
yc Student Echcheck their AT&T charge card already and more money is on the way," bills, said telecommunications director, Barnett said. Robert Chavous. AT&T account representative of Janet Barnett, a Pfieffer/Stagmaier campus universities in Tennessee and resident, said her parents noticed in Georgia, Tom Merian has been notified of November 1990 that their bill statement the situation and he is currently listed that calls from her were made prior to investigating it, Chavous said. 5 p.m., before the lower evening rate is in "This may just be an isolated incident effect. or it may be affecting other residents using "I always wait until after 5 p.m. to call an AT&T charge card," Chavous said. my parents in Dahlonega, Ga. because the If other students are being overcharged rates are cheaper, so my parents knew that it would only affect those calls that occur there was something wrong wi th their phone right after 5 p.m. and 11 p.m. because that bill," Barnett said. is when rates turnover. Barnett's parents contacted AT&T A phone gram will be distributed to all representative Larry Farlow who students to notify them if there is a flaw in Lisa Jacquemon may be charged higher rates than she expects if she uses AT&T long investigated the problem. the AT&T billing system, Chavous said. distance service. Cindy TruexIStudent Echo Drug Testing for Incoming Students Not Probable By Thomas Baker The First Amendment states mandatory drug testing is a We have to be responsible for athletes in our programs, The Student Echo violation of a person's rights to privacy, said Dr. David especially if they were to hurt someone," said George Wiley, professor of theatre and speech. McGowan of the UTC athletic department. Mandatory drug testing for students planning to attend "It's an intrusion on the privacy of non-drug users. It The advent of drug screening for college athletes has UTC is not likely, said Dr. Charles M. Renneisen, vice shows that the organization feels people ire untrustworthy. caused concern about drug testing on the regular student chancellor for student affairs and dean of students. It violates a person's rights," Wiley said. body in universities, leading some to believe that mandatory This concern and others were discussed in a forum Vicki Thall, employee assistant counselor for TVA, drug testing is on the horizon at UTC. Those receiving Pell called, "Mandatory Drug Testing-Is it Constitutional?" It offered a contrasting view. She said drug screening is a grants and loans as financial aid already have to sign a was held in conjunction with drug awareness week. A six- problem within itself but it is needed to make sure that a special form stating that if arrested for a drug related person panel consisting of employees of TVA and UTC good work atmosphere, drug-free, is kept within companies. incident they will be suspended from the Pell grant or loan participated in an hour-long discussion that covered ethical The panel also discussed mandatory drug testing for program and will be required to pay the money back. and safety precautions concerning drug testing. athletes in universities, specifically UTC. As of 1984, the Still, many feci mandatory drug testing will never happen. The debate, moderated by Dr. Ed Smith of UTC Career NCAA requires all college athletes undergo random drug "I don't think mandatory drug testing will ever be done Planning and Counseling, became a matter of privacy and testing. at UTC. It's too great a civil rightsissu e and it would be very individual rights vs. safety. "Random drug testing is being done on UTC athletes. expensive and cosUy to do," Renneisen said. Off-Campus Housing Allows Students to Earn Class Credits

