sin WlilBnorHiiaijiMIumiiar'; a Dy ?S5ffi'„"i,Sr'fl,!;frW'l'?"-»«i^^^ tor that. Thoy wear out thoir lives in ,i„.ra put ou their potato'vinos to kill the rescue possible.—Solentiflo Avteriea/i, family for tho last three years, I find it tho llJ.Tho bid Mai ir?a bylii;?. gland, "till such time oa the King Buffered, with . rhuuimitiam .for sovoutoen gojuiiiia article that nven conuoissouri. 'ho old Man'allrunk Again. • ml Will Von tovello,, Whimmm I'm I'l Uid , her adopted country. Miss Strickland. a work that atlords httlo rest. " Give | potato bugs. Either some law will have best preparation I hirvo ever uaiJd for Coiigha 1I« I Am Wnmiip, KdnleDoiir. 820 Annie Lnilrin. , . . . 5.5Ti.e'KiS?/„S'Si,];!f-""l^i 'might he able to resume tho reins of yiiiirs wltKoiit fiiidiug reliof from any of tho CLIMATE MILD AND HEALTHY. (ianuot roiidily distinguish them with­ iia tukolle Uiiti^'tollomo A'Mnthor Ml Mhi>rman'H llBrch to th;.ol Sea.|-!(. n numerous rnmedius otnployod uutif ho ap­ ua a rest. I can t toll you how you I to bo pnsaed to prevent tho use ot paria | Yoo have nothing to gain by nssocia-, and Golds, giving almoat immodlato relief. .UO Cumn, Sit by JUy Bide, barllni;. _ «3| Como. audio, Coioo, " Her bridal wardtobo'iraa ao loantily government, or tho infant Prince should For pitinplilet nnd mnpa, rinacrlptlve nf out lha use' of aciilc's or tllcj. Tin I AniirlouWauaCe.J>ltubtiKb.ra. _,„Wo willaend by mnll, po«t.|iiiiTi, nny ten of iheaononna for lOeimiai liiiT plied St. .Taiioba (iil. "I novor found nny can real, but you nmat rest or die. Ad I preoii on potato vines, or else a law will ' country) UN ri-NUiirron nay for'BB."""'. Orwo wllliiondall thouhoM one honilronHtlou!-ri|*BrMiaiiM ^ '"fli« Uoyit of A'DMINISTHATOH SAtHi-BY VlilTUE OBTG.\OE HALE.-DKl'AUi.T HAVING 76*,*—TliajUupn 'Ep|(erl«(nin«ini,;t:ic.„; A of license to mo granted oa tlie 17(h day of M liuuii iniide in the voiidltloiis of a certnin Thursday, Fobrui^^ . Juniinry. 1882, hy GcorBO F. Uillnni, Judge of tho mortKiiKn, made hr Abrnlinin D. Fuller to Mar­ .Mrs. W. W. Heald is quite sick. iirobntu court for the'couuty of Inubnni, state of tha'A. Fullur, dated August sixluunlh. A, D, MIcbiKii", I shnll sell ut public nnciion, on tho 1880. and rucordud in tbu olllcu of the register of Henry Parks and family spent Sun­ fourth dny nf March next, at oiiu o'clock iu the LESLIE; deeds, for tiiu county of inchitin, and state of day in this place. uftcrnoon, at tho Iront door of tho court-house, MichlKan, on ilie flftli day of November, A. D. in liiu city of Mason, in said county, to Ihe hliili- 1881, ill LlliurAS of morlKaKus, ou paces 417 and Mrs. H. OriUBby lii 6ii the sick list. Lewis Carter, has sold his farm and uHt bidder, nil.llie right, Utle and interest of 418, on which inorteaKe thuru is claimed lo bo has moved into town. Harvey Kgulusltm, deceased, in and to lots num­ duo at the dato of Ibis notice tbo sum of ninety Some of the Leslieans are talking of ber ulftht and nine, block thirty-live, in Iho cily dollars, and no mil ur proeuudliiKS ut law bav- u lecture, course. „ Frank Converse, of Itosoommon, aforesaid. imwT liit: iMiun liistltutcd to recover tho moneys secur­ VOL. XXIV.-NO. 8. was in town over Sunday. Dated Jnnunry ISIh. 1R83. ed by said murlKace, or any part thureof; now, MASON, MICH., THURSDAY, FEBRUARY 23, 1882. Misa Angle Howe, of Lansing, is vis­ JAMKS L. KOGI.KSTON, theruforu, by virtue of the power of sale con- WHOLE NO. 120r. iting Mends in town. Mrs. Miles Lowell has been sick for Adininlstrntor ofthe cstulo of llnrvey KKijIuston, tuiiiuii 111 suid iiiort|-ni;e, nnd the stutute in such some time. She is now much better. ducuased. _ caso mndu uud providud, notice is beruby uiven A fourteen years old son of J. Wilson tlint un Vrldny. llio MtU dny of rtibru- BRANCH STORE, MASON. diedof dropsy lost Saturday. L. K. Strong, has placed a new Difr UAUniAN 8AI-E. —IIY VIltrUB OV A nry, .\. D. 1882, nt one o'cloch, In thu aftcrn.ion, The Mnson christian temperance un­ bold tire and burglar proof safe iu his license, to niu granted, on the 2:iddayof I sbnil sull at public auction, tii the lilKhust bid­ PERSONALS. Any unusual commotion in tho ut- Never before at this season of tiie Some ofthe little boys of this village GJnnunry, 18812. hy tiuorKO V, liiliam, jiidiia of pro- der, at thu wost front Aonr of the court.house. In ion will hold its flrst public meeting at store. We take pleasure in staling to the people of Ingham County that we bntu of Ihe county nf Inithnni, nnd siulu of .Mich­ tliu city ol Mason, MIcbluan, (that beluK the mospliere to-morrow muy be attributed year was such earnestness displayed sent Gulteau n valentine. On one of lKan, I shall soil ut public nuctlon, on tbo l.'llh place whore tho Circuit Court for In|{iinm coun­ the liaptist church next Sunday even­ "The Chimes of Normandy at the its pages was the picture of the gallows. The play "The turn of the tide," are JUST OPENING a to the fact that Col. Roberts is deliver­ in the discussion of state politics as Money to LOBB, (layof March, A, 1). 1882. at unu o'clock In tho ty is holden), the premises described in said PUBLISnKD EVEIIV 'i'ltUnSDAV, BV ing. The programmo will comprise an Rayner opera liouse to-night. will soon be put on the boards by the uftcrnoon, at tliu front door of the courthouse. morlKiiKu, or so mucli tlieruuf as may he neces­ ing himself of u greenback speech at we iiuvc seen this year. Out of it all by the Real Estate Agent, JOHN DtrNSBAOK. cornet band ot this place. In the city of Mnson, in snid connty, all tlio sary to nny the niiionnt dnu on suhlinurtfiagu, V. J. TEFFT. address by each of tbe pastors of the Otis Fuller of the St. Johns Repub- FlTuiiBURG. rlftbt, tiliu nnd Interest of Mary, Uui^nn, Alice, with ulKlit pur cuHt, intorust, and ull ICRUI costs, tlie court-house. we expect to see wisdom generated To Tenehem. Dr. L. D. Dean, lias hung somo new Large Stock of Boots & Shoes .Mnrurent nnd Wlllinm Ilenn, minors. In nnd lo thepruiniscs hoiuit described in snid mortenKO city, and recitwtlons and slnjjlug. lienn, was in town over Sunday. Public examinations will bo hold as fol­ certnin real cstnte in snid comity, doticribed as us nil Hint cerluin lot, piuce and pnrcul of laud Abram Wright, of Locke, asserts which shall control the state conven­ Mniiqaeriide—Married — nulldem. Etc. window shades in his drugstore which On* ysar, 11.50; six monthi, 75 csnli; three lows: Third grade oxnminationnt wiliiams­ tbu iiorliiunstqiinrter of the nnrtlieuHt iiuartor of sitnalud In the city of i.unsinK, In Ibectinntyof monlht, 40 osnli-in sdvsncs. A. H, Mason, a former resident of L. M. Ellis and family have gone to that while on his >Vay to Wiliiamston, Vennor's cold February is a failure. add greatly to its appearance. Mucllon twenlv-ulelit, hi town two north of rniii;e Inghnm, and stnte of MIcbitcnn. und known and tion. The exjiressions of opinion liuve ton, March 22; Mnson, March 31. Second twn east, i While Unit), in snid couniv of I