New Tools for Mental Health Care Into the Community
New tools for mental health care into the community: participative health democracy, mobile teams, host families, ambulatory cares, supportive housing The experience of Eastern Lille Suburbs : Mons en Baroeul, Hellemmes, Lezennes, Faches Thumesnil, Ronchin, Lesquin Dr DEFROMONT Laurent Head of service Public Mental Health Trust Lille-Métropole Our catchment area : Eastern Lille Suburbs : Mons en Baroeul, Hellemmes, Lezennes,Faches Thumesnil, Ronchin, Lesquin Our cactchement area 1 DIRM – EPSM Lille-Métropole The territory 6 municipalities, Eastern Lille Suburbs, 26 km² 84 193 inhabitants – Urban zone Eastern Lille Suburbs: Mental Health care needs Mental Health in General Population study 2008 Number of Number of Number of people persons with inhabitants Impact Help and with a suicidal Aged of more at least one Number of perceived on Feeling of support found risk average or than 18 yars trouble at the inhabitants day life in the close high* old MINI* being ill circle * 85 300 63 790 22 710 11 482 14 662 3 636 5 592 People in care in 2014 : 3184 persons *** Mini International Neuropsychiatric Interview SMPG NPDC Care utilisation – Perceptions “Imagine you’re unhappy. You have difficulties in your life. You’re feeling dissatisfaction and discomfort. You don’t know where you stand. You don’t understand what’s happening to you. Your state of mind is deteriorating”. 100 Who would you talk about that in first ? 80 60 42,3 40 38,4 20 11,8 7,3 0,2 0 General practicionners Psychiatrists Relations Nobody Others responses WHO recommendations for
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