Rei Evatt during the transition period former inmates that students can "catch the bus and go UTC criminal justice professor, Dr. Roger Echo Asst. News Editor face upon being released back into society. straight to campus." Thompson, said though the Dismas House Chattanooga house director, Alice Students pay rentof $62 per week, which receives many volunteers through his A nice, clean room that is close to school Crowe, a UTC alumnus, said the house consists of a large room, private bath and department, the house is an excellent andcollegecredit just for living there, that is strives for a "family atmosphere and support three meals a day. Two roommates of the opportunity for all students to get involved the golden opportunity for five or six UTC system" between the ex-offenders and the same sex share the rooms in the large house, in their community. students. students. built in 1930. The Dismas House provides a chance for The Dismas House, named for the Students residing in the house provide Evening meals are the main point of the criminal justice majors to work and see what "repentant criminal executed with Jesus "stability as role models to stay in school, as day when everyone living in the house, as environment in the justice system exists. Christ," is a rehabilitative home to ex- they learn about each other," Crowe said. well as outside volunteers, spend time sharing Thompson said they can polish their abilities offenders who have recently been paroled. Located at 510 S. Willow St., less than experiences and talking together. Residents The house provides a family environment two miles from campus, Crowe mentioned must attend evening meals. See Housing p. A4 A2 The Student Echo/March 14, 1991 SGA Debates, Approves Changes to Constitution By Rei Evatt seat to be filled by Davis and to alleviate don't use the town meetings but it can be the senators returned. Echo Asst. News Editor the work load in the senate, Caroll was used" The Society of Women Engineers voted into office. The town meetings are a chance for received approval for their constitution. Changes to the constitution occupied Aaron Mayer was appointed to the senators to talk with the students in their York said the group was "well the senate for a lengthy debate Tuesday. ethics committee as an at-large member. district. The meetings account for $180 of prepared," and the bill passed by Old problems were debated as well as new Sen. Gabriel Aviles attempted an the SGA's budget, which Aviles said could acclamation. problems with the changes requested by amendment to the constitution which be put to better use. Sen. Salin Geevarghese sponsored a Sen. Myron Jones. would do away with the town meetings The amendment did not pass and town bill for funding refreshments during the Many senators were unaware of the the senators are required to hold in their meetings will remain a part of the AIDS Awareness Forum that will be held new changes, though the committee had districts. constitution. March 19. The senate voted to give $79 been meeting for several weeks. Walters said that the town meetings are A problem with voting on the for the event Nicole Caroll was appointed as a an obligation for the senators, one which constitution arose because several of the Finally, Geevarghese announced a race district two senator. This bill was debated they are aware of upon taking office. He senators left during the meeting. SGA relations forum scheduled for March 27. because of the seat having only a few said the meetings should not be stricken cannot vote when two-thirds of the The forum will discuss racism among weeks left before elections. because "senators want to get out of iL" senators are absent. The item was voted on faculty, interracial dating and interracial After discussion on the need for the Keith Green, secretary, said, "Some at the end of the meeting when some of fraternities and sororities. Soviet Historian Visits UTC to Lecture on Foreign Policy Special to the Echo cultural experiences. The trip was the fourth International Summer Studies Abroad program that A Soviet historian with expertise in U.S. foreign UTC has offered to students. Students earn three to policy decision-making and American diplomatic four credit hours during the summer. history lectured Wednesday, March 13 in the Signal Last November at the invitation of UTC theatre Mountain Room in the university center. professor, Dr. Fred Behringer, three Czechoslovakian Oleg Kolobov, a professor and dean of the theatre artists and professional visited UTC for three College of History at Gorky State University in the weeks. A group of UTC students will visit Soviet Union, spoke on "Gorbachev's Challenge: Czechoslovakia in the spring of 1991 to explore Soviet Reform and Reaction." Czech educational opportunities. Kolobov is scheduled to spend three days at UTC UTC is also developing a faculty exchange (March 12-14) speaking to history and political program with Gorky State enabling faculty members science classes, meeting with faculty and touring the from both institutions to teach abroad. Chattanooga community. His visit is part of a joint The Soviet professor is currently serving as a venture sponsored by UTC's College of Arts and visiting Fulbright scholar at American University in Sciences and the School of Business Administration. Washington, D.C. He has served as a participant in "Dr. Kolobov's visit will be an educational value a U.S.-U.S.S.R. academic exchange program as a for our students," said Dr. Paul Gaston, dean of the visiting professor at the University of Texas. College of Arts and Sciences. "His visit reflects our Kolobov has published books on "The Role of effort to explore relationships between the College Non-Government Analytical Institutions in the of Arts and Sciences and our counterparts in Europe Formulation of the U.S. Foreign Policy," "U.S. and Asia." Policy in the Middle East Conflict Between Two Kolobov's visit to UTC is tied in with the World Wars," "The United States and the Middle university's efforts to promote international Eastern Countries During the Cold War Period," and education. "U.S.-Israel and the Arabic World-Moscow." He has Last summer students from UTC's School of also conducted research on international relationsan d Business spent five weeks in Great Britian, France, universal world history. Oleg Kolobov Kim HubbardlEcho Photo Editor Belgium and Hungary exploring business and NAVY NURSE CORPS. WHAT ARE YOU WE WANT TO START YOU ON YOUR WAY. GOING TO DO THIS SUMMER? A good foundation is important for a successful career. That's where the Navy Nurse Corps can V»*i!rs ^"TlovTaBoul^uiJimS^ro^ - .r. The Navy provides financial assistance to that gives you the meet tuition costs of bachelor and advanced opportunity to: nursing degrees. This sets you on your way to a successful career in the Navy and tomorrow's high-tech world. •Make over $5,000 Navy nurses experience the finest in •Gain valuable career experience personal, professional and financial rewards •Travel including comparable pay, 30 days paid •Develop your resume' vacation earned each year, and worldwide travel. If your choice is to move up and out in FOR INFORMATION: the world, we invite you to consider the Navy CALL: 1-S0O424-6205 Nurse Gorps.

