List 14: Recent Acquisitions McNaughtan’s Bookshop & Gallery 3a & 4a Haddington Place Edinburgh EH7 4AE +44(0)131 556 5897
[email protected] a b x @mcnbooks McNaughtan’s Bookshop & Gallery List 14: Recent Acquisitions 1. Anacreon. Carmina. estc T128393. Plurimis quibus hactenus scatebant mendis purgavit, The last published translation of Francis Fawkes (1720-1777), seen turbata Metra restituit, through the press three years after his death for the benefit of his widow by Henry Meen of Emmanuel College, Cambridge. Fawkes had made Notasque cum Nova Interpre- his reputation with his (initially anonymous) translations of Anacreon atione Literali adjecit Wil- and Sappho, with this being his other major classical translation project, lielmus Baxter. Subjiciuntur though ‘‘dilatoriness and love of ease’ prevented its appearance before his etiam duo vetustissimæ po- death’ (odnb). etriæ Sapphus elegantissima odaria, unà cum correctione 3. Aristophanes. The Comedies of Aristophanes. By Isaaci Vossii: et Theocriti T. Mitchell, A.M. London: John Murray, 1820-22. Anacreonticum in mortuum Adonin. Londini [London]: FIRST EDITION, 2 vols., 8vo, pp. [iii]-clx, 294; vii, [i], 318. Apud Gualt. Kettilby, 1695. Half-title of vol. 1 discarded. Contemporary rose crushed mo- rocco by White of Pall Mall, boards bordered with a triple gilt FIRST EDITION, 8vo, pp. [xii], 131, [1]. Eighteenth-century rule, flat spines divided by gilt rolls, compartments bordered red morocco, boards bordered with a wide border made up of with gilt rules, green morocco labels in second compartments, several gilt rolls, spine gilt in compartments, marbled endpa- third gilt-lettered direct, others filled with circle and swash pers, edges gilt.