Iiiii I' Way; Convenient to Car Liner; Business Couple Kirdur 2.342
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18 THE NEW YORK HERALDc FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 13, 1921. _ .. n ' -i . HDAHrv JOTTINGS. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. I BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. | REAL 2STATE.OUT OF CITY. I APARTMENTS.Tl~RNl$RE0. from /' -orown Company was 14th St. to 59th St. Inrluvlt t). Ak»w St. Aboro Hth M. to jtth St. Above 14lh St. to 8Mb St. (Inrluohe). TO RENT.Kor three and mora In -With George Gascoigne In the Aboir 14th St. to 53tli St. Im-laelvo). 14th to rath St. (IwlDtitf). (Inclusive). Xf« or Rrnt. years associated bit River to North River. tost Kant It her to North Gaul River to North Kiver. Jersey.Sale apartment hotel, on Weat r>8th at., two lease of the second floor of the Miller River to North River. Past River to North River. Hirer. rooms, parlor and bath, furnished. Phonabad; Building at the northwest corner of ...."I... T MIS company In a business ileal has lately Circle 1448. come I*. Fifth avenue and Forty-sixth street to ~ Into possession of a delightful i'Jt). L'^8 W..Luxurious, nirnlabed bachelor oom. 1 family house, on Fuller ter.. Orange, or ihe American Bond and Mortgage 1 we teru» apartments, constating parloi, oedroora J.; will give unusually easy and bath: 8S0 to 110 weekly: full hotel Company. Now Rented :> satisfactory purchaser; $fi.OOO lias jusl vice. aef1 85% oen spent on new H. J. owner of the Greenhut - entirely plumbing, Greenhut, II lighting, floors and decorating; heatig.plot WTII ST. tat Broadway). Hotel Albemarle. Building, Sixth avenue and Eighteenth lxl4fi; Immediate possession. Jersey f'lty 1'arlor, bedroom and <bath; reasonable street, held a reception In his building Gotham National Iain ..I .l.,» <"'« an II Cltu . rates. Bank I. j.; phone Montgomery 3266. Glen Ridge "9TH ST.. ".' I ftirnlihed apt.. esterday afternoon, at which 130 A1 6'is:. W.Beautifully Building LAIN large Central iDIAN RACIFIC llvlns room, overlooklnir agents of the principal brokerage I renting Park; one fireplace, two large bedrooms, It was two fo\ f»r >a11 trlfrhpii: nhnrt or lone houses in the city attended. baths. ~ announced that the Interchurchrecently FARM PROPERTY. lease. Apt. S*1. * World Movement of North America had 6IST ST, 10 WEST il'asaderiaE corner been released from a long term lease and ill Hlncellitiutus. Broadway, near elevated, subway; newly that Cross & Brown, Joseph P. Dav ». decorated 2, 3 large, spacious rooms .'] OR farm*, all sizes and Park: bountiful closets; light, linenoverlooking and Co. had been SALE.Improved Spear & appointed U prices, with and without stock and maid service Included; Immediate possession. for leasing the structure, which 3UILDINI $30-93.3 roorokers WILSON A CO., 180 N. Dearborn,matlnsry. weekly; $123 $230 monthly; contains approximately 680,000 square hlcago. in building. Columbus 4-100, gestAtsrant ioet of space. i Karma Wanted. fcOTH ST.. S East.Attractively furnished 3 The Phippe estate, which owns room, bath and kitchenette apartment, Henry for high otaas bachelor or lady; vale*excellent rne seven story building. 36.8x100.3. at 1 tent service; immediate possession; leaso. 3 to 7 East Forty-third street, has pro- ARM WANTED.About 8 01 10 acres, house $300 per month. Sav- 7 rotma; barn, chicken house. Ac.; about < ured from the Emigrant Industrial miles from New York, In Now Jersey; 931>. 311 W. (near Riverside Drive)..Six ings Bank a mortgage loan of J350.000 Ice about $3,300 cash. Give full room elevator apartment; $1.800 yearly on the property. Address M., 16 North Massachusettspartlcurs.75TH ST.. 23.3 West.Seven largo rooms and The Claflln Estate Taxpayers i Atlantic City. N. J. foyer; southern owner's furnt exposure: ft lure, linen and 4 or 6 montha' which has erected several silver, piano; Association, lease. on the Claflln tract, has dra<vndwellings fed REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE. FRATT. Columbus 0730 plans for twenty-eight additional houses. 70TH ST., 116 West..Sublease handsomely furnished 2 room apartment: references 'E HAVE very desirable Tree and clear $12.1 per month. Superintendent. llis: country estate, commuting distance, to Schuyler MONEY TO LOAN AND WANTED for high class New York incomeexlange ?! opcrty. IfiflTH ST.. 120 EAST.Seven rooms, bath, BOND AND ON MORTGAGE. M JONES A MARTIN. three exposures; comfortably elevator. T^j. Rector 7200. Hi Broadwa>. N. V, long, short lease: electricity, steam.furnished: ANTED.Acreage for development S22.3-$2.30. Geo.C.Ponter.lnc. I EXCHANGE for ill come Producing Property. 116TI1 (subway)..Two rooms, bath, S» ;!! $123; handsomely furnished. kitchenette:Phone CITY REAL ESTATE. j NesMwl tapup UEORUE NEIMAN, Piftli \venue. Coi. ;n>nr,. 