Presidents 8/31/2021
Presidents 8/31/2021 Title Author Call # AR Remarkable Ronald Reagan Allen, Susan E Alle 5.5 Our Abe Lincoln Aylesworth, Jim E Ayle 5.5 President Taft is Stuck in the Bath Barnett, Mac E Barn 3.2 Joey Biden, Jill E Bide 5.2 Arthur Meets the President Brown, Marc E Brow 3.2 Revolutionary Friends Castrovilla, Selene E Cast 4.9 Jack Cooper, Ilene E Coop Duck for President Cronin, Doreen E Cron 3.9 Grace for President DiPucchio, Kelly E Dipu RA 4.6 Which Puppy? Feiffer, Kate E Feif 3.9 President And Mom's Apple Pie Garland, Michael E Garl 3.9 Franklin and Eleanor Harness, Cheryl E Harn 6.3 George Washington Harness, Cheryl E Harn 6.1 Young Abe Lincoln Harness, Cheryl E Harn 5.1 Worst of Friends Jurmain, Suzanne E Jurm 5.2 Looking at Lincoln Kalman, Maira E Kalm 3.3 George Keating, Frank E Keat 4.6 Lincoln Tells a Joke Krull, Kathleen E Krul 5.2 Champ and Major: First Dogs McCullough, Joy E Mccu I am Abraham Lincoln Meltzer, Brad E Melt 3 I am George Washington Meltzer, Brad E Melt Next President Messner, Kate E Mess Legend of the Teddy Bear Murphy, Frank E Murp 5 Bones in the White House Ransom, Candice E Rans Miss Paul and the President Robbins, Dean E Robb 3.8 Jefferson Measures a Moose Rockliff, Mara E Rock Camping Trip that Changed America Rosenstock, Barb E Rose 5 Teddy Sage, James E Sage Brick by Brick Smith, Charles Jr.
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