16 NEW VISION, Wednesday, June 8, 2016 COMMENT Opiyo Oloya, Letter from Toronto Godfrey I salute AMISOM heroes Beinomugisha omorrow at the national celebration rudely interrupted the welcome ceremony for UPDF marking the 27th Heroes’ Day Anniversary troops at Aden Abdulle Airport on March 6, 2007. Yet, Political expectations in Sii-Bukunja sub-county, Buikwe district, even as they took almost daily fire from insurgents, President will preside Ugandan troops adapted to the urban environment, Tover the honouring of many heroes from expanding the areas under their control to include the of people of Teso region all walks of life in . immediate vicinity of Aden Abdulle Airport, Mogadishu The occasion will also remember the many veterans Seaport, Kilometer 4 (KM-4) junction at the city centre uring the recent general elections, many promises who have served the nation, the continent and the and the presidential palace at Villa Somalia. were made and now three months after, many world in various campaigns to make the world a secure Those small successes encouraged AMISOM to people have their expectations high waiting and safer place for all. Standing tall on this occasion transform into a peacemaking mission. Starting in for the rewards of voting National Resistance will be the men and women who have served as part April 2009, Force Commander Gen. Nathan Mugisha, DMovement (NRM). of the African Union Mission in Somalia (AMISOM). a veteran of Uganda’s bush war against the Lord’s There was a big improvement and changes in Through their efforts that began nine years ago, on Resistance Army (LRA), began planning to create Teso, formally a stronghold of the opposition. In Serere, for March 6, 2007, Somalia is a country on the mend. That “breathing space” for the mission to carry out its example, people dropped Opposition’s Alice Alaso and Stephen was not so obvious when the mission first began, at mandate. Ochola in favour of Hellen Adoa, a businesswoman and Bishop least not for this writer. Accordingly, Gen. Mugisha interpreted UNSC 1744 Okabe. These are both National Resistance Movement (NRM) In a scathing article when the news first broke about more generously in favour of taking pre-emptive new faces in Serere. In Soroti, apart from the municipality, the the deployment, I wrote the following, “The African military initiatives against the insurgents. The twin other constituencies majorly went to NRM. Union (AU) mission to Somalia is likely DOA ‘Dead on bombing of AMISOM base at Halaane on September The story was the same in Bukedea and Kumi districts. Arrival’ for reasons beyond the control of well-meaning 17, 2009, that killed 17 soldiers including Burundi’s Amuriat Obo lost to Ismael Orot. The former national Youth MP, African countries like Uganda and Burundi that have Major General Juvenal Niyoyunguruza, was a key Monica Amoding, is now the Woman MP Kumi district beating pledged troops to help stabilise the impoverished turning point for the mission. the Teso Affairs minister, Christine Amongin Aporu. Kumi nation racked by 15 years of vicious factional warfare.” The tragedy only strengthened the resolve of district has also voted for a female LC5 chairperson (NRM) and That brutal assessment of the mission appeared in AMISOM to succeed. From what was mostly seen as Kanyumu county in Kumi all voted for NRM. this very column on February 20, 2007. The troops a classic peacekeeping mission, with troops rattling In Katakwi, Toroma county, Silas Amodoi went back and never forgot my dire prediction that they would perish around in white vehicles, trying to secure agreements Usuk is always an NRM stronghold. They voted former eastern on arrival in Mogadishu. Three and half years later, among the warring Somali parties without themselves Youth MP Peter Ogwang. Viola Akurut grabbed Katakwi from in August 2010, AMISOM commanders invited me to getting drawn into the conflict, the AU troops the former education minister, Jessica Alupo. In , Musa Mogadishu to remind me that not only did the mission confronted the insurgents, actively controlling the Ecweru came back and General Jeje Odongo took Orungo survive that first day in Mogadishu, but made gains environment in Mogadishu. county, which was carved out of Amuria county. Amero (NRM) confronting the insurgency in Mogadishu. In August 2010 al-Shabaab launched the Ramadhan came back to represent as woman MP. The success of UPDF-led AMISOM is the subject offensive meant to push AMISOM out of the city of my new book, Black Hawks Rising published altogether. Instead, the African troops took the fight to The Teso people’s last month by UK-based Helion and Company the insurgents, wresting away key areas of Mogadishu, expectations Publisher. In it, I follow the background politics forcing al-Shabaab to withdraw from Mogadishu People in Teso During the campaigns, that led to the formation of AMISOM, and how in the early morning of August 6, 2011. Shortly promises were made and AMISOM transformed what I imagined would after, the campaign was launched to expand the were told to people were