120TH. 18 WEST. S djijj I REAL ESTATE WANTED. TWO l.ARGE. EIGHT ROOMS. BATH, >4, SigNMhi housekeeping, kltrhrnette; electricity; boa St ST. TxoqbwfvTSA" tlwi I'Y small with houso five miles telephone; finely furnished; refined nelgl) MOODWll' I Billll?! Si! IS5 acreage lis IE. borhood: facing Mount Morris Park: $1" from Yonkers, north. P6O0 Audubon. Selling. Management, leasing 69 3133 w j 6323 ?i ,5JJ eekly : Touplc- prefe rred. T-l. Harlem SPIT AY ANT to for an Institution, a buy of ken from Photo by F.-jL-eU'Jd \criil t 'aniora Co. farm with largo house, within Borough Hrookljn. .10 miles of N. A". Send detailed iu EAST room, i particulars, price aim puuiu 2ST1-I ST.. 610..One large r.e.w .S. OSGOOD PELL A CO 17 Wen ly furnished, bajh adjoining, hot water IL The Officc in the G'rand Central Zone supply, electric, steam heat: block from sub FRANCIS B. ROBERT, Largest Building 44th st. Tel. 5610 Vanderbllt. iiiii i' way; convenient to car liner; business couple Kirdur 2.342. llSllllmmf. flione lj Brosdwa' " ANT to rent, half hour out, an> direction, or two gentlemen. Phone Mansfield 48881. modern lniuae, suitable two families, some a rr oncerDT mill n IT." Madisoi1 to 44th Sts. VKI BV Wbn vwimv ... ktiii® Avenue, 43rd KT ound. Full particulars address ROHREY, Westchester. ||| 1.1 President Brooklyn. Real Estate lr St., EDWARD J. HOt.AN, « 'ILL, lease property In need of repalre for :HTGH class 3 room apt.: Hudson viaw. con- Woolworth Building. Appraisements. till from 400 ft. to alterations. ASSETS 507 venient; electricity; $75. Yonkers 1411R I sq. up FUNDING CO.. %ee BYRNE ft BOWMAN. 30 E. 43d 8L. 24-STORY OFFIC1E BUILDING >!i f "h av. for the eale. exchange or management of Entire ft. BROADWAY AT COLIJMBUS CIRCLE Floors of 00 to . jrour property. Mortgagee negotiated. 8,fr 22,000 sq. APARTMENTS UNFURNISHED 10 TRANSIT LINES AT THE DOOR !j BUSINESS PLACES TO LET. Management A Brokerage AT ]REASONABLE RENTALS ifrom Battery to 14th St., Inclusive. I M. r 8th Av.. N. T. UHM lUTCftU 796 Front I'.uttcry to 14th St., Inclusive. WASHINGTON SQUARE..I.arga studio Borough of Manhattan.Mlacellaneons. Offices in Small apartment; NEW. ABSOUUTELT FIRE . ROADWAY, south of Fulton St..Light PROOF house; elevator an hall aervlca; y ,,iv :;i. about 550 sq. ft. (3 rooms): offices, !||ihhhi:m i: :. SHMAlfA possession. R "47 Herald, 280 B'way.lmmeate business and social references required: and : Units Befor< cw $11,000. See Superintendent, on premisaa Large Ready LOFTS TO LEASE. Van Voorst Apartments. 123 Waverly Fireproof building, 81 East 10th St.. near place. WAKE:FIELD.IN£ roadway; 2d and 4th floors, each 44*04: 2 12TH ST..Two rooms and bath In newly Renting and Managing Agents evators; possession February 1. WILLIAM house; non-housekeeping. Applyremodelled East Side i May 1st KII PATRICK, owner. 149 Broadway. KM West )2th at. New, 50 East <42d Street $Too - *fur:%'t0"lU ICiHT, bright office In New St. Denis Of Above 14th St. to 30th St. (Inclusive!. >t flees, centrally located at Broadway and East Hirer to North River. V FT. WILl "Colonies" UP -IAM J. TAYLOR COMPANY. BUILDERS n th st.; most reasonable rent. Phone 664.'!. I i'j AVIS. Stuyvesant ATTRACTIVE apartment to sublet. 7 rooms, \ Replacement of old-fashioned jj N'Gl.E office at low rental In high class 2 baths. Superintendent. 138 West 38th. backyards and ugly fenros IMMEDIATE PC)SSESS!ON building, the new St. Denis Offices, at room: ~ with sparloo* gardens of Ital Mivrlliinruiis. roadway and 11th st.: bright fan style la the key to the : ulpped latest Improvements. Phone DAVIS, ENTIRE floor, consisting of 2 very establishment of the several RENTING OFFICE C)N PREMISES APARTMENTS. REAL ESTATE.OUT OF CITY. uyvesant 0643. large rooms, large foyer, real kitchen FOR RENT IN ? and bath at $1,800 per annum; also z new residential colonies, of a I7 Broad way. cor. Broome St.: fine, light at smaller apartment, 2 roofs, kitchenette high order, in various of the >< I.r»06 Island.Snlr or Kent. offices, 200 square feet up. Apply annum. 3 TELEPHONE.COLUMBUS- 14J5 Warehouse and Section or & and bath at $1,200 per Pos East Side sections tributary Shipping in F. J. OUII.FOYLE CO., 405 buildg cession. Can also be had furnished at ^ 1.. room homo. Portland! 7475. Broaday. : to Fifth aud Park avenues. It Or lour Own Broker. FEET nn 1 floor. BKECUL'KST. I.-Eight eosoy 'I $223 and $1«0 per month respectively. H astonishing to see by what : 26,000 SQ. 2 blocks from station: modem conveniences. 7, 500 square feet In 3 lofts; electric, liotst> Unquestionable references necessary E on 3 sldr*. Instantaneous hot water, stenni heat; must rent $'.'.100. 420 Broome between 30 or means loveliness of ; Apartments St., East 61st st.. POUGI.AS E. : simple f'lrrproof. strong rarrjing raparit,. sacrlflee. Phone Hushing .1182.1.