nehuni. described as follows: I.ot iiumhur onu (1), block ADVERTISINO RATES. this city, but who is now acting as Broiison to visit Mr. E.'s parents. last Thursday, he interviewed a flock been free, full und fearless. The fea­ grade examinations at Leslio, April 6; com- Kev. Mr. Swain nnd lady of White The Dansville union school scholars IN THE SACKRIDER STORE, SOUTH SIDE OF COURT HOUSE SQUARE. two liiiiidred nnd el);liteen (218). The above Oak, are visiting friends at this place. will soon bill a play, "The boys of 70." MAl{ailF,.vr CON'KLIN. OuradvortlsinRrates made known atoOloo. book keeper for J. B. Haynes at Slierl- Geo. Bond, of Adrian, is visiting of grasshoppers. If he had only been ture most to be deprecated is the ten­ mouoing at 0 A. M, each day.' Xoaoiiora will Oiiiirdlan ol snid Minors. muutloruil lot will bu sold subject to n re-sale, It promises to be a good entertain­ for thu balance to become duu un said nioriL'aso. Business cards Jla lino por year. bring pencils and paper. Wo liopo all per­ Wm. Clrirk, Win. Perry, John Par- AVe shall carry u large line of medium price goods, but make a Dated .Iununry2llh, 1882. ISUllwT Business locals tlvo cents per line each and daii, Montcalm county, reports to the Ills cousin,county treasurer J. P. Bond, going homo from Wiliiamston the dency to displays of bossism which ment. sons applying for llcpnso to touch, will come mati and A. O. Gill are among those MAItTII.V A. FULLKll, MorlKaircu. every Insertion. Sheridan News the cutting of a pine story would be easier explained. . have been made by a few self-import­ T/XKOIITOR'S SAUK. — BV VIRTUK OK M. D. C'liATTEii'roN, Atturnuy for Mormaeeo. Marrlago, birth, nnd deatli notices free. The legislature convenes at Lansing prepared for a critical examination, who M'ill build this season. .lolin Munson, of White Oak. broke licoiiHU. to mo (•ranted, on the si.\th duv tree at the Haynes camp which made MaH.n, Nov. £0,1881. llll5wl,S Obituary noticoH, resolutions of respect, to-day. Hon. W. W. Root has gone The members of the lilgli school are ant journals. Tho third erndo certidcute Issued, requires The latest sensation is a niasqueradc into astore in Saginaw one night last i''.'lininry. I8S'J, hy tiuurnu V. (illliiin, JIKIKU cards oftliuuks, etc., live cents a line. prohntu of Ihu couniv of Initlinin, nnd sliilo of 15 logs 10 feet long, 8 logs 12 feet long about tho same quallHcatlons aa tho recent ball to be given at Poxson's liail, Mon­ week, and was captured while in the ORTGAGE SALE.-DEFAULT IIAVING to his post. engaged In a series of debates on Fri­ Specialty of Fine Shoes! .Misbittnn, I flinll sell at public unotlon, on thu and 4 logs 14 feet long. second grade. Tho second grade, na tho recent day evening, Feb. 20. A big time is building. been made in Ibu conditions of a certnin day afternoons. Tlie questions are Advertised Letter List. UTIli dny ul' Nnr«li. 1882, at onu o^clock la MmurtKngo, mndu by Abraham U. Fullur, lu Mar­ TSE NEWS JOB BOOM Mrs. .1. S. Foster, has returned from nrst, and tbe first grade will demand very expected. Miss Sarah McKnight, who Is teach­ tliu nfturiMion, nt tbu Iroiil door of Ihe court. tha A, Fullur, dated AiiKUst si.vtuunth. A, I). The article wlilch recently appeared live issues, and the pupils ure doing Is supplied with tho best miiclilnory tlint MASON. Fob. 20, 1882. high scbolarslilp and oxnerionco. Wo would call special attention to our clioioe line of LADIES' FIXE Iioiisu, in llio city of MiiHoii, in snid connty, nit 18,S0, and rucordud In theomce of the re|;iBlcr of California to visit her parents Mr. and Alon/.o Gill and Miss Emma Hali­ ing ill Cahiinet, Mich., was married to the rluht, title nnd iaturusi of which Urluh monoy can buy, fitted for steam power, n large in Harper's Monthly on "King commendable work In looking up tbe nowdisli, Myron Itood. Annie Tliii'd grado studies will bo orthography TURNED, HAND AND MACHINE SEWED SHOES wliich are of the deeds, for tlio county of Inuhani, and stale of Mrs. J, C. Snyder. Corey, Marion Rtevcs, Surnii fax, both of Henrletti, were married Mr. Chatftcid of that place ono day Smith died suixud. In and to thu follnwlni' lands, Micbl)tan. ou Ihe llfih duy of November, A. D, assortment of the latest styles of Type, Bor­ and grammar, reading, writing and spoiling, very Itcst makes. Having nlreaily a large shoo business establislied in Lansing tnwit: Thu unst thirty ncrus of tbo northoast Strang," n remarkable character in pros and cons. This, by the way, re­ t^nrtis, Mrs. Nora Scarlett, Mary last week. We wish them joy and last week. 18S1, In Libur.''>d ul mortpiRcs, on pni;es 41lland ders, etc., onablinR us to do ,Iob Prlutinic on Campbell, Waiter Strani?, Josepli geography, arithmetic, tiieory and art of it gives us peculiar advantages in the purchase of .stock, and we nre sure tliat if tiunrtur of thu soulliwust qnartur, Tbo norih 117, on which iiiortitaRe thuru Is claimud to be early Michigan history, has brought Among the guests from abroad at minds us to say what wo have long plenty of it. , Frank Otis has returned from Dako­ thirty ncrus ofthe Honlheast ipiarlurof the soulli­ short notice, nt low prices, and in tho Decamp, Seymour Woodhouso, Kearney teaching, United States history ond clvU you will call and examine our goods you will be suited botli in style antl price. due nt tbo dale of this iiuticu, tlie sum oftwo the masijuerade were Miss Nina Wlilt- Hnmmol, Dunu WrlRlit, Attlo A. C. Lawrence has just returned ta. He is well pleased witli the western wust ipinrlur, nnd thu Bontliwust (lunrturof thu hundred and twulvu dollars and uii;hly cunts, out many reminiscences of him. The felt that Prof. Derr is doing excellent government. Tho second grado studies will siiuiliwu.-ll«ii-n«vlviil —Kxhlblllon —Etc. Cope will visit Dansville again. iinpnid upon a curinlii iiiortgn;;u, liunrlHK dute lic auction, lo thu hiRhust hiddur, at tbu west prices before placing their orders. front dour nftiiu court-honso, iu Ihu city of Ma­ whereabouts, and Is often visited by ald, made lis a call this week. school better prepared to stand exami­ The publislierrs of Rutledge's Month­ the uso of cducatlounl papers, will havo Miss. Ada Butler primary teacher in tho thlrii day of November, 1S7I, uxuciited \iy WK GUAHAITTKR rKBFKCT SATISKACTION. We are reminded of the duty wc owe .luH«u O. Sunrlu nnd I'"rniiues A. Suarlu lo Gnrrutt son, MichlRan, (that beiiiR the place whoru the ly in the prize puzzle department of weight with tho board in determining tbolr the union school has been obliged to Circuit Ouurt fur liiRham county is holdun), Iho his wife. nation in the work they have been over, THK NKWS. Dulhils, uiiil ruucinlud in Ihuiilllcuor tbu riiKistur R. W. Becker, the popular livery­ their Monthly for March, offer the fol­ standing. resign her position on account of fail­ premises descrlbud in snid inortRiiRu, ur so much than they have been at any time In tho HABDWABE! HABDWABE! of iluuds, fur Inxbuin county, stiitu of Mlcliijjnn, NEWS