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TRANSCRIPT LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY ENVIRONMENT AND PLANNING COMMITTEE Inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations Melbourne—Wednesday, 12 May 2021 (via videoconference) MEMBERS Ms Sarah Connolly—Chair Mr Paul Hamer Mr David Morris—Deputy Chair Mr Tim McCurdy Mr Will Fowles Ms Bridget Vallence Ms Danielle Green Wednesday, 12 May 2021 Legislative Assembly Environment and Planning Committee 21 WITNESSES Mr Gavan O’Neill, General Manager, Customer and Strategy, Mr Greg Bain, Manager, Community Engagement, and Mr Neil Featonby, Program Manager, Reimagining Your Creek, Melbourne Water; Ms Karen Lau, Executive Director, Catchments, Waterways, Cities and Towns Division, Ms Deb Brown, Director, Resilient Cities and Towns Branch, Catchments, Waterways, Cities and Towns Division, and Ms Nikki Gemmill, Senior Manager, Urban Water Policy, Resilient Cities and Towns Branch, Catchments, Waterways, Cities and Towns Division, Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning. The CHAIR: I advise that the sessions today are being broadcast live on the Parliament’s website, and rebroadcast of the hearing is only permitted in accordance with Legislative Assembly standing order 234. Thank you all for joining us here today at this public hearing for the Inquiry into Environmental Infrastructure for Growing Populations. On behalf of the committee I acknowledge the traditional Aboriginal owners of this land, and we pay our respects to them and their culture; their elders past, present and future; and elders from other communities who may be joining us today. I also extend another very warm welcome to members of the public and media who may be watching us here today. This is one of several public hearings that the Environment and Planning Committee will be conducting to inform itself about the issues relevant to this inquiry.
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