Check with the School of Nursing Tor dates a Navy Representative will be on campus or call 1-800-284-6289. ., .; NAVY NURSE FSS ^i^£^. \c—. araj »a»a»anaaaawnariatjr*•• March 14, 1991/The Student Echo A3 Activity Fee May Fund "War and Censorship" New Sports for Clubs By Rei Evatt rapid growth. Echo Asst. News Editor Treasurer, Kelly Hudson, brought to attention the problem with students' Club sports could result from taxing unawareness of other fees rising in the A Panel Discussion students the activity fee in fall and spring future and may not be able to vote on the tuition. idea with all die information. Wednesday, March 20 Thomas Davis, SGA president, Hudson also said the interest of SGA is sponsored a bill during the SGA meeting what is best for the students. Tuesday, proposing that one dollar from SGA advisor Rocky Renneisen favored Twelve Noon each student's activity fee be put toward the bill staying open for the student's club sports. vote. He said the students should get to Signal Mountain Room The idea will be voted on by the vote on the bill because this is something student body during elections March 25, for the democracy. 26. "Today there are four club sports, Opposing the bill, Sen. Stuart Walters University Center tomorrow there could be several," Davis said that this is a dollar the students will said. never see and most students are not He said the opportunities for this new interested in club sports. tax would result in numerous new sports Sen. David York said this gives Panel for UTC which otherwise would not $15,000 to the four existing club sports, Dr. David Carrithers, Moderator, Political Science Dept happen due to lack of funds. His argument which is too much for such a small part of included that the current trend on other the student body. York said SGA will not Dr. Rick Wilson, Political Science Dept campuses is growth in club sports, which be involved enough with the funds for it Lee Anderson, Publisher, Chattanooga News-Tree Press UTC cannot compete with without to be an issue for the senate. Ron Smith, City Editor, Chattanooga Times funding. The bill must pass a vote by the SGA Davis said the UTC club sports have twice for the bill to be a referendum item Janiece Johnson, Editor, The Student Echo participation levels comparable to NCAA on the election ballot. The idea did pass a sanctioned varsity sports and these sports vote once and will be brought up again i are likely to continue the current trend of Tuesday for a second vote.

rHie Campus Ministry Association invites you to a special (Passover Seder (Meat ted By the WCJewish Chaplain %abbi %en %anter on Tuesday, March 19, 6 p.m. at the Catholic Student Center 514 (Palmetto Street Cost: $3 Earn up to $160/month helping prevent disease. Become a Plasma Alliance donor and help provide the critical source plasma needed to Reservations through produce many vaccines, Including products now being used in Operation Desert Storm. $20 Each Time You Come In And Help Save Lives. any of the $5 Bonus With This Ad. Hours UTC Campus Ministries Monday thru Thursday 7 a.m. - 8 p.m. Friday 7 a.m. - 6 p.m. orcall Saturday & Sunday 9 a.m. - 4 p.m. 266-3691 P) plasma alliance 3815 Rossville Blvd. 867-5195 A4 The Student Echo/March 14, 1991