told to vote for be a disaster into, arguably, the most successful areas of control to the rest of Somalia beginning the NRM in order to share of African-led mission in the history of conflict September 2011 to September 2014. the national cake. Places like interventions on continental Africa. The big lesson captured in Black Hawks vote for NRM so Serere have never had any Black Hawks Rising, which will be Rising, was the emphasis the UPDF put cabinet or state minister through officially launched tomorrow by President on reaching the hearts and minds of the the 30 years of NRM. Most Museveni, brings the stories of the heroes Somali population. An anecdotal story that as to share the times, these places have always of AMISOM, those who ensured the grew into a myth occurred on the fourth been represented by FDC or mission was a success and not a dud. In day after the UPDF landed in Mogadishu. national cake independents and have always particular, the book highlights the leadership Commanders of Ugandan troops were missed out on ministerial of the Uganda People’s Defence Forces For AMISOM to confronted with a dilemma—what to do with appointments. The people of (UPDF) in transforming AMISOM into a a civilian child stricken with cholera and Serere changed their minds this time. peacemaking mission in Somalia. Although, succeed where brought into the army base for treatment. Serere voted almost 60% NRM and President Museveni at first, handicapped by a restrictive rule of The UN and AU rule forbade use of defeated Dr Kizza Besigye, which was an FDC stronghold. engagement, Uganda troops were not afraid to medicine meant for troops to treat civilians. There was good NRM mobilisation in Teso this time. While engage the insurgents. others failed, it In the end, the commanders fell back on mobilising the elders, women and youth, the campaign was But for AMISOM to succeed where others their training that demanded that civilians done in the name of sharing the national cake. “Let us vote failed, it was critical that from the outset was critical that get the same care as troops. NRM so that we can also have ministers from Teso, if we vote the goal of the mission was crystal clear to The child was treated and when his family opposition we won’t have ministers”, they were told. everyone at the UN and AU, and from the returned home with a healthy child, news Previously, Teso region had only one cabinet minister, Jessica top commanders to the lowest rank and file. from the outset, spread and the next morning, hordes of Alupo, until later when General Aronda passed on and former What exactly was the mission supposed to Mogadishu sick invaded AMISOM camp. Bukedea Woman MP, Rose Akol was appointed Internal Affairs accomplish? For its part, the United Nations the goal of the Ugandan senior commanders decided Minister. She has now been replaced by Gen. Jeje Odongo. Security Council Resolution 1744 of February to open an outpatient clinic for civilians 20, 2007, unanimously mandated AMISOM that, in time, treated patients from all over Infrastructure under Chapter 7 with the authority to “take all mission was Somalia. During the campaign and up to-date, the Government is measures, as appropriate, to carry out support Indeed, the heroes of AMISOM were and constructing Soroti University which was a promise and is for dialogue and reconciliation by assisting with crystal clear to remain ordinary soldiers and civilians doing nearing completion. A fruit factory is also nearing completion, the free movement, safe passage and protection extraordinary things for the better of many. which gave people hope that President Museveni is the right of all those involved in a national reconciliation To them and all the other heroes who will choice and the reason he defeated his rivals. congress involving all stakeholders, including everyone at the receive honour tomorrow, we offer our deep The road network which is still so bad, especially the road political leaders, clan leaders, religious leaders gratitude and appreciation. Thank you. from Soroti to Moroto takes one seven hours, which is the same and representatives of civil society.” UN and AU distance from Kampala to Soroti. This is the worst road in north Indeed, mortar shells fired by insurgents [email protected] eastern Uganda. With many NGOs and busy traffic, Karamoja is potentially a very good business hub for the cows and minerals. The road from Kumi through Serere to Kagwara landing site through Bugondo is bad and affects economic activities in those places. This road, therefore, needs immediate attention.

Water Teso region has a big water problem. Many families still face challenges of water supply across the region. The region needs a proper water system especially in Katawi district, Usuk, Serere and Kaberamaido. Women and children move long distances to fetch water from boreholes yet Teso is surrounded by lakes and rivers. Therefore, the expectation of the people of Teso was that since they voted for NRM they expected a big share from the recent reshuffle.

The writer is a banker in Soroti