NOTES. Tbe mastjuerade at the Rayner opera man, was married last Thursday, by lowing easy way for some ono to make The sick in our town are getting bet­ ing health. If she Is able to tench lit niioa Ibu sLvtuuntb duy of Nuvunibur, 1871, in thureof as may hu ncccssury to pny thu amount E. E. GlLVNOER, President, due on said inoriRnRu, with ulRbt pur cunt. Inlur- last ten years. We unhesitatingly $20.00: W. A, Bo WE, ter as far as I know. tlic opening of the spring term she l.lbur tliirty-lwo of iiiortsaaus, on imircs llfly-llvu ust, and ail luRal costs, the premises huluR de­ house last Friday evening was a social Rev. D. Baldwin, at his residence, to nnd nfty-si.t; and no or prouuuiiinK at law, TllAYELERS' GUIDE. say this, say It on our own authority To the person telling us which is the J. J. CALKINS, Secretary, Rev. A. L. Thurston, recently re­ will return to resume her place. or In cliniicury, linvinj; liouii iiistiuilud to rccovur scribed in said moriRaRu UH ail lhatcurlain lot, event tliat will long be remembered in Miss M. E. Holcomb, of Aurelius. plecu and uaruul of land siliiiiled In Ihu city of longest verse in the New Testament • Board School Kxatnlnorg, ceived a donation of 525 from tho Pros- While Miss Butler is absent Miss Min­ nny part Ibuiviil, und llio powur ol sale iberuin J., I.. A H, nivlnloii M. C. Rnllrond. and resptinsibillty, and know whereof LiiiistiiR, in lllu county of IiiRliaiii, and stale of Mason. The music by the Constan- Liiciaii S. Rogers,wlio formerly clerk­ scriptures (not the new revision) by • byterian society. nie Atwood will fill her place. ciintninud bavlnt; liuuomu nimolutu, liy virlue of MichlRan, and known'and described as follows: Tralns.leavo Mnson ns follows, by CliieaRO we speak. Honey to Ixinn, Ibu slnnilu. in such cnsu mndu nnd providud, nu Lot iinnibur iiiiiu (!>), block onu hiiiidrud und suv- time, wliloli is .sovontoen inlmitos slower tlian tcne band was delicious, the costumes ed for M. W. Tanner in this city, has March 10th, 1882, we will give $20.00 M. H. Guun, is running the third SAYERS & PHELPS tlcuis huruliy'.tivun.tbnt npon NHIiirdHy. Ill* untouii (117). The alMtre iiiuntioiiud lot will lie on farm property, ut low rate of Interest. In­ Miwoii time. TlirouRh tickot.s cast or west ran from the hideous through the ri­ Ill tlie attempted .side of lier bogus In gold as a prize. Should two or .'istorc at Delhi Centre, and is meeting Farmers' Club. laili tlity ol' Na,v. ISN'J, nt onu o'clock lu lliu sold sulijuct to a re-salu, for tbe balance to be­ for sale by M, .1. Murray, ticket iiRent. entered tlie employ of Burnham, quire of CHAS. FiTOH, Abstract offlce. still keep pace with the times in more correct answers be received the with good success. arturnoiiii of snid duy, I sliull sull nt public auc come dnu on said luortuaeu, aOlNQ NOUTII. OOINO SOUTH. diculous and grote.sr|ue to the beautiful, water bonds Adrian has been remind­ tioii. to the iiinhust bidder, nt thu front door of Spaulding & Co.. of Saginaw City. prize will be divided. The money will We Want to Bny For Caali,' A very profitable series of revival The club met at the council rooms, Kail 7:.'i'> a.m. Mali 0:,50 p.m. and everybody was jolly. A large ed of the importance of liiiving her lllu In;;lium coiiiily court-iioiisu, in lliu city of MAltTUA A, FULLKK, MortuaRce, Express .1:10 p.m. F,xpres 10:.'i0 a.m. be forwarded to the winner, March Wood, Logs and Lumber. Any person having president A. F. Wood in the chair. Mnson, (hiiitl CDiirl'tiousu huiii;; tliu plncuwlun-u Dr. .T. A. May, formerly principal of meetings are being held at tlie Metlio-! M. D. CiiATTBRToN, Mlorney for MortRiiRuc. Way frolRlit.. 9:15 a.m. Way freight.. ,1:0,5 p.m. crowd of spectators were In the gallery municipal aflairs controlled by men IStli, 1882. Tliose who try for the Asb, Cherry, or Walnut, logs or lumber, will „ Minutes of tlie previous nioeting rend the cliciilt court for said CDUiiIy is held), so much Mason, Nov, :«)th, 18,SI. UD.'iwl:! the Lowell schools and latterly a stu­ dist cliurch, unibsr the charge of Miss ' ol'Iliu Iiiiid (lusuribud in said tnortcaitu nn sliall and many more lined the hall. The who have pecuniary interest In her prize must send 20 cents in silver (no do well to see us. Wood sontrnoted for future Mills and Rev. W. Taylor, of Okeiiics. i und approved. New AdvvrtlNnincniN Till* Week. dent of, and practitioner of medicine, bu nocufisnry lo sntisl'y the uiiiounfUuu, und nil wel lare. To be sure she will lose noth­ postage stamps taken) with their an­ delivery. Oaice at N. A. Dunnlng's store, or Market rejiorts discussed, Prices of luitiil coKH, tofjuthur with nn nitorney fue ol OimiAGE SAI.E.-DEFAULT IIAVING party was a financial success, and the Tho members of ^VIIIiams lodge No. buun inadu in thu condllionsof a cerluin rrobulo Order—Kstate Isabella Thompson, has been in tbe city this week visiting swer, for which they will receive the KKELEU it DUNNINO'S. wlieat oit two or tliroc cents reported twuiity-llvu ilollnrs, covuiiiintud for tliureiii, tliu M arrangements gave universal satis­ ing by the rascality of her late petted 91 I. O. of G. T. are preparing to hold bind uniliniuud in Hiiid iiiorI<£iiii;u Is dcscribud ns morlRa',iu, made by Abraham 11. Fuller to Mar­ UldgliiiB-J. C. HouRh. friends, A nrii number of the Monthly, in which an exhibition some time during the Si.ii. They have just received another car-load of those famous fallows, vl'/'. Comuiuncini^ two rods sonih of tha A. Fullui', iliitud AURUst Hi.xleuiitb, A, D- faction to the participants. Mayor Navlii, except the presence o^ will be published the name and ad­ Ante, the Barber. L. Baker reported a lighter stoclc of tliu (|iiiirlur post, hulwucti suutioiis twuiily-oiic 18SII, and rucordud in the olliuu of Ibu ruRislcrof Svw BiiNliieHM IiOcnlH. Will give you a bettor shnvo or hair-out than present niontli. A principal feature (Icuds, fur thu countv of iiiRliiiin, and statu of U. A, Griffln, of DeVillo, Richland that gonial officer, but she has bad a dress of the winner of the prl'/.e, with wheat on the market than at this time 1111(1 Iwuiuv'.ciitlit, in town one northof tnnitu any other barber in tho city. Siiop 1st doar •of the entertainment will be the tern- , , . onu wuHi, ilieiicu soiilh twulvu rmls, tbcncu oust SllclilRnn. on thu llfth day uf Novumhor, A, D. Farm for Sale-Wolih & Mend. 'county, Dakota, and E. A. Grillin, his a scare that she may well profit by. tbe correct answer thereto. Cut tbis twuivu rods, iliunuu nortli twelve riMls. tliuiicu 1881, 111 Libor5'> nl inuriRaRus, on paRes4iaand out; it may be worth .$20,00 to you. north of postofflco (ui>slairs.) Hair work in Ijcranco drama entitled the "Drunk- ; '"f, J'""'- Bound Oak Heating Stoves, -11(1, on which lauriRaRU lliuru is claimed to be Sowlns MaohlnBS—II. W. Ayland. Inly iSevimly-Xiiio Killed and Wounded. ^^brotlier, of Napoleon, .Tackson county, As for Mayor Naviii, he has taken the iirrl'ai'd'Ks wni-nhiLrwarning. " I'amiers observed that wheat runs wusl twulvu rods to thu |)1ncu of bu^iinniiiit, sit. duu nt thu dule of tbis iiotlcu thu sniii of forty- Address RUTLEDOE PUBLISHING latest stylo. Hair bought nnd sold. nuto ill lliu vil1ui;u of hvsliu, tbe lowniibip of l.us* Boots and aiioos-.