Housing/romp. Al of working with ex-offenders and know Ex-offenders must be employed, able to what type of atmosphere their future jobs pay rent. No drugs, violence or sex are may hold. allowed in the house. Other than the rules Thompson said that he is not aware everyone is "free to come and go as they ur of any students taking advantage of the please," Crowe said. CHATTANOOGA credit which can be received by living or In a previous article from the working in the house. Chattanooga News-Free Press, Julie "What I would hope is that students Johnson reported that the Dismas House 1991 would be encouraged to get involved in consists of "mixed races, radical ideas, their community and learn what problems diverse histories, competing religions and exist, to put a helping hand to the test," philosophies." That idea has held since the Thompson said. beginning of the program in 1974. CHEERLEADER/MASCOT A program with credit in community Started by a Jesuit priest from service is in the planning, he said, and Vanderbilt University's prison ministries may be offered to freshmen and department, the Dismas program has SELECTION CLINIC sophomores in the future. grown to nine houses nationwide. Credit for "life experiences" may be Tennessee has been a strong area with five obtained from the Cooperative Education of the nine houses located throughout the office, which Crowe said usually gives state. three hours to the student residents. Though the goal of Dismas is to reduce Thompson added that the credit the rate of recidivism, or ex-offenders depends on the amount of time the student returning to prison, the main goal is to spends either working or living at Dismas provide a home of caring, positive House. individuals for the former prisoners. The Fun times can be had outside the house volunteers symbolize a "welcome into as well. Three times a year, retreats are society" for these people. planned such as horseback riding and Local volunteers contribute by symphony and opera concerts. Generous preparing meals, helping with job givers in the community provide these placement, counseling and advising and "gifts" for the residents. repairing the house and offering friendship to the house residents. Crowe said that in the past, more The average length of stay for ex- males have lived in the house, but she prisoners is three to six months. Students C11EEELEADER 3ELECTION CLINIC TO BE HELD APRIL 10, 11, hopes to attract more women in the future. typically stay for one academic year. The criteria for the students wishing to 12. 15. 16. AND 17. CLINIC ATTENDANCE 13 MANDATORY. live in the house consists of an Interested students may join the YOU MAY PICK UP AN APPLICATION AND SCHEDULE AN application, an interview process and faculty and residents at the evening meal INTERVIEW AT THE STUDENT AFFAIR3 OFFICE IN THE providing references. The students must be or may contact directors Alice Crowe or UNIVER3ITY CENTER. TRAN3CRIPT AND PICTURE MUST attending school full time. John Anderson at 624-1888. ACCOMPANY APPLICATION APPLICATION DEADLINE: APRIL 5 mi RESERVE OFFICERS' TRAINING CORPJ ®mmn mm Then tell us what you think! Fill out this survey, return it and become eligible for a drawing for dinner at the Loft.

1. Do you think the SGA sponsors enough entertainment events on campus: bands, parties, etc.? YES NO

2. What types of events would you like to see on campus? (Rank in order) CONCERTS PARTIES COMEDIANS CONTESTS OTHER

3. How could the SGA better organize and publicize YOUR FIRST STEP TOWARD SUCCESS IS THE ONE entertainment events at UTC? YOU COULD TAKE THIS SUMMER. At Army ROTC Camp Challenge you'll leam 4. What kinds of musical acts would you like to see on campus? what it takes to succeed—in college and in life. You'll build self-confidence and develop your leadership potential. Plus you can also qualify to earn an Army Officer's commission when you graduate from college. 5. If you would like to actively participate in coordinating entertainment events Army ROTC Camp Challenge It may be on campus, please give us your name and phone number. just what you need to reach the top.

6. Would you consider using a late night study area? YES, NO ARMY ROTC THE SMARTEST COLLEGE COURSE TOO CM TAIL Please return surveys to the boxes located at the On the UTC Campus. Call Capt. James Bell or Maj. John DuBan UC information desk, SGA office, gameroom or mini marts. 1 7155-4196 or 75&-4230 »). V..V-l . ' - I' . ".«. ,'' *•» ' • '^ • '-T-' .1;'ir,rl" ... .•, > v • '. " • • • ••'• I

