PRELIMINARY ASSESSMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS RELATED TO SPRAYING OF AGENT ORANGE HERBICIDE DURING THE VIET NAM WAR VOLUME 1: REPORT Hatfield Consultants Ltd. National Committee For Investigation ofthe 201-1571 Bellevue Avenue Consequences ofthe Chemicals Used During the West Vancouver, BC Viet Nam War (10-80 Committee) Canada V7V 1A6 Ton That Timg Street Tel: 84.48.522.479 Tel: (604) 926.3261 Dong Da Fax: 84.48.523.514 Fax: (604) 926.5389 HaNoi Email:
[email protected] VietNam Website: ~~~ HATFIELD CONSULTANTS LTD. 10-80 Committee October 1998 Suggested Citation for this Report: Hatfield Consultants and 10-80 Committee. 1998. Preliminary assessment ofenvironmental impacts related to spraying ofAgent Orange herbicide during the Viet Nam war. Volume 1: Report; Volume 2: Appendices. Hatfield Consultants Ltd., West Vancouver, BC, Canada; 10-80 Committee, Ha Noi, Viet Nam. Front Cover Photos • Top: C-123 applying herbicide over upland forest in Viet Nam. Photo courtesy ofDr. B.W. Pfeiffer, Missoula, Montana. • Lower Left: Forested area near Aluoi Valley, untouched by herbicide (Hatfield Consultants Ltd. photo, January 1995). • Lower Right: Once-forested area near Aluoi Valley that received herbicide during the Viet Nam War (Hatfield Consultants Ltd. photo, January 1995). Back Cover • Radarsat image ofAluoi Valley with herbicide spray lines superimposed (cf Plate 5.1). I f ENVIRONMENTAL IMPACTS OF WAR-RELATED HERBICIDES IN VIET NAM 3/10 Ecological Effects 3/11 1 Preliminary Concerns and Opinions 3/11 Vietnamese