\. W, Parkhurst, Before tlio report of the Secretary of were the guests of O. F. Miller over The following are tho olTlcers of the highest genorally about corn iilaiit- ninu dollurs, nnd nu suit ur prucuudinRs at law laconic advice of the lamented Greely Co.MPANY, Easton, Pa. Manufactured at Dowiigiaf^, and are bound to sell them at prices to suit the liu. Ill iii^lium couniv, Miuliiitnii. l'2U<'iwlIt haviiiR buun liisliiutud lu rucuvur tliu muneys ForSaie-S. D. Nccly. ReodG. W. Qlynn's "ad" In another ool- Williams Lodge No. 91 I. O. G. T., for ing. Pork doing better; *7.50 lieiiig no Troiisiiry, coucerning tbo divngors iSunday. and "gone wost," With an asininity times. Do not let other dealers put you ofi" with an Inferior liound Miiion. i-'ulirunry lib. 188'J. sucurud by sahl niurlRiiRU, or any part thureof; umn—"To the travellnK publle.;' the quarter ending April .11, ISSl!: paid. GAilllUTT DUBOIS, MortKnuuo, now, tlierufore, by vlrluv of thu power uf sale ml di.sii-stors of tho revenue service, is in perfect keeping with their former Tho question of grass seeding lakaii conlaliiud in said murlRiiRu, and the stalntu lu The jingle of sleigh bells reminds us Physicians say Hop* and Malt BIttora are W. C. T.—Mrs. Dr. Wheelock. Stove telling yon they are cheaper and just as good because they l.uciBN UKEII, Allornuy for Murtj;iiu'uo. lid away among the forgotten rocord.s GENERAL COUNTY NEWS. BUSINESS LOCALS. up. G. Wilson rccoiiinieiidcd fall such cuHu inudu nnd |irovidud, iiutlcu is buruby that spring Is not here after all. legislation, the Adrian council has of­ tlie best. W. V. T.—Ella Chadilock. are not and by callingon us wc wiil convince you. We OIi'l'tiAGK SAI.K.-IIEFAUl.T HAVING Riven that on Fridiiy, lli« 34III f tliu Soteldo shooting alfniy, but is The Jackson Patriot has tbe follow­ W. O..G.—Israel Wood. yuurulorcsnid, in i.llier fortv of morlj;n;;us, on wheat on the ground. Only a small payment And you will get your monoy for them at sowing would sometimes heave with costs, thu ]iruiiilsus buiiiR duscribcd In said The Millville cornetband hnd asocial L. D.-Orson Wright. Ul piiiju ;«I; und no suit ur iiroceedinijs nt law, or inorlRURu as all thnt curlulii lot, piucu and parcel C. L. S. C. next ]\[onday evening at! ijy contout wtli a meager souteiico, ing to say of tho Ampblons In "The required down, balanc* on long time at a low once. If you want sawing you cnn lake your late frosts. Mr. Horton thought early Stm m Stii in cbuncory, linvinR buun inslitutud lu nicuvur uf land siiiialud in lliu city of LnnwiiiR, in the at the residence of Mr. George Phelps rate of interest. WEUII & MKAO, spring sowing the surest. nuy purt tliuroiil', and thu power uf unlulburuin Mrs. N. A. Dunnlng's. I'ublic meet- na mi epitome of this oflloial paper. Nor Chimes of Normandy": lumber home with you. Among wliich are the Winners, the county of liiRliniii, nnd stnte of MicliiRuii,and 1307tf . Tho Clothiers. ~ ALAIEilOS. unnininud navinc bucomc nbsolutu, liy virtue of known and duscrlbuil ns follows: Tbe south Ing. All are oortliiilly Invited to at- doiis tlio body to wlioui it was referred last Friday night. Tliere was a large 1203tf. A. BDTLBB. There will be a nicctiiig Saturday, thu slutnlu in snub cnsu madu nnd providud, A splendid audience witne.ssed the halfofloisix (U), block one hundred and Hlty- lend. appear to lauvo accorded It aiiytliiug attendance. Mowlnv MnchlntiN. Hudson Si Heed, U«al Calate AKenIa, norii — niiiinwn.v — Hiir|»rl.HO l*nrly— Feb. 18. The subject to come before Iiotlcu isl liuruhy i-lvuii. Hint upon ,Sii|.Hr«rN«iiiili), Kt«. the meeting Is the l3est method of ap­ OCCir>ErVT, and L. A. Baker, of Lansing, has a spec­ evening, and all semecd to enjoy the in tliuufiuriiiionufsnid dny, 1 sliall suU ut pub­ coinu dnu on snid inortRHRu. Rev. Mr. Doust has commenced a Wilson, Hcmington, Williams, Singer, New Mrs. Gillespie is visillng friends at plying manure and other fcrtllis'.ers. performance and appreciate the eflbrts I'rlme live Geese Feathers at JEWEL COOK. lic nuutuni, to thu hiithust hiddur. nt thu Iront series of meetings at the North Aureli­ The annual meeting of the board of ial sale of musical instruments every Home, /or salt cheap. Inquire at rooms over Muir. At the meeting to be held in two door of thu IiiKbnm county I'.onrl-houi'U, In thu MAllTllA A. FULLER, MnrlRnRec. of tlie company. The work went very uiiy of Mnson, isald uourt-honsc buiiii; thuf.incu us church. Rev. Mr, Baldwin is to managers of the Ingham County-Vg- Saturday, where he is making astoii Democrat olllce. ia07tf H. W, ATLAND. laoitr HUNT &. ELLIS'S, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hoyt wont to weeks the question discussed will be M. I). (hUTTBiiToN, .Vllurnuy lor .Morteaceo. smoothly. Mrs, Bennett's Imperson­ where thu circuit conn fur snid couniv Is held), Mn-uu, Nov. Mth, IKSI. llllowlH rlcultural Society, was held in the ishingly low prices—prices such as Wanted. Ann Arbor Monday. the Vevay and Aurelius ditch. The Crown Jewel Coal Stove Takes the Lead. so much of Ibu lund unibracud in .'^uhl'murtitaKu assist. ation of "Serpolette" elicited fuvor- •ly Uoola and Hiioeii G. A. Gii.LKSi'113, A. F. WOOD, Ul. shall be nucei. W. & M. J, Buck advertise baby boy. Bs. At a HcsHion of the proliate court for liic iHuniy-onuniid twuniv-ulithi. In town imu nortli ing of O. F. Miller, E. C. Russell and Mr. Averill's "Giuspard" was still bet­ of bny horses, light double harness, covered liadlea t county of Ini'liiim, holden at the iirobute olllce, in of riiiinu line wuHi, tliuncc south twelve rods, MicblRnii.on Ihu Uflli dny of November, A. D. special sale of furniture at reduced county of Ini'liiim, holden nl the iirojiute olllce, in Mrs. Margaret Haynes, of Vevay, ter than ou the first night and won liUBgy, new single harness, cutter, butliilo You can always gat good Sewing Mooblno A writing school hns been organized the city of MiiHon, on Ihu l^th diiy of l''elirul''elini- Our Table and Pocket Cutlery Department Ihuiicu cast Iwulve rods, thence niirih ttvolvo 1881, In Liber .13 of moriguRus, on puRus 41.~i and H, J. Halght was uppointed to revise in the Canaan school-house. ^Ir. ury, in the year onu tlioiL^nml uiitlil hniidred nnd rods, tliunuu wusl twulvu rods lu tbu plnco of bu- 4111, uon which inorlRaRu tliuru is claimed to he died Feb, 21, aged 55 years. She was prices for the next twenty days, for the for him well merited commendation, robe nad blankets. Enquire of NoeUles, at CANNON & DDBOIS. HinniUL', fiuintu In thu villa|;u of I.UHUC, thu duu at thu date of this uuolicu . the sum ofthir- the premium list, and are instructed to olBlity-two. PrcHcnt, Ouo. I', tlilliiiii, Judao of purpose of closing out the stock in the and Mr. Bucltland scored another en­ ia07w3 3. D, NEBLT. Mnson. Severance, teacher. Iiiobttto. Cannot be Excelled Anywhere. lownshlp of husliu. In InKliam county, Michiirnn. tuun dollars and ninety cunts, and no suitor burled from tho M. K. church last The Prentlee Graito report at the next meeting of the board. core for his waltz song, which is really Mrs. W. F. Kobbiiis and daughter In the inattor of the CKIIIIU of Minerva Smith, .Masoii, Fubrunryl. 