www.aeroillustrations.com Aero Image Library Aircraft Types Alphabetical listing Albatros Aero Image Library Artwork includes the following types and variants built by this manufacturer. All artwork is supplied for reproduction under licence. When ordering a drawing please quote the Drawing Code. D.I ‐ D.Va Series Fighters Can't find what you're looking for ‐ contact Aero Illustrations, C.XII
[email protected]. We can create an original illustration to suit your specific requirements. Albatros C.XII Albatros C.XII C.XII prototypes German Army Air Service, C.9313/17 C.XII prototypes, German Army Air Service, 1917 Latvia WW1 This was the second of three prototypes. It crashed at Latvia on 10 June 1917, killing the pilot Leutnant Erich Lindemann. Drawing code: ALB12021 Albatros C.XII C.XII German Army Air Service, C.1942/17 C.XII, German Army Air Service, 1918 Germany WW1 This aircraft was operated by a training school. Modification such as the addition of mud guards and the removal of the spinner and axle fairing, were typical of training aircraft. Drawing code: ALB12011 © Juanita Franzi 2011. All artworks are copyright Juanita Franzi and are protected under international copyright law. Artworks may not be reproduced without permission. www.aeroillustrations.com 19/05/2011 Aero Image Library Albatros C.XII Page 2 of 388
[email protected] C.1972/17 C.XII, German Army Air Service, 1918 Bavaria WW1 This aircraft was the personal transportation of Major Stempel, the commander of all Bavarian Flieger‐Ersatz‐Abteilung or training units. Drawing code: ALB12032 Albatros D.I ‐ D.Va Series Fighters Albatros D.I ‐ D.Va Series Fighters Albatros D V German Army Air Service, Jasta 28 D.1154/17 Albatros D V, German Army Air Service, Jasta 28 Aug 1917 France WW1 Flown by Max Von Mueller, an ace with 38 victories.