'».•.•<» asmai « a>.» a>.a»as*n • • » a . •«» auaaiam'. I t .aiiMU a-aw* «.».««•.»» » a>*a n**\mm^w—~ «• « « • •* March 14, 1991/The Student Echo A5 Campus Crime Log Compiled by Ed Elkins and James Hill tirnated at $847. The Student Echo 11:27 a.m. — A student was found sleeping in their vehicle in lot four. No arrest was Campus Crime Log is a feature of The made. Wedding Registry Student Echo compiled from reports of the UTC police department from the previous March 6 China ~~ Crystal ^ Silver week. In this section, we hope to make 3:55 a.m. — An officer was dispatched to students more aware of happenings on Lockmiller 233 on a 911 hang-up call. CLEVELAND CHATTANOOGA UTC's campus and to keep them informed 11:50 a.m.—A report was filed when a Holt 1411 STUART AVE., N.W. HWY. 153 & BONNY OAKS DR. of dangers in the area. Hall office door was discovered tampered 339-1300 892-2600 with. Nothing appeared to be stolen. U.S. WATS 1-8G0-27CHINA Feb. 26 3:56 p.m. — A parking decal was recovered. 9:45 a.m. — A student was injured while playing racquetball. March 7 1:30 p.m. — An obscene phone caU was 3:04 p.m. — A biology office door was made at the Stadium dorm. reported tampered with. 7:46 p.m. — A car was accidentally struck when a motorist backed out of a parking itaiMta space. Damages were reported at $500. March 8 9:40 p.m.—A false fire alarm was reported 11:53 a.m. — A parking decal was reported at Pfeiffer/Stagmaier. lost An instructional program that will 1:30 p.m. — Harassing phone calls were bring UTC students, faculty, and Feb. 27 reported from a Boling apartment. 8:57 p.m. — An assault report was taken. administrators together to review 1:00 p.m. — A watch was taken from a three important social issues that book bag at the Harrison Center. Estimated affect the UTC community: totaled $160. March 9 11:20 p.m. — A car was reported stolen 4:30 p.m. — An officer found the vending Interracial Dating from lot 34. machines in Hooper and Hunter Halls broken Integration of Fraternities & Sororities into. Racism among Faculty & Administration Feb. 28 7:07 p.m. — Clothes were reported stolen from the Boling laundry room. Estimated 3:08 a.m. — The alarm at the book store losses were $99. was set off when an officer noticed that the Wednesday, March 27 door was unsecured. 7:12 p.m. — An argument was reported in March 10 lot 10 when a couple had a disagreement. 12:53 p.m.—A car was damaged in lot four No time given — A car was reported bur­ when protective trim was removed. Damage Mine Reem glarized when the owner discovered the was estimated at $500. window had been broken. Estimated losses totaled $165. March 11 4:30 p.m. — A vehicle was damaged in .l.c March 1 UTC motor nool 7:55 a.m. — A larceny report was filec when the vending machine in Hunter was March 12 discovered opened. All the money was 4:40 p.m. — An individual was reported to missing. have attempted to enter a Lockmiller apart­ 9:56 a.m. — A suspicious person was dis­ ment. The suspect was found in the Oak covered in Maclellan Gym. An NCIC check Street Mini Market. showed the suspect was wanted for viola­ 4:48 p.m. — A report was filed when an air tion of parole. gun was shot from a Lockmiller apartment. 3:10 p.m. — A report was made when a 4:50 p.m.—An accidental injury report was radio was discovered missing from food filed when someone at the child care center Before you dissect. services. Losses totaled $200. tripped and fell. 4:30 p.m. — A suspicious person was 5:22 p.m. — A UTC floor buffer was recov­ reported in the bookstore. ered. March 2 12:34 p.m. — A report was filed when two Crime Busters roles of linoleum were found missing from the ballet studio. 6:01 p.m. — A hit and run was reported on A reward of $50 will be given by camj, us Oak StreeL The vehicle was identified as a security to anyone whocan give any infornu- 1990 Volkswagen Jetta. Estimated dam­ lion leading to an arrest and/or prosecutioi For more information ages were $314. for the below-listed crime. All caUs and call­ about humane alternatives ers wiU remain anonymous and no calls will to animal dissection March 3 be taped. ones*** in classrooms, Contact Bob Ratchford at 757-4074 if you 12:15 a.m. — A black Chevy pick-up was CALL TOLL-FREE have any information on this crime: recovered. DISSECTION HOTLINE lti(M)922FRO€ A student outreach project of the Animal legal Defense h'utul On March 4 at 9 a.m. a reportwa s taken March 4 when four parking meters were found miss- 9:00 a.m. — Two parking'me'ters were re-' ** from'lots four and 35. Estimated losses «•* '•» I • • •« •• • • HHIIMI