1882. 120,iwl.'l prucuudluRS at law huvinR buun instituted lo ru­ Tuesday. central store. Our rentiers will find it Heavy Tin Sap Buckets, $18.00 per hundred, Is as hardy us the Concord, and as proliflc. (iAIllii'n'T niillOlS, .MorlL-nL'ue. covur thu moneys sucurud Iiv said morlRaRO, or A committee was also appointed to a.s- one of the gems of the opera. The Llllie, nre visiting Mrs. It's daiigiiter, deccHKud. Library Lamps, Chandollers, Brackets and Bracket at Ford's Baziwir. IXHtf Itkeeps well till spring. In fact It is tho beat On rcndlim nnd lllliiu the putition.dnly vorlllud, Li-'ciKS llBKii, Attorney for Morl,i;nKUU. any part Iburuof; now, Ihuruforu, by virtue of Hie Seven members of the Mason Coun­ to their interest to take advantage of closing performunce will be given this Mrs. J. Rayner, whollves at St. Louis powur of salu uiinlnliiud in said inortuiiRe, and certaln what terms can be made with white grupe In culllvaUon, For sale by of Henry Wurd, iiriiyin;! thnt adinlnimrnlion of Lamps In all Styles, also Chimneys and this sale. evening; when it is expected another snid oHlalc may bu urniitud lo duo, II. Gnlu«lin, JISTATK OF KLlZAIlKTli if. orilBS, tili- thu statulu iu such casu made and provided, no­ cil of Royal Arcanum, went to Lan­ the Micliigan Central railroad, for an Have you ealled at Taylor , at one o'clock excursion by the society, to .some place advance sales already indicate. loo WfMMl Clioppcm KUld uiiuniy, held st tbu probutu olllcu, In tbu iiflurnooH, 1 shall sull ut public auction, a three weeks' visit with friends and of MiiriMi. iiu.vt. Rt cloven o'clocic in tlie Capitol Council. of interest in the stnte during tlie coni­ evening Homer Blair, the 12-years-old Call nnd ace thoso Earthen .Stow Kettles, Wonted, Inquire at N. A. Dunnlng's grocery, forentmti, bu nKHl^iiud for the huiirliiit nf Piiid ill thu city of Muson, on thu (lili day of Fubruurv, to ibu hiRhusI bidder, nl thu wusl front door of relatives here. ill Ihu yunr unu thousuiul uiitlit hundred und thu cunrt-housu, in thu cily uf .Mason, MichlRan, son of James Blair, was seriously In­ The Marsliull Stntesnian of recent Just what you want. For sale only nt Ford's or A, Butler's sawmill, 1203 putiiion, nnd tliut' Ihu huira nt inw of snid d<. Jas, Horton, charged by Myrtle Reed ng season'. The meeting tlien ad­ Five and Ten Cent Bnsuar. l»6tf A pleasant surprise party was given cuiiHud, nnd nil olliur jiursniis iiiloruHlU'l In Hiiid Vails, Glass, Putty, Etc. cinbty-lwo. Present, Ouu. F. Gll.nin, Judco of (that buinR tho place where thu Circuit Conn lor KlIBLlIB* DUNNINO. linibalu. InRhnni county Is holden), tbe premises doscrlb- journed to meet March Ui, at 10 o'clock, jured by a shot thrown from a sling in date says: .Several months ago Mr. to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Lindsay, at usttite. nru ruiiiiirud to npiienr at a HUKHIIHI of Hiiid with liastardy, waived esaminatioii coiii't Itiuii to liu liolduii Hi the proliiitu olllue, In thu muttur of the ustnio lif iJlizii- id in said niortRaRu, or so inuuh tlieruuf as may the hands of another boy who was Moore, of Marengo, took out an insur­ Liulle's fine Kid Opera Toe Button Shoes Alwaya Befreahinir. their home, last Wednesday evening, hu iiucussarv to pay tbu aiiioiiiit due un said last Friday, and will appear for trial at A. M. in lliu cily of .MuHon, nnd show cnusu, if nny beth 11. Glhhs, deccusud. IMItr at FD(,I.BB'S. A delicious odor is imparted by Floreston On ruadinj,' and IlllnK thu putiiion, duly vuri- morlRaRo, Willi uiRlit pur cunt, interusi, and nil some rotls distant. The shot took ef­ ance policy in the Agricultural com­ the occasion being the/irst anniversary there bu, why tins prnyvr of thu putitloncr should luRul costs, ihupruinisus buiiiR duscrlhud In snid the circuit court. Cologne, which Is always relToshlng, no mat- of their wedding. not bu i:raiiicd; and it l« further orderud, thnt We have a full line of House Furnishing Coods, Whips and lluil, <.f Frank M. Gibbs, praylni.' lhat it mav bu Considering tbe counter attraction fect just over the right eye, and at this pany, of Watertown, N. Y. While Flno Goblets only S cents at Ford's Fve and adjiidiculud und duturminud who wuru the law­ luorlRaRu us all thnt curtain lot, plucu and parcel Ur bow freely used. . snid pulltUmur KIVU notice to thu pursonii inier- of land siiiiatud iu the cily of l.aiisinR, in the Tlie union Sabbath school teachers oflered by the masquerade, the Hotch­ Ten Cant Bazaar. lanitf As Mr. and Mrs. Francisco were ustcd In suld ustatu. of the pendency of snid Lashes, Bird Cages. We still continue agents for Jackson ful huirs uf Kaid ducunsuii, at thu tiniu of bur writing there is some danger of loss of attending the fair last fall ills iiouse dualh. and unlitlud hy thu laws of this state lu county of lURbam, and statu of MichlRan, und meeting will be held at the Baptist nif aaei a— roirUy. returning home from Mason one day pulillon, nnd the hunrinK Ihoruof, by cnnsini;a Fire Clay Company "i»d can furnish TILE in any quantity. known nnd duscrlhud us follows: Lot niinibur kin family bad a large audience at the sight. Tho "shooting" was nccidentnl. was entirely consumed by fire, very copy of this Older to bu puhlUliud InTiiK 1N(I- inherit her ruul usiatu. II. H. Wlllinm* WnnU lo «eUle Up t last week, the horse became frightened twclvu(12) in block two Ci) ol Morrison's sub­ church to-morrow evening, conducted Baptist cliurch last l^riday evening, Ladies who approointa elegance and purity iiAM C'uUNTr NKWH, a auwspspur prlnlud und Thuruupoii it Is ordurud, that tbu Till day of division of block si.xiuuii (18) of Townsend's sub­ During this week Prof. Randin has little of the contents being saved. Col. Having sold my drug business I wish to are using Parker's Hair Balsam. It la tho uud ran away, causing the biiggy to druulnlcd in wild connty ol' IiiL'bnm, for three March iiuxt, at tun o'clock in ihu hire- division uf tbu tiurtb fructiuiiiil lintf uf scctiuu by Rev. Mr. Bariiett, close np nil old accounts. Porsons indebted noon, liu iiSBljjiiudforlhuhuurInu' uf snidputlliuii, Tho eiitcrtninnient is conducted by gatliereil up nearly 30 of these danger­ Tom. Johnson, who represents the best article sold for restoring gray linir to Its upset, but not seriously Injuring its unccusi'lvu wuuks pruvioiis to snid day of hunrlnR. Tin, Copper and Sheet Iron-ware twenty (20), in township four (4) nonh of raiiRe to mo uro requested to call nt my old place oi l\ Iruu copy.) UKO. K. GILLAM, and tlint Ihu liulrs nl law ofsnUl ducouHud, und all two (2) west. The above lucniloned lot will be Mr, and Mrs. Prank Holcomb are four girls, and they ure musical jirodl- original color, beauty and lustre. occupants. ulhur persons liiluruKtud in snid ustntu, uru ru- ous "pea shooters" from the pupils of company, adjusted tho loss, aud made business at once. The accounts munt be laOllH'H. Jiid|;u of Prubntc. sold subject lo a re-salu, for Ihu balance lo be­ gies, Eliza, the eldest, acts as con Last Saturday evening as Mr. nnd qnlrcil tuupiiunrnl u sussiun of snid court, thun come due on said mortctiRu. grateful for a pleasantsurprlsecontain­ the schools, and their use on tlie school his report to headquarters. The home settled. H. M. WILLIAMS. Epitl^iuloa. to nu liulduii in Ibu piohalu oltiui!, in thu city of Mrs. J. M. Tyler were returning from of every Description. doctor and plays the accompaniments, Geo. M. Hoyt.—Clotliiiii;. Mnson, and show cause, if any thuru he, why tbu MAIlTII.\ A. FULLElt, MnrtRaRce, ing tlie tangible featureof^'.SO in money, grounds has been prohibited. Qiflcu, because of n mortgage executed Just now coughs, oolds, lung and bronchia Mason, and on descending a hill their priiyuror thu pullllonur shuuld not bu sraiilod; A Gent's Good Cull Boot, for 82.'2S at Tay­ M. D. CHATTKUTON. Allornuy for .MorlRURUu. recently given by their friends, Anna, the next, is 15 years old and by Mooro a fow days after the policy compiainis seem to bo epidemic, tn these buggy collided Avith another vehicle, niMl II is furthur ordrrud, thnt Miid potltionur Mnson, Nov. SOth, 1881. llTOwlll lor «W*. laootf. marvel. When only ten years of age Hiram J. Smith, of Aurelius, died oases of sudden colds tha beat thing to do la to €I.OTIIIN«. Our Shelf Hardware is Unsurpassed this caunu u copy uf this order to be puli- RalH followed by sleet, cemented by was issued, declined to pay the loss. overturning Mr. T's buggy and pre- lisliud ill TiiK I.siiiiA.'u UoiisTT NKWS, a Bargains long to be romombered at Fuller's got a bottle of N. H. Dawns' Elixir, wbloh In­ she composed a piece of instrumental suildenly at his residence, last Friday. cijiitatlng its occupants violently into newspaper |irintcil and circulaiud in said county, STATE OF ALTON W. OltANDY, A frost and covered by snow has given Recently Messrs. Miner and Stacc, at­ Clearing Out Sale. variably gives speedy relief and ultimately side of Detroit. liiree BUCCUHBIVC wuuks, pruvlous to snid duy Minor.—Statu of .MichlRan, county of InRhani, He had eaten supper and commenced H ditch. Jay, how did It happen ? E music thut is wonderfully sweet. She torneys for Moore, commenced suit effscta a complete cure In all oases whore Iho GEO. M. HOYT ofhuarini;. ss, Al a suasion of tbu probatu cuurl fur the coun­ us u little taste of the sleighing we . Good Writing Books, only S cents at Ford's ty of InRbam. holdun nt the probatu olllce, in the plays 28 In.struinents, Including the to do tbe chores. Returning to the breathing organs ara alTboted. Use It In time Is Sollins tho best Winter All of tho above we oiler to our Frionds and Customers as cheap as the (Alruucopy.) GEO. V. Glhl.AM. city of Ma«on,an thu'28th day of,lanuary, in the were entitled to have had ten weeks against the insurance company In the Five ond Ten Cent Biiznar. laOOtf' PLAINFIELD. ~ ]20jw;i Judito of Pn>bBto._ violin, piano, guitar, bells, zither, Iiouse after a pail, his wife noticed a and prevent serious lung dlffloulties. Sold by very cheapest. vuar unu thunsund olRht hundred and ulRlity-iwu. ago. circuit court, and will try to show the Prusuat, Goo. F.Olllaia, JudRU of probate. peculiar look on his face. She was just Ladies' Rubbers, 40 cents. Buche Arctics at all druggists^ •I'ho MlllvlUe lire-Fuller Partlenlnra, GLiOTHXiyrG Respectfully Yours, DM IN ISTH ATOlfS S A1. E.-iJY V j KTIIK bell harnionicaii, dulcimer, flutiiia company that the execution of a mort­ uf a llcuiisu, lo me Krantcd.on tbe 17th duy In themnttur of Ihu ustalu of Alton W. Grandy, At the Presbyterian church, next inquiring if he was 111, when he sank 81.00, nt Taylor ACo's, I206tr • Craaa Baby. nnd two Vvrrccllwns —PeraonniB — In Mnson for the money. Hats, il^ nnnary, l.s82,by GuorKC F. tJlliain, judt!e uf a minor. liarmonicaii, xylojihone, drum, mando­ gage on property does not Invalidate a NnrprlNC. Clips,and Furnishinf: Gnoiis, iinibiitu uf tbo county of Incbain, and state of On ruadlni! and IliinR Ihu puiitlou.duly vurlllud, Sunday morning. Rev, Mr. ^arnett into a chair nnd fell to the floor dead. Boots that wiil leave foot prints on the Nothing il so conduoive to a man's remain­ of John il, Thompson, Ruardlan of said minor, lin, etc, Julia, the third, is 13 years a policy. It looks as though farmers ing a bnchalor as stopping for one night at Miss, Ella M. PuUen, and Miss Hat- .Sliii Ilnnditcrcliiefs und SAYERS & PHELPS. MiclilKnn, I shall sull at public nuulion, nn tliu will discuss "the principles on which The cause assigned Is heart disease. sands of timo, nt Fuller's, laoatf Ncoltivcar. •nil diiy of April, A. D. l.SS'J, nt .'I o'clock lu tbu praylhR for lluunsu to sell curtain rual usiale, be- old and plays six instruments. Hattie the house of a married flriend and being kept tie Phelps of White Ook, are visiting lonRliiR lo said minor. u profession of religion should bo were right in supporting co-operative afiurnuun, nl thu front duor uf lllu WInlleld post- Mr. Smith was "3 years old, and a pio­ Our assortmniit or Goods has never been awake for five or six hours by the crying of ill town. olhcu lu Ibu town of Onondn^a, in said county, Thereupon it is ordered, lhat Monday, tho (1th the youngest, is 11 years old anil plays fire Insurance companies, und thnt UNDERWEAR made." ns lorgo as at tho present time, at Ford's Flvo a cross baby. All oroaa aad crying babies Mr. and Mrs. Charles Ingalls, have ull Ihu rielit, titlu and inturustof which Nancy day of March next, at ten o'clock In tho fore­ three instruments. All do well, ex­ neer of tliecounty. He was a member Cutters and Carriiigcs.—L. Frank Clark. llaynus dlud, seizud. ia and to the foiluwlni,' noon, be asslRiied ior the henriiiR of said pe­ supjiort accounts for tbe flourishing and Ten Cent Bazaar, ISOOtf returned from a three week's stay with From .10 cents to ?!l.00 per snit. Bo- The adjourned term of court which of the Baptist church and highly re­ need only Hop Bitters to mako them well ' foi'o buy ill); call and see nio and hu land, tnwit: BudliininK elijht rods west of lllu tition, nnd tbnt the next of kin of snid minor, ceedingly well. Altogether the enter­ Institutions of this character to be and Binlltng. Young man, romombor this. . . Mrs. Ingolls's parents, Mr. and Mra. .your own jMlgc of the qnnlity of (iinirtur post on thu north line of section twenty, nnd all other persons tuturested in saidestale arc was to have been called last Monday spected by all who knew him. His Thoso Gents' English Bais, cosy and stylish, Ihuiicu runnlnj; suulli 8 rnds, thoncc west 8 rods, required toaiipcar at a session of said court, then tainment is novel in its way and em­ —ED. ' .Tohn Diekerson, of White Oak. my goods. found in Calhoun county. nt FCLLBB'S. ISOOtf Ihunuu north 8 rods, and Ihonco cast 8 rods to to lie holdun nl iliu probate olllcu. In thu city ot has been aiijourned to March 4, owing phatically iileasing. funeral was held at the Nortli Aureli­ Tlie friends of Dr. and Mrs. D. M. tbu placu of buulniiinc. In town onu north of Mason, ami siiuw cause. If anv there bu, wbv tliu •nd no (la Otliern. 18T DOOR mr OF DK.HOCK.\T OEFICK, to the inability of Judge Gridley to be us church, last Tuesday. The North American Review for Those Spectacles Just arrived, only in centa Green, to the number of 54, met at raiiKu two west, In snid cuiiiity of Inchnm. prayer of Ibu puliiloiier ahould not bu Rrantud; A gentleman of Swedesboro, N. Y., says; And It Is funliur ordurud, that snid petiiloner In Mason this week. Coiisiilering the fact that the mask­ March presents a stricking nrray of a pair at Ford's Flvo and Ten Cont Bazaar. "I have taken 'Kennedy's Favorite Remedy' Thomas Lowran's house, then went ABNEIt WOODEN, RIVU Iiotlcu to tbu pursiiiis iiiturcstud in said us­ •f>KIIIXU'If> articles, every one of which possesses over and took Mr. and Mrs. Green by Adminislrator of the Estate of Nancy ilaynes, tntu of tliu puiiduiicy of suid petition, nnd the ed devotees of TerpsicbiH'e of Friday Kalamazoo wants to bo the scene of Gents' Extension Edge for brond feet laoetf for Kidney Complaint," and with the boat re­ (iuuuasud. I'.>0llw7 hoarlnR iburuof,by causInRUCopyof this order to The Ionia Standard includes among the characteristic of contemporaneous surprise, the occasion being the birth­ night, felt, on Saturday evening, like at FCLLXB'S. sults," Bo have thousands of othor folks. Kii Bated Fob, 11^ 1882. _ bu pubiishud in Ihu INOIIAH COUNTV NKWS, the next republican state convention. the possible democratic candidates for Interest. First we have a contribution day of Mrs. Green. They were pre- u iicwspnpur print uduiid circulated In said county Those who hove "Favorite Remedy" never INSTATE oi'- ADi>Aii u. "fi'rimiar A M1- wooing the drowsy god, and the fur We lean favorably towaitl the idea. from Senator George F. Edmunds, on Romoinber, it will pay you to go to Ford's .scnted with a nice set of dishes in­ ^Purest and lient Medicine ever Hade. of InRbam, fur four successive wuuks pruvious the gubernatorial noiiilnatioii, ex- think of taking anything else for Kidney Jl nor. SInlu of .Michigan, county of tu said dny of liuarinR. titer fact tliat those wlio deal In wares "The conduct of the Guitcau trial," Flvo and Ten Cent Oazanr for Crockery. cluding glassware. A0( lion ot Hop*. Buohu. Man* iiilfhum, es, Al a sussion uf the probnto Judge Huntington, of Niason, und Col. No prettier place can be found in Complaint, Blood Diseases, Rlieuraati8m,and drakl ~ Dandallon. with all tbuVst and court lor said county of Inu'hnni, holdun at thu (A truu copy.) GEO. P. GILLAM, feel it to their pecuniary advantage to Ex-Mlnlster Edward F. Noyes com­ None but tho best goods sold. 19)611 scores of coroiaon Ills. It la a household Geo, r, Snnford, of Lansing, America than Michigan's big village, I was requested by J. E. Burgess, and niostol _atiTo properties ot all oUior Bitten, LOOK TO YOnn Interest! probatu odlcu. In the cily of Mnson, on thu l.llh 120lw4 JudRU of Probate. municates the results of his observa­ friend, and oosta you only one dollar to put iiiakci%tlieBnat«t Blood^lS'urlfleri Liver dny of February, in the vuar onu thousand ciebt stand bcMnd tlieir counters on Satur­ and if political disappointments turn 9B,00e To I.oan. * «6,000 Mathew vanKuran, to say that the tions of political afrairs in France un­ a bottle on your shoU. "Favorlto Remedy" RtCUlVittorf uiu^<>>i«dui iiwtormc kundrud and ulithty-two. I'rueuut, Uuo. F. Oil- A reception will bo given at the At 7 per cent, stroight. Nobonus, In sums account of the Are in Millville as stat­ 4«enl < • onrtb. lam,JudL'c of prohatu. STATE OF HUGH BYEKS. DECEASED, day evening of all evenings of the any one's bruins tlie asylum will be der the title, "Tho progress of the never falls. Dr. David Kennedy, Rondout, LOOK "AT My Former Prices! State of MichlRan, county _of IiiRbam, Presbyterian church tomorrow even­ of$200and upwards, on farm property only. ed in last week's paper ^as not correct HodlsMset kirlonff Clint whore Hop In thu innttur of thu eslilte of Addnh B. E week, the audience which greeted Ada hamly. French Republic." In "Trial by irled and perfect aro their Stuvus, a minor. SB. At a session of Ibu probate court for the coun­ Two weeks notice required. Apply Immedl in all rcsiwcts. Mr. Burgess says that Bitten are ty of IiiRliam, holden at tbu probatu olllcu, lu thu ing for Rev, antl Mrs, Barnett, All Gray at the Rayner oiiera house, was a Jury," Judge Edward A. Thomas de­ he did not have a box in uis store filled operations.! LOOK AT MY PRESENT PRICES On rundini; nnd III Ine th:: putiiion, duly vorlllod, oily of Maaon, on thu Slst duy of Jannnrv, In thu Bev, Jas. Barnett of this city, was scribes the social conditions under atoly ut Abstract offloe. SEYMOVII FOSTBB. By Vnlveraal Accord, .fl ulTig«t to tkisgil iBl Islrm, o( Wlllinm Ilannn, cuurdian of said minor, members of the church and congrega­ very good one. Tlie auditorium was with sawdust. Mr. V. says that the IbiyiWiMwU' year ono thousand uiRht hnndrud and uiRhly-lwo. which our jury system had its ori­ Mason, Oct. 13, 1881. 88tr AvBB's OATUABTIO PILLS are the best of all . iployracnUoauiic Irregularl- prnylni; fur license to sell real estate bulonKinK I'rusunt, Goo. F. Glllam, JudRo of probnto. tion are invited to bo jiresent. miirrieUd Sllraulant, Theruiipon It is ordered, that Monday, the the altered relations of modern life. duct of long, laborious and successflil chemical 20ib day uf March next, at ten o'clock tn thu docossed. The Ampblons who appear in the were upwards of ?150. As a dram.i The Abstract man,'has this (Thursday) morn. It woke his wife but did not wake him. llopBlttarsunitaT^uiMo. without IntOX' On roadlnRandnlinR Ihe petition, duly verllled, mony was performed at tlie residence of Mr. John Fiske makes an able and Investigation, and their extensive use by phy­ loatltiB. •••k forenoon. bunssiKnod for tliu hunrlnii of said pull Chimes of Normandy at tho Rayner East Lynne Is not very heavy, but all Ingcomptotod arrangements whereby he can She then woke him and their rooms tlon. nnd lhat thu nu\t of kin of said minor, of Uuiiinmln S'lckennnn, praylnR that Murtilt P. Gilkle, by Rev. Milton Brady. ingenious analysis of that great- intel­ sicians In their praotloe, and by all olvlllscd No matter what your „ or symptoms Chappie, or some oibursullable pursun, maybe loon n few thousand dollars at 7 per cent, were then full of smoke. The otlier nnd all othur persons iiil.uruslcd In said opera house to-iilglit are thorough ar­ there was in it was broughtout by Ada lectual movement, the reformation, nntions, proves them the bestand most ollbct- are what tho dlaoaso or alT It II uao Hop lilt, estate, »ro required to appear at B nppolntod admlnlBtnitor de bonis lion, with the About forty guests weropresent. Their strnlglit. Apply early. 88tf can of powder went off after Mr. tcra. Don'twaltuntUyoni sick but l( you will annexed, of said estate, ; tists and have made a thorough study Gray. Her beauty, grace, and the ual purgative PiU, thai medical aoience 'can eusBlou of said court, then tu ho holden appreciation of the bride and groom educing therefrom the "True lesson of B. got there but it did not throw the only feel bad ormlaerablOi Dthent at once, That I have been selling for $60.00, will now sell for $46. at Iho probate offlce in tho city of Thereupon it Is ordered, that Monday, the 27111 Protestantism," In "Law for the In­ devise. Being purely vegetoble, no harm call It roar uva yaurllle.Hlii •red buadrcdi. day of February next, at ten o'clock In the of their roles. It will be tho finest fidelity with which she delineated the To Whom U Mny Concern t sides or roof ns before stated only broke OXJTTBBS formerly sold for $36, now will sell for $26. MaAon, nnd show cause, if any there be, why the was attested by many beautiful pres­ arise from their use. In intrinsic value and tlOOwUlbopaldfora.^ they will . prayer ofthe putiiloner should not he grsnted: forenoon, be nsslRned for the huarlnR of said inusicid entertainment of the sciuson. character of the unfortunate Lady Isa­ dians," the Rev, William Justin Har- I have Just recoived a car-load of Nn, I Cum- cure or help. Do not oulTer f let yonr f rioiu. somo glass out of the windows. Mr. And il i« further ordcrcd.that said petitioner K'IVO pelitlon, nnd that the heirs at .law of said ents, among which we may mention, shtt entleavors to demonstrate that the borland Cool, Just Irom the mine In Virginia, aurati ve powers no other pllla can be oompar- VanKuran wishes to take this woy of •ulTer,but uae aud urito tbem' touw Hop B PLATFOBM WAOONS sold last season for $90.00, now notice to the persons Inturestud in said estate, of deceased, and all other persona intereslod TImmy Acker, scvcn-year-old son of bel won her way to every heart in tlie one rutioiiul and effectual cure for our ed with'them, and every person knowing in said eatate, are ruqulred to appear at a silver water pitcher und goblet, wiiich I will soli for tn per ton. ISOSwS thanking his many friends for their Bemember, Uop nitton Is D. ^ selUng for $80.00. tho pendency of said petition, snd thu hearlni; audience. She was superb, Mrs. S. Indian troubles is.to extend the juris­ their vlrtuea will employ thism, when needed. draninn noitrum, hut th* PurecP thereof, bycansini! ncopy of this order to bo pub- sesBiou of said court, then to he holdon at the Mr. Acker, who resides in east Al­ spoon holder, fruit dish, pair lava vas­ li. FBANK CLABK. help in a time of need, for a friend In Medicine eTeruwIo I the «MTMI__ ^ninii tho pnihato olllco in iho city of Mnson, land diction of the civil and criminal They keep the lystem' In pcrfeot order, and lisliud laTiiH INOUAM COUNTY NKWS, U news- aiedon, while trying, last Friday, to A. Baker took the character of Miss need is a friend indeed, but sincerely and UOPI'* and no pomoa or family^ NO. 1 TOP BUGOIES, Former Price $90. Present papur prlnlud nnd circulated in snid connty show cause, If any there bo, why the iirayer ofthe es, pickle caster, sugar bowl, elegant courts over all the social relations of Ilarber Nhop. maintain In healthy action the wiiole mach­ should be without them. flMMH^ petiiloner Bhould not ho granted', and Ills further Corney will; nnd Miss Jessie Gordon, wishes that not one of them will ever Price $76. uflnchnin, for four succussivu weeks pruvious walk across a floor which had just D.I.O.U an abioluto and Irrcilitlble on .til ilnv ' '' ordered, that said petitioner RIVO notice to tho silver salt cellars, dozen sliver knives, the red man. Prof. A. B. Palmer Honry Reed In Hlokmnn's shop, over H. M inery of life. Mild, searching'and etfeotual, to said day of hearing. who hns lately left the operatic field to lie placed in tbe same circumstances; forVrunkeanein.nHeatonlum, tobacco a persons InlereBtcd in suid cBtatu of tho pendency been mopped fell, tho back of his head gold watch chain. All tbe gifts were writes on the "Fallacies of Homeopa­ Williams', will greet all of his old cuslomora. thoy are especially adapted to tlie nooda ofdl- narcotics. All sulci by (Iraffirlnts. Bon Top Work, Former Price, $160. Present Price $136. (A irno copy.) GEO, F. GILLAM, aisi to Unodilla lodge No. 401. O. O. (or Circular. Hop hiuwa Hit. Oc, of said petition and.. th....e. heariU. ...R _ (|,„fQ„fthureof )b y cans- striking the floor. Ho soon became tako up tho drama, acquitted lierself thy." Finally, the Hon. Nenl.Dow gesllva apparntue, derangements, of: which >^ 1200WI * JndRoof Probnto. iiiRacopy of this order to he puhllshed In TUB elegant and costly. Mr. nnd Mrs. Bar­ Money to iHian P. of which he is a member, does he ihlisiii well. The other parts were fairly contributes an article on the "Results they prevent and cure. If timely taken. Thoy . ' I haven Large Stock of the abovo-ALL OF MY OAVN MANUFAC" INMIUM COUNTY NSWS, a newspaper printed and insensible. For u timo it was feared nett came at once to Mnson, and ure Onroalestntaat the offloe of J..H. Dreuer, tender his sincere thanks for their lib­ A Wnninn'H Kxperleniie. of Prohibitory Legislation ."demonstra­ are Ibe beat and Mlbit physio, to em|iloy ;A>r TUBE—nnd for which I will give a Written Guarantee for five years. -j . .- - ^paper pi that he could not recover, but his con­ taken. Altogetlier tho combination Is over liowe, Smead & Co.'s bank. * WIU eral donation. Mothers and DnURhtors should fool nlnrmod BUCccaBlvo weeks iirevious to eald day o'f lioiirliiiN 'at home" nt the Presbyterian parson­ ting the success of tho eflbrta to sup­ children and weakened oonstltutlonsi':\rhc>e -SUBSCRIBE FOR- These Prices are good for 30 days from date. Come and see I mean circulate(A trued copy. In sai) d county of InRham, for three n strong one, and Mason is pleased. wiion woarliicsR constantly oppresses thom, '* GKO. F. Q'ILLAM, ^ dition is not now considered dangerous. press tho liquor trafllc in Maine. Farm For SMIV. a mild efftoatualoathartla IS;required. For , [The report of tbo fire as published business, nnd oblige. Yours vespeotfiilly, • 1204W8 JudRO of Probate. age. "in nm irotflil from o-tlinustion of vital pow­ fiOseres. Inqulroof J.t,.FDM.BB, aolo by all dealer*. ..i.'.,-'4: was related to us by a prominent citi­ Tlie Inglmm Connty " News." ers nnd the color is fading from my face, Parlcor's (Jiiiger Toiilo BIVOS quick roller. It zen of Millville, who was on the TiiousANns from iioRlectlnR a common cold bnllilN mo up nml drives n"'nv i>-''i vllh have dlo"-' d o"f consumption-•' . Take DH. KKIIMOTI'S grountl.—ED.] I $1.60 a YEAR. wonderful uortnlnly,"—Btitlhin a l,, . Piiliiionnry Ilalsam and ccurm